Time Nick Message 06:16 paramat LMD, MTG has had 3D torches since 0.4.15 and is playable without hostile mobs, not everyone wants to fight mobs. including several subgames has been intended for years 08:49 ANAND Can there be a hud element with scale = {x = -100, y = -100}? 08:49 ANAND i.e. it stretches across the whole screen 08:50 ANAND lua api says that only the x-coordinate is used for positive values, how about negative ones? 08:50 ANAND Lua* :) 15:17 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Make apple log shorter, to be no longer than appletree trunk 13506eca2 https://git.io/fNBmg (152018-07-24T15:14:52Z) 16:34 stinky_tofu Are there any mods similar to computercraft? 16:36 [k00l]shamoanjac digilines? 16:37 [k00l]shamoanjac quick question, is there a C++ terrain generator that takes in a heightmap? I want to generate maps from images 16:44 [k00l]shamoanjac also other question, how do I get plants to grow underground? 16:54 Krock with light sources, ofc 16:55 Krock there's a mod out there that uses the on_generate callback to generate the terrain from an image 16:58 paramat only a meselamp or a mese post light as a non-diagonal neighbour to the plant is bright enough to grow it 17:08 Krock what's the light max? 14? 17:10 paramat yes, 15 is sun 17:11 paramat meselamps are 14 17:56 Stix @paramat just came on to say i (and many players on the ctf server based on complaints against hitboxes being upright at death) 100% support your pr for player hitboxes, as this would resolve players seeking refuge behind dead afk'ers, i hope it makes it into minetest :) 18:12 paramat cool yes i expect it will, thanks 18:16 [k00l]shamoanjac Krock: not working on my server for some reason (the growing plants underground) 18:18 Krock you'd need a node which uses the light level 15 and place it directly above the plant 18:19 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/farming/init.lua#L61 18:19 Krock light level 14 would also work for cotton 18:19 Krock ..and wheat. maybe it also works for the farming_plus plants 18:21 [k00l]shamoanjac ah, ok 18:21 [k00l]shamoanjac thanks 18:21 [k00l]shamoanjac do you remember the name of the mod for heightmap-based generation? 18:25 [k00l]shamoanjac nvm found it 18:35 paramat no node has light 15, mese lights are 14, they need to be a direct face-neighbour to the plant or sapling to work, not a diagonal neighbour 18:36 paramat best place it to the side of the plant, then you can grow 4 plants with one light 18:36 paramat (i mean, no light source node has light 15) 18:40 [k00l]shamoanjac alright 18:54 appinv greetings, how to run the windows version after downloading? 18:55 appinv excuses please mention me while replying if possible 18:55 Out`Of`Control server or client? 18:56 Out`Of`Control appinv: 18:57 appinv client 18:57 Out`Of`Control execute it 18:57 appinv just downloaded the 32 bit file 18:57 appinv how? 18:57 Out`Of`Control run 18:57 appinv i see no exe 18:57 Out`Of`Control extract 18:57 Out`Of`Control what is file name? 18:57 appinv ok ! 18:58 Krock just extract that thingy to your desktop, join the bin/ directory and smash the mouse button twice on that different looking icon 18:58 Out`Of`Control poor mouse 18:59 Krock it's got to suffer 19:03 appinv Krock: there it is, thanks 19:03 appinv Out`Of`Control: thank you 19:04 Krock !next 19:04 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 19:04 appinv i'm a python programmer btw 19:04 appinv getting into minetest for lua 19:05 Krock HHHSssSSsss 19:05 appinv i suppose bugs are to be reported on github 19:06 Krock those which belong to minetest or minetest_game do belong there, yes. 19:06 appinv tk 19:07 Krock but for the former there are 700-ish open issues, so looking out for duplicates is much appreciated 19:10 appinv submitted bug ^^_ 19:10 appinv caught a bug on first launch 19:15 Krock okay, took me three search queries this time to find the duplicate 19:23 appinv ^^_ 19:23 appinv i could not find duplicate at first glance 19:25 appinv lol my issue 7000 the issue 4000 19:31 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest-mods/mesecons: Replace usage of default.LIGHT_MAX with minetest.LIGHT_MAX 13444cd0f https://git.io/fNBKq (152018-07-24T19:30:04Z) 19:37 lsab hi. is there a way to put a lot of items in the chest for my guests to get? 19:54 Natechip lsab: you can hold shift and press left click to quickly move items from inventory to chest 19:54 Natechip or vice-versa 19:56 lsab Natechip: yes I understand, but I want something more fast, in this case I have to put one-to-one 19:57 Natechip lsab: oh sorry then im not sure, maybe a mod has a option like that? 19:58 lsab Natechip: maybe I don't know. I was searching by inventory code of chest, but I have no idea how minetest store this information 23:36 Natechip can someone show me how i can make this: https://pastebin.com/WF0kTFpz revoke a priv from the player? 23:41 Natechip i thought "privs['pr_noob'] = false" was correct 23:44 BillyS Natechip: It needs to be privs['pr_noob'] = ni 23:44 BillyS *nil 23:44 Natechip ahh ok thank you 23:45 BillyS I just ran into that in my code a couple hours ago. :P 23:45 BillyS YOu're welcome