Time Nick Message 00:51 cimbakahn shivajiva, Can Sketch2 get interact? 03:09 Miner123 Is there any kind of link between the Minetest development goals and the wiki? The wiki seems to look like a very tech type wiki would look. I realise Minetest is still in development so that's why I ask. If there is a link between the look and feel of the wiki, site, forums, chat (and any other way of getting through to the and user) and the development of Minetest then you may be able to sync the look and feel of the communication media with the type o 03:09 Miner123 That was long. Should I be posting it on the forum? 03:12 Miner123 *end user 03:20 blaise lol 03:47 blaise anyone have any idea how to remove a digtron that I can't touch without crashing the server? 03:52 Miner123 blaise: I saw a flame thrower in a promotional video 03:55 Miner123 Wasn't kidding about the wiki - development link. 03:55 Miner123 Remember the: "have you tried turning it off and on again" idea. Maybe the most important thing when dealing with end users. 03:56 Miner123 sorry, the communication channels - development link 04:02 blaise if you ever have a tech support guy ask if you've tried turning it on and off again, then you're talking to someone that probably knows less about it than you do. 04:12 Miner123 :) 04:13 Miner123 Sure 04:17 Sketch2 hey, like 3 servers went down at the same time? 04:18 Sketch2 maybe coincidence, but blaise, stormchaser3000, and shivajiva all look empty all of a sudden to me 04:19 Miner123 Communication is like trying to tell someone standing at a rock concert right next to the speakers that their shoe lace is undone while you're holding up someone who has just stage dived... 04:19 Miner123 Geez I sound like I'm trying to be a jedi master when I'm actually a kid lying in a crib 04:19 Sketch2 yea, I dunno nevermind 04:20 Miner123 empty? 04:20 Sketch2 the one did, the others may have been from natural causes 04:21 Sketch2 no need for alarm. was just unexpected 04:28 Miner123 tks 07:58 noobie_ Hey! just downloaded the game for osx using brew. But... how do I get the game going? 08:08 lumberJ hey noobie_ where are you stuck? 08:08 lumberJ main menu? 08:09 noobie_ nope, can't even get the gane running. istallation worked fine... but what do i type to get it started? 08:10 lumberJ its been a while since i tried the homebrew install, but i thought it gives you an icon in applications 08:10 lumberJ if you search minetest? nothing? 08:11 noobie_ I thought it would too... search does nothing... 08:11 noobie_ if I try to re-install it says it is already there so that part is all good it seems.. 08:11 lumberJ let me look around here and see if i can find some info for you 08:12 noobie_ thanks a lot lumberj! 08:14 lumberJ did you use this process to install: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=9190 ? 08:15 lumberJ brew install minetest? 08:16 lumberJ brew linkapps? 08:19 lumberJ noobie_ ^ 08:19 noobie_ bre install minetest is done... trying the brew linkapps 08:20 noobie_ YAY!! I have an app there now. Awesome. Thank you so much! 08:20 lumberJ sure, what version of minetest does that give you, noobie_ ? 08:21 lumberJ just wondering how up to date it is 08:21 noobie_ That line should really be included on the getting started page on the wiki 08:21 lumberJ give me the link where you got your info 08:21 noobie_ 0.4.16 08:21 lumberJ if its minetest wiki i can edit it 08:22 lumberJ sweet, that is the latest stable version so you should be good to go to join most servers 08:22 noobie_ I looked at the minetest wiki but the installation gudie ends after telling you to use the brew install minetest 08:22 noobie_ nice... thank you again for helping me out! 08:23 lumberJ np, enjoy and feel free to drop in irc if you have any questions. 08:23 lumberJ there are usually plenty of knowledgeable people around 08:25 noobie_ Thanks, I just might... =) 10:01 MinetestBot 02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: c_converter: Function template for numeric fields, add v3s16 default … 13ebbd158 https://git.io/vA9mN (152018-03-03T09:59:43Z) 10:01 MinetestBot 02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: Slippery: Simplify, make more efficient (#7086) 13a1cf8a1 https://git.io/vA9mA (152018-03-03T09:59:14Z) 10:01 MinetestBot 02[git] 04numberZero -> 03minetest/minetest: Cleanup in flat lighting (#7051) 13f5fd4a0 https://git.io/vA9mx (152018-03-03T09:58:45Z) 11:25 Roger9 The Google Play store keeps recommending Ugandan Knuckles apps to me 11:25 Roger9 it also thinks I need to relearn how to program 11:26 Krock listen to it. the AI must be correct 11:48 rud0lf google knows the wae? 15:47 Sketch2 mornin' all 18:15 OutOfHecks https://a.uguu.se/J6PG3HMPcPvZ_tiles.jpg ha ha 18:16 rubenwardy Server not found 18:16 OutOfHecks odd 18:17 OutOfHecks how am I supposed to brag if my links don't work 18:18 OutOfHecks try copying it without the evil laugh 18:18 sfan5 rubenwardy: fix your dns 18:18 OutOfHecks that too 18:18 rubenwardy works now 18:19 rubenwardy my DNS is fine 18:21 OutOfHecks so minetest supports tilesets and that makes me happy 18:21 OutOfHecks now if only there was true palette support 18:40 OutOfHecks Is there any way I can make connects_to work with every node, besides giving every solid node a group? 18:42 rubenwardy you probably don't want that 18:42 rubenwardy ie: you probably don't want it connecting to air or a liquid 18:42 OutOfHecks which is why I said, "solid" 18:43 rubenwardy the answer is no, anywar 18:43 OutOfHecks well then solid group it is 18:43 OutOfHecks or, making the slabs buildable_to but that's dumb in its own way 18:44 OutOfHecks https://a.uguu.se/B5Jfc4ODvgJY_buildable.jpg 18:45 OutOfHecks somewhat plausible with dirt but making holes in stone with something like a sign, that's odd 20:06 heyx3 Hai 20:08 heyx3 Does anyone know if InchraNet is down or not? 20:09 rubenwardy it's down forever 20:10 heyx3 Oh ok sad to here that but eh atleast other irc servers are up 20:16 Roger9 virtual fish-eye lens efects are under-used in 3D video games 20:17 sfan5 blub blub imma fishy 20:18 Roger9 sfan5: it allows you to play games such as FPSes at fields of view approaching 180 and even beyond without as much distortion 20:22 Roger9 sfan5: https://tinyurl.com/yam8moo9 is a picture taken with what people call the "Panini projection". it has a horizontal field of view of 220 degrees, which would be an impossibility normally 20:23 paramat in motion it may be nauseating though 20:25 Roger9 it's not bad, might need a *little* bit of getting used to but I've heard people get motion-sick playing any 3d game 20:25 paramat but then, i can't even cope with view-bobbing :] 20:25 Roger9 eh, I barely notice view-bobbing 20:25 Roger9 I used to have car-sickness but it was mainly due to the heat inside the car as opposed to motion 22:51 Roger9 I just had a concept for a programmable sign, but realized it was just an LCD screen 23:06 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Gennotify: Add 'minetest.get_decoration_id' API 1348493a9 https://git.io/vA99C (152018-03-03T23:00:08Z) 23:06 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Generate Notifier: Clear events once after all 'on generated' functions 1307622bf https://git.io/vA99W (152018-03-03T22:59:49Z) 23:06 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Gael-de-Sailly -> 03minetest/minetest: MapgenValleys: Fixed submarine valleys shape 13b952d42 https://git.io/vA99l (152018-03-03T22:59:26Z) 23:13 swift110 hey all 23:24 ThomasMonroe hey swift110