Time  Nick             Message
00:00 Hijiri           I'm unsure how call/cc interacts with embedding though
00:00 Hijiri           probably badly
00:01 Hijiri           I would suggest Haskell over Scheme if it was easy to embed
00:01 Hijiri           I'm being completely unironic
00:07 redblade7        hi
00:07 redblade7        hey listen
00:07 redblade7        i was thinking of setting up a second server (again)
00:08 redblade7        this time it would be a sandbox server, but with mapgen valleys and no jungles
00:08 redblade7        no protection or anything
00:08 redblade7        but a question i have
00:08 Jordach          new Kra-ys server wen
00:08 redblade7        are sandbox servers required to have pvp?
00:09 Jordach          *shrug*
00:09 redblade7        i dont want to call something "sandbox" and have it not be that
00:10 redblade7        also, there would be much less mods than creative gardens
00:10 redblade7        like 4 pages of unified_inventory compared to creative gardens' 32
00:11 redblade7        sandbox with valleys can lead to some nasty griefing though that's what im' concerned with
00:11 redblade7        by accident too
00:12 redblade7        but with sandbox where do you draw the line with regards to griefing
00:12 redblade7        another issue too
00:12 Jordach          ask 2b2t
00:12 redblade7        who's 2b2t
00:12 Jordach          the anarchy Minecraft server
00:13 redblade7        i saw that there but it didnt use valleys
00:14 Jordach          the C++ doesn't grief
00:14 redblade7        i dont think so anyway
00:15 redblade7        creative gardens is near griefer-proof (with the exception of dumping water and travelnets and bothering other people while they build)
00:16 redblade7        oh and dumping rats
00:19 redblade7        as has apparently happened now
00:19 redblade7        i want to make it easier to tame kittens by leaving them in creative inventory
00:19 redblade7        tbut occasionally griefers keep dumping them
00:26 redblade7        user RTFG
00:26 redblade7
00:26 redblade7        did a rollback and clearing objects on my server
00:30 Jordach          shouldn't those have the server priv on them
00:30 Jordach          tat shouldn't be given to anyone
00:31 redblade7        lol
00:31 redblade7        yes
00:31 redblade7        he's the griefer
00:31 redblade7        i was cleaning up his miss
00:31 redblade7        mess
00:31 redblade7        s/did/just did
00:32 redblade7        just putting his info here in case others run into trouble
00:32 redblade7        the log was flooded with his activation of mobs_animal:rat and putting more into his chests
00:32 redblade7        it does happen sometimes but everyone loves the kittens so
00:33 redblade7        doesn't look like anarchist server uses valleys, but i'm not sure
00:36 redblade7        it's in the situation where servers.minetest.net no longer gets all the information
00:36 redblade7        creative gardens gets in that too but i shut it down for backups a lot
00:38 redblade7        there are a few things i would do diffrently if  i ran a sandbox server
00:38 redblade7        namely a few more rules and animal mobs (cotton is near impossible to find for wool)
00:39 redblade7        and no jungeles
01:48 riff-IRC         Hi
02:18 redblade7        hi
02:43 garywhite        Hi redblade7, riff-IRC
02:43 riff-IRC         Hello
02:43 riff-IRC         WAIT
02:45 riff-IRC         Hi LazyJ
02:45 LazyJ            Howdy riff
02:45 Eater4           garywhite, please check your pm
02:46 riff-IRC         How's the server?
02:47 redblade7        hi
02:47 redblade7        setting up a new server
02:47 MinetestBot      TheInformer: Feb-17 21:49 UTC <Krock> the parameter "ore" defines the node that is generated, in your case this would have the value "survivalplus:nickel_ore".
02:47 riff-IRC         Nice
02:47 riff-IRC         ?
02:47 LazyJ            Its doing fine.
02:47 riff-IRC         What's MinetestBot doing here?
02:47 TheInformer      giving me a message...
02:48 riff-IRC         how do you interact with MinetestBot?
02:48 TheInformer      idk
02:48 Eater4           MinetestBot: list
02:48 TheInformer      !msg
02:49 TheInformer      MinetestBot: help
02:49 Eater4           ~list
02:49 ShadowBot        Eater4: Admin, Aka, Anonymous, BanNotify, Brainfuck, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Conditional, Config, Ctcp, DDG, Debug, DerplangPlus, Dict, Filter, FloodProtector, Format, Games, GitHub, Karma, Later, Logger, Math, MessageParser, Minetest, Misc, MoobotFactoids, Network, Note, Owner, Plugin, Quote, Reply, Scheduler, Services, Status, String, Time, Topic, URL, Unix, User, Util, (1 more message)
02:49 riff-IRC         ~list
02:49 Eater4           ~ping
02:49 ShadowBot        riff-IRC: Admin, Aka, Anonymous, BanNotify, Brainfuck, Channel, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Conditional, Config, Ctcp, DDG, Debug, DerplangPlus, Dict, Filter, FloodProtector, Format, Games, GitHub, Karma, Later, Logger, Math, MessageParser, Minetest, Misc, MoobotFactoids, Network, Note, Owner, Plugin, Quote, Reply, Scheduler, Services, Status, String, Time, Topic, URL, Unix, User, Util, (1 more message)
02:49 ShadowBot        pong
02:49 TheInformer      ~msg
02:49 riff-IRC         Ok Ok Ok
02:49 riff-IRC         That Is Enough
02:49 TheInformer      lol
02:49 TheInformer      Does anyone know if someone has made a half-life mod?
02:49 TheInformer      or is working on one?
02:50 TheInformer      ~pong
02:51 TheInformer      ~Games
02:53 * TheInformer    is afk
03:54 garywhite        If anyone sees Eater4 or Nate tell him idk what's up with InchraNet, but that I'll talk to VE
03:59 redblade7        hey is it still true that you should have 0,0,0 free
04:00 redblade7        i'm trying to generate a new map for a new server but i'm using valleys which you have to find the right seed and most of them are higher up
04:17 redblade7        seed number 37 and still no 0,0,0 in a forest
04:21 redblade7        seed 45 is off a little but i can try worldedit
04:23 redblade7        nope messed up lighting
04:40 redblade7        i see a valleys server with a ladder up maybe should try that
05:35 cheapie          OK, so I've managed to make a mod that replaces giant rgblightstone display panels with SDL windows. It's not much use in a multiplayer environment, of course, as the windows are spawned on the server end, but it's rather fun to play with in singleplayer.
05:36 cheapie          (using lua-sdl2, for the record)
06:20 TheInformer      Is it possible to see do something if the player is holding down his mouse instead of just clicking it?
08:07 redblade7        OK, officially up, "THE VALLEYS"
08:08 redblade7        Have to post it to the forum but I'm tired and have to go to bed and busy tomorrow
08:08 redblade7        Sandbox server goodnight
10:33 MinetestBot      02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/master-server: Update detection of guest clients 135e12cb5 https://git.io/vD78Z (152017-02-18T10:31:24Z)
11:07 PureTryOut[m]    I'm looking at the node texture documentation (http://dev.minetest.net/texture), and I was wondering of the height and width parameters of the "[combine]" command are in pixels or not
11:07 PureTryOut[m]    (same with x1, and y1)
11:14 sfan5            what other unit would they be in?
11:16 PureTryOut[m]    no clue but it doesn't seem to be pixels at all
11:18 MinetestBot      02[git] 04red-001 -> 03minetest/minetest: Add support for the new arguments of `request_shutdown` to the `/shut… 133d25914 https://git.io/vD7Be (152017-02-18T11:16:11Z)
11:46 PureTryOut[m]    interesting how `transparent.png^[combine:0x0:0,0=test.png` shows the whole of test.png (transparent.png being a 16x16 empty transparent image)
14:06 silwol           what's a good up-to-date timber mod? I only seem to find outdated ones on the net.
14:06 rubenwardy       if they work, they're probably still work ok
14:26 MinetestBot      02[git] 04red-001 -> 03minetest/minetest: Use the `ARRLEN` macro in more places and remove an unused macro. (#5… 13d988f9b https://git.io/vD7gy (152017-02-18T14:24:49Z)
14:33 bas080           /sdawd/close
14:38 MinetestBot      02[git] 04red-001 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix not being able to damage players in minimal (#5266) 135db41d4 https://git.io/vD728 (152017-02-18T14:36:29Z)
14:49 Out`Of`Control   est31: hey can i query you
14:50 est31            Out`Of`Control: what is your question
14:50 Out`Of`Control   about leaftest
14:51 est31            yes
14:52 Out`Of`Control   est31:  it was working fine, now i keep getting this error
14:52 Out`Of`Control   http://paste.debian.net/915331/
14:53 Out`Of`Control   what could be wrong?
14:53 sfan5            est31: why did leaftest need rogiers mapper build again?
14:53 est31            I think it used some of the extra commands that rogier's mapper had
14:53 sfan5            i didn't see any in your repo
14:54 est31            Out`Of`Control: I'm not sure, possibly something changed in the database format
14:54 est31            Out`Of`Control: ask sfan5
14:55 sfan5            what you're seeing is just the sqlite library failing to do something
14:55 est31            sfan5: if you want to get it working on the official mapper, feel free to drop a PR
14:55 sfan5            completely unrelated to the database format
14:55 sfan5            est31: it looks like it should work out-of-the-box with the official mapper so i'm quite confused
14:56 Out`Of`Control   i can try on older map
14:57 Out`Of`Control   sfan5:  it was working fine some months a go
14:59 est31            sfan5: can you point me to the commit that changed the mapblock serialisation?
14:59 est31            did something in the sqlite format change?
15:00 sfan5            it did
15:00 est31            like, idk mod meta in database?
15:00 sfan5            but that would result in a different error
15:00 sfan5            https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp/issues/19
15:15 Out`Of`Control   sfan5 est31 works fine with map from 17 nov
15:16 MinetestBot      zorman2000: Feb-05 14:47 UTC <octacian> If you're still fighting with formspecs, take a look at this: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=16594&p=249868. It's almost identical to the other one, but in mod form and seems more reliable.
15:19 Out`Of`Control   updating minetestmapper should fix it?
15:38 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: yes
15:39 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/21444d00c35dc6896ffc27af7da38d8a296178fd
15:40 Out`Of`Control   Fixer: i try it did not help updating minetestmapper
15:41 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: whats your engine version?
15:41 Out`Of`Control   not so old
15:46 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: give me exact commit
16:00 Calinou          small poll: do you think I can label More Blocks, More Ores and Map Tools as version 1.0.0? this was requested by a few Linux distribution packagers :)
16:00 Calinou          they seem to be stable enough for that, also I'll keep a changelog starting from that version (CHANGELOG.md probably)
16:01 Calinou          so we can document fixes done over versions
16:01 rubenwardy       yes
16:01 rubenwardy       more [blocks/ores] definitely
16:01 rubenwardy       can't remember Map Tools - is that the one with the admin pickaxe in it?
16:01 Calinou          yep
16:05 red-001          well this is a thing https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Deletionist_Wikipedians
16:11 cimbakahn        Hello Everyone!
16:13 cimbakahn        What is the difference between karsthafen_2015-02-08 & karsthafen_2016-05-07  ?
16:14 rubenwardy       different dates
16:14 Krock            the upload date?
16:14 Krock            damn it, always these ninjas
16:14 rubenwardy       you'd probably want the 2016 one
16:15 cimbakahn        I know that, but i was wondering if there were any building/construction changes?
16:15 red-001          so what is karsthafen?
16:16 Krock            check out the topic. if there's no post about it, then ask solars in a PM no the forums
16:16 Krock            red-001, a map
16:16 cimbakahn        It is a WORLD for Minetest.
16:17 cimbakahn        Karsthafen ----> https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=6642
16:18 Out`Of`Control   Fixer: how can i see?
16:19 Wuzzy            Lua question: Is it OK to make a nodebox of 0 width (for a plane-like texture)?
16:19 rubenwardy       on screen text whilst playing
16:19 rubenwardy       Wuzzy: you'll probably cause z-problems
16:19 rubenwardy       better to make 0.001 or smth
16:20 cimbakahn        I noticed that the 2015 one is 1.5GB & and the 2016 one is 2.8GB  ?
16:20 Wuzzy            it seems to render fine with 0 width xd
16:20 Wuzzy            xD
16:20 juhdanad         Wuzzy: maybe signlike is sufficient for you.
16:20 Wuzzy            no
16:20 Wuzzy            I need a 3D box AND a flat plane
16:20 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: --version
16:20 Wuzzy            or am i forced to use a mesh?
16:21 juhdanad         If your plane is not near to an other parallel plane, then there will be no z-fighting.
16:21 Out`Of`Control   Fixer:  i see only Build info: VER=0.4.15-dev
16:21 Wuzzy            well, its not really a plane
16:21 Wuzzy            its a nodebox of 0 width
16:21 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: and if you run minetest.exe, it shows version in title
16:21 Wuzzy            is it even permitted in minetest or is this discouraged?
16:21 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: the one on server
16:22 Out`Of`Control   exe???
16:22 Out`Of`Control   sec
16:22 juhdanad         Wuzzy: it will render properly, but do use backface culling.
16:22 cimbakahn        That would mean the mod has increased in size by 1.3GB.  This increase is quite significant.  So i was wondering if more buildings and stuff were created in the 2nd one?
16:22 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: binary
16:22 Wuzzy            how?
16:23 juhdanad         Just do not write backface_culling=false to your tile definitions.
16:23 Out`Of`Control   Fixer:  i have no exe file
16:24 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: nevermind, you have to remember what version you compiled, write it down and it will be useful later
16:25 Out`Of`Control   Fixer:  it was compiled on 29 jan
16:25 Out`Of`Control   so from 29 jan
16:25 Fixer            much better
16:27 Fixer            Out`Of`Control: then it is not related to major update, which is Lighting: Update lighting at block loading  ( feb 13 2017 0
16:30 Out`Of`Control   Fixer: i have map from 17 feb works fine, recent map fails with errors
16:43 kaeza            greetings
16:43 rubenwardy       hi?
16:44 Fixer            hi
16:44 rubenwardy       hey
16:45 rubenwardy       oh, already aid that
16:45 rubenwardy       although less certainly
16:52 moondeck         hello
16:52 Krock            hi
16:53 moondeck         just thought i would install minetest to see how good my new server performs :)
16:58 Krock            you'll need an i7 + 10 GiB ram at least
16:58 Krock            then throw some good mods on it and let us enjoy this amazing fast server :P
16:59 moondeck         it runs C2D e8400 and 4 gigs
16:59 agaran           E8400 is not bad cpu..
17:00 agaran           Krock: ;)
17:00 moondeck         its a bit old though
17:00 moondeck         thinking about getting a xeon and an adapter for the mobo
17:00 moondeck         i've actually built the server myself
17:00 moondeck         converted a switch rack case to mATX
17:00 moondeck         and then a server PSU to ATX
17:00 moondeck         and just shoved it in there
17:01 moondeck         not sure if it can handle the cooling of a quad core
17:01 moondeck         hmm, lets compile minetest first
17:01 agaran           moondeck: get 32+ cores if you want to see cooling problems;)
17:02 moondeck         agaran problem was fitting the standard intel cooling solution on a 1.5U case
17:02 Krock            ^ set them on FSB multipier 1 and the problems are history
17:03 agaran           Krock: but then why bother ;)
17:03 moondeck         but i've removed the top fan, and instead its blowing from the side
17:10 kaeza            a server runs quite well on a dual core and even single core processors
17:11 moondeck         kaeza yeah, i am probably gonna open it to the public once its set
17:11 moondeck         i havent played MT for quite a while
17:11 kaeza            Lua is singlethreaded anyway so throwing more cores at it won't do anything
17:11 kaeza            may help with other parts though
17:11 moondeck         almost done compiling
17:11 rubenwardy       good for mapgen
17:12 rubenwardy       and emerge
17:12 moondeck         emerge? gentoo?
17:13 kaeza            lol
17:22 Krock            uninstall gentoo
17:22 moondeck         yeah
17:22 moondeck         its shit
17:22 moondeck         i mean you need quite a neckbeard to use it
17:22 moondeck         debian is superior
17:22 moondeck         >inb4 "install gentoo" is a meme
17:24 moondeck         can i somehow OP an user on a server?
17:25 moondeck         nvm, got it
17:27 moondeck         so, if i've compiled minetest, and i am running a server, where is the config at?
17:27 moondeck         i cant find anything in .minetest
17:27 Krock            http://wiki.minetest.net/Minetest.conf
17:27 Krock            you have to run and exit minetest once to generate that file
17:29 moondeck         thanks
17:31 Krock            !next
17:31 MinetestBot      Another satisfied customer. Next!
17:31 moondeck         how about default privs?
17:33 moondeck         and are there plugins where i can assign a certain area to a player?
17:33 kaeza            !mod areas
17:33 MinetestBot      kaeza: Advanced area protection [areas] by ShadowNinja - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=7239
17:33 kaeza            ^ that?
17:34 moondeck         i guess
17:36 Krock            there are more, such as landrush, protector and simple_protection
17:38 moondeck         i just need to be able to give blocks away
17:38 moondeck         !mod border
17:38 MinetestBot      moondeck: Could not find anything.
17:38 moondeck         hmm
17:38 moondeck         !mod world
17:38 MinetestBot      moondeck: worldedge [worldedge] by Don - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=10753
17:39 Krock            Check out http://krock-works.16mb.com/MTstuff/modSearch.php and http://app-mtmm.rubenwardy.com/mods/
17:39 Krock            there you will get some more results :)
17:39 moondeck         nice
17:39 moondeck         still no good border mod though?
17:40 moondeck         i need to get to know LUA
17:40 moondeck         Lua*
17:40 moondeck         or whatever
17:40 moondeck         i only know C and x86 asm
17:40 kaeza            https://github.com/mniip/LUA
17:40 Krock            a border that limits the world generation, as example?
17:40 moondeck         yeah
17:40 Krock            yes, LUA is great. FOR K,V IN PAIRS()
17:41 Krock            #    Where the map generator stops.
17:41 Krock            #    type: int min: 0 max: 31000
17:41 Krock            # map_generation_limit = 3100
17:41 Krock            ^ minetest.conf.example
17:42 moondeck         how can i assign some kind of default permissions?
17:42 Krock            # default_privs = interact, shout
17:42 Krock            ^ minetest.conf.example
17:43 Krock            and now turn your grep on and look through that file
17:43 moondeck         eh
17:43 moondeck         stoopid me
17:43 moondeck         for admin can i just do "*"
17:43 Krock            huh
17:44 moondeck         an admin should have all the permissions
17:45 moondeck         the Wiki doesnt provide the meaning of "server_dedicated", should i set it to yes?
17:45 Krock            just set the setting "name = <your_nick_here>" to make yourself some kind of "superuser"
17:46 Krock            server_dedicated appears to be a deprecated setting
17:46 kaeza            then /grantme all
17:46 Krock            or /grant <your_nick> all, if the one above isn't a known command
17:47 moondeck         server_dedicated is not deprecated
17:47 moondeck         since i've compiled the newest version
17:49 rubenwardy       ignore server_dedicated
17:49 rubenwardy       it's automatic
17:50 moondeck         how can i make a dedicated server though? aside from the network setup, do i need anything else?
17:50 rubenwardy       minetestserver
17:50 moondeck         yeah, obv
17:50 rubenwardy       if you use minetestserver or minetest --server (they are equivalent) then server_dedicated will equal true
17:50 moondeck         right
17:51 rubenwardy       as for stay alive
17:51 rubenwardy       you can use a bash script
17:51 rubenwardy       or something like systemd
17:51 moondeck         for now i will just keep it open in a terminal
17:51 moondeck         any way i could set the MOTD?
17:51 rubenwardy       motd in settings
17:51 rubenwardy       <Krock> and now turn your grep on and look through that file
17:52 moondeck         Wiki is saying its deprecated and old
17:52 rubenwardy       it's not
17:52 rubenwardy       where do you see that?
17:52 moondeck         http://wiki.minetest.net/Minetest.conf.example
17:53 Krock            I said that. It's not used anywhere and nobody really cares about it
17:53 rubenwardy       it says that page is outdated, not the motd setting
17:53 rubenwardy       and motd is still used on join
17:53 rubenwardy       but not many people look at it
17:54 Krock            nvm, I thought it was still about the dedicated server setting
17:54 Krock            https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commits/master/minetest.conf.example is always up-to-date and offers you a good documentation
17:54 moondeck         with MOTD i mean the "name" of the server
17:55 rubenwardy       server_name, then
17:55 Krock            server_name?
17:55 Krock            MOTD = message of the day btw
17:55 moondeck         used to be called MOTD in MC
17:55 moondeck         i know what it means
17:56 rubenwardy       MOTD is a message shown when you join the server, not the server's name
17:56 Krock            ^
17:57 PureTryOut[m]    "Message of the Day"
17:57 Krock            thanks god that the wiki describes nodes as blocks /s
18:02 moondeck         can i get the server indexed somehow or does it happen automatically?
18:03 TheInformer      Is anyone here?
18:03 DI3HARD139       Anyone else getting frequent std::bad_alloc?
18:03 DI3HARD139       From no cause
18:03 Krock            moondeck, set this to true: # server_announce = false
18:03 Krock            DI3HARD139, free some memory and use a lower-resolution texture pack
18:03 TheInformer      I need help choosing a license for a mod
18:04 DI3HARD139       Its on a server. | Literally only using about 2GB of 16GB total + 16GB swap
18:04 Krock            TheInformer, WTFPL, MIT or BSD3-Clause. Choose with http://tldrlegal.com/
18:04 moondeck         TheInformer MIT
18:04 rubenwardy       don't use WTFPL
18:04 Krock            DI3HARD139, is it a 64-bit build?
18:04 TheInformer      Ok, ill check it out
18:05 DI3HARD139       I would think so. Its fresh from github (2weeks ish ago, probably 3)
18:05 DI3HARD139       Not sure tbh. Ill have to check cmake logs
18:05 TheInformer      Ok, Ill use MIT, do I need to put the license terms in my README.MD on github?
18:06 Krock            github allows you to include a license when crating a new repo
18:06 TheInformer      yeah I chose MIT
18:06 TheInformer      oh ok nvmd
18:06 TheInformer      it has a license file
18:06 DI3HARD139       Yep 64
18:06 TheInformer      ok guys thanks for the help
18:06 Krock            !next
18:06 MinetestBot      Another satisfied customer. Next!
18:07 DI3HARD139       lol
18:07 Krock            DI3HARD139, strange.
18:07 Krock            usually it's caused by running out of memory
18:07 moondeck         hmm, i have a new build too
18:07 moondeck         64 bit
18:07 moondeck         no problems
18:09 fireglow         Krock: are you Hybrid Dog?
18:09 Krock            correct language, continent but wrong, sadly.
18:09 Krock            fireglow, he's rarely here as w_laenger
18:09 fireglow         ah, I see. Thanks.
18:09 Krock            !next
18:09 MinetestBot      Another satisfied customer. Next!
18:09 fireglow         I did a bad, bad thing: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=252206#p252206
18:10 DI3HARD139       probably a borked subgame again.
18:10 fireglow         OVER A YEAR
18:10 DI3HARD139       I though it was the mobs again but it wasn't
18:10 fireglow         :<
18:10 DI3HARD139       Im probably hitting lua memory limit. Had to clear up some water griefing on the map
18:10 moondeck         if i open my server, would anyone come on and tell me if the config is alright? i wanna test the hardware too
18:11 Krock            fireglow, sorry, I don't understand...
18:11 rubenwardy       w_laenger == Hybrid Dog?? :O
18:11 fireglow         Krock: I forgot to thank him for the addition I suggested, for over a year :<
18:11 Krock            rubenwardy, not entirely confirmed
18:12 fireglow         mystery!
18:12 Krock            fireglow, stuff gets forgotten all the time, so *shrug*
18:12 DI3HARD139       hit me up with the ip/port
18:12 Krock            fireglow, you definitely also belong into #minetest-de
18:14 moondeck         DI3HARD139 wait a sec, lemme redirect the port
18:15 DI3HARD139       Can't be the timer scripts. Those are working fine on the other servers.
18:17 DI3HARD139       wb
18:17 TheInformer      thanks
18:17 TheInformer      I have another question lol
18:17 fireglow         Krock ;)
18:18 TheInformer      is it possible to make an entity explode when it hits a node?
18:20 agaran           TheInformer: I'd look at bows mod, as their entities may have such function..
18:20 TheInformer      nope
18:20 TheInformer      I checked
18:20 TheInformer      just place and destroy
18:20 TheInformer      and it only destroys one node
18:23 agaran           well if it has routine that reacts -on- hitting node, you can change code there.
18:24 moondeck is the IP
18:24 kaeza            <TheInformer> and it only destroys one node
18:24 TheInformer      yeah
18:24 kaeza            huh? I tested yesterday, and TNT arrow works as advertised
18:24 TheInformer      Oh, i must be looking at a different mod
18:27 kaeza            this is the one I'm using. https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=14384
18:27 kaeza            uh
18:27 kaeza            I guess AiTechEye == UjEdwin?
18:28 * kaeza          hates forum name changes
18:28 fireglow         !mod superpick
18:28 MinetestBot      fireglow: Superpickaxe [superpick] by Hybrid Dog - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=3691
18:29 moondeck         DI3HARD139 server tells me its an invalid name
18:30 DI3HARD139       invalid name? Upon me connecting or announcing?
18:30 moondeck         oh you are on
18:30 moondeck         idk
18:30 moondeck         server complains
18:30 moondeck         that you "tried to connect"
18:30 DI3HARD139       It does that. A lot...
18:40 cimbakahn        What is the difference between karsthafen_2015-02-08 & karsthafen_2016-05-07  ?
18:40 cimbakahn        I noticed that the 2015 one is 1.5GB & and the 2016 one is 2.8GB  ?
18:40 TheInformer      im off
18:40 TheInformer      thanks for the help again
18:40 cimbakahn        That would mean the mod has increased in size by 1.3GB.  This increase is quite significant.  So i was wondering if more buildings and stuff were created in the 2nd one?
18:44 Calinou          <kaeza> I guess AiTechEye == UjEdwin?
18:44 Calinou          yes, I changed their username by request
18:44 Krock            cimbakahn, no success in looking up the topic about that map? If it's not documented there, ask solars himself
18:50 zyabin101        What would you suggest to make for generator-minetest?
18:51 zyabin101        Calinou, no answer on the "innocent IP blocked from forum by Spamhaus" problem?
18:51 Calinou          zyabin101: I'm not sure who has permissions to whitelist IPs
18:52 sfan5            forum admins
18:52 zyabin101        :D
18:54 Baffy[m]         i built an underwater bunker and tried to empty it out, seems impossible
18:54 Baffy[m]         after trying far too long
18:54 Baffy[m]         seems like the water source blocks just come back\
18:54 zyabin101        And celeron seems to be the only one able to, according to https://forum.minetest.net/memberlist.php?mode=leaders
18:54 Krock            Baffy[m], start with the most top water layer
18:55 garywhite        ircSparky: Message from OldCoder, happy birthday
18:55 Krock            fill it entirely with nodes, then remove each and move on with the next layer
18:55 Krock            water nodes will renew on corners
18:56 rdococ           I'm working on a laptop mod which has a laptop node. when you right click on it, the gui pops up.
18:56 rdococ           how do I respond to the player clicking stuff in that gui?
18:56 zyabin101        I *had* a node template, but the computer which has it has absolutely died.
18:57 rubenwardy       on_receive_formspec in nodedef, rdococ
18:57 rdococ           k
18:57 rubenwardy       if you're using node meta formspecs
18:57 rdococ           ty
18:57 rdococ           ye
18:57 rubenwardy       on_receive_fields = func(pos, formname, fields, sender)
18:58 rdococ           wait
18:58 rdococ           ok
19:00 cimbakahn        Krock, Thanks!
19:05 Baffy[m]         oh cool
19:06 Krock            !next
19:06 MinetestBot      Another satisfied customer. Next!
19:07 moondeck         DI3HARD139 did it work well?
19:07 moondeck         you timed out
19:07 moondeck         eh shit
19:07 rdococ           I'm working on a computer mod that WORKS?! :O
19:07 moondeck         rdococ what mod?
19:07 juhdanad         You should change !next to tell the number of statisfied customers of the day.
19:08 kaeza            THIRD computer mod that WORKS :D
19:08 fireglow         indeed
19:08 moondeck         DI3HARD139 you timed out?
19:08 rdococ           wait, there are TWO WORKING COMPUTER MODS?
19:08 Krock            - DI3HARD139 quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:08 kaeza            fourth if you count mesecons
19:08 Krock            yes, that's a ping timeout
19:08 moondeck         Krock i know
19:08 moondeck         wanna know what happened, he was testing my server
19:09 DI3HARD139       reconnecting
19:09 moondeck         people just left xD
19:09 rdococ           tell me
19:09 kaeza            rdococ, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15886&p=239682 | https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=16538
19:09 moondeck         rdococ tell you what?
19:10 rdococ           nvm
19:11 kaeza            don't let that discourage you. we have 5 bows mods, 4 nether mods, 1e+100 mobs mods, ...
19:12 kaeza            the more the merrier they say
19:12 kaeza            :P
19:18 rdococ           I won't :p
19:28 rdococ           wait
19:28 rdococ           1+100 zeroes?
19:31 Krock            yes
19:31 rdococ           laptop dimension with laptop mob that drops laptop bow
19:32 zyabin101        rdococ, more on topic of the laptop dimension:
19:32 zyabin101        Laptops abound!
19:33 zyabin101        You're standing on a touchpad, the trees grow keys, and the mines are full of mesecon ore to wire em up.
19:33 rdococ           cyber dimension with software
19:34 rdococ           lol
19:34 rdococ           literal keys
19:34 Taose            Isn't "1e+100" shorthand for 1x10^100?
19:34 zyabin101        You may find laptops, ports, adaptors, peripherals and software disks in the wild :D
19:34 rdococ           Taose, correct
19:34 Taose            So...101 0s?
19:35 rdococ           100 0s and 1 1
19:35 zyabin101        "1" + "0" * 100
19:35 kaeza            !c 1e100
19:35 MinetestBot      1e+100
19:35 MinetestBot      02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/master-server: Design changes on the server list page 135de6082 https://git.io/vD79E (152017-02-18T19:34:53Z)
19:35 kaeza            :(
19:35 Krock            lol
19:35 Taose            Not helpful bot
19:36 rdococ           heh
19:36 kaeza            !c str(1e100)
19:36 MinetestBot      '1e+100'
19:36 kaeza            lol
19:36 Taose            lmfao
19:36 kaeza            thank you MinetestBot
19:36 Krock            !c '1' + '0' * 100
19:36 MinetestBot      '10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
19:36 Krock            there you go
19:36 rdococ           !c '1' + '0'
19:36 MinetestBot      '10'
19:36 rdococ           oh
19:36 Krock            python_skills++
19:36 rdococ           string concatenation and multiplication
19:36 rdococ           cool
19:37 rdococ           !c 'lol' * 100
19:37 MinetestBot      'lollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollol'
19:37 Krock            please check out #minetestbot
19:37 Krock            hmm
19:37 rdococ           I only did it once :c
19:37 Krock            maybe ##minetestbot ? dunno
19:37 Krock            there's where you can abuse it
19:39 rdococ           hm
19:40 PureTryOut[m]    how do I tell cmake to compile the headless server?
19:42 fireglow         cmake -DBUILD_SERVER=1 -DBUILD_CLIENT=0
19:42 PureTryOut[m]    thanks!
19:44 kaeza            !c (lambda f, x: f(f, 0, 1, x))(lambda f, a, b, x: str(a)+", "+f(f, a+b, a, x) if a<=x else "", 1000)
19:44 MinetestBot      '0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, '
19:44 kaeza            shython
19:44 rdococ           what about ##minetestbot?
19:45 kaeza            TIL there's a channel for the bot
19:46 rdococ           ...
19:48 red-002          pls make it join #minetestbot
19:52 PureTryOut[m]    so... compiled Minetest server, now it just complains "Subgame [] could not be found" on startup. there is no config file in `/etc` or `$HOME/.minetest` either
19:52 PureTryOut[m]    I do have a subgame, but where can I specify it's directory?
19:56 kaeza            PureTryOut[m], with `--gameid minetest` or `gameid = minetest` in `world.mt`
19:57 PureTryOut[m]    where does it take the subgame from?
20:00 kaeza            ~/.minetest/games, and $path_share/games
20:01 kaeza            where $path_share is usually /usr or /usr/local
20:01 kaeza            eh /usr/local/share/minetest
20:03 PureTryOut[m]    apt (Ubuntu server) had everything in `/usr/share/games/minetest`. I guess that confused me
20:03 PureTryOut[m]    `/usr/local/share` does make sense
20:04 kaeza            maybe it's in /usr[/local]/share/games, don't know
20:05 kaeza            I always use a self-compiled RUN_IN_PLACE build
20:06 PureTryOut[m]    putting it in `$HOME/.minetest/games` did work thanks
20:07 fireglow         PureTryOut[m]: maybe this will help you https://dpaste.de/P37y
20:07 fireglow         oh you got it, ok
20:07 fireglow         oh subgame, I'm entirely wrong. Just ignore me
20:08 PureTryOut[m]    lol
20:10 PureTryOut[m]    can the console (not running in daemon mode) not be used for commands? how would I grant myself rights?
20:13 fireglow         not sure about console, but the player from the servers config file gets admin. Setting is name
20:14 fireglow         name = XxX_kittenslayer_XxX
20:15 rubenwardy       also, see --console
20:16 rubenwardy       from there you can run commands from the screen that runs the server
20:16 rubenwardy       also see
20:16 rubenwardy       !mod irc commands
20:16 MinetestBot      rubenwardy: Server login over IRC [irc_commands] by ShadowNinja - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=5275
20:16 PureTryOut[m]    thanks rubenwardy
20:16 PureTryOut[m]    the config file is nowhere to be found -.-
20:16 PureTryOut[m]    `--console` is not an option btw
20:16 kaeza            should be put in ~/.minetest
20:17 PureTryOut[m]    it isn't
20:17 kaeza            or you can use --config
20:17 PureTryOut[m]    not in `/etc` either
20:17 kaeza            there's none by default
20:17 PureTryOut[m]    I have to make one myself? huh ok
20:18 kaeza            don't know if distro packages put .example anywhere
20:18 kaeza            try `locate minetest.conf`
20:18 PureTryOut[m]    distro packages `/etc/minetest/minetest.conf` it seems
20:19 fireglow         this is the official example file, you can start from there: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest/minetest/master/minetest.conf.example
20:20 fireglow         for server, you can delete anything above "# Server / Singleplayer
20:22 PureTryOut[m]    cool thanks
20:26 rdococ           so when a button is pushed, fields[button_name] = true?
20:26 rdococ           and fields[textarea_name] = textarea_content?
20:30 rdococ           .
20:34 kaeza            correct
20:34 Krock            can confirm
20:37 redblade7        hi
20:37 redblade7        i have to go soon, but will leave a message here
20:37 redblade7        i just set up a new server, as you know, THE VALLEYS
20:37 redblade7        i just got a complaint from someone having a crash when they click "3 dots in the bottom right"
20:38 redblade7        i dont know what he's talking about. is it a fake mobile client?
20:38 rdococ           I'm trying to set a textarea's contents by changing its default
20:39 rdococ           it worked with the lua controller version...
20:39 redblade7        unlike my server creative gardens, which has been around for a year, there are very few mods, and no "fancy plants" mods except for farming redo
20:39 redblade7        and there are mobs redo and andinmals
20:39 redblade7        but not much else
20:40 redblade7        so
20:40 redblade7        what are these 3 dots he's talking about?
20:41 IhrFussel        redblade7, it's likely a mobile client but not the official Minetest one
20:42 IhrFussel        The official one has the 3 dots at the center left
20:42 rdococ           yay
20:42 rdococ           I have a rudimentary text editor
20:42 rdococ           for my laptop node
20:43 rdococ           planning to change it to a desktop computer node though
20:48 Baffy[m]         does anyone know good graph paper that's thin enough to trace thru
20:48 zyabin101        mbot, what language do you know? :3
20:48 zyabin101        English and...?
20:48 Baffy[m]         or apps to plan minetest buildings
20:48 Baffy[m]         the paper would be better for my 6yo nephew
20:48 zyabin101        (nah, better move this to ##minetestbot)
20:48 Baffy[m]         the app is for me
20:48 agaran           zyabin101: english, perl, c, lua, ?;)
20:49 zyabin101        !c 'Hello, '.. 'World!'
20:49 MinetestBot      SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
20:49 zyabin101        Hope he is up >~<
20:49 zyabin101        !mod moreblocks
20:49 MinetestBot      zyabin101: More Blocks [moreblocks] by Calinou - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=509
20:50 zyabin101        Nice, he's up.
20:51 zyabin101        Does mbot have knowledge?
20:51 * zyabin101      thinks about finally moving that to ##minetestbot
20:52 rdococ           hm
20:52 zyabin101        agaran, add Python to that list
20:52 rdococ           does anyone have a nodebox model for a desktop computer?
20:53 rdococ           no?
20:53 rdococ           :c
20:53 zyabin101        []_ ← ASCII sketch for the side
20:53 Baffy[m]         i know yall know good graph paper
20:53 agaran           zyabin101: I don't know python..
20:53 QwertyDragon     Baffy[m] for "graph paper" I use Xournal program page/paper_style/graph
20:53 zyabin101        [_] ← front
20:53 zyabin101        ^ and top
20:54 Baffy[m]         oh cool
20:54 Baffy[m]         i was hoping for actual paper for my nephew too
20:54 zyabin101        agaran, Tutorial:
20:54 zyabin101        !c "Hello, World!"
20:54 MinetestBot      'Hello, World!'
20:55 IhrFussel        What's the best way to prevent players with older clients from sending messages that appear on the next line? Cause that buggy behavior makes fake messages a possibility...like player abc fakes a message "<abc> [many many spaces or tabs or even new line chars][next line]<xyz> I am stupid"
20:55 agaran           zyabin101: I'd rather stay on perl side of life.. seems brighter for me
20:55 agaran           IhrFussel: can't you just squash all-spaces to one in each line send by player?
20:55 rdococ           xyz is stupid
20:55 rdococ           :p
20:55 zyabin101        $x=/[a-n]/g
20:56 zyabin101        Wanted to not put that in a variable, but IRC interprets anything starting with / as slash commands.
20:56 IhrFussel        agaran, the problem is I'm not sure if it's really just spaces or if the engine even interprets tabs/newlines and sends those as separate message lines
20:57 agaran           I'd squash any whitespace string via regexp to single space?
20:57 agaran           or, if me, then any non-ascii char + white char to space
20:57 agaran           but that may ruin unicode..
20:57 red-002          I think mt has a string trim function
20:57 red-002          not sure if it removes double spaces
20:58 Krock            it has a trim function that trims the spaces and tabs on each end
20:58 Krock            but afaik doesn't touch the code in between
20:58 red-002          return (self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
20:59 rdococ           does someone have a nodebox model of a computer?
20:59 rdococ           a desktop computer with a tower
20:59 agaran           homedecor has computer?(s)
21:00 VanessaE         it does.
21:00 VanessaE         though they don't do anything especially useful
21:00 IhrFussel        Krock, but it trims ANY whitespace char before/after the string? Tabs and newlines also?
21:01 IhrFussel        Cause I'm not sure if newlines count as "whitespace"
21:02 Krock            std::isspace
21:02 red-002          this is lua not c++
21:03 IhrFussel        The example in the Minetest dev wiki says it works with new lines string.trim("\n \t\tfoo bar\t ") == "foo bar"
21:04 red-002          string.gsub(test , "%s+", " ")
21:04 red-002          that should work
21:06 red-002          tested it on https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo
21:06 red-002          with local test = '  hi  hel fef \r\n hello '
21:06 red-002          test = string.gsub(test , "%s+", " ")
21:06 red-002          print(test)
21:07 agaran           cheapie: would you mind if I connect d/c'ed reactor in your powerplant or want do it yourself?
21:09 Krock            IhrFussel, the regular expression also behaves like the C++ function. It trims spaces, tabs and new lines
21:10 IhrFussel        Is string.trim() in Minetest the same now or not?
21:11 red-002          I think it only trims spaces , tabs, etc at the start and end
21:12 Krock            ^
21:12 IhrFussel        red-002, okay I implemented your gsub function now
21:13 Krock            string.trim is defined in builtin/common/misc_helpers.lua with the code that red-002 wrote above
21:13 Krock            -> (self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
21:14 red-002          yeah that looks much too complex for something that only trims spaces
21:14 red-002          use string.gsub(test , "%s+", " ")
21:14 Krock            lol, it's shorter than the C++ implementation
21:15 red-002          but it's completely unreadable to a normal human
21:15 Krock            your shorter code doesn't do exactly what it should
21:15 red-002          why so?
21:16 red-002          it replaces all double spaces with single spaces
21:16 Krock            it leaves one space at the beginning and end if there were more
21:16 Krock            "  hello world    " becomes " hello world "
21:17 red-002          yeah this is only for stopping chat exploits
21:17 IhrFussel        message = string.gsub(message , "^%s+", "") << should remove any space at the beginning right?
21:18 Krock            yes
21:29 tyty             hi
21:30 redblade7        IhrFussel: just got back but have to go again, what do those three dots (in official the minetest client) do?
21:30 mine_test_of_min hi
21:30 PureTryOut[m]    so it seems Minetest doesn't run on Wayland (without any X11 whatsoever) :(
21:30 mine_test_of_min i need help
21:31 mine_test_of_min i try to play this subgame : https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=12889
21:32 mine_test_of_min I did a git clone in ~/.minetest/games/
21:32 IhrFussel        redblade7, they expand into a menu when you tap them (open chat form, open inventory, drop item you hold)
21:32 mine_test_of_min I have ~/.minetest/games/minetest-australopithecus/
21:32 Calinou          PureTryOut[m]: we don't have Wayland support, yeah
21:32 Calinou          Irrlicht doesn't have support
21:33 PureTryOut[m]    too bad :( I wanted to run it on my phone lol, see how it worked
21:33 mine_test_of_min but when I start the subgame I got a lot of error
21:34 redblade7        will have to file a "misplaced dots" one in the github
21:34 redblade7        but have to go to church soon
21:35 PureTryOut[m]    "have to"?
21:35 redblade7        yep my turn to read the bible
21:36 IhrFussel        redblade7, but the app isn't the official one so you'd have to find out which app the player uses
21:36 PureTryOut[m]    your turn? you can't refuse?
21:36 redblade7        he didnt speak english though
21:37 redblade7        PureTryOut[m]: well i told them i'd be there, switched the previosu week with someone else who couldnt make it
21:37 PureTryOut[m]    ooh so at least it's your choice then
21:37 PureTryOut[m]    you're not forced by relatives
21:38 redblade7        of course i'm 32
21:38 PureTryOut[m]    you say that, but I hear weird shit coming from non-christians in the USA
21:38 PureTryOut[m]    it's sadly not as easy for everyone to say no
21:38 redblade7        i started practicing my faith again after a few yeras being gone, wanted to get into it again and i have a niece now so
21:38 rdococ           I decided that rather than having a laptop I'd make it look like an old monitor
21:40 PureTryOut[m]    it might be better if I don't respond to that ;)
21:41 redblade7        no prob PureTryOut[m] i respect your rights to freedom of religion
21:41 redblade7        and separation of church and state
21:41 PureTryOut[m]    and I do the same to yours. you at least seem nice about it :D
21:41 redblade7        (though not political correctness i'm against that)
21:42 PureTryOut[m]    I'm not even sure what that means
21:42 rdococ           crafting recipe hm
21:42 rdococ           lua controller, steel ingots and glass?
21:42 redblade7        i gotta go bye
21:42 PureTryOut[m]    bye
22:57 MinetestBot      02[git] 04juhdanad -> 03minetest/minetest: Fixes for colorwallmounted and colorfacedir nodes 1300123ee https://git.io/vD7AF (152017-02-18T22:47:24Z)
22:57 MinetestBot      02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Voxelmanip: Do not emerge or blit to blocks over map gen limit 13111e7e1 https://git.io/vD7Ab (152017-02-18T22:47:24Z)
22:57 MinetestBot      02[git] 04kilbith -> 03minetest/minetest: Multiplayer menu: fix attempt to open nonexistant image 13d0a6cac https://git.io/vD7AN (152017-02-18T22:46:45Z)
22:57 MinetestBot      02[git] 04tenplus1 -> 03minetest/minetest: Statbars.lua: Cache enable_damage setting 13e9cd718 https://git.io/vD7AA (152017-02-18T22:46:06Z)
23:43 rdococ           hm