Time Nick Message 01:00 sinichi Hello 01:05 DI3HARD139 hi 02:11 sinichi Hello guys 02:15 zat tsunamis in my country!!!!!!!! 02:16 sinichi tsunami? 02:16 sinichi zat, really? 02:16 zat there was a strong earthquake 02:17 sinichi Ohyeah, Where r you from? 02:18 zat Chile 02:18 sinichi Ooopps, i just see the news.. 02:18 sinichi Yeah, chile has tsunami.. 02:19 zat lol 02:19 sinichi Are you okay zat? 02:19 zat I am not near the coast 02:19 zat :P 02:19 sinichi :-) 02:19 sinichi good to heard.. 02:19 sinichi good to heard that 03:28 herrerad-LIN I keep getting the same error when I try to turn on the public server list in the Client tab, and I don't know what to do about it. 03:28 herrerad-LIN "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LuaError' 03:28 herrerad-LIN what(): C++ exception 03:28 herrerad-LIN fish: Job 1, “minetest” terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)" 03:31 VanessaE what version of minetest? 03:31 herrerad-LIN 0.4.9, from the Software Manager. 03:31 VanessaE that's way old 03:32 VanessaE 0.4.13 is current. 03:32 VanessaE that particular error has probably long since been fixed. 03:32 herrerad-LIN Coolio. 03:33 herrerad-LIN So I just search around for minetest 0.4.13, and I should come across the right thing? 03:33 VanessaE get it from git? 03:33 VanessaE minetest.net is the main site 03:33 VanessaE there are download links and links to the sources. 03:33 VanessaE building it is easy. 03:33 herrerad-LIN Right on. Thanks so much. 03:33 VanessaE yw 03:38 herrerad-LIN Oh boy, so I'm looking at Exact hits and Other hits... Do I pick one from each category, like? or does one of the top ones have everything? 03:38 VanessaE http://www.minetest.net/downloads/ 03:39 VanessaE see also, the daily-builds PPA: https://launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/ubuntu/daily-builds 03:39 VanessaE or the stable PPA if you want to stick to 0.4.13 and other official releases, https://launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/ubuntu/stable 03:39 VanessaE sources are at https://github.com/minetest/minetest 03:40 VanessaE primary game content is /minetest_game 05:04 sinichi Hello guys 05:04 sinichi Would you tell me what is minetest? Is that some like dalnet, freenode? Or.. 07:05 CWz [off] https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=92&p=191454#p191454 <--- Necro poster. seems not only that "defaultskinners" cannot read signs but also cannot read dates 07:07 MinetestBot 02[git] 04kwolekr -> 03minetest/minetest: Ore: Add puff ore type 13dcbb953 http://git.io/vne90 (152015-09-17T03:04:50-04:00) 07:58 M_Angel_ now? 09:10 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Thursday, and happy Apple Dumpling Day! 😃 09:28 RealBadAngel JamesTait, one day i will catch you without day tag and you will look like without pants :P 09:29 * JamesTait chuckles 09:30 RealBadAngel :) 11:36 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Flowers: Add waterlily and add to mapgen 134bb9652 http://git.io/vnvdh (152015-09-17T12:34:17+01:00) 13:59 Jordach uwotminetest 13:59 Jordach http://jordach.net/Images/Screenshots/screenshot_20150917_145606.png 14:00 est31 wow 14:01 Jordach -5km and a insane amount of stone above my head 14:02 Jordach (also using the 100% lossy mode of the admin pick, tired of ctrl+v-in /pulverize) 14:06 Jordach est31, if you built a large enough cube with lighting, you could mistake it for an overworld :^) 14:06 Jordach regardless of heigt 14:07 Jordach est31, http://jordach.net/Images/Screenshots/screenshot_20150917_150536.png 14:08 est31 ok 14:31 waressearcher2 Jordach: why is there a wall above ? is that all underground ? 14:49 Jordach waressearcher2, yes 14:55 waressearcher2 Jordach: you have 65 fps, what hard ware CPU GPU you use ? 14:58 Jordach AMD A10-6800K, nVidia 750ti (2GB), OpenGL 4.5 15:05 est31 interesting things what users write here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANjrUGLa_sk 15:05 est31 especially the one with "isn't this the game that has a virus" 15:15 waressearcher2 is there any statistic of how faster minetest over minecraft ? or can anyone tell on awerage how faster or slower it is ? 15:17 est31 it depends on which areas you look at 15:17 est31 but I dont know minecraft, so no way I can compare it to minetest 15:17 waressearcher2 on average 15:18 waressearcher2 but it should be faster right ? 15:18 waressearcher2 like c++ over java and other stuff 15:18 waressearcher2 I mean it should be by definition faster 15:18 est31 yea ofc that gives us a headstart 15:20 waressearcher2 est31: that link you posted it says "Category: Science & Technology" why isn't it "gaming" or "entertainment" ? 15:20 est31 dunno ask google 15:21 est31 waressearcher2, just look at the categories minetest, minecraft and minetest's rip offs are put in by the google store 15:21 est31 its totally chaotic 15:21 waressearcher2 but for youtube videos "category" have to be set by uploaders 15:22 est31 then ask the uploader 15:25 waressearcher2 you know that effect when you get out of water then for a few seconds entire screen is wet with drops on it, is there any mod for this ? 15:25 waressearcher2 or I ask too much ? 15:28 est31 that should be possible 15:29 waressearcher2 would be nice effect 15:29 waressearcher2 but that type of feature is not moddable, one need to c++ it with irrlicht 15:31 waressearcher2 Jordach: for that web site jordach.net do you pay per megabite, so the more people download the more you pay ? 15:31 waressearcher2 Jordach: or its like one payment per month no matter how many downloads ? 15:32 sfan5 waressearcher2: i *think* jordach simply has a vps which has a specific bandwidth limit 15:52 MinetestBot 02[git] 04paramat -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Flowers: Make waterlily not walkable. Add missing flower group 13d0fad4b http://git.io/vnJYj (152015-09-17T16:50:11+01:00) 16:11 Aberts19 is anyone here? 16:11 Aberts19 i need some help. 16:11 Aberts19 hello?? 16:12 Calinou Aberts19, yes 16:13 Aberts19 when i try to load a world in windows 64 bit version of minetest, i get Failed to initialize World... I tried removing all my mods, but nothing happened... still the same thing. 16:13 Calinou Aberts19, EnvArgsEnd not found? 16:13 Calinou create a file called env_meta.txt in your world folder, with this content: 16:14 Calinou http://paste.ubuntu.com/12439016/ 16:14 est31 or just remove that file 16:14 est31 usually the error is because the file is empty 16:15 est31 if it isn't there it will create one 16:15 est31 containing the envargsend 16:15 Aberts19 i cant find a world folder anywherE? 16:15 est31 Aberts19, look at debug.txt 16:16 est31 you find debug.txt? 16:16 est31 scroll down 16:16 est31 there will be a minetest log 16:16 est31 logo* 16:16 est31 and below the ppath to the world 16:16 Aberts19 no. cant find that ether? 16:17 Aberts19 i searched the entire mintest installation folder 16:19 Aberts19 ok so i think i may have found a game folder, but its entirely empty. 16:19 Aberts19 other than for minimal folder which has two images? 16:42 waressearcher2 how can something go wrong ? can you just download archive unpack it and run ? 16:42 waressearcher2 or its a failure windows 64 not minetest ? 16:44 Krock don't install it into %programfiles%, use desktop 16:45 Calinou C:\Apps works well too 16:47 Telesight Hello Minetest friends ... is the assumption right that I must select the unstable version of Worledit in MT 0.4.13? See https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=572 16:48 Krock must? no. You can use older versions too 16:48 Telesight Because there should be a Gui too in that version ... 16:59 H-H-H iirc the gui can be installed seperately anyway 17:02 Telesight H-H-H ok, But I thought Worldedit_gui is "out of order" 17:02 H-H-H that i dont know 17:05 nm0i Any way to ban all android users?.. 17:06 est31 nm0i, partly yes 17:11 asl97 the example in the dev wiki error, http://dev.minetest.net/VoxelManip 17:11 asl97 error: line 50, attempt to index local 'heightmap' (a nil value) 17:11 asl97 the doc doesn't say that minetest.get_mapgen_object("heightmap") could return nil 17:12 Telesight Worldedit 1.1 and Unified_inventory gives a crash ... 17:13 Aberts19 i fixed my issue... but now i have another... Im getting a out of memory exception... is there any way i can give minestest more ram? i have 32 GBs? 17:14 est31 Aberts19, thats not your problem, its a minetest bug 17:14 Aberts19 is there a way to fix it? 17:14 Aberts19 im actually enjoying the game with the 100+ mods i have... 17:15 est31 hmmmm, ^ 17:16 Aberts19 yeah... i see where your going, but theres got to be a way to add more memory or do something? 17:18 hmmmm est31, there's nothing we can realistically do unless you want to start contributin to luajit 17:19 est31 hmmmm, the limit can be raised by setting constants for recompiling, no? 17:19 hmmmm ok, you do that then :) 17:19 hmmmm get back to me when you've got it solved 17:20 Aberts19 fun. 17:21 est31 lol 17:21 est31 I've though I've remembered something along those lines 17:22 est31 hmmmm, is the limit lifted if we used different lua environments for different mods? 17:22 Aberts19 im not proffesional with Programming, im just starting to use Github... so im not going to be much of help, considering i don't entirely understand compilation etheir. 17:22 est31 (i mean ofc whether now every mod has the full limit) 17:22 est31 Aberts19, you dont have to understand something in order to do it 17:23 Aberts19 ive heard that before. 17:23 Aberts19 is there a IRC mod? 17:24 est31 yes 17:24 Aberts19 i'd like to get back to my game until it crashes again. 17:26 RealBadAngel Telesight, whats the error? can i have a log? 17:26 Aberts19 ill put it on pastebin 17:28 Telesight Real ... I installed Worldedit 1.1 (that is not a stable version according the site) in combination with Unified_inventory and then Minetest, I will try again ... moment 17:33 Aberts19 odd, now im getting lua errors 17:33 Aberts19 no such file or directory.... And i swear it was working.. 17:35 Telesight Realbadangel : ERROR[main]: UNRECOVERABLE error occurred. Stopping server. Please fix the following error: 17:35 Telesight ERROR[main]: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'worldedit_shortcommands' in callback on_chat_message(): /home/user/.minetest/mods/WorldEdit/worldedit/common.lua:65: attempt to index local 'area' (a nil value) 17:52 waressearcher2 est31: what is "IRC mod" ? 17:52 est31 waressearcher2, connecting your server to irc 17:53 waressearcher2 est31: so you can chat in-game ? 17:55 waressearcher2 when you use your tool and its swinging in you right hand, where that animation can be changed ? or one need use 3d editor for this ? 17:56 Krock src\wieldmesh.cpp 17:58 H-H-H ty Krock i was looking for that also 17:58 Krock not sure if it's actually ther but... np :) 18:00 * Megaf reboots his virtual network of servers and servers host 18:00 Megaf hopefully everything will be back soon 18:02 Megaf !up mt.megaf.info 18:02 MinetestBot mt.megaf.info:30000 is up (7ms) 18:02 Megaf yay! 18:02 Megaf :D 18:02 Megaf $ uptime 18:02 Megaf 14:02:19 up 92 days, 8:12, 1 user, load average: 0.20, 0.05, 0.01 18:02 Megaf Keeping uptime even after reboot xP 18:03 Megaf # uptime 18:03 Megaf 18:02:52 up 2 min, 1 user, load average: 0.22, 0.16, 0.06 18:03 Megaf Thats the host uptime 18:03 waressearcher2 $ uptime 18:04 waressearcher2 10:32:02 up 15 years, 1 user, load average: 0.41, 0.26, 0.36 18:04 Megaf xP 18:11 Megaf Anyone else using XFCE? 18:12 Megaf or WindowMaker? :D 18:12 VanessaE xfce here. 18:13 waressearcher2 rats 18:14 Megaf Why would someone use another desktop? 18:15 Megaf :) 18:15 rom1504 KDE ftw 18:15 waressearcher2 anyone using ffmpeg ? 18:15 waressearcher2 if I concatenate 3 files, video_1,video_2,video_3 and video_2 doesn't have audio track, in output video, after video_1 starts playing video_2 but the audio from video_3, is there a way to make it automatically add silence for a video without audio track ? 18:22 waressearcher2 asl97: checking out on me ? 18:23 waressearcher2 I just thought if we started talking about desktop stuff why not to talk ffmpeg 18:23 asl97 you got me, i was going to point you to ffmpeg but wanted to check if you are already there before i say anything 18:28 asl97 i am trying out multithreading atm 18:31 Calinou Megaf, I am on Xfce 18:31 MinetestBot 02[git] 04est31 -> 03minetest/minetest: Send proper block to old clients for swap_node calls 1394f1e5d http://git.io/vnU8N (152015-09-17T20:23:31+02:00) 18:39 * Megaf grabs a pint of hot chocolate 18:42 waressearcher2 "I am on Xfce", new drug in town ? 18:58 Megaf waressearcher2: the best drug, it acts pretty fast and brings happines 18:58 Megaf It's also small 19:00 VanessaE haha 19:14 tolrinju toki 19:14 tolrinju woops hello 19:14 VanessaE hi 19:16 tolrinju hello, I have a question about an error I am getting, I am using a windows msvc build and everything seems to be working properly I just can't seem to generate a world 19:16 tolrinju any ideas? 19:16 VanessaE are you running it from within the zip file? 19:18 VanessaE you have to extract the contents of the ZIP into a folder first, and then run bin/minetest.exe. check the ownership/privileges of the minetest folder and of the folder it resides in (e.g. C:\ or whatever) 19:18 tolrinju no I extracted it to a folder on C:/ 19:18 tolrinju ok will do... 19:19 Robert_Zenz tolrinju, you did select any mapgen except singlenode? Because singlenode does nothing. 19:20 WSDguy2014 Hello guys, i have problem, previous website on minetest.com theres have a old version download, but in latest website, no longer has a old version download :( 19:20 VanessaE WSDguy2014: minetest.com is not the official site. 19:20 VanessaE it's minetest.net 19:20 tolrinju Yes robert I have, I checked v5-7 19:21 WSDguy2014 yes i know, but theres no old version download 19:21 tolrinju thank you vanessa it was that the permissions 19:21 VanessaE tolrinju: good deal. 19:21 tolrinju I really hate 7 for that lol... 19:21 VanessaE WSDguy2014: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/releases 19:21 tolrinju do you guys play together here? 19:22 VanessaE old versions are there. 19:22 VanessaE tolrinju: not really, no 19:22 VanessaE each of us has our particular preferences so we play in different ways/servers. 19:23 tolrinju ah, maybe one day eh? y'all could make one nice server fun for all 19:23 WSDguy2014 i downloaded old version 0.4.3, only source code, but where is original? 19:23 VanessaE no idea. 19:24 VanessaE why the hell would you want such an old version? 19:24 VanessaE even redcrab's server is newer than THAT 19:26 WSDguy2014 GOD DAMMIT. Guys, can we have old version 0.4.3? 19:26 WSDguy2014 i missed 19:26 CWz back in 0.4.4 days dev means it's older then stable 19:26 VanessaE just build it. 19:26 CWz everything was backwards then 19:27 VanessaE WSDguy2014: why would anyone even KEEP such an old version? 19:27 VanessaE 0.4.3 was like, 3 years ago 19:28 WSDguy2014 it has no longer have origional old version 0.4.3 on minetest forum, how i do run game version 0.4.3 on soruce code? 19:28 Calinou what can I use to increase a whole video's gamma? 19:29 VanessaE WSDguy2014: you don't. 19:29 CWz some kind of video editing softwhere or vlc 19:29 VanessaE 0.4.3 is too old to use anymore 19:29 VanessaE you can't run a server with it that works with modern clients 19:30 Calinou I want to save that video afterwards 19:30 VanessaE and it doesn't have anything more than the modern code does. 19:30 VanessaE Calinou: avidemux? 19:30 VanessaE I think it has such adjustments 19:30 Calinou Openshot has "Gamma" effect 19:30 CWz i use openshot 19:30 WSDguy2014 i seen chainlynx's let's play on part 1, have version 0.4.3 19:31 VanessaE WSDguy2014: 0.4.3 is obsolete. 19:31 CWz i think he made that video in archaic days of old 19:33 WSDguy2014 i used internet Archive Wayback, to download version 0.4.3, its dosen't work. GODDAMIT. 19:33 VanessaE WSDguy2014: the simple fact is, if you want that version, you will have to build it yourself. 19:33 Calinou I'm exporting the video, takes a while (it's vp8 + vorbis) 19:33 VanessaE USE 0.4.13! 19:34 WSDguy2014 aha, download this old version 0.4.3 ---> https://github.com/downloads/minetest/minetest/minetest-0.4.3-win32.zip 19:34 asl97 why are you telling us to download an old version? why would we even want to download it? 19:35 CWz WSDguy2014: https://github.com/downloads/minetest/minetest/minetest-0.4.3-win32.zip 19:37 Hisforever I'm in my mine can I save thye location to come back to it? 19:37 VanessaE Hisforever: /sethome 19:37 VanessaE but of course you only get one "home" 19:37 WSDguy2014 i have problem, threes no download with win64 bit on old version 0.4.3 19:38 VanessaE WSDguy2014: stop asking about old-ass versions! 19:38 WSDguy2014 allright, bye. 19:38 CWz does it really matter 32bit apps work on 64bit 19:38 VanessaE ... 19:38 Hisforever ty VanessaE I will not do that 19:39 CWz VanessaE: that was just odd 19:39 VanessaE CWz: yes. 19:39 VanessaE [off] he always seems to ask weird questions like that. 19:46 * CWz is creeped out by cheapies mtskin due to it lacking a mouth 19:47 tolrinju this game is pretty nice 20:23 basil60 Hi trying to get a minetest server running on Ubuntu 12.04; is minetestc55.tar.gz the right tar to download? 20:24 asl97 isn't that older than old? 20:25 waressearcher2 asl97: you mean ubuntu 12.04 or minetestc55.tar.gz ? 20:25 asl97 minetestc55.tar.gz 20:25 basil60 it's the only one I could find that seemed to be right for 12.04 20:25 basil60 I'd certainly prefer the latest update 20:25 waressearcher2 linux that is 3.5 years old can have libraries compatibility issues with new software 20:25 asl97 basil60: unless you got a special reason, you should use the package manager to download it 20:26 basil60 apt-get install or ppa? 20:28 RealBadAngel basil60, https://github.com/minetest/minetest 20:32 basil60 realbadangel: tried to install git - E: Unable to locate package git-core 20:33 RealBadAngel install git first 20:33 T4im git-core is obsolete under debian, probably under ubuntu too 20:34 RealBadAngel sudo apt-get update 20:34 RealBadAngel sudo apt-get install git 20:35 basil60 I was usuing github instructions...thanks.. 20:36 RealBadAngel tell me if it worked for you 20:38 RealBadAngel btw, theres no need (if youre not a dev) to be in sync with git 20:38 RealBadAngel you can just download whole sources in one zip 20:39 RealBadAngel https://github.com/minetest/minetest/archive/master.zip 20:39 basil60 looks good ... is this going to get the latest..git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git 20:40 RealBadAngel and use http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit/ 20:40 RealBadAngel command line is masochism 20:40 * T4im likes the command line :( 20:41 basil60 I'm not strong on command line....but the server is remote 20:41 RealBadAngel that client is pretty nice 20:42 RealBadAngel german made, not chinese ;) 20:43 basil60 realbadangel - it's cloned in ok....is cmake the next step? 20:44 RealBadAngel cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 20:44 RealBadAngel thats if you want portable version 20:44 RealBadAngel all the files will be kept local, in this very dir 20:44 basil60 or = TRUE....it won't be portable 20:45 asl97 basil60: you sure you want to run a dev version? 20:45 basil60 no.... 20:45 RealBadAngel oh cmon 20:45 RealBadAngel first time 20:45 RealBadAngel its like meeting a virgin ;) 20:45 asl97 that's why i said to install from repo, all those stuff are only needed if you want the latest dev version 20:45 basil60 first timer...other than playing a windows version 20:46 RealBadAngel asl97, do you hold the keys to the keylock or what? 20:46 RealBadAngel let the man try ;) 20:47 basil60 -bash: cmake: command not found 20:47 RealBadAngel aw 20:47 basil60 there's a cmake dir 20:47 RealBadAngel you need to install c++ in the first place 20:47 T4im and a cmake in apt-get ;) 20:48 RealBadAngel you need c compiler 20:49 basil60 g++, or other comiler 20:49 basil60 compiler 20:50 asl97 this is why avg people don't use linux, it's too much work for avg user, you need this and you need that just to play a game 20:53 RealBadAngel asl97, theres just one liner script to do that all 20:54 RealBadAngel and being MICROSOFT user is not an excuse here 20:54 asl97 i am A FEDORA user 20:55 RealBadAngel but you acted like a bill fan :P 20:55 RealBadAngel hes rich enough, use your brain to get things 20:55 asl97 bill is shit, switching usb port need to install the stupid driver which take mins 20:56 asl97 every time i switch port, i need to wait for it to do stuff 20:57 T4im "Windows noticed, that you moved the USB device to another port. Please restart for that change to take effect" 20:57 RealBadAngel thats a way to push you to upgrade 20:57 basil60 realbadangel compiled ok 20:57 RealBadAngel they do that all the time 20:58 asl97 also most auto install rubbish script tend to auto install without asking for confirmation, end up bloating my installation, this apply to all os 20:58 RealBadAngel and with every upgrade you have to fiddle with commercials 20:58 asl97 i do install things manually, but for other user, i tend to tell them to use the repo since it is simpler 20:59 RealBadAngel basil60, so go on 21:00 RealBadAngel once you have get all the deps, next time you will want to recompile will be damd easy 21:00 basil60 tried ./bin/minetest..................but it says no uch file or directory. Bin is there..it doe appear to be empty 21:01 asl97 basil60: have you done the cmake and make? 21:01 RealBadAngel do you have mc installed? 21:01 asl97 mc? 21:01 basil60 server?????? 21:02 asl97 mc don't mean minecraft does it :| 21:02 RealBadAngel damn 21:02 RealBadAngel sudo apt-get install mc 21:03 basil60 might have missed make...I'll go back... make -j (what does j stand for) 21:03 asl97 why mc? 21:03 RealBadAngel its Midnight Commander 21:03 RealBadAngel not the fucker 21:04 asl97 that didn't answer the why part 21:04 Siva_Machina because mc is an abbreviation or Midnight Commander.... 21:04 RealBadAngel im demoscene coder, i used to inventions like that :P 21:05 Siva_Machina maybe* 21:05 basil60 I'll go back... make -j (what does j stand for)????? 21:05 RealBadAngel i do remember Norton Commander even :P 21:05 asl97 basil60: there should be a number after the j, it for the number of core to use for running make 21:06 T4im what if they switched it for minecraft in the meantime :o 21:06 RealBadAngel im using -j2 usually 21:06 RealBadAngel but thats doesnt really matter 21:06 T4im cores +1 wasn't it? 21:07 RealBadAngel point is he got it "compiled" but cannot start it 21:07 asl97 T4im: that is only when your os cpu scheduler suck 21:07 T4im hah, ok 21:07 RealBadAngel i wanted familiar env for me to take a screenie 21:07 RealBadAngel so i could see whats going on 21:08 basil60 so if I have acces to only 1 core - make -j1 ???? 21:08 T4im or just "make" 21:08 RealBadAngel omit the j 21:08 RealBadAngel just make it ;) 21:08 asl97 iirc, someone on this channel suggested make -j${nproc} 21:09 basil60 making now..... 21:09 RealBadAngel make without any additional parameters worsk 21:09 RealBadAngel *works 21:10 asl97 mc is a cool i suppose, but it isn't needed to build minetest is it? 21:10 asl97 there no reason to install it 21:10 RealBadAngel asl97, ha ha 21:10 RealBadAngel thats just an usefull app 21:10 RealBadAngel which im used to 21:10 T4im norton commander.. that was quite useful in dos, inded :D 21:11 RealBadAngel so mc is 21:11 asl97 (in other words, you got me to install it to see how it look like :|) 21:11 T4im just that bash isn't dos :P 21:12 RealBadAngel ofc bash is not dos 21:12 RealBadAngel but riding a client with two windows opened is fun 21:13 RealBadAngel pure command line is just for freaks :P 21:13 asl97 :| 21:14 T4im $yes no 21:14 T4im > yes - output a string repeatedly until killed 21:14 T4im :P 21:14 asl97 command line is useful, gui is just bloat 21:17 basil60 [100%] Built target minetest 21:17 basil60 root@deafuisp8z:/home/minetest# ./bin/minetest 21:17 basil60 2015-09-17 17:16:44: ERROR[Main]: Couldn't find a locale directory! 21:17 basil60 2015-09-17 17:16:44: ERROR[Main]: Subgame specified in default_game [minetest] is invalid. 21:17 basil60 2015-09-17 17:16:44: ACTION[Main]: Irrlicht: Error: Need running XServer to start Irrlicht Engine. 21:17 basil60 2015-09-17 17:16:44: ACTION[Main]: Irrlicht: Could not open display, set DISPLAY variable 21:17 basil60 Segmentation fault 21:17 asl97 no x server? 21:18 RealBadAngel lol 21:18 asl97 wayland? (or whatever it is call) 21:18 RealBadAngel sorry mt is not ascii rendering :P 21:18 T4im you should not really start minetest as root 21:18 basil60 sorry... 21:18 T4im it also explains why DISPLAY wasn't found ;) 21:19 asl97 basil60: got flood kick 21:19 RealBadAngel no X 21:19 basil60 new server..I'll have to setup a new user 21:19 RealBadAngel that sounds like another X file 21:19 asl97 oh, running as server 21:19 asl97 use the minetestserver to start it 21:19 RealBadAngel somebody call Moulder here 21:20 T4im great, now I have that catchy tune in my head again, thank you :P 21:20 RealBadAngel np :P 21:20 basil60 asl97 - ????? minetestserver to start it??? 21:21 asl97 in ./bin 21:21 RealBadAngel basil60, do you have any X server running? 21:21 asl97 RealBadAngel: running the minetest server doesn't need X 21:21 basil60 nope...didn't think I'd need to on the server 21:22 RealBadAngel he was tryin to launch the client... 21:22 RealBadAngel not the server :P 21:22 asl97 i know 21:23 RealBadAngel client is dependent on irrlicht 21:23 RealBadAngel it wont start without it 21:23 RealBadAngel server can 21:23 basil60 I was trying to follow instructions on git hub..how do i start it as a server? 21:24 asl97 basil60: use the minetestserver in ./bin 21:24 basil60 I'll try....have to dash for now...guys....realy aprreciaate your help. 21:25 basil60 your awesome 21:26 RealBadAngel nice 21:26 RealBadAngel i just wanted to know if it was helpfull 21:27 RealBadAngel anyway, why newcomer always wants to run the serv er? 21:27 RealBadAngel instead of just playing... 21:29 RealBadAngel Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. 21:35 waressearcher2 RealBadAngel: "command line is masochism why 21:35 waressearcher2 RealBadAngel: "command line is masochism", why don't you write GUI for all console commands in minetest ? 21:37 RealBadAngel waressearcher2, just get mc 21:38 RealBadAngel and im not using console in game 21:38 RealBadAngel no need :P 21:42 waressearcher2 RealBadAngel: how do you teleport ? 21:45 RealBadAngel hmmm, i wear my boot and think where should i go 21:45 RealBadAngel then i just call movement routines 21:46 RealBadAngel afteer some time im there :P 21:49 RealBadAngel meanwhile im teleporting myself to the bed 21:56 wilkgr I noticed something strange on the forums. On the 5th September (my birthday) I uploaded a map (semi-automatic farm that was infinitely expandable). Today, I can't find it. 21:57 wilkgr I noticed the same thing with a different post I once made, which I can only find on the moontest.org backup forum. 21:58 wilkgr Any ideas why? 22:03 waressearcher2 illuminati 22:05 waressearcher2 they are everywhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2PnJ3JYbJY#t=140s 22:05 wilkgr MagmaMusen! 22:06 wilkgr lol "by watching this video you are agreeing to selling your soul to the devil" 22:07 waressearcher2 all your sould belongs to us 22:29 wilkgr Very funny 22:30 wilkgr To be honest, I have watched that one before. 22:31 wilkgr lol 3:24 "Wow this music is annoying" I don't agree.... 22:33 wilkgr Just wondering, has anyone seen it on the forums (my farm), or not?