Time Nick Message 00:23 jordan4ibanez Group "explody" for nodes?? 00:23 jordan4ibanez What does that do? 14:16 deltasquared VanessaE: if you're alive, don't suppose you could give some input on pipeworks, I'm trying to patch for something. 14:16 deltasquared I've been playing around with the dynamic_liquids mod and decided to see if pipeworks interacted sanely with the way the former implements finite liquid 14:17 deltasquared I made a small edit to flowing_logic.lua to only remove water source blocks in check_for_liquids(), though it was quickly clear that this was insufficient. 14:19 deltasquared having made two tanks in a test world and transferring water from a pipe input (I forget the name of that block) to a spigot on top of another, I noticed that water blocks would still be removed even if the destination was "full" in the sense that there was a water source directly beneath the spigot 14:20 deltasquared so I'm not sure if there is some kind of backpressure mechanism that I managed to accidentally turn off with my somewhat monkey-patching, or if this is a genuine deficiency 16:48 MinetestBot 02[git] 04nerzhul -> 03minetest/minetest: keycode.cpp: use std::unordered_map for keypress cache 13080899b https://git.io/vdeD1 (152017-09-21T16:47:42Z) 17:58 MinetestBot 02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: on_death: Fix callback number of pushed arguments (Fixes #6451) 1367f97f8 https://git.io/vdeF5 (152017-09-21T17:56:24Z) 19:41 Fixer Thomas-S: hi, please update your hudbars to newer version 19:42 Thomas-S Thanks for the notice, I will do so soon. 19:53 MinetestBot 02[git] 04DTA7 -> 03minetest/minetest: Set placer to nil instead of a non-functional one in item_OnPlace (#6… 135a3b8e3 https://git.io/vdvL4 (152017-09-21T19:52:52Z) 19:54 Thomas-S Fixer: Very good update! I really appreciate your efforts! The placement is now correct again! 20:43 GNU[BDC] Hi 20:43 Out`Of`Control My logs get full of "Server: MEET_BLOCK_NODE_METADATA_CHANGED" anyone know what mod it could be? 20:54 dogetest Out`Of`Control: http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/2014-01-11#i_3543450 20:56 Out`Of`Control dogetest: thanks, how can i disbale it? logs get spammed with that message 20:57 dogetest Out`Of`Control: Megaf says hes running with --info, are you using something like this? maybe --verbose? 20:58 red-001 loglevel 20:59 Out`Of`Control i would like to know what cause it, as all was working fine, last day my logs got 2.6 gb, after running sed -i '/MEET_BLOCK_NODE_METADATA_CHANGED/d' they turn 100 mb 20:59 Out`Of`Control so in less than 24 hrs 2.5 gb 21:01 dogetest map.h says its a MapEditEventType, so, maybe, every time a node is changed? 21:01 dogetest not sure 21:05 sfan5 that is supposed to appear in infostream, meaning not in normal usage 21:10 Out`Of`Control debug_log_level = info 21:10 sfan5 well you set your loglevel to info what did you expect? 21:10 sfan5 lots of useful infos? that's not what the loglevel is named after 21:11 Out`Of`Control ok i change it to action