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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-11-28

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Time Nick Message
00:07 Markow joined #minetest
00:07 Allycat007 Does anyone know how to download mods from the minetest website
00:20 xqwpx joined #minetest
00:30 KikaRz Dat moment you get onto Java again: http://i.imgur.com/mVHAhDE.png
00:40 whitephoenix why netbeans?
00:42 Fixer xfce is life
00:43 whitephoenix ^
00:45 whitephoenix https://i.imgur.com/SCuINSh.png
00:45 KikaRz then you go on optimization: http://i.imgur.com/IL6K9uL.png
00:47 whitephoenix you should try intellij idea, its pretty great for java
00:47 KikaRz well, it's never late to try it out.
00:48 KikaRz it's intellij idea on arch packages?
00:48 whitephoenix probably
00:48 whitephoenix if not its in the aur
00:48 KikaRz i hope so :D
00:49 KikaRz what's the difference between the community and the ultimate editions?
00:49 whitephoenix I don't use IDEs but when I did that one was the best right before pycharm
00:49 whitephoenix community edition is free and open source, ultimate requires paymen
00:50 KikaRz so why is ultimate on AUR?
00:50 whitephoenix I have no ideaee
00:50 whitephoenix (pun not intended)
00:50 whitephoenix can you make light up particles in minetest?
00:51 KikaRz i could when i used to make mods.
00:55 Emperor_Genshin Allycat007, just go to the minetest forums  and look for the mods, they provide download links, including github.
00:57 Emperor_Genshin after downloading them, remove the "_master" part of the file, and  make sure the file's permissions are set to access files for others.
00:57 Emperor_Genshin before placing them on the mods directory
00:58 whitephoenix it looks like theres an open issue for adding light_level to particles
00:58 whitephoenix too bad it hasn't been added
01:05 Tmanyo joined #minetest
01:06 KikaRz ahahaha
01:06 KikaRz my computer just told the compilation to stop and told it that there is no space on the device.
01:06 KikaRz erro ao escrever '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-drakz/aur-intellij-idea-ce/pkg/intellij-idea-ce/opt/intellij-idea-ce/redist/annotations-java8.jar': No space left on device
01:07 KikaRz the computer just totally froze up
01:07 whitephoenix ouch
01:08 KikaRz 42,3GB isn't enough?
01:08 KikaRz i have enough free space.
01:08 whitephoenix do you have a seperate home partition?
01:08 KikaRz no
01:08 whitephoenix run df -h
01:09 KikaRz many tmpfs
01:09 KikaRz (5)
01:10 whitephoenix check use % see whats full
01:10 KikaRz tmpfs           1,9G  1,9G   36K 100% /tmp
01:11 KikaRz i just sudo rm -rf * on /tmp folder
01:11 whitephoenix idk then
01:11 KikaRz yaourt-tmp-drakz was there.
01:11 whitephoenix I wouldn't but you can try
01:11 whitephoenix systemd might throw a fit
01:13 fling joined #minetest
01:15 KikaRz the damn package() on intellij ce just consumes /tmp up.
01:16 KikaRz http://i.imgur.com/hgJTdPZ.png
01:17 rubenwardy joined #minetest
01:18 whitephoenix sudo pacman -S intellij-idea-community-edition
01:19 KikaRz that's a bit out of date, but ok
01:20 diemartin joined #minetest
01:21 KikaRz Hey diemartin (kaeza)!
01:24 diemartin o/
01:31 KikaRz whitephoenix, it takes a lot to Index.
01:32 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Carts: Make rails 'is ground content = false' 0196c47 https://git.io/v1IsP (2016-11-28T01:28:24Z)
01:32 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Creative: Re-implement constant hand dig times, add comment fa17fe3 https://git.io/v1IsX (2016-11-28T01:28:24Z)
01:32 MinetestBot [git] kaeza -> minetest/minetest_game: Carts: Take creative mode into account 788ae97 https://git.io/v1Is1 (2016-11-28T01:27:54Z)
01:40 whitephoenix in minecraft modding competitions are a thing, maybe I'll host one for minetest
01:46 Not_a_Robot joined #minetest
01:51 Allycat007 How do I protect an area?
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02:26 MinetestBot [git] sofar -> minetest/minetest_game: Fix ItemStack method call for keys. 4f32fd2 https://git.io/v1IZ1 (2016-11-27T18:26:31-08:00)
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02:56 kaeza o/
02:57 ShadowNinja Hello kaeza o/
02:58 garywhite Hi ShadowNinja
02:59 longerstaff13 o/
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03:55 kaeza hm. it seems for some reason OpenGL programs stop working after a while rarely, and only a reboot seems to fix it :(
03:56 kaeza right now chrome and dengine are dead :(
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04:31 Allycat007 Can I send screenshots from here?
04:36 VanessaE post the screenshot on some image site like picpaste or imgur
04:36 VanessaE then give the link here.
04:36 VanessaE or post them on the forum "screenshots" thread.
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05:13 garywhite That's why I use IRCCloud, if I upload a screenshot to IRC, all I have to do is click upload a file, select the screenshot, and then it does all the stuff for me
05:16 kaeza ah good old M-x upload-image
05:18 kaeza also some random commits to mt-mods/irc, in case anybody interested
05:18 kaeza nothing critical this time ;)
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06:36 Allycat007 Hai!
06:46 Hijiri hi
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08:28 KikaRz Hey there
08:30 nowhereman joined #minetest
08:45 MinetestBot [git] juhdanad -> minetest/minetest: Limit light_source in the engine (#4814) 2fe3bf5 https://git.io/v1Iwn (2016-11-28T18:43:33+10:00)
08:49 KikaRz The moment we kill Windows XP by only selecting the option 'Align to grid' on Visual Basic 6.0.
08:49 KikaRz When I say killing Windows XP, it's about blue screen.
09:09 KikaRz Is my battery good? I've been working with a virtual machine on my computer with Windows XP since 8h30AM and now it's 9h08AM, and it's still 87%
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09:40 JamesTait Good morning all! Happy Monday, and happy Make Your Own Head Day! 😃
09:50 KikaRz Good morning JamesTait!
09:57 Axord I'm amazed that that day is a thing.
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10:31 Persi[m] What does making your own head entail?
10:36 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
10:42 JamesTait 👋 KikaRz.
10:42 KikaRz JamesTait.
10:43 JamesTait Axord, Persi[m] - I strongly suspect this is only actually celebrated by some obscure art school somewhere, or was maybe a one-off even at a primary school. 😝
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11:07 Calinou <CTFBot> *** DonaldTremp joined the game
11:07 Calinou he must be perfect for CTF, he'll build a wall around the flag for sure
11:10 Axord JamesTait: quite possibly.
11:26 Fixer joined #minetest
11:27 est31 Calinou: and he'll make the other team pay for the wall
11:29 est31 and claim the game is rigged
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12:42 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Allow restricting detached inventories to one player c389858 https://git.io/v1IpR (2016-11-28T13:41:19+01:00)
12:44 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest_game: Avoid "leaking" creative inventories to other players 04f0451 https://git.io/v1Ipi (2016-11-28T13:43:02+01:00)
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15:00 Fixer compiling time / maaaaaaaaaake a mooooooove
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17:22 minitest hello
17:22 garywhite Hello
17:22 minitest can i ask something? ive lost the hability to build some things
17:22 minitest how can I see whats wrong?
17:23 minitest i cant craft a hoe
17:24 minitest http://wiki.minetest.net/Hoe#Crafting
17:24 minitest may be is a conflict with some mod?
17:24 minitest i cant also build buckets
17:24 minitest bit strange
17:24 Wayward_One what subgame are you using?
17:26 minitest none
17:26 Wayward_One hmm... any extra mods?
17:26 minitest yes various ones
17:29 Wayward_One it could very well be a mod conflict then
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17:37 minitest2 sorry got dc
17:37 minitest2 most probably is a mod conflict
17:37 minitest2 but there are modpacks that have confirmed to not have those kind of conflicts?
17:38 minitest2 another issue is that i find my computer lags a lot and have so much write access on hd from time to time
17:40 AcidNinjaFWHR joined #minetest
17:41 minitest2 it freezes my computer
17:41 minitest2 even without any mod installed
17:41 minitest2 or active
17:41 minitest2 and one of those computers is not low end
17:46 Wayward_One huh, that could be many things... have you tried tweaking the settings (perhaps view range?) and/or making sure you didn't accidentally press "R"?
17:48 Telesight joined #minetest
17:56 minitest2 r?
17:56 minitest2 it happens even being inside a cave
17:57 sfan5 is your hardware broken maybe?
17:58 minitest2 well i run more complex games in one of my two computers
17:58 minitest2 only this one makes it get that choppy
17:59 minitest2 it seems to be periodical
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18:39 Out`Of`Control hi
18:43 Krock hi OOC
19:09 Taoki joined #minetest
19:12 Fixer Wuzzy: is not people actually use bags apart from unified inventory? or those are different bags?
19:12 Fixer Wuzzy: minetest-bags
19:12 Fixer it is called
19:13 Wuzzy ????
19:13 Wuzzy Can someone translate this to English, please? xd
19:14 Wuzzy Fixed: Bags are hardcoded in Unified Inventory.
19:14 Wuzzy Fixer: Bags are hardcoded in Unified Inventory.
19:14 Fixer Wuzzy: https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-bags people already use this as separate bugs
19:14 Fixer Wuzzy: https://github.com/cornernote/minetest-bags people already use this as separate bugs
19:15 Wuzzy but there is no way to use UI without bags (w/o modifications, of course)
19:15 VanessaE Wuzzy doesn't like that I won't separate bags out from UI :P
19:15 Krock But are the bags in that link up-to-date?
19:15 Krock But are the bags in that link up-to-date?
19:16 Wuzzy this is my point. There is only Unified Inventory AND bags
19:16 Wuzzy you have to get everything AND the kitchen sink
19:16 Krock yeah, you usually get that when buying a house. Nice gift
19:16 alt joined #minetest
19:17 Wuzzy lol
19:17 lumidify joined #minetest
19:18 Wuzzy imagine a crafting guide mod healing all players every second
19:18 Wuzzy thats how it feels to me that UI gives you bags
19:18 Wuzzy xD
19:18 Fixer you can't disable bags?
19:18 Fixer at leaast disable
19:18 Wuzzy nope, thats the point
19:18 Fixer for survival
19:19 Wuzzy nope nope nope, no can't do
19:19 VanessaE you can disable it
19:19 Fixer i agree that we should have option to disable bags for survival servers
19:19 Wuzzy I mean without hacking source code
19:19 VanessaE mv bags.lua bags.lua.tmp; touch bags.lua
19:19 Wuzzy haha very funny
19:19 VanessaE this is not "hacking".  :P
19:19 VanessaE I'm serious
19:19 Krock > <Wuzzy>imagine a crafting guide mod healing all players every second
19:19 VanessaE that's all you have to do.
19:19 Krock sounds more like you buy a house and get a free lake nearby
19:19 nm0i "hacking source code" <- dude, it's lua
19:19 sofar unified inventory is mostly obsolete with sfinv
19:19 sofar if not entirely
19:19 Wuzzy uuhhhh ... WHAT?
19:20 Wuzzy Does sfinf have a crafting guide?
19:20 Krock it's an addon to the default crafting formspec
19:20 Krock allows to add tabs and so on
19:20 Wuzzy ...
19:20 VanessaE what makes UI not obsolete is if you happen to like the layout and generally how it works.
19:20 Wuzzy so ... no
19:20 VanessaE (i.e. you can't obsolete "style" so much)
19:20 Wuzzy I agree
19:20 Wuzzy UI is not made obsolete by sfinv unless I overlooked somethig
19:21 Wuzzy also, sfinv is a Minetest Game-only thing as far i know
19:21 Krock I thought there's a standalone mod
19:21 Krock !mod sfinv
19:21 MinetestBot Krock: Could not find anything.
19:21 Krock mhmm no
19:21 VanessaE it's mt_game, yes
19:21 Wuzzy :(
19:21 Wuzzy i mean, its not bat that it is in Minetest Game
19:21 sofar just need someone to make a craft guide mod that builds on sfinv
19:22 sofar and change 3d armor to do so as well
19:22 sofar and make bags a separate mod that uses sfinv as well
19:22 Thomas-S joined #minetest
19:22 sofar I'm sure kilbith's craftguide can easily plug in it
19:22 Wuzzy well nobody has made a perfect crafting guide so far, so... good luck
19:22 Wuzzy all crafting guides so far are broken
19:23 Wuzzy some guides are just less broken
19:23 Wuzzy and UI's crafting guide is the least broken crafting guide. IOW it is currently the best (unless i overlooked one) :-)
19:24 Wuzzy sadly, many subgames just lazily plug in zcg, but this one is horribly outdated
19:24 Wuzzy i mean, zcg was great when it was new, but it has surpassed since then
19:24 Wuzzy the biggest bummer about zcg is that is does not show result count... very frustrating
19:25 Wuzzy PS: VanessaE: Stop assuming everyone who uses Minetest is a programmer. :P
19:25 VanessaE running two commands requires programming skills? :P
19:26 Wuzzy VanessaE: No. But knowing WHICH commands to run and why does. Also, you assuming unixoid systems for no reason
19:26 VanessaE I assume a unix-ish system because I don't know what commands to suggest to windows users :P
19:27 VanessaE "remove bags.lua.  replace it with an empty file."
19:27 Wuzzy yeah right. screw those dumb windows users. who needs them anyway xD
19:27 VanessaE leave it up to the user to figure out how to implement those two directives.  if they can't, they shouldn't be using a computer to start with.
19:27 Wuzzy i cant remember where you wrote down those instructions. :P
19:28 * fireglow facepalm
19:28 * VanessaE facepalms too
19:28 Wuzzy why
19:29 Calinou joined #minetest
19:29 VanessaE dude.  seriously.
19:29 Wuzzy average joe can NOT know automagically that bags.lua must be removed. its not obvious without looking into source code first. so: no lua skills = no clue
19:29 fireglow Wuzzy see query
19:30 VanessaE by that same metric, average joe can't know how to disable a mod via the main menu, either.
19:30 Wuzzy wtf?
19:30 fireglow lol that's totally the same, yeah
19:30 Wuzzy you are now comparing knowing Lua with using Minetest... wtf
19:30 VanessaE instructions are instructions, whether they're written on IRC, in a github issue, or in some documentation/README (that the user won't read anyway).
19:30 Wuzzy hahahahaha IRC
19:30 fireglow always with the assumptions
19:31 Wuzzy README sounds good
19:31 Hirato joined #minetest
19:32 Wuzzy "I won't write a manual because nobody won't read it” ← nice excuse for crappy documentation :P I think my former “boss” (lol) would have LOVED to hear this excuse
19:32 VanessaE in any case, the most I would be willing to do is add a minetest.conf atom that can be used to turn off bags.  maybe.
19:32 xunto joined #minetest
19:33 fireglow that is why I've stopped using your mods, VanessaE
19:33 VanessaE ...
19:33 Wuzzy yay for minetest.conf. ps if you're just too lazy to do the mod split: I already did it for you but you still rejected it ... i still dont know why :(
19:33 Fixer ._.
19:34 VanessaE Wuzzy: because there's already at least one other bags mod out there.  It doesn't make sense to fork it off (versus adding a "disable" option).
19:34 VanessaE especially since it was probably brought IN from cornernote's mod anyway
19:34 Wuzzy that other bags mod is incompatible with UI, of course
19:35 Wuzzy or we could make the author of the original mod convince to add optional UI depenency mode ^_°
19:35 Wuzzy or is the original mod dead?
19:35 VanessaE idk.
19:36 Fixer no, people use it on servers, i've seen
19:36 Fixer cornernotes one
19:38 Wuzzy ps: my hbhunger and hbarmor mods are also just basically forks from parts of the code of BlockMen's old [hud] mod
19:38 Wuzzy and people apparenty take no issue with it
19:38 Fixer Wuzzy: some people still use that fucking outdated mod
19:38 Fixer which works like CRAP
19:38 Wuzzy true :(
19:38 Fixer i repeat to them every time about it
19:39 Wuzzy i have even reported a critical bug
19:39 Wuzzy but BlockMen is gone
19:39 Fixer fix the huuuuuuuuuud, update your hudbars, this one gives RANDOM readings
19:39 Wuzzy what whaaaaat
19:39 Fixer after my login I have full armor, after relogin 0.7 armor, then no armor, then something else
19:39 Wuzzy my hudbars mod gives RANDOM reasons???
19:39 Fixer no
19:39 Fixer blockmens one
19:40 Fixer your one works
19:40 Wuzzy :-)
19:40 Fixer blockmens has stuck foodbar, stuck armor bar, bubble problems
19:40 Fixer it is not working properly
19:40 Wuzzy and if you hate progress bars you can turn on BlockMen nostalgia mode in hudbars :-)
19:41 Fixer they are big
19:41 Fixer i prefer icons
19:41 Wuzzy the gray statbar background is (was?) maybe #1 selling point of [hud]
19:41 Wuzzy IMO background should go into core, it is so important
19:41 Wuzzy because humans can barely count to 10 with a single look
19:42 Wuzzy well at least *I* cant do it with a single look :D
19:42 Wuzzy (before I start spreading rumors)
19:43 Wuzzy Fixer: You are right. Maybe I should make sure that statbar mode of my mod has bigger icons
19:43 Wuzzy i think this may even be possible with current Minetest
19:43 Wuzzy oh boy, so many thiings to do with minetest
19:43 Wuzzy lol
19:43 Wuzzy another thing on my endless todo lists xD
19:44 Fixer i like small icons tbh %)
19:44 Fixer craplet users will also like it
19:45 Wuzzy another setting it is ... and another TODO list entry... omg xD
19:45 Wuzzy but wait...
19:45 Wuzzy shouldnt statbar icons scale automatically anyway?
19:45 Fixer no idea
19:45 VanessaE Wuzzy: there.
19:45 Wuzzy thereby making such a setting unneccessary
19:46 VanessaE https://github.com/minetest-technic/unified_inventory/commit/e6c380d8c5c0451dd18402de642bcd8f9ad521db
19:46 sofar hah
19:46 sofar s/user/server operator/
19:46 sofar but sure
19:46 Wuzzy Yay for VanessaE. thx
19:47 VanessaE sofar: worded as if singleplayer.
19:47 Wuzzy sofar: You DO realize this means bags are now disabled by default, right?
19:47 Wuzzy should definietely announce b/c  relevant to modders which depended on UI's bags
19:47 VanessaE enabled by default.
19:47 Fixer read as bugs are disabled by default
19:48 Wuzzy ? am I stupid ??
19:48 VanessaE (that's why I expressly checked for false)
19:48 Fixer minetest.setting_getbool("unified_inventory_bags") ~= false then
19:48 Fixer right
19:48 Fixer ~= means NOT?
19:48 Wuzzy yes
19:48 Wuzzy no
19:48 Wuzzy it means "unequal to"
19:48 Wuzzy "not" means not
19:48 Fixer right
19:49 sofar unset -> setting_getbool returns false
19:49 Wuzzy argh!!!
19:49 Wuzzy i AM stupid
19:49 Wuzzy lol
19:49 sofar humans are terrible at logic
19:49 VanessaE unset, it returns nil :P
19:49 sofar you're not stupid, wuzzy
19:49 Wuzzy sofar: it was not logic, it was me forgetting setting_getbool
19:50 Wuzzy oops VanessaE is right
19:51 Wuzzy Why are bags enabled by default? :P
19:51 Wuzzy fears of breaking mod compability?
19:51 VanessaE %$&#*(!$#%^&!~*$%@#^!&~*%$#@!~
19:51 Wuzzy :D
19:52 Wuzzy ok if many users are for keeping bags as default i shut up
19:53 VanessaE rule of least surprise.
19:53 VanessaE i.e. don't change existing behavior without the user's express permission.
19:53 Wuzzy IOW, dont break stuff
19:53 Wuzzy yes, you are right. its not really changable at this stage :(
19:54 Wuzzy and yes, disabling this WILL break mods (ok, just very few, dont worry). including mine!! hahaha, i should fix them
19:57 Wuzzy btw: Sorry for all the trouble. :-( I just wanted to add my design thoughts.
19:57 VanessaE sorry to be so stubborn
19:58 Wuzzy :D
19:58 lumidify joined #minetest
19:59 Fixer i've just tested unified inventory, bugs enabled as they should
19:59 Fixer bafs
19:59 Fixer bags
20:00 Wuzzy IMO all mods should have a setting for disabling bugs. It should be enabled by default and would make life much easier. :D
20:02 Out`Of`Control bug disable you
20:03 Szkodnix joined #minetest
20:04 VanessaE only in soviet russia
20:04 Fixer bugs enable you
20:04 Wuzzy In Soviet Russia, Fixer gets fixed.
20:13 xqwpx joined #minetest
20:21 agaran Fixer, bugs, bags, whats the difference ;)
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20:25 Fixer or sheep vs ship
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21:00 octacian garywhite: I do not agree with your suggestion of MTAA. Google and Discord are far more unsecure than IRC, plus, MT is FOSS project and should take place in the open
21:01 STHGOM joined #minetest
21:02 garywhite octacian: It's still in the very early stages, we will change things once we at least have a few members
21:03 agaran minetest could have sort of optimized block load when player is falling down thru shaft..
21:03 agaran so it does not send mapblock range away on sides of shaft..
21:04 mootpoint left #minetest
21:09 octacian garywhite: not to be a downer, but I don't think there will really be any members. Not me anyways :D. google and discord is very unsecure, and since MT is an open source project, devs should do things in the open.
21:10 octacian On the other hand, if you want some kind of a network for server admins, that's more reasonable, and I can help with it. Google and Discord are not the way though, IRC is. A IRC channel can be created that is invite only, and there are very low chances that someone would actually attempt to hack it.
21:12 octacian garywhite: you should really consider using Linux... specifically Ubuntu
21:13 octacian also, for secure messaging, check out OTR (https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/) and PGP (pretty good privacy).
21:13 garywhite octacian: You're right. I haven't actually set up anything yet aside from the link in the forum post, so I can change whatever. It'd be best to do it your way, I'd welcome your help if you'd be willing. Also, my PC has some sort of UEFI garbage on it
21:13 octacian garywhite: hey, one of my friends was just fighting with that, but figured it out.
21:13 octacian (I think anyways)
21:15 garywhite Plus my parents won't let me install Linux on my PC, so I'm using Windows 7 which is fine
21:15 octacian ohk
21:16 octacian that's sad... xD
21:16 octacian lel myself, I just did it.
21:16 garywhite But I did manage to run a Linux VM on my laptop
21:17 octacian (what I mean, is one day, I just got tired of windows and installed Ubuntu)
21:17 octacian ok
21:18 octacian really though, I don't quite understand the use in such a group for even server administrators.
21:18 garywhite ok, I'm dropping the Discord, I may keep Google just because my signup form is through that, so maybe just as a backup I may use that for management stuff, but probably not the Google Group
21:18 octacian yeah, Google for signup form and all is still great.
21:18 AcidNinjaFWHR go get an xmpp address somewhere :) i.e. riseup.net
21:19 octacian -ish :rotfl: I could set up form on own server as well, once I understand use of such a group for server admins in first place
21:19 garywhite ok, I get it, it's a stupid idea to start with
21:20 octacian garywhite: hmm not trying to say it's stupid, just don't quite understand how it could be useful.
21:20 garywhite If you have any suggestions on what I should do to change it, they'd be very welcome, otherwise I'll just shut it down
21:21 garywhite & I'm not saying you said it's stupid, but now anyone who sees the post basically says there's no point, so it is pretty much stupid
21:23 octacian You might find it interesting to join my IRC. Donillo, is a pro with GPG, PGP,  OTR, and whatnot. not so much with windows though.. lol. I honestly do see some use in a place for server admins to discuss things, but yeah
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21:26 agaran for secure stuff, look at http://hackaday.com/2016/11/28/neutralizing-intels-management-engine/
21:26 nowhere_man joined #minetest
21:27 octacian garywhite: ok, TBH, I must say that right now, the idea is not really useful directly. However, something that could be useful is a section for server admins to ask questions about issues. Maybe a post on the forum. but please don't think idea is stupid, else I'm gonna feel really bad all day for making you think so :rotfl:
21:28 octacian agaran: I gotta do that soon.. wait a second though. Is the management engine on ASUS motherboards? IK it was on old thinkpad, but, IDK about new tower
21:29 agaran it is/was on any intel chipset since quite long
21:29 agaran and you can't turn that simply off..
21:29 octacian IK. Some guy has been getting after me to remove that for months. Will have to do more research
21:54 Tmanyo joined #minetest
21:56 Fixer Wuzzy: what is fate of your autogrant fly in creative?
21:56 Wuzzy ??????????????
21:56 Wuzzy nothing...???
21:57 Fixer or maybe that was not you...
21:57 Wuzzy there are no autogrant in creative at ALL
21:57 Wuzzy no privs are granted based on creative mode
21:57 Fixer somebody aasked to do it
21:58 Fixer actually that is good idea to have fly in creative
21:58 Fixer without doing /grantme all
21:59 Fixer Wuzzy: have you thinked about improving tsm_mines gen speed somehow? last time I checked it, it was quite heavy with max_lag shooting high
22:01 Wuzzy i dont care much about tsm_mines. it is very old, based on an even older mod. I have thought of maybe merging it into tsm_railcorridors one day
22:01 Wuzzy cuz i dislike two distinct mods for rather similar things
22:02 Wuzzy the main reason I made tsm_mines is to add treasurer support to the old mines mod. this goal has been achieved long ago. but for the mapgen itself... uh-oh. xD
22:03 Wuzzy but tsm_railcorridors and tsm_pyramids may  get more love  from me one day. esp. mapgen. i personalyl like the ideas more
22:03 Wuzzy but i have other priorities. Hedgewars, Documentation System, everyday stuff, etc.
22:03 Wuzzy and ranting about other people's mods XD
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22:28 garywhite octacian: I'm redoing it, it will just be a private IRC channel to start, we'll work out anything else (if anything) at a later date
22:30 DI3HARD139 dang it! I lost illuna's irc channel
22:31 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
22:32 garywhite I never had illuna's IRC channel
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23:30 garywhite octacian: I changed it, if you reference the forum thread
23:31 Allycat007 Hai random humans
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