Time Nick Message 01:45 sur3 wow was digging through roof finally fixed in 0.4.17? 02:49 sur3 Is it possible to have a server run multiple maps? Or run multiple worlds that are connected in some way? 02:53 Doyousketch2 A server can run multiple instances, on different ports. you'd want multiple cores on your processor for this 02:54 Doyousketch2 I believe 5.0 will offer different realms, which might be closer to what you're asking for 03:05 Sur3_ ah ok then I'll wait for 5.0 03:07 Sur3_ Also can I set some unpassable map limits on my server? 03:08 Sur3_ *Impassable 03:09 Cornelia Like a world Border? 03:09 Sur3_ yes 03:09 Cornelia I dunno if that's built into the engine or not. :P 03:13 Sur3_ will it be possible to just add new realms to existing 0.4.17 maps? 03:21 Sur3_ Or is there some kind of map manupulation toolkit, that I can for example delete everything outside some area from command line? 03:24 Cornelia The world kinda already has a boundary.. it's a 64k^3.. cube :p 03:24 Cornelia There might be a lua mod for it if it's not built in. 03:29 swift110 sup folks 03:31 Sur3_ ah ok yes but 64x^3 is pretty big, minetestmapper will take endless time to generate a map then, I'd like to regularly generate complete world maps that's why I want to limit the map size ^^ 03:31 Cornelia Well.. I'm sure you could do something with a lua mod. :P 03:32 swift110 Sur3_, what are the specs of the machine you are using to do this? 03:33 Sur3_ atm It's only a Core 2 Duo, but I want to update to Ryzen this or next year 03:35 swift110 So you are able to generate complex world maps on that machine? 03:35 swift110 how much ram do you have? 03:37 Sur3_ yeah last map generated was 20352x30272, but it took a while and most of the area is blank, thats why I want to limit map size, so there is not so much blank space on the map and also because its faster 03:37 swift110 How long did it take Sur3_ 03:38 Sur3_ a few hours I dont know exactly.. 03:40 Sur3_ without player info and scales only half an hour... 03:42 Sur3_ why you asking? 03:46 sur3 btw @VanessaE some nodes in your color.txt I obtained from the wiki were missing: https://pastebin.com/raw/fdXny92N 03:51 sofar Sur3_: mtmapprune may be useful to you 03:52 Sur3_ Here's a scaled down version of my map so you better understand my problem why I want to redurce the map size: https://s8.postimg.cc/ia5wplbwl/Edolas-map-20180621_scaled.jpg 03:53 sofar !g mtmapprune 03:53 sofar Lol 03:55 Sur3_ ahh cool that tool could be usefull thanks, but even better would it be people cant even build outside an area because it hurts to delete players buildings regularly :-/ 04:06 sofar There's mods for that, I'm sure 04:07 Ruslan1 ? ? ? 04:18 sur3 Yeah I suppose it's even ok if there is the 64k^3 map limit as long as players cant dig or build outside a specified smaller area ^^ 04:21 sur3 what would be easier or more performant tho check on every node-placing/digging if its inside the allowed area or to check that the players position is inside some specified area? 05:22 rodskagg if i used some code to delete blocks from the map database would they disappear in the game? or would i have to reload the map? 05:31 AlienCat anyone know if it is possible to setup a proxy with minetest? 05:35 rodskagg if i use sqlite3 to delete blocks from map.sqlite would they disapear in the game? or would i have to reload the map? 05:45 red-001 should depend on whatever the block is loaded when you delete it 05:45 red-001 not certain on that 05:45 rodskagg i'll experiment. 12:40 sur3 is there no kill player function in the api? 12:42 sfan5 you just set the hp to zero 12:42 sur3 oh ok 12:42 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/master/mods/killme/init.lua#L7 12:46 sur3 thx Krock 14:15 Adewl Hello 14:21 Krock hi bye 14:59 est31 hello Krock 15:06 sfan5 est31: you had access to the PPA stuff right? IIRC it's not updated to yet 15:06 est31 yes 15:07 est31 oh there is 15:07 est31 you added another dot? 15:07 est31 amazing 15:07 sfan5 we released with some sorta critical issues 15:07 sfan5 so yes :D 15:08 est31 sfan5: yeah but how I remember the codebase, that requires a non trivial change 15:08 est31 as the minetest version is tracked in the code and has three components everywhere 15:09 sfan5 we just added the .1 the same way version_extra works 15:09 rubenwardy est31: next version will be 5.0.0 15:09 est31 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/6dc7177a5de51f1329c1be04e7f07be64d5cc76c/src/client.cpp#L1277 15:09 rubenwardy well, next feature version 15:09 est31 sfan5: forgot to update ^ 15:10 est31 just grep for VERSION_PATCH 15:10 est31 I'll still update launchpad 15:11 Krock est31, hehe. yes. I tried to contact you the past days but couldn't reach you. However, I don't think that there will be any further dots because it's already a quite minimalistic bugfix 15:11 Krock .. release. 15:12 est31 okay 15:12 Krock thanks for updating already :) 15:13 est31 minetest_game stays the same? 15:14 est31 I assume so 15:14 est31 if not I'll just push -ppa1 or something 15:14 sfan5 no changes to mtg 15:15 est31 okay pressed the buttons: https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+recipe/minetest-stable 15:16 sfan5 thanks 15:18 est31 my IRC connection to freenode is a bit flaky, sorry about that 15:18 est31 github mentions (@est31 bla bla) or IRC PMs on the mozilla IRC network should be a good way to reach me 15:19 sfan5 still connecting over tor? :P 15:20 est31 yeah :p 15:20 est31 I need to manually restart quassel and sometimes tor to get it running again 15:20 rubenwardy <3 quassel-core 15:22 est31 on freenode, sometimes services like nickserv are offline 15:22 est31 then user masks stop working 15:22 est31 tor helps against this 15:23 sfan5 masking IPs is not the primary purpose of cloaks anyway 15:23 est31 right, freenode staff tells you the same 15:24 est31 gnome IRC works very well via tor 15:24 est31 you dont even need an account 15:25 rubenwardy please may someone highlight me 15:26 Fulgen rubenwardy 15:27 * est31 trolls rubenw​ardy 15:27 Krock ‮ydrawnebur 15:30 est31 hi K​r​o​c​k 15:30 est31 unicode zero width spaces are fun :p 15:37 Krock or an Right To Left override plus reversed text -> looks normal again 18:10 Andrey01 hello 18:11 Andrey01 I have a question: does minetest.set_inventory() function exist? Just i need to change current player inventory 18:13 Krock player:get_inventory():set_list("main", {}) clears the main inventory 18:13 paramat see lua_api.txt ;) 18:13 Krock yeah, but where is the question as always. 18:14 Andrey01 Krock: no, i need to add not inventory lists, and sections as for example, "Crafting", "All", "Nodes" in standard inv 18:15 Krock ah, that's sfinv 18:15 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/blob/stable-0.4/game_api.txt#L405 18:15 Krock you can register pages there and maybe also remove them if the tables can be accessed 18:16 Krock note that the API for other, additional inventory mods are quite different 18:17 Andrey01 Oh, i didn`t know games_api.txt is, except lua_api.txt 18:17 Krock Andrey01, game_api.txt is for minetest_game (and its mods) only 18:17 Krock whereas lua_api.txt is for the minetest core features, i.e. the main API 18:22 rubenwardy Andrey01: https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/chapters/sfinv.html 18:24 Andrey01 thanks 18:30 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Biome API: Fix absent water decorations and dust, in deep water (#7470) 138d3190e https://git.io/flFAn (152018-06-21T18:28:54Z) 18:33 ManElevation_ i dont get this part.... were do i put this command? 18:33 ManElevation_ https://image.ibb.co/nh5aAT/Capture.png 18:34 Krock into your terminal 18:34 ManElevation_ i know but it dosent work 18:34 Krock [Win] + [T] or might have another shortcut 18:34 Krock without the $. it says that you sold run it as regular user, not root. 18:34 Krock s/sold/should/ 18:36 ManElevation_ this is what is get https://image.ibb.co/mfaWjo/Capture.png 18:36 ManElevation_ why do i get permision denied? 18:37 ManElevation_ i tried using the su command but still no 18:38 Andrey01 I get an error when i am trying to register inventory page (sfinv.register_page()): attempt to index global 'sfinv' (a nil value) 18:39 rubenwardy Depends on it 18:39 rubenwardy Lol 18:39 Andrey01 ah, i forgot 18:40 ManElevation_ can anyone help me with this? https://image.ibb.co/mfaWjo/Capture.png 18:44 ManElevation_ and i tried also doing it by root but it still dosent work https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/369137254641303560/459428114687066112/unknown.png?width=960&height=677 18:45 Krock how did you install Minetest? 18:47 ManElevation_ i did #sudo apt-get install minetest 18:49 Krock I'm amazed how up to date it is 18:50 ManElevation_ so still cant get this working can help? 18:52 Krock minetestserver is most likely in /usr/bin/ together with all other binaries 18:53 Andrey01 how to do new section to display in other place (for example, after "Items" section)? It displays only after "Crafting" section. 18:53 rubenwardy Minetest --server 18:56 rubenwardy Andrey01: you'll need to change the order of things in sfinv.unordered_pages 18:56 rubenwardy I forget the exact name 19:00 Andrey01 What should the table contain? 19:00 Andrey01 what are values? 19:04 Andrey01 i mean what are values should "sfinv.pages_unordered" contain? 19:10 ManElevation_ whats the ipconfig command for the terminal? 19:12 Krock You'd have saved 2 minutes by googling it. ifconfig 19:17 ManElevation_ what ip do i use as the address? 19:17 ManElevation_ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/369137254641303560/459436652910346251/unknown.png 19:17 ManElevation_ ifconfig dint work i did ip addr show 19:18 sfan5 anything beginning with fe80:: is not a global ip address btw 19:18 sfan5 so just ignore those 19:19 ManElevation_ ok 19:20 ManElevation_ so witch one should i use? 19:20 sfan5 keep it the way it was before 21:03 riff-IRC Cleaning my main computer 22:12 embden Hello, my nephew is 11 y.o. and he saw a lot of video about minecraft (but he can't buy it). Today, I've installed a minetest for him on his win10 machine. And he was very glad. And he also start to play on some servers like Subgames and Survival X. But on most of the servers he just didn't know what to do. I am not a big fan of mincraft ot minetest but could you help with advice: 22:12 embden How to make this game more interesting for him? 22:12 embden Is there any faq? 22:33 sur3 he could probably try the skyblocks server.. 22:34 sur3 that gives a small tutorial over 10 levels or so 22:36 sur3 I suppose there are other more nativ tutorial servers too, but I dont know them 22:38 sur3 embden, I suppose most people are also helpfull if you ask them in-game, is he native english speaker? 22:39 embden sur3, no he is Russian and doesn't know English almost at all 22:40 sur3 ahh ok I had a few russians on my server too, so if he is on one of the bigger servers with >10 people onlien there are probably also some russians ^^ 22:43 sur3 just keep in mind servers can be very different, so there are serrvers with lots of fighting and others with mining and building only, and also servers where you dont even have to mine but can just build about everything 22:44 sur3 so if he doesnt want to mine or fight it's probably good to start with a creative server where you just can built everything 22:56 sur3 Whathe, I just ready 0.4.x clients will be incompatible with 5.x servers? is there no fallback to old protocol for old clients for a transition phase at least??