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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-10-07

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Time Nick Message
00:31 GreenDimond joined #minetest
00:32 GreenDimond When I play servers, player skins have "seams" between the faces.. there is a gap. and there are outlines where faces are blank. I am using a dev build 5045bdc (the one before the playermodel Y-axis update). This hasnt happened until lately. I cant find anything that causes it.
00:32 GreenDimond I have tried turning off shaders, nothing. Turning off other stuff, nothing.
00:32 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
00:33 GreenDimond Even though I confirmed it doesnt happen in 0.4.16-stable, it hasnt happened before on this.
00:33 GreenDimond Which means there has to be something that is causing it in the settings.
00:34 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
00:40 BBmine Have you been using the same dev build the whole time?
00:48 GreenDimond Yes
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01:04 swift110 hey GreenDimond
01:04 ThomasMonroe hey swift110
01:05 swift110 how are you ThomasMonroe
01:05 ThomasMonroe im good, and yourself?
01:06 swift110 im great
01:06 ThomasMonroe good
01:10 swift110 what ya up to ThomasMonroe
01:11 troller joined #minetest
01:11 ThomasMonroe not much, writing a research paper on the history of the Chaos Theory
01:27 swift110 thats cool ThomasMonroe
01:28 swift110 im reading up on minetest so I can understand it better
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01:39 ThomasMonroe swift110, nice
01:39 swift110 I wish it wasn't so complicated to install the tutorial
01:40 ThomasMonroe tutorial?
01:40 ThomasMonroe i didnt even know there was one XD
01:40 swift110 yoh goodness my point exactly
01:41 ThomasMonroe i kinda just learned from other people
01:43 swift110 ok
01:43 swift110 I just feel that the tutorial should be part of the default download
01:44 swift110 I really just shouldn't need instructions for a tutorial.
01:44 swift110 lol
01:49 ThomasMonroe lol
01:50 lumberJ swift110 did you get it running?
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01:58 swift110 no lumberJ ill have to be back i must go for now
02:01 lumberJ ok, later
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04:27 swift110 hey all
04:29 Taose joined #minetest
04:32 lumberJ wb sefit110, let me know if you want help installing that tutorial subgame
04:32 lumberJ swift110*
04:38 swift110 lumberJ, thanks
04:38 swift110 It quite late here so likely another time thanks again
04:39 lumberJ np
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05:53 Muyfret hello. anyone into CSM?
05:58 nullawk CSM?
06:02 Player_2 joined #minetest
06:06 Muyfret client side modding
06:06 Muyfret i have a script. wondering if anyone could suggest speed improvements
06:17 Muyfret a csm can't ask make a server store custom meta data for a block can it
06:32 Muyfret what lua does minetest use
06:32 Muyfret lua version
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07:09 Muyfret wow
07:09 Muyfret i did  all that work only to find out bitwise exclusive or isn't supported
07:11 Muyfret but bits32.bxor worked
07:11 Muyfret just not 'a ~ b'
07:15 troller joined #minetest
07:16 Muyfret nope.
07:18 troller joined #minetest
07:18 Muyfret my feelings are now hurt.
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13:12 MinetestBot [git] lhofhansl -> minetest/minetest: Do not grant all privs to the admin - changes game behavior (#6460) d386586 (2017-10-07T13:12:09Z)
13:12 MinetestBot [git] basicer -> minetest/minetest: Add setting for near plane distance. (#6395) 3c93a56 (2017-10-07T13:11:48Z)
13:12 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Unkown nodes: Provide position on interact (#6505) f547452 (2017-10-07T13:11:07Z)
13:14 kavacha joined #minetest
13:15 MinetestBot [git] adrido -> minetest/minetest: Replace deprecated WINAPI GetVersionInfoEx (#6496) c830347 (2017-10-07T13:13:13Z)
13:15 kavacha Does anyone know a minetest mod that allows us to script conversation with NPC? Something like Denizen in Minecraft
13:16 sfan5 there's some mods that provide NPC but nothing that advanced i'm afraid
13:17 kavacha Oh ok.. I was hoping there's already a mod for that. Thank you :)
13:19 Krock there are programmable robots, like this one
13:19 Krock or this
13:19 deltasquared for scripted discussions, I would imagine the core of it would be relatively straightforward, basically a decision tree of sorts. then there would be a) reading them from config, b) displaying them/presenting choices, and c) binding them to actions
13:20 kavacha Thanks Krock, I'll check it out
13:20 Krock kavacha, a quick search also gave me this one: (Lua programming)
13:23 kavacha That basic_robot mod looks interesting, I spot the function to display the robot chat (self.label)
13:24 kavacha So I have to write the commands in Lua?
13:24 Xio joined #minetest
13:24 Krock I think so. never tested that mod
13:25 kavacha I never code Lua before haha..
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13:58 fireglow Elon_Satoshi: what a great name
14:00 deltasquared sounds like someone who would make a bitcoin empire in space
14:00 fireglow mining vast underground deposits of crypto on the moon
14:01 * deltasquared imagines conspiracy about a huge crypto cracking computer built beneath the moon's surface
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14:24 fireglow VanessaE: do you plan to support dyes for xpanes? I need to get rid of xpanes_color :>
14:25 VanessaE I've no current plans for that.
14:26 fireglow dang
14:26 VanessaE does xpanes_color use the Unified Dyes API?
14:30 fireglow no, it's really outdated, with _4 and _5 as node name suffix
14:30 VanessaE then you'll have to adapt it accordingly. :)  that's what one would need anyway - nothing in UD alters the default stuff, aside from expanding on the dyes themselves, so to make a mt_game mod use UD, you need to write an external mod to expand that mt_game mod.
14:30 fireglow !mod xpanes_color
14:30 MinetestBot fireglow: Could not find anything.
14:31 fireglow I really want to get rid of it and use as much default as possible
14:31 VanessaE can't be done :)
14:31 fireglow dye support for xpanes?
14:31 VanessaE if a mt_game mod doesn't support colors, you have to alter that mod, or write a mod that extends it
14:32 fireglow yes
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14:55 fireglow I got a very diligent user on my server who documents all sorts of crafting issues, very handy
14:55 fireglow SO many issues with the cottages mod
14:56 deltasquared fireglow: do they open issues?
14:56 fireglow yes, there are open issues on the cottages mod
14:56 deltasquared should give them a cookie for their contribs to open source ;)
14:56 fireglow and no, he leaves all the gritty details to me ;)
14:56 deltasquared ... oh. right. :P
14:56 fireglow the issues are already known for the cottages mod
14:57 fireglow although I'm opening the odd yet-unreported issue on some mods
14:57 fireglow maybe I'll even get a pullreq going ;)
15:00 fireglow !mod wine
15:00 MinetestBot fireglow: Wine [wine] by TenPlus1 -
15:01 Krock it's not an emulator
15:02 Megaf joined #minetest
15:06 deltasquared +1 Krock
15:07 Krock Congratulations, Krock. You got your first upvote.
15:07 deltasquared well it'd be an increment but I don't think there's a karma bot on here
15:13 rubenwardy ~karma Krock
15:13 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Krock has neutral karma.
15:13 rubenwardy Krock++
15:13 rubenwardy ~karma Krock
15:13 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Karma for "Krock" has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1.
15:13 fireglow noice
15:13 fireglow sfan5++
15:13 Krock that.. was really necessary?
15:13 deltasquared Krock++
15:13 sfan5 of course ShadowBot has a plugin this useless
15:13 Krock C++
15:13 deltasquared *shrug*
15:13 Krock ~karma C
15:13 ShadowBot Krock: Karma for "C" has been increased 7 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of 6.
15:13 deltasquared sfan5: so does phrik on #archlinuk... roll with it I guess
15:13 fireglow !mod xdecor
15:13 MinetestBot fireglow: X-Decor [xdecor] by jp -
15:14 fireglow enchanting a diamond armor with xdecor lowers its value
15:15 Krock there's enchanting in xdecor? o.o
15:15 fireglow yep
15:15 Krock ah I see. It's from a separate mod, bundled into xdecor
15:15 Krock or the other way.. only had the separate mod in my mind
15:16 fireglow right
15:16 Krock fireglow, well, that stuff is now on GitHub/minetest-mods, so PRs will likely be accepted
15:18 Krock with custom tool capabilities, it'll no longer be required to register this mass of additional tools like it's done there
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15:24 fireglow ah, it's already reported:
15:26 Fixer 30 AUG
15:26 fireglow nice situation there in that issue
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15:43 jas_
15:44 jas_ !mod Mob Talker
15:44 MinetestBot jas_: Mob Talker for Minetest [mobtalker] by Rui -
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15:54 Muyfret is it possible to get a book from a block, and the book's text?
15:54 Muyfret CSM-only
15:56 rubenwardy if CSM has access to meta, then yes
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16:55 Hijiri do items have private meta, or is that only for nodes?
16:55 Krock everything that has meta
16:55 Hijiri looking at docs I think just nodes
16:56 Hijiri It's listed under NodeMetaRef methods though
16:56 Hijiri or maybe being in non-nodes is newer than 0.4.16, since thsoe are the docs I'm looking at
16:56 MinetestBot [git] lhofhansl -> minetest/minetest_game: Creative: Do not give creative priv to admin 12a9716 (2017-10-07T16:48:18Z)
16:57 Krock Hijiri,
16:58 Krock oh I see
16:58 Krock four hashtags. Then it's only for nodes
16:59 Krock having it for all meta would be more helpful
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18:03 ThomasMonroe nore, are you on?
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19:27 Gael-de-Sailly Hi there
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19:43 Fixer hii
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19:57 Gael-de-Sailly I don't understand what consumes so much RAM in Ubuntu 16.04
19:58 fireglow oh, I know, I know: Ubuntu 16.04
20:09 Krock joined #minetest
20:10 Gael-de-Sailly My computer has 1.8 Go RAM, it was enough for my use with Ubuntu 14 but with 16 it's just exploded
20:10 Gael-de-Sailly With MT aunched : full RAM, swap ~60%
20:11 fireglow dang :s
20:12 Gael-de-Sailly *launched
20:13 proller__ joined #minetest
20:14 fireglow install htop and sort by RES MEM
20:15 Gael-de-Sailly does it show the same list than system monitor?
20:15 Calinou Gael-de-Sailly: use a lighter desktop environment, switch to Xfce or LXDE
20:16 Calinou GNOME/Unity/KDE aren't designed to be light on the RAM
20:16 Calinou it doesn't matter with modern hardware, but it does if you have < 6 GB of RAM
20:16 fireglow oh yeah, probably
20:18 Fixer Gael-de-Sailly: it is problem with your b r o w s e r (probably*)
20:18 Gael-de-Sailly with the list given by monitor system, the sum of ram used by each program is 1Go below the real used ram
20:19 Gael-de-Sailly No Firefox is using around 300 Mo now
20:19 Gael-de-Sailly that's a lot, but is not enough to explain this
20:23 Calinou by the way, in English we say MB/GB, not Mo/Go :)
20:23 Gael-de-Sailly I know that Unity is not made to be light, but the difference is so huge between 14 and 16
20:24 Gael-de-Sailly Calinou : thank you, I forgot this :)
20:26 Gael-de-Sailly i've never used another environment than Unity
20:27 o11c (because screw non-8-bit bytes)
20:27 o11c Calinou: most systems have <= 4 GB of RAM, and often video RAM cuts into that
20:29 o11c Gael-de-Sailly: FWIW I use xubuntu on light systems, and KDE on other systems ... firefox or chromium is more costly than the DE, so avoid those entirely on light systems
20:31 o11c Gael-de-Sailly: in general, there are 3 things that use RAM: processes, tmpfs, and kernel (which is in turn composed of disk cache, I/O buffers, graphics memory, ...)
20:32 Gael-de-Sailly so the only way to optimize it is to switch to another environment
20:32 o11c Gael-de-Sailly: if processes are swapping, or even if disk cache is getting eaten because of too many processes/tmpfs, your performance will suck
20:32 o11c not necessarily
20:32 o11c first run `df` and make sure you aren't having big tmpfs
20:33 o11c then run `top`, press `f`, select REST and press `s` then `q`
20:34 o11c (though I admit htop is nicer, top will do just fine)
20:34 Gael-de-Sailly tmpfs : used 6120 K
20:36 o11c `free -tm` gives a nice summary ... it's a pity `-tg` doesn't do fractions
20:37 Calinou <o11c> Calinou: most systems have <= 4 GB of RAM, and often video RAM cuts into that
20:37 Calinou that's not true, if you have a dedicated GPU, it has its own memory :P
20:37 Calinou also, most modern machines have at least 8 GB of RAM, sometimes 6 GB
20:37 Calinou I wouldn't use a computer with only 4 GB of RAM in 2017
20:37 o11c even dedicated GPUs often use system RAM
20:37 Gael-de-Sailly most but not all, I can say it
20:37 o11c it turns out it's faster than copying everything
20:37 Calinou and avoiding Firefox/Chromium is not really doable
20:38 Calinou (thanks to all the lightweight browsers falling behind in supporting modern websites)
20:38 * twoelk tries to hide his 2GB RAM machines
20:38 Calinou the computer I use with the lowest amount of RAM is my phone, it has 4 GB :P
20:38 o11c I think I still have a 256MB somewhere
20:38 o11c maybe 512 though
20:38 * fireglow installs systemd on twoelks machine
20:39 o11c fireglow: ???
20:39 fireglow hello
20:39 o11c systemd doesn't eat RAM at all
20:39 twoelk hm, if iplug my laptop into my desktop i might have 4GB :-D
20:40 fireglow :>
20:40 fireglow o11c: yeah it does
20:41 Gael-de-Sailly the laptop on which I'm now has 1.8 GB ram and is only 2 years old
20:41 Fixer Calinou: i've used 768MB machine in 2017
20:41 Fixer *a little
20:41 o11c even journald, the most expensive part of systemd, is only 20MB
20:41 o11c fireglow: so citation needed
20:42 fireglow
20:43 o11c so ... someone configured journald to keep everything in RAM, and wondered why it used more RAM? Not interesting.
20:43 lumberJ joined #minetest
20:43 o11c my /var/log/journal/ is 1.1GB
20:43 o11c but that's several boots
20:44 fireglow thanks for the info
20:44 fireglow I shall make a note of it! ^_^
20:44 swift110 joined #minetest
20:48 nullawk Gael-de-Sailly: enable low graphics mode using Compiz Configuration Manager, or I second Calinous recommendation to use XFCE, which is my favorite DE for the last decade now. Even will a bunch of plugins running <100MB
20:48 swift110 hey nullawk
20:48 nullawk XD howdy swift110
20:49 nullawk Gael-de-Sailly: Especially on a system with <2g
20:50 Gael-de-Sailly thank you but is it easy to switch to another desktop environment?
20:50 Calinou Xfce is nice, but it doesn't support modern use cases well (like hiDPI), and it's barely maintained (the last significant release was in 2015)
20:50 Calinou Gael-de-Sailly: try installing the "xubuntu-desktop" package
20:51 Calinou check the packages it wants to install/remove, before accepting!
20:51 Calinou you don't want it to remove your libc or something :)
20:51 Gael-de-Sailly and... that's all?
20:51 Calinou
20:51 Calinou there's some French docs here ^
20:51 Calinou the best way is to reinstall the OS entirely, installing Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu
20:51 Calinou granted, it takes a lot of time, but migrating manually will give a less-than-perfect result
20:52 Calinou Gael-de-Sailly: xubuntu-desktop is a metapackage which installs all the Xubuntu-related packages, so it should work
20:52 Calinou base Xfce, Xfce goodies, Xubuntu theming, etc
20:52 Gael-de-Sailly I already got some problems when i migrated from 14 to 16 on august 1st
20:53 Gael-de-Sailly I'd like to avoid reinstalling the OS if possible
20:53 nullawk sums it up nicely
20:53 LazyJ joined #minetest
20:54 Gael-de-Sailly thank you
20:54 Gael-de-Sailly it works the same way for other environments?
20:55 nullawk mostly.
20:56 nullawk Though I would avoid haphazardly adding DEs as they often install a bunch of programs along with them (Stupid KDE).
20:57 Gael-de-Sailly obviously
20:57 Gael-de-Sailly that's heavy programs
20:57 nullawk Gael-de-Sailly: Wasn't to me when I first started DE hopping
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21:07 Elvis1504 Hi
21:08 Out`Of`Control hi
21:08 Elvis1504 Are you evil?
21:08 Elvis1504 Hah
21:10 Out`Of`Control Elvis1504: yes
21:12 TC01 joined #minetest
21:14 swift110 how are you nullawk
21:18 nullawk Good good, on a little vacation at the family ranch, just spent the morning/afternoon painting the porch with lead encapsulate for the kiddos about to have lunch. How about yourself swift110
21:25 swift110 thats nice
21:25 swift110 nullawk, just about to get a new hdd
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21:45 Elvis1504 Well
21:51 Elvis1504 Out of control
21:51 fireglow well well well
21:51 Elvis1504 Hah
21:51 Out`Of`Control ?
21:52 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
21:52 Elvis1504 I need help in mr, where I can find some good blue flowers? Hahaha
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23:41 MinetestBot [git] DS-Minetest -> minetest-mods/mesecons: Improve rules and rule handling (#370) 37eb7f0 (2017-10-07T23:39:02Z)
23:58 nac joined #minetest

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