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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-11-05

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00:38 GreenDimond So I am trying to get a mob into minetest from Blender, and at one point the model was correct but the animations werent working, so I tried something and now the mesh in-game is all deformed.
00:40 rdococ > so I tried something
00:40 rdococ what did you do?!
00:40 rdococ I mean, I have almost literally no knowledge on that subject, but I do think people who have more knowledge would want to know about what you tried.
00:41 GreenDimond I changed the export settings
00:41 GreenDimond I think
00:42 GreenDimond (this happens when I export as .x or .b3d)
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01:08 MinetestBot [git] lhofhansl -> minetest/minetest: Do not scale texture unless necessary. 6be6fb7 https://git.io/vFCNd (2017-11-05T01:05:55Z)
01:08 dogetest joined #minetest
01:12 Lone-Star paramat: your commit for stairs, that wont prevent stairs from being flipped/rotated when a schematic is imported?
01:12 Lone-Star just how the textures are applied?
01:13 lumberJ joined #minetest
01:18 paramat correct
01:30 Lone-Star thanks
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01:56 jas_ !server dcbl
01:56 MinetestBot jas_: dcbl | dcbl.duckdns.org | Clients: 0/20, 0/1 | Version: 0.5.0-dev / dcbl | Ping: 116ms
01:56 jas_ gotta incorporate the bookcount into the lockable bookshelves, but off to work first g'night
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09:46 valen_ Hello
09:46 valen_ I´ve a big issue. Playing minetest on laptop and laptop looses power so it simply gets offed
09:47 Telesight joined #minetest
09:53 valen_ after restart the singleplayer world has an error on loading:
09:54 valen_ A serialization error occurred: ERROR[main]: ServerEnvironment::loadMeta(): EnvArgsEnd not found ERROR[main]: The server is probably  running a different version of Minetest.
09:54 valen_ after that I looked it up and envmeta.txt was empty
09:55 valen_ do you have any idea how to save the world. built a lot in it. :-)
09:56 GNU[BDC] there are some tools to fix broken map, look on forum
09:56 GNU[BDC] make backup first then edite it
09:56 valen_ great will look
09:59 sfan5 valen_: delete env_meta.txt
10:03 GNU[BDC] how to make server use less cpu, more ram?
10:03 GNU[BDC] any settings to do that?
10:04 Krock server_unload_unused_data_timeout = 300
10:05 lisac joined #minetest
10:06 GNU[BDC] Krock:  thanks i have server_unload_unused_data_timeout = 120
10:06 GNU[BDC] less is worst?
10:08 GNU[BDC] i see higher will eat more ram, exactly what i need
10:08 GNU[BDC] and i wonder why server use that low ram
10:12 Krock it would use more with the postgresql database backend
10:14 valen_ so, created a new world with the same seed and copied the sqllite file into the new. the buildings and chests are there again YAY, but the inventory is still empty. looking what i have to copy so it´s backl to old
10:14 valen_ thanks for your hints, have a great day!
10:16 MinetestBot [git] Ezhh -> minetest/minetest: Fix Settings tab formspec alignment (#6585) a07d259 https://git.io/vFWmL (2017-11-05T10:15:32Z)
10:20 GNU[BDC] what is faster full_punch_interval = 0.7 or 1.0 ?
10:38 GNU[BDC] Krock:  postgresql on size is similar as sqlite3
10:49 Krock shorter time = higher frequency = faster
10:52 GNU[BDC] oh
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16:58 orbea I been using the hudbars and hbarmor mod. It works fine singlplayer, but multiplayer I'm having an issue where the armor hudbar doesn't show up 75% or so of the time when a player logs into the world and they will have to take the armor off and put it back on. Any ideas?
17:07 Fixer hehe
17:07 Fixer Wuzzy: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
17:07 Fixer orbea: yeah, i've noticed this problem too
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17:23 orbea i've noticed similar with hbsprint where the bar gets stuck, but hbhunger, the hudbar from mana, and the default health and breath bars work fine...
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