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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-11-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:06 swift110 joined #minetest
00:20 est31 think it worked
00:20 est31 I havent rejoined #minetest-dev
00:20 est31 so, my IRC bouncer wont trouble paramat again
00:20 est31 left #minetest
00:21 paramat hehe
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03:42 MinetestBot [git] Ezhh -> minetest/minetest: Improve Settings tab button alignments 5b7687c (2017-11-13T03:40:20Z)
03:42 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest: Lua_api.txt: Add documentation of required mapgen aliases 4d83eb7 (2017-11-13T03:40:11Z)
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09:02 MinetestBot [git] bell07 -> Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit: Add support for smart_inventory b259906 (2017-11-13T08:58:42Z)
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15:20 Sires Hello someone on ?
15:20 rubenwardy well, there's 161 one
15:20 rubenwardy *on
15:20 Sires good xD
15:20 rubenwardy but on IRC it's normal to be waiting a while for a response
15:21 Sires Hey did you see something wrong in my mod ? I'm having really troubles with .deserialize
15:21 rubenwardy no, looked fine to me
15:21 SanskritFritz joined #minetest
15:21 Sires Yeah.. to me it looked fine too
15:21 rubenwardy what did the print(get_string("whatever")) say?
15:22 rubenwardy and are you sure it crashed there?
15:22 rubenwardy essentially, make loads of print statements
15:22 Sires {a serialized pos here}
15:22 Sires like
15:22 rubenwardy no "return"?
15:22 Sires hummm no
15:23 Sires When "no "return"" happens ?
15:23 rubenwardy was it {x=1,y=2,z=3} or {"x":1, "y":2, "z":3}
15:24 Sires lemme see, btw cat face at -2 and -3 chars of your message
15:24 rubenwardy lol
15:24 rubenwardy must be using a weird client that auto-creates emojis
15:24 rubenwardy was it `{x=1,y=2,z=3} or {"x" : 1, "y" : 2, "z" : 3}`
15:25 Sires I'm looking one sec
15:27 Sires return {{["y"] = 9, ["x"] = -253, ["z"] = -17}}
15:27 Sires oh
15:27 Sires there it is
15:28 rubenwardy that's valid Lua serialised
15:28 rubenwardy so it's not that issue
15:28 rubenwardy I'm quite busy so will have to go afk now
15:28 Sires ok thx
15:29 rubenwardy but I suggest using print statements to try and work out where it's going wrong
15:29 Sires yeah
15:29 rubenwardy oh, BTW, that's an array of positions
15:29 rubenwardy so make sure you do like    thing[1].x
15:29 rubenwardy rather than thing.x
15:29 Sires yes
15:29 Sires I want an array of positions
15:29 rubenwardy cool
15:29 Sires to each block connected
15:29 Sires to the control center
15:30 Sires I mean a position in the array to each block connected
15:33 Sires ooh
15:33 Sires It was all just a matter of wrong error-reading, that code is working, it's another thing that does not works
15:36 Sires Someone knows when does InvRef:get_list() returns nil when there is the list you put in there ?
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16:08 salahzar Is there a mod similar to dynmap to show a minetest server map via web?
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16:34 salahzar or maybe a big map with waypoints etc internal to minetest client? I remember I happened to have seen something similar some days ago, but can't remember where...
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19:27 Megaf Greetings
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20:46 MinetestBot Player_2: Nov-10 16:50 UTC <w_laenger> Hello
21:10 ashtrayoz joined #minetest
21:15 ashtrayoz Calinou: moreblocks/stairsplus generates stuff with a set of suffixes, including "_alt", "_alt_1", etc.
21:15 ashtrayoz But moreblocks already defines a block named moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt
21:16 ashtrayoz My recipe system complains that crafting with a single moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt has two conflicting outputs.
21:16 ashtrayoz One is registered from moreblocks/crafting.lua, one is from stairsplus.
21:21 ashtrayoz I have put together a quick fix for this, but it can break existing worlds.
21:21 ashtrayoz See:  moreblocks/pull/87
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21:55 Calinou ashtrayoz: I commented, can you add an alias?
21:55 Calinou so that existing worlds aren't broken
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22:00 ashtrayoz Calinou: will look into it...
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22:20 ashtrayoz Tricky.  It is impossible to make a moreblocks/stairsplus "moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt", so there will not be any in existing worlds.
22:21 ashtrayoz It is possible to create a moreblocks/nodes.lua "moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt", so it is reasonable to assume that some will exist.
22:22 proller joined #minetest
22:22 ashtrayoz If #87 is merged, all existing moreblocks/nodes.lua "moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt" will change texture.
22:22 ashtrayoz But they will not become unknown blocks.
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22:26 ashtrayoz Anything defined in the world as "moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt" will have its description changed to "Split Stone Tile Stairs", with matching texture.
22:27 proller joined #minetest
22:28 ashtrayoz It is currently named "Checkered Stone Tile Stairs", with matching texture.
22:28 allonphone joined #minetest
22:29 ashtrayoz Looks like an alias would have to define a "Checkered Stone Tile Stairs" node under the alias "moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt".
22:29 ashtrayoz But that means renaming lots of nodes in stairsplus.
22:30 ashtrayoz Which would mean creating dozens of aliases in stairsplus.
22:31 ashtrayoz There would have to be a special-case in stairsplus to handle the (currently non-existant in any world) stair_split_stone_tile_alt.
22:32 ashtrayoz Can it be done?  Yes.  Can it be done with less than 50 aliases?  I don't think so.
22:33 proller joined #minetest
22:33 ashtrayoz The breakage to existing worlds (changing moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt so that it has a Split Stone texture in place of its existing Checkered Stone texture) looks small.
22:34 ashtrayoz And the code would be a lot more maintainable - the alias code and special cases would be nasty.
22:36 Calinou problem is, full split_stone_tile_alt nodes will turn into unknown nodes
22:36 Calinou (from my understanding)
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23:00 ashtrayoz Calinou:  you are correct.  Will update the pull request.
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