Time  Nick            Message
00:10 luizrpgluiz     est31: does not operate even in verbose
00:10 est31           luizrpgluiz, does it print something?
00:14 luizrpgluiz     est31: this is strange, because it has no code error, I am using straight world to test the example of the dev minetest code
00:17 luizrpgluiz     est31: your game can generate it? or I forgot to put more code? because putting the post, it does not generate the position 0,0,0
00:19 sofar           is anyone in here (really) familiar with the inner workings of mesecons?
00:19 * thePalindrome is good with redstone :P
00:19 est31           luizrpgluiz, do you have the tree code somewhere?
00:20 luizrpgluiz     est31: yes, the very dev.minetest.net - http://dev.minetest.net/minetest.spawn_tree
00:21 est31           when do you run it?
00:23 luizrpgluiz     est31: Now, already followed the related pages in treedef pages
00:24 luizrpgluiz     est31:I'm from the version that was implemented this generation of treedef
00:25 luizrpgluiz     est31: I am using 0.4.13
00:38 est31           luizrpgluiz, can you try the following code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/255b35cd1296be811c78
00:38 est31           type /spawn_tree into chat
00:38 est31           the example in the wiki is bad, I agree.
00:38 est31           I'll change it
00:43 est31           there you go, changed
00:44 luizrpgluiz     est31: you can change the wiki as the correct way to do it arises during map loading?
00:44 est31           luizrpgluiz, your translator made what you said non-readable
00:46 luizrpgluiz     est31: you can change the wiki dev.minetest?
00:50 bleak_fire_     Is Krock here?
00:50 luizrpgluiz     est31: :) :D
00:51 bleak_fire_     I'm having bizarre behavior and irreversible crashes with boost_cart
00:51 est31           dont use boost
00:52 est31           boost is evil
00:52 luizrpgluiz     est31: you can put more ways for her to be spawn treedefs? as a saplings?
00:52 est31           luizrpgluiz, just look at normal tree code
00:52 bleak_fire_     est31 is krock?
00:52 est31           no
00:52 est31           krock is from switzerland, i am from germany
00:53 bleak_fire_     what's wrong with boost_cart? i've been using it forever
00:53 est31           we are not the same.
00:53 est31           I was joking about the name :)
00:54 bleak_fire_     it's only this one area
00:54 bleak_fire_     if i join and put a cart on a rail and push/ride it, it's fine
00:55 bleak_fire_     then i leave the server and come back to find the cart stuck and unremovable
00:55 bleak_fire_     and when i use /deleteobjects here the server is rendered unusable
00:55 bleak_fire_     it's only this one area
00:59 luizrpgluiz     est31: I would like to generate the trees(treedefs) in a specific biome?
01:03 bleak_fire_     the only fix is to remove boost_cart by hand, delete the floating unknown object, then put it back and start the server again
01:03 bleak_fire_     put boost_cart back
01:03 bleak_fire_     i just made the track a lot bigger and it works now
01:04 bleak_fire_     i had the track really small maybe that's why
01:04 bleak_fire_     will have to report that bug
01:08 JohnnyComeL8ly  [off] est31, what were you testing on Wayland?
01:11 est31           stuff
01:11 est31           weston-flower
01:11 est31           doesnt work... :(
01:20 JohnnyComeL8ly  Ok, have to look that one up.
01:22 est31           well in fact it is minetest
01:22 est31           aand it works
01:22 est31           at least with xwayland
01:22 est31           well, "works"
01:23 est31           works but one little bug
01:23 est31           which just makes the whole thing unusable
01:26 JohnnyComeL8ly  est31, that is too bad.
01:27 JohnnyComeL8ly  I suppose I don't know what I was using then on Ubuntu GNOME... there was supposed to be system-wide adoption of Wayland, with gnome-shell as its own compositor.
01:28 JohnnyComeL8ly  What I mean to say is, I don't know how to test that....
01:35 JohnnyComeL8ly  est31, have you tried Ubuntu GNOME?
01:35 est31           no
01:36 est31           never want to
01:36 est31           ran gnome once, years ago
01:36 est31           it destroyed my KDE config
01:36 est31           since then I am on new computer
01:36 est31           and fear to install gnome, as if I do, it will create problems.
01:37 JohnnyComeL8ly  Ubuntu GNOME is an operating system, not just Gnome DesktopEnvironment.
01:38 JohnnyComeL8ly  ( est31, I'm understanding what you're saying, and I'm not recommending you to add Gnome to KDE.... ;-)
01:42 M_Angel         I've installed multiple desktop environments in Fedora and never got any issues.
01:42 M_Angel         we have dnf groupinstall to configure that
01:45 est31           well every program seemed to like it, but firefox really freaked out after I've installed gnome
01:45 est31           you know, it started being in ubuntu colors, and had ubuntu icons
01:45 est31           then it tried to open stuff with gnome programs
01:46 est31           but yeah, my experience is years old, its all from pre-unity days
01:46 JohnnyComeL8ly  Now don't go Unity on me.
01:47 JohnnyComeL8ly  xD
02:04 JohnnyComeL8ly  Good night, y'all: I'm gonna go early.
03:08 BBmine          What are some free websites for starting a minetest server?
03:25 bleak_fire_     i pay $20/mo for a linode vps and put a bunch of stuff including minetest on it
03:25 bleak_fire_     hey i'm bored, anyone want to build something with me on the terrarium?
03:25 bleak_fire_     (that's my server BBmine)
03:32 BBmine          Will google drive work?
03:32 est31           no
03:33 bleak_fire_     do people make servers from google drive?
03:33 bleak_fire_     botnets or something i dont know
03:36 sofar           I host my own servers on my home router/server
04:13 thePalindrome   You'd have to run your own server for something like mintest
04:20 bleak_fire_     i'm still having unmovable carts
04:20 bleak_fire_     unremovable
04:20 bleak_fire_     that i cant delete without irrevokably destroying the server
04:20 bleak_fire_     and it's always the same one
04:21 est31           "same one"?
04:21 bleak_fire_     even when i moved the ride the problem moved
04:21 bleak_fire_     it seems to affect some tracks
04:21 bleak_fire_     after quitting and rejoining the cart cannot be moved or removed
04:21 bleak_fire_     actually i cannot remove any carts
04:21 est31           can you create a worldedit file and try it in a fresh world?
04:21 bleak_fire_     fresh world?
04:22 bleak_fire_     i didnt add worldedit because i didnt want to mess with stuff
04:22 est31           you know, export the track using worldedit, then add it to a new world in singleplayer
04:22 est31           and try it there
04:22 bleak_fire_     i can enter the cart
04:22 bleak_fire_     i dont care i just want this mid-air cart gone without /deleteobjects crashing the server
04:23 bleak_fire_     it gives you an error every time you join
04:23 bleak_fire_     i had to restore backups
04:23 bleak_fire_     after using /deleteobjects here to remove the cart
04:23 est31           /deleteobjects crashes the server ?!
04:24 bleak_fire_     if i deleteobjects near the mid-air cart the game crashes
04:24 bleak_fire_     it gives an "internal error" when someone joins
04:24 bleak_fire_     and the server logs show an "mg error"
04:24 bleak_fire_     and the game crashes
04:25 bleak_fire_     i just built a ride and now found out the old one is stuck
04:25 bleak_fire_     i see a bunch of other tracks on my server have this problem, but not all
04:26 bleak_fire_     join and see what happens
04:26 est31           "mg error"?
04:26 bleak_fire_     i wish you could pick up carts
04:26 bleak_fire_     thats what the core dump says
04:26 est31           can you put the output to a pastebin?
04:26 est31           and share it her
04:26 est31           here*
04:26 bleak_fire_     i dont want to cause it...
04:27 bleak_fire_     because then i lose the roller coaster i just built
04:27 bleak_fire_     and everything else within the past few hours since my backup
04:27 est31           then make a backup
04:27 est31           a new one
04:27 est31           then let it crash
04:27 est31           and you can revert
04:29 bleak_fire_     hey apparently i can place ice blocks on top of the cart, and it shows it halfway through
04:29 swift110-phone  Hey guys
04:29 bleak_fire_     when you drag the mouse it changes between the two blocks
04:31 bleak_fire_     ok i will back it up and then cause the core dump
04:31 bleak_fire_     and paste
04:34 bleak_fire_     the ride is supposed to be in the shape of a figure-8 but even after enlarging it i guess i cant do that
04:34 bleak_fire_     here goes the crash
04:35 bleak_fire_     clearobjects not deleteobjects
04:35 bleak_fire_     no
04:35 bleak_fire_     deleteblocks
04:35 bleak_fire_     clearobjects is fine
04:36 bleak_fire_     the only "fix" for this is to move the boost_cart out of the mods directory and then put it back
04:36 bleak_fire_     because it wont let me pick up the cart
04:37 est31           well it smells alot like a mod error of some sort
04:37 est31           not an engine error
04:37 est31           but still I am interested in the backtrace of the core dump
04:38 bleak_fire_     i'm doing a clearobjects now and if that doesnt work i'll cause the crash
04:38 bleak_fire_     i seem to remember clearobjects getting rid of peoples carts at some point
04:38 bleak_fire_     i just quit and am waiting for it to finish
04:39 bleak_fire_     so what's this worldedit people keep asking me about?
04:39 bleak_fire_     they keep wanting access to it
04:40 bleak_fire_     i didnt add it specifically because i want to get rid of griefers
04:40 bleak_fire_     i already reported two bugs griefers were using
04:40 est31           dont give worldedit to anybody except admins
04:40 est31           they can do whatever they want with worldedit
04:41 est31           once they have the priv
04:41 bleak_fire_     (juncus replacing everything and unstoppable corium regardless of setting, both were fixed)
04:41 bleak_fire_     (by developers)
04:41 bleak_fire_     so how does worledit work?
04:41 bleak_fire_     and is it too late to install it?
04:41 est31           no
04:42 bleak_fire_     this? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=572&hilit=worldedit&sid=9f3b3025b5dd05f3d70ec0cdc6b77db3
04:42 bleak_fire_     looks old
04:42 est31           the post is old
04:42 bleak_fire_     v0.4.8
04:42 est31           but the mod itself still runs
04:43 bleak_fire_     and can i remove objects by hand?
04:43 bleak_fire_     like the kill command if i cant pick it up?
04:43 bleak_fire_     since i cant pick up carts?
04:43 bleak_fire_     (nobody can)
04:43 est31           I dunno
04:43 est31           best you wait till Krock gets back online
04:43 bleak_fire_     then how does worledit work?
04:43 est31           read this https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit/blob/master/ChatCommands.md
04:44 est31           I gotta do stuff
04:44 est31           bye
04:44 bleak_fire_     object clearing done
04:45 bleak_fire_     clearobjects gets rid of all carts, i just had to wait i guess
04:49 bleak_fire_     ok, now this is just weird. completely new cart, worked just fine, i come back to the cart and its suck again
04:50 bleak_fire_     i wish i could just clear one object and not all of them
04:51 bleak_fire_     this is what it tells the user when joining:
04:51 bleak_fire_     2015-11-19 23:52:49: ERROR[main]: Access denied. Reason: This server has experie
04:51 bleak_fire_     nced an internal error. You will now be disconnected.
04:52 bleak_fire_     now i will paste the dump
04:53 bleak_fire_     here is the exact error (less the dump)
04:53 bleak_fire_     2015-11-20 04:50:56: ERROR[main]: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'mg' in callback environment_OnGenerated(): /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/mg/init.lua:596: bad argument #2 to 'max' (number expected, got nil)
04:53 bleak_fire_     (that's the folder the mods are in)
04:59 bleak_fire_     i'm able to log in with a test character i set up far far away from the affected area
05:00 bleak_fire_     ok so anytime anyone visits this one area
05:00 bleak_fire_     after the /deleteblocks
05:02 bleak_fire_     restored backup and clearing objects now
05:02 bleak_fire_     so this is a mapgen bug i guess
05:02 bleak_fire_     mapgen and /deleteobjects here
05:03 bleak_fire_     can you safely remove mapgen once the map is generated?
05:05 bleak_fire_     mg i mean
05:08 bleak_fire_     looks like the area of code has something to do with deleting ore
05:09 bleak_fire_     it's in a for loop
05:10 bleak_fire_     mg is the one that generates the villages and stuff btw
05:17 bleak_fire_     well here's what to do about the cart: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=10172&hilit=boost_cart#p174477
05:17 bleak_fire_     this is an mg bug i accidentally stumbled across
05:18 bleak_fire_     if this helps, the buildings (a winter park) are over a sheet of ice, in areas which i extended by adding more ice to the edge of it
05:18 bleak_fire_     on the ocean
05:22 bleak_fire_     gotta find the forum post
05:22 bleak_fire_     and mention it there
05:35 bleak_fire_     doing a final backup right now...xz -9 is very very slow
05:35 bleak_fire_     then i'l start the server again, no bugs
05:36 bleak_fire_     since i am the only one who can /deleteblocks and i know where not to
05:36 bleak_fire_     i also left a sign saying how to pick up the carts. i forgot how to, you just press shift-punch
05:38 bleak_fire_     who does mg (the mod with villages, not mapgen)? have to get in touch with them
06:12 fling           bleak_fire_: use zfs snapshots as they are instant.
06:16 bleak_fire_     eek...someone walked somewhere nearby and tried to build something and the core dump happened. so did i and the same thing happened
06:19 bleak_fire_     i moved the mg folder out of the mods folder, there are a few unknown objects now, but the crash didnt happen
06:19 bleak_fire_     there's a town nearby that area
06:25 bleak_fire_     nope got a ton of unknown objects after a while
06:28 bleak_fire_     it's this same one area. anytime anyone goes near it the server crashes
06:29 bleak_fire_     it's right outside of an mg-generated town
06:37 TheWild         hello
06:38 TheWild         can Irrlicht have a 17x17 texture and modify its pixels "at runtime"?
06:43 TheWild         not sure how OpenGL could deal with overlapping textures without use of shaders, but if we can compute light over a plane , place computed values into a texture, send it into GPU and then use it as a lightmap, this could fix the light patterns problem ultimately.
06:44 bleak_fire_     problem is I can't search for "mg" in the forum or mod list because it's too common/short
06:45 bleak_fire_     aah here it is "experimental mapgen"
06:58 bleak_fire_     unfortunately it hasnt been updated in a year
06:58 bleak_fire_     i wonder what i can replace it with
06:59 fling           How to limit max visible range?
07:00 fling           My players are travelling a lot, then they look back and fps drops to 0 and the game becomes really laggy.
07:09 TheWild         you can press - and + to adjust visible range.
07:11 TheWild         additionally, you can set it in minetest.conf
07:11 TheWild         ^ fling
07:11 TheWild         settings for this are: viewing_range_nodes_min, viewing_range_nodes_max
07:13 TheWild         also make sure you have full viewing range disabled (the G key by default)
07:29 RealBadAngel    TheWild, i heard that youre polish?
07:31 RealBadAngel    http://irrlicht.sourcearchive.com/documentation/1.7.2plus-pdfsg1-1.1/namespaceirr_1_1video_ac8e9b6c66f7cebabd1a6d30cbc5430f1.html
07:35 TheWild         RealBadAngel: yes
07:35 RealBadAngel    czesc :)
07:35 TheWild         cześć
07:36 RealBadAngel    podlinkowalem ci materialy jakie moze uzywac irr
07:36 RealBadAngel    mozna uzyc materialu gdzie mapa oswietlenia jest dodatkowa teksura
07:36 TheWild         dzieki
07:37 RealBadAngel    material moze miec do 4 tekstur
07:37 RealBadAngel    czyli np diffuse, normal, lightmap i cos dodatkowego
07:38 RealBadAngel    mozesz uzyc predefiniowanych materialow, lub sam korzystac z tektur na swoj sposob w shaderach
07:42 RealBadAngel    http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/7927/should-i-use-textures-not-sized-to-a-power-of-2
07:43 RealBadAngel    wiec bezpieczniej uzywac tekstur POT
07:45 TheWild         no też dobrze wiedzieć
07:45 TheWild         RealBadAngel, jakoś rok temu trochę ruszyłem troszkę OpenGL żeby tylko się przetestować czy w ogóle uda mi się jakiś trójkąt narysować. Potem była długa cisza ale od kilku tygodni zacząłem się bardziej przykładać do nauki.
07:48 RealBadAngel    shadery to fajna zabawa, warto sie pomeczyc
07:55 fling           TheWild: looks like full viewing range is what I need, thanks.
09:54 fling           What is the name of in-game map mod? I can't recall again.
09:55 rubenwardy      !mod map
09:55 MinetestBot     rubenwardy: Map Fixer [mapfix] by Gael de Sailly - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=10662
09:55 rubenwardy      Also, there's a minimap if you press F9, fling
09:55 * fling         also found this -> https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2747
09:55 fling           rubenwardy: no, I want an item I could give to a player.
09:55 fling           rubenwardy: an item useable as a map.
09:55 rubenwardy      well
09:55 fling           Or a block.
09:55 rubenwardy      be warned, those mods will be buggy
09:56 fling           c++ mapper works great
09:56 rubenwardy      the mod side of it
09:56 rubenwardy      C++ mapper is awesome
09:56 Ingar           is that like the old worldEdit for that java minetest-like game ?
09:57 rubenwardy      mapfixer is for fixing bugged shadows
10:00 JamesTait       Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day! 😃
10:00 fling           something like this -> https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4922&sid=e552ab83a6a7686d56951ad65fe917ad&start=100
10:00 fling           But there is a better mod, I can't find.
10:01 fling           VanessaE: Hello.
10:17 fling           How do you pronounce Mese?
10:25 OldCoder        Meece
10:25 OldCoder        ?
10:26 OldCoder        Meece is from Greecce
10:26 OldCoder        It is very neece
10:26 fling           :D
10:26 fling           Thanks.
10:26 OldCoder        With Meece one can be at peace
10:26 * OldCoder      is not actually sure
10:26 OldCoder        But perhaps meece will endure
10:26 OldCoder        Meece will be collected by your niece
10:26 OldCoder        Piece by piece
10:27 OldCoder        Who will throw into the trees
10:27 OldCoder        Um
10:27 OldCoder        For the birdies to seise
10:27 OldCoder        !
10:28 OldCoder        Meece is better than Moose
10:28 OldCoder        Reminds one of Dr. Suess
10:28 OldCoder        If Meece were Moose
10:28 OldCoder        Perhaps Mesecons would be Cons of Goose
10:28 OldCoder        Badda-Bum!
10:28 OldCoder
10:33 fling           Found it finally! -> https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9219&sid=3e75f9eac39d6649dc32cb486a25b872
10:33 fling           OldCoder: Really?
10:34 OldCoder        Reviewing
10:34 OldCoder        Ah that is a different subject
10:34 OldCoder        Really Dr. Suess? Who can say?
10:34 fling           :D
10:35 * OldCoder      comments without dismay
10:35 OldCoder        If Dr. Suess were to find a Meece on a tray
10:35 OldCoder        I've no doubt he'd say Hip-Hip Hooray
10:35 OldCoder
10:36 Calinou         Drupal 8 is out
10:36 OldCoder        Without a doubt
10:36 OldCoder        The others it will surely rout
10:39 fling           Is it possible to use MapIt with the cppmapper?
11:28 nick19          Is there a difference between "intllib" and "intllib?" regarding satisfying dependencies for mobf or mob framework?
11:31 Calinou         nick19, "?" means it is an optional dependency
11:31 Calinou         without "?", a dependency is mandatory, the game will not start if it's not met
11:32 nick19          I have mobframework enabled and I have meat, eggs, animal skins and such in my inventory, but when I issue the /mobf chat command I get invalid command.
11:34 nick19          A few of the submods say I have unsatisfied dependencies, but I seem to have everything on the list.
11:38 nick19          Thank you Calinou for clearing up my ignorance on the '?'. At least now I can rule that out.
11:50 nick19          adv_spawning mod gives lua error: "init.lua:26: attempt to concatenate local 'adv_modpath' (a nil value)"
11:57 nick19          I had previously removed the underscore from the folder name for adv_spawning. When I put it back in I got more errors. Does the folder name in the mods directory have an effect on the mod?
11:58 srifqi          yes it is
11:58 srifqi          is it a modpack or just single mod?
11:59 nick19          I extracted from zip on Sapier's github repo (adv_spawning).
12:00 nick19          In an attempt to get mob framework working.
12:01 nick19          So, should the mod folder be titled "adv_spawning-master"?
12:02 srifqi          no, it must be "adv_spawning"
12:04 srifqi          nick19, do you use recent "adv_spawning" mod?
12:07 srifqi          okay, change "core." into "minetest." in init.lua
12:07 nick19          Right, disallowed characters. So, as "adv_spawning", I'm getting table index is nil on /builtin/ggame/register after failing to load mobf_settings/init.lua. Yes, I just downloaded about an hour ago.
12:08 nick19          init.lua from which mod?
12:09 srifqi          adv_spawning, as core.* is deprecated
12:11 nick19          Oh, ok. So change all of the core. prefixes in the file to a minetest. prefix?
12:12 srifqi          Yup, hope it works
12:17 nick19          Still getting faled to load mobf_settings/init.lua and /builtin/game/register table index is nil. My debug.txt has a long list of undeclared global variables from the mob framework if that tells you anything
12:18 srifqi          Already issued by cesarpachon: https://github.com/sapier/adv_spawning/issues/1
12:18 srifqi          He has the same problem with you
12:22 nick19          srifqi, Should I comment on that? Would providing my specs aid in troubleshooting?
12:23 srifqi          Yes, if sapier care about his mod :)
12:27 nick19          The bug report is titled "problem loading in 0.4.9". I have 0.4.13. Does that mean I should open a new issue?
12:28 srifqi          No, because the main problem is core. prefix instead of loading in 0.4.9
12:30 nick19          But, I'm not getting any of the errors on his list.
12:35 nick19          How do I use a pastebin to show lines from debug.txt?
12:38 nick19          srifqi, thanks for your time and patience. I guess I'll have to come back to this problem. I'll try to figure out the pastebin thing and maybe my debug.txt would tell someone what my problem is.
12:41 srifqi          You're welcome! Don't be shy to ask something about Minetest here
12:44 nick19          Does anyone have a few minutes to glance at a debug.txt regarding mob framework issues: http://pastebin.com/xKMMecUq
12:49 RealBadAngel    check mod names
12:49 RealBadAngel    once its "adv_spawning" in another placae "advspawning"
12:49 RealBadAngel    propablty you have renamed folder
12:53 nick19          RealBadAngel, as in the names of subfolders or files within "mods/adv_spawning" or as in within the lua code?
12:54 nick19          My mod root folder is "adv_spawning"
12:56 RealBadAngel    2015-11-20 05:29:20: ERROR[main]: The following mods could not be found: "advspawning"
12:56 RealBadAngel    try renaming it
12:56 RealBadAngel    maybe you have that name in deps?
12:58 nick19          Ok, that brings me back to: adv_spawning mod gives lua error: "init.lua:26: attempt to concatenate local 'adv_modpath' (a nil value)".
13:00 nick19          My debug.txt consists mainly of unsatisfied dependecy: mobf, which is enabled.
13:02 nick19          and: Undeclared global variable "adv_spawning" accessed at /usr/share/games/minetest/mods/advspawning/init.lua:13
13:03 RealBadAngel    whats that line?
13:04 RealBadAngel    btw, your modpath has mobf in deps?
13:04 nick19          I'm sorry what is "in deps"?
13:05 RealBadAngel    depends.txt in your mod folder
13:05 RealBadAngel    here you have to put mod names that should be loaded before your mod
13:11 nick19          Sorry, I had to chmod the mod. I changed the adv_spawning to advspawning in depends.txt in the mobf mod folder. I still get the same errors.
13:11 RealBadAngel    hmm, which mod should depend on another?
13:12 nick19          I believe mobf depends on adv_spawning
13:13 RealBadAngel    checked that mod, it doesnt require mobf to run
13:14 nick19          No, I meant mobf requires adv_spawning
13:15 RealBadAngel    default animalmaterials adv_spawning
13:15 RealBadAngel    those are deps for mobf
13:15 nick19          right
13:16 RealBadAngel    i will check those mods right now, hold on
13:17 nick19          Thank you
13:33 nick19          RealBadAngel, it's 6:30 here in AZ. I've been on here for two hours and my wife and kids are waking up. I have to run, but thank you so much for your time and I'm really sorry if I've wasted your last fifteen minutes by cutting out now. I'll try this some more tonight.
13:33 RealBadAngel    https://github.com/sapier/animals_modpack/pull/108
13:33 RealBadAngel    here you have fix for your issue
13:33 nick19          Oh you have something.
13:34 RealBadAngel    edit that file and change that line
13:38 nick19          Sorry, I tried and that didn't change anything.
13:39 nick19          Thanks again, though. My 2-year-old is starting to hollar. Gotta go.
13:45 swift110-phone  Let the child play minetest
14:27 dzho            heh
15:48 crazyR          Hey all. does any one know, if i override minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields would it also apply to the function used within nodes.
15:48 crazyR          This is an example of what i wantedf todo https://gist.github.com/crazyR14/9beeb38bddfa8bd905e2
15:49 crazyR          ^ and yes its hacky, but the only way i could think of doing it, without requiring all register_on_player_receive_fields calls to include extra functions
17:22 JohnnyComeL8ly  [off] Calinou, how about this: http://www.garagegames.com/products/torque-3d/overview
17:25 Calinou         JohnnyComeL8ly, old news
17:25 Calinou         the problem of Torque is that it has a very "pastist" mentality
17:25 Calinou         also its development is rather soporadic now
17:25 Calinou         sporadic*
17:25 JohnnyComeL8ly  lol :-D
17:25 Calinou         I much prefer Godot :p
17:26 JohnnyComeL8ly  Oh, well, I was just looking opensource game engines up and wanted an opinion on it.
17:26 Calinou         as a lightweight "do it yourself" option, Urho3D is nice: http://urho3d.github.io/
17:27 Calinou         more maintained than Irrlicht, and it's a full-blown 2D and 3D game engine.
17:27 Calinou         supports HTML5 too, and has first-class Android port
17:28 JohnnyComeL8ly  Calinou, I forgot, Godot is what you are working on... looks good, at any rate.
18:06 Krock           hi
18:32 Yepoleb         I noticed that the stair mechanic is enabled while jumping and I want to disable it and increase the jump height instead
18:32 Calinou         Yepoleb, yes, you can "airstep" in Minetest, but in a limited way
18:32 Calinou         step height in Minetest is 0.6 nodes, and 0.2 while in air
18:33 Calinou         (in comparison, in Minecraft, you can't airstep)
18:35 Yepoleb         Why didn't you just add the 0.2 nodes to the jump height?
18:35 Yepoleb         Steping creates that jump in the view, which I find very ugly
18:36 Yepoleb         It feels like the game is lagging
18:38 Calinou         airstep is essential so that you can still jump while climbing stairs
18:39 Calinou         Yepoleb, too high jump height is unrealistic :p
18:39 Calinou         also there's a handy trick for building cheap bridges
18:40 Calinou         you can make a "dotted" line of nodes in the air, 1 air node, 1 solid node
18:40 Calinou         as long as you keep running (normal speed) you can walk since the airstep will put you on the solid node
18:40 Calinou         so that you can save 50% nodes on your bridges :)
18:47 Yepoleb         Calinou: while climbing stairs it shouldn't detect you as being in the air
18:50 Yepoleb         I would consider cheap bridges a bug, not a feature
18:53 Yepoleb         And climbing stairs in the air is a lot more unrealistic than high jumping
19:06 Krock           [off] https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13599
19:06 Krock           Thought it was 10+1 who posted it
19:06 Krock           Until I've noticed the post count and the different name
19:07 Krock           Needs more avatar varity
19:08 Yepoleb         Krock: what is that minetest thing everyone talks about?
19:08 Krock           Yepoleb, seems to be yet another poor minecraft ripoff
19:12 Yepoleb         Krock: I hate these people who copy games because they're jealous of how much money the developers earn
19:13 Krock           Yepoleb, oh, that's why teris was spread so quickly?
19:13 Yepoleb         What?
19:16 MinetestBot     02[git] 04Jeija -> 03Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Gates: Add OR and NOR gate 1375bd081 http://git.io/v4NCL (152015-11-20T20:13:59+01:00)
19:17 * Krock         looks of there's an XOR and NAND yet
19:17 Krock           Yepoleb, nvm
19:18 thePalindrome   I must've missed something :P
19:18 Krock           Oh. Those logic gates already existed..
19:20 Krock           thePalindrome, what's the something you mean?
19:20 MinetestBot     02[git] 04Jeija -> 03Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: Major change: Documentation is now included with mesecons, the website just extracts the documentation in a more readable format 130ec771b http://git.io/v4Nlw (152015-11-20T20:14:50+01:00)
19:20 thePalindrome   The odd conversation that happened ~13 minutes ago
21:14 basil60         Hi my server uses 0.4.13, and my world is carbone-ng. I'm tryingt o look at a physics lesson, and tried to craft gunpowder, but it didn't work. IS that a noob error, or am I missing something?
21:18 Out`Of`Control  is tnt on?
21:18 basil60         <Out`Of`Control>is that in a config or world file somewhere?
21:19 Out`Of`Control  basil60:  in minetest.config
21:19 basil60         <Out`Of`Control>I'll ssh in, and check it out...thanks
21:25 basil60         <Out`Of`Control>couldn't find any reference to tnt in my .conf file
21:25 ElectronLibre   It's not referenced in minetest.conf.example, in Minetest's directory. It is referenced in Minetest Game's minetest.conf.example
21:26 ElectronLibre   If you write "enable_tnt = true" in the main minetest.conf it will work though.
21:26 ElectronLibre   Just be sure to shutdown, modify, then reboot.
21:27 basil60         <ElectronLibre>trying now
21:30 basil60         <ElectronLibre>that did the trick..thanks. Turned on gravity while I was in there, so should make the experiment a bit truer
21:34 ElectronLibre   You're welcome.
21:34 basil60         Thanks to <Out`Of`Control> too
22:30 TheWild         who implemented the inventory shift+click feature?
22:33 * est           did
22:36 TheWild         Many thanks est. I know it was done some time ago, but once again I do not have to waste time on dragging and dropping all the items from inventory to chest.
23:20 MinetestBot     02[git] 04Rui914 -> 03minetest/minetest: Log static_spawn error only once 134fd394b http://git.io/v4A7h (152015-11-21T00:13:28+01:00)