Time Nick Message 00:20 SoylentCow wait...... there's server-side ncurses terminal?????? 00:22 SoylentCow gotta <3 a good changelog 00:23 SoylentCow does it do ascii graphics rendering? 00:23 SoylentCow you know, top-down view could be implemented very nicely in 10rogue/nethack style 00:25 SoylentCow roofs would be a challenge 00:26 rubenwardy no lol, it allows you to see chat and execute commends 00:28 SoylentCow well, i assumed as much, but i was also hoping on controlling an avatar... or like an army of avatars, rts style 07:47 ReedWade Hello guys ! Anyone is using an azerty keyboard and fixed the 12345 keybinds ? 08:07 Emerald2 Wow, GitHub is down. 19:52 momozor Hi. I wonder how could I make a subgame with a custom terrain that I made? 19:54 sfan5 custom as in you want terrain to look like you specify? 19:54 momozor yes exactly 19:55 momozor and generated everytime a new world of the game is made. 19:57 momozor ah nevermind 19:57 momozor I've should have checked the FAQ 19:58 momozor thanks 19:59 sfan5 I don't know which FAQ entry resolved your question but it's good that you found an answer 20:00 momozor To be exact - https://dev.minetest.net/Modding_FAQ#How_do_I_generate_a_custom_map.3F 20:23 bdju is it a bad idea to copy my client mods folder to my server? 20:23 bdju I had grabbed some stuff via contentdb and just thought I should avoid re-downloading individual mods if possible 20:24 heavygale maybe you want to clone them via git for easy updating or something like that ^^ 20:24 bdju oh wow that's a good idea 20:24 bdju hm that does someone justify re-grabbing them all 20:24 bdju s/one/what 20:25 bdju thanks 20:25 heavygale :) 20:57 SoylentCow where do artists get the nerve to start sharing their creations for free without first learning the arcane intricacies of the copyright law, so that they can annotate their releases appropriately????? 20:58 * SoylentCow chews spastically 21:20 bdju do mods have to be manually enabled on a server or is git cloning to the mods dir enough? 21:21 bdju and should /mods in game show all the mods? I am not seeing many so I suspect it's not working 21:21 heavygale check the world.mt in your world dir 21:21 heavygale you need to enable mods there 21:22 rubenwardy you can also place mods at worlds/myworld/worldmods, and they'll be automatically enabled 21:23 bdju ah okay 21:25 bdju I'm worried now that the world generated without them being enabled. what are my options? can I delete part of the world dir contents but keep the world.mt file say they're enabled at generation? 21:25 bdju otherwise I guess I can try the other thing and place them in that specific spot 21:29 SoylentCow you can rm map.sqlite 21:29 SoylentCow i do that over and over when i start new server, to make sure the spawn is not stupid :) 21:30 bdju nice 21:30 SoylentCow you can also delete blocks and they will regen with new mods 21:30 SoylentCow like, with deleteblocks command, so that they are actually purged from database 21:33 bdju oh that's very cool 21:40 bdju what is the gameid value for? is that server name or something else? 21:41 bdju I said /mods in-game and they show up now, but how do I clear the text from my screen? 21:43 heavygale gameid refers to the games in your /gamesfolder 21:43 heavygale * /games folder 21:45 bdju ah okay 21:47 SoylentCow f2 hide chat 22:16 ReedWade Brainless poolparty ? http://dav.misterbanal.net/258d04c8-7fcc-447d-acec-39b092005627.flv 22:44 BruceMustache What is the best way to update all minetest mods? 22:57 SoylentCow i dunno if that's the best way, but i just git pull them all 22:58 SoylentCow i got 86 mods on survivor, for example (some of them actually modpacks, for ~200 mods total), and each one is gitted 22:59 SoylentCow about 2 dozen of them i had to modify or bugfi: these ones have 3hightime branch, and to update those i pull master and then merge changes into hightime 23:00 SoylentCow you talking server, right? 23:00 SoylentCow it's a pain in the neck, but you probably don't want to update all mods at the same time, especially if you run a lot of big ones 23:01 SoylentCow because compatibility issues do arise, and are much easier to fix if you encounter them one by one, and have only 1 or 2 mods to blame for each 23:01 SoylentCow the above approach also allows me to push my modified branches onto gitlab 23:08 SoylentCow also, if you brave, this will do it, run from mods/ 23:09 SoylentCow for a in `ls` ; do ( cd $a ; git pul ) ; done 23:09 SoylentCow i am assuming a lot of things, like real os & bash, but they are good assumptions, not bad :D 23:11 SoylentCow mmmm yeah, though you may wonna erase mods_here.txt before you run that, or else it will try to update minetest dir, which may not be what you want