Time  Nick          Message
01:55 lmat          I did /area_pos1 and /area_pos2 then /set_owner (or /protect I forgot which), but the area is not protected.
01:56 lmat          /list_areas shows the area and good coordinates, but other players are able to smash stuff in itt.
01:56 lmat          Is there a difference between /set_owner and /protect in this regard?
01:56 lmat          (Of course, assuming the command succeeds...)
01:59 lmat          oh, maybe I have the area definition off... :/=
01:59 lmat          :-/
02:15 lmat          Yeah, missed a negative sign.
03:04 grey__        Hey
03:04 grey__        question
03:05 grey__        Does minetest on android need to be the same version as your server for it to work on LAN?
03:06 grey__        I'm trying to get my phone connected to my linux server on my LAN.
03:07 grey__        I just get connection timed out.
03:25 misspapaya    spiders keep crashing my server :'(
03:57 tf2ftw        anyone just join the game as player "1234"
04:14 cheapie       So I'm making a Luacontroller-based car wash in MT... I'm up to 649 lines so far and it doesn't actually wash anything yet.
04:14 cheapie       That said, it's getting closer - with those 649 lines, the UI for programming in the various wash cycles is more or less done.
04:15 cheapie       Looks kinda like this so far: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/screenshot_20200411_231508.png
04:35 nephele       grey__, no, not neccesarily, and connection timed out would not be the error you get for an incompatible version :)
04:37 nephele       cheapie, heh, not gonna lie, 649 lines seems a bit much ;)
04:38 cheapie       nephele: The gas pump one has 940.
04:38 cheapie       Granted, about 200 of each is TSLib.
04:38 nephele       oof.
04:38 nephele       Now i'm kinda curious what you do in all that code :P
04:39 cheapie       For which one? :P
04:39 nephele       my gamemode has 2850 lines according to wc -l (i think that counted the init.lua severall times, but whatever) :D
04:41 cheapie       The gas pump one controls as many pumps as you want with as many products/grades as you want (limited only by luacontroller_maxevents), keeps track of prepayments and "card" payments, prints receipts, stores and can reprint past receipts, displays current prices on attached signage, automatically updates prices over the internet...
04:52 grey__        nephele OH Well
04:52 grey__        nephele If I host the game on my phone it works.
04:52 nephele       Hmm, that might be a firewall problem then?
04:53 grey__        nephele When is the phone version going to be updated? It looks like it's out of date by like 3 months? I can join games hosted on my phone from my PC but I can't join games hosted on my PC from my phone.
04:53 grey__        I have no firewall.
04:54 nephele       Sorry, i do not know when it will be updated :)
04:55 grey__        Idk if that could be it?
04:55 grey__        I want to host the games on my PC.
04:55 grey__        What should I do?
04:55 Noclip        grey__: What OS are you using on your PC?
04:55 grey__        Linux
04:56 Noclip        Are you really sure, that you don't have a firewall?
04:57 grey__        I've never installed one.
04:57 Noclip        What happens if you type `ufw` into a terminal?
04:58 grey__        grey@golem:~/bin/minetest-master/bin$ ufwERROR: not enough args
04:59 Noclip        Looks like ufw ist installed, otherwise it should say something like unknown command.
04:59 Noclip        Then type: `sudo ufw status verbose`
05:00 grey__        Oh
05:00 Noclip        (Or just `ufw status verbose` as root ...)
05:00 grey__        Status: activeLogging: on (low)Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)New profiles: skip
05:00 grey__        Hm
05:00 nephele       grey__, linux ships with a standard firewall called "iptables"
05:00 nephele       there is no need to seperately install one
05:01 nephele       whether it is configured is another question though
05:01 nephele       >Default: deny (incoming)
05:01 nephele       You have to make it accept, udp, on port 30000
05:02 nephele       noclip seems to know the ufw command anyway :P, maybe he can help out
05:02 Noclip        `sudo ufw allow 30000`
05:02 grey__        I see. Hunh. I didn't know.
05:03 Noclip        `sudo ufw reload`
05:03 Noclip        Now it should work.
05:04 Noclip        Which Linux Distro are you using? Ubuntu and Linux Mint should have their firewalls (ufw) deactivated by default.
05:04 grey__        OH
05:05 grey__        Yeah that worked.
05:05 grey__        I'm using a ubuntu derivative
05:05 grey__        That does it! Thank you!
05:06 Noclip        You're welcome
05:11 Noclip        Maybe someone should place some big Firewall-warnings inside of every (official) Minetest-Server related tutorial and documentation. 90% of all issues with setting up a minetest server seem to be related to firewalls.
05:20 grey__        Thank you so much!
05:25 Noclip        Can the Minetest Server manipulate the seed that I see with F5?
05:26 nephele       You can set an initial seed if you want
05:28 nephele       I think it stores it per world, you can maaayb change it after generating part of the world? but then you get nice cliffs :D
05:33 Noclip        I think you missunderstood me:
05:33 Noclip        Let's assume I would play on a random public server that I don't own. Let's also assume that we know that the server uses one of the builtin mapgens (v7 for example) and doesn't use any mods with a high impact on the mapgen.
05:33 Noclip        Would it then be possible that the _seed_ which I see in the F5-Infos is not the seed that is actually used for the generation of new chunks?
05:33 Noclip        In short: Can the server lie about the seed?
05:34 nephele       That is a network question to which i don't know the answer, but i assume the answer is Yes, if your axiom (that it uses v7) is wrong
05:35 Noclip        That's why I said _"Let's also assume that we know ..."_.
05:35 nephele       it could potentially overwrite every generated chunk in luaspace so in that way it could "lie" :)
05:36 nephele       If there is an easier way, probably
05:36 nephele       In any case you would need the same code for all biomes and decos etc. to get the same terrain with the same seed
05:40 Noclip        Do you know how my client is informed about the seed? If the server just sends it as a string to the client it might not be hard to manipulate that string by hacking (changing it's source and then building it) the server.
05:41 Noclip        (I called it hacking because customized clients are also often called hacked clients ...)
05:41 nephele       that's not hacking, that's just patching
05:42 nephele       I don't know how it is send sorry
05:42 nephele       but the worldgen is usually only serverside i think? because lua worldgen only runs serverside
05:42 nephele       so no real easy way to predict where terrain would be precisely
05:44 Hawk777       Seems to me there would be any number of easy ways to accomplish that. (1) modify the server code to send one seed number but internally actually use a different one is one option, but how about also (2) write another mapgen which works differently, but give it the same name as a well-known one?
05:45 Noclip        Using lua just to make your mapgen unpredictable sounds like a good way to overload your server as lua isn't that fast for world generation.
05:46 Hawk777       Well, I was assuming you’d do it in either Lua or C++, whichever was more convenient for the task at hand.
05:47 * Hawk777     honestly doesn’t know which language existing mapgens are written in…
05:48 Noclip        Hawk777: You could also change some of the mapgen parameters in `minetest.conf`.
05:48 Noclip        The builtin mapgens are written in C++ as far as I know.
05:49 nephele       Noclip, lua is fine, it's all JIT'ed anyway
05:49 Hawk777       You could even modify the server to send to the client the real seed XORed with a specific hardcoded value; then you could run a whole fleet of servers with different seeds, and anyone who knows the magic value could get the real seed (presumably to replicate and explore the world offline) while anyone who doesn’t would be in the dark…
05:50 Noclip        So a lua mapgen doesn't has to be (much) slower than a builtin C++ mapgen?
05:51 nephele       No, not neccesarily
05:51 nephele       what is slow is copying values from one scope to another, so that could give you considerable overhead
05:51 nephele       it probably is slower though :D
05:56 Noclip        I tried the Tectionia mapgen (lua mod) a while ago and it was horribly slow! I somtimes had to wait a minute for a single chunk to generate. The mod author said the code would be really bad and causing the slow generation but I didn't expect it to be that bad. I assumed lua would be a big part of that problem.
05:56 Noclip        *Tectonic mapgen
05:57 Noclip        https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=20066
05:57 Noclip        It looks really awesome but flying around and waiting for the terrain to generate is really a pain :(
06:06 Noclip        !cmd ME thinking about floatlands: What's so bad about water leaking from the (rare) lakes?
06:07 Noclip        Well it was a try ...
06:10 * Noclip      tests something.
06:13 Noclip        Ahh, that works! (The floatland question wasn't just a test.)
06:33 cheapie       I think that car wash controller is finally about done, came out to 803 lines.
06:34 cheapie       Now I just need to finish building the actual car wash, and then program in the wash cycles I want :P
06:52 Noclip        I've replaced a ContentDB mod by it's newer github version and the builtin ContentDB manager now shows it as not installed. How does it know that? Does it generate and compare checksums?
06:53 Noclip        (I like that ?)
07:04 ANAND         CDB adds extra fields to mod.conf to keep track of currently installed version
07:04 ANAND         AFAIK, CDB checks for the presence of these fields to know if the mod is installed via CDB or not.
08:08 Kimapr        minetest eats too much bandwidth
08:10 Kimapr        on a server where pretty much nothing around me changes it manages to eat 55-66 KiB/s (where KiB is 1024 bytes) of it
08:11 sfan5         that depends very much on the mods you have installed
08:11 sfan5         I know of some mods that send the same data 60 times a second if it hasn't changed
08:34 * nephele     makes a mental note to allow animated formspecs to be disabled
09:02 MinetestBot   02[git] 04tsao-chi -> 03minetest/minetest: Dockerfile: use alpine to reduce size (#9226) 13d7e706a https://git.io/JvjL2 (152020-04-12T09:00:56Z)
09:42 Kimapr        sfan5: well it is just plain nodecore with several mods
09:43 Krock         add profiler entries to the packet handler
09:43 Krock         then use F6 to find the most sent packet
09:43 sfan5         can't say anything specifically about nodecore, consider asking their devs about it
09:46 Kimapr        i don't understand these symbols in profiler at all
09:46 Kimapr        where can i see how many of which packet is sent?
09:49 sfan5         without code change the only way is the --verbose log
09:50 Kimapr        so you say i have to look at each packet sent and count them up?
09:52 sfan5         every 20 seconds it prints a "client packetcounter" (values reset every 20s)
09:56 Krock         or code change: in server.cpp handleCommand() L1042: ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "ServerPkt (sum) " + pkt->getCommand());
09:57 Krock         respectively in client.cpp, same function, same code
09:57 Krock         this will add entries for each packet in the F6 profiler
09:59 Kimapr        `grep -o 'client packetcounter' .minetest/debug.txt` found nothing
10:01 Kimapr        how do i grep those "client packetcounters"?
10:02 MinetestBot   02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: GUIFormSpecMenu: Add basic element highlighing debug feature (#9423) 136cf15cf https://git.io/JvjtD (152020-04-12T10:02:32Z)
10:03 Kimapr        oooooof
10:03 Kimapr        i said `minetest --verbose` but it didn't go verbose in debug.txt
10:03 Kimapr        inconsistencyyyyy-y-y
10:05 Kimapr        and it doesn't follow `|` and `>`
10:05 Kimapr        it just dumps it all to terminal
10:06 sfan5         it does if you use 2>&1
10:06 Kimapr        what does dat mean
10:07 nephele       it means redirect STDERR to STDOUT
10:08 Kimapr        and no, it doesn't follow expected behaviour even if i use 2>&1
10:08 Kimapr        now it doesn't write to the file i'm redirecting it to at all
10:11 Kimapr        > minetest --verbose 2>&1| cat > debug.txt
10:11 nephele       why the | cat ?
10:12 Kimapr        to write it to file
10:12 nephele       Not neccesary
10:12 nephele       > blah
10:12 Kimapr        no it is
10:12 nephele       is the part that writes to a file
10:12 Kimapr        it doesn't work the other way
10:13 nephele       > is the thing that opens the file on the rightside hand, and uses the STDOUT from the command on the left to write to the file
10:13 Kimapr        > minetest --verbose 2>&1 > debug.txt
10:13 lmat          minetest --verbose >& debug.txt
10:13 Kimapr        i tried the command i sent above and it didn't work
10:13 nephele       Kimapr, Sorry, but that is just wrong, try this instead "minetest --verbose 2> log.txt" or &> instead of 2>
10:13 lmat          Kimapr: Yours doesn't work    minetest --verbose > debug.txt 2>&1;
10:14 Kimapr        `minetest --verbose 2>&1| cat > debug.txt` works
10:14 Kimapr        so i'm fine with that
10:18 Krock         how about:  minetest --verbose > debug.txt 2>&1
10:20 Krock         it logs to a debug.txt here, although I don't have error messages that would need to be redirected
10:20 Kimapr        so i found this
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: Client packetcounter (20):
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 2 count 1
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 3 count 1
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 32 count 399
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 39 count 2
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 41 count 4
10:20 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 42 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 49 count 10
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 50 count 599
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 51 count 3
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 52 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 58 count 1
10:21 Krock         thanks for pastebin
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 60 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 61 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 63 count 5
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 65 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 66 count 2
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 69 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 73 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 76 count 2
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 77 count 3
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 78 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 79 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 80 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 86 count 2
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 89 count 16
10:21 Kimapr        2020-04-12 15:15:47: INFO[Main]: cmd 96 count 1
10:21 Kimapr        oops
10:21 Kimapr        sorry this is too big
10:21 Kimapr        looked smaller in the editor
10:21 Kimapr        https://paste.debian.net/1139889/
10:21 Krock         TOCLIENT_ACTIVE_OBJECT_MESSAGES = 0x32,
10:21 Kimapr        here
10:21 Krock         that's alright
10:22 rubenwardy    Command 50 and 32 are suspicious
10:22 rubenwardy    Also, shame this doesn't tell you bytes or presumably fragmented packets
10:22 rubenwardy    Big packets could be fragmented
10:22 Krock         TOCLIENT_BLOCKDATA = 0x20, //TODO: Multiple blocks
10:23 Krock         so you're getting many object messages and block data. former should be a bit lower, I think
10:23 Kimapr        what is cmd 50?
10:23 Kimapr        ah
10:23 lmat          Kimapr: "useless use of cat" :-) (from earlier ^_^)
10:23 Kimapr        cats are cute
10:24 lmat          No argument there.
10:24 sfan5         hmm I guess it could count bytes too
10:24 rubenwardy    Is the logging definitely in hexadecimal, Krock ?
10:24 sfan5         the logging is decimal
10:24 sfan5         in the dev version it also already resolves the ID to a packet name
10:24 rubenwardy    Then the IDs you gave were wrong
10:25 rubenwardy    Oh wait, that's what 0x20=32
10:25 rubenwardy    And 0x32=50
10:25 rubenwardy    I just woke up
10:26 Kimapr        MTG uses less bandwidth but is less fun
10:26 Kimapr        https://paste.debian.net/1139890/
10:28 sfan5         might be worth checking out what all those object messages are
11:03 lmat          How do I find jungle grass? I need some otton.
11:03 lmat          I should say...I need a bed ^_^
11:03 nephele       search for jungle :D
11:04 lmat          okay, I'll continue
11:04 lmat          ice, ice as far as the eye can see!
11:11 sfan5         I hate it when I create a new work and spawn in an ice biome
11:11 sfan5         they seem way to common
11:11 sfan5         too
11:11 nephele       I was wondering if there is a way to get the mapgen to lay out the entire heat and humidity map in a specified area :)
11:12 nephele       To make maybe, tinier worlds more reliably, or make looping worlds potentially
11:14 lmat          Great, the ice gave way to desert.
11:15 nephele       (X) doubt
11:16 lmat          Maybe I fell asleep part of the way...
11:17 nephele       if you don't have fast mode on maybe enable that
11:17 nephele       then you can press e to go fast
11:17 lmat          Does that work on a boat?
11:17 nephele       I have no idea actually :)
11:18 lmat          I found ferns...
11:18 lmat          I guess that doesn't count as jungle.
11:24 Astrobe       The other day I had to remake a world like 10 times because it came spawing me in large unfriendy biomes. Next time I'll try /find_biome.
11:28 lmat          Are boats faster than walking?
11:31 nephele       depends if you use speed mode or not
11:37 Noclip        lmat: You could use _Amidst for Minetest_ (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=19869) to find a jungle biom.
11:39 Krock         Amidst for Minetest
11:41 Noclip        How do you do that?
11:42 Krock         I have shorthand key presses using ctrl+[UIB]
11:42 Krock         (hexchat client)
11:43 nephele       Lol, i did not know
11:43 Krock         03,04know what?
11:44 lmat          I found some jungle grass but it's really sparse.
11:45 nephele       execute it for the common good, that'll show it to be sparse!
11:45 lmat          found some cotton seed.
11:47 Noclip        Im bridged in via matrix using the riot client and riot supports markdown so the underscores should make the text between italic. Inside the matrix room that worked fine but in the irc room it didn't.
11:48 nephele       the matrix bridge is shit
11:50 Noclip        It's a bit laggy but at the moment it seems to work fine.
11:51 nephele       No, it doesn't :)
11:54 Noclip        How do you mean that? You get my messages and I get your's. Wouldn't you consider that as "working fine"?
11:54 sfan5         well it doesn't translate formatting correctly
11:56 nephele       Noclip, Because your axiom is wrong, there is a very simple exploit against the bridge utilizing a "feature" it uses, i can execute a very very easy denial of service, and all i need is a matrix account and join the room
11:56 Noclip        Yea, not everything but some formattings already work perfectly fine.
12:02 Noclip        Ok and what would the result of that horrofic exploit look like? (I'm not asking you to show it, just to describe it ?.)
12:03 nephele       You can't read the irc messages anymore because i can replace arbitrary words with other arbitrary words
12:05 Noclip        Well that doesn't sound that horrific at all or does it also effect other peoples messages?
12:06 nephele       It affects all messages
12:06 nephele       atleast from irc -> matrix
12:06 nephele       but enough about that, this is the minetest channel :)
12:14 Noclip        Ok now it sounds horrific ...
15:04 freelikegnu   is a "Select your spawn biome" option unrealistic?
15:06 sfan5         no
15:06 Krock         if you want it before the world is shown to the client, it would require some work in the engine
15:06 freelikegnu   I would appreciate such an option
15:06 Krock         else you can just lock a player somewhere in the air and write a mod to check some locations
15:07 Krock         takes probably half an hour to implement
15:07 Krock         using the "spawn" API from minetest_game
15:09 Noclip        I have a different idea if you want it just for you or your server: Search until you find the biom, then set the spawn to that point.
15:11 Noclip        Do players spawn always at the same exact node if there is NO spawn set in minetest.conf?
15:11 Astrobe       That can be time consuming, though.
15:11 freelikegnu   I think it would be nice for a player to get list of available biomes to chose from regardless of mods installed as a feature of the engine
15:11 zughy         ^
15:12 Astrobe       Someone published the other day a "decomposition" of the seed value
15:12 freelikegnu   :o
15:12 Astrobe       Saying that some digits correspond to certain things, including biomes at spawn point, IIRC.
15:13 sfan5         Noclip: the position is not saved but I think the process might be deterministic enough that it's always the same
15:13 freelikegnu   that takes me back to putting random codes into NES Metroid as a kid
15:14 zughy         also guys, sorry if I jump in: where is the general menu style defined? I mean the shaded black-grey image under every button and such. I thought it was in builtin/textures/base/pack but apparently I was wrong
15:14 Astrobe       Having lists of seeds is quite common in roglikes and other procgen-based games.
15:15 Noclip        Astrobe: If you use "Amidst for Minetest" it should take you less than a minute.
15:15 zughy         *minetest, not builtin
15:15 DS-minetest   zughy: it's not an image, it's a hardcoded color gradient
15:16 zughy         It's the gradient defined in the C++ version or in Lua?
15:16 sfan5         https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/client/renderingengine.cpp#L151
15:16 zughy         ty
15:16 sfan5         the looks are part of Irrlicht's code
15:18 freelikegnu   for a UI that says: "Ah this game is built with Irrlicht!"
15:18 DS-minetest   hm, minetest could provide an own iguiskin
15:19 zughy         yeah, that's what I'm trying to customise ahah
15:19 DS-minetest   or just change the colors
15:19 nephele       minetest definetely needs to be more pink :D
15:20 DS-minetest   https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/6cf15cf872cc9ce76990d83d380ca3c4b7485eb1/src/client/clientlauncher.cpp#L129
15:21 * freelikegnu will never admit to wanting a Tcl/Tk theme
15:22 zughy         Well, according to the init.lua in the base texture pack: "--for all other colors ask sfan5 to complete his work!"
15:22 Noclip        nephele: Of course
15:23 Astrobe       It seems that normal maps apply to entity textures, which doesn't look good on mob/skin textures that were done without that in mind.
15:23 nephele       Noclip, i have controls over the default colors of my gamemode, so that is exactly what I do :DD
15:24 sfan5         zughy: no idea what that is referring to
15:34 AidanLCB_     I am releasing a mod using modified textures from default minetest_game under the MIT license, what do I put in the license.txt file about the textures?
15:34 AidanLCB_     ping me in the response
15:35 sfan5         AidanLCB_: each MTG mod has its own license file, check it to see which license applies to the files you use e.g. https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/default/license.txt
15:36 Noclip        nephele: Reminds me of this one: http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/
15:36 AidanLCB_     ok thx
15:37 AidanLCB_     so do i just add it under the "License of Media" section?
15:43 Astrobe       I remember there is public texture server. Is it configurable in minetest.conf ? Also, does it rely on the names of the assets, or on some sort of signature to identify the assets ?
15:46 Noclip        Minetest was using only UDP so I don't set up firewall rules for TCP, correct?
15:47 Krock         you'll need TCP port 80 if you want to provide a media server
15:47 nephele       Well, yes, and no, http is tcp, so you need outgoing tcp if you want to contact the serverlist or something
15:47 Krock         but normally you only need UDP
15:47 nephele       Krock, you host stuff on port 80? pretty fishy
15:48 Krock         443 if you compiled cURL with SSL/TLS support
15:52 Noclip        Outgoing is allowed by default and I don't want to contact the serverlist (private server).
15:52 Noclip        So is UDP enough in this case?
15:52 Noclip        (UDP 30000)
15:52 nephele       Incoming udp is enough normally, yes
15:54 Krock         the server list would only need outgoing port 80, no incoming because that's done by POST (?) requests to the main server list
15:54 Krock         just for information
15:54 Noclip        Then let's put my firewall skills to the test ...
15:54 nephele       You do need incoming in the tcp-keep-state sense obviously :)
15:55 nephele       if you need port 80 http
15:58 Noclip        Isn't that seen also as outgoing by default?
15:58 nephele       That depends on what your firewall thinks :P
15:59 Noclip        I'm using ufw, that one doesn't make it to complicated xD
16:01 nephele       I heavily dislike firewalls based on commands
16:03 Noclip        why?
16:04 nephele       You fuck up in your command and then you have an inconsitent state
16:05 nephele       If you have one authoritve file for how the firewall looks it always follows that, there is no inbetween where it might "accidentally" leave something through
16:05 Astrobe       Found the config thread about remote_media. It doesn't say what it uses to identify media, though.
16:05 AidanLCB_     how do I find the license for one specific texture in minetest_game
16:05 Noclip        I think you have to reload ufw to activate changes but I'm not 100% sure.
16:06 nephele       Noclip, well, also, having one point of control is nice, querriny commands to inspect the firewall state feels so complicated
16:07 freelikegnu   oof poor forum :P
16:08 AidanLCB      when modifying the textures in minetest_game for my mod do I have to find the license for each specific texture or can I link to the mod's license.tx
16:08 AidanLCB      license.txt
16:10 freelikegnu   it depends on the terms of the license
16:10 Noclip        nephele: On the other hand just doing `sudo ufw allow 30000/udp` isn't complicated at all.
16:10 Noclip        And I don't have a professional setup with 10 running servers where I have to work a lot with the firewall.
16:11 nephele       me neither, but that rule is too unspecifi for my taste
16:12 nephele       that isn't anything about the server though....
16:13 nephele       err firewall
16:13 nephele       just personal preference, and i don't think that reliability or having a single nice point of controll has anything to do with professional vs personal setups
16:14 Noclip        <nephele "me neither, but that rule is too"> What, I thought you are hosting your own matrix homeserver?!
16:14 Astrobe       AidanLCB: the temrs and conditions are precisely in that file: "provide link to license and indicate if changes were made, etc".
16:15 nephele       Noclip, so what?
16:15 Noclip        (Sorry for using riot reply again)
16:15 AidanLCB      ok
16:16 Astrobe       AidanLCB, also, changing the licence to MIT might be an issue.
16:16 AidanLCB      well im not trying to change it
16:16 AidanLCB      just the code is under MIT
16:16 Astrobe       ok, I misread.
16:17 Noclip        nephele: So that's "a bit" more then just running a small minecraft or minetest server from time to time for a view hours for two people ...
16:18 nephele       Eh, maybe a bit, but still not prefessional really
16:18 nephele       I think i put more effort into my mail server than my matrix server
16:18 AidanLCB      can I just provide a link to the license on github in my license.txt under textures/media Astrobe?
16:19 nephele       no, you should copy the license of files you include :)
16:20 AidanLCB      well how am i supposed to get that license
16:20 nephele       what do you mean?
16:20 AidanLCB      to a specific texture
16:20 nephele       Check the folder it's in, if its not there then probably the mod folder above it somewhere has the license or mentions it
16:20 nephele       if its not there either its probably in the game then
16:20 AidanLCB      it just has it for the whole mod
16:21 AidanLCB      not one texture
16:21 nephele       so? does it say in the license you have to take the entire mod? :)
16:21 AidanLCB      but i don't know what parts of the mods license are for what textures...
16:22 Astrobe       For the defaut mode, README.txt under default/ lists the licenses for each texture file.
16:22 AidanLCB      ok
16:23 Noclip        I was talking originally talking about 10 servers and you're already at 2 now. I assume there is also a minetest server so that makes 3 then and I don't know how many servers there are still left ...
16:24 nephele       no, just 2
16:24 deltanedas    hey, can someone on 5.2.0 please try to reproduce a bug?
16:24 nephele       my minetest server is on the same one as matrix
16:24 deltanedas    https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9636
16:24 nephele       but that doesn't change that i am not a professional server hoster :P
16:25 deltanedas    if entities look normal then its fixed
16:25 deltanedas    (cant test myself, fdroid is outdated)
16:25 Krock         déjà vu... looks like a duplicate report
16:25 deltanedas    of?
16:25 Krock         deltanedas: install Minetest on your Oscilloscope.
16:26 Noclip        wow wow wow, I was talking about servers in the means of different server softwares not different computers / root servers!
16:26 Krock         some run Linux, some Windows. Easy 5.2.0 installation.
16:26 deltanedas    i do
16:26 deltanedas    pc is ded
16:26 Krock         R
16:26 Krock         *F
16:26 deltanedas    i cant compile on my phone
16:26 Noclip        So that's 3 then.
16:26 deltanedas    if i could itd die too
16:27 nephele       Noclip, okay, well, public i have mail server imap+smtp; a server for matrix+ sometimes minetest; and privately i have a rpi3 that has my irc bouncer and wifi AP; and a build server for my flutter aps
16:27 nephele       but i am not a professional :D
16:27 nephele       i don't even work in IT
16:28 Astrobe       A professional wouldn't do that shit on their spare time. Would play DOTA2 or whatever instead :D
16:28 Krock         deltanedas: is it a falling node? #9525
16:28 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9525 -- Falling nodes glow in the dark
16:29 deltanedas    nope, fake node from my mod
16:29 Krock         what's a fake node?
16:29 Krock         might be worthwhile posting the mod source for easier testing
16:30 deltanedas    bitbucket.org/DeltaNedas/covers
16:30 Krock         thanks
16:30 deltanedas    visual is wielditem
16:30 deltanedas    scale 0.668
16:30 nephele       Astrobe, haha
16:30 Noclip        nephele: Ok that makes 5, you've won ?
16:30 deltanedas    even if my mod is bad, doesnt explain players
16:30 Krock         testing...
16:31 deltanedas    but the issue is probably a dupe, for all entities
16:31 deltanedas    not just sand
16:31 nephele       SAND
16:31 nephele       Noclip, won? in what? beeing a bad admin?
16:31 nephele       speaking of, my tls cert expired, i thought i renewed it 3 days ago >:(
16:32 Krock         deltanedas: the entity falls down.. the crate is left over
16:32 Krock         but indeed, the entity lights up
16:33 deltanedas    hmm sand fix merged 20 days ago
16:33 Noclip        <nephele "Noclip, won? in what? beeing a b"> > "beeing a bad admin?"
16:34 deltanedas    would appreciate if someone tested on 5.2.0 to confirm
16:34 deltanedas    players may still be bugged because iirc its mesh visual
16:34 nephele       Noclip, i don't understand what you ask, the reply makes it difficult :)
16:35 Krock         deltanedas: lighting works, its default is just too bright
16:35 deltanedas    oh?
16:35 deltanedas    would negative glow fix that
16:35 Krock         yes, you can test this by building a high pile, and a torch on the top, then drop a sand node on one of its sides
16:36 Krock         negative glow is ignored AFAIK
16:36 Noclip        lol that's not what I wanted to send, let's try again:
16:36 Noclip        > "beeing a bad admin?"
16:36 Noclip        You said that
16:39 deltanedas    but are players fixed?
16:39 Noclip        (I misstyped on riot and sent the message unwanted as reply and the irc bridge then completely freaked out on that message ...)
16:40 nephele       Noclip, i said that, yes based on you saying "you've won" :)
16:44 Krock         deltanedas: commented the issue. Please correct me if I observed something wrong
16:46 deltanedas    looks good to me, thanks for helping out
16:46 Krock         !next
16:46 MinetestBot   Another satisfied customer. Next!
16:47 Noclip        Yea, you've won because you didn't want to be a professional and you don't have 10 servers so I decleared you now official as "not professional". I keep you the freedom to define for yourself what "not professional" means.
16:47 Noclip        But don't forget, it was you saying "a bad admin" not me ? ...
16:48 DS-minetest   for any two vectors v1 and v2, is v1, v2 and vector.cross(v1, v2) (in this order) left or right handed?
16:48 DS-minetest   (and why isn't this documented );)
16:48 nephele       Noclip, haha, well, i am certainly not a perfect admin :D
16:49 nephele       speaking of which, afk... updating my cert... for real this time ...
16:50 DS-minetest   ok, got it, left handed
16:55 Noclip        Sounds like an inverted vectorproduct.
17:00 DS-minetest   Noclip: (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) is left-handed in a left-handed system (as minetest has), in a right-handed system, the same result would be right-handed
17:11 Noclip        Didn't know Minetest is left-handed. But I think in Minecraft the Z-Achsis shows in the other direction so Minecraft should be right-handed then.
17:13 DS-minetest   they fear the challenge
17:16 Noclip        Maybe it's not that bad: If you switch Y and Z in Minetest you get the default left-handed system with Z looking upwards. In Minecraft you have to change all three components to get that.
17:18 DS-minetest   you mean right-handed
17:18 Noclip        oops, yes
18:55 zughy         uhm, where does the default font get assigned in the engine? I was look into fontengine.cpp but I can't see any "call" to Arimo, I guess it's not hardcoded
19:01 Krock         see builtin/settingtypes.txt
19:01 Krock         and src/defaultsettings.cpp
19:04 zughy         ty :)
19:05 Krock         !next
19:05 MinetestBot   Another satisfied customer. Next!
19:05 Krock         Additional information: these settings can be changed in the main menu's settings, although it might result in a bugged client
19:05 Krock         also yes, that bug is already reported
19:07 zughy         Nah, I compiled it myself because I'm trying to tweak the whole main menu, I wasn't going for the settings approach anyway. But good to know
19:07 Krock         rubenwardy is also working on a PR to improve it
19:08 Krock         #/8758
19:08 Krock         #8758
19:08 ShadowBot     https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8758 -- Mainmenu: Add customisable pager, add new change game dialog by rubenwardy
19:10 zughy         huh, nice, I was going with something more.. radical
19:10 rubenwardy    so was I
19:10 rubenwardy    that's the first PR only
19:11 rubenwardy    there's two interlinked parts:   the UX/navigation, and the appearance
19:11 rubenwardy    I was doing the former only
19:11 rubenwardy    see https://www.figma.com/proto/sXoPmpoSl7RzBQcbMJbUFn/MinetestMainMenu?node-id=1%3A2&scaling=min-zoom
19:12 zughy         uhm, do you mind if I write you for a moment in private? I don't wanna flood/self-promote myself here
19:14 rubenwardy    sure
21:43 Wuzzy         oh man, the forums are still very broken. lots of error 500
21:43 Wuzzy         is celeron55 aware of this issue?
21:46 Astrobe       I've read he is switching to a better VPS provider.
21:46 Edgy1         yeah, VPS issues from what i hear
21:53 Wuzzy         so where are those error 500s coming from, then?
21:54 Wuzzy         not the forum software, huh?
21:55 Noclip        Is 500 typical if a server is overloaded?
22:11 sfan5         yes
22:27 freelikegnu   maybe time to upgrade to pentium55
22:48 oil_boi_      sfan5 thank you for the clientside modding fixes!!
22:48 sfan5         yw