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IRC log for #minetest, 2019-03-03

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00:45 rodskagg @channel. just want to say what a friendly and helpful bunch of people you have here. you have all been incredibly helpful. much appreciated. :)
00:46 rodskagg left #minetest
00:51 paramat yeah it's a good community, probably because it is relatively small. i would dread MT being aspopular as MC
00:51 paramat (as popular)
00:53 Lone-Star paramat: thanks for taking a look at my images, just added a new one. same dirt/grass texture, dif font
01:15 benrob0329 joined #minetest
01:17 paramat ok
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02:27 argyle77 @channel, I'll second what rodskagg said.  Its fun to work on something with people who are excited about making something fun even better.
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10:02 nieweim Hello I need help about player inventory. i need  method on_metadata_inventory_move() or something like this for player inventory (yes i know about register_on_player_receive_fields but is work only  a button )
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11:07 sfan5 nieweim: such callbacks currently do not exist for player inventories, but it's planned
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11:16 nieweim thank you  sfan5
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13:19 jas_ register_on_player_inventory_action? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L3783  or is that not what nieweim was asking for, sfan5?
13:20 sfan5 hmm right
13:20 sfan5 those were added in 5.0, weren't they?
13:20 jas_ yes
13:21 jas_ fair enough ^_^ exciting day
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13:47 Fixer mc has some good communities, you just need to look for right places (it is hard, yeah)
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23:00 MinetestBot [git] nerzhul -> minetest/minetest: Bump android version code 1af248b https://git.io/fhxmU (2019-03-03T22:59:24Z)
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