Time Nick Message 00:08 PR4530_lives interesting 00:10 PR4530_lives Calinou: https://i.imgur.com/6jT4OMr.jpg 02:49 LizardLad_1 hello is there anyone on 02:52 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Ferk -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Default: Destroy flammable items when in fire or lava 13bcb4426 https://git.io/vPb4d (152016-10-23T03:48:37+01:00) 08:01 agaran Hello 08:01 agaran anyone knows what happens if I keep node metadata reference (got from get_meta()), inside of some lua code even after mapblock to which node belongs to got evicted from active blocks/from memory? 08:59 agaran hi Krock 09:00 Krock hello agaran 09:03 Krock https://i.imgur.com/RAKrjMH.png 09:17 agaran lol 09:17 agaran small progress, now moving too far from mapblock with power-source does not stop lamps from working, yet they don't work too well 13:13 amadin I can't resize image in formspec more than 16px with ^[resize:x and image file with size more 16px will only 16px in formspec also. Is this normal? 13:22 amadin Oh i undestand, i can resize by changing second coordinates 13:56 LNJ2GO Please vote for C++ Irrlicht (and maybe C++ QtQuick): http://www.strawpoll.me/11474009 13:59 Krock is there now the possibility ofr multi-language opinions? 13:59 Krock *of 14:00 Krock perhaps wrong channel, LNJ2GO? I don't get what it's about and how it's related to Minetest 14:00 LNJ2GO You can vote for multiple options. 14:01 LNJ2GO The poll is by smb. who make tutorials on YouTube and he asks what should come next. 14:01 LNJ2GO I would like to learn Irrlicht, so it would be nice if he would make a tutorial about it. 14:02 agaran well I anyway voted for Irrlicht, just because it will get more attention thus more bugfixes hopefully 14:02 LNJ2GO And I could better contribute to Minetest :) 14:02 LNJ2GO +1 14:03 Krock there are about 11k channels on YT with "smb" in their name 14:03 LNJ2GO https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMorpheus407 16:03 Fritz01 Hello 16:04 Fritz01 How can i modify the default stack_max value (that's 99) for every single node/craftitem of any subgame? 16:06 Krock builtin/game/item.lua:641 near "stack_max = 99," 16:06 Fritz01 Thanks 16:07 Krock also L604 near stack_max = 99, 16:07 Krock !next 16:07 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 16:07 Krock there are further places in the same file, so simply replace all 16:10 Fritz01 Question to everybody: what you think of MultiCraft? isn't it ugly? 16:12 Krock it's useless 16:16 agaran Krock: :) 16:26 Fritz01 The shader in minetest are not coded in c++, right? 16:26 Fritz01 shaders* 16:27 est31 nobody codes shaders in c++ 16:27 est31 i mean, almost nobody 16:27 est31 maybe with vulkan this will become a thing, but I doubt it 16:28 Fixer in GLSL iirc 16:28 est31 yes 16:28 Fritz01 so why aren't they coded in java? 16:28 Fixer examples are in \client\shaders 16:28 est31 Fritz01: because there is no cross gpu java -> gpu compiler 16:29 est31 but there are ones for GLSL 16:29 est31 simple as that 16:29 Fritz01 i don't understand 16:30 Fritz01 you are saying that the java code cannot be compiled togheter with c++ code? 16:30 agaran java is not compiled.. java is interpreted.. 16:30 est31 Fritz01: I'm saying that a shader needs a special compiler, not like a cpu compiler 16:30 agaran you only squeeze it to bytecode.. which is run on java VM.. 16:31 est31 but a GPU compiler 16:31 agaran and shaders run on GPU 16:31 agaran thats different world 16:31 est31 and there are tons of GPU models, its far less unified than on CPU world 16:31 est31 the only compilers that exist for GPUs are for GLSL 16:32 est31 and maybe for directx, but good luck porting that over to opencl 16:32 est31 opengl* 16:32 kaeza but Java is faster than C++ 16:32 est31 lo 16:32 est31 l 16:32 Fritz01 sorry for my ignorance but i don't understand what are you talking about 16:32 Fritz01 i can't understand* 16:34 agaran kaeza: depends on conditions.. but I am not going to dive into that argument.. 16:36 Fritz01 shaders are possible to code in java, right? so why it (java) would need a gpu compiler? 16:37 est31 java gets compiled to glsl 16:37 est31 thats all it does 16:37 kaeza agaran, I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of Java 16:37 Fritz01 but java isn't a compiled language 16:38 waterReflowLives are you a troll? 16:38 Fritz01 me? 16:38 agaran kaeza: rrright.. 16:40 fireglow Hi, I'm a total Lua noob and I'm trying to write a small mod that sets namecolor on login: http://sprunge.us/OSND But the names are all black. Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong? 16:40 Fritz01 fireglow: please post your code 16:41 sfan5 he did 16:41 fireglow :) 16:41 Fritz01 ops 16:41 sfan5 fireglow: you can replace { get_color_r(color_name), get_color_g(color_name), get_color_b(color_name) } with colors[name] by the way 16:41 fireglow ooh 16:41 sfan5 wait no 16:41 sfan5 well partially 16:42 fireglow will that also get the correct values? 16:42 fireglow hmm 16:42 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1782 16:42 sfan5 see what you're missing? 16:42 sfan5 the r= g= and b= 16:42 fireglow ooh! 16:42 fireglow yes! 16:42 fireglow lol right, thank you 16:42 sfan5 !server firegl 16:42 MinetestBot sfan5: No results 16:43 sfan5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16:44 Fritz01 back to my question: java doesn't need any compiler. so why can't it be used for the MT shaders? 16:45 sfan5 stop trolling 16:45 sfan5 java needs a compiler 16:45 fireglow sfan5: thanks, that was it! :) 16:46 Fritz01 nope. it needs an interpreter 16:46 Fritz01 and i'm not trolling 16:46 sfan5 java has a compiler too 16:47 whitephoenix java compiles to bytecode which runs in a jvm typically but can be compiled 16:47 sfan5 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javac.html 16:48 Fritz01 so java is a interpreted language that can be laso compiled 16:48 Fritz01 also* 16:48 Fritz01 right? 16:48 whitephoenix it compiles to bytecode which is interpreted when its run 16:49 Fritz01 bytecode is binary? 16:49 whitephoenix I guess they easy way to explain it is thats its like binary that only the java virtual machine can read/run 16:50 est31 well yeah 16:50 est31 its like x86 16:50 est31 basically, intel processors are harware interpreters for x86 bytecode 16:50 Fritz01 so java it's a kind of hybrid language (half compiled, half interpreted), right? 16:50 est31 yes 16:50 agaran est31: you are oversimplifying now..;) there is -lot- more done inside cpu before executing 16:51 agaran Fritz01: seriously, try to read how all that hardware works, will help you ask right questions.. 16:51 Fritz01 agaran: -.- 16:52 agaran gpu is way different from cpu.. otherwise nobody would make specialized gpus if cpu could do same.. 16:52 agaran in principle yes, all that things can execute code.. so could jaquard knitting machine feed with punched metal strip.. 16:53 agaran it was executing 'program' written by punched holes that translated to knitted pattern 16:53 agaran but thats more or less all similarity.. 16:54 agaran and hoping for universal language is like hope for universal and perfect glue.. 16:54 agaran someday in far far galaxy maybe.. but not here, not now 16:54 kaeza most languages are "hybrid"; it's just that you (almost) never see the "compilation" phase 16:54 * whitephoenix hides the c propoganda 16:55 agaran whitephoenix: :-) 16:55 Fritz01 wait but the shaders in MC and Terasology aren't coded in java? 16:56 agaran I don't know MC, but I guess none maybe with exception of some boredom scientist work, of shaders are written in Java.. 16:57 agaran they likely just point engine to right shader code which is binary blob passed to display library which feeds it to gpu 16:57 agaran anyway, half-afk. lua time 17:00 fireglow sfan5: got any pointers, or example code, where data (for example: player_name -> color_name) are stored in a db, so I don't have to restart the server to apply changes? 17:05 whitephoenix https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/pointers.png 17:05 fireglow lol 17:23 sfan5 fireglow: nah 17:23 sfan5 you can try looking at the code of e.g. sethome 17:24 fireglow hmm word 18:13 agaran anyone observed that on factory_bridges staircases occasionally when trying to move forward from standing in middle of them you first move backwards? 19:09 whitephoenix I wonder if you could dirtyc0w someone by getting them to install a mod 19:09 whitephoenix scariest bug in a while 19:10 agaran from lua? hmm difficult, you can't use fmadvise from lua code directly.. 19:10 agaran it was here for long time.. 19:11 agaran fun, you can fall thru staircase ending in some cases.. 19:14 whitephoenix good thing all red-hat products use outdated kernels :^) 19:14 agaran ea 19:14 agaran yea 19:14 whitephoenix I tried it in a vm, its scarily easy 19:15 whitephoenix when I have more time I'm going to try to exploit my kindle using it as an experiment 19:21 est31 whitephoenix: minetest mods are not using the os's sandboxing capabilities 19:21 est31 instead, they use the lua VM's 19:21 est31 (if mod security is enabled) 19:21 whitephoenix mods can write to the world directory 19:21 est31 and the sandbox is quite bad 19:22 whitephoenix I was thinking 1 curl the binary to the world dir 2 io.popen it or something 19:22 whitephoenix but I don't know much about how lua works so 19:22 Calinou isn't os.execute() blocked with mod security? 19:22 Calinou or Lua equivalent 19:22 est31 yes 19:22 est31 it is 19:22 est31 allowing it would be stupid :) 19:23 est31 idk how dirtycow can be exploited but if its via downloading a binary + making it suid + making it owned by root + executing it 19:23 est31 then its not going to work because executing is not possible in lua 19:23 est31 I'm not even sure whether suid is 19:24 whitephoenix to run it you just get a binary compiled with -pthread then ./dirtycow file_root_owns.txt "new text" 19:24 whitephoenix then its just a matter of waiting a few minutes 19:24 est31 mhh 19:24 est31 so your only try then is to overwrite suid binaries 19:25 est31 (or some config files) 19:25 Hawk777 whitephoenix: regardless, curl wouldn’t make the file be SETUID root 19:25 est31 but the world file should contain no root owned files anyway :) 19:25 whitephoenix Hawk777, it doesn't need to be though 19:25 Hawk777 To dirtycow? 19:25 Hawk777 You write to a SETUID binary. 19:25 Hawk777 Unless you meant to use it to attack the user and not root. 19:26 whitephoenix oh nvm misread 22:29 waterReflowLives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GddYFnehyyA