Time Nick Message 00:52 rubenwardy http://minetest.rubenwardy.com/curated/ 01:11 rubenwardy !title http://minetest.rubenwardy.com/curated/ 01:11 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Curated Serverlist 01:12 rubenwardy Hijiri: "Moniod" 01:12 rubenwardy hope you're not going FP on us 01:12 rubenwardy "fold" 01:20 rubenwardy !title https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13850 01:20 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Curated Serverlist - Minetest Forums 03:33 STHGOM what is the size of the player collisionbox? 03:35 XeonSquared Is there a way to set the texture pack on the Android version? 03:52 XeonSquared oh okay, there's an option in the config file 03:59 okey Testing, testing, 1 2 3... 05:38 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sofar -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Place tree logs as decorations. 1357939c6 http://git.io/vur8m (152016-01-07T05:36:12Z) 06:02 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Liquids: Flow into and destroy 'floodable' nodes 130bbbc6e http://git.io/vurRM (152016-01-07T05:57:19Z) 06:17 lambda-11235 What's the quickest way to build ladders and stairs without mods? 06:17 Fritigern Create slabs and use them as stairs 06:20 lambda-11235 More generically, is their an easy way to put a bunch of blocks in the crafting area? 06:21 Fritigern Translation: Is there a way to draw the nodes into the crafting grid like in Minecraft? 06:21 Fritigern The answer to that would be no 06:22 Fritigern Though if you can code, feel free to add such functionality 06:22 VanessaE but you CAN shift-click to move whole stacks into the crafting grid 06:22 VanessaE and middle-click on the crafting output to craft 10 at a time 06:24 Fritigern lambda-11235: Never forget that MT and MC are two different beasts and MT will not always have what MC has. After all, MT was insipired by MC but it does not try to be a cabon copy. 06:25 lambda-11235 Fritigern: I've never played Minecraft, but I think right-click will work. 06:29 lambda-11235 VanessaE: Thanks, shift-click will help a lot getting items out of the grid. 06:29 VanessaE yw 07:48 XeonSquared okay here's a question about the android version: how do I split stacks? 07:50 kaeza o/ 08:10 oleastre If I remember correctly, with a zoom like gesture when you already hold the items 08:12 Thomas-S hi 08:17 red-001 hi 08:43 XeonSquared oleastre, yep, thanks 08:44 XeonSquared unexpected but I guess it makes sense 08:59 sky__ I have a small mod idea id like to learn to make 09:00 sky__ ive never made a mod before though so eh I dont know howto check what a node is 09:00 sky__ like is it dirt? is it air? something like that 09:19 sky__ like is nod as pos 09:43 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Thursday, and happy Old Rock Day! 😃 🎸 12:10 everamzah is that like, classic rock? 12:21 RealBadAngel "old rock day", heh, today my lady is turning 45 12:22 CWz what is old rock day 12:23 RealBadAngel day of ancienty boulders? ;) 12:44 RealBadAngel if somebody wanna try, i have updated Stargates mod 12:44 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/IGT12LE.png 12:45 RealBadAngel https://github.com/minetest-technic/stargate 12:45 RealBadAngel now meshes are used for gates 13:25 Fixer aaarrh, rain all day 14:42 Infected_Adri Hi 14:42 Infected_Adri XeonSquared ! 14:42 XeonSquared funny to see you here 14:43 Infected_Adri Yeah 14:43 Infected_Adri I can't believe Im here 14:43 Infected_Adri Funny lmao 14:43 Infected_Adri X) 14:57 FreeFull I think minetest was generating too many chunks at once and it made the fracture mod hit the memory limit 14:57 FreeFull Which apparently is 1000MB 15:01 FreeFull Not sure I can limit how many chunks minetest is generating at a time though 15:02 Thomas-S bye 15:16 FreeFull Problem: Minetest just won't stop generating chunks, so it's constantly writing to disk 15:17 FreeFull Or maybe the full CPU core it's using is being used for something else? 15:18 FreeFull It is writing to the disk though 16:08 STHGOM max_block_generate_distance in minetest config? 16:08 Calinou the default value is good (6 I think) 16:51 H-H-H lol i justmade a mod that crashes minetest completely by accident lol i think i have a tiny bug somewhere haha 16:53 kaadmy um, is there an error in the debug.txt? 16:54 H-H-H ServerError: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'ecm' in callback nodemeta_inventory_AllowMove(): /home/chris/Desktop/Survive/bin/../mods/ecm/nodes.lua:30: attempt to call global 'allow_metadata_inventory_put' (a nil value) 16:55 H-H-H i had a typo in a function name lol 17:05 Thomas-S hi 17:08 RealBadAngel Thomas-S, howdy 19:07 beh is there a simple way to print a table? 19:07 beh im trying to watch some x y z stuff 19:08 kaadmy print(dump()) 19:10 beh ty but i get an error :/ im new to this all 19:11 kaadmy what's the error when printing the table? 19:11 beh ERROR[Main]: ...netest-0.4.13-98d16e0-win64\bin\..\mods\testing\init.lua:8: unexpected symbol near '<' 19:12 kaadmy duh 19:12 kaadmy put the variable name in place of
19:12 beh i did 19:12 beh print(dump()) 19:13 beh thread with code is here https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=13855&p=203804#p203804 19:13 beh i really do appreciate it 19:13 kaadmy don't put the <> braces there 19:13 kaadmy for example: print(dump(airpos)) 19:15 kaadmy and the code in the forum thread won't work, it'll always replace 19:15 beh yeah ive noticed 19:15 beh but the print works now 19:15 beh :) 19:16 beh anything that tests the air and replaces correctly? 19:16 kaadmy i'm posting a reply on the forums 19:16 kaadmy with the fixed code 19:17 beh wow you are super nice 19:17 kaadmy is the code to place slabs above wood? 19:17 beh yeah but this is just the start, im learning as i go 19:17 kaadmy and no problem ;) 19:17 beh the final thing i have in mind is to make dirt and sand slopes checking the side for air and placing it there 19:18 kaadmy that'll be fairly hard 19:18 beh but id have to know howto make a slope aswell as howto make it face a direction, one step at a time i figure 19:20 beh one thing 19:20 kaadmy maybe look at this code? it's very complex, but has slopes. https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=12889 19:20 beh in lua docs ~= seems to mean not equal 19:20 beh but the way it looks like its been used has been equal to 19:22 kaadmy yes, ~= is not equal, = is equal 19:22 kaadmy oops, so right now it'll only replace things above wood :) 19:23 kaadmy fixed 19:24 RealBadAngel == is equal 19:33 beh hmm 19:33 beh new code doesnt change anything 19:33 beh im watching the console 19:35 kaadmy the code in my forum post only fixed how it works, but disables printing it 19:36 beh yeah but nothings being replaces 19:36 beh i readded the print dump 19:37 kaadmy the chance is 100.. 19:37 beh thats in %? yes? 19:37 kaadmy that means every 2 seconds, there is a 1 in 100 chance of running 19:37 beh ohhhhh 19:37 kaadmy 1 is 100% 19:37 kaadmy 2 is 50% 19:37 beh my bad haha ty for the pointer 19:38 beh hmm still nothing happening 19:39 beh i posted the code im using in the thread - the chance = 1 change 19:59 beh posted completed 19:59 beh ty vm 20:13 amadin hi all. if i put on the ground 1 block of papyrus, did it will grow? 20:13 Hijiri I think it has to be in dirt or sand to grow 20:13 Hijiri and be near water 20:14 Hijiri or maybe any soil works? 20:14 amadin no papyrus in farming mod 20:14 Hijiri oh 20:14 Hijiri sorry 20:15 amadin but on wiki written - Renewable Yes 20:17 Krock [off] I got an RPI 2 :) 20:21 sfan5 Krock: nice completly useless use of [off] there 20:25 Krock sfan5, loggingbot_ should ask te NSA if it wants to know my twitter-like messages 20:26 Krock Don't want to feed google with "personal stuff" 20:34 Thomas-S bye 21:00 Calinou 245 free accounts on https://framadrive.org/ ! 21:01 Calinou 2 GB of ownCloud storage :) 21:01 Calinou the site is in French, but the app is available in English as wel 21:01 Calinou well* 21:04 beh hmm placing a node with a specific dir 21:04 beh anyone know how? 21:05 kaadmy Calinou: 253 accounts now ;) 21:05 kaadmy 243* 21:05 RealBadAngel calinou, how to change language? 21:06 kaadmy beh: if the node you're placing is facedir(like chests), you can use the param2 of a node 21:07 RealBadAngel nvm, found it 21:08 beh I dont understand, but im going to dig through some stuff that places nodes with directions 21:08 kaadmy https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/lSfXf2He/ 21:08 kaadmy try that, replace the arbitrary looking stuff 21:08 RealBadAngel you have to place node regular way, then swap it again with param2 set 21:09 kaadmy RealBadAngel: ^ 21:10 RealBadAngel param2 is 0-23 21:11 RealBadAngel 0-3 is old facedir, just a single case of full 6dfacedir 21:13 RealBadAngel https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=103693#p103693 21:13 kaadmy that's for wallmounted, isn't it? 21:13 kaadmy i thought facedir was 0-3, wallmounted goes higher 21:14 beh That works perfectly :) 21:14 beh ty RealBadAnfel 21:14 beh behh 21:16 RealBadAngel kaadmy, facedir was in range 0-3 before 2013 21:17 kaadmy ah 21:17 kaadmy i've never dealt with it, that's what i had though it as 21:21 RealBadAngel kaadmy, using screwdriver makes you use it actually 21:21 RealBadAngel thx to 6d facedir you can set nodes upside down for example 21:23 kaadmy ah 21:42 Fixer *,...,* 21:50 beh got it working 21:51 beh now i just gotta find a method to know if a block is a full sized block 21:51 beh here is what im doin http://i.imgur.com/3QAarxQ.gifv 21:59 Krock uh looks nice, beh. 21:59 beh pretend its sand or plain dirt 21:59 beh I still gotta add the panels for those so i used wood in the mean time 22:01 beh is there a way to test how a node was drawn? 22:01 Robert_Zenz beh, get the definition and check the drawtype and if there is a nodebox. 22:02 beh im using this for methods http://dev.minetest.net/Category:Methods 22:02 kaadmy if minetest 22:02 kaadmy oops 22:02 beh whats the method for get definition? 22:04 kaadmy if minetest.registered_nodes["default:wood"].drawtype == "normal" then print("full node") end 22:04 beh I wish this explained things better like what get node can get 22:05 kaadmy just print the return value of it 22:07 beh how do i get the definition of a node? 22:07 kaadmy minetest.registered_nodes[name] 22:09 beh man i need a better list of methods 22:09 kaadmy doc/lua_api.txt 22:10 kaadmy in the main data tree 22:10 beh found it 22:11 beh wait but that would point at a specific node, no? 22:12 beh there is an example in this txt 22:12 beh reding.... 22:46 beh damn 22:46 beh im getting nowhere here 22:47 Robert_Zenz beh, what exactly do you need? 22:48 beh id like to know if x1b has a normal drawtype aka a plain box 22:48 beh local x1b = minetest.get_node({x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}) 22:51 beh any ideas? im poopin out 22:51 beh I didnt even think id get stuck here 22:57 Robert_Zenz beh, get_node returns a table, like this { name = "node_name", param1 = 0, param2 = 0 }. 22:58 beh yeah i know thats just explaining one of the checks for x 22:58 beh i just wanted it clear that i need a nodes draw type by a pos 22:58 Robert_Zenz beh, so what you want is roughly this http://pastebin.com/WRXbN1bP 22:59 beh that node.name is the local var set int he first line? 23:00 Robert_Zenz beh, node is the variable, name is a property of that variable. 23:00 Robert_Zenz beh, ahrm, you ever wrote code before? 23:01 beh sometimes 23:01 Robert_Zenz beh, what language? 23:01 beh nah 23:01 beh i couldnt get an edu 23:01 beh so i know no language just bits and times 23:01 beh i know logic 23:02 Robert_Zenz beh, that wasn't my question, because I can easily explain it to you in terms you might be familiar with. 23:03 beh gml modded c+ somthing i think 23:03 Robert_Zenz beh, C++ it is...consider Lua tables as classes (though, they can be created dynamically on the fly), so with node.name, you're accessing a field. 23:04 beh nah 23:04 beh i dont understand the for sure 23:04 exio4 lua tables are just records, basically a thing with multiple named things inside 23:04 beh first line gets a node and prints the result onto local node? 23:05 Robert_Zenz beh, yes it assigns it to the variable called node. 23:05 beh second gets a def based ont he first var 23:05 beh and puts it into another var node_definition 23:05 beh how do i pull the draw type of that? 23:06 beh node_definition.drawtype ? 23:06 Robert_Zenz beh, exactly. 23:07 beh ty 23:12 beh this seem ok? http://pastebin.com/hSmmJg9w 23:12 beh i gotta say ive had alot of helpful people here today 23:12 beh im starting to get excited about this 23:13 beh so many things about mc i wanted to make a reality, but the barrier to entry was so thick 23:15 Robert_Zenz beh, kinda, you might want to have that last line inside an if statement or something: http://www.lua.org/pil/4.3.1.html 23:18 beh it is 23:18 beh well i think an and 23:23 beh ITS WORKING 23:23 beh :) 23:28 beh had to put normal in "" 23:35 kaadmy beh: if the node's glass, there's a different drawtype(s) 23:40 beh thats fine 23:40 beh now i gotta make it self destruct if air is below it and insta mine break 23:44 kaadmy if airnode.name == "" then minetest.remove_node(pos) end