Time Nick Message 00:45 dogetest https://imgur.com/a/zq1uh 02:06 dogetest https://www.reddit.com/r/Minetest/comments/7rn5x3/dogetestdogeworld_much_better/ 02:18 blaise dogetest: so, I can dig up a bunch of blocks and sell them for dogecoin? 02:20 blaise something doesn't sound right 02:21 blaise am I somehow generating dogecoin on my machine when I connect to this server with the dogeworld game? 02:31 dogetest blaise: fisrt yes, second no 02:31 blaise okay, so ... 02:32 blaise when I create an account on the server I go to the ATM and what.. enter in my wallet address? 02:34 dogetest no, just the nick 02:34 dogetest of receiver 02:35 dogetest https://imgur.com/KIbwYBy 03:23 blaise dogetest: so, they're not real dogecoins? 03:24 blaise dogetest: so, they're not real dogecoins? 03:25 blaise you just decided to call your new in game minetest currency dogecoin, even though there is already something called dogecoin 03:25 dogetest its real dogecoin 03:25 blaise like, copyrighted and trademarked as dogecoin.. cryptographic currency 03:25 dogetest but your question is ambiguous, because dogecoin itself has some "fake" coins 03:26 dogetest yes, youll need a full node to run that 03:26 dogetest full dogecoin cryptocurrency node 03:26 blaise uhm, node? 03:26 blaise you mean a wallet? 03:26 dogetest fullnode 03:26 blaise you mean masternode? 03:26 dogetest yes, the core one 03:26 * blaise facepalms 03:27 dogetest what? 03:27 blaise seems like you either don't speak english or haven't been involved with blockchain very long 03:27 blaise or maybe both 03:28 dogetest really? why? 03:28 blaise okay, so where are these coins coming from? 03:28 blaise because unless you're some kind of generous millionair, the coins have to be minted 03:29 dogetest what you talking about? 03:29 blaise and I'm pretty sure no one is going to buy coins just to give them away 03:29 dogetest the coins Im offering? or the coins that will be used by server owners when running the subgame? 03:30 blaise coins have to be cryptographicly hashed out, or bought 03:30 blaise both? 03:30 dogetest I've been tipped 03:30 blaise like, with pudding? or cotton? 03:30 dogetest first 03:31 dogetest second, initial could be provided by owner, but he could let for players to deposit it 03:31 blaise ok, so the minetest server which has dogeworld game will be running a dogecoin masternode in the background mining? 03:32 dogetest dont need to mine 03:32 artimax Im trying to grasp what the draw of doing this is 03:32 blaise so where would the coin come from? 03:33 blaise becuase of the server admin has to front all these coins in trade for VIRTUAL mined up blocks in a game it could get very expencive very fast 03:33 dogetest what? 03:33 dogetest did u read my answer? 03:34 blaise yeah, you said the coins have to come from the server owner 03:34 blaise people arent going to sink money in to the game.. not like this 03:34 dogetest dont have to, but probably 03:34 artimax why would players spend memecoins for things when there are free servers? 03:34 blaise artimax: they wouldn't.. it's insanity 03:35 blaise that's the whole point of minetest.. that and java can suck a d**k 03:35 artimax Its already such a niche part of the mine* world 03:35 artimax lolol 03:36 dogetest first, players could be attracted to the possibility of earning doges 03:36 blaise minetest is free opensource and coded in C/CPP 03:36 dogetest second, server owners could profit honestly 03:36 blaise no one, no one 03:37 dogetest denial 03:37 blaise I'm glad you finally see the light. 03:37 blaise lol 03:37 blaise it doesn't matter what coin you use 03:38 blaise dashpay would be a better choice... dogecoin ... is not expected to thrive, lets say.. 03:39 Elon_Satoshi[m] what would kill dogecoin? 03:39 blaise the dogecoin is a pump'n'dump... it was programmed that way 03:39 blaise Elon_Satoshi[m]: Elon Munsk/Satoshi ?@! 03:39 Elon_Satoshi[m] pump n' dump? 03:40 blaise yeah, never heard the term? 03:40 Elon_Satoshi[m] no 03:40 blaise it's like purposely building a bubble industry just to invest early and pull out on top.. 03:41 blaise aka pump'n'dump 03:41 dogetest so? 03:42 blaise invest, pump up to proper inflation, sell out before you end up homeless with people chasing you through the streets with rusty objects and torches 03:42 blaise which might could still happen depending on how many people you screwed over 03:42 blaise it's a scam... 03:42 dogetest sounds fun 03:43 blaise k, good luck 03:43 dogetest are you afraid of what? 03:43 Elon_Satoshi[m] but why should dogecoin have to crash after someone invests in it? 03:43 blaise it doesn't have to 03:43 Elon_Satoshi[m] nobody controls dogecoin 03:43 blaise most of these little coins were ment to though 03:44 blaise like litecoin.. it was never ever even ment to last 03:44 Elon_Satoshi[m] How? 03:44 Elon_Satoshi[m] I thought they were meant to deflate 03:44 dogetest I feel this discussion is pointless. Ive choosen dogecoin just because it's fun and minetest is a game 03:45 blaise the issue is you're monetizing gameplay of something that will always be free to the player 03:45 Elon_Satoshi[m] Tbh dogecoin is not fun when I have no hard drive space, slow internet, and multidoge sucks majorly 03:45 blaise lol 03:45 dogetest dont multidoge 03:45 blaise how about don't doge at all 03:46 Elon_Satoshi[m] I don't. :/ 03:46 dogetest alternative? 03:46 blaise me either 03:46 Elon_Satoshi[m] I did once. I kinda wish I had stuck with it lol, it's been rising. 03:46 blaise how about minegeld? 03:46 Elon_Satoshi[m] (I have bitcoin). 03:46 blaise it already exists and is incredible! 03:46 Elon_Satoshi[m] Is minegeld a cryptocurrency or a minetest resource? 03:46 Elon_Satoshi[m] Ohh it's those minetest bills isn't it? 03:47 blaise it's a currency mod for minetest 03:47 Elon_Satoshi[m] Ah I remember 03:47 blaise there are several currency mods, I like minegeld the best though 03:47 Elon_Satoshi[m] I mean, you could also try having dogecoin in minetest. You know it's okay to monetise free software, right? 03:48 blaise I'm not really sure about that 03:48 Elon_Satoshi[m] That's one of the four freedoms, being able to sell. (Just as long as you don't close up the source) 03:48 blaise I think he cant sell it... 03:48 Elon_Satoshi[m] For instance, you can sell Gnu/Linux CDs 03:48 blaise yeah, but your just selling the cd, not the contents 03:49 blaise so you can't charge for the conents only the media 03:49 dogetest the legallity will depend on your jurisdiction 03:49 blaise look, I guess you can do what ever you like on your minetest server 03:50 dogetest exactly 03:50 dogetest 100% its more free than minecraft 03:50 blaise if you want to sell real money for fake virtual materials go ahead 03:50 Elon_Satoshi[m] yes that's definitely true 03:50 dogetest blaise: you are spreading FUD 03:50 blaise fud? 03:51 blaise fuddy duddy?? 03:51 dogetest players wont be allowed to withdraw 03:51 blaise oh, well fuck that then 03:51 blaise lmao 03:51 dogetest at least not automatically 03:51 blaise if I cant buy doge with my 30 stacks of diamonds and mese then who cares 03:52 blaise because I would most definitly swap out the doge coins for dashpay 03:52 dogetest You can, but just like a faucet there should be a threshold 03:52 blaise and happily pay my rent just mining on your server all day 03:52 dogetest for withdrawl 03:52 blaise so it's a scam... 03:53 dogetest sure, my code is scam 03:53 blaise wtf, no 03:53 blaise not the code 03:53 blaise the idea 03:53 dogetest well, there are flaws 03:53 blaise you want investors to come buy materials with their doge coin 03:54 blaise to play on your server 03:54 dogetest yes, playesr got have their money stolen by server owners 03:54 dogetest players could* 03:54 blaise and I bet you have no limit on how much a person can dump into the server 03:55 blaise but they can only pull out a little every 24 hours? 03:55 dogetest Its not a full exchange solution 03:55 dogetest lol 03:55 blaise then it's not feasable 03:55 dogetest youre hard 03:55 blaise I'm honest 03:55 dogetest I like it 03:56 blaise atleast you're not pushing that menaro or what ever it's called 03:56 dogetest you may receive any amount, since its dogecoin. and only send what you want 03:57 dogetest the server owner owns everyone wallets 03:57 blaise you know people programmed games to mine while playing? and people had no idea and were playing these games ? 03:57 dogetest just like most exchanges 03:57 blaise those are called scams, not exchanges 03:57 blaise and I run my own wallet.. 03:58 blaise none of those web based scam houses 03:58 blaise an exchange is where you sell your coins for items, goods, or other coins... 03:59 blaise if you don't host your own wallet you've ventured into uber crazyhorse territory 03:59 blaise and should be promptly slapped every minute of every day with a large trout 04:00 blaise becuase you think you have coins, but you don't 04:00 blaise someone else has your coins 04:00 blaise lmao 04:01 blaise "oh here, random stranger.. hold all my money.." 04:01 blaise pfft, screw that insanity 04:02 blaise no one in there right mind would do that 04:03 blaise the only way someone would use a cloud based wallet is if they didn't understand what cryptographic currency even is.. 04:03 blaise and people that are stupid enough to invest money in something they don't understand most certanly deserve to part with it 04:04 dogetest well, lots of people do it. and if youre placing your money into a minetest server that is why you allowed yourself to risk it 04:04 blaise the only money I've invested in minetest is the virtual private server I host it on.. 04:04 blaise which suits me just fine 04:04 dogetest blaise: exactly, by introducing minetest players to dogecoin we'll be educating them 04:05 blaise yeah, after the heist, right? 04:05 blaise the edumacation comes when the server vanishes 04:05 blaise lmao 04:05 dogetest when they need to set up their wallets for withdraw 04:05 dogetest I laughed too 04:06 blaise sounds like mtgox 04:06 dogetest but much smaller 04:07 blaise mfers got away with billions 04:07 dogetest I hope to bring more secutiry, but I'm just starting 04:07 blaise BILLIONS 04:07 dogetest but many also didn't 04:07 blaise and if anyone, ANYONE ever finds them.. they'll get killed 04:08 blaise people lost their entire life savings at mtgox 04:08 blaise lots of people 04:09 blaise I think like 3% of china killed themselves over the loss 04:13 blaise dogetest: so what happends if someone finds a way to rip the server off and sell all their doge ? 04:14 dogetest then you may say you got hacked 04:14 blaise pfft 04:22 dogetest sorry, just couldnt miss 04:30 dogetest A question that came to my mind is how to sell dogecoins through minetest servers 04:30 dogetest paypal? 04:30 dogetest a in-game exchange? 04:31 dogetest imagine children buying dogecoin with credit cards through minetest 04:45 dogetest minetest servers* 04:51 swift110-phone_ Oh wow 05:48 blaise I'm extremely certain that it is against the ula of any credit card company to have their clients be under the age of 18 05:49 blaise further more it is starting to seem like your wanting little kiddies to steal their parents credit cards and buy dogecoin to blunder on your server 05:50 dogetest plz, dont take me too serious. 05:51 dogetest I do not have a server and even if I had their parents could buy it anyway 05:53 blaise just seems like your trying to weasel a scam out of minetest somehow and have dogecoin involved 05:53 blaise dogecoin being the primary transport method for you payday 05:53 dogetest most western democracies arent democracies 05:54 blaise wtf does that have to do with the price of tea in china? 05:54 blaise we arent talking politics 05:54 blaise we 05:54 blaise we're talking about moral ambiguity, 05:55 blaise and potentially criminal behavior 05:55 blaise in france this would definitly be a jailable offence.. 05:55 blaise and several countries would gladly extridite you 05:55 dogetest I dont blame you to be aware, but to be FUDed 05:55 dogetest which crime? 05:56 blaise their laws are quite a bit more strict than in most countries 05:56 dogetest sure, Im a criminal by simply being western 05:57 blaise western? 05:57 blaise in what sence? like need for speed western? or butch casidy and the sundance kids western? 05:57 dogetest yeah 05:57 dogetest like west from greenwich 05:58 blaise pfft fuck that ass fuckery 05:58 blaise i don't even care where your from 05:58 dogetest I really like your humor 05:58 blaise a con man is a con man is a con man 05:59 dogetest I would tip you if I could 05:59 blaise I don't care if he's trying to sell you your mothers 30 year old breast milk or a car that couldn't pull out of a parking lot 05:59 dogetest what? 05:59 blaise exactly 06:00 blaise the context of both of those things are very far from themselves 06:00 blaise but both are wrong 06:01 blaise while selling you your own mothers rotten breast milk is probably perfectly legal, it's gross, and moraly wrong 06:01 blaise and selling you a crap lemon car is also wrong, it's illegal in most states in the us 06:01 dogetest so it is selling dogecoins? 06:02 blaise no, you're not selling dogecoin 06:02 blaise you're selling virtual 1 meter square blocks of material in a computer game 06:03 dogetest is it illegal? 06:03 blaise anyone can buy dogecoin anywhere 06:03 blaise no, but there's no demand 06:03 dogetest good for us 06:03 dogetest oh 06:03 blaise actually it, might could be illegal 06:04 blaise you would have to hire an atturney and have him look in to it 06:04 blaise but that's not the point 06:04 blaise why would they want to buy fake dirt and stone? 06:05 blaise esp when the server is not in their posession and they have no way to ensure the data will survive? 06:05 dogetest they buy dollars 06:05 blaise and they could easily just run the game in local mode and store it on a flash drive 06:05 dogetest they do facebook 06:05 Elon_Satoshi[m] people buy data that can be easily copied even though it's illegal, but hard to force, and they buy pet rocks, why not buy fake dirt and stone? 06:06 dogetest I cant host it myself for example 06:06 dogetest so, hosting is a legitimate service 06:06 blaise then what in the actual fsck are you even doing 06:06 blaise lmao 06:06 dogetest owners should be paid 06:06 blaise like me 06:06 dogetest yes 06:06 blaise I host my server and you think I should get money for it? 06:07 Elon_Satoshi[m] Say, why not just have people pay to be allowed access to a minetest server? 06:07 dogetest yes 06:07 dogetest lets team up 06:07 blaise Elon_Satoshi[m]: because that would make too much sense 06:07 blaise he wants to charge per squre meter of material 06:08 dogetest blaise: thats not exact 06:08 blaise probably charge more for more valuable stuff like gold or mese 06:08 blaise and diamon 06:08 blaise d 06:08 dogetest thats for sure 06:08 blaise pfft 06:08 blaise ok ok ok 06:08 blaise look 06:08 dogetest https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/7rmzxi/the_ends_beginning/ 06:08 blaise say I have a hobby, and it's garden model railroading 06:09 blaise true story mind you 06:09 Elon_Satoshi[m] dogetest: what could i do to support your cause with my slow laggy internet, and inability to use my computer as a server either by the authority of my ISP or my ignorance? 06:09 blaise and i have 3 acres of land that I put my blood sweat and tears into... 06:09 blaise and people tell me they wanna pay to tour my layout 06:09 dogetest Elon_Satoshi[m]: Im at the same situation, but can your server go public? 06:09 Elon_Satoshi[m] if I could make a minetest server, I'd be happily sharing my singleplayer worlds with friends 06:09 blaise i don't mind so I set up $1.00 cover charge and a gate 06:10 blaise that is as far as I go with monitization 06:10 Elon_Satoshi[m] dogetest: like i said, i'm either too stupid to be a minetest server or my isp blocks it 06:11 blaise I might raise the cost but I'm not going to start charging for each individual item viewed, catch my drift? 06:11 Elon_Satoshi[m] besides my internet is so slow i can't even load the serverlist except at midnight or when the bill is paid 06:11 dogetest lets see 06:11 blaise Elon_Satoshi[m]: you could rent a vps 06:11 Elon_Satoshi[m] and when it is fast enough, and i can connect to a server, there is still little happiness for me because of the 1000 millisecond lag 06:11 blaise Elite-Epochs: or you could get a free shell account.... they're everywhere 06:12 Elon_Satoshi[m] yeah i have no money my mom controls it all 06:12 blaise oh, I'm sorry to hear that 06:12 dogetest free shells doesnt allow for dogecoin and minetest 06:12 blaise I don't have one of those 06:12 blaise dogetest: no shit 06:13 blaise dogetest: no hosting provider is going to allow any cryptographic coin service 06:13 blaise like, 06:13 blaise NONE 06:13 dogetest performance isnt a problem 06:13 dogetest its just for the fun 06:13 blaise it's too much traffic man 06:13 blaise you'll never get any transactions down 06:13 Elon_Satoshi[m] argue argue argue 06:13 dogetest blaise: stop FUDing 06:13 dogetest for your health 06:14 blaise it'll cost more in data than the coin transfer is worth 06:14 dogetest you didnt get it right 06:14 Elon_Satoshi[m] can you prove that experimentally? 06:14 blaise what is this "FUD" you speak of? 06:14 dogetest prove what? 06:14 dogetest me? 06:14 Elon_Satoshi[m] it stands for fear, uncertainty, doubt 06:14 blaise I can prove that a transaction itself costs 06:14 blaise let alone the data 06:15 Elon_Satoshi[m] has dogecoin's transaction fee gone up just like bitcoin's? 06:15 blaise they always add in a fee for transaction workload or it wouldn't be worth running masternodes 06:15 blaise it's not as bad but it definitly exists 06:16 dogetest we arent going to send all transactions 06:16 dogetest just when real money needs to get out or in 06:16 blaise then what's the point? 06:16 dogetest in this sense, the balance the players sees is fake 06:16 Elon_Satoshi[m] dogetest: what do you want blaise to do for you? and how will it benefit him? 06:17 blaise without the transaction profits the node wont even pay it's own bills much less make a profit from your minetest plan 06:17 Elon_Satoshi[m] i hope you guys don't mind if i try to help mediate this thing which in the end i won't have anything to do with, i'm bored 06:17 dogetest Elon_Satoshi[m]: well, we are in a battle and he seens to be a server owner, so.... 06:17 blaise it's not a battle 06:18 Elon_Satoshi[m] a battle? over what? 06:18 blaise look, if you wanna charge for access to your minetest server that's fine 06:18 dogetest blaise: dogecoin have accounts and addresses 06:18 blaise but I'm serious about the per item sales, it's not going to work 06:18 blaise i don't care what currency you use 06:19 blaise if you wanna charge blowjobs for access to your server that's you're buisness 06:19 dogetest you may send money through your accounts without spending your addresses 06:19 dogetest dogecoin even allows for negative balances 06:19 blaise but you won't get blowjobs selling one unit of dirt, diamond, or mese 06:20 blaise you MIGHT get a blowjob or two with a cover charge.. or a monthly subscription 06:20 blaise which is basicly what microsoft did with minecraft and realms 06:21 dogetest there is hope 06:21 blaise so if you wanna have your own minecraft realms server without using realms and minecraft, then good luck 06:22 blaise this reminds me of the movie dumber and dumber 06:22 blaise I mean dumb and dumber 06:22 dogetest thanks 06:22 blaise remember when Jim Carry was asking the chick what his chances were? 06:23 dogetest go to #dogecoin and I may tip you dome doges 06:23 dogetest some* 06:23 blaise I don't take dogecoin.... 06:24 blaise thanks though 06:25 dogetest Elon_Satoshi[m]: when u said to prove. what was you talking? 06:27 Elon_Satoshi[m] never mind 06:28 Elon_Satoshi[m] it would be nice to use dogecoin as an in-game currency though. (especially if it was decentralized and nobody was centrally gaining from it lol) 06:29 dogetest everyone wins 06:29 dogetest players and owners 06:30 blaise 1kDOGE = $8.62 USD 06:30 blaise so like, 06:30 dogetest the cheaper the better 06:30 * blaise rips his face off and throws it across the room 06:30 Elon_Satoshi[m] so 1 doge = 0.862 cents 06:30 blaise no 06:30 dogetest if it was bitcoin? 06:31 blaise 1DOGE is $0.00862 06:31 Elon_Satoshi[m] you guys do realize it doesn't matter how much 1.0 of a cryptocurrency is worth, right? 06:31 blaise eight one hundredths 06:31 dogetest I did choose dogecoin because of its price and concept 06:32 dogetest which I feel relates to minetest 06:32 blaise Elon_Satoshi[m]: yeah, untill you own some and something happends 06:32 Elon_Satoshi[m] yeah, doge having units of small value is good for gaming 06:32 blaise and then you either wanna celebrate, or kill yourself 06:32 dogetest it's still nice to play with integers 06:33 dogetest instead of fractions 06:33 blaise so what's up with that monaro coin? 06:33 dogetest thats why dogecoin 06:33 Elon_Satoshi[m] blaise: that's my point, it's how the price changes that matters, not how much 1.0 is 06:33 blaise you mean decimals? 06:33 blaise Elite-Epochs: indeed 06:33 dogetest any coin with a JSONRPC API should work 06:34 Elon_Satoshi[m] why are you calling me Elite-Epochs? 06:34 blaise I managed to generate about 19k bitcoins WAY back in the day before it was even heard of anywhere 06:34 blaise I think it was about where doge is now 06:34 blaise the difficulty was pathetic.. all cpu mined 06:34 Elon_Satoshi[m] wtf, are you super rich or is it lost in an old computer with a forgotten password? 06:35 Elon_Satoshi[m] wow, that's a lot of bitcoins 06:35 blaise Elon_Satoshi[m]: sorry, nick completion 06:35 Elon_Satoshi[m] erm okay 06:35 blaise Elon_Satoshi[m]: I'm too scared to sell any of it.. afraid the government will put me in prison 06:37 blaise it's a scary situation 06:37 blaise I mean, the law currently is that bitcoin is not fiat so you cant tax it like an income 06:38 blaise but there are horror stories 06:38 blaise people sell out and nobody ever hears from them again 06:39 blaise my nabor mined a good bit too back then and when he sold up some of what he had they came and nabbed him up in a blacked out van 06:39 blaise his wife and kids still live there but nobody has heard or seen him since 06:40 dogetest well, thats a point 06:40 blaise like, I dont wanna die... 06:40 dogetest but spreading crytpos is the best way to reduce this kind of situation 06:40 Elon_Satoshi[m] holy cow 06:41 Elon_Satoshi[m] that's depressing 06:42 blaise but who's to know if it was the government, or maybe some people in IT that managed to track the wallet traffic from the block chain back to his house some how and are trying to torcher him for the location and passphrase of the wallet? 06:42 blaise when you start talking about millions, or even tens of billions of dollars... 06:42 dogetest still FUD 06:43 blaise people get real weird real quick 06:43 dogetest lets hope for the best 06:43 blaise what is FUD ? 06:43 Elon_Satoshi[m] fear uncertainty doubt 06:43 blaise lol 06:44 dogetest lets rock that dogecoin mod 06:44 blaise I'm sure you'll find someone eventually 06:44 blaise if I do something like that I would use something a bit more anonymous 06:44 red-001 I mean they can tax your income from the bitcoin if you have something like capital gains tax 06:45 blaise dash has offline mixing... kind of important in the whole transaction masking thing 06:45 blaise red-001: yeah, and I don't actually have that kind of money 06:46 dogetest pick a coin 06:46 blaise i have those kinds of btc, but unless you sell them they're not worth USD 06:46 dogetest dash? 06:46 dogetest let me see 06:46 blaise dash, yes.. 06:46 blaise it used to be called darkcoin 06:46 dogetest woow 06:46 blaise but they didn't want people to think it was sinister 06:47 blaise it's not tracable though 06:47 dogetest and you whining at dogecoin 06:47 blaise if I do sell off any btc i will convert it to dash first 06:47 red-001 why so? 06:48 blaise eh, idk 06:48 dogetest maybe you should diversify a little 06:48 blaise I'm still trying to figure out how to do it with out it showing up on their radar.. 06:49 red-001 huh interesting you would pay less in taxes if you are in the US if you invest for longer periods of time 06:49 blaise with dashpay , say you use a dashcard at a coke machine 06:49 red-001 assuming it wouldn't fail like most projects do 06:50 blaise the sum of the required funds get fractioned up from thousands of wallet addresses to one main addresss and transfered over in the transaction 06:50 blaise that wallet address is never used again... blacklisted 06:51 blaise so I guess I could somehow buy a bunch of prepaid visa cards? IDK 06:52 red-001 I mean if this is your plan to keep your bitcoin cash out annoyism, I think talking about it really is the weak link in the chain 06:53 red-001 anonymous* 06:53 blaise it's safe 06:53 blaise it's in a hand written wallet in a safe burried somewhere 06:54 blaise there's no way I can be caught with it 06:54 blaise there's several copies actually 06:56 dogetest Ill be back later 06:56 dogetest https://github.com/dogetest/dogeworld 07:01 red-001 blaise, I mean sure but if you are too paranoid to just cash it out normally then surly discussing it in public isn't a great idea? 07:01 blaise public? 07:01 red-001 this channel and IRC in general 07:02 blaise 07:02 blaise [02:01:35] blaise is blaise!~blaise@unaffiliated/blaise 07:02 blaise =D 07:02 red-001 you at leats going through a VPN? 07:02 red-001 least* 07:02 blaise yeah 07:02 Elon_Satoshi[m] blaise: i had an idea: you must be extremely rich with bitcoin, so do whatever you want and if a black van comes, pay them to go away 07:03 red-001 well thats a start, the VPN I mean not the cloak 07:03 blaise or both? 07:03 blaise on top of using a irc bouncer 07:03 red-001 cloaks don't really do anything 07:04 * blaise notices his stomach chewing on his backbone 07:04 blaise hrmm 07:04 blaise I think I had better eat something 07:05 red-001 there was (is?) a number of ways someone that doesn't even have the correct permissions to view a users IP can figure it out 07:05 dogetest simply dont tell anybody, just like a paycheck 07:05 dogetest now I go 07:06 blaise I route my connections well, I'm not worried 07:06 nepugia famous last words 07:07 blaise lmao 07:07 blaise nepugia: okay then, come get me!!! 07:07 blaise I've been in super paranoid mode since 1990 07:07 nepugia sorry, i see bitcoins as pretty worthless :D 07:08 blaise yeah, me too 07:08 blaise how to convert them into goods, and then how to get the said goods to me,..... 07:08 blaise it's a problem 07:09 red-001 "hey it's remeber that guy who we kidnapped with a black van and all? Yeah, sure what about him? well apprently his neighbour also has crypto" 07:09 nepugia Star trek replications might opeerate on bitcoin :3 07:09 blaise lmao 07:10 Elon_Satoshi[m] that would be horrible 07:10 Elon_Satoshi[m] the federation isn't supposed to use money 07:10 Elon_Satoshi[m] no, let the ferengi have bitcoin 07:10 blaise they use credits 07:10 blaise it's complete socialism 07:10 blaise everyone gets the same allowance no matter what they contribute 07:42 datapunk[m] its unclear 07:42 datapunk[m] we assume places like DS9 have stipends 07:43 datapunk[m] and industrial replicators seem difficult to come by 07:44 datapunk[m] i always thought it was more like mutualism with communism for necessity stuff 07:45 datapunk[m] we never see replicator tech like the ship repair station in Enterprise but i assume they have it at shipyards by the time of TNG+ 09:02 Elon_Satoshi[m] yeah but what if it becomes sentient just like the one in enterprise did? It's not worth the risk 09:24 danSNDBX hi 10:22 danSNDBX i do a new video now :) 12:06 danSNDBX my new minetest video is online :)! Please check it out and give me some feedback https://youtu.be/EzJXXtujNQw 12:32 Krock 720p but still stuttering a lot... that's not very comfy to watch 12:39 danSNDBX are u talking about fps, krock? 12:40 danSNDBX In this vid the fps schould be better https://youtu.be/KK7QSb9MReE 12:40 danSNDBX i try my best for a good performence, but can only do what my hardware alows me to do :( 13:12 MinetestBot 02[git] 04red-001 -> 03minetest/minetest: [CSM] Add basic HUD manipulation. (#6067) 139649e47 https://git.io/vNzbI (152018-01-20T13:09:58Z) 13:45 danSNDBX my new minetest video is online :)! Please check it out and give me some feedback https://youtu.be/EzJXXtujNQw 13:45 danSNDBX (i already kno about the fps issue) 13:57 paramat please don't repeat that post 13:57 red-001 what post? 13:59 red-001 paramat 14:01 NathanS21 red-001 doubtless the person advertising their video. 14:02 Krock red-001, the join/leave messages ofc 14:05 paramat danSNDBX's video 14:13 danSNDBX ok paramat :( 14:13 danSNDBX sorry 14:27 paramat thanks :) 14:54 dogetest back 15:10 dogetest danSNDBX: nice video 15:16 danSNDBX thank you very much dogetest :)! 15:39 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: Game refactor [4/X]: keycache is now owned by InputHandler 1399c9e7a https://git.io/vNgez (152018-01-20T15:38:38Z) 15:39 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: Game refactor [3/X]: Move keycache to inputhandler 13f5a006d https://git.io/vNgeg (152018-01-20T15:38:38Z) 15:39 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: Game refactor [2/X]: Various moves (profilergraph, nodePlacementPred… 1364fe79b https://git.io/vNge2 (152018-01-20T15:38:38Z) 15:39 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: Game/Input refactor [1/X]: make RealInputHandler handle joystick inpu… 13362323c https://git.io/vNgeV (152018-01-20T15:38:38Z) 15:47 dogetest Anyone willing to host a experimental server? 15:50 dogetest Elon_Satoshi[m]: is your proposal still standing? 15:51 Krock dogetest, for how long? 15:51 dogetest initially, just to take some shoots 15:52 Krock there's also https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=18999 15:52 red-001 !title 15:52 MinetestBot red-001: Great Minetest hosting - First month FREE + $5! - Minetest Forums 15:53 dogetest woow 15:55 dogetest oh 16:00 dogetest where is she 16:05 dogetest lol, I registered and then they email me my password 16:05 dogetest and it didnt accept special characters 16:06 red-001 are you bobby "drop" tables? 16:08 dogetest whom? 16:08 nepugia 16:11 dogetest I did read that sometime ago 16:11 red-001 getting worse over time> 16:13 dogetest I quit series a long time ago 16:16 red-001 I know right was better back then in , it just went downhill since then 16:21 t20kdc I don't know, I really liked 16:21 red-001 yeah felt like but that just shows they ran out of ideas 16:22 red-001 I think was really the point where the show went downhill 16:22 red-001 were* 16:28 t20kdc I forget - was the one where they set things up for one just like it in years? 16:28 t20kdc ...or was it the one with ? 16:29 red-001 I think it was one with 16:37 Krock relevant subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/SUBREDDITNAME/ 16:47 jluc :-D 16:56 dogetest I think I going to get kicked from r/Minecraft for advertising minetest 17:05 dogetest blaise: it seems like dash would work out of the box 17:06 dogetest the biggest problem would be to change dogecoin symbols to the dash one 17:23 Pingas hey 17:24 nepugia o̸/ 17:25 Pingas they should get a discord server 17:25 Pingas :/ 17:25 sfan5 who is they 17:26 Pingas the creators 17:26 Pingas sfan5 17:26 Pingas that sounds familiat 17:26 Krock creators of what 17:26 Pingas minetest 17:26 Krock no 17:27 Pingas gunna connect w/ hexchat 17:27 marshal hey 17:27 marshal agh wrong username 17:28 Pingas there 17:28 Pingas agh 17:28 Pingas mk 17:28 Pingas any1 hear me? 17:28 nepugia o̸/ 17:29 Pingas kk 17:29 Pingas any1 wanna play voxelgarden or Carbone NG 17:29 Pingas ? 17:29 nepugia are those subgames? 17:29 Pingas yes 17:30 Pingas i might make my own subgame some day 17:32 Pingas https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=12824 17:32 Pingas https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6346 18:20 danSNDBX hi 22:33 MinetestBot 02[git] 04red-001 -> 03minetest/minetest: [CSM] Add functions to create particles and particlespawners. (#6072) 135dab742 https://git.io/vNg4q (152018-01-20T22:31:53Z) 22:33 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: Add minetest issue template (#6936) 13da80e8a https://git.io/vNg4m (152018-01-20T22:31:15Z) 23:25 dogetest minecity doesnt work weekends 23:25 red-001 what's minecity? 23:26 dogetest a minetest hosting service 23:26 dogetest https://minecity.online 23:39 Fixer lol 23:43 dogetest Milan[m]: are you passant?