Time Nick Message 00:00 jas_ catspar 00:22 skibur Hello 00:22 skibur How do I get to spawn more zombies? 00:22 skibur using mods zombie from mod repo? 00:22 skibur interval = 1, change = 1? 00:23 skibur *chance = 1 01:34 jas_ skibur: that is a good question. i think... it is true. 01:35 jas_ https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_redo/src/master/api.lua#L3441 what version of zombies? 01:37 jas_ https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_redo/src/master/api.lua#L3577 < -- chance is the odds of it spawning, and interval is how often it tries to spawn -- this is ABM code 01:37 jas_ https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/mobs_redo/src/master/api.lua#L3435 01:38 jas_ i assume this is the zombies mod here: https://github.com/minetest-mods/zombies/blob/master/init.lua#L138 ... the abms are one part, but also look at other factors, like light_chance 01:38 jas_ i'm going off memory, not gonna ctrl+f anymore (bed time), but there are factors such as light intensity, and time of day. good luck and good night 03:12 skibur hello 03:12 skibur Anybody playing with nether? 03:14 LoneWolfHT Need help figuring it out @skibur? 03:14 skibur yeah 03:14 LoneWolfHT Which part? 03:15 skibur not sure what parts I need to build the portal 03:15 LoneWolfHT IIRC it was a mese fragment and obsidian 03:15 skibur yellow 03:15 skibur mese fragment? 03:16 skibur obsidian brick? 03:17 benrob0329 obsidian block 03:17 benrob0329 not brick 03:18 LoneWolfHT Build the thing out of obsidian you see in the first screenshot https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=5790 03:18 LoneWolfHT Once done rightclick/click one of the obsidian blocks with a mese fragment 03:19 LoneWolfHT Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/ba7645ceb2e8fb3b0c7041b86708e7d1/image.png 03:19 LoneWolfHT Picture of a mese fragment if you were wondering what it was 03:25 skibur nothing happend 03:25 skibur happened 03:25 skibur I'm on Minetest 5.0.1 03:29 skibur I'm also in creative mode 03:32 LoneWolfHT Are you able to post a screenshot? 03:35 skibur Thanks for your help 03:35 skibur I need to jet 03:35 LoneWolfHT Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/c535a3d874b475e931f8442721220b58/image.png 03:35 skibur Does it work on 5.0.1? 03:35 LoneWolfHT Worked fine for me. Built a portal and rightclicked it with a mese fragment 03:36 LoneWolfHT Did you enable the mod? 03:36 skibur yes 03:36 LoneWolfHT I was in creative and I use the latest dev 03:36 LoneWolfHT Make sure you built the right shape 03:36 skibur he bottom is thin 03:37 skibur The bottom is thin 03:37 skibur why? 03:41 skibur Ok got! 03:41 skibur it! 03:42 LoneWolfHT :thumbsup: 03:42 skibur obsidian (14) + mese crystal fragment 03:42 skibur don't use "obsidian block" 03:42 skibur Thanks Guys/Gals 03:43 skibur Night 03:46 skibur quit 13:15 DS-minetest hi 13:17 VanessaE no. :P 13:17 DS-minetest no? 13:17 VanessaE just kidding. hi. :) 14:35 mensious Hi! 20:35 freemint Are there any servers availible via TCP? (Maybe but having an ssh tunnel on the machine itself) 20:42 freemint Or a server which availible over ipv6 20:44 VanessaE pretty sure they all require UDP 20:44 VanessaE though ipv4 and 6 both work 20:48 freemint i heard a rumor that UDP via ipv6 works but for that i need an ipv6 address 20:48 freemint *rumor about my dorm internet 20:49 sfan5 you posess one already 20:49 freemint an ipv6 address of an server sorry for being unclear 20:50 VanessaE well, mine are at 2001:41d0:8:2b1:: 20:50 VanessaE if you care to try. 20:51 VanessaE (, daconcepts.com) 20:52 freemint I think 2001:41d0:8:2b1:: is a subnet not an address 20:53 VanessaE in ipv6 terms, it is. I think. 20:53 VanessaE so you could put ::1 at the end f.ex 20:53 VanessaE but idk ipv6 too well 20:53 freemint prort 30000? 20:53 VanessaE (overcomplicated) 20:53 VanessaE yeah, that'll do. 20:53 VanessaE (that'll put you on my dreambuilder creative server) 20:55 nri Hi VanessaE so u pay for daconcepts.com right? 20:55 VanessaE yup. 20:56 freemint mhh my minetst package from the distro is very out of date 0.4 something 20:56 nri I wish hosting was free lol 20:56 VanessaE freemint: compile from source then :) 20:56 nri then anyone could have as many servers as they wanted 20:57 VanessaE nri: well, I pay for a dedicated server, and have 9 Minetest instances running on it 20:57 nri yeah wow thats pretty good. What are the specs? 20:57 freemint VanessaE, Have not found a source link on the download website 20:58 VanessaE freemint: https://github.com/minetest/minetest 20:58 freemint Trying Flathub for now 20:58 nri VanessaE: i mean for your server 20:58 VanessaE nri: https://www.soyoustart.com/us/offers/1801sys47.xml 20:59 nri VanessaE pretty good 21:00 freemint VanessaE, that is not the cheapest dedicated i've seen at these specs but it looks fine, Can you tell me about ram utilization of scalling minetest server? 21:00 VanessaE https://daconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/stats-daily.html 21:00 VanessaE I track the resource usage. :) 21:01 freemint I was interested in how much you should put aside per user or mod. 21:01 VanessaE (one of the 9 servers is not yet on this tracking page) 21:02 VanessaE oh, well that I'm not sure. 21:02 freemint Some upper limits/guestimates? 21:02 VanessaE nope. no guess there :) 21:03 VanessaE you'll have to guesstimate from what you see there ^ 21:03 VanessaE (I never bothered with per-user/per-mod needs, but overall needs) 21:03 freemint How many users do you see? 21:04 freemint (on your servers) 21:04 VanessaE look at the bottom graph :) 21:04 VanessaE on good days, about 35 between the lot. 21:04 freemint But you said one server was no there 21:04 VanessaE yeah but that one's brand new, just ignore it. 21:05 freemint Did GC trigger at Wed 8:00 ? 21:05 VanessaE no, that's the daily reboot-for-backups cycle. 21:05 VanessaE each server shuts down in turn, gets backed up, then reboots. when they're all done, the overview mapper is run. 21:05 VanessaE (that's the main part of the spike) 21:06 freemint Is that total server ram or just minetest ram? 21:06 VanessaE look closer - it shows both :) 21:06 freemint Sorry 21:07 VanessaE no worries 21:07 freemint I think i recall you from my first trip into Minetest land. 21:07 freemint Were you active 3 to 4 years ago? 21:08 VanessaE yes. I've been into Minetest since early 2012. 21:09 freemint So over IPv6 it works 21:10 freemint What are your favorite mods? (or most impressive) 22:27 jas_ hi 22:29 jas_ !mod 22:29 MinetestBot jas_: Prevent new accounts from joining [nonew] by taikedz - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=19720 22:29 jas_ best mod, winner of multiple awards 23:14 freemint !mod 23:14 MinetestBot freemint: Prevent new accounts from joining [nonew] by taikedz - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=19720 23:18 jas_ it really is the best 23:43 jas_ !server gobo 23:43 MinetestBot jas_: gobo | | Clients: 0/15, 0/0 | Version: 5.1.0-dev / minetest | Ping: 121ms