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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-12-24

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00:08 Beginner :) nvm, so it is about damage, not time between punches
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00:35 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Biomes: Add 'dirt with coniferous litter' node for coniferous forest 8ab7c54 https://git.io/vbQzX (2017-12-24T00:33:21Z)
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00:43 Emerald2 Anyone know if the Iluna people have an IRC channel?
00:53 ThomasMonroe hi Emerald2 , i do not know if they do or not
00:56 Emerald2 You're everywhere, Tre. :P
00:58 swift110 who are the iluna people
01:00 AntumDeluge joined #minetest
01:00 Emerald2 I should say the Iluna servers.
01:01 swift110 oh ok
01:02 Emerald2 Oh it actually has 2 l's.
01:02 Emerald2 I would have found it if I could spell.
01:02 Emerald2 #illuna
01:07 swift110 thats cool
01:07 ThomasMonroe hey swift110
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02:07 twahm What is the size of a chunk in minetest?
02:36 twahm joined #minetest
02:40 Lone-Star twahm: looks like chunk size is 256x256
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06:37 sofar twahm: chunk is 80^3 by default, not 256
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07:44 MarisaG hi everyone, back from sleeping ;)
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08:04 MarisaG hi antum*
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09:39 rubenwardy Chunks only exist during mapgen, and are 6x6x6 nodes
09:40 rubenwardy Where 6 is the default chunk_size setting
09:41 rubenwardy *6x6x6 mapblocks
09:41 rubenwardy The map is stored in mapblocks, which are 16*16*16 nodes
09:41 rubenwardy And a node is a single position which is air, a cube, a mesh, or whatever
09:42 rubenwardy So mapblocks are minetest's equivalent to what that other game calls chunks
09:52 Emerald2 o/
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10:16 pgimeno is on_generated called once per chunk?
10:16 twoelk joined #minetest
10:18 twoelk merry christmas to you all :-D
10:21 Emerald2 It'll technically be christmas here in 40 minutes. :D
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14:16 hisforever Hi I need help here is my debug page http://pasteall.org/734422  ?
14:19 sfan5 you have advtrains installed incorrectly
14:19 hisforever ty stan 5
14:19 hisforever is it a name issue?
14:22 sfan5 that too
14:22 sfan5 but some mod is duplicate too
14:25 hisforever I'll check it out ty my friend I'll be back later
14:26 deltasquared joined #minetest
14:27 deltasquared ok, stupid question time, is the region around spawn always kept loaded?
14:27 deltasquared the context is I'm trying to see if it's possible to write automated tests for mod behaviour by looking at changed nodes etc.
14:28 sfan5 no region is kept loaded by default
14:28 deltasquared damn.
14:28 deltasquared so, I guess I'd have to put a forceload region in a startup script somewhere
14:29 sfan5 yes
14:29 deltasquared hmm, so, singlenode world, forceload a region, put some base blocks down, run the test... that could work, I guess.
14:30 deltasquared let assert naturally stop the server if something fails
14:35 deltasquared hmm, unit tests... though I guess for most of the stuff in the base game it'd not be of much use. the things you'd want to have test cases for would be the engine, and it already has a flag for that
14:36 deltasquared speaking of... I just tried it and it got to TestRandom and core dumped with a floating point exception.
14:36 deltasquared intriguing
14:36 deltasquared a divide by zero? huh
14:37 deltasquared the PCG random test, it seems. but no line numbers. argh.
14:38 sfan5 known issue
14:38 deltasquared sfan5: curious, there an issue open?
14:39 sfan5 used to be, since it was solved https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4810
14:41 deltasquared sfan5: ah, so it's been fixed since in master. fair do's.
14:41 deltasquared compiler optimisations are such fun
14:42 deltasquared shame there's not a way to skip that test in the meantime, but it doesn't matter too much, I don't suspect there are any subtle bugs hiding in the engine, only my own code ;)
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15:40 hisforever I got my advanced trains oppreational :)
15:41 deltasquared hisforever: oh yeah? how are ye doing track angles in yours
15:41 deltasquared (also gib link pls :> )
15:42 fwhcat joined #minetest
15:42 hisforever But now I'm having trouble with the digtron. I can't put track in the builder for some reason?
15:42 fwhcat joined #minetest
15:44 deltasquared hisforever: digtron you say? I can play with that locally
15:44 deltasquared we need like a spontaneous server feature where we can set up temp. mini-servers on the fly for showing bugs etc.
15:44 hisforever Eeltasquard I just use the track tool and put track down lots of time trails lol
15:45 hisforever deltasquared> sorry for butterching your name
15:46 bas080 joined #minetest
15:47 hisforever I've used the digtron a lot but never had a problem with the builder excepting objects
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15:55 deltasquared hisforever: I've just made a test thing to build rails, it seems to work just fine. you sure you've done all the obvious, put the rail in an inventory storage unit, configure the builder correctly and right facing direction etc.?
15:56 twahm joined #minetest
15:57 deltasquared side note, how in the hell am I supposed to place blocks beneath the thing as it goes forward... won't let me place facing down
15:59 hisforever I got it to work now , I had to reinstall digtron again
15:59 xerox123 joined #minetest
16:00 hisforever as for loading digtron it has to be stoped to load in more meteral
16:06 hisforever I have to leave I'm on my wifi with phone so I'll say Merry Christmas bye
16:16 paramat pgimeno 'on generated' is called once after that mapchunk (5*5*5 mapblocks) has been generated by core mapgen
16:20 pgimeno paramat: thanks, so do I get it right that you will always get 5x5x5 blocks without overlapping, and that the blockseed parameter refers tothat particular 5x5x5 block?
16:23 paramat the 5x5x5 mapchunks do not overlap, but as you know the voxelmanip volume is 7x7x7 mapblocks where the outer shell of mapblocks overlaps other mapchunks
16:23 pgimeno right
16:24 paramat blockseed is for 'full node min' which is the mapblock in the minimum corner of the 7x7x7 volume, so a mapblock in the shell
16:25 paramat intersting, i would have thought it should be at the corner of the mapchunk
16:25 paramat *interesting
16:25 paramat anyway too late to change that now
16:25 paramat guess it doesn't matter
16:26 paramat referring to this blockseed https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/mapgen/mapgen_v7.cpp#L290
16:26 pgimeno as long as it is unique per node in the chunk, I'm happy
16:28 paramat yes it will be
16:28 hisforever joined #minetest
16:29 pgimeno good enough, then
16:29 pgimeno thanks!
16:30 hisforever Hi again My digtron will not lay track. hereis a screen shot https://imgur.com/a/XesBd
16:31 hisforever I've set up like I always have too
16:32 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
16:33 hisforever it lays road bed just fine but things on top of the bed it seems not to like anymore
16:40 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
16:47 deltasquared huh, voxelmanip can only load entire chunks, not the precise region? welp
16:48 deltasquared that complicates a simple fill_area() somewhat
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18:06 deltasquared another stupid question time, are ABMs fired for nodes as long as they're loaded or is the activation range limited to a smaller radius around the player?
18:27 Krock joined #minetest
18:31 paramat ABMs are only triggered within 48 nodes (by default) of any player, there's a setting for that radius
18:32 FreeFull joined #minetest
18:32 paramat lua loxelmanip only loads complete mapblocks (16x16x16 nodes)
18:32 deltasquared 48 nodes... hmm. the context is an ambience sound type thing, so I guess I'd have to constrain the range somehow.
18:32 paramat mapchunks are a different size
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19:44 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/master-server: Make hostname blacklist case insensitive 2f87286 https://git.io/vb7vN (2017-12-24T19:42:47Z)
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19:56 deltasquared another stupid question, the mechanism which loads sounds of the form somesound.1.ogg, somesound.2.ogg etc., what's the highest count that picks up?
19:56 deltasquared I've got a set going up to 17 here but in-game the randomisation only seems to be picking from the first 8 (sounds like)
19:56 deltasquared wait, make that 9? so it's only picking up the first digit ones...
19:56 deltasquared interesting
19:57 sfan5 pretty sure it's only 9
20:00 Animetrom joined #minetest
20:01 deltasquared shame we can't add randomised playback speed variation in the sound parameters, or can we? the parameter table doesn't seem to be documented anywhere
20:01 Krock whitephoenix, ping.
20:01 deltasquared oh wait, it is, but no "speed" parameter.
20:02 Animetrom left #minetest
20:03 whitephoenix Krock, hi
20:06 Krock hello. The bamboo PR is still lying around. Mind adding bamboo:slab_v (somewhen) back in so it can be merged?
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20:21 whitephoenix Krock, oh sorry kinda busy for a few days, will get to it soon
20:26 paramat joined #minetest
20:26 MinetestBot paramat: Dec-24 20:20 UTC <Megaf> https://github.com/Megaf/nether-pack/pull/5#issuecomment-353801581
20:30 fwhcat joined #minetest
20:30 Krock whitephoenix, not that it had a big priority. It's just a sticky tab here :)
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20:54 MinetestBot [git] Ezhh -> minetest/minetest_game: Resize junglegrass selection box d1ece74 https://git.io/vb7Ul (2017-12-24T20:50:51Z)
20:54 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Ferns: Add 3 sizes for coniferous forest biome d1db66b https://git.io/vb7U8 (2017-12-24T20:50:44Z)
20:55 ChadMcNugget joined #minetest
20:59 Lone-Star is there an easy way to copy a seed?
21:00 rubenwardy in world.mt
21:00 rubenwardy seed = <SEED HERE>
21:00 Lone-Star k, thanks
21:01 Taoki joined #minetest
21:06 Lone-Star don't see that in my world.mt, but did find it in map_meta.txt
21:07 rubenwardy oh right
21:07 rubenwardy my bad
21:08 Lone-Star no biggy
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21:55 Beginer Hello, how do i create singlenode world using terminal?
21:59 Krock sed "s/mg_name \= .*/mg_name \= singlenode/g" map_meta.txt
22:00 Krock oh and write the output back to map_meta.txt
22:00 Taoki joined #minetest
22:01 Beginer isn't map_meta.txt created after i start server?
22:12 Krock well then, start the server, shut it down, perform that command and delete map.sqlite
22:30 Beginer ok, thanks!
22:40 pgimeno I'm having a weird problem. I'm using simple mobs, and killing a sheep does not drop raw meat. Debugging shows that in on_punch, mobs:get_hp() is not zero. I'm using https://github.com/PilzAdam/mobs - is there a newer one or any known problem that could cause this?
22:41 Beginer this: minetest --server --gameid minetest --config ~/.minetest/test.conf --port 30000 --world test --worldname test    doesnt want to create "test" world, instead it starts my old map (minetest/worlds/world). Why?
22:41 pgimeno sorry, I meant self.object:get_hp() but you get the idea
22:43 pgimeno it returns 5 instead of 0
22:49 Lone-Star this is a bit off-topic, but my bearded dragon getting into the holidays, lol -- https://imgur.com/2vL1cxQ
22:52 Beginer nvm, fixed - run as sudoer
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23:12 swift110 sup
23:13 MarisaG hi swift110
23:22 Beginer left #minetest
23:23 Genshin o/
23:24 MarisaG hi Genshin
23:24 Genshin Working on something new https://discordapp.com/channels/244083748847616000/319290496352518155
23:25 Genshin oops wrong url
23:25 Genshin https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319290496352518155/394628013196836884/Screenshot_at_2017-12-24_11-35-51.png
23:26 MarisaG a new skin?
23:28 Genshin No, just new models for mobs
23:28 MarisaG ah ok
23:33 hisforever joined #minetest
23:33 MarisaG hi hisforever
23:34 hisforever Hi here is a past it post http://pasteall.org/734648 need help please
23:35 hisforever Hi MarisaG Merry Christmas :)
23:35 MarisaG you too :)
23:36 hisforever Digtron is giving me fits lol
23:36 MarisaG is that a mod?
23:37 hisforever yes it digs tunnels and lays road bed
23:37 MarisaG ah ok
23:38 hisforever trying to lay track for a town I built
23:41 hisforever This is a great channel
23:41 MarisaG maybe i should add that to the mincity download area
23:41 MarisaG lot of people in it
23:41 MarisaG not much talking though lol
23:41 swift110 how are ypu MarisaG
23:42 swift110 cool Genshin
23:42 MarisaG not bad swift110 thx
23:42 swift110 good MarisaG
23:42 Genshin Thanks, this model has animated aura sphere.
23:42 hisforever http://pasteall.org/734648
23:42 swift110 So you guys make streets and buildings? I saw some stuff on youtube and thought it was awesome
23:43 proller joined #minetest
23:43 hisforever swift minetest is awesome
23:43 hisforever I just built a 50 block tower of glass
23:43 Genshin Just needs more work, but it's awesome the way it is.
23:44 Genshin better than Minecraft.
23:44 hisforever agree with the work hehe
23:44 hisforever any day
23:45 hisforever wish I understood the code part lol
23:46 hisforever but then I wouldn't have to come in with all these awesome people
23:46 MarisaG ;)
23:50 MarisaG if you come across any good minetest vids it would be great if you added them in the minecity.online community area for others to appreciate :)
23:51 MarisaG i have some now but im sure there are more...
23:52 hisforever well I'm on wifi on my cell so I better get off so I don't get a big bill for data
23:52 MarisaG ok nice to meet you!
23:52 hisforever God bless
23:52 hisforever bye
23:52 MarisaG you too!
23:54 Calinou <hisforever> well I'm on wifi on my cell so I better get off so I don't get a big bill for data
23:54 Calinou looks like we're back in the times of 56k modems :P
23:55 MarisaG heh
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23:59 MarisaG wb swift110_

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