Time Nick Message 00:02 ROUNDERHOUSE howdy 00:03 adfeno Hi there 00:03 ROUNDERHOUSE whats poppin 00:09 adfeno I'm trying to solve some internationalization/localization/translation issue 00:10 adfeno Even though I have all set as far as I know, Minetest doesn't get the translated strings for my mod in Minetest 5.0.1 00:11 adfeno Minetest menu is translated just fine. 00:38 DoyleChris is there a way to put the linux install of minetest in a none sudo directory 00:40 DoyleChris also where is the install directory for linux minetest 00:45 Nezrok Probably /usr/bin/minetest 00:46 Nezrok If you want to change the files without changing the install directory you could use chown 00:46 Nezrok That\s what I'd do cause I'm lazy 00:52 DoyleChris so right now i have the Server files in /.minetest/* and the main game in /usr/bin/minetest 00:52 DoyleChris so server use minetest_game files from /usr/bin/minetest and the world and mods is /.minetest/* 00:53 Nezrok I think the mods folder wold be .minetest/mods wouldn't it? 00:54 DoyleChris Yes it is but the default game items are /usr/bin/minetest 00:54 Nezrok And you wish to move them to your private folder? 00:55 DoyleChris well folder i can access easily without su and from a mapped drive in windows 00:56 Nezrok Oh I'm not sure you'll be able to see anything on your linux install from Windows 00:57 DoyleChris well i can right now but i can change anything i haft to log in to linux through remote and change it. 00:58 Nezrok You could make a new partition formatted as ntfs, and install a run-in-place build there 00:59 Nezrok That way Windows should be able to change stuff in it 01:01 DoyleChris yeah i am trying to figure that out but havent found any up to date build instructions 01:03 Nezrok https://github.com/minetest/minetest#compiling Should be up to date 01:05 DoyleChris cmake is so confusing 01:06 DoyleChris -DRUN_IN_PLACE=TRUE 01:06 DoyleChris but a little below that it says "If you want to install it system-wide (or are making a distribution package), you will want to use -DRUN_IN_PLACE=FALSE" 01:06 Nezrok Well you don't want to install it system-wide, right? 01:07 DoyleChris system wide is that just my system or to spread it to others 01:07 DoyleChris ? 01:07 Nezrok It would be whatever device and OS it's running on, I imagine :p 01:08 DoyleChris i dont know how because windows uses a exe to run but linux dosent 01:09 DoyleChris that what make linux version so hard to figure out 01:09 Nezrok You can run the windows version on Linux, far as that goes 01:09 Nezrok Just use wine or proton or whatever 01:09 Nezrok Same difference 01:10 DoyleChris so its different 01:10 DoyleChris so what is the difference between run-in-place = true or false 01:10 Nezrok run-in-place would install everything to one folder 01:10 Nezrok If it were true 01:11 DoyleChris so all the folders. bin,mods,game,worlds all in the same directory of /minetest 01:11 Nezrok If false, then it would be like your system is with the user stuff saved in their home directory, and the stuff they aren't supposed to change in /bin/ 01:11 Nezrok Yes 01:12 DoyleChris can i run the compile with the game already installed 01:12 Nezrok Should be able to 01:13 Nezrok But if you want one folder to use on both disks you could just download the windows version and just use it on both 01:13 Nezrok If you were lazy, like me :p 01:14 Nezrok wine has gotten really, really good the past few years 01:14 DoyleChris so cmake would have cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=TRUE -DBUILD_SERVER=TRUE -DBUILD_CLIENT=FALSE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 01:14 Nezrok Oh you're wanting just the server I see 01:14 DoyleChris yeah 01:15 DoyleChris i play from my laptop and my son from a tablet 01:15 DoyleChris but to modify files and worlds i need access through samba 01:15 DoyleChris i had it running on raspberry pi just fine 01:16 DoyleChris I got a new machine that is faster to run the server and i threw linux on it 01:16 Nezrok That looks right to me 01:16 DoyleChris i am running mint linux 01:17 DoyleChris i have the drives running but having problems with su access 01:19 Nezrok Wait why? 01:19 Nezrok Well don't wait 01:19 Nezrok Just wondering 01:21 DoyleChris question on this line make -j 01:21 DoyleChris number of processors, is that main or cores 01:22 Nezrok I'd assume it's cores, but that is a good question for someone else :p 01:22 DoyleChris and do i put that right after the cmake command or run it seperet 01:22 Nezrok Most home servers don't have two processors 01:22 Nezrok That would be a seperate command 01:23 Nezrok So right after 01:23 DoyleChris running 01:24 DoyleChris now where does it put the final /minetest 01:24 Nezrok It will be in the same directly as the source 01:24 Nezrok Eww 01:24 Nezrok Directory* 01:24 Nezrok I must be falling asleep :p 01:25 DoyleChris i know i have had a whisky and coke 01:25 Nezrok Got any to share? 01:25 DoyleChris sure im in michigan 01:25 Nezrok I'm right next door in PA :p I'll walk over 01:25 DoyleChris sure 01:26 DoyleChris 65% 01:26 Nezrok Hopefully it won't mess up :p 01:26 DoyleChris 76 01:28 DoyleChris 96 01:28 Nezrok The anticipation is killing me 01:28 DoyleChris done 01:28 DoyleChris [100%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/minetestserver.dir/voxelalgorithms.cpp.o 01:29 DoyleChris so it should be in /bin 01:29 DoyleChris well all in /minetest 01:30 Nezrok Should be wherever the source files were 01:30 DoyleChris now im copying it over to another linux drive 01:31 Nezrok One without permission issues? :p 01:32 DoyleChris yep 01:35 Nezrok lmk if it works out, afk for now 01:46 DoyleChris now i have a error i have never seen 01:49 DoyleChris ERROR[Main]: Invalid background element(5): '5,5;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true;10' 01:50 Cornelia That looks like a formspec error. 01:50 Cornelia Seems it doesn't like "gui_formbg.png" 01:51 DoyleChris it comes up with unified inventory never say it till now 01:52 Cornelia The only thing I can think of is maybe it can't find the asset? 01:53 Cornelia Or you're using a version of UI that doesn't work with your version of Minetest 01:54 pauloue It's using the new 9-slice background element 02:00 DoyleChris might be 02:00 DoyleChris i havent updated the client in a few months 02:00 DoyleChris ill try a new build tommorow 05:35 Elon_Nakamoto hello 05:35 Elon_Nakamoto oh dear my nick lol 05:53 Copenhagen_Bram i wish voxelgarden had mesecons 10:03 Azlux Hi, I'm installing minetest from package manager (apt on debian 9), I see minetest-server, but also a lot of mod. are they working ? I don't see them on "official" mods list 10:03 Azlux https://azlux.fr/bin/?703b8b91138154fd#hEghZAmHP1h6vLzgY2Pr3VTb34ZyNBSDdNzzPWouGoM 10:04 nepugia those are debian packages, they might work, installing them probably puts them somewhere where minetest can see them 10:06 ANAND They're probably very outdated though. 10:06 nepugia It's debian :) 10:06 nepugia Minetest there is probably equally outdated 10:07 ANAND Yea, true 10:08 Azlux Minetest 0.4.15 (Linux), indeed 10:10 ANAND Ouch 10:10 Azlux let's update 10:11 ANAND Get 5.0.1 :D 10:12 nepugia You can clone and compile it on debian though, the deps shoudl be kinda recent enough 10:13 Azlux i'm trying testing dep before 10:14 Azlux should be updated here 10:14 Azlux minetest-server/testing,now 5.0.1+repack-2 amd64 10:15 nepugia mixing releases on debian always ends in fireworks :) 10:15 nepugia if anything try the backports repo 10:15 Azlux It's a CT, don't care if it's work 10:16 Azlux https://azlux.fr/bin/?d1a8e0b3303c62f8#4tVSriHCVhStywzL3XXBidtrcGkHc1LfDTLWcq76AMcq Humm, bad dpkg command... so sad 10:16 nepugia Indeed 10:16 nepugia >JavaScript is required for Azbin to work. 10:17 nepugia A site to copy text, that doesn't work without javascript is a sad site indeed 10:17 nepugia especially since http servers are free to serve text/plain 10:19 sfan5 html doesn't get you encryption though 10:19 nepugia html is a text format? 10:20 Azlux nepugia: not sad, this one is encrypted, and use JS to decrypt the data. this way, the server never have the plein text 10:21 nepugia Azlux: I refuse to use such stuff, it only gives the server admin a little more security but leaves my computer open to exploits via js 10:21 nepugia not a good tradeoff if you ask me 10:21 nepugia (now, if you had an application where the code is known beforehand, that is a different matter entirely) 10:22 Azlux nepugia: source here : https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin 10:22 nepugia And what gurantees does one have that that is also the js that is delivered? 10:22 nepugia none, imo 10:23 nepugia opensource doesn't help as much if the content might change on each single transmission, especially if it isn't verified for authenticity (except for the it came from the correct server part) 10:29 Azlux nepugian, https://pastebin.com/iLA1DUhc , better ? 10:30 nepugia Azlux: it relies on features not present in your debian version, for rc apparently 10:31 nepugia why the hell debian hasen't cleaned up every last remnant of sysvinit i do not know :) 10:31 Azlux It's the version on Buster 10:32 nepugia either check backports or compile it yourself 10:32 nepugia don't have many other options on debian 10:32 nepugia except for maybe appimages 10:32 sfan5 compilation script >> https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=311160#p311160 10:33 sfan5 I've tested it on ubuntu, will probably work on debian too 10:33 nepugia Ubuntu and debian sometimes have different package names 10:34 Azlux 5.0.1+repack-2 on Sid 10:35 Azlux I'm a lasz sysadmin, if there are pakages, I'm not compile. to long when you have update to do, harder to autoupdate by script 10:35 nepugia Don't use debian if you want up to date packages 10:40 Azlux maybe I need to use another system for my games servers 10:44 nepugia or compile it yourself :) 10:44 nepugia seeing as updating is already non-trivial (unless you run no mods at all) that is probably the better option 18:59 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Mgfractal: Make non-fractal terrain optional (#8702) 13245a31d https://git.io/fjyvy (152019-07-25T18:58:35Z) 19:18 IhrFussel I will never understand why people always disable JS in their browsers, but this is a good explanation for it 19:18 IhrFussel 'Mainly because of an incorrect but obnoxiously persistent myth that it’s a good security practice. While it is true that Javascript exposes you to a few categories of threat that are otherwise impossible to execute, disabling it also stops you from doing many of the things you’d like to do online in the first place and doesn’t protect from the main things that put your security and privacy at risk.' 19:20 IhrFussel First and foremost you need to first click on a link or enter an address before any hacker can attack you ... if you do that without thinking it's your fault 19:21 IhrFussel Bad websites are often easily recognized if you learn how URLs work 19:22 Calinou it's much better than the alternative, which is requiring users to install native apps for everything :P 19:23 Copenhagen_Bram Isn't javascript often nonfree? 19:23 IhrFussel Surfing all day with JS disabled must be a horrible user experience since over 95% of sites use it in some way and quite a few require it to even work properly (topic Ajax) 19:24 IhrFussel And no, not even website needs to setup sockets for simple tasks like realtime news 19:24 IhrFussel not every* 19:26 IhrFussel The biggest risk on websites are ads I'd say since some are able to 'hide' malicious code somehow during the review process and execute it in the browser of the vistor... not sure how exactly it works but it is true 19:29 Krock Calinou: sorry? native apps? you're installing chromium with nodejs to run the webapp locally 19:29 Krock for every app 19:29 Calinou people who argue against JavaScript would rather have developers use C++/Qt or something 19:29 Krock hence they're 60 MiB fat monsters 19:30 IhrFussel Here's the correct term + explanation https://www.malwarebytes.com/malvertising/ 19:48 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Re-order mapgens in mainmenu and 'all settings' mapgen selection (#8705) 130cde6fc https://git.io/fjyf2 (152019-07-25T19:46:28Z) 20:56 Tianshee But it's possible to do almost everything without JS. 20:57 Tianshee If you enable it on trusted sites where you really need it and disable it everywhere else, it's probably good idea. 21:10 Copenhagen_Bram Do trees in minetest grow? 21:10 Copenhagen_Bram I mean after they've sprouted from the sapling 21:10 sfan5 no 21:10 Copenhagen_Bram aww 21:11 Copenhagen_Bram Also I've heard people make their own trees, wouldn't it be neat if treegen could compete? 23:24 DoyleChris i am getting this error when i go to compile android version 23:24 DoyleChris make[1]: *** [irrlicht_download] Error 1 23:24 DoyleChris Makefile:502: recipe for target 'irrlicht_download' failed 23:31 DoyleChris any help with making a latest build for android 23:37 DoyleChris anybody 23:42 DoyleChris please 23:42 Sokomine no, sorry. doesn't seem to be easy to build the android version. maybe you can get a precompiled one or the one from fdroid? 23:42 DoyleChris my server is throwing a error because of a outdated android version