Time Nick Message 00:01 nepugia i switch from file to file while i mod, beeing able to put a dependency as a oneliner is much faster for me 00:01 nepugia so not really in a rust to use the other system 00:05 calcul0n i like to use backslash line-breakers in shell scripts or makefiles for that kind of thing 00:07 rubenwardy do whatever works for you :P 00:07 rubenwardy we're unlikely to remove support for depends.txt for a long time 00:07 rubenwardy if ever 00:08 nepugia :) 00:09 nepugia night 00:12 LoneWolfHT Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/aa1de44fae89ba87c36560b877ffd399/image.png 00:12 LoneWolfHT File switching isn't a problem for me. Do you use a code editor? 00:13 rubenwardy the almost certainly use some stupid CLI editor 00:13 rubenwardy +y 00:25 VanessaE you're forgetting something important: 00:25 VanessaE if a mod has lots of [opt-]depends, you end up with long-ass lines. 00:26 VanessaE and I doubt very many people edit code with line wrapping enabled 00:26 VanessaE so you end up with half the line off-screen 00:27 VanessaE programatically, either method is about the same I suppose, but depends.txt wins for readability. 00:30 VanessaE luk3yx is right, spreading [opt-]depends over multiple lines inside mod.conf would be a good compromise. 00:35 truckermama looking for some help regarding LOR server 00:36 rubenwardy lor? 00:37 truckermama legends of revival, tho i believe it changed names 00:37 rubenwardy the person that hosted that server has been banned from Minetest, for spam, harassment, doxing, and other things 00:37 rubenwardy wait 00:38 rubenwardy nevermind, was thinking of another server 00:38 VanessaE rubenwardy: He Who Has a Kiddie Porn Fixation? :P 00:38 rubenwardy LOR is hosted by Edgy1, not OldCoder 00:38 VanessaE heh ok 00:39 truckermama ah ok 00:39 rubenwardy but yeah, Edgy1 is in this channel 00:39 truckermama okay perfect, i sent them a message 00:40 truckermama 06thanks for helping me out :)06 00:45 Edgy1 lol 00:45 Edgy1 lor ≠ los 00:45 Edgy1 <rubenwardy> the person that hosted that server has been banned from Minetest, for spam, harassment, doxing, and other things 00:45 Edgy1 u had me scared at first 00:45 Edgy1 XD 00:47 Edgy1 anyways hows it going rubenwardy 00:47 rubenwardy good thanks 00:47 rubenwardy trying to fix formspecs 00:47 luk3yx Good luck 00:47 rubenwardy well, v-rob is doing a lot of it 00:48 VanessaE rubenwardy: please tell me you're not pulling a sapier :) 00:48 rubenwardy I made a PR to add formspec styling (like CSS, but not as good) and one which is a prerequiste of per-game menus 00:48 rubenwardy VanessaE: what's that? 00:48 rubenwardy promise loads then leave? 00:48 VanessaE nah 00:48 rubenwardy or do loads then leave us with a load of mess? 00:49 VanessaE there was a point where he got fed up with the way things were positioning and scaling, and tried to fix it. 00:49 rubenwardy XD 00:49 rubenwardy have you seen #8524 00:49 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/8524 -- Add compatible, consistent coordinate system to FormSpecs. by v-rob 00:49 VanessaE I leave it to others to decide if he succeeded, but his efforts really burned him out 00:49 rubenwardy it'll be in 5.1.0 00:49 Edgy1 any estimates on 5.1's release? 00:50 Edgy1 interestlingly enough, advtrains has a bug on TSS that happens in 5.0 but not 5.1 00:50 rubenwardy we're back to the normal release schedule of twice a year 00:50 rubenwardy oh weird 00:50 Edgy1 never tried it on 5.0.1 tho 00:51 VanessaE rubenwardy: interesting.. but what IS the new coordinate system? I mean what's the unit? still inventory slots? 00:51 rubenwardy the unit is 64x64 from the top left edge 00:51 rubenwardy padding and spacing isn't used anymore 00:51 VanessaE ah. 00:51 rubenwardy which is painful, but allows more precise placement 00:52 VanessaE that makes sense 00:52 rubenwardy like: you know have to take care to add padding properly, but before you had inconsistent padding 00:52 rubenwardy -k 00:52 VanessaE yes 00:52 Edgy1 also, lor is actually owned by Ruslan1, not me, tho i maintain it. 00:52 VanessaE boy do I *know* it 00:52 VanessaE I had a lot of magic numbers in minislots 00:52 Edgy1 it's on rus.edgy1.net 00:52 VanessaE because of how it abuses formspecs 00:53 rubenwardy ah 00:53 rubenwardy I thought the rus was for russia 00:53 Edgy1 i gave it to him 00:53 Edgy1 lol.. ikr 00:53 Edgy1 the russian server is Empire of Legends 00:53 Edgy1 which is on mt.edgy1.net 00:53 Edgy1 the russians actually used to be in lor tho.. back when it was edgy1.net 00:53 Edgy1 and even before when it was mt.edgy1.net 00:53 Edgy1 lor is a traveler! 01:00 rubenwardy nice 01:00 VanessaE ? 01:06 VanessaE "And for fun, this formspec with real_coordinates disabled" *looks at associated pic* 01:06 VanessaE GEVALT 01:06 VanessaE I forgot how bad it was 01:22 ikero w 01:28 ikero test 01:30 VanessaE test failed :P 03:28 lllI1I is clientside mod storage currently per-world/server or the same across all worlds 03:37 ANAND lllI1I: Per-world, AFAIK 03:38 lllI1I thanks 03:41 LoneWolfHT clientside mod storage was the same across all worlds last I checked, which was a while ago 03:42 LoneWolfHT Yeah. I think it still is `Minetest/client/mod_storage` 03:43 ANAND Wierd 03:43 ANAND Documentation just says: 03:43 ANAND * `minetest.get_mod_storage()`: 03:43 ANAND * returns reference to mod private `StorageRef` 03:43 LoneWolfHT The documentation was pretty much just copied over from what I saw 03:44 LoneWolfHT *copied over from lua_api.txt 03:45 LoneWolfHT @lllI1I You may be interested in the above ^^^ 12:59 DrFrankenstone I'm looking at converting an ABM to timer, which works fine for newly placed blocks, but is there a technique for starting the timers on blocks that have already been placed in the world - placed before upgrading ABMs to timers? I can create a slow-firing ABM that starts a the timer on any suitable block to gradually convert them, but then I still have an ABM running 13:09 calcul0n DrFrankenstone, maybe use an LBM instead? 13:09 calcul0n at least it will run only once for each loaded block 13:11 DrFrankenstone That looks to be perfect, the example in lua_api.txt is even an "Upgrade legacy doors" purpose. 13:12 DrFrankenstone (Didn't know about LBMs) 13:13 DrFrankenstone thanks 14:45 lllI1I for client mods, per-server details can be saved by storing under a key built using values from core.get_server_info(), but how would one do that for singleplayer world names? 15:24 DS-minetest lllI1I: in singleplayer you can add a ssm that identifies the world via modchannel 15:26 lllI1I that could work, though currently I'm trying to focus on clientmods that don't rely on mod channels or nondefault server config 15:26 DS-minetest or ask the user what world he is on 15:27 lllI1I but adding on optional features based on server config is an idea as well 15:27 lllI1I maybe have different user profiles for clientside settings? 15:27 DS-minetest profiles? 15:30 lllI1I like collections of settings 15:32 lllI1I like if you were a regular on several servers and for some of them you want pvp disabled clientside (so you don't accidentally bonk your buddies) 15:33 lllI1I you could have a profile set up where pvp is disabled and use that profile on those servers 17:12 Andrey01 hello 17:18 Andrey01 I want to ask how do I load needed mod first whose items I need to use in my mod (for craft recipe) as that mod has to be loaded after my mod 17:31 pauloue Andrey01: you can register a craft recipe that has items from another mod even if it isn't loaded yet 17:31 pauloue but to load another mod first you can add it to optional_depends in mod.conf 17:35 Andrey01 only I need required depends, not optional 17:36 pauloue then use 'depends = modname' 17:41 Andrey01 then what to do if my mod depends on one of two mods, that is I need to use either one or another? 17:42 Andrey01 in my case both mods can not be required and optional 17:42 Andrey01 at the same time 17:42 nepugia if it is one of two, as in atleast one needs to be there you can either choose which one to depend on 17:43 nepugia or put both under optional and fail at runtime if neither is met 17:45 Andrey01 that is are they needed to be both optional though? 17:46 nepugia i don't know what your specific requirements are so i can't really answer that 17:46 nepugia in any case you can't depend on (mod1 OR mod2) 17:46 Krock two optional dependencies 17:46 Krock error if either is found 17:46 Krock *neither is found 17:51 Andrey01 it persistently causes the same error "Invalid crafting recipe (output="adv_vehicles:bmw_118_two_seats")" 17:51 Andrey01 and the same error happened if add those mods as required 17:51 Andrey01 in mod.conf 17:52 nepugia so, the mods have been loaded before? 17:52 nepugia perhaps your crafting recipe is really invalid? 17:52 Andrey01 this is valid actually 17:53 Andrey01 required mod loads after 17:54 Andrey01 depending mod is "adv_vehicles", required mod is "luxury_decor", that`s why it will load after firsy 17:54 pauloue paste the full recipe in a pastebin 17:55 Andrey01 https://pastebin.com/GYTm6X8M 17:55 nepugia the mods you want to depend on need to load after this one? 17:56 nepugia you need to put /your/ mod into the optional depends of the other mod then 17:56 Andrey01 ah 17:57 Andrey01 I`ll try 18:01 Andrey01 writing an error in the chat: mod 'adv_vehicles' has unsatisfied dependencies: 'luxury_decor' mod 'luxury_decor' has unsatisfied dependencies 'adv_vehicles' 18:01 Andrey01 both mods have been enabled 18:02 pauloue I tried registering your recipe and it woks without error 18:03 pauloue I'm pretty sure dependencies don't have anything to do with it 18:07 Andrey01 I don`t understand why it writes 'unsatisifed', if I enabled both mods 18:09 pauloue you can't have mods that depend on each other, they can't both load before the other one 18:15 Andrey01 hmm, then how do I need to set dependencies properly? and in what mods? 18:17 Andrey01 I think craft recipe set wrong 18:22 Andrey01 yes, really, I mistook in 'recipe' field 18:22 Andrey01 it works now 18:22 pauloue nice 18:27 Andrey01 and thanks for helping 19:20 CopenBra[m] Someone told me a lot of people play mineclone, is this true? 19:23 rubenwardy idk 19:23 rubenwardy there aren't many mineclone servers 19:24 rubenwardy but it seems to be the most popular of the alternative games 19:24 rubenwardy #mineclone2 22:00 nri[t] nri is away | I'm busy 22:03 nri[t] nri is away | I'm busy 22:34 clavi nri: you really don't need to post "I'm away" messages 22:34 clavi there's away status for that 22:35 nri oh sorry my irc client was going nuts it was so messed up 22:37 VanessaE I already told him that in another channel :P 22:39 nri VanessaE: yeah it happend here too 22:39 nri i fixed it 22:40 LoneWolfHT *kiwiirc* 22:50 VanessaE nri: same network there as here, so it'll likely always be the same 22:51 nri ik, i meant on this channel too 23:40 VanessaE nri: yeah, it'll do that, because it's a client-quit action rather than merely channel /part 23:49 nri yeah