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IRC log for #minetest, 2016-11-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:01 nm0i joined #minetest
00:07 swift110 hmm
00:10 MrIbby joined #minetest
00:12 garywhite Hi swift110
00:18 nm0i hmm
00:20 garywhite Hello nm0i
00:25 swift110 how are you garywhite
00:25 garywhite Doing good
00:26 nm0i Why?
00:29 swift110 im great
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02:21 jordan4ibanez I see there is a --terminal option for minetestserver, does this currently function?
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03:17 MinetestBot [git] paramat -> minetest/minetest_game: Farming/fire: Add tool break sounds e837621 https://git.io/v1T26 (2016-11-26T03:14:56Z)
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03:47 kaeza fireglow, around?
03:48 Sockbat joined #minetest
03:48 kaeza fireglow, did you fix this? http://irc.minetest.net/minetest/2016-11-25#i_4748743
03:56 MinetestBot [git] TeTpaAka -> minetest/minetest: Wieldhand: Allow overriding the hand 785a9a6 https://git.io/v1TaM (2016-11-26T03:49:30Z)
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13:33 DI3HARD139 Question for those who are currently online. How would one make a timer for code to execute?
13:34 DI3HARD139 for example. How could I induce a 1 minute delay before a server shuts down after using /shutdown?
13:34 Szkodnix joined #minetest
13:36 red-001 minetest.after() ?
13:40 * DI3HARD139 experiments with that.
13:40 longerstaff13 joined #minetest
13:41 DI3HARD139 Next question. How does one use the minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer? I have tried to get it to announce a player name however it returns a nil value
13:42 agaran are you sure that -pre- join you have name available?
13:42 agaran I don't know how early it is called but maybe too early to know name?
13:43 nm0i agaran: prejoin player has name
13:43 agaran ok.. as I said, I don't know :)
13:43 Optical_Long joined #minetest
13:44 nm0i DI3HARD139: http://me0w.net/pit/1480167842 Sadie-bopm, e.g.
13:45 Optical_Long joined #minetest
13:45 DI3HARD139 I currently have: minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer(function(player) | minetest.chat_send_all("[Server] "..player:get_player_name().." is joining.")
13:46 nm0i function(n,i) minetest.chat_send_all("[Server]"..n.." is joining.")
13:46 DI3HARD139 minetest.register_on_joinplayer functions with that setup just fine
13:46 nm0i perjoinplayer has name, but no player object yet.
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17:16 diemartin o/
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17:33 Leoneof hi
17:35 KikaRz AcidNinjaFWHR, just got 1GB Ram, 2 vCores, 1 Gbit and 20GB SSD on Cloud at Cost.
17:35 KikaRz for free.
17:35 AcidNinjaFWHR why for free?
17:35 KikaRz I had 512MB Ram, 1 vCore, 1Gbit and 10GB SSD yesterday.
17:35 KikaRz then they upgraded miraclously.
17:35 AcidNinjaFWHR ah ok xD
17:35 Leoneof virtual core?
17:36 KikaRz it just appeared on my specs and I received an email as I had supposedly upgraded my services.
17:36 sfan5 so when are they going out of business
17:36 Krock nothing on the internet is free. how do they earn money?
17:36 KikaRz Leoneof, were you expecting to get real cores? xD
17:36 DMackey joined #minetest
17:36 Krock were you expecting real SSD?
17:36 Leoneof KikaRz: vcore is new term for me :\
17:37 KikaRz Krock, I paid them 3,5$ for 512MB Ram, 1 vCore and 10GB SSD yesterday, so, not totally free.
17:37 KikaRz Yep Leoneof, it is Virtual Core
17:38 Leoneof so what you can do with this vcore sdd etc?
17:38 Krock $3.5 for lifetime?
17:38 KikaRz yep
17:38 Krock lel, that doesn't even sum up with the power bill for a year
17:38 KikaRz Explained here: http://www.cloudatcost.com/blog/2013/10/one-time-price-how-are-we-going-to-do-this/
17:39 DatJohnDoe joined #minetest
17:39 DatJohnDoe Wassup
17:39 DMackey- joined #minetest
17:39 DatJohnDoe 9,1
17:40 DatJohnDoe Anyone wanna play?
17:40 Krock ..chess?
17:41 DatJohnDoe Ok
17:41 DatJohnDoe i like chess
17:43 DMackey joined #minetest
17:43 KikaRz he's gone.
17:43 DatJohnDoe joined #minetest
17:43 KikaRz he's back.
17:46 KikaRz http://i.imgur.com/DyBEoCN.png http://i.imgur.com/SsXMMcr.png http://i.imgur.com/M2ctV3p.png
17:46 Hawk777 joined #minetest
17:48 KikaRz AcidNinjaFWHR, screenshots above
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17:59 AcidNinjaFWHR hey
17:59 AcidNinjaFWHR k
18:00 AcidNinjaFWHR nice KikaRz
18:00 Leoneof KikaRz: so what you can do with this vcore sdd etc?
18:00 KikaRz u know what is a VPS?
18:01 Leoneof KikaRz: eh no
18:01 KikaRz Virtual Private Server.
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19:11 agaran kaeza: where?
19:11 agaran KikaRz: where?
19:11 agaran kaeza: sorry for highlight, but, I have question, do you accept any things for xban2 ?
19:12 kaeza agaran, depends. just suggest/make PR/whatever
19:12 KikaRz agaran where where?
19:13 KikaRz http://www.cloudatcost.com
19:14 DMackey- joined #minetest
19:15 agaran thx:)
19:15 agaran nice prices..
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19:30 fireglow Is there a way to unequip a shield via Lua?
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19:41 paramat Jordach why the stretch? see game#1411
19:43 Jordach paramat, take a look at BFD's standard 1.7 model
19:43 Jordach it's perfect in dimensions
19:43 Jordach https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking_dig/blob/master/mods/default/models/character.b3d
19:43 Jordach https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking_dig/blob/master/mods/default/models/character.blend
19:44 paramat so this is not stretched?
19:44 Jordach nope
19:44 Jordach it also doesn't have broken frontal leg UV mapping
19:44 paramat ok. can you remember why default model is stretched?
19:45 Jordach probably visual_scale
19:45 Jordach or entity)scale
19:45 Jordach look for either one, and remove them affecting the player ;)
19:45 Jordach in my old BFD, i never touched visual scale
19:46 Jordach tl;dr you've made the armature entirely wrong :D
19:46 paramat but limb/body length is set as 6.75 blender units in the model
19:46 Jordach paramat, 1 blender unit = 1px
19:47 paramat seems to be 2 according to Rogier
19:47 Jordach ironically, a visual scale of 10, 10 makes 18 blender units 1.8 meters
19:48 paramat ok we'll consider your BFD model
19:48 Jordach which means each unit is 18 cm
19:48 Jordach it has the same animation ranges
19:48 Jordach i never bothered to change em
19:49 Jordach or if i did
19:49 Jordach https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking_dig/blob/master/mods/default/player.lua#L67
19:49 paramat anyway, the stretch is actually present in the model dimensions, ie 6.75 instead of 6, so it was deliberate
19:49 paramat the head is not stretched
19:50 Jordach Mircea never used unit snapping originally
19:50 Jordach there are certain spots on the model where it's actually wrong wrong wrong
19:50 paramat ah, i thought you made the model
19:50 paramat ok thanks
19:50 Jordach the original model isn't mine
19:51 Jordach the one in BFD is actually mine
19:51 paramat great
20:03 est31 interesting, c++20 will apparently rewrite the std
20:03 est31 maybe in 2030 we can start using it :)
20:04 jin_xi yeah for another round of user invisible changes...
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20:09 kaeza for some reason that reminded me of https://xkcd.com/1508/
20:09 Krock winblows is already obsolete
20:10 paramat left #minetest
20:12 KikaRz turn down for what.
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20:15 EvergreenTree Hi everyone! It's been a while
20:15 Passant hey partypeople! do ya need some more moderator in the mt forum? i would do it!
20:16 Passant background: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=240945#p240945
20:16 Krock kaeza ^
20:16 Krock Calinou ^
20:16 agaran kaeza: good :)
20:17 kaeza Krock, network problems again
20:17 kaeza sfan5, ^
20:17 Krock aww
20:17 Krock Passant, that's the first time I've seen such a post on the forums
20:17 kaeza Krock, screenie pls?
20:17 Krock kaeza, NSFW
20:17 * kaeza is curious
20:17 sfan5 nice meme
20:18 sfan5 thats a nice butt tho
20:18 sfan5 looks animated
20:18 sfan5 3d has sure come far
20:18 kaeza Krock, it's for a friend
20:18 Passant Krock: iska told often about trolling without enough moderation in that thread...
20:18 iska hi devs and rest, idk why this "archlinux" hates me so much, im just moderator in xanadu :D
20:19 sfan5 damnit
20:19 iska and side note, if i had butt like that i wouldnt have to take webpage projects :)
20:19 sfan5 forum can't take emoji as ban reason
20:19 kaeza <_<
20:19 kaeza it's official: phpBB sucks
20:19 Passant surprise... -.-
20:19 sfan5 nah blame mysql
20:20 sfan5 they have broken by default unicode
20:20 Passant i hate the redirect pages on the forum the most
20:20 sfan5 you're not alone
20:20 Passant and would like a 'like' feature^^
20:20 agaran Passant, why not 'hate' ;)
20:20 Passant and...
20:20 agaran why so positive..
20:23 DMackey joined #minetest
20:23 kaeza Krock, 7/10
20:23 kaeza also boss has stern look :(
20:25 kaeza Krock, also, lol for /notice
20:25 * Passant is confirming trying to write a schematic as luatable
20:25 Krock kaeza, I don't want to spread such stuff in this channel
20:25 Krock lel, had the notice checkbox still on :3
20:26 Krock because those in here won't see [off] too....
20:27 kaeza oh, notices don't appear in logs either
20:28 Krock there are channel and nick notices. none of them are logged IIRC
20:29 * Passant guess confirming was wrong, should be 'continuing'
20:34 AcidNinjaFWHR joined #minetest
20:40 fireglow http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/investigatory-powers-bill-act-snoopers-charter-browsing-history-what-does-it-mean-a7436251.html hahhahha
20:43 Passant i don't get it - when i try to add the luatables into the saveschems mod, i run into "bad argument #1 to 'write' (string expected, got nil)". This time i copied jsut for fun the cactus and made it full of dirt - but on adding the second layer(?), the issue is back. :/
20:44 proller joined #minetest
20:44 kaeza would be nice to see the actual code
20:45 Passant https://haste.tchncs.de/raw/hevemobudo
20:48 Passant wooops, z shouldn't be 1 :D
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20:57 Jordach !tell EvergreenTree eow
20:57 MinetestBot Jordach: yeah, sure, whatever
20:57 Jordach !tell EvergreenTree meow
20:57 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when EvergreenTree is around
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21:41 agaran hmm when server forces one to logout.. is it able to do that when client is inside form dialog?
21:46 rubenwardy agaran: a kick should work at anytime
21:48 agaran rubenwardy: my RTT got to -1.000 but client did not close.. I was in some form I think chest or luactrl
21:49 agaran it might be server issue too.. but warnings about being kicked soon I got..
21:49 rubenwardy can you reproduce it reliably?
21:49 agaran Hmm, I can try idle again =)
21:50 agaran while chatting in here.. lets see
21:59 Emperor_Genshin joined #minetest
22:06 Fixer rubenwardy: i have this problem too
22:07 Fixer rubenwardy: can be reproduced with installing afkkick to server and standing for some time and sometimes it will give you RTT=-1 and won't close
22:09 Fixer rubenwardy: whats up with that british spy bill? is not britain was not into this kind of bullshit?
22:09 rubenwardy yeah...
22:10 rubenwardy they've been trying to pass it for a few year
22:10 rubenwardy *s
22:10 Fixer i guess it is went down the tube after porn debacle
22:10 rubenwardy then did it during the US election
22:10 rubenwardy because the media was focused on the US
22:10 rubenwardy I'm gonna get a VPN :D
22:10 Fixer very nanny state
22:10 Fixer which is odd
22:11 Fixer i though britain was about human rights, individualism
22:11 Fixer yet this spying
22:11 Fixer porn blocking
22:11 Fixer it is family job to block a porn
22:12 rubenwardy we have a conservative government atm
22:12 rubenwardy that's why
22:12 rubenwardy and exactly
22:14 Fixer rubenwardy: it is also odd, why the hell they need just website, but not exact link?
22:15 agaran because thats enough to find owner => take legal actions (and they are too blind to understand that urls under site may be not made by actual owner)?
22:15 Fixer rubenwardy: do they need court order for this?
22:15 rubenwardy not sure
22:17 Fixer found this https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/173199
22:17 Fixer if you need
22:17 Fixer was browsing reddit
22:17 Fixer Microsoft shares Windows 10 telemetry data with third parties [Updated] / 401 Comments
22:17 Fixer interesting
22:18 agaran not surprised..
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22:31 rubenwardy Fixer, signed and shared
22:32 Fixer nice
22:33 Emperor_Genshin A concept boss that I'm working on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=245dvuz3C0g
22:35 Markow joined #minetest
22:41 Fixer Emperor_Genshin: seen it yesterday, cool one
22:42 Emperor_Genshin thanks :)
22:47 garywhite gtg bye
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