Time  Nick           Message
00:50 Lone-Star      twahm: as of right now, there is not a setting to have the minimap displayed on startup/join
00:52 Lone-Star      but there is a client side mod that turns on minimap automatically -- https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=17629&hilit=minimap
01:34 TrumpThought   sofar, you mentioned Trump. That suggested something. He announced an immigrant squad when inaugurated. They will be interested in child pornography.
01:35 TrumpThought   BTW you will never nearly own me again
01:35 TrumpThought   You are mine, now
01:35 TrumpThought   You revealed more than you intended to today
01:35 TrumpThought   Your attempt to position an extortion attempt against me...
01:35 TrumpThought   as one against you was desperate
01:35 Lone-Star      idiots
01:35 sofar          idiot
01:38 whome          Freenode admins, tell Christel Dahlksjaer and Christian Loosli to talk to Freenode Corporate Counsel John Arsenault. If the local police closed the investigation, I can and will go to the FBI. And this chat is being logged and your K-Line will implicate you.
01:39 whome          Want Arsenault's home phone number?
01:39 whome          Not kidding, kiddos
01:39 whome          COPPA and CPAA laws apply
01:39 whome          sofar, I'll take you up on y9our request
01:39 whome          and phone Intel tomorrow
01:39 whome          Puka, Happy New Year
01:39 whome          celeron55, this is getting old
01:40 whome          Stop hiding and talk
01:40 whome          You know you got little choice, Perttu
01:40 whome          The FBI issue will reach to Finland
01:40 whome          Nobody will arrest you
01:41 BillyS         meep
01:47 longerstaff13  o/ BillyS
01:47 BillyS         hi
01:54 VanessaE       *looks at backscroll* man, what a twit.
01:56 trumpleton     It's pointless, Perttu. Andrew Ward and Auke Kok have given much away. Stop hiding. Be a man. A sour, dour, Finland c*nt, but a man regardless. Be somebody I can respect. Not a coward.
01:56 trumpleton     Andrew Ward has admitted that the child pornography attack occurred. And Auke Kok is an immigrant, involved in child pornography, in the U.S. Working for Intel, a conservative organization.
01:56 VanessaE       missed.
01:57 Emerald2       Wow what a creeper.
01:57 VanessaE       yeah.
01:57 longerstaff13  heh
01:58 VanessaE       and that's the third time in the past hour that he's tried it
01:58 longerstaff13  seriously?
01:58 VanessaE       yup.
01:58 rubenwardy     he's been doing it in PM as well
01:59 VanessaE       I don't know who's k-lining him or how they're able to respond so fast, but good for them.
01:59 VanessaE       yep, that too
01:59 longerstaff13  is there any freenode operators in this channel?
01:59 Emerald2       Probably el or JackFrost. They're both freenode staff.
01:59 rubenwardy     there's a few freenode staff members in this channel
01:59 Lone-Star      k-line is coming from freendoe
02:00 VanessaE       there's your answer, Lone-Star
02:00 VanessaE       d'oh
02:00 VanessaE       there's your answer, longerstaff13 **
02:00 longerstaff13  :P
02:01 hellodolly     Who is the "creeper", longer? I think it's the child porn people. And Vanessa, honey, not tried, succeeded. And Andrew, ask Gael Silly for a PM transcript. You belong to me. Auke Kok, especially. He demanded that I phone his employer, Intel, today. But they're closed, so it will be tomorrow.
02:01 VanessaE       *sigh*
02:01 hellodolly     Sigh yourself bitch
02:02 VanessaE       fuck off and die.
02:05 luk3yx         Hello
02:05 VanessaE       hi
02:06 xerox123_      Hi
02:07 toybonnie      Vanessa, admit that I didn't kill Abe as you claim, by supporting Craig, or it will be appropriate to phone the TV station that did the story on you. They'll want to do a sad follow up on your delusions about his murder. I'll phone tomorrow if you insist.
02:07 toybonnie      Andrew, you belong to me. Every identifiable person does due to the fact that child pornography and extortion are involved. Which means, and you know it, an awkward future for the project. Because I'm going to live longer than Vanessa, though not by much.
02:07 toybonnie      All that I need to do is use the words "child pornography" and point out that you actually did this... wish to see how it goes?
02:07 xerox123_      He must have ninja fast keystrokes! /s
02:07 VanessaE       I don't know what he's on about, I never made any such claim.
02:07 * luk3yx       wonders if they are using a bot
02:07 rubenwardy     it was Zeno
02:07 rubenwardy     iirc
02:08 xerox123_      Nah pretyped and pasted
02:08 Lone-Star      VanessaE: can I pm you?
02:08 VanessaE       no.
02:08 Lone-Star      ok
02:08 VanessaE       what's up?
02:09 Lone-Star      he/they may have another acct logged in here, how else could they know what Emerald2 said after they got k-lined or any other chat here
02:09 Shara          There are logs.
02:09 VanessaE       rubenwardy: so OC claims, but if that's so, he can take it up with Zeno.
02:09 luk3yx         Maybe there should be a bot that kickbans everyone here if they send a message longer than 15 characters within 2 seconds of joining
02:09 VanessaE       hi dax.
02:10 rubenwardy     luk3yx, heh
02:10 xerox123_      Lone-Star the logs website
02:10 Emerald2       I forgot this channel logs to a website.
02:10 VanessaE       this one, #-hub, and #-dev
02:11 goldfred       You did make such a claim, Vanessa, by saying that Craig was telling the truth. You didn't care about what he was saying. You just said it.
02:11 goldfred       Today, Auke Kok mocked the fact that I was homeless, and will die not long after you, and the rest of it. You are my project now, this group of pornographers and DDoSers. You will serve a purpose.
02:11 luk3yx         Gah
02:11 VanessaE       go get fuck..
02:12 VanessaE       damn it guys, at least let me finish :)
02:12 xerox123_      Heh
02:12 luk3yx         Hmm
02:12 luk3yx         Maybe +q instead of +b
02:13 luk3yx         Then we can talk to them without them moaning
02:14 VanessaE       so yeah, since he'll read the logs:  go get fucked, kiraly.  I don't care what you think is or isn't the truth.  you wouldn't know the truth if walked up to you and knocked you on your ass.
02:16 VanessaE       annnd now he's PMing me.
02:16 rubenwardy     let me guess
02:16 rubenwardy     from "hellovanessa"
02:16 VanessaE       trumpvice
02:16 xerox123_      Close.
02:17 luk3yx         The IP is very similar, just the last number differs. Maybe they're rebooting a router.
02:17 rubenwardy     VPN
02:18 xerox123_      ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: pm from the guy
02:18 VanessaE       you now?
02:18 xerox123_      Yes
02:18 VanessaE       wtf did you do to get on his radar?
02:19 luk3yx         Probably a VPN
02:19 xerox123_      What should my name be. System says I can't change later date
02:19 xerox123_      Lol
02:19 VanessaE       good grief.
02:19 BillyS         What a pathetic moron
02:20 xerox123_      Pick wisely: You cannot change at a later date!
02:20 BillyS         ?
02:21 luk3yx         xerox123_, you're treating it like a game
02:22 luk3yx         xerox123_, say they just said it
02:39 red-F00        can we just set +r?
02:40 red-F00        will mess up the day for people without accounts but we will get rid of this moron
02:40 rubenwardy     all other channels are that
02:41 Lone-Star      if one can't be bothered to take the time and reg, guess it will be their loss
02:41 red-F00        plus it will kill of the silicon based spambots as well
02:41 red-F00        not just the carbon and water based ones
02:43 red-F00        VanessaE, I recommend running /mode VanessaE +r
02:44 luk3yx         You mean +R
02:44 JackFrost      red-F00: /mode +r or /mode #minetest +r
02:44 JackFrost      /umode +R means "Only registered people an PM"
02:44 luk3yx         OC is back
02:44 luk3yx         Apparently
02:44 luk3yx         At least they're not spamming here
02:44 red-F00        JackFrost, trust me waking up to word vomit in your pms is annoying
02:48 red-F00        xerox123_, I too though I unlocked an achievement when I first got a 419 scam to my email spam folder
02:48 red-F00        got boring fast
02:48 VanessaE       d'oh
02:49 red-F00        ?
02:49 VanessaE       nothing.
02:49 BillyS         Ol' OC changed his nick again
02:50 VanessaE       wait, so just which command do I want? make up my mind ;)
02:50 BillyS         He and I got into a PM war
02:50 VanessaE       who won?
02:50 red-F00        VanessaE, if his pms annoy you just block pms from users not login
02:50 BillyS         I'd say that I did
02:50 red-F00        logged in*
02:51 BillyS         Or he at least gave up
02:51 red-F00        /mode VanessaE +r
02:51 luk3yx         They must be trying to leave
02:51 luk3yx         Or they got K-Lined
02:51 JackFrost      red-F00: That needs to be an uppercase 'R'
02:51 VanessaE       done, req
02:51 BillyS         PRobably both. :p
02:51 VanessaE       ....
02:51 VanessaE       done, red-F00
02:51 red-F00        JackFrost, worked without it?
02:51 red-F00        oh your right
02:51 VanessaE       ok, +R then.
02:52 red-F00        hexchat is really bad at /mode output
02:52 xerox123_      It says it right in front of you
02:52 luk3yx         ^
02:52 red-F00        sends it to server buffer instead of showing it in the current selected buffer
02:52 red-F00        or my config is bust
02:52 xerox123_      If it didn't work you must have specified a wrong mode
02:52 luk3yx         I guess I should set UMODE +Rg again
02:53 xerox123_      Check the server tab
02:53 red-F00        luk3yx, +g is really annoying I wish there was a way to tell it, take a snapshot of the people on these channels and let them contact me
02:53 sillybilly     No, Billy, you didn't "win". What a maroon :) I have a friend in this channel BTW.
02:53 luk3yx         I see
02:54 luk3yx         Hi sillybilly
02:54 sillybilly     What matters is that IRL identities = light of day. And the words "child pornography" will hold sway. Ask Andrew Ward (rubenwardy). Double dare you :P But tomorrow and this month belongs to Auke Kok and his IRL job at Intel.
02:54 sillybilly     After that, there are a few other IRL people.
02:54 sillybilly     o/
02:54 luk3yx         sillybilly, you are OldCoder too?
02:54 luk3yx         Aww
02:54 red-F00        duh
02:54 BillyS         He is
02:54 luk3yx         I want to torment them
02:54 red-F00        we only got one mentally unstable person
02:54 BillyS         Yup
02:54 BillyS         Do I smell another OC attack?
02:55 Roger9         hi
02:55 BillyS         Nah, he has a cloak
02:55 red-F00        maybe if you add the rest of us up, we will get 1.4
02:55 luk3yx         BillyS, you can smell them?
02:55 xerox123_      Well we all got billys' side
02:57 BillyS         Ooh, I have an army! :P
02:57 * red-F00      sigh
02:57 red-F00        well have fun
02:57 luk3yx         Thanks
02:57 BillyS         Thanks, I will
02:57 luk3yx         I'm sure we will
02:57 Lone-Star      VanessaE: if ya didn't know, all the mode flags for freenode -- https://freenode.net/kb/answer/channelmodes
02:58 BillyS         Watching futile attempts to annoy me are fun
02:58 red-F00        the mode lists and extban specs are surprisingly hard to google
02:58 BillyS         I've noticed
02:59 luk3yx         BillyS, any OC bites yet?
03:02 umwhat         Um, fools, the IRC channels don't matter except as a source of information. Play away hey like donkeys bray. What matters is that none of you can be IRL without facing up to the child pornography issue. Which I *will* take to Intel (Auke Kok's employer) and to the TV station that has already done a story on Vanessa.
03:04 luk3yx         Thanks MinetestBot
03:04 luk3yx         Bots are fun
03:04 red-F00        :( I was hoping to write an OC detector
03:04 red-F00        seems sfan beat me to it
03:06 BillyS         So?
03:06 BillyS         Did I say I intended to reveal my IRL identity?
03:06 BillyS         (Talking to umwhat/OC)
03:06 red-F00        I too enjoy talking to walls
03:06 BillyS         heh
03:07 BillyS         Why dont we just voice everyone here and then set +m?
03:07 luk3yx         Too hard
03:11 VanessaE       oh, as for his claims of me being in decline, I"'
03:11 VanessaE       .....
03:11 red-F00        VanessaE, don't bother
03:11 VanessaE       for the logs.
03:12 thisiswhat     You're missing the point. IRC is just data. I don't care. I can get Red's identity if this gets to litigation. But I care only about the Haggis Hell book. And due to the child porn I can use any MT person with IRL identified. You can't do a thing about it legally. Ask Paul LeBlanc Tumeninodes. He's my sweet bitch now and knows it. Andrew Ward and Auke Kok belong to me as well.
03:12 BillyS         Nasty Canasta should be his nex nick
03:12 red-F00        alright time to figure out what isp this is and ban that
03:12 BillyS         *next
03:13 red-F00        I still think it would be best to block all non-signed in users
03:13 VanessaE       oh, as for his claims of me being in decline, I'll say it for the record: I am as sharp and clear-headed as I was the day before Abe passed away.  If I seem otherwise, it's because the stroke has somewhat compromised my ability to type (hence, chat online), so I try not to say much at all.  That extends to coding.  It's just too damned hard right now.
03:14 BillyS         Understood
03:14 BillyS         Besides, we all know he's a crackpot.
03:14 red-F00        46.19.137.*
03:14 VanessaE       yeah.
03:14 BillyS         Seriously, I think that guy needs mental help.
03:14 red-F00        can you just ban that for a start?
03:14 luk3yx         Agreed
03:14 red-F00        BillyS, can't help people that don't want help
03:14 BillyS         yay
03:14 BillyS         Sadly, that is true
03:15 red-F00        if it doesn't seem that he is a danger to himself or others you can't force him to get help
03:15 luk3yx         He is a danger to gullible people
03:16 red-F00        he as far as I can see isn't putting anyone's physical safely in danger
03:17 BillyS         Altough, what he says come very close to threats
03:17 red-F00        empty ones
03:17 BillyS         Anyways, I gtg now
03:17 xerox123_      Bye
03:17 luk3yx         Bye
03:17 BillyS         PM me if you need me, and my ZNC will record it
03:18 luk3yx         I'll set +Rg again, after reading these logs I'm sure OC won't try to PM me
03:18 luk3yx         *+g
03:18 red-F00        I will look California online harassment law and see what can be done with little effort
03:18 BillyS         ok
03:19 lucky7         Vanessa, I have as many networks as Maciek did when he was Landmine. And you accused me of murdering Abe. You're gone mentally. BillyS, you miss the point. Nothing you've said changes the fact that MT will need to go non-public. I *will* go to employers, churches, etc. about the child porn. Read Haggis Hell weblog. I'll gather IRL identities for legitimate purposes. And I'll post. Can't be stopped. Red, y
03:19 Emerald2       That was fast.
03:19 VanessaE       good grief.
03:19 red-F00        thanks jack
03:19 BillyS         wow. jack is one fast typer.
03:20 luk3yx         Agreed
03:21 red-F00        ok there must be some charge against falsely accusing someone of a crime that's punishable under the maximum penalty allowed under the law even if it's not made in a court of law
03:22 Emerald2       Hi dagreatnate. No relation to NateChip, right?
03:22 luk3yx         Hello dagreatnate1
03:23 VanessaE       I don't wtf he's talking about.  I made no such accusation.
03:23 dagreatnate    no
03:23 el             VanessaE: i wouldn't waste your effort puzzling over that
03:24 red-F00        > when you're awake at night reading the law of somewhere on the other side of the world, just because someone pissed you off
03:24 VanessaE       I'm not.
03:24 el             including responding to it
03:24 Emerald2       So many Nates and Thomases, a bit confusing sometimes. :)
03:24 red-F00        oh lol I didn't even read that I just assumed he was accusing someone of murder
03:24 VanessaE       ok, fair enoutgh.
03:24 VanessaE       -t
03:25 el             ;)
03:25 Roger9         lol
03:25 el             ooh
03:25 JackFrost      Shiny.
03:26 red-F00        huh do we have a way for someone to fully opt-out?
03:26 VanessaE       no
03:26 frostsnow      Lone-Star: FYI, you can view umodes and cmodes from within IRC by sending a raw HELP command to freenode (in irssi, '/quote help umode')
03:26 geewhizz       Red, let's meet IRL. I introduced you to a kind friend and you ran. Come back. Regarding false accusations try for defamation. But talk to Jack's boss Christel first. Or Rubenwardy. He knows. Vanessa, you said Craig was truthful. Craig tells kids that I killed your husband. So eat shit or admit the truth.
03:26 red-F00        JackFrost, and frostsnow is sure going to get confusing
03:31 dagreatnate    No, Im not NateChip
03:31 Emerald2       Yeah I guess not. He'd be called NateChip. :P
03:31 dagreatnate    Im the original Nate, and had to come up with a diffrent name to register :)
03:34 VanessaE       so who the hell is NateCHip anyway
03:34 red-F00        a human
03:34 red-F00        according to my reports
03:34 VanessaE       I still haven't figured that out :)
03:34 VanessaE       red-F00 :P
03:34 dagreatnate1   no clue
03:36 Emerald2       He was one of the owners of MM-Survival server.
03:36 VanessaE       ok
03:37 Emerald2       Which is no more, alas.
03:38 riff-IRC       ?
03:38 dagreatnate1   ah, I remember when I ran 2 servers
03:39 Emerald2       Did it give you a headache?
03:41 dagreatnate    Yeah, it was a pain in the ass, especially when it got popular.
03:44 red-F00        I kinda wonder what OC is trying to gain here
03:44 VanessaE       fuck if I know, red.
03:45 dagreatnate    Nothing really, just to piss people off im assuming
03:45 red-F00        right now it's just harassment, he seems smart enough to know that making a false report to the police is the sort of stunt that earns you jail time
03:45 VanessaE       he's not even managing that much, as least not with me.
03:45 VanessaE       I'm merely amused.
03:46 red-F00        well I'm pretty sure it's harassment whatever it works or not
03:46 riff-IRC       for once, #minetest is a chat zone
03:46 red-F00        kinda how phish or impersonation is a crime even if it doesn't achieve the goal
03:47 VanessaE       it's like watching a child alternating between shooting at a castle wall with a water pistol, and throwing tantrums when he sees that all his efforts accomplish nothing.
03:47 red-F00        riff-IRC, I don't usually see you in a context without dev number two
03:47 red-F00        VanessaE, lol
03:48 riff-IRC       ?
03:49 red-F00        might be thinking of someone else
03:49 red-F00        just looked at your channel list
03:53 VanessaE       riff-IRC: yes.
03:53 red-F00        guy doesn't know when to quite
03:53 VanessaE       but we have a bot in here to deal with it now.
03:54 tumeninodes    I am confused regarding his comment about me being his "sweet little b****", laughable at best. I am just eagerly awaiting him to attempt something with the FBI regarding me, in relation to child porn, then I will have his jewels in a vice
03:54 red-F00        rip
03:54 red-F00        tumeninodes joined the accidently k-lined group
03:55 red-F00        it's like a rite of passage with all the spambots
03:55 Emerald2       XD tumeninodes
03:55 red-F00        and me being an idiot that likes nicks
03:55 VanessaE       el: you ...might wanna undo that
03:55 VanessaE       tumeninodes is okay
03:55 JackFrost      I did.
03:55 VanessaE       thanks, jack
03:56 JackFrost      Well, was my fault anywho. :)
03:56 red-F00        tumeninodes, welcome to the club
03:56 JackFrost      tumeninodes: Sorry mate.
03:56 dagreatnate    So is JackFrost a part of freenodes staff?
03:56 tumeninodes    :P
03:56 red-F00        yes
03:56 JackFrost      VanessaE: Aye.
03:57 VanessaE       ok
03:57 JackFrost      Disabled.
03:57 tumeninodes    I swear, I am closer to getting that "k-lined 4 life" tattoo across my nuckles
03:57 VanessaE       keep it enabled, just whitelist us all in here :)
03:57 tumeninodes    or on my neck for a fiercer approach
03:58 red-F00        tumeninodes, or for the max, fingertips
03:58 tumeninodes    inside of my lower lip? or my eyelids
03:59 red-F00        think finger tips have more nerve endings so it would be a worse idea then eyelid
03:59 tumeninodes    Jackfrost, NP understandable
03:59 red-F00        assuming the artist has a steady hand
03:59 tumeninodes    tattoos are funny, they hurt where you think it wont and vice versa
04:00 red-F00        I wouldn't know
04:00 * tumeninodes  has "a few"
04:01 red-F00        https://www.thedoctorstv.com/system/images/W1siZiIsIkF0dGFjaG1lbnRzLzAwMDEvOTYzNC9mdWxsX2JvZHlfdGF0dG9vLmpwZyJdXQ/full_body_tattoo.jpg <== tumeninodes real life picture leaked, only on freenode
04:01 VanessaE       hahaha
04:02 red-F00        shit
04:02 red-F00        should have put that in [off]
04:02 tumeninodes    hahaha, not quite... I have nothing which cannot be covered... that more resembles my oldest son
04:03 tumeninodes    he has neck and on hands, I was less than pleased
04:04 tumeninodes    oh well, to each their own
04:07 tumeninodes    so, it's been a busy first day of the year
04:10 red-F00        OC threating to tell your church that you have tats incoming
04:11 tumeninodes    omg yes! anbd I don't know what to do
04:11 tumeninodes    :P
04:12 red-F00        oldcoder I need to come clean with something, my wifi router doesn't have emacs installed
04:12 tumeninodes    and if he calls my employer..., I guess I will just have to fire... myself? :/
04:12 red-F00        I know, I know, "If someone hasn't ported emacs to it, you most"
04:13 red-F00        I have failed in my holy duty to the
04:13 red-F00        Church of Emacs
04:14 tumeninodes    well, you know where you're goin now
04:15 tumeninodes    I just noticed something... this is the "English channel"
04:15 tumeninodes    :D
04:15 red-F00        lol
04:16 red-F00        tumeninodes, the blacksite where they force people to us VIM?
04:16 red-F00        use*
04:17 tumeninodes    :o
04:17 red-F00        a story about as real as the sorts OC believes
04:18 red-F00        even DPRK doesn't go that far
04:18 tumeninodes    that mind has to be a very scary and lonely place to be, sadly
04:18 red-F00        yeah
04:19 tumeninodes    I have an appt with my attorney at the end of the week to see how things are going so...
04:19 tumeninodes    he also has told me that eating people for breakfast is illegal and frowned upon in society
04:20 tumeninodes    whether it is for legitimate and reasonable purposes, which are support by US law, or not
04:21 red-F00        is it bad if I struggle not to make a dark joke about that breakfast comment?
04:21 tumeninodes    no it's ok... it's been a loooong day
04:23 tumeninodes    I must go to bed, red... so to bed I will head. hey! look what I did... Ima ryhmah
04:24 * red-F00      calls the containment unit
04:24 tumeninodes    :P
04:24 red-F00        random rhyming can be an early warning sign of being OC
04:24 tumeninodes    would that be considered.... OCD? hmmm me has a ponders
04:25 VanessaE       *groan*
04:25 tumeninodes    :D
04:25 red-F00        well the spamming seems compulsive
04:25 VanessaE       I think I"m gonna follow tumeninodes' lead and go to bed too.
04:25 tumeninodes    I know, I get goofy when I am tired
04:25 tumeninodes    night Vanessa, nite all..., nite johnboy
04:26 VanessaE       better than me, I just get crabby,
04:26 VanessaE       night.
04:26 tumeninodes    my eye gets wobbly
04:26 red-F00        night
05:04 swift110-phone When im tired I get very irritable
08:52 MarisaG        hi nowhere_man
09:12 MarisaG        hi Akberid
09:13 Akberid        hi MarisaG
09:17 MarisaG        nice to meet you
09:47 MarisaG        wb Sockbat
09:49 MarisaG        hi lisac
09:49 lisac          hey MarisaG
09:51 MarisaG        whats up?
09:53 lisac          nothing mostly
09:53 lisac          Christmas in a few days
09:54 lisac          I was thinking about making an Imgur post about Minetest a while ago
09:54 MarisaG        oh that would be cool
10:23 Milan[m]       i will use my own server and make it inline from there but can please someone increase the client timeout for the forum.minetest.net site? my internet is too slow to upload the file before reaching the configured timeout. :(
10:24 Milan[m]       (as some plugins block media from not domain matching sites, i wanted to use forum attaqchments in my post)
10:46 MarisaG        hi Jordach
11:17 MarisaG        wb MaybeDragon
11:32 MarisaG        hi again nowhere_man
11:41 MarisaG        wb Fritigern
12:36 Emerald2       Gael-de-Sailly> Did someone see Darcidride recently?
12:37 Darcidride     thank you Emerald2 for the reminder :)
12:37 Darcidride     W're now on #xorhub-dev on freenode
12:37 Emerald2       Oops I missed the opening <
12:37 Emerald2       I remembered somebody was looking for you earlier so I went back through scroll to see who.
12:55 Emerald2       Night peeps.
13:24 MarisaG        hi AndDT
13:27 MarisaG        wb Tux[Qyou]
13:29 jas_           https://i.imgur.com/wI2bBa4.png
13:31 MarisaG        hi riff-IRC
13:31 riff-IRC       Hey
13:33 MarisaG        wb jas_
13:35 jas_           hi MarisaG
13:35 jas_           https://twitch.tv/jastvn
13:35 nop            hi all
13:35 MarisaG        hi nop
13:41 nop            there is something similar to wayla for minetest?
13:42 red-F00        what is wayla?
13:56 nop            red-F00: sorry waila not wayla
14:02 lisac          nop: https://github.com/Aurailus/wcila
14:05 nop            ty lisac
14:05 VanessaE       good morning
14:08 ThomasMonroe   morning VE
14:12 MarisaG        hi VanessaE
14:17 VanessaE       hi
14:36 Sliss          good afternoon ;-)
17:00 BillyS         hello
17:03 BillyS         hi htur
17:03 htur           Hola
17:04 BillyS         Meepâ„¢
17:48 lRC            hello, is there a way to undo a register_on_chat_message() without rebooting the server ?
17:49 rubenwardy     they're added to minetest.registered_on_chat_message
17:49 sfan5          have the callback only active if a flag is set
17:49 rubenwardy     the best approach is to have an if statement to skip the callback though
18:03 lRC            I don't understand, how can I access it ?
18:15 lRC            I tried the code: /lua core.register_on_chat_message(function(name, msg) core.chat_send_all(core.colorize('yellow', '<' .. name .. '> ') .. msg); return true; end)
18:15 sfan5          oh well
18:15 sfan5          that's hard to undo
18:17 lRC            with LuaCmd, what can I do if I want to undo some changes
18:21 sfan5          restart
18:25 lRC            is there a way to make such change and undo it without a reboot, I didn't understand the callback method
18:25 sfan5          you can try removing the last element from the table that stores all the callbacks
18:27 lRC            how can I have the table ?
18:28 rubenwardy     minetest.registered_on_chat_message[#minetest.registered_on_chat_message] = nil
18:32 swift110       hey rubenwardy
18:32 rubenwardy     hi
18:32 lRC            I tried it but it doesn't work
18:40 swift110       how are you rubenwardy
19:09 red-F00        dump the table and find which element you need to remove
19:14 lRC            ok
19:53 Roger9         lol, lRC
21:32 riff-IRC       hey something's up with Intel CPUs; probably a major bug;  https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/7nl8r0/intel_bug_incoming/
21:35 sofar          surprised nobody has bothered #intel with that yet
21:35 sofar          lol
21:38 red-F00        could have skipped most of that and just linked to the name of the new flag
21:54 red-F00        honestly I'm surprised we don't see more CPU bugs
21:55 sfan5          lots of cpu errata exist, you just don't hear about them
22:05 sofar          after a few hundred transistors, ...
22:09 sofar          https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/specification-updates/7th-gen-core-family-spec-update.pdf
22:09 sofar          page 26 through 53, lol
22:09 sofar          103 errata
22:10 red-F00        lRC, your connection seems to be dropping a lot
22:51 MinetestBot    02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Dry shrub: Use plantlike meshoption for bushy appearence 13223562d https://git.io/vbhDR (152018-01-02T22:45:47Z)
22:51 MinetestBot    02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Biomes: Make coastal grassy dune biomes larger 13f52085a https://git.io/vbhD0 (152018-01-02T22:45:39Z)
22:51 MinetestBot    02[git] 04MarkuBu -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Xpanes: Add optional 'use_texture_alpha' parameter to registration 13faa088e https://git.io/vbhDE (152018-01-02T22:43:42Z)
22:51 MinetestBot    02[git] 04Ekdohibs -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Furnace: Fix being able to cook items without enough fuel 13bd0c627 https://git.io/vbhDu (152018-01-02T22:41:50Z)