Time Nick Message 00:01 MarisaG hi torgdor 00:02 pgimeno how is it done to make mobs drop stuff? browsing the code, it seems that on_punch is called before taking the HP 00:02 torgdor hello hello 00:02 swift110_ thanks MarisaG what are you up to 00:02 swift110_ Calinou, oh that sucks 00:02 MarisaG not much, just ate dinner 00:03 pgimeno I see that in master there is a new on_death, but how does one handle it in 0.4.16? 00:07 pgimeno looking at mobs_redo api.lua, it seems to be done by keeping track of the used weapon and the damage that it inflicts 00:10 swift110_ oh ok MarisaG I just had some pasta but that was more a snack than anything else 00:11 swift110_ I have some people in my channel that are into minetest and hope to get more interest in it. 00:13 MarisaG that would be great 00:15 ThomasMonroe hi swift110_ 00:17 swift110_ yes 00:20 swift110_ Once I get situated I hope to have a minetest server as well 00:39 BakerPrime Is Deezl here? 00:43 Calinou BakerPrime: looks like they aren't here 00:43 Calinou (see the user list, or try to tab-complete their nickname) 00:49 pgimeno ahh got it, you get passed a damage value and you calculate it from there 01:28 pgimeno isn't there anything easier to check than minetest.get_version().string ? something that gives an incremental version number like e.g. 0x000410? 02:53 BakerPrime Thanks Calinou, we had an issue on another IRC when someone was getting very upset looking for Deezl, we never found him, not sure the whole story yet. 03:24 ThomasMonroe hi BakerPrime 03:24 ThomasMonroe Merry Christmas 06:53 edgy1 hey admins, do you have any idea whats going on with the minetest server list right now? i posted about it in https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19138&p=305447#p305447 . it is either trolls or potential hackers 06:54 edgy1 rubenwardy, celeron55 07:17 hisforever Hi My digtron crashed so here is a pastit http://pasteall.org/734723 I'd really like to fix this if possible? 07:39 MarisaG i looked at it but i dont know anything about that mod.. 07:44 hisforever ty MarisaG :) 07:44 MarisaG yw 07:44 hisforever at least you talked to me 07:44 MarisaG :) 07:45 sofar !mod digitron 07:45 MinetestBot sofar: Could not find anything. 07:45 MarisaG not ready for bed yet 07:45 hisforever me neighter lol 07:45 sofar where's the code for Digitron? 07:46 sofar seems a simple code error made it crash 07:47 hisforever thought it shoedup hummmm 07:47 hisforever I know nothing about code' 07:49 hisforever let me crash it again brb 07:49 sofar no need to crash it 07:49 sofar I can't find the github for this mod 07:53 MarisaG https://wiki.minetest.net/Mods/digtron 07:53 MarisaG its digtron not digitron hehe 07:55 hisforever here is a Screen shot 07:55 hisforever https://imgur.com/a/PpGCD 08:03 MarisaG wb hisforever 08:05 hisforever http://pasteall.org/734737 08:05 hisforever thays the debug page - the digtron 08:06 hisforever for some reason I couldn't type 08:14 MarisaG are trhose conflicts supposed to be there? 08:15 hisforever no 08:16 MarisaG i added that mod to minecity, looks pretty powerfu 08:16 MarisaG l 08:16 hisforever I'd like to know how to fix themtoo 08:17 hisforever yes it is but easy to set up 08:19 hisforever to build digtron for city streets its 9 blocks wide 08:19 MarisaG whew 08:19 hisforever thatswoth side walks and a curb 08:19 MarisaG oh ok 08:20 hisforever and 2 lanes fot traffic 08:20 MarisaG might have to look into it 08:21 hisforever I'll share a screen shot 08:21 MarisaG maybe your digtron issues are related to those conflicts you have 08:25 hisforever I think your right hehe 08:26 MarisaG since digtron uses the default items maybe it doesnt like having them overridden. who knows 08:27 MarisaG a lot of fireworks lol 08:27 MarisaG wonder why they waited 25 minutes 08:28 hisforever yes here is my DQ build & Subway sandwitch shope :) https://imgur.com/a/SiK4r 08:29 MarisaG very nice! 08:30 hisforever ty 08:30 hisforever I built a 50 block hotel all flass 08:31 MarisaG hi YuGiOhJCJ 08:32 YuGiOhJCJ MarisaG, hi Merry Xmas 08:32 MarisaG you too! 08:32 MarisaG it just turned a half hour ago here 08:33 MarisaG mad i couldnt go to church yesterday. one friend was sick and the other out of town :( 08:33 hisforever well I'm getting tired so I'll say bye and Merry Christmas 08:34 MarisaG ok hisforever, nice to meet you and good luck with digtron 08:35 MarisaG wb SonosFuer 08:37 MarisaG wb RafiX 08:38 RafiX o/ 09:00 MarisaG wb YuGiOhJCJ 09:09 MarisaG hi again Krock 09:11 Krock hi MarisaG 09:11 MarisaG hi again YuGiOhJCJ 09:11 Krock (ã£â—”â—¡â—”)㣠♥ Merry Christmas, Minetesters! ♥ 09:11 MarisaG you too Krock 09:11 Krock thanks :) 09:12 MarisaG where are you, im in san francisco. So its just christmas for a hour or so :) 09:13 MarisaG were a bunch or firecrackers 11:24 YuGiOhJCJ VanessaE, hello since several days I am unable to join the famous inchranet IRC network, is there a maintenance please? 11:26 VanessaE YuGiOhJCJ: it's customary to give people time to respond... 11:26 VanessaE inchra is basically dead. 11:26 YuGiOhJCJ sorry it's because of Tor 11:26 YuGiOhJCJ I am automatically disconnected 11:26 YuGiOhJCJ after sending my message 11:26 VanessaE I shut my irc server down 11:27 VanessaE go to #ve-minetest-servers here on freenode. 11:27 VanessaE that's the official channel now. 11:28 VanessaE and...lose the tor relay, just get a cloak. 11:28 VanessaE tor isn't secure anyway 11:49 Taose Happy Yule all 11:49 Taose as for Tor not being secure... it's not supposed to be secure, it's supposed to be anonymous and it's pretty good at that job and it's one of the most secure browsers available to use >.> 11:50 pgimeno happy Newton's Birthday 11:51 Taose That said... YuGiOhJCJ , using a VPN will often be much more secure than using Tor, may I ask why you are using Tor in the first place? 11:52 YuGiOhJCJ to be anonymous 11:52 YuGiOhJCJ (on IRC) 11:52 YuGiOhJCJ using HexChat 11:52 YuGiOhJCJ as client 11:55 Krock a vhost is usually already enough to keep your IP away 11:55 Krock s/vhost/cloak/ 12:03 Taose Would definitely recommend a VPN they don't cost that much a year. 12:28 VanessaE anonymity is massively overrated. 12:29 ThomasMonroe how so? 12:29 Taose Gonna say, I have to disagree X) 12:30 VanessaE well look at me? 12:31 VanessaE I'm hardly anonymous 12:31 VanessaE and despite attacks from certain trolls, I seem to have suffered no ill effects. 12:32 Taose You've had it quite lucky then. 12:32 VanessaE it's like all these people who fear being tracked by ad agencies online. G*d forbid they should try to sell me a new dress. 12:32 VanessaE it's to the point of paranoia. 12:32 Taose I've been targeted for my beliefs, political and religious, pestered and stalked online... 12:33 Taose And not just from ordinary people to, my job requires my employers to stalk me if they can 12:33 VanessaE Taose: I guarantee you that I am at a FAR greater risk to life and limb than you. 12:33 Taose Not disputing that 12:33 VanessaE and yet...I'm still here. 12:34 Taose I prefer not to put my head on the chopping block and yell, "S'alright I'm okay!" 12:34 VanessaE because that risk, though higher, is still lower than, say, dying in a car wreck 12:36 VanessaE iow, the reduction in risk is too small to bother trying to hide. better to stand my ground - scares away most trolls - and be ready to defend myself. 12:36 Fixer VanessaE: ad-tracking is useless if you are using adblock, there is no way you will click in targeted ad 12:36 Fixer because there is none ;) 12:36 VanessaE as my late cousin liked to say, " paranoia will destroy ya" 12:36 crazyR @sfan5 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19138 12:37 VanessaE Fixer: point. 12:37 Taose Well each to our own I guess. 12:37 VanessaE all of that aside, 12:37 VanessaE don' 12:37 Taose I prefer my privacy and liberty 12:37 Fixer VanessaE: it is still unethical though, some f--cks collect info and analyze info that some people don't want them to do without their consent 12:37 VanessaE don't use tor. it is not private nor secure anymore. 12:38 VanessaE Fixer: like I said, G*d forbid someone tries to sell me something. bfd. 12:38 Taose It was never private nor secure to begin with, it's just better than the majority of alternatives. 12:38 Taose Also, I'd rather people didn't try to sell me things. If I want something, I'll go looking for it :). 12:39 crazyR id prefer it not to rain. if i wanted water id jump in the bath 12:39 crazyR but hey what am i gunna do about it 12:39 crazyR :D 12:39 Taose Ablock == Umbrella :) 12:40 VanessaE ABP + Ublock Origin :) 12:40 Fixer Taose: just disable coockies for third party sights and use ublock or adblock 12:40 Taose Eh, I just use noscript and adblock 12:40 Taose I haven't seen an advert in *ages* 12:40 crazyR i dont mind adverts... i just dont like intrusive adverts 12:41 Taose Exactly, it's the reason I started using adblock in the first place 12:41 Fixer exsessive consumerism will die down in next 100-XXX years pretty much, since there are simply no resources to support this (metals, etc) 12:41 Taose That said, some sites do get exempted from my anti-ad net 12:41 Fixer only really good ones 12:43 Fixer i block ads for decades and i can't imagine how you can live with it, it is epileptic mess without adblocking 12:44 Fixer it is like constant "fuck you" on every site, i do the same on TV, turn the sound off during ads or switch channel (i don't really watch tv much though) 12:44 Taose Be back later 12:44 Fixer remember when cable tv had no ads? now it is pile of shit unfortunately 12:45 Fixer and some """science""" related channels turned into reality shitshow, it is useless 12:47 Fixer cookies* 12:48 Fixer crazyR: problem is, pretty much most of them were extremaly annoying and intrusive 12:49 Fixer and thats their fault, they got what they wanted, adblock 12:51 crazyR i have a personal policy, If a website has a intrusive adverts i just close the tab and never go back to that website again. adblock is not really a valid solution. 12:51 crazyR how do you know you can trust the creator of adblock? assuming you havent checked over the sourcecode of the adblock plugin that plugin has access to see everything you see including confidential info 12:53 sfan5 crazyR, I am aware of this problem and am looking to solve it already 12:53 crazyR no worries sfan5, thanks. if theres anything i can do to help let me know 12:55 Fixer crazyR: ublock, it is open source ad blocker 12:55 Fixer crazyR: support the site you really like, most of web is ad-trash 12:56 * rubenwardy just got his first pay cheque from Google for adverts on his site 12:56 * rubenwardy uses an adblocker 12:56 Fixer no more minimalism, welcome to future, with JS bloated crap huge and slow webpages with 5% of useful text and 95% of crap 12:56 rubenwardy Also, Merry Christmas all! 12:57 ThomasMonroe merry Christmas rubenwardy! 12:57 Fixer rubenwardy: probably collected 1,56 usd 12:57 rubenwardy They don't pay out until £60 12:57 crazyR wicked. looks preety kool fixer... so im guesing you rather than install from the plugin store you manually download and install? 12:57 rubenwardy I get roughly £18pm 12:57 crazyR *pretty 12:57 rubenwardy Hosting is £14pm 12:57 Fixer crazyR: it is on the stores 12:58 Fixer rubenwardy: what is pm? 12:58 rubenwardy Per month 12:58 Fixer ah 12:58 crazyR yerah i know. but how do you know the source hasnt been changed between github and publishing on stores 12:59 Fixer rubenwardy: hah, seems too much, who is even visiting that site? or you probably have secret porno-chapter in your book 12:59 crazyR lol 12:59 Fixer crazyR: in firefox, you can extract the source from the plugin and compare 13:00 Fixer not sure about chrome 13:00 crazyR kool. well. il stick to my tried and tested method.. worked so far... 13:01 crazyR that project does look good though 13:01 Fixer ublock is also quite faster 13:01 Fixer a lot of folks ditched adblock and moved to ublock years ago 13:03 rubenwardy Fixer: Minecraft users, ironically 13:03 Fixer rubenwardy: really? 13:03 rubenwardy My site is second when you search "Minecraft mod maker" 13:03 rubenwardy And in the top results somewhere for "mod maker" 13:04 Fixer lol 13:04 Fixer rubenwardy: not on my list in google 13:05 Fixer #7 result for mod maker 13:05 rubenwardy Oh no it's 4th now 13:05 Fixer "Simple Mod Maker - rubenwardy" 13:05 rubenwardy Yeah 13:05 Fixer #7 for me 13:05 rubenwardy Make sure to click all the malware 13:05 rubenwardy Errrr 13:05 rubenwardy Adverts 13:05 Fixer waaat? 13:06 Fixer i don't see any ads nor malware on that page 13:08 rubenwardy You must have an adblocker 13:09 jluc google pushes up the sites you visit most 13:10 jluc - in your browser only 13:11 jluc rubenwardy is 6th here - nice achievement for a minetest mod maker 13:12 jluc i recently posted a request on minetest bug tracker : https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6800 13:12 jluc a request for a general mod-control API 13:13 jluc and the conclusion was : line commands 13:13 jluc in each willing mods 13:14 Out`Of`Control addblock is maleware by itself use ublock origin 13:18 rubenwardy jluc, even in private / incognito? 13:19 jluc i dunno 13:19 jluc i just tried your mod maker 13:19 jluc cool 13:19 jluc i think i'll try it with my son 13:20 jluc he's into scratch now and 'll love creating hes mod 13:22 jluc great 14:00 MinetestBot 02[git] 04basicer -> 03minetest/minetest: - Clear colors when reading property info. 13787cd15 https://git.io/vb7gy (152017-12-25T14:00:25Z) 14:03 MinetestBot 02[git] 04numberZero -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix dancing text 13189daf8 https://git.io/vb7g7 (152017-12-25T14:00:50Z) 15:39 dracmas Whats the best mods to use together that are compatible to get health/hunger/sprint/thirsty to work well together in hud? I'm on 0.4.16 on Windows. 15:45 Krock .. all of them? 15:46 Krock dracmas, if you look at https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=11153 you can see a list of mods that use it 15:47 dracmas I run sometimes in open areas. Want to do a survival game so hunger and thirst would be ideal :) I'll look at the link thanks 15:49 pgimeno how can I store data in an object added with add_entity, that I can retrieve? I see a get/set_properties but that doesn't seem to support user data 15:49 dracmas Wow don't know how I missed that mod. I've been digging through the mod forums since last night. 15:51 dracmas Thank you Krock. Just what I was looking for. 15:51 Krock !next 15:51 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 15:52 pgimeno ^ o/ 15:52 Krock pgimeno, convert the userdata to a serializable format 15:52 Krock and the save it on get_staticdata() 15:52 pgimeno Krock: then? 15:52 pgimeno ah 15:52 pgimeno I don't want it static (as in I don't want it to persist when the block is unloaded) 15:53 Krock that will make Minetest load the data if the entity gets loaded again 15:53 Krock oh 15:53 Krock well then, simply do self._my_variable = "foobar" and it'll be that way for the entity where you called it 15:53 pgimeno it's for the fishing mod, it has a bug where when there's more than one player, they must all be close, and I'm trying to fix it by attaching the player somehow to the bobber 15:54 pgimeno is the _ important? because I tried a variation of that and it didn't work 15:55 Krock No, but some people would like to see custom keys in that format 15:55 Krock but builtin (dropped items) doesn't use that either: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/builtin/game/item_entity.lua#L38 15:55 Krock ^ the age will be 0 for each new entity, but can be changed individually 15:57 pgimeno Runtime error from mod 'fishing' in callback luaentity_Step(): ...pps/minetest/minetest-git/bin/../mods/fishing/bobber.lua:239: attempt to index field '_placer' (a nil value) 15:58 pgimeno I'm not sure what's wrong 15:59 pgimeno I need per-instance data, not per-class 16:00 pgimeno I'm using this to set it: minetest.add_entity({snip}, "fishing:bobber_entity")._placer = user 16:00 pgimeno and then this to read it (from on_step): local p = self.object._placer:getpos() 16:02 pgimeno everything else failing, I guess I can abuse the infotext property and set it to "<playername>'s bobber" and then trim "'s bobber" out 16:04 Krock only store player names, not ObjectRef these may cause weird behaviour when the player left 16:05 pgimeno I know but the bobber is immediately removed, anyway I will 16:05 * Krock sets -o on VanessaE 16:07 pgimeno for now I'm trying to make it work at all - is on_step() immediately called from add_entity()? 16:09 pgimeno hm, I've tried to separate it into two lines: local entity = minetest.add_entity(...) then entity._placer = user 16:09 pgimeno I get this: attempt to index local 'entity' (a userdata value) 16:21 Krock pgimeno, wrong object. use entity:get_luaentity()._placer = user 16:22 pgimeno Krock: isn't that for the entire bobber class? as opposed to per instance 16:25 Krock it's an instance for that particular entity 16:26 pgimeno ahh 16:26 pgimeno sweet, thank you! 16:27 Krock !next 16:27 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 16:37 pgimeno yay, working! thanks Krock 16:40 Krock great to hear :) 16:47 * pgimeno does the clone/setremote github dance one again 16:47 pgimeno er, fork 17:30 pgimeno is there any way to find out whether add_particlespawner admits a particlespawner definition table, other than by checking the version? 17:32 sfan5 uh huh 17:32 sfan5 minetest.features was intended for that job, but it seems that wasn't considered when implementing that feature 17:34 pgimeno I'm also finding that problem with callbacks such as on_death 17:35 pgimeno it would be nice to have an easy to check version number like 0x000410 17:39 sfan5 that promotes non-portable behaviour 17:40 sfan5 the 'features' thingy is supposed to make such hacks unnecessary 17:40 sfan5 but well.... 17:41 pgimeno it's too easy to forget to add things there 17:41 sfan5 true 17:41 sfan5 instead of just check for a function added in the same release as the particlespawner thing 17:42 pgimeno heh, speaking of hacks :) 17:43 Krock it you want to be on the secure side, only consider C++ API functions, as the other stuff may be outdated 17:45 pgimeno I'll go with checking the version; to me it's more robust to rely on the version history than to rely on the existence of functions that may be removed in future 17:48 pgimeno this is what I'm forced to do: https://gist.github.com/pgimeno/8f4fb91c932a993b2360acc8e9ea703f 17:57 Krock pgimeno, how about in-development versions? 17:58 pgimeno Krock: for this use case, it doesn't matter - the multi-param version was deprecated in 0.4.10 19:19 pgimeno and here's the result: https://github.com/Mossmanikin/fishing/pull/3 - thanks everyone especially Krock 19:25 Krock (C)(R)(TM) All your base are belong to us :P 19:30 Krock But I'm afraid the mod author won't look at the PR soon. 0 contributions this year 19:30 Krock same for 2016 and 2015. Consider continuing your own fork 19:44 pgimeno yeah 19:48 ManElevation this is my minetest.config for my server, its not announcing what am i doing wrong? 19:48 ManElevation https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/394909207498981387/394939203005186048/minetest.conf 19:51 Emerald2 Is there a problem with the serverlist? 19:57 Krock ManElevation, what feedback do you get from the master server? 19:57 Krock Emerald2, uhm.. no? 19:58 ManElevation Krock no errors, just not announcing 19:59 Krock I'm not only talking about errors. Any info/action logs? 19:59 ManElevation it loads correctly 19:59 Krock after all you need curl to be linked with your minetest build (in case you built it yourself) 20:00 ManElevation last action was Announcing to servers.minetest.net 20:00 xerox123 ManElevation: are you getting error 418 like me? 20:00 ManElevation do i add curl_timeout = 10000? 20:00 xerox123 2017-12-25 19:59:27: ERROR[CurlFetch]: servers.minetest.net/announce not found (HTTP response code said error) (response code 418) 20:00 Krock that sounds right. If there's no status code report from the master server you can simply run it for 15 minutes or similar to refresh it 20:00 ManElevation xerox123 i was before not anymore 20:01 xerox123 hmm, did the curl_timeout = 100000 fix it? 20:01 Krock xerox123, are you sure it's 418? 20:01 xerox123 confirmed 20:02 Krock the master server list (officially) never reports being a teapot 20:02 ManElevation xerox123 i added this server_address = and it fixed it 20:02 ManElevation Krock can ya see DistrictPvP on the server list? 20:02 xerox123 so it might be the domain my server is announcing 20:03 xerox123 oh that makes sense probably 20:03 Krock you can also specify a domain there btw if you don't want the IP on the list (doesn't really hide the IP however) 20:03 aix hi 20:03 ManElevation i turned off all my firewalls from router and pc but i still dont see the server online 20:03 Krock ManElevation, not yet. wait until Minetest sends an update request 20:04 ManElevation ok 20:04 Krock you can do the is-my-server-up-check with MinetestBot or ShadowBot, running !up (or ~up) <address> <port> if that's a problem 20:05 Krock if that works, you don't have to adjust anything in your firewall unless you're hosting a media server too 20:05 xerox123 changed the address, still error 418 20:05 ManElevation xerox123 use what www.whatsmyip.org gives you 20:06 aix xerox123: long time no see 20:06 xerox123 hmm, only using my domain because my IP is dynamic 20:06 xerox123 no sees in long times 20:07 ManElevation you can set a static ip 20:08 Krock btw, minetestserver will send an update request to the master server list all 300s (5 min), so after 15 minutes it should really show up in the list unless it's blocked, which you can see in the logs 20:08 xerox123 still 418 with my IP in the field 20:08 xerox123 hmm ok Ill leave it for a bit 20:08 ManElevation same 20:08 xerox123 I did reset my router yesterday, let me see if the portforwarding is OK 20:10 xerox123 derp, got the firewall rule wrong 20:10 ManElevation xD 20:11 xerox123 still 418, Ill leave it 20 min or so 20:14 xerox123 Krock: what does teapot mean in this sense? 20:15 Krock that someone had fun while programming the server or you're really trying to connect to a teapot 20:15 Krock sfan5, is the master server running on a IoT Teapot by any chance? 20:16 xerox123 I feel cheated lol 20:17 xerox123 after 5 minutes, still a teapot 20:17 Krock teapots do not suddenly transform. that may only happen in sci-fi or horror movies 20:17 ManElevation use the host name that http://www.whatsmyip.org/ gives you instead of the subdomain, maybe there's the problem 20:17 xerox123 already trying that 20:18 ManElevation kk 20:23 Krock okay, I'm getting the 418 status code too 20:23 Krock !up ente.kak.si 34617 20:23 MinetestBot ente.kak.si:34617 is up (25ms) 20:24 xerox123 fixed the issue 20:24 xerox123 xerox.us.to announces but no www.xeroxirc.net 20:27 xerox123 cloudflare isn't interfering with it's protection system 20:33 ManElevation Krock, xerox123, im not getting any errors can you guys try to log on the server? 20:33 xerox123 what's the name? 20:33 ManElevation its but if that dosent work look for the name DistrictPvP 20:34 xerox123 !up 39998 20:34 MinetestBot seems to be down 20:35 xerox123 ^ yup 20:36 Emerald2 Yeah it's down. 20:50 gd228 04,10â–„09,13â–„09,10â–„10,02â–„11,03â–„08,10â–„03,03â–„05,05â–„03,02â–„12,11â–„10,05â–„08,06â–„03,08â–„06,11â–„10 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! jwfjwkebo: twahm xerox123_ Puka celeron55 kuldeep lRC__ jontow RafiX Fritigern Milan[m] xSmurf grumble Raven262 ManElevation proller__ m712 NathanS21 sofar greeter Jousway crai 20:50 gd228 06,10â–„06,10â–„08,09â–„12,06â–„08,10â–„05,13â–„05,04â–„11,12â–„13,06â–„09,04â–„03,04â–„06,06â–„11,12â–„10,04â–„09,02â–„10,13â–„12,11â–„08,11â–„10,13â–„02,06â–„05 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! ilcijh: jluc erstazi bas080 Fixer Sockbat Puka xerox123_ Fritigern kuldeep Milan[m] edgy1-m84 celeron55 Emerald2 Rog 20:50 gd228 06,02â–„13,04â–„08,13â–„13,09â–„04,09â–„10,10â–„03,10â–„11,03â–„05,04â–„11,04â–„07,11â–„06,07â–„12,04â–„10,07â–„12,10â–„12,05â–„05,03â–„07,10â–„10,04â–„05 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! qtvwfmadb: Raven262 Puka Jousway edgy1 Sockbat Jordach garywhite Tux[Qyou] Krock teh_steve Robby Roger9 twahm xSmurf xenkey Te 20:50 gd228 10,07â–„12,03â–„12,05â–„10,05â–„07,05â–„06,08â–„07,13â–„11,06â–„04,11â–„09,07â–„04 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! egwwuchbv: FreeFull Milan[m] Fusl xerox123_ illwieckz Telesight edgy1 Sockbat xerox123 CWz Shara Sonos Tux[Qyou] Fixer jluc tiwake jontow craigger Robby numzero celeron55 Roger9 Raven262 lRC__ erstazi Fritigern proll 20:50 gd228 12,13â–„07,07â–„12,13â–„08,10â–„09,11â–„08,12â–„09,07â–„10,08â–„11,02â–„06,02â–„13,05â–„13,09â–„07,08â–„10,07â–„06,07â–„02,08â–„13,07â–„09,05â–„09,07â–„13 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! ynooct: xerox123_ jluc RafiX Jousway lRC__ Fixer kuldeep nullawk jontow Robby greeter compunerd xerox123 sofar craigger Fritig 20:50 Emerald2 o_O 20:50 Tux[Qyou] same 20:51 Emerald2 So now it switches to PMing 20:51 VanessaE /ignore :P 20:52 Emerald2 That was pretty stupid lol. 20:58 Out`Of`Control what 20:59 Emerald2 spambot, they're spamming other channels too 20:59 red-001 some gnaa trolls got a botnet 21:07 cu103 09,10â–„04,08â–„02,02â–„03,08â–„11,03â–„09,02â–„11,06â–„06,03â–„06,12â–„13,08â–„12,12â–„13,03â–„12 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! qfnobm: numzero Tux[Q proller proller__ 10,13â–„13,13â–„12,13â–„03,06â–„07,03â–„04,12â–„02,10â–„13,08â–„11,11â–„02,08â–„06,09â–„05,02â–„02,07â–„06,10â–„10,10â–„03,07â–„ 21:07 Emerald2 VanessaE 21:07 cu103 02,12â–„10,10â–„02,05â–„03,03â–„05,10â–„05,06â–„03,08â–„08,11â–„11,06â–„12,11â–„12,07â–„02,06â–„06,03â–„10,03â–„08,06â–„07,02â–„02,06â–„02,03â–„12 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! soewqcawhi: Tux[Q proller numzero proller__ 10,11â–„13,09â–„05,06â–„09,04â–„06,12â–„06,07â–„09,11â–„11,13â–„02,13â–„13,03 21:07 cu103 11,07â–„07,05â–„06,08â–„07,11â–„06,08â–„05,03â–„11,08â–„05,06â–„03,06â–„03,04â–„13,08â–„08,10â–„08,08â–„11,05â–„10,04â–„04,06â–„11,07â–„10,04â–„12 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! mifetyzx: proller__ Tux[Q numzero proller 03,07â–„13,03â–„07,05â–„09,06â–„11,05â–„06,12â–„11,11â–„05,10â–„10,10â–„10,05â– 21:07 cu103 03,03â–„10,04â–„12,08â–„07,12â–„07,13â–„10,11â–„08,13â–„08,11â–„04,09â–„10,13â–„12,10â–„05,10â–„09,13â–„10,10â–„12,07â–„11,09â–„02,06â–„04,05â–„13,10â–„03 HAPPY NIGGER MAS!! IF YOU WANT JOIN A CELEBRATION THAT IS NIGGER FREE PLEASE JOIN #/JOIN RIGHT HERE ON THIS NETWORK!! jeqzm: numzero proller__ proller Tux[Q 08,12â–„07,09â–„12,04â–„12,03â–„12,03â–„09,03â–„04,13â–„02,05â–„13,10â–„ 21:08 Emerald2 Thanks. :) 21:08 Emerald2 The bots are all over freenode now. 21:08 VanessaE dammit why doesn't hexchat offer better patterns 21:08 Out`Of`Control set + r ? 21:09 jluc and aje363 now 21:11 Fixer that fucker spammed me in private 21:12 Out`Of`Control last time he flood invite me to n channel 21:12 Out`Of`Control its AI not a human 21:13 RafiX well on #krita there was a fucking wall of this shit 21:13 VanessaE sorry, I ain't on #krita :P 21:14 RafiX well the bot got k-lined after some time 21:14 jluc it's not the first time he comes 21:14 jluc it wasnt as colorfull previous times 21:15 Out`Of`Control op invite Sigyn bot autokill them 21:15 RafiX well it wasn't that intense last time 21:15 VanessaE that raises the question, why doesn't either MinetestBot or ShadowBot handle this stuff? 21:16 Out`Of`Control useless bots ban them xD 21:16 VanessaE :P 21:16 Jordach shadowbot did 21:16 Jordach it ded 21:16 VanessaE ShadowBot! 21:16 * VanessaE pokes ShadowBot 21:17 VanessaE wake up you useless pile of code :P 21:17 celeron55 well, thanks to the colors, it's easy to avoid reading any of the stuff 21:17 celeron55 so there's that at least 21:17 celeron55 the worst spam is the stuff that you can't even tell is spam! 21:18 celeron55 nice highlights though 21:29 pgimeno https://github.com/freenode/ircd-seven/blob/master/src/match.c would be the code that processes wildcards (it's server side of course) 21:29 pgimeno only * and ? accepted 21:30 sfan5 VanessaE, ShadowBot's ban functions only work when it's opped 21:30 VanessaE oh 21:30 VanessaE s/it/she 21:30 VanessaE / 21:31 sfan5 true 21:53 twahm is there any way to change the parameters of a node generated by VoxelManip? 21:54 sfan5 parameters? 21:54 twahm yes, I need to generate torches that stick to the wall correctly 21:56 sfan5 you can change the param2 afterwards using get_node and set_node 21:57 sfan5 or if you'd like it more performant, vmanips provide get_param2_data() and set_param2_data() 22:00 twahm but the wiki says that set_param2_data changes the param2 of each node 22:01 sfan5 get the old data, change the node you want, write it back 22:02 twahm well, thanks