Time Nick Message 00:00 ramirez hi 00:08 specing Can I see Lua memory usage somewhere? 00:08 specing F5 doesen't show it? 00:12 specing (for client-side modding) 11:59 tango_ hm I'm seeing strange issue with sudden lower fps and massive stuttering 11:59 tango_ but I haven't change anything minetest-side, so I suspect it's my hardware or some driver update issue 12:00 tango_ (although I am curious about the potential benefits from the commits that are being pushed to improve things on both client and server side for 5.4) 13:18 hisforever whats the url for pasting pictures in here? 13:21 sfan5 you can use e.g. imgur.com/upload 13:22 hisforever thanks Stan 13:23 hisforever ok now how can I fix the doors? https://imgur.com/a/Dt4C7Sh 13:25 hisforever Really like the arched doors 13:25 sfan5 issue with the way the mods defined them 13:26 hisforever I was afraid of that lol 15:31 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Desour -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Add missing not_in_creative_inventory group where appropriate (#2764) 13226e2d4 https://git.io/JkLmt (152020-11-11T15:29:43Z) 23:29 specing Hello 23:30 specing Is parameter passing to core.register_chatcommand documented somewhere? It seems like the whole argument is passed as a string 23:30 specing hmm 23:30 specing Ignore my spamming 23:35 sfan5 everything after the command name is passed as a single string yes 23:36 specing would be nice if mt did some of the parsing already 23:41 specing Hmm, there seems to be no lua string.split