Time Nick Message 00:00 VanessaE and as for the browser, remember: 00:00 VanessaE modern browsers do one process per tab 00:00 VanessaE so a hundred tabs = 100 processes, all distributed evenly among your 1-2-4-6-8-5436534 cores 00:01 Inocudom Good point. About Eiiot_ceo, he has a YouTube channel that is right here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7OXVIPQ6XeiRb813Oq2xw 00:01 VanessaE you don't HAVE to have multi-threading in your app to take advantage of a multi-core machine, but of course it IS preferable, when it's useful 00:01 VanessaE no videos. 00:04 Inocudom I know of no other place to share this individual's channel, as that is where he does most of his explanations. The forums? Not a chance, not ever since people decided it would be a good idea to butcher them. 00:05 VanessaE I meant I ain't watching any videos right now :P 00:05 VanessaE (I don't care for videos anyway most of the time. I'm a text-and-pictures sort of person) 00:06 Inocudom Then you like books, I would imagine. 00:06 VanessaE nope 00:06 VanessaE technical articles 00:07 VanessaE you don't need a video to advocate for multithreaded programming 00:10 Inocudom Well, in all honesty, YouTube can be a pretty crummy site. Cutting off funding for sensitive topics and people uploading pure garbage there. 00:10 VanessaE if your "sensitive topic" needs "funding", youtube is the wrong place to go :P 00:13 Inocudom Yep. FaceLikeTheSun is finding that out the hard way. Maybe Vidme would be more suitable for him. 00:13 tiwake there is no properly suitable alternative at the moment, other than hosting such things yourself 00:13 tiwake which a lot of people do 00:15 Inocudom Won't be long before they will have to do so permanently, either. 00:16 tiwake hosting yourself has issues too, like denial of service... 00:17 Inocudom Yes, DDOS attacks aren't fun. Even Valve knows that one thanks to infamous Steam hackings. 01:39 Inocudom How many of you know about this great mod that came out some time ago? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=17134 02:46 Inocudom Bye. 05:07 IhrFussel Does "on_step" for entities only run WITHIN the active block range or am I missing something? 06:11 EDAKIRI maybe rubenwardy was thinking of 'cooperative multithreading' instead of 'time slicing'. In cooperative multithreading, multiple application threads run in a single OS thread and voluntarily yield the processor. Linux has such a mode for itself. 06:14 EDAKIRI or was otherwise confused. -- such as multiprocess vs. multithreading. 07:34 IhrFussel Mobs Redo API question: I define a local var in a lua file and then I increment that var in the same file inside mobs:register_mob() on_step callback ... but it doesn't seem to increment..? 07:36 Elench If one has a recipe that uses, for instance, group:wool, could one have one that's the same but uses red_wool and will overide the more general one? 07:51 srifqi Elench, never thought about that. ._. 08:02 Elench I guess I'll try it, and I also guess it depends how recipes are searched 08:05 Elench I further guess that I should not fall down mine shafts 08:05 Elench Ouchie 08:55 sfan5 IhrFussel: obviously, only entities in the active block range are actually active 08:58 IhrFussel sfan5, so if a player tp to a pos there is NO way to tell the entity to follow? 08:59 IhrFussel Or to let the entity know "my owner is gone I will tp to them" 09:00 sfan5 there's no way to do that, correct 09:00 sfan5 other than... maybe forceloading the current block of the entity? 09:06 IhrFussel sfan5, how do I use it? the pos needs to be entity pos x/16, y/16, z/16? 09:06 sfan5 dunno read the docs 09:09 IhrFussel It only mentions pos so I'm assuming I can just paste the pos var 09:22 IhrFussel sfan5, or is there a way to get an object property in inside register_globalstep() ? That way I could just store the object pos and check in global step if the player is nearby 09:28 IhrFussel I guess you can't since entities have no unique IDs...although they do seem to have one on the c++ side 09:48 red-002 sfan5, could you try and build non-RUN_IN_PLACE windows builds? 09:49 sfan5 the code is not configured to do that 09:49 red-002 it seemed to work when krock tried it on MSVC 09:50 red-002 minetest seems to include code to get the location of %appdata% 09:51 red-002 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/porting.cpp#L355 09:58 EDAKIRI AntumDeluge: With how you did your fork of Jumping, it does not show as a fork on GitHub. Some people won't find it. 12:06 EDAKIRI In compiled Dev HEAD , modules in the share directory are unused. They only function under game or the user directory. 12:07 EDAKIRI Does someone understand why? MineTest reports not finding then finding the share directory. 14:39 MinetestBot BBmine: May-25 15:37 UTC date for minetest 0.4.16 : june 4 14:39 BBmine Thanks bot :) 14:41 DS-minetest good MinetestBot, fine MinetestBot 14:41 ThomasMonroe hi DS 14:42 DS-minetest hi ThomasMonroe 14:42 BBmine :D 14:43 BBmine DS, how was that done? 14:43 Krock (!tell ) 14:43 BBmine oh ok :D 14:45 BBmine !tell Krock thanks! :D 14:45 MinetestBot BBmine: yeah, yeah 14:45 BBmine ?? 14:45 Krock . 14:45 MinetestBot Krock: May-27 14:45 UTC thanks! :D 14:45 BBmine Oh. 14:49 red-arch !tell red-001 hello 14:49 MinetestBot red-arch: I'll pass that on when red-001 is around 14:49 red-arch !tell red-arch test 14:49 MinetestBot You can tell that to yourself 14:49 red-arch oh 14:50 DS-minetest ~tell DS-minetest hm 14:50 ShadowBot DS-minetest: O.K. 14:51 red-arch !tell DS-minetest hm 14:51 MinetestBot red-arch: yeah, sure, whatever 14:51 red-arch !tell DS-minetest hm 14:51 MinetestBot red-arch: I'll pass that on when DS-minetest is around 14:59 EDAKIRI FreeNode has MemoServ 15:02 DS-minetest hey MinetestBot 15:02 MinetestBot Hi DS-minetest! 15:02 MinetestBot DS-minetest: May-27 14:51 UTC hm 15:02 MinetestBot DS-minetest: May-27 14:51 UTC hm 15:03 srifqi !rainbow NyanCat 15:03 MinetestBot 4Ny7an8Ca3t 15:03 srifqi So, NyanCat is removed from Minetest? 15:04 kaeza yep 15:04 kaeza it's an external mod now 15:05 EDAKIRI !rainbow PB&J Pup 15:05 MinetestBot 4PB7&J8 P3up 15:05 DS-minetest !rainbow eat the dog 15:05 MinetestBot 4ea7t 8th3e 12do6g 15:08 srifqi Also PB&J Pup is removed too? 15:12 Jordach yeep 15:15 srifqi :( 15:16 red-001 yeah it got moved to a seperate mode 15:16 MinetestBot red-001: May-27 14:49 UTC hello 15:16 red-001 mod* 15:34 Leoneof hi 15:35 Leoneof why i'm here? 15:36 srifqi because you joined? 15:37 Leoneof not sure 15:37 Leoneof been asking same question many years ago 15:38 srifqi what question? 15:39 Leoneof why i'm here? 15:39 srifqi lol 15:59 kaeza 42? 16:37 AlexYst The PB&J Pup was cool. I'm not sure why it was removed. At least it served its most important functiona already though, and that was ousting that stupid, proprietary Nyan Cat. 16:37 AlexYst s/functiona/function/ 16:37 Krock AlexYst, it was *moved*. You can still get the mod manually from https://github.com/minetest-mods/pbj_pup 16:38 AlexYst Krock: It's still been removed from the subgame, regardless if it can be added via external mod. The Nyan Cat also exists still as an external mod, no? 16:39 Krock well, we're actually not authorized to use the nyan cat idea in Minetest 16:39 Krock it was added years ago and nobody cared about this 16:40 AlexYst Right, and the fact that we even need permission is why I'm glad it was removed. 16:40 * AlexYst shouts "CC BY and CC BY-SA forever!!" 16:43 Krock CC0 or WTFPL, it's all ok 16:44 red-001 MIT 16:44 AlexYst Those ones are all pretty sweet too. 16:58 Grandolf what happened to #minetest-project?? 16:58 red-001 got removed 16:58 Grandolf y? 16:58 red-001 after you-know-who was k-lined since he was the only person that was still using it 16:59 EDAKIRI People using ModPacks with Git submodules are experiencing the same problem i did before i abandoned the approach. 16:59 EDAKIRI The dependencies' history gets rewritten and your reference becomes invalid. 17:00 EDAKIRI Wuzzy's help even has this problem presently. 17:00 Grandolf so? 17:00 EDAKIRI help/doc 17:00 EDAKIRI So, checking tem out is impossible. 17:00 EDAKIRI them 17:00 Grandolf that channel wasnt in the way of anything 17:00 red-001 it was kinda confusing for it to have a not moving/shutting down for it's topic when it was a dead channel 17:00 red-001 Grandolf, just cleaning up dead channels 17:01 red-001 not the first time a minetest channel was abandoned 17:01 Grandolf u got rid of it bc it was oldcoders 17:02 red-001 see #minetest-mods and #minetest-delta 17:02 red-001 not as if it matters for him 17:03 red-001 after all I doubt he will get un-k-lined in the forseeable future 17:03 Grandolf * Cannot join #minetest-delta (Channel is invite only) 17:03 Grandolf * Cannot join #minetest-mods (Channel is invite only) 17:04 kaeza those channels redirect here 17:04 VanessaE Grandolf: there's also the "secondary" issue of OC claiming his version if MT and that channel, are "official" 17:04 red-001 accusing someone of being a pedo supporter doesn't give them a great opion of you 17:04 VanessaE ^ 17:06 VanessaE guess c55 figured it was better to redirect people here to avoid confusion. 17:06 VanessaE (nearly all of us would agree with that) 17:06 red-001 look I doubt a lot of people will be still willing to trust OC with that channel when if he makes amendments 17:06 red-001 even if 17:06 red-001 not when if 17:06 VanessaE s/amendments/amends/ 17:07 red-001 well both I suppose 17:07 red-001 but yeah I meant that one 17:08 VanessaE ok 17:18 minetestproject RoaryTiger passant lordfingle DI3HARD139 troller proller Megaf Jordach RobbieF XtremeHacker ircSparky octacian calculon ssieb Amaz rubenwardy Fixer Maddie-Myina Krock lumidify cx384 Calinou behalebabo est31 nanovad Lunatrius srifqi and anyone else who use to go to #minetest-project can join ##minetest-project 17:18 behalebabo oh hey, I was one of the lucky few 17:18 Krock "lucky" 17:19 Grandolf lol 17:19 red-001 and get redirected to #minetest 17:19 VanessaE do NOT follow him, whoever he is 17:19 red-001 well I pinged an freenode staffer 17:20 red-001 hello 17:21 VanessaE greetings, Fuchs 17:21 Grandolf hi 17:22 sfan5 i've seen this ip before 17:22 VanessaE that's halt_ 17:22 sfan5 Mai 25 17:36:13 * Grandolf (~haltthera@cpe-66-24-4-234.stny.res.rr.com) ist beigetreten. 17:22 sfan5 fucking faggot 17:22 sfan5 !kick Grandolf 17:23 VanessaE now now, sfan5. he may be one of OC's minions, but he's still allowed to be gay if that's his thing. :) 17:24 sfan5 !ban *!*@2604:6000:d842:8600:* 17:24 sfan5 yeah that word is not ideal as an insult, sorry 17:24 VanessaE jk :) 17:24 Fuchs and there I already wanted to send you a privmsg 17:24 Fuchs please don't use that slur this way on freenode indeed, thanks 17:24 VanessaE wait who'se ipv6 is that? 17:24 VanessaE whose* 17:24 sfan5 grandolf 17:24 red-001 VanessaE, halts 17:24 VanessaE oh ok 17:26 VanessaE (I keep thinking of a comic strip, can't remember what it was, where a character kept thinking "mini onion" in place of minion) 17:26 red-001 "waves of disposable mini onions" 17:26 VanessaE heh 17:26 red-001 brings a tear to the eye 17:28 sfan5 !ban *!*@cpe-66-24-4-234.stny.res.rr.com 17:28 muhdnurhidayat this comic? http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/02jul/uf004429.gif 17:28 VanessaE that's the one! 17:28 VanessaE (how did I forget about UF?) 17:29 sfan5 huh i've never heard of those cartoons 17:29 VanessaE oh yeah, UF is one of the goldies. 17:30 VanessaE (well, it was until Illiad took that vacation due to a major family illness, but I never saw another new cartoon after that) 17:31 VanessaE (cancer I think it was. really devastated the guy) 17:33 red-001 they might also need to be banned in -dev 17:33 EDAKIRI Note to MineTest-Mods team: rewriting Git history breaks submodule dependencies. 17:33 red-001 they also tried to spam there 17:34 VanessaE note to all git users: git submodules are evil. 17:34 sfan5 they just joined so who knows 17:34 EDAKIRI A Current example broken: https://github.com/minetest-mods/castle.git 17:35 red-001 sfan5, kiwirc is muted 17:35 EDAKIRI I've learned the lesson myself and am altering my modpack to use a tab separated file and script. 17:35 EDAKIRI to get subparts. 17:36 EDAKIRI Maybe submodules would be practical if every repo published tags, which were used to reference the submodules. -- as long as the tags persist. 17:36 EDAKIRI Alternative is to maintain full clone of submodules. 17:36 sfan5 lots of mods are just rolling release though 17:36 EDAKIRI (yourself) 17:37 EDAKIRI correct. it's not practical for all mods to rely on their versions. 17:37 EDAKIRI in their own repo. AntumDeluge, i see, keeps clones of all he needs. You can do it that way. 17:40 muhdnurhidayat Btw, actually I'm here for 3 things before I get to sleep for tomorrow's pre-dawn meal. I'll read IRC logs for reply after I wake up. 17:40 muhdnurhidayat 1. I've just read about ongoing issues on Android support for Minetest, I hope it will not get discontinued because I prefer official app than bloated with ads app or unofficial paid app, plus some server even have rules to "not use unofficial app". 17:40 muhdnurhidayat 2. Now, I've created a new topic in "Just 1 inch off from topic. Maximum" thread from the new Offtopic section, and I hope my topic is really just 1 inch off, is it? xD https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=17730 17:40 muhdnurhidayat 3. Will my request on Malay subforum be considered? I did request it in "Discussion in other languages". Is it only be considered after Minetest translation in Malay gets to 100% or when Malay translations officially shipped with Minetest? The translation is currently on 90% (and I'm trying to get it done by the end of this month). 17:43 VanessaE for 1, it won't likely be discontinued, but devs need help. 2. seems okay. 3. I guess no one here speaks Malay but if it's just translations, check on weblate 17:43 VanessaE translations can go in during feature freeze 17:43 VanessaE release is in less than two weeks though 17:43 VanessaE so you need to get those translations in asap 17:43 VanessaE poke the devs or open an issue 17:50 muhdnurhidayat No.3 - It's about the "Discussion in other languages" subforum for Malay... xD so the subforum request will only be considered if Minetest shipped with Malay? It's at 90% now on Weblate and I will be able to finish it tomorrow. 17:51 VanessaE OH 17:51 VanessaE right now I understand 17:52 VanessaE I think it's more a matter of how badly it's needed on the forum 17:52 VanessaE doesn't really matter how well-supported it is in MT 17:53 paramat eek :] just seeing if anyone was there 17:53 VanessaE of course 17:54 VanessaE we're ALL here. 17:54 paramat hehe 17:54 VanessaE chat with us. 17:55 paramat (btw apparently halt and grandolf share a computer) 17:55 paramat fools 17:55 * AlexYst claims to be absent, but isn't 17:56 VanessaE Calinou: "Craft dirt, with grass, to get Dirt With Grass" <-- this is moreblocks right? but it only works with jungle grass 17:57 VanessaE sucks to be them, paramat. 17:57 AlexYst Sharing is caring. 17:57 VanessaE (you ARE your brother's keeper.) 17:58 AlexYst I think the dirt with grass recipe is older than the new grass. Maybe it should be updated. 17:58 VanessaE yeah 17:59 Calinou VanessaE: I think, not sure 17:59 VanessaE Fuchs: tripped over the cord again? https://xkcd.com/908/ 17:59 VanessaE Calinou: ok. see above :) 18:00 muhdnurhidayat oh, it's more to how badly it's needed ... I'll try to ask other players who use Malay if they want and need subforum then I'll recheck the subforum request... for now, I'm going to sleep. (I'll read IRC logs btw) :) 18:00 Calinou can we get a Minetest translation to l33t? 18:00 Calinou Lichess has that :( 18:00 VanessaE muhdnurhidayat: I pinged as appropriate in the forum staff channel 18:01 VanessaE well l33t should be easily done with CSM ;) 18:02 muhdnurhidayat oh, ok, thank you very much... 19:27 exio4 hai 19:33 Krock hi exio4 19:34 exio4 VanessaE: yeah, I have been connected, but as I haven't played minetest much / been at uni, ..., I haven't really talked here >:P 19:34 exio4 hey Krock, what's up? 19:34 Krock good question. nothing much actually 19:37 exio4 heh 19:45 DS-minetest > (btw apparently halt and grandolf share a computer)) 19:45 DS-minetest or they just share an ip with 2 cumputers 19:45 DS-minetest i think 19:46 red-001 DS-minetest, doesn't explain the same ident 20:01 exio4 there's client-side mods now?! 20:01 exio4 what did I miss 20:02 DS-minetest there's a new settings object 20:02 DS-minetest i think, that's the biggest change 20:05 Krock oh, you weren't here for so long? 20:07 Krock the fastest way to see all changes might be the changelog: http://dev.minetest.net/Changelog 20:11 exio4 Krock: about two-three releases at least 20:36 Ighalli can anyone point me to an example of, or docs relevant to, placing a door using lua? 20:36 Ighalli When I use set_node, I get just the half of the door and it doesn't have proper interactions anyway. 20:38 red-001 Ighalli, are you using an old version of minetest? 20:39 Ighalli I have 0.4.15 20:41 Ighalli code looks something like this: minetest.set_node({x=ix, y=iy, z=iz}, {name="doors:door_steel_b_1"}) 20:43 red-001 huh I'm not sure if thats before or after the door rewrite 20:43 red-001 hi lounge-user80 20:44 Ighalli It's the current version on the site. I'm not building it from source, though 21:06 Ighalli red-arch, can you point me to this door rewrite? I don't see any PRs that mention doors in particular 22:51 bigfoot547 Hi! 22:57 bigfoot547 Whoever wrote the Changelog for 0.4.16: Fix node damage cheat. They are now calculated server side. Hacked clients cannot ignore node damages anymore (fire, lava, cactus...). 22:57 bigfoot547 Cacti don't deal damage yet. right? 23:01 AntumDeluge Last I checked, it was impossible to have sub-modpack modpacks (like 'mods/modpack-level1/modpack-level2/mod'). I've felt like, though not necessary, an option like this would help me a little with organizing my mods/modpacks. 23:01 AntumDeluge Not sure if it's a good idea though. 23:02 bigfoot547 Right? 23:05 rubenwardy AntumDeluge, it's only the configuration menu that doesn't support nested mod packs 23:07 AntumDeluge Oh really? I'll try it again then. It was a long time ago. Not sure why it didn't (or I thought it didn't) work for me then. 23:11 AntumDeluge Thank you rubenwardy. No idea why I didn't think it worked. :) 23:12 AntumDeluge I mean, I have an idea... something obviously happened before (probably something that I erred in) that caused me to think that. 23:16 Fixer bigfoot547: right, i've already asked nerzhul about that, that was error 23:16 Fixer cactus does not deal damage, but it is planned for future 23:17 bigfoot547 Ah. Thanks Fixer 23:17 bigfoot547 Ah. Thanks Fixer. 23:17 bigfoot547 Oh, sorry, didn't mean to spam 23:53 AntumDeluge Has Rui's 'creeper' mod (http://wiki.minetest.net/Mods/Creeper) been discontinued? 23:54 AntumDeluge The forum thread displays "You are not authorised to read this forum." when I try to access it. (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=11891) 23:54 bigfoot547 AntumDeluge: Yes, it is dis-cont'd. 23:55 bigfoot547 Trademark + IP rights. 23:55 AntumDeluge And the GitHub repo & profile for Rui914 has been deleted: https://github.com/Rui914/creeper 23:55 AntumDeluge Oh, okay. 23:55 AntumDeluge What about the other mods labeled "creeper"? 23:55 AntumDeluge Can't Rui's creeper just be relabeled? 23:56 bigfoot547 No idea. Maybe they aren't aware of impending doooooooom!! 23:56 AntumDeluge Lol. okay. 23:56 kaeza it could, but he(?) basically nuked everything from orbit 23:56 AntumDeluge Ya, I think there is one called "Minetest Mobs", or something like that. 23:57 AntumDeluge "mobs_mc" is the one I was thinking of: https://github.com/maikerumine/mobs_mc 23:57 AntumDeluge Really nice mod, but runs slow on my server. 23:58 bigfoot547 Yeah, luaentity code had a nervous breakdown... 23:58 AntumDeluge lol. Does that mean it's not only my server that suffers with that mod? 23:59 bigfoot547 Everyones does. What do you meen "suffering"? 23:59 bigfoot547 mean*