Time Nick Message 00:38 BruceMustache What is the best way to update all minetest mods 00:38 BruceMustache ? 00:38 gry Hi Bruce, good question, thank you. I would also be interested. What minetest version are you using? 02:43 search_social git pull? 08:13 Ingar what are the memory requirements for a small minetest server? would a 4Gb machine suffice ? 08:14 Ingar (probably yes, since that's what my current VPS has) 08:46 search_social Ingar: define small 08:47 search_social you can run it in 200M 08:52 search_social we have a nice server with many mods and 6G map.sqlite and ~5 concurrent players average using 550M of ram right now 09:19 Elouin The problem is more the storage for the world data then the ram needed in my experience. 10:35 Ingar storage is less of an issue 10:35 Ingar and a 4G node should be more then enough then 13:33 ItzNoah ve-bananaland: players 17:03 MinetestBot 02[git] 04rubenwardy -> 03minetest/minetest: Revert "Verify database connection on interval (#9665)" 136e4d8de https://git.io/JJtaG (152020-07-07T16:50:52Z) 17:10 MinetestBot 02[git] 04TheTermos -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix player controls only being applied for the first move 13ebb721a https://git.io/JJtaQ (152020-07-07T17:09:23Z) 17:47 scr267 FYI: looks like the magma sword can bypass protections and break soft nodes like dirt, wool and etc... 17:47 scr267 I'll open an issue with the mod maintainer 17:48 rubenwardy If you have a magma sword above ground, does it become a lava sword? 17:49 scr267 rubenwardy, Bwahahahaha ! 17:50 scr267 You are part of the pedantics club? :) 17:50 rubenwardy probably 17:51 scr267 ARrggg - the project was archived... can't open an issue... oh well, time to fork then :-/ 17:53 scr267 pedantics club meeting is in progress in this channel: actually chat room, IRC chat room on Freenode, virtual meeting over the interweebs 17:53 scr267 dang it, couldn't get the joke quite right... 18:08 leo_rockway so, if it wasn't funny technically it wasn't a joke. 18:08 leo_rockway 18:43 MinetestBot 02[git] 04rubenwardy -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix build due to revert error 1342b0d61 https://git.io/JJt6m (152020-07-07T18:31:14Z)