Time Nick Message 00:03 trom_ any trick for minetest.raycast to collect air nodes in raycast object ? (yes I don't love math) 00:07 kurtzmusch i htink it will ignore those 00:08 kurtzmusch what are you trying to do? maybe theres an easyer solution? 00:12 trom_ I need all nodes in the ray so if only math using save me 00:12 trom_ I Hate Math 00:13 kurtzmusch you will have to search for an algorithm that stops the at the world grid and check if each node is airlike 00:14 kurtzmusch stops the ray at the grid coordinates * 00:14 kurtzmusch https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3270840/find-the-intersection-between-line-and-grid-in-a-fast-manner 00:14 kurtzmusch something like that 00:17 kurtzmusch i dont think you can escape math to do what you want 00:19 kurtzmusch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm 00:20 est31 bresenham isn't what's needed for raycasting 00:20 est31 you may think it's the one 00:21 est31 but it gives slightly wrong results 00:21 est31 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Bresenham.svg 00:21 est31 there are regions where the line clearly travels through but which aren't gray 00:24 kurtzmusch oh yeah, my bad 00:24 kurtzmusch i had a good source on this be couldnt find it 00:25 est31 lemme check whether I can find one 00:26 est31 yes 00:26 est31 so I can't find a source 00:27 est31 that's public 00:27 est31 but basically, in each dimension, you need to do the same thing 00:28 est31 to find the smallest distance you need to travel along the ray to get to the next "whole number" in that specific dimension 00:28 est31 then, you minimize over the three dimensions and get the travel distance to the next voxel 00:30 est31 and the single-dimension algorithm is basically taking two params, off and dir. it returns minimal m such thatreturning the minimal m such that floor(off + dir * m) - floor(off) > 0 00:32 trom_ I know ) some time ago I did it for my POC mod but I think MT API need be more friendly in raycast 01:31 robdrake drat I've found more mithril than zinc or diamonds 02:20 Walker_ i has ask on german-irc already 02:20 Walker_ is forum.minetest.net down ? 02:21 Walker_ all other seams to work 02:21 Wuzzy yes 02:21 Walker_ but i cannot connect to forum or wiki 02:21 Walker_ since 3 days 02:22 Walker_ but why ? 02:22 Walker_ technik issue ? 02:22 Wuzzy <rubenwardy> Wuzzy: the VPS service provider had a technical fault which corrupted the system 02:22 Wuzzy <rubenwardy> c55 is in the process of setting up the machine again, should be online again within a few days 02:22 Walker_ oh ok thx for the info ^^ 02:52 Walker is there an alternative to the forum with news ? 02:55 Walker how would it be with the old forum, that was still online, can you misuse it as a newsboard? 02:57 shadow53 Since the wiki is down, I was hoping someone could answer this for me: how can I set up a minetest server to use mods without requiring every client to install them manually? 02:57 Walker please wat ? 02:58 Walker i thinkh, the client downlod the data from server ^^ 02:58 Walker the client dont want the mods themself 02:58 shadow53 Where do I install the mods on the server, though? I suppose that was my real question 02:59 Walker add the mods into the mods folder 02:59 Walker and then 02:59 Walker add a line into world.mt file in the world directory 02:59 Walker like: 02:59 Walker "load_mod_<NAME> = true" 02:59 Walker example "load_mod_areas = true" 03:00 Walker with is the way i do it ^^ 03:00 shadow53 Would the mods folder be in the same folder as world.mt? 03:00 Walker no 03:01 Walker in the "~/.minetest" folder 03:01 Walker like "/home/shadow55/.minetest/mods" 03:01 Walker do you use Linux ? 03:01 shadow53 I do. This server is running Fedora with the minetest package from the repos 03:02 Walker than yes "~/.minetest" is you friend ^^ 03:02 shadow53 Got it 03:02 Walker ^^ 03:03 shadow53 And textures and games would be in the folders ~/.minetest/textures and ~/.minetest/games? 03:03 Walker yes 03:03 shadow53 Awesome! Thank you :) 03:04 Walker but i think textures are only for clients 03:04 Walker wow 03:05 Walker to help here 03:05 Walker is MUCH faster than in forum ^^ 03:05 shadow53 Yeah xD 03:51 robdrake I was told the best to put mods for a server is minetest/worlds/world/worldmods 04:10 Walker yes, but if you have ( like me ) multiple servers, i is simpler to manage the mods central and whitelist the mods per world.mt 04:11 Walker but yes, you have right the worldmod directory is also a god way ;) 05:06 Fritigern When compiling minetest from latest git on Kububtu 19.04, i get the following error: /home/balaam/Documents/git/Minetest/src/script/common/c_types.h:23:10: fatal error: lua.h: No such file or directory #include "lua.h" 05:06 Fritigern Which library am i missing? 05:08 robdrake lua-dev probably 05:09 robdrake did the lua-dev package fix the problem? 05:09 Fritigern no, it was already installed 05:10 robdrake drat, I thought I had actually helped someone in here 05:11 Fritigern You will, in due time :-) 08:35 Jipok Hello. Until the end of the week will the server up? 08:38 clavi Jipok: http://www.ask8ball.net/ 09:22 Walker what the hack ist "Final Minetest" !!?! 09:22 Walker sounds like a crap copy of minetest 09:23 Walker is that trustworthy ? 09:23 clavi no 09:23 clavi it's a fork by one very troubled man 09:23 Walker ok I thought so ^^ 09:24 Walker yes, that sounds like it 09:26 azekill_DIABLO Hey, did the forum die? 09:27 clavi read topic 09:27 azekill_DIABLO which one? can't access the forums 09:28 clavi irc 09:28 azekill_DIABLO xD 09:28 azekill_DIABLO this level of stupidity is only to be found with me 09:28 azekill_DIABLO thx 09:28 clavi if it's any consolation, you're by far not the first 09:29 azekill_DIABLO it's a bit of a consolation :D 09:30 azekill_DIABLO I was worried because 90% of my website's link were broken as they relate to the forum. But it's only a matter of time so np! 09:30 azekill_DIABLO thx again, bye! 11:23 MinetestBot Astrobe: Apr-28 22:31 UTC <paramat> "some custom trees seem to spawn on top of plants, or their first trunk node is replaced by a plant". that's expected and caused by decoration placement order (determined by registration order) and/or the setting of 'force_placement'. notice MTG places decorations largest first 11:54 Astrobe The new pine forrest biome is a great place to build japanese-looking shrines and temples. 13:15 BurningPrincess Is it nornal for a WorldEdited pflat area to revert to sand? I found areas of sand, holes in the flat area with lakes and areas where water had spawned 13:40 BurningPrincess And there are areas of snow as well. Some edges are not straight and some are straight and it unsettles me 13:53 BurningPrincess Sorry computer frooze 14:20 oil_boi The forum is still down? :o 14:24 NathanS21_ Looks that way. 14:27 oil_boi Are we DDOSed? :( 14:27 kurtzmusch no 14:27 oil_boi Ah server crash 14:29 rubenwardy oil_boi: the VPS provider had a technical error which corrupted the hard drives (which were in RAID), the server is being rebuilt from backups 14:34 oil_boi Oh damn 14:35 oil_boi Why not jbod instead of raid 0 14:44 FFleder Would use Raid 5 or offline backup 14:48 oil_boi Raid 10 :D 14:48 oil_boi Raid 15 :o 14:49 oil_boi Raid 127 :O :O 14:49 BurningPrincess So, is what I saw noarmal or signs of map currotion? 17:46 TestyUsy Hey Guys 17:46 TestyUsy Is tehre a mirror available of the Minetest wiki or a torrent so I can self host it? 17:46 TestyUsy Been playing like a loon and I use the wiki and forums regularly 17:50 sofar I don't think there is 18:02 Astrobe https://web.archive.org/web/20190321143151/https://wiki.minetest.net/Main_Page 18:05 TestyUsy thanks Astrobe 18:09 lllI1I should have a decentralized database that minetest servers manage 18:09 lllI1I can access it in-game 18:09 lllI1I if you're on a server that has that mod 20:16 TestyUsy lllI1I what mod is it? 21:11 makayabou Please tell me if I understood well: I want to change all nodes in an area of the map to is_ground_content = true. It is better not use VoxelManip as 1/ because I have to call minetest.swap_node on each node i won't gain speed with VoxelManip , 2/ I will modify not only the nodes inside my area, but also nodes around area but inside VoxelManip . Right ? 21:12 VanessaE neither - is_ground_content is a nodedef property 21:12 VanessaE you just have to change the node def to include that and it's like magic :) 21:12 VanessaE (provided you don't need to regenerate an area to get rid of cave griefing or something) 21:14 makayabou how do I regenerate the area without caves carving ? 21:14 VanessaE set or remove that flag from all node defs that may show up in an area. 21:15 VanessaE i.e. in game, mods etc. 21:15 VanessaE then just re-gen like normal. 21:17 makayabou do I have to register a new node without the flag for each node type I would find in the area to protect from carving, then replace all nodes with the new ones ? 21:17 VanessaE (I guess you want it set on things like dirt or stone, and removed from things like trees/leave, water, etc, and from anything else you want to protect) 21:17 VanessaE nono 21:17 VanessaE you just alter the existing node defs in the game/mods/etc 21:18 VanessaE by way of the override_item() call 21:18 makayabou oh yes! 21:19 makayabou but minetest.override_item has to be called at load time, and affects all nodes of a node type! I just want to modify nodes inside a certain area 21:20 VanessaE for that, you have to define alternate nodes and generate them into that area 21:20 makayabou yes, that's what I thought 21:21 VanessaE is_ground_content isn't a property stored in the map 21:21 makayabou it would be easier 21:21 makayabou in my case.. for the rest I don't know 21:25 makayabou wiki.minetest.dev is down ? 21:26 makayabou wiki.minetest.net and dev.minetest.net 21:28 VanessaE the wiki and forums are b0rk3d for now. 21:28 VanessaE it's being worked on 21:29 makayabou ok thanks 21:29 kurtzmusch you can use api 21:29 kurtzmusch !api 21:29 MinetestBot Someone thinks you should read the API docs, please go to: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt 21:30 kurtzmusch makayabou 21:31 makayabou yes I always do. right now I can't remember nor find in api how do I retrieve node def from node name.. 21:33 VanessaE look in the minetest.registered_nodes{} table. 21:34 VanessaE if I remember right, it'll be something like minetest.registered_nodes["mod_foo:node_bar"] 21:35 VanessaE once you have that, individual node def keys are just table keys, e.g. def=minetest.registered_nodes["mod_foo:node_bar"] so def.groups would be that node's groups, then youd have def.description, def.tiles, and so on.. 21:35 VanessaE y3ou'd 21:35 VanessaE you'd** 21:36 kurtzmusch isnt there any prediction for when the forum will be back up? 21:37 VanessaE no 21:37 VanessaE it'll be up when it's up :P 21:37 kurtzmusch = ( 21:37 makayabou VanessaE: thank you 21:37 VanessaE hope that helps :) 21:37 kurtzmusch just press restart already ; P 21:39 VanessaE if only it were that easy, kurtzmusch 21:39 kurtzmusch is celeron hosting that in his house? i thought when you had a fried HD the hoster provider would just replace that with the latest backup in a matter of minutes 21:40 VanessaE there was a critical hardware failure and it's gonna take time to get things going again, and no. not at his house. 21:40 paramat he hosts it in his head 21:40 VanessaE heh 21:40 sfan5 having a hoster that does backups for you is rare these days 21:40 est31 lol 21:40 VanessaE chuck norris hosts it for him :P 21:40 kurtzmusch where does he plug the fiber optic though? 21:41 VanessaE DON'T ANSWER THAT 21:41 VanessaE :P 21:41 kurtzmusch lel 21:42 paramat btw what happened to the wiki and the forum??? ... just kidding 21:42 kurtzmusch duno bro, is it down? 21:42 kurtzmusch ( not kiddin' ) 21:44 paramat makayabou "how do I regenerate the area without caves carving?" well, manually, you could edit 'mg_flags = nocaves' in the world's map_meta.txt, regen, then edit the flag back to 'caves'. do you want to do this automatically though? 21:46 paramat actually, 'set mapgen setting' has a way to override map_meta.txt so that could possibly be done automatically too 21:46 paramat altering all nodes nodedefs seems overkill 21:55 makayabou it's worse than altering all nodes defs, it's about cloning all them to use them in schems placed as "non carvable nodes"... overkill surely but necessary because in our game we always put large schems at new places and they are randomly carved... 21:57 paramat ah 21:58 paramat the trick is, whenever placing stuff, always use dummy nodes that are 'ground content = false' but that drop the normal node 21:58 paramat this is a common problem when schematics contain stuff like default:stone etc. 21:59 paramat or maybe ... 21:59 makayabou i don't understand the trick.. 22:00 paramat are you placing schematics during mapgen, in 'register on generated'? 22:02 makayabou no we place them during the game 22:02 paramat i mean: define a node called modname:stone, identical to default:stone but not 'ground content' and drops default:stone, then use that in your schematics. doesn't help with existing schematics though 22:02 paramat ok 22:02 makayabou yes, it's the overkill i'm doing.. 22:03 paramat yes the nodedef method might be necessary 22:03 makayabou and I can replace the nodes after having placed schems, it's not a problem 22:04 makayabou groups like not_in_creativ_inventory, not_in_craft_guide are not in lua_api.txt ? 22:04 makayabou *creative 22:04 kurtzmusch i dont htink those are deafautl 22:04 kurtzmusch default 22:05 paramat 'not_in_creative_inventory' is only a group defined by the creative mod 22:05 kurtzmusch i mean: those are not used by the engine 22:05 paramat ^ 22:05 makayabou got it 22:05 paramat although, it probably should be mentioned due to heavy usage 22:05 makayabou as they are included in minetest_game... 22:06 kurtzmusch if creative is a mod, what is the use for creative mode checkbox in singleplayer? 22:12 lllI1I maybe syntactic sugar 22:12 lllI1I it doesn't enable the mod but it gives you the permission 22:15 paramat hm good question 22:15 makayabou it lets people use crative mode without knowledge of mods and chat commands 22:17 paramat maybe it's just useful in the engine due to many games having creative mods 22:19 rubenwardy it was probably in the engine before it was moved to a mod 22:28 makayabou how do i ensure that all nodes have already been registred ? When I try to fetch content of minetest.registered_nodes, it looks like I don't get all 22:59 paramat i think there's a callback for once all mods have loaded (in MT 5.0.0+) 23:00 paramat https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/e32a630937de69454c741e93979a7889fcddc7a9/doc/lua_api.txt#L3694 23:08 makayabou ah great ! thanks 23:26 Ruslan1 VanessaE are you here 23:26 VanessaE no 23:26 Ruslan1 Ok 23:46 makayabou i can't do minetest.register_node inside minetest.register_on_mods_loaded .. 23:47 makayabou is there a way to make my mod be called least, no matter which mods are in the game ? 23:47 makayabou *last 23:52 paramat probably not 23:53 paramat i mean, not that i know of 23:54 lllI1I set up your depends such that every possible mod name is an optional dependency if it's not a hard dependency 23:54 lllI1I that way every mod that exists must come before yours 23:57 rubenwardy makayabou: you need to use the override character 23:57 rubenwardy minetest.register_on_mods_loaded runs after all mods have loaded but before the game start 23:57 rubenwardy minetest doesn't know which mod you are in at this point, so it can't check the item name correctly 23:57 rubenwardy so start the item name with :, the override character 23:57 rubenwardy minetest.register_node(":mymod:name", --- )