Time  Nick        Message
02:52 sofar       kurtzmusch: given that it's essentially JSON serialization, should be OK
02:52 sofar       not hyper efficient, but, okayish
03:05 kurtzmusch  nice
03:08 kurtzmusch  !log
05:08 AlexYst     I just learned that the leaf decay code has an asinine feature, where if you hold the "sneak" key, "param2" doesn't get set to 1, so the leaves you just placed aren't immune to leaf decay. In other words, if you're up somewhere high, and holding the "sneak" key to avoid falling off, all the leaves you place are going to disappear on you next time a nearby trunk is mined.
05:09 AlexYst     I can't for the life of me figure out why that would be programmed in there. I can't figure out why a player would want to deliberately place nodes, then have those nodes disappear on them.
05:09 AlexYst     This is stupider than when the placing of sideways slabs was removed.
05:10 AlexYst     At least the lack of sideways slabs, I understood.
05:10 nalkri      Automatically disappearing nodes could be useful for scafolding for instance
05:10 AlexYst     I *really* disagreed with it, but I could see why some builders might prefer not to have them.
05:11 AlexYst     nalkri: Wouldn't you want to remove your scaffolding, rather than have it disappear prematurely on you?
05:11 nalkri      Well, I'd want it triggerable somehow yeah, but I've been known to use leeaves in the knowledge they'll evaporate over time
05:13 AlexYst     I guess it's just me. Never mind then. When I place nodes, I intend for them to stay where I put them.
05:13 AlexYst     It'd be nice if there was any indication of this in-game though.
05:13 AlexYst     Even things such as the mine cart have instructions in their description.
05:14 nalkri      I don't like that things are secretly affected by sneaking to be fair, though I wasn't aware of it anywy
05:22 AlexYst     Huh. Network issues.
05:22 AlexYst     Anyway, I think I'm filing a pull request. This is just irking me too much. If it gets rejected, so be it, but at least I'll have tried to get it fixed.
05:23 Nezrok      You could write a mod that changes the param2 data for every leaf placed
05:24 AlexYst     Nezrok: That doesn
05:25 AlexYst     Nezrok: That doesn't fix the actual problem, which is that players don't know this is even happening. It's the hidden gotcha' that's the biggest issue here.
05:26 AlexYst     I had a bunch of leaf nodes disappear on me in my old world with seemingly no reason why. I thought there were bugs at play.
05:26 Nezrok      Ah you want to fix the cause, not the symptoms :p
05:26 Nezrok      Good idea
05:26 AlexYst     This time, I think I lost all of two nodes, and that's it. I had hours of frustration, before.
05:27 AlexYst     Nezrok: Well yeah. I'm the type that doesn't even try treating symptoms. Treating symptoms is, for the most part, pointless.
05:29 AlexYst     Well this is stupid. When I logged into GitHub, it wanted to two-factor authenticate me via email (which I don't even mind), but then told me that if I set up two-factor authentication, it won;t have to two-factor authenticate me via email anymore. I'm getting two-factor authed either way. Buying into their system doesn't make things any easier, as they're claiming it does.
06:21 Andrey01    Hello
06:21 AlexYst     Hey Andrey01!
06:21 Andrey01    How to compile Minetest on Android?
06:22 AlexYst     I'm not sure you can compile on Android itself. I think you have to compile on your desktop (or laptop) machine, then copy it to your Android device.
06:22 AlexYst     I'm not sure how to compile Android applications though, so I can't help with that.
06:23 AlexYst     Every time I've tried to get an Android build environment set up, something has always gone wrong and it hasn't worked.
06:23 Andrey01    I did that, but... I don't know how to launch it
06:25 AlexYst     Andrey01: Okay, you're past the hard part then. Once it's on your Android device, open up your device's file manager, use that to open the APK file, and that'll install it. From there, Minetest will show up in your applications menu.
06:29 Andrey01    Where is the apk file located?
06:30 AlexYst     When you compile using the Android development environment on your desktop or laptop, the compiled game is an APK file. If you're getting something else, you're not compiling the Android version, and the binary you compiled won't run on Android.
06:31 AlexYst     I'm surprised compiling for Android isn't mentioned in the README file, actually. I looked there for instructions for you, but there's nothing even mentioned about Android.
06:31 Andrey01    Yes, it's really strange.
06:32 AlexYst     If you don't know how to compile the APK file, you'll need to wait for someone more knowledgeable than me. I can't compile for Android myself; I can't even get the build environment set up.
06:33 Andrey01    Ok, thx
06:34 Andrey01    I will ask for it in Minetest Forum
06:37 AlexYst     That might be easier. Won't need to worry about time zones and some people being asleep.
06:46 Nezrok      https://i.imgur.com/VobVGQU.png
06:46 Nezrok      That's you Dutchess
06:46 Nezrok      Wrong chat :p
20:12 MinetestBot 02[git] 04AlexYst -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Always disable leafdecay for player-placed leaves, even when 'sneaking' 13c800398 https://git.io/JeZMp (152019-09-28T20:10:26Z)
20:54 MinetestBot 02[git] 04TumeniNodes -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Xpanes: Add new steel bar door/trapdoor sounds 13f2a07b0 https://git.io/JeZDx (152019-09-28T20:53:50Z)
22:09 free_rabbit hi
22:10 free_rabbit i need help form some forum admin or moderator
22:11 Edgy1       hello, I noticed the latest tweet about 5.1: i had problems motnhs ago in my server (survivalworks urban edition) which runs on 5.0.1: cars dont work properly for 5.1 clients but work fine for 5.0.1 clients. the car mod is a modification of https://github.com/Elkien3/citysim_game/tree/master/mods/cars, and the problem is that on 5.1.0, the player d
22:11 Edgy1       etaches from the car at random intervals (for ~5s) while driving.
22:11 Edgy1       i tested on latest 5.1 and the problem still exists
22:12 free_rabbit Edgy1: it is the same with the boat from mtg
22:13 Edgy1       really?
22:13 Edgy1       that makes sense, being as both use the relative controls
22:13 Edgy1       probably same API
22:13 free_rabbit Edgy1: at least in 5.1.0-dev
22:13 Edgy1       free_rabbit: yep
22:13 Edgy1       ok it better get fixed before the release
22:14 Edgy1       free_rabbit here's a question:
22:14 Edgy1       does same problem exist when you connect to 5.1's subgame with 5.1's client?
22:14 Edgy1       or only, like in my case, 5.1 connecting to 5.0 server and game
22:15 free_rabbit Edgy1: i only tested it offline dunno if it the same on online servers
22:15 Edgy1       so you used singleplayer hosted by 5.1?
22:15 free_rabbit Edgy1: i got both 5.1.0-dev here
22:15 Edgy1       then yes it exists 5.1 --> 5.1
22:15 Edgy1       thanks
22:15 free_rabbit yw
22:16 free_rabbit Edgy1: you are no forum staff member dont you? =)
22:16 Edgy1       i am not a staff on the forums or irc.
22:16 free_rabbit i thought so..
22:16 Edgy1       im rather isolated, have my own network with a mixture of 0.4 and 5.0 servers
22:17 free_rabbit celeron55: are u on?
22:18 free_rabbit or some other forum staff member please... i lost access to my forum account...
22:18 Edgy1       free_rabbit: rubenwardy runs the forums as far as i know. you'd want to message him.
22:18 Edgy1       last time i requested a username change, he was the one that did it
22:18 free_rabbit rubenwardy: are you online?
22:18 rubenwardy  I don't run the forums, celeron55 does
22:18 free_rabbit ok.. =(
22:18 Edgy1       oh, i was wrong
22:19 Edgy1       free_rabbit: guessing he could recover your account though
22:19 free_rabbit Edgy1: i hope so...
22:19 Edgy1       as to the boat & car issue, waiting for anyone willing to fix
22:19 rubenwardy  What's your forum username?
22:19 rubenwardy  Edgy1: It's a known problem in the list. Krock has a PR open
22:19 Edgy1       oh good. thank you rubenwardy!
22:19 free_rabbit i accidentally delete my email alias...
22:20 Edgy1       also rubenwardy i had one other question: about the dependencies in readme.txt, i think arch dependencies should be listed. i'd be willing to help with putting them together
22:20 Edgy1       arch is quite popular as are its derivatives lately
22:45 Edgy1       well, i created a PR
22:47 rubenwardy  is there a way to just install the deps of a package?
23:19 free_rabbit bye
23:39 Edgy1       rubenwardy: some deps are required just to compile it though
23:40 Edgy1       and, afk for 3-4hr