Time Nick Message 00:01 KacperMinetest bash minetestserver 00:29 MTDiscord <04L​one_Wolf> Wait, is that how you're supposed to launch programs? I just ./minetestserver 00:31 perrier I started a dedicated server without the ./ 00:31 perrier !up 00:31 MinetestBot is up (130ms) 00:31 Noclip KacperMinetest, @Lone_Wolf: Launching it with bash seems to be the issue. 00:32 Noclip If I do "bash minetest" I get an error. 00:33 Noclip But "bash firefox" works, just don't ask me why. ? 00:35 Emerald2 I just type the name of the program and it looks through various directories where programs would be found until it finds it. 00:37 Noclip Emerald2: Yea but that only works if your programm is within one of those directories that are specified in the PATH variable. 00:37 Emerald2 True. 00:38 Noclip And if it's not you either have to execute it via the full path or put "./" in front of it in case it's in your working directory. 00:39 KacperMinetest Yeah, using bash was the problem 00:40 Noclip KacperMinetest: Running a file with "bash filename" only works if your file is a bash script but not if it's a binary file. 00:40 Emerald2 I'd never heard of running either that way. 00:43 Noclip If you put "#!/bin/sh" or "#!/bin/bash" in the first line of your bash script and make the file executable you can also run it with "./filename". Normally you don't run execute things with "bash filename". You should really get that weird idea out of your head. 00:47 Noclip Emerald2: "bash [options] [command_string | file]" 00:47 Noclip If you run a bash script with "bash filename" you don't have to make it executeable and you can leave out the "#!/bin/bash" headline. 00:48 Emerald2 Yeah I knew about that first bit being the way to do it. 01:16 SX oh that "include -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1", is that basically portable minetest (as in common portable software distributions)? 01:17 SX been playing with symlinks to keep sanity, that sounds a lot better if I got it right :) 01:20 MTDiscord <04L​one_Wolf> Ye, portable minetest 06:32 tango_ I wish MT had directional lightss 8-P 06:54 MTDiscord <09s​rinivas> hmm, it could be implementable with particles? 07:12 tango_ srinivas: in what sense? 07:13 tango_ my idea with a directiona light would be that it only lights up blocks in a certain direction, but with the benefit that it decays more slowly (say 1 every 4 or 8 blocks) 07:13 tango_ if I remember how lighting was done in MT, this isn't something you can readily implement 07:13 MTDiscord <09s​rinivas> well, you create particles with their own low glow, and it may just about work out 08:06 MTDiscord <11I​hrFussel> Do particles actually emit light? I know entity glow doesn't 09:34 anon5[m] no 09:35 anon5[m] only light source blocks and the sun emit light 09:36 MTDiscord <02B​lais3> meep meep 09:37 blaise meep meep 10:55 MTDiscord <09s​rinivas> oh well 10:55 MTDiscord <09s​rinivas> !tell tango_ looks like i was wrong about that implementation of particles 10:56 MTDiscord <09s​rinivas> /tell !tell tango_ looks like i was wrong about that implementation of particles 11:03 tango_ srinivas: np, I'm online and I've seen it 11:06 blaise lol 11:34 tango_ but thanks anyway 8-) 14:50 tango_ is it possible for nodes to have connections specifications based on the node they are connecting to? 14:55 Wuzzy tango_: ? 14:56 Wuzzy tango_: look for "connects_to" in lua_api.txt. but i don't think i understand what you want 14:57 tango_ Wuzzy: very poorly phrased on my side, sorry. I'll try to explain with an example: consider the wall for example. When it's “alone” it appears like a post, but when it “connects” (e.g. to a nearby wall or stone block) its appearance changes due to the connecting part of the box 14:57 tango_ this connecting part seems to be independent from the type of the node it connects to 14:57 Wuzzy oh ok. 14:57 tango_ so I was wondering if it's possible to specify different forms or textures for the connection based on the node type 14:58 Wuzzy if a node connects, there can only be one connection style, sorry 14:58 Wuzzy you cannot change how the connection looks, you can only determine *when* the node connects 14:58 tango_ I see 8-/ 14:59 Wuzzy what would always work as a workaround is by regiestering new nodes ... which sucks a little 14:59 tango_ how would that work? 14:59 tango_ you can change a node based on a nearby node? 15:02 Wuzzy well you need to figure out the workaround yourself, sorry 15:02 Wuzzy minetets does not help you here 15:02 Wuzzy and obviously, client speedup flies out of the window, no matter what you do 15:05 tango_ 8-/ 15:05 Wuzzy tango_: fyi, before we had connects_to, there was already a walls mod 15:06 Wuzzy the trick was just registering a node for every possible wall/connection node, and needed a LOT of callbacks to update neighbor walls by hand, etc 15:08 tango_ that's a horrible hack 16:21 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Wuzzy re sprite based players and attachments 16:21 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> I don’t believe there is a way to cull the sprite cisually 16:22 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Hiding the sprite removes attachment visibility as it then removes the parent 16:23 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> In other words parent visibility affects attachments 16:24 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Easiest way would be to set the texture to an invisible pixel 16:25 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> But that wouldn’t affect other clients just local CAO 16:26 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Fortunately because of third person mode resetting visibility for attachments I could hook that and specifically set sprite mode manually 16:27 Wuzzy why cant the sprite just not be hidden depending on the camera mode? 16:28 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Because that would remove any first person attachment 16:28 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Because parent visibility overrides attachments 16:30 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> I believe the hack for checking object type might actually return false for meshes 16:32 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Non meshes like sprites 16:32 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> I’ll tear apart content cao later 16:37 Wuzzy ??????????????????? 16:37 Wuzzy wtf? 16:37 Wuzzy are we talking about the same bug? 16:43 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Yes 16:43 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> The hack kicks in when player mesh is set 16:44 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> Because of the camera being exactly centred on the sprite 16:44 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> It’s effectively invisible 16:45 big_caballito[m] is there a 16px TP that support etheral? 16:45 big_caballito[m] the 32px textures are ugly 18:41 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> local man almost executes a minetestserver on iPhone with emulated x86 18:41 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/769269319439613982/image0.png 18:42 Krock just a few instructions missing 18:43 Krock pretty cool tho 18:44 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> considering it's a VM on ARM64V7 18:45 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> if the app actually gets SSE2+ in the VM 18:45 MTDiscord <10J​ordach> it may actually be possible to properly get Minetest on iOS without the usage of multicraft 19:21 big_caballito[m] perrier: My connection timed out, that's why I left 19:21 big_caballito[m] Is that on my end or yours? 19:40 MTDiscord <13G​enshin> ? 20:02 Fixer damn, they dmcaed youtube-dl... wtf 20:02 big_caballito[m] ? 20:03 cheapie Odds are someone will just fork it and it'll reappear elsewhere. I wouldn't worry about it too much. 20:16 MTDiscord <04L​one_Wolf> Ouch 20:25 Calinou you can probably grab it from pip in the meantime 20:25 Calinou pip install --upgrade --user youtube-dl 20:25 Calinou that's where I grab it from, so it's always up-to-date 20:25 Calinou https://pypi.org/project/youtube_dl/ 20:25 Calinou it's with a underscore actually, but both work 20:54 cheapie Also available here, among other places: http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/y/youtube-dl/youtube-dl_2020.09.14.orig.tar.gz 20:59 Montresor 2020.09.20 is the latest version, however. 23:17 a1fa hello 23:19 garywhite hello a1fa 23:21 a1fa so I made myself a server admin with name = "player_name" 23:21 a1fa is there anything else that needs to be changed? 23:22 a1fa but it's not letting me /grantme all 23:23 garywhite Is there another admin account? 23:24 a1fa no 23:26 garywhite hmm, is the server just in singleplayer? 23:27 a1fa not sure, mineclone2, and creative mode 23:27 a1fa i see the user_priv table has me as shout 23:27 a1fa and interact 23:27 a1fa should i drop admin in there too? 23:28 a1fa is the format all? 23:30 garywhite adding the privs priv might solve your problem 23:31 garywhite since admin isn't a priv in MT afaik 23:32 a1fa insert into user_privileges (id,privilege) values (30,privs); 23:33 garywhite worth a try I guess 23:33 a1fa that did it 23:39 garywhite hooray 23:41 a1fa are there any more pre-fabs /spawnstruct to be downloaded?