Time Nick Message 00:47 greeter there's a grammar error on https://wiki.minetest.net/Map_generator_features where it says "See Lava more more information." 03:15 Pentium44 sfan5, quick question for you 03:20 Pentium44 Any real reason there's 110 continuous connections from aka servers.minetest.net to my webserver itself on port 80? 03:21 Pentium44 does the minetest servers broadcast over port 80 when announcing to servers.minetest.net? 03:25 Pentium44 Nevermind, answered it myself #curl life lol 11:22 MinetestBot 02[git] 04An0n3m0us -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Add different woods to mese posts (#2599) 13686fdb5 https://git.io/JJdrT (152020-08-16T11:21:22Z)