Time Nick Message 00:06 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959, sry, I was afk. 00:06 JohnnyComeL8ly Just do it without the > and see what comes of it, then copy that to a text file. 00:07 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: syntax error 00:08 JohnnyComeL8ly Hmm. 00:08 JohnnyComeL8ly Is minetestserver in that directory? 00:09 whtemple1959 minetestserver is in /usr/games 00:09 JohnnyComeL8ly What does the cmd [ ls -l ] do? 00:10 JohnnyComeL8ly From within /usr/games/ 00:12 whtemple1959 jonnyComeL8ly: [ ls -l ] returns unary operator expected and [ls -l] returns command not found 00:13 whtemple1959 JohnnyComel8ly of course you could haave meant ls -l which returns privviledges and ownership of nimetestserver and minetestmapper 00:15 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: which is -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root for both files 00:15 JohnnyComeL8ly Yes, that is what I meant. I was trying to use the [] to make a textual distinction. 00:16 JohnnyComeL8ly Well, that could be your problem. 00:16 JohnnyComeL8ly try this: 00:16 whtemple1959 well the privs and ownership looks normal 00:17 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh, yeah, duh, I (somehow) mixed up what I saw. (Thanks for the correction). 00:18 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959, try /usr/games/mintestserver --verbose 00:25 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: it starts the game with a long list of completed tasks still will not print a report using the > symbol 00:25 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: I truly appreciate all your time, patience, and attempts and resolving this. as I stated eariler everything works fine when using regular minetest as a multiplayer so I believe I will remove the server and install regular minetest and hope xorg doesn't panic when it does not see a monitor and keyboard 00:25 JohnnyComeL8ly Ok, but I don't think it will work. 00:27 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959, It should be working... I just did it with minetestserver . 00:30 JohnnyComeL8ly ./minetestserver --terminal --worldname NameOfYourWorld > ~/mtdebug.txt 00:30 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh, boogers... don't put --terminal in yours. 00:31 whtemple1959 JohnnyComel8ly: I have a pentium, 4g of ram, debian 8, nfs server, openssh server, tightvncserver, xorg, and lxde-core nothing else to conflict. the minetestserver works and I can add mods. minetesteserver does not use VanessaE's textures and of course without the conf file my son cannot fly so I am at a loss 00:32 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: the games is in /usr/games everything elese is in /usr/share/games/minetest and of course there is stuff in /home/creator/.minetest 00:33 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: try ls /home/creator/.minetest/ 00:33 JohnnyComeL8ly I just thought about how there might be a log file there. 00:34 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: returns... debug.txt, minetest.conf, worlds 00:41 JohnnyComeL8ly nano debug.txt 00:41 JohnnyComeL8ly Do that. 00:41 JohnnyComeL8ly Sorry for the wait. 00:44 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: no faults no errors shows the server starting and the server stopping 00:44 JohnnyComeL8ly Clear the file of text and then do 00:45 JohnnyComeL8ly /usr/games/mintestserver --verbose 00:45 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: ^^ :-) 00:46 whtemple1959 JohnnyComel8ly: just shows the game starting and stopping 00:46 JohnnyComeL8ly If you have a "world" already put --worldname NameOfYourWorld in the cmd too. 00:53 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: nothing inthe debug. I made an error in my typing and got the help menu there is a switch called trace that may write to a log let me try that 00:53 JohnnyComeL8ly Ok. 01:00 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: Did you gain any traction? 01:00 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: nothing if there is a log I do not know where it went. no mention of it in the terminal screen. It is late and although I wish I could pound this rock forever you and I both have other things to do...so again thank you for your time, patience, and understanding. if someone managesto post a working solution to my forum post I will come back and let you know. 01:01 JohnnyComeL8ly What is your forum post? 01:01 JohnnyComeL8ly You are welcome, btw. :-) 01:02 whtemple1959 JohnnyComel8ly: see you soon 01:15 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Default/mapgen: Tune biome points and biome depths 13592ca34 http://git.io/vlQGZ (152015-11-04T01:13:46Z) 01:22 rubenwardy JohnnyComeL8ly, he's left now, but > won't work as the log goes to stderr not stdout 01:22 rubenwardy > only logs stdout 01:24 JohnnyComeL8ly Ok, I think I get what you're saying, but is --verbose going to give everything to stdout? 02:12 JohnnyComeL8ly rubenwardy: Is --verbose going to give everything to stdout? 02:13 rubenwardy I very much doubt it 02:13 JohnnyComeL8ly stdout is what you see in the terminal, right? 02:13 rubenwardy no 02:14 rubenwardy you see both stdout and stderr in the terminal 02:14 JohnnyComeL8ly Ok. 02:14 JohnnyComeL8ly I get it now. 02:14 rubenwardy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/688556a5d1910ead2cf06a87af6908110fa9d035/src/log.cpp#L88 02:14 rubenwardy goes to the same place as all the others, it seems 02:15 rubenwardy you can print stderr output to files 02:15 rubenwardy !g bash stderr to file 02:15 MinetestBot rubenwardy: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html 02:15 rubenwardy >&1 02:15 rubenwardy so cmd >&1 filepath 02:15 rubenwardy afaik 02:17 JohnnyComeL8ly (Not trying to put you down) Are you saying that you were wrong about stderr not being captured by > 02:17 JohnnyComeL8ly ? 02:17 rubenwardy no 02:17 rubenwardy > won't capture stderr output 02:17 rubenwardy you need to use a different type of pipe 02:17 JohnnyComeL8ly Does 2> do that? 02:17 rubenwardy the >&1 is the pipe to use 02:17 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh. 02:18 rubenwardy I think 2 is part of the grep 02:18 rubenwardy I'm not sure 02:18 rubenwardy no 02:19 rubenwardy 2> appears to only output stderr, and discards stdout 02:20 JohnnyComeL8ly 3.5 of the howto says 2>&1 converts stderr to stdout 02:21 JohnnyComeL8ly This is interesting. 02:21 JohnnyComeL8ly Thanks, rubenwardy. 02:21 rubenwardy &> 02:21 rubenwardy yeah 02:21 rubenwardy That link was terrible 02:21 rubenwardy bad MinetestBox 02:21 rubenwardy ./bin/minetest --verbose &> log2.txt 02:22 JohnnyComeL8ly That's a bad howto? 02:22 rubenwardy oh, 3.6 was the right one 02:26 rubenwardy Just finished my essay, realised that I've been in size 11pt all this time, and that size 12pt puts me one paragraph over the page limit :'( 02:27 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh, bummer. 02:28 rubenwardy I'm doing "How did the Military influence the development of programming languages?" 02:37 JohnnyComeL8ly rubenwardy, that is interesting... I'm assuming they did substantially, or is it a prank with one word per page? :-P 02:38 rubenwardy It's a maximum limit, you can write less 02:38 rubenwardy but you won't get all the marsk 02:38 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh, is it to make things easier for whoever grades them? 02:38 rubenwardy yeah 02:39 rubenwardy The essay is 20% of the Origins of CS class 02:39 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm sure you used spellcheck, so that should be a problem. 02:39 rubenwardy it counts towards my first year grade 02:39 rubenwardy It doesn't disallow spellcheck 02:40 rubenwardy I'm doing a Computer Science degree, not an English degree :P 02:40 JohnnyComeL8ly :-D 02:41 JohnnyComeL8ly By, CS class you mean "classes" like id and class from CSS, right? 02:41 rubenwardy ? 02:41 rubenwardy no 02:41 rubenwardy class as in module of study 02:42 rubenwardy like Maths class 02:42 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh, so "Origins of ComputerScience class?" 02:42 rubenwardy yeah 02:43 rubenwardy anyway, better get my 5 hours of sleep left (y) 02:45 MinetestBot 02[git] 04est31 -> 03minetest/minetest: Time: use locks again 138f03995 http://git.io/vlQ9g (152015-11-04T03:44:09+01:00) 02:52 JohnnyComeL8ly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3zZLcsZQQM 02:52 JohnnyComeL8ly !link 02:52 est31 !title 02:52 MinetestBot est31: The Most Beautiful Music Ever Composed 2/2 (Instrumental Ave Maria by Michal Lorenc) - YouTube 02:52 est31 you mean 02:52 est31 oh clicky baity 02:52 JohnnyComeL8ly I was just going to try that.... 02:53 JohnnyComeL8ly I was just going to ask him how to download his fresh ncurses-terminal code.... (Arg) 03:06 swift110-phone Hey 03:30 JohnnyComeL8ly Guys, I need help. 03:33 JohnnyComeL8ly The newly compiled MT I just did has a lot of screen flickering... I tried to catch it with a screenshot, but I couldn't... as soon as I pressed Esc (the menu came up) and the flickering stopped. If I press Esc to exit that menu, then the flickering starts up again. 03:41 JohnnyComeL8ly Wait, I got one.... 04:04 JohnnyComeL8ly https://imgur.com/3OJPTp9 04:10 JohnnyComeL8ly What does "INFO[Main]: Audio: Vorbis extension NOT present" mean? 04:34 Hijiri the examples I've seen of groups had the values be numbers, but I could put things like functions or tables in there too, right? 05:25 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest: Mgfractal: Add documentation to conf.example and settingtypes 1364049cf http://git.io/vl7Kv (152015-11-04T05:22:55Z) 06:13 MinetestBot 02[git] 04est31 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix time progressing too fast 13c75ab52 http://git.io/vl7Sx (152015-11-04T07:12:02+01:00) 06:24 swift110-phone Hdy 06:24 swift110-phone Hey 06:26 Hijiri hi 06:28 swift110-phone How r u 06:40 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm dandy... but tired. C'y'all l8r! 06:41 basil60 Hi just tried logging into my remote Minetest server. It was down - when I restarted it, there were a whole bunch of errors. I droped them in Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/9UQBd4fL - if anyone has time to look please? 06:45 JohnnyComeL8ly basil60, it appears you have thyme against you. 06:46 basil60 JohnnyComeL8ly - you've lost me? 06:46 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm joking... but it looks like a file was messed up. 06:46 JohnnyComeL8ly open env_meta.txt in your world folder. 06:47 basil60 JohnnyComeL8ly yep 06:47 JohnnyComeL8ly You opened it? 06:47 basil60 going there 06:48 JohnnyComeL8ly k 06:48 basil60 yep 06:48 JohnnyComeL8ly Is it blank? 06:48 basil60 yep 06:48 JohnnyComeL8ly Error is found 06:49 basil60 how do I rebuild the file? 06:49 JohnnyComeL8ly How many hours has your server been up? 06:49 basil60 not long..it's only a sandbox...nothing really important 06:49 JohnnyComeL8ly game_time = 100 06:50 JohnnyComeL8ly time_of_day = 09000 06:50 JohnnyComeL8ly EnvArgsEnd 06:50 JohnnyComeL8ly That is how a working one should look. 06:51 basil60 3 lines and save? 06:51 JohnnyComeL8ly The first variable is in seconds... afaIk. Yes, save and restart your server. 06:52 basil60 I'll give it a whirl 06:52 JohnnyComeL8ly Idk what causes that to happen, but I've had to do this a couple of times. 06:53 basil60 your a lifesaver..thanks 06:54 JohnnyComeL8ly You are welcome! 06:55 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm tired. C'y'all l8r! 06:55 basil60 I'll document your fix for next time 07:02 swift110-phone Hm 10:02 Out`Of`Control Hi, how disable join/leave messages? 10:14 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Wednesday, and happy Stress Awareness Day! 😃 10:39 fling Is there a mod like dynmap for mc? 12:05 kaeza o/ 12:08 Calinou Out`Of`Control, in Minetest? they are hardcoded :( 12:12 kaeza that's one part that could be implemented in Lua instead of being hardcoded... 12:40 Out`Of`Control Calinou: i see 12:41 Out`Of`Control at last i update from 0.4.10-dev to 0.4.13-dev 12:42 Issue2035 Liberty Land? 12:42 Issue2035 niice 12:42 Issue2035 Love that server too, glad people picked it up 12:42 Issue2035 have a small house there, people got very nice builds there 12:44 Issue2035 i see most of the servers with players are already on 0.4.13 12:56 Out`Of`Control Issue2035: yeah 14:36 alket hi, how to open Shared Locked Door 14:36 alket owned by me 14:37 Obani Shared locked door ? 14:37 Obani What mod is that ? 14:37 alket idk 14:37 Obani On what server ? 14:38 alket VanessaE Dram Builder Survival 14:38 Obani I send you an agent :p 14:38 Obani (me) 14:40 alket what do you mean ? 14:40 Obani alket, let me upload the server medias 14:40 Obani I'm coming in-game 14:41 Megaf Calinou: Hi there 14:42 Megaf [22:27:55] so, gNewSense 3 from years ago runnign GNOME uses the very same amount of RAM that Debian Sid using MATE uses today 14:42 Megaf [22:28:04] https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Megaf/98157d55502211cd4f75/raw/848e10c7bb36e942ed75c5e75a9edba1163e1ec9/gistfile1.txt 14:42 Megaf [22:28:09] https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Megaf/9907f2121e37e71e3eaa/raw/fcd055a8c71d64253e94361772255de020fa4894/gistfile1.txt 14:42 Megaf Calinou: ^ 14:49 alket thanks Obani 14:49 Obani np :) 14:49 Obani alket, highlight me if you have another problem ;) 15:03 JohnnyComeL8ly Hello, everyone who looks at the new messages. ;-) 15:03 Megaf Hey JohnnyComeL8ly 15:03 JohnnyComeL8ly Hello, you must be one of those people! 15:04 JohnnyComeL8ly *Hello, Megaf ... 15:04 Megaf :P 15:04 Megaf usually I am not 15:20 alket can you take an amount of item from a player ? 15:21 alket something like opposite of /give 15:23 Teckla /take 15:23 Teckla Oh, sorry, that's not an answer :) 15:24 Teckla Just suggesting that /take would be cool heh 15:25 rom1504 negative item count in /give ? :p 15:29 kaeza /ban ? 15:29 kaeza <_< 15:30 kaeza or `rm players/$PLAYER` 15:31 swift110 hey all 15:33 PilzAdam alket, /help pulverize 15:34 PilzAdam hmm... seems it doesn't work for other players 15:35 alket yeah :s 15:35 alket something like /take default:cobbelstone 10 15:38 JohnnyComeL8ly Well, how about you edit their inventory? 15:41 alket JohnnyComeL8ly: can that be done while player is playing ? 15:41 JohnnyComeL8ly alket, try looking at the player file... you'll see how much they have in their inventory. 15:41 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm thinking not. 15:42 JohnnyComeL8ly It has never worked to edit the auth.txt for fly,fast in singleplayer. (I've since learned about /grant singleplayer fast,fly ). 15:43 alket JohnnyComeL8ly: yeah that would have been much easier 15:44 JohnnyComeL8ly est31: how do I git your ncurses minetest? 15:45 JohnnyComeL8ly alket: make your own mod. 15:45 est31 JohnnyComeL8ly, https://github.com/est31/minetest/archive/ncurses-console.zip 15:45 alket JohnnyComeL8ly: I don't think thats possible unless the "core" supports it 15:45 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm not sure how useful it would be on a "good" server, but you probably have a use for it. 15:46 JohnnyComeL8ly est31: I know I can get the zip, but I was wanting to do git pull to update it. 15:46 rubenwardy http://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/chapters/itemstacks.html 15:46 JohnnyComeL8ly alket: ^^ 15:46 alket JohnnyComeL8ly: I made a web application for minetest, where you can buy/sell items, buy areas etc. but I can't make it easy so it can take the coins from player :) 15:47 rubenwardy and https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L2509 15:47 alket thanks rubenwardy 15:48 rubenwardy eventually I'll write an inventory chapter too 16:03 rubenwardy Following open.gl 16:03 rubenwardy https://open.gl/ 16:03 rubenwardy Calinou XD 16:09 JohnnyComeL8ly est31: I figured out how do do it with git! 16:09 JohnnyComeL8ly git clone -b ncurses-console https://github.com/est31/minetest.git 16:10 JohnnyComeL8ly I checked src/CMakeLists.txt for "ncurses" and it was there, so I know I got the right code. 16:11 rubenwardy Failed to Create OpenGL Context 16:11 rubenwardy :'( 16:11 rubenwardy Guess I need something newer than OpenGL 16:11 rubenwardy 2.1 16:11 JohnnyComeL8ly lol Yeah, that might help. 16:12 JohnnyComeL8ly Are you using Intel GMA 4500 ? 16:13 rubenwardy integrated graphics 16:13 rubenwardy by Intel 16:13 JohnnyComeL8ly Yeah. 16:14 rubenwardy I'll just use Irrlicht 16:14 rubenwardy I want to experiment with shaders 16:14 JohnnyComeL8ly You're not the one who broke shaders for GMA 4500 are you? 16:14 JohnnyComeL8ly In MT that is. 16:16 rubenwardy No? 16:16 rubenwardy I've never touched Minetest's shaders 16:16 JohnnyComeL8ly My sibs used to be able to play that way on our dad's PC, but now, with 0.4.13 we can't use shaders and the tools look rather "clumsy" (chunky). 16:16 rubenwardy that'll be RealBadAngel 16:16 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh. 16:16 rubenwardy This is offtopic 16:16 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm not in -dev. 16:22 Issue2035 \o\ 16:23 rubenwardy Offtopic, as in I'm offtopic 16:23 rubenwardy JohnnyComeL8ly 16:23 Issue2035 so much people with crappy graphics 16:24 rubenwardy I'm practising with shaders not at all related to MT 16:24 rubenwardy Issue2035, I haven't got around to building a computer yet 16:24 rubenwardy also, *so many 16:25 Issue2035 is not you can choose components and shop guy will build it for a small fee? It is pretty common 16:26 JohnnyComeL8ly The *Issue is that it costs money.... ;-P 16:27 JohnnyComeL8ly Part of the fun is doing it yourself. 16:28 JohnnyComeL8ly I do agree that many people have crappy graphics chips, but that is just the way it is. 16:29 JohnnyComeL8ly Maybe there should be a "module" or something where you can swap the newer shaders for the old ones that work properly. This way, one could have the best of both worlds. 16:29 Issue2035 it feels like MT has some kind of Pentium III with Windows 98SE + android 2.3 community 16:29 JohnnyComeL8ly LOL 16:29 JohnnyComeL8ly I don't think anybody runs that hardware for MT. 16:31 rubenwardy lol 16:31 rubenwardy I have Pentium 16:31 JohnnyComeL8ly III ? 16:31 rubenwardy not sure about III 16:31 rubenwardy Almost certainly not 16:31 Issue2035 i've heared new words today: "performance monkeys", unlike "*ing" one's 16:32 JohnnyComeL8ly Yeah, thats wut I thought. 16:32 Issue2035 I have PIII machine with Win98SE, wonder if minetest will work on Riva TNT Vanta 16:32 JohnnyComeL8ly OH< no. 16:32 Issue2035 collects dust at work 16:32 Issue2035 was changed half a year ago 16:32 Issue2035 Win98SE lives on 16:32 JohnnyComeL8ly That is a Web server, not a PC. 16:33 JohnnyComeL8ly Put media in a folder and serve it up using GNU/Linux+Lighttpd. 16:34 JohnnyComeL8ly Gotta love that server software.... 16:34 Issue2035 back in ~1999 my relative got PII-400Mhz with some kind of 3DFX videocard, that was super neat to play quake on it, Win 95OCR2 though 16:35 JohnnyComeL8ly Where do you live, that you just got a PIII machine retired? 16:35 Issue2035 Ukraine 16:35 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm thinking you must live in the past... ~2003 16:35 JohnnyComeL8ly Oh, ok. 16:35 Issue2035 well it was working nicely 16:35 Issue2035 why retire? 16:36 Issue2035 it needs MS Office, has printer 16:36 JohnnyComeL8ly You said it was changed. 16:36 Issue2035 no internet for it, why pay money for new crap that you don't need? 16:36 Issue2035 yes 16:36 Issue2035 there is another Celeron or Pentium machine with XP 16:37 Issue2035 instead of it 16:37 JohnnyComeL8ly Wait, weren't you the one just complaining about a community that runs Android 2.3? 16:38 Issue2035 I don't buy this consumerism crap about updating Windows (by paying money to MS, no less, people will not update even with pirate one) 16:38 Issue2035 nope 16:38 Issue2035 or yes 16:38 Issue2035 just few mins ago 16:39 Issue2035 there are lots of 2.3 phones 16:39 JohnnyComeL8ly I don't buy into that crap either... I use GNU/Linux. 16:39 JohnnyComeL8ly And I don't really like the Android platform as a whole. 16:39 Issue2035 another big pain in the ***, and manufacturers don't even want to update anything 16:39 JohnnyComeL8ly Yes, right? 16:39 JohnnyComeL8ly It is only about mullah. 16:39 Issue2035 btw, I have 2.3 phone and 4.4 tablet, no updates for me anymore 16:40 JohnnyComeL8ly Sorry. 16:40 JohnnyComeL8ly Which phone? 16:40 JohnnyComeL8ly I might find something for it... on XDA. 16:40 Issue2035 Samsung Gio blabla 16:40 Issue2035 don't 16:40 Issue2035 it works well 16:41 Issue2035 and I rarely use it for internet 16:41 Issue2035 any android phone is piece of vulner*ble ***p, nobody updates them, they just want you to buy a new one, what a silly manufacturers 16:42 Issue2035 I feel like we need that damn nokias back 16:42 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: the txt file from your sugestion is too big for pastie I can break it up into section or paste it to a respnse to your forum email how would you like to take a look at it? 16:43 JohnnyComeL8ly Use paste.ubuntu.com 16:43 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: ^^ 16:44 JohnnyComeL8ly And put a that link in the forum thread too. 16:44 Issue2035 i've seen some tablet with custom Cyanogen, damn it was so slow, slow as 33Mhz PC i played on 16:44 Issue2035 turbo on of course 16:45 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13102681/ 16:46 Issue2035 there is P4 1.7 GHz (slow kind) + Radeon 7(5,2,0)00 available, can test MT there :} 16:46 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: this is refreshing... ;-) 16:47 Issue2035 you know what I missing in old PC? White colour, and HDD cracking, that was also sweat sound 16:47 Issue2035 you was hearing a real work done, now it is fans only 16:48 JohnnyComeL8ly lol 16:48 Issue2035 also 16:48 Issue2035 MT runs under Win 3.11? 16:48 JohnnyComeL8ly ikd 16:48 JohnnyComeL8ly *Idk 16:48 Issue2035 I think some far friend has that 33MHz with DOS and W311 16:49 Issue2035 with 20mb hdd probably 16:49 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: btw the command was /usr/games/minetestserver --verbose --config /home/creator/.minetest/minetest.conf &> /home/creator/mtdebug.txt 16:50 Issue2035 will be real cool to install Coherent Unix on it 16:50 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: Sounds good.... 16:50 whtemple1959 JonnyComeL8ly: I must run an errand I will leave it to you and your brain trust to mull over and decide I if I am a lost cause 16:51 Issue2035 that gregorycu guy is so sneaky, can't even slap him with a few bugz 16:52 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: I don't notice any errors there. 16:53 JohnnyComeL8ly Issue2035, you are fun. 16:55 Issue2035 i see people mentioning flickering 16:55 Issue2035 i have that too in universal craft 16:57 Issue2035 VanessaE: you here, what is the name of crafting guide in your DreamBuilder game? Do you get flickering when changing pages in it? (for the first time) 16:57 VanessaE Unified Inventory 16:58 VanessaE and yes, the pages flicker. minetest engine issue. 16:58 Issue2035 ah 16:58 Issue2035 bugs, bugs everywhere 16:58 VanessaE has something to do with the code that renders items for display in an inventory -- the default inventory does the same thing, just less so. 16:59 Issue2035 also 17:00 Issue2035 VanessaE: you mentioned moretrees shadow tree problem, but I'm getting it too on default trees too on maikerumine's server, really strange 17:00 Issue2035 need to test on SP 17:00 VanessaE that shadow bug only happens with mgv7 17:00 Issue2035 on all trees? 17:00 Issue2035 it was 7, yes 17:00 Issue2035 BUT 17:00 Issue2035 on newly grown trees 17:00 VanessaE mostly with moretrees, but it would affect any mod that uses the spawn_tree() lsystem call 17:01 Issue2035 place and grow them at night, day, ???, faulty shadows! 17:01 Issue2035 i will try it in git version 17:01 VanessaE it has something to do with how the engine manages it's internal voxel manip region that the trees spawn in 17:01 VanessaE hmmmm: *poke* 17:01 * Issue2035 <<< FIX ME! 17:02 Issue2035 need to update minetest_game 17:03 VanessaE Issue2035: update your "more screenshots" in that issue to point to https://imgrush.com/d71a3dd6ffbd 17:03 Issue2035 good to know people are working on water columns fix 17:04 Issue2035 that bug is super horrible 17:04 VanessaE also, your screenshots don't show anything useful 17:04 Issue2035 VanessaE: it is not mine screenshots :) 17:04 VanessaE oh yeah 17:04 Issue2035 VanessaE: btw, look on far towers 17:05 Issue2035 VanessaE: it is in fact very visible ingame, that issue has better screens 17:05 VanessaE ont he distant towers, I see some bits of wood on the outside, is that what you're talking about? 17:06 Issue2035 VanessaE: guh, you are not recognizing the problem, look here https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6941454/6275374/dc7d994e-b87e-11e4-8510-ad05e7115cba.png 17:06 Issue2035 best example 17:06 Issue2035 but yes, often inside of houses are rendered 17:06 Issue2035 that is just super annoying 17:06 Issue2035 MESE block has problems 17:07 VanessaE you talking about those diagonal stripes? 17:08 Issue2035 yes 17:08 Issue2035 they are common 17:08 Issue2035 on houses 17:08 Issue2035 too 17:08 VanessaE ok 17:08 Issue2035 when you walk it is moving and changing too 17:08 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: /home/creator/.minetest/worlds/world/auth.txt 17:09 JohnnyComeL8ly What does that say? 17:09 Issue2035 VanessaE: you can rotate that stripes by changing view angle 17:09 JohnnyComeL8ly btw, I'm soon gonna help my dad with woodworking... no help then. 17:09 JohnnyComeL8ly *no help from me 17:09 VanessaE Issue2035: that effect is called z-fighting 17:10 Issue2035 there were no such problem in earlie MT, i don't remember it, I've noticed it in 0.4.13 17:11 Issue2035 I remember it in other games 17:11 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959, edit your last post with your cmd 17:13 Issue2035 Calinou: you need to fix your README for Carbone-ng, it says "To use this subgame with the Minetest engine, insert this repository as /games/minetest_game" but it is not minetest_game 17:16 Issue2035 started new world and after few steps i"m already seeing z-fighting 50~ away (water vs smth) 17:16 Issue2035 stripe -;ike 17:17 Issue2035 stuttering is hard 17:17 VanessaE water flickering between opaque and transparent? 17:18 Issue2035 no 17:18 Issue2035 like on that screenshot i posted there 17:18 VanessaE weird bug anyway 17:18 Issue2035 stripes 17:18 VanessaE right 17:18 Issue2035 when looking from above 17:18 Issue2035 soo it appears in lots of situaltions 17:19 Issue2035 mese block have this 17:19 VanessaE I've never had the bug you describe happen to me unless I was flying around inside a mesh node (e.g. stairs) 17:19 Issue2035 i've seen it on your server :} 17:19 VanessaE and then it was only z-fighting with the immediately-neighboring face(s)., 17:20 Issue2035 not far from spawn, i will look at it again 17:31 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: the auth.txt file is here...http://paste.ubuntu.com/13103114/ I do not know what you mean by edit my last post with my cmd. I must get out the door and run these errands before my son gets home I will be back in an hour 17:34 Issue2035 фрррр 17:34 Issue2035 ahh* forgot that trees are now requiring light level 13 17:35 Issue2035 was waiting for 10 min to grow, like an idiot 17:35 alket is there just a simple minetest coin ? 17:36 VanessaE alket: maptools has copper, silver, and gold coins. 17:36 VanessaE most servers have that mod, but no one ever uses those coins for some reason 17:36 alket thanks VanessaE 17:37 alket VanessaE: I can't find it here https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=1882 17:37 VanessaE https://github.com/Calinou/maptools/blob/master/craftitems.lua#L12 17:38 alket thanks 17:41 Issue2035 hmm, can I grow them by placing mese lamp to the side of saplinks? 17:41 VanessaE yep 17:42 VanessaE that's exactly what paramat had in mind 17:42 VanessaE super glow glass should also work 17:42 rubenwardy OpenGL is infuriating 17:42 VanessaE rubenwardy: what'chya programming? 17:42 Issue2035 superglow glass? is it not default 17:43 rubenwardy I'm trying to learn to do shaders 17:43 rubenwardy https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/27ec8bf88a6fa611a63a 17:43 Issue2035 infuriating since 1992 %) 17:44 rubenwardy updated to add more info 17:45 Ingar issue is GLEW, not OpenGL 17:45 rubenwardy added all the code 17:46 rubenwardy the errors are in GLU 17:46 rubenwardy if I do #include instead of , the errors are the same 17:46 rubenwardy now has my source code: #https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/27ec8bf88a6fa611a63a 17:48 Ingar you hae a weird glu.h 17:49 Ingar that windows ? 17:49 rubenwardy added the glu.h 17:49 rubenwardy no, lol 17:51 rubenwardy maybe: https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/27ec8bf88a6fa611a63a#file-glu-h-L16 17:51 rubenwardy I use xubuntu 14.0 17:51 rubenwardy 4 17:51 Ingar * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. 17:52 rubenwardy ah 17:52 rubenwardy ffs, mingw 17:52 Ingar mingw-w64 != mingw 17:52 Ingar but, close enough ;) 17:53 rubenwardy how do I fix this? 17:53 rubenwardy I might just reinstall the OS :'( 17:53 Ingar donno what package provides it though, mine might come with the nvidia driver 17:53 alket oh World Edit black areas are still here :s 17:54 rubenwardy I tried setting up mingw earlier this year, and it did this 17:54 rubenwardy lesson learned 17:55 rubenwardy Don't trust online bash scripts even if they look okay, as they may have side effects 17:55 rubenwardy especially sfa_5's 17:59 Ingar hehe 17:59 Ingar if you want to setup mingw on windows, I have a pretty complete guide 18:00 alket nice /mapfix fixes it 18:02 Issue2035 you can make /mapfix 1000 and go on a trip to mountains 18:02 Issue2035 it is very slow, once did /mapfix 200 on new redcrab, max_lag was over 200 18:09 Issue2035 was unable to reproduce tree shadow bug in git version 18:10 Ingar is that where the land gets very dark when you grow trees ? 18:13 Issue2035 yes 18:15 Issue2035 can i disable email notifications from forum? too much of them 18:16 Issue2035 i've deleted 2 pages, disabled it somewhere in control panel... yet no luck 18:20 Ingar Issue2035: getting that all the time 18:20 Ingar (in git) 18:21 Issue2035 o.O 18:21 Ingar trying to make a sshot 18:21 Ingar so you can verify we're talking about the same 18:22 rubenwardy Ingar, I was trying to cross-compile to windows 18:22 Ingar Supertanker2: you supertanker, you here too? :) 18:23 rubenwardy Issue2035, I don't get email notifications from the forum 18:23 rubenwardy do you mean GitHub? 18:23 Ingar Issue2035: ofc, it's night on my map :) 18:23 Issue2035 forum 18:23 rubenwardy https://forum.minetest.net/ucp.php?i=main&mode=subscribed 18:24 rubenwardy unsubscribe from all there 18:24 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: I mean, edit your last post in the forum so that it contains which cmd you used to start the server. 18:24 rubenwardy http://new2.fjcdn.com/pictures/Et+in+star+wars_64f05d_3765697.jpg 18:25 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: ok 18:25 Issue2035 thank you! 18:27 Ingar Issue2035: is it like this http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/minetest/screenshot_20151104_192435.png ? 18:28 Issue2035 Ingar: yes 18:28 Ingar that's a not-so-old git build 18:28 Issue2035 Ingar: if you can, please post about it on github or forum in bugz section 18:29 Issue2035 i get it on 0.4.13 on multiplayer server 18:29 Issue2035 but cannot reproduce in git in single player 18:30 Ingar Issue2035: I wonder if you'd get it if I shared you the map 18:31 Ingar and if there's a topi calready :) 18:32 Ingar *topic 18:32 whtemple1959 JOhnnyComeL8ly: it is posted to the forum 18:36 Issue2035 i don't see any topics about it 18:42 whtemple1959 JohnnnyComeL8ly: could a conflict or a syntax error in my conf file cause the server application to ignore it and move on? 18:45 JohnnyComeL8ly I'm not sure. paste it. 18:45 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959: ^^ 18:47 Ingar anything in the world files I should not publicly share ? 18:47 JohnnyComeL8ly whtemple1959, minetest.conf 18:48 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13104283/ in the map section I seem to have both mg & mgv6 instructions and I think maybe those to are in conflict with each other 18:49 JohnnyComeL8ly Maybe... try to do a minimal conf. 18:49 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: be right back 18:50 PilzAdam Ingar, auth.txt, maybe 18:54 Ingar Issue2035: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13536 18:56 Issue2035 thanks 18:57 Ingar too bad the tower on that map hasn't been finished yet :) 18:57 Issue2035 water is so lazy in MT 18:58 Issue2035 does not flow in newly generated caves 19:00 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: a cong with only creative_mode = true and it still is not processed 19:04 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: if the auth.txt file and the worl.mt files can be edited is there another file where I can put the creative mode command? 19:07 Issue2035 craaaaaaaaaaaaaash 19:08 Issue2035 and log was turned off, ffffs, #0 EmergeThread::run was last one 19:14 Issue2035 VanessaE: any advances on that fog problem? 19:14 VanessaE idk 19:15 Issue2035 VanessaE: your attempt failed, as I understand :) 19:15 VanessaE huh? 19:16 Issue2035 nvmnd 19:17 Issue2035 looking at new mapgen views made me sleepy 19:26 whtemple1959 JohnnyComeL8ly: I must go get my son from school I shall return before dinner 20:20 JBB I cant login on the forum. I tried to reset the passwort and also tried to register the account again. nothing worked. Kann someone help me please? 20:52 Calinou JBB, what happens when you try to log in? what's your forum username? 20:53 Calinou your account is already activated by the way (if it's "jbb") 22:31 AndDT Issue2035: I have Pentium-MMX 166 mhz :) 22:31 AndDT It was my first _own_ machine 22:31 Issue2035 cool 22:32 Issue2035 what is installed on it? 22:32 AndDT And I am from Ukraine too :) 22:32 AndDT Slackware 14.1 22:32 AndDT + freedos 1.0 22:32 AndDT Slackware on 20gb hdd in mobilerack 22:46 Jordach oh baby 22:46 Jordach OH BABY 22:46 Jordach i shouldn't be doing this 22:46 Jordach (i've added experimental PBR support for my Blender models) 23:11 Jordach http://jordach.net/Images/Screenshots/PBR.png