Time Nick Message 01:37 Natechip guys. seriously these bots are taking over the servers.... we need to be able to stop them somehow? Theres more bots than players now! 01:37 Natechip normally they have a name with three letters at the end, some are programmed to move around so they dont get afk kicked... also some kill there selfs on purpose so they dont get afk kicked. 01:38 BBmine I think I know what you're talking about, but some say they aren't bots, but players with weird clients. 01:41 Natechip BBmine: well we know its some guy with a bunch of server space... 01:41 BBmine I do think though that those players tend to act strange, but then I'd hate to ban them, in case there happens to be one regular player acting like a bot. 01:41 Natechip idk I heard someone say that. not sure though. but its pretty obvious that it is... unless maybe someone has made a fake client that somehow when u join a server it also makes a bot join one??? 01:42 Natechip ik theres plenty of fake minetest clients on Android... MultiCraft... ( one of the more popular ones ) 01:44 Natechip BBmine: all my MT servers are getting absolutely destroyed and lagged down by these.... 01:44 BBmine Oh. Then I guess if you are 100% positive that it's a bot, you should ban them. 01:44 BBmine forever 01:48 VanessaE Natechip: the easiest way to get rid of them is to present a "rules" page and auto-kick people who don't answer the rules within some period of time like 2 minutes or so 01:49 BBmine Smart idea! Never thought of that before! 01:50 BBmine But what if the bots click okay? Or would they have to answer a question that only humans would know? 01:50 VanessaE and the rules should require the user to read the text, fine the keyword, enter it, and click "accept" 01:50 VanessaE and the keyword must change every time the formspec opens 01:50 VanessaE like what my servers have 01:50 VanessaE except add auto-kick (I don't do that) 01:50 VanessaE find the keyword* 01:52 ircSparky https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--bpxbtgdZ--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/fuasj15wvqmlfbk0yf65.gif 01:53 Natechip lol ircSparky 01:54 Natechip VanessaE nice.. 01:54 Natechip BBmine: Oh. Then I guess if you are 100% positive that it's a bot, you should ban them. | you cant XD 01:55 BBmine Oh? 01:55 Natechip BBmine: https://pastebin.com/0VMz3jwz | from #minetest-dev 01:57 BBmine Oh ok 01:57 Natechip also does someone mind voicing me on #minetest-hub 01:58 Lone-Star could subnet ban 'em, but that could also ban legit players 05:32 zyabin101 can functions be defined in a variable in Lua? 05:38 Hijiri zyabin101: do you mean assign a function to a variable? 05:38 Hawk777 zyabin101: Do you mean as lambdas? Yes, the usual “function f(x) blah end” is actually equivalent to “f = function (x) blah end” 05:39 zyabin101 Thanks! 05:42 zyabin101 @Hawk777 so basically, I can assign functions from other mods to a local variable? 05:42 Hawk777 Sure. 05:42 zyabin101 Thanks! 06:55 zyabin101 YAMTG doing well 06:57 zyabin101 unlike vanilla MTG, it dynamically grows apples in leaves 06:58 zyabin101 (and before anyone questions the on-topic-ness of ^ and ^^: https://github.com/schas002/yamtg 06:58 zyabin101 it's my try to remix MTG) 07:09 hisforever Hi I just got the Castle mod and I got this error http://imgur.com/a/S4lwk how can I correct this please? 07:18 zyabin101 @hisforever Do you have mods with names `ropes`, `castle_weapons`, `castle_storage`, 07:18 zyabin101 `castle_farming`, `anvil`, `crafting_bench`, `castle_masonry`, `castle_shields`, 07:19 zyabin101 `castle_gates` and/or `castle_lighting` apart from those provisioned by the Castle modpack? 07:19 hisforever I just installed the castle mod so I must have them 07:20 zyabin101 @hisforever hmm... maybe take a look at relevant parts of `debug.txt`? 07:20 hisforever ok I'll do a screen shot of that brb thanks 07:20 zyabin101 nope 07:21 zyabin101 upload `debug.txt` somewhere, on a pastebin, on a gist, but don't post a screen shot 07:21 zyabin101 then post link here and we'll see 07:22 zyabin101 @hisforever ^^^ ^^ ^ 07:22 hisforever ok 07:23 hisforever isthe pastebin pastebin.com the url? 07:23 zyabin101 you can post it in there 07:24 hisforever ok 07:55 hisforever I pasted it in pastebin but I son't see a url for it sorry 07:56 hisforever don't -son't lol 08:45 hisforever hi In wgat mod or texture pack can I get the round Sun? 09:51 david425 hello? 09:51 david425 hello? 10:08 fireglow[m] HELLO 10:29 rdococ HHEELLLLOO 13:01 sc3k hello 13:01 sc3k i am trying to run a server on FreeBSD 11.1 13:01 sc3k and get this: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: Supplied invalid gamespec 13:10 sfan5 did you install minetest_game? 14:38 jas_ does the bed formspec _have_ to be fullscreen, i wonder? i'm just thinking about being able to chat. maybe chat(console) could be accessible in a way that overrides formspecs. or not 14:40 jas_ just realized the formspec number of players is bed updates, but not the total number of players connected. 14:40 jas_ !server 14:40 MinetestBot jas_: [RU] RealTest (test mode) | | Clients: 1/10, 0/2 | Version: 0.4.16 / realtest | Ping: 54ms 15:39 XtremeHacker A quick question, is there any way I can tell when one block is by another, without using an ABM? 15:47 Megaf MrXtreme, Yep, you look at it 15:47 Megaf simple 15:51 MrXtreme Megaf: Heh, I'm wanting to make a furnace that uses power via lava blocks placed around it, problem is I don't know how to get which nodes are around the furnace 15:58 ph3-der-loewe node = minetest.get_node(pos) 15:59 ph3-der-loewe if node.name == "blablubb:some_lava" then ... end 15:59 MrXtreme Thanks. :) 16:02 ph3-der-loewe how do you define 'uses power via lava blocks placed around it'? is it 'fine one and that\'s it' or do you require multiple? somewhere around or in a given pattern? 16:03 MrXtreme Basically on any of the sides, and for each side with lava beside it, the furnace smelts faster 16:08 ph3-der-loewe https://0wx.org/9fd5046a0e8194b4b02a404e3046dddc/ 16:08 ph3-der-loewe maybe that sample is of help for you. :) 16:24 MrXtreme Hey, can I get voice on this nick, I've changed over from XtremeHacker to MrXtreme. 16:24 MrXtreme Please 16:25 ph3-der-loewe doesn't chanserv do that automagically? at least in one of the other networks I'm in it does. 16:40 sfan5 MrXtreme: voice is probably bound to your nickserv account, just sign in 16:50 calcul0n it does if your nick is registered and identified 16:50 calcul0n (if you're talking about minetest-hub) 17:03 King998_HD Hi 17:40 MrXtreme sfan5: I did register this nick, I'm hoping to use this, though I can go back to XtremeHacker for the time being 17:40 sfan5 you can identify even if you dont own that nick 17:51 ph3-der-loewe or link both nicks (the nicekserv group command). 20:11 ericxdu[m] I've noticed Minetest has a little trouble fetching all the nodes in my direction of sight/travel, to the point sometimes it looks like the world ends or parts of mountains float disconnected in the distance 20:15 calcul0n yes, the distance limit to load the world is quite small, so it's sometimes visible 20:15 calcul0n it makes funny things in caverealms, when you can see the sun because it didn't load the roof 21:51 Fixer Minetest is doing 22:03 luizsab hello. I use Minetest in school to teach. Today something weird happened, the conections stoped and don't complete loading, the lan and internet conection was ok. Some idea about? 22:11 sfan5 anyone weird in the log files? 22:18 sy yeah i saw elvis presley in mine