Time Nick Message 02:04 LinuxGuy2020 How do you kill mese monsters? 02:10 LinuxGuy2020 nm hit it duh 07:35 Glaceon Sorry I was disconnected 07:36 Glaceon Did it work? 07:40 OldCoder Hi 07:40 OldCoder Ah 07:40 OldCoder Glaceon, you are talking here successfuly 07:40 OldCoder Glaceon, can you see this? 07:40 Glaceon Yes 😊 07:41 OldCoder The smiley worked, too 07:41 OldCoder Now, in the same message place, type this: /query OldCoder 07:41 OldCoder Then type Hello in that tab or window 07:41 OldCoder And press Enter 07:42 OldCoder Note that it must be slash query /query 07:42 OldCoder Like that 07:42 Glaceon Did it Work? 07:42 OldCoder Nope 07:42 OldCoder You typed slash query space OldCoder 07:42 OldCoder then typed Hello? 07:42 OldCoder On a separate line? 07:42 OldCoder /query OldCoder 07:42 OldCoder Hello 07:43 OldCoder When you type /query OldCoder does a new tab or window appear? 07:43 Glaceon It does nothing 07:43 OldCoder CWz, moin 07:43 OldCoder Glaceon, I will query you 07:44 OldCoder Glaceon, you should see something. I can see you in query. 07:44 OldCoder Including your host string; i.e., you are in Australia 07:44 OldCoder So it is working 07:44 OldCoder Look for a new tab or window. It should be there. If not, try a different program. 07:44 OldCoder There are at least 5 to 10 good IRC apps for Android 07:44 OldCoder Try another one 07:44 Glaceon Ok 07:44 OldCoder It is worth the trouble Glaceon 07:45 Glaceon Afk ✋ 07:45 OldCoder to figure this out 07:45 OldCoder 07:46 Glaceon I am trying andchat brb 07:47 Glaceon Wait 07:47 Glaceon I'll try different ones AndChat confuses me lol 07:50 OldCoder Try the other two I listed, Glaceon 07:50 OldCoder HoloIRC should be working, though. I can see you in /query. 07:51 OldCoder BTW Glaceon you'll want to get a "cloak" that I mentioned before 07:51 OldCoder This will make your city private 07:52 Glaceon What were they again? 07:53 Glaceon Hold on 07:53 Glaceon I think I can see the query 07:53 Glaceon I click the three lines button I see OldCoder : Hello 07:53 OldCoder Closing that now as a test 07:54 OldCoder It should be gone 07:54 OldCoder Now try to /query OldCoder 07:54 OldCoder Type that in the message line 07:54 OldCoder Indicate once this is done 07:55 Glaceon Done 07:56 OldCoder Type Hello in the query tab or window. Are you able to find it? 07:56 OldCoder If not, try other programs. This isn't supposed to be difficult. 07:56 OldCoder And, no, it isn't you; GUIs need to be clear. 07:57 Glaceon I think I did it 07:57 Glaceon Nope 07:57 OldCoder Did you type Hello and press Enter? 07:57 OldCoder No 07:57 OldCoder Try other programs. This isn't supposed to be difficult. 07:57 OldCoder Do not be discouraged. 07:57 OldCoder Wait 07:57 OldCoder There you are 07:58 OldCoder I have answered there. Do you see the answer? 08:04 OldCoder est31, welcome 08:05 OldCoder Glaceon, I lost my connection. Are you able to see both #minetest and ##school ? 09:52 JamesTait Good morning all! Happy Wednesday, and happy International Civil Aviation Day! 😃 ✈ 15:24 whitephoenix Not sure if I should post my 48 hour minetest modding competition in general discussion or modding discussion 15:24 whitephoenix also can I get a wiki account? I saw a few things that need updating 15:29 red-001 I would go with general discussion 15:29 red-001 or offtopic 16:22 whitephoenix alright I posted the announcement https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15999 16:26 jin_xi who does the judging? you gonna get a lot of air sword mods you know 16:28 whitephoenix I'll be judging, mostly on stream probably 16:28 whitephoenix air sword mod best mod 16:32 red-001 so there are prizes for first, second and third place? 16:34 whitephoenix I was planning on just having prizes for first but I'll make the english country tune game for second 16:34 H-H-H interwesting i might take part lol but what does "most of the code" mean lol 60% 70% or does someone have to decide 16:35 whitephoenix I'll change that too 16:35 whitephoenix probably 80% code made by you 16:36 H-H-H ok cool ty for clarifying 16:36 red-001 so the mod can be literal anything? 16:37 red-001 so it can also be something like an admin tool or is it aimed at stuff that changes gameplay? 16:37 whitephoenix it can be anything 16:38 whitephoenix admin tools are cool too 17:00 octacian whitephoenix: can teams take part in it? specifically, me and a friend, or is it limited to one person? 17:00 whitephoenix I'll have to add to the post 17:00 garywhite Hi octacian, I didn't know you were home today 17:00 octacian can they? 17:00 octacian garywhite: yes I am, gtg do school in a minute though. 17:00 whitephoenix I'll just say 3 person groups max, you have to figure out how to split the prizes though 17:01 octacian ok. great. 17:02 octacian lol this is perfect. I can code, I have a friend who can model, and another who's AMAZING at making textures. 17:03 octacian whitephoenix: only annoying thing is that I'll lose a good 17-ish hours on Saturday, as that's Sabbath for me until sundown at 4PM. Oh well, I think I can still do pretty good :D 17:04 whitephoenix Yeah sorry, I was gonna do it this weekend but then thought that's not enough notice so I'll make it next 17:04 octacian no, it's not. 17:05 octacian but yeah, great. 17:05 octacian Still not bad, I think I can make pretty good progress over the max 20 hours I'll probably spend. we'll see though! Awesome idea, as you can prob tell, I'm definitely taking part. 17:06 whitephoenix I look forward to seeing what you all make 17:07 octacian hint: I'm considering a mob API and mobs. 17:07 octacian note though, ones that don't freaking suck. 17:07 jin_xi impossibru 17:07 octacian yeah, possible. 17:08 octacian anyways, I'm gonna shut up and not give anybody else ideas. 17:08 jin_xi well i am not doubting your ability to mod, but minetest does not cope very well with moving thins 17:09 jin_xi i guess lua mapgens are where it really can shine 17:09 octacian IK. I will probably not do it, as I do not yet have any experience with entities. I mean, if I did I'd practice this coming week, but 17:31 GreenDimond_ Is this where we report bugs with the latest MT for the future freeze? 17:31 GreenDimond_ (0.4.15) 17:32 kaeza here or #minetest-dev 17:32 kaeza also greetings 17:33 GreenDimond_ kk and hi! 17:36 GreenDimond_ so idk if this is a bug or not, but if i put a torch to block a pillar of water flowing straigt down, I cannot see the texture of the water above the torch. I only know its there if I fly up and all of a sudden im in water. 17:46 GreenDimond_ There is also still a bug of when you jump right when you click on a bed to sleep at night, you fly up in the air and teleport back to ground when you wake up 17:48 sfan5 that bug probably requires a new feature (aka :set_velocity() for players) and thus probably won't be fixed 17:50 GreenDimond_ k then what about the torch thing (honestly the bed flying thing is kinda ironic as players can "fly in their dreams" i guess :P )