Time Nick Message 00:00 oil_boi_minetest I like the way the smoke pools up on ceilings like in real life, it's so cool! 00:02 p_gimeno very nice :) 00:02 p_gimeno maybe you needed wallmounted_to_dir 00:03 p_gimeno but yeah for something like that it gives you just the info you need 00:03 oil_boi_minetest I did! https://github.com/oilboi/alpha/commit/23144b8b8b241b1345d904ab12f9ece2917773c8#diff-bc87fcac213a871cbc0f42480eed21c3R210 00:03 oil_boi_minetest It made my life ten times easier 00:04 oil_boi_minetest Sometimes the api is confusing, sometimes it falls into place like a puzzle piece :D 00:04 p_gimeno I know right :) 00:05 kurtzmusch facedir/4 gives you the axis, and mod 4 rotation around it( clockwise if the axis is facing you ) 00:06 kurtzmusch dealing with matrixes is what is hard 00:07 kurtzmusch those are black magic 00:08 p_gimeno I think we'll have to agree to disagree :) 00:10 kurtzmusch absolutely agreed 00:10 p_gimeno a matrix gives you three vectors corresponding to where the three axes end up once rotated. facedir_to_dir and wallmounted_to_dir return the z vector of that matrix. Having all three would have advantages. 00:13 oil_boi_minetest so in add_particlespawner, how would you do attached for a player?? 00:13 oil_boi_minetest attached = player? 00:14 p_gimeno not sure if you can, and I think particle spawner rotation is broken in 5.0 00:15 p_gimeno scratch "I think". I'm sure. 00:17 p_gimeno assuming you can, you need to pass a player (e.g. from get_player_by_name) as the object to attach to 00:21 p_gimeno but if it's centred e.g. on the head of the player, the particle spawner rotation bug won't affect you 00:35 oil_boi_minetest Where is leafdecay handled? :O 00:40 p_gimeno default/functions.lua 00:41 ssieb p_gimeno: you beat me by a few seconds! :-) 00:41 p_gimeno oops sorry :) 00:42 ssieb should have just grepped for "decay"... 00:46 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: World start time: Move to first full light (day night ratio = 1000) (… 134d2ad7c https://git.io/fjmqb (152019-04-13T00:46:38Z) 01:12 oil_boi_minetest I don't understand how leaf decay does the node timer :( 01:12 oil_boi_minetest How does the timer get started?? 01:13 p_gimeno it's started in the after_destruct 01:13 p_gimeno (of the trunk) 03:23 Tiktalik hey guys, what should I play if I want to have a nice, pleasant minetest experience with industrial stuffs 03:23 Emerald2 Do you mean singleplayer or on a server? 03:24 Tiktalik singleplayer 03:25 Emerald2 There are some different mods. Technic is popular (you tend to get mesecons and pipeworks with that one). 03:26 Multi__ test 03:26 Emerald2 There's elepower but I don't know much about it. 03:27 Emerald2 Basic machines. Digilines. 03:28 Emerald2 Look them up and see what suits, I guess? 03:29 Tiktalik oh, I figured out what I really needed to know >_< 03:29 Tiktalik thanks Emerald2 03:29 Emerald2 OK cool. :) 04:04 cimbakahn What is an ender chest? Is it just like a regular chest that you can store things in, or is it more than that? 04:07 Emerald2 You can place another ender chest somewhere else and get the items out again. 04:16 cimbakahn Emerald2: You mean the chests are connected, like through space time? 04:17 Emerald2 Something like that. 04:17 Emerald2 Or even just take the original chest and place it somewhere. 04:17 Emerald2 Your stuff is... somewhere. 04:17 cimbakahn Emerald2: Thank you very much for your help! 11:57 kiwi_12 im trying to set up a vps server some friends can connect to with the client 11:58 kiwi_12 what configs do have to edit for it to show up in the list, i also have nginx running for something else could that be an issue 12:01 sfan5 server_announce = true in minetest.conf 12:01 sfan5 that's all (usually) 12:01 Krock damn these ninjas 12:01 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/minetest.conf.example#L1134 12:02 Krock also set a server name and description 12:07 kiwi_12 yes i have 12:07 kiwi_12 ERROR[CurlFetch]: servers.minetest.net/announce not found (Failed binding local connection end) (response code 0) 12:07 kiwi_12 nginx? 12:10 Calinou try disabling IPv6 support in Minetest 12:10 Calinou `enable_ipv6 = false` in minetest.conf 12:11 Calinou maybe you'll have to set `bind_address` explicitly too, see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/minetest.conf.example#L1154-L1156 12:11 Calinou kiwi_12: ^ 12:11 kiwi_12 to an ip or dns name? 12:14 kiwi_12 nvm 12:15 kiwi_12 i think it werks 12:15 kiwi_12 \o/ 12:18 sfan5 i've never seen this curl error before, what kind of weird setup do you have? 12:19 kiwi_12 nginx ubuntu aws 12:19 kiwi_12 i think it was me putting instead of 12:20 p_gimeno that may explain one or two things :) 12:50 kiwi_12 what's a 'world' 12:55 Calinou kiwi_12: a world is what stores the map data, player information (inventories/positions) and a few specific configuration settings 12:56 Calinou using --worldname someworld is the easy way to set the world to use (it will be created if it doesn't exist) 12:56 kiwi_12 is this how you select a game if more than one game dirs are present 12:59 kiwi_12 or just --gameid 13:05 kiwi_12 if i kill the server will the game progress be saved? 13:05 kiwi_12 need to reset 13:10 kurtzmusch anyone else hear richard stallmans voice in their heads when reading the GPL? 13:16 ANAND I don't, because I don't know how his voice sounds :P 13:16 kurtzmusch if you watch him talking its almost like a quote from gpl 13:16 kurtzmusch or gpl is quoting him 13:17 kurtzmusch that free software speech again and again 13:18 kurtzmusch so, gpl2 or MIT ? thats the question 13:19 ANAND Neither, I'd go to Stanford 13:22 fruitsnack gpl2 obviously 13:22 kurtzmusch nice sofar made a thread aobut htis 13:22 kurtzmusch ill jut trust him and dont even think about it 13:23 fruitsnack MIT is the least free license regarding software freedom. It gives users way too much freedom, including modifying the software and NOT publishing to modified source code 13:23 fruitsnack As, compared to GPL, which always requires publishing it 13:23 fruitsnack Same with apache2 13:23 fruitsnack Imagine AOSP was licensed under gpl, not apache 13:24 fruitsnack How much android phone manufacturers would be forced to publish the source code for their custom roms 13:24 fruitsnack samsung, asus, xiaomi, huawei, etc 13:24 clavi that's why Google is developing Fuchsia 13:24 fruitsnack With their telemetry and data-mining packed roms 13:24 clavi so they can close it off even more 13:25 fruitsnack yes, right now android uses linux kernel, which is gplv2 13:25 fruitsnack So manufacturers are forced to publish it's sources 13:25 fruitsnack but only for kernel 13:25 fruitsnack Not the rom itself 13:25 fruitsnack With fuschia, the kernel will be changed to zircon 13:25 fruitsnack Which is either apache or mit licensed, I don't remember 13:26 fruitsnack So, manufacturers will be able to conceal lowlevel backdoors, telemetry, etc 13:26 fruitsnack In their devices 13:26 fruitsnack on kernel level 13:34 kurtzmusch oh, i didnt catch that 13:34 kurtzmusch gpl2 it is 13:35 kurtzmusch also, i dont understand why you have to put an year in the beginning of the license 13:35 kurtzmusch what is the year about? publishing data? 13:36 kurtzmusch if i keep changing the source am i suposed to change the date on the license header too? 13:42 kurtzmusch publishing date** 13:50 p_gimeno for MT and mods, MIT is a good choice. It's not as some company is going to come grab your Lua code and incorporate it in your projects. GPL makes compliance harder. 13:51 p_gimeno the copyright date for YOUR entry is the one you should change 13:52 p_gimeno if you keep importing more modern versions, you should update the copyright years accordingly 13:54 p_gimeno in your projects -> in their projects 13:57 kiwi_12 is there an auto walk forward key? pres once to walk - press again to stop 13:57 kurtzmusch what do you mean by 'my entry'? 13:59 p_gimeno e.g. Copyright © 2010-2017 ; Copyright © 2019 13:59 Krock kiwi_12: grep "forward" minetest.conf.example or enter the keyword in the Advanced Search box 14:00 Krock *Advanced Settings dialogue search box 14:02 p_gimeno is the autoforward key the same as the forward key? 14:02 kiwi_12 yes in my case 14:02 kiwi_12 W 14:02 kiwi_12 works 14:02 p_gimeno then I think that should be made clearer in minetest.conf.example, and call it the forward key instead of the autoforward key 14:05 kiwi_12 they are two separate, its just me 14:07 p_gimeno ahh 14:14 kurtzmusch huuum 14:14 kurtzmusch ok thanks 14:25 p_gimeno kurtzmusch: I could find this example (though I don't claim any copyright) of a file having several authors with different copyright years: https://notabug.org/pgimeno/mmus2mid/src/master/mmus2mid.c 14:49 kurtzmusch doom lol 14:57 p_gimeno bottom line, you own the copyright over your changes, at the date you make them public 16:27 oil_boi_minetest Where is the shift item drop (q key) located? 16:27 oil_boi_minetest I see the minetest.item_drop in the builtin games section but I don't see how the shift key is implimented 16:28 ANAND oil_boi_minetest: Are you referring to the default item_drop handler? 16:28 oil_boi_minetest Yes! I'm just trying to see where sneak dropping and regular dropping are! 16:29 ANAND https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/4d2ad7c2b2e91f8a0138fa583f28465278cf0802/builtin/game/item.lua#L438 16:40 oil_boi_minetest ANAND, is there a way to check if a player has an inventory open? :T 16:59 oil_boi_minetest Where is the default inventory formspec located? 16:59 oil_boi_minetest I have a lot of questions today :D 18:04 p_gimeno hm, light doesn't propagate equally upwards and downwards, right? 18:07 oil_boi_minetest only if light propegates 18:11 p_gimeno I mean, http://www.formauri.es/personal/pgimeno/temp/screenshot_20190413_200848.png 18:11 p_gimeno one would think that the light should illuminate the top and the bottom sides equally 18:14 Krock it's intended to make the node sides easier to differentiate 18:14 Krock bottom is always a little bit darker 18:15 Krock the light level is equal on both faces 18:21 p_gimeno mmmk... thanks 18:22 p_gimeno I was wondering why the ceiling always looked darker than the floor, at least now I know 18:23 Krock but yes, the effect could be reduced to be less confusing 18:26 oil_boi_minetest Krock, can I check if the player has the inventory open? 18:32 sofar nope 18:35 oil_boi_minetest Oooof 18:37 oil_boi_minetest I dunno it was just driving me crazy :T 18:40 Krock no because the formspec is saved client-side to not suffer from lags when opening 18:47 oil_boi_minetest Damn :( 18:53 sofar what are you trying to accomplish? 18:58 oil_boi_minetest sofar: Trying to check if the inventory is open on minetest.item_drop, and reverse the default of sneak dropping. As in normal throw single, then sneak drop throws stack, but when I do that when you throw out of the inventory it drops a single item 18:59 sofar ah, yeah, IC 19:00 sofar could add a "drop item" in the default inventory 19:08 oil_boi_minetest That's a good idea :T 19:20 sofar rubenwardy: might consider it for sfinv/mtg, even? 19:22 rubenwardy I'm not sure how "drop item" is supposed to work 19:22 rubenwardy also, with nothing selected you can right click to pick up one item from the stack 19:22 Daisae Has someone played with the Valleys mapgen much? What do you think? 19:23 rubenwardy hmm, nvm - right click halves 19:23 rubenwardy aha! 19:23 rubenwardy to drop a single item, right click rather than left click 19:23 rubenwardy oil_boi_minetest ^ 19:23 sofar just have an inventory slot, if you put anything in it, it would drop the item on the ground 19:24 rubenwardy sofar: not needed at all 19:25 rubenwardy you can drop a single item the same as putting a single item into another slot - but right clicking 19:25 rubenwardy *by 19:25 sofar you mean, right click outside the frame of the inventory formspec? 19:25 rubenwardy yes 19:26 sofar well, I'm sure some UI designer would balk about it :) 19:26 nri cheapie: can you please tell me how to use the digilines touchscreen? 19:27 rubenwardy sofar: it works the same as moving to another slot 19:27 nri or rubenwardy? 19:27 rubenwardy I've not used digilines 19:27 nri oh ok 19:28 cheapie nri: It's easiest if you use TSLib: https://cheapiesystems.com/git/TSLib/tree/tslib.lua 19:29 nri ok thanks cheapie 19:29 cheapie Should be able to paste that in a LuaC, and then below it do "local screen = tslib:new(channel)", then use the (hopefully mostly self-explanatory) functions to add elements, and screen:draw() to send it to the screen. 19:29 rubenwardy is shift used anywhere in the inventory? 19:29 rubenwardy sneak is an in-game action not a formspec action 19:30 cheapie tslib.colorize() is available too and should work much the same as minetest.colorize() as the latter isn't available in a LuaC. 19:31 nri thanks 19:56 Daisae Is there a mod which allows one to place arbitrary images in the game? The more convenient the better. Client side would be good. 19:59 AceNovo Ooo.... 19:59 AceNovo That could go bad quickly 20:00 Daisae I am playing single player. 20:01 AceNovo For single player or a family server like mine, something like mc paintings would be dope 20:35 p_gimeno rubenwardy: shift+click moves stuff from one inventory to another 20:36 rubenwardy ahh yes 20:38 p_gimeno not sure if sneak or shift, haven't tried rebinding sneak 20:39 p_gimeno shift 20:51 kurtzmusch i dont think that texture scalling is beeing utilized for mipmap 20:53 kurtzmusch if i set texture_min_size to 1024 i get really long load time with bilinear/trilinear filtering 20:53 kurtzmusch if i set it to 1024 only with mipmap+aniso i get regualar load time and mipmap are still blurry 20:53 sofar well yeah, don't do that 20:54 kurtzmusch i was expecting to get a good mipmap with upscalling 20:54 kurtzmusch imo mipmap is much better than the other filtering methods 20:54 kurtzmusch but it gets blurry for low res tex 20:55 kurtzmusch ill try to upscale some textures manually and see if that helps 20:55 kurtzmusch sofar: i did that just to push the limit and see how it handles 20:57 p_gimeno does mipmap have any utility for upscaling? 20:58 kurtzmusch i thought it would produce less blurry textures 20:58 kurtzmusch mipmap is killing bright colors to me 20:58 kurtzmusch all grass that should be bright white turns kinda of a yellow-green 20:59 kurtzmusch its more noticeble on grasslike 20:59 p_gimeno AFAIK mipmap use is for textures downscaled to less than 50% their size (as that triggers aliasing) 20:59 kurtzmusch idk if it even happens with regular nodes 21:00 kurtzmusch yes, but downscaling a 254 into 16 would produce better results than from 32 to 16, wouldnt it? 21:01 kurtzmusch 256* 21:01 p_gimeno no, why should it? 21:01 kurtzmusch it says so on the tooltip 21:01 kurtzmusch ; p 21:01 kurtzmusch by mipmap i mean: mipmap + aniso 21:01 p_gimeno which tooltip? 21:02 kurtzmusch texture_min_size 21:02 kurtzmusch advanced search: filtering 21:02 kurtzmusch trilinear is slow and noisy, mipmap is fast and blurry 21:03 kurtzmusch = ( 21:03 kurtzmusch ill try the manual upscale and let you know 21:16 p_gimeno for some reason, I see mipmaps kicking in at a much bigger size than I'd expect (size 64 instead of size 8) 21:23 kurtzmusch it kicks in no matter the texture size as far as i know 21:32 kurtzmusch so i upscaled them manually and i dont know if theres is little diference or just placebo lol 21:39 kurtzmusch na, i guess its pointless to upscale it anyways 22:12 oil_boi_minetest Hmmm I don't understand what's up with particle spawners 22:13 oil_boi_minetest On one axis it's perfect https://i.imgur.com/YmzN6jy.png and on the other it's clipping into the blocks even though only one min and max position is set with no variation https://i.imgur.com/kIrr737.png 22:13 oil_boi_minetest Weird :T 22:14 p_gimeno what's the horizontal velocity and acceleration? 22:16 oil_boi_minetest https://github.com/oilboi/alpha/blob/master/mods/aesthetics/init.lua#L184 p_gimeno 23:12 cimbakahn Can i ask a massively stupid question? 23:12 cimbakahn How do you get out of the helocopter? 23:24 cimbakahn How do i get out of the helocopter? 23:33 p_gimeno the vehicles one? right clicking on the box when it appears should do it 23:35 p_gimeno for the small one, you may need to rotate a bit so until you see the box appear 23:35 p_gimeno -so 23:41 cimbakahn p_gimeno: What box? Are you talking about the transparent box for the helocopter. 23:42 p_gimeno yes the selection box that looks like a wireframe 23:47 cimbakahn p_gimeno: I have tryed all that and more, and i still can't get out of it.