Time Nick Message 00:01 Pilcrow ^btw, I didn't actually look up what that find command does, I just copied it from worldedit and it works. there's probably other ways. 00:01 Chanku okau 00:04 Chanku So um...mind if I ask a possibly stupid question? 00:04 Chanku what does this line do: local found, _, ipsum, dolor = param:find("^([^%s]+)%s+(.+)$") exactly? 00:04 Chanku I can tell it declares the local variables found, _, ipsum, and dolor 00:05 Chanku but I'm not sure what occurs after that (although I know that dolor's value is being set to something...) 00:07 kaeza_ Chanku http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.find 00:08 Chanku and the "^([^%s]+)%s+(.+)$" string is... 00:09 Pilcrow Chanku: yes, it declares all 4 of them as local variables. param is stored as a string by default. param:find splits the param into parts. the "^([^%s]+)%s+(.+)$" is a [regex?] pattern, to tell it *how* to split param (in this case, it splits by spaces, but obeys quotes if you need a param with spaces). 00:10 Chanku Alright 00:10 Chanku From what I can tell 00:10 Chanku it is Regex 00:15 * Chanku reads over lua Regex 00:17 Pilcrow oh, Chanku, the pastie I sent you will cause an error if the user didn't give it enough params. it needs one more line to fix it. http://pastie.org/10195737#7 00:17 exio4 regex hell 00:17 exio4 we need parser combinators 00:18 Pilcrow exio4: honestly, regex is too crypic for me to have researched it much. I usually just google for a pattern that does what I want, lol... :P 00:19 Chanku I hate regex's.... 00:20 Pilcrow Chanku: yeah... but, at least it works. not like it's any kind of readable though, lol. 00:20 Chanku Yeah 00:20 Chanku They work 00:21 Chanku But they are rather ugly 00:22 Pilcrow agreed. I'm sure there's a more readable way, but it's probably also much more code to do the same thing. 00:22 Chanku True 00:23 Pilcrow btw, Chanku... your nickname reminds me of the old Dreamcast emulator, Chankast... :P 00:24 exio4 Pilcrow: that readable thing you are sure that exists, is called parser combinators 00:25 exio4 instead of ^[0-9]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]+$, you could have somehting like many digit *> char '@' *> many alpha *> char '.' *> many alpha *> endofline 00:25 Pilcrow exio4: ah. I've never heard the term, so I didn't know what that is. 00:26 est31 its not the unix way 00:26 est31 the unix way is knowing the bits of chmod 00:28 exio4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parser_combinator 00:28 exio4 https://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~gmh/pearl.pdf 00:28 est31 first I read perl and thought it would be something interesting 00:29 exio4 it's basically abstracting the boring and cumbersome parts of parsing into parametric/generic high order functions 00:29 est31 then I read haskell 00:29 exio4 it's a functional pearl 00:29 Chanku Pilcrow Heh I actually found out that emulator existed a few months ago....and I made that connection :P 00:31 Pilcrow est31 and exio4: is there any way to do such a thing in a minetest mod? sounds more useful than regex, since it can be more easily understood... 00:32 exio4 I'll implement parser combinators in lua, give me a day 00:32 est31 lol 00:32 est31 cool 00:32 Pilcrow heh 00:35 Pilcrow Chanku: yeah, unfortunately that emulator hasn't seen a single update in 10+ years. but, some of its code did get used in NullDC, which was the origin of the now-thriving Android Dreamcast emulator, Reicast... :D 00:35 * Pilcrow is an emulation junkie 00:36 kaeza__ Pilcrow, regexes aren't that hard once you start using thwm 00:37 exio4 as long as you don't have to mantain them 00:37 kaeza__ Plus Lua's "patterns" are pretty limited 00:39 kaeza__ For example, it doesn't support things like"(foo|bar)" (which sucks btw) 00:39 Pilcrow kaeza__: maybe not, but they're too cryptic to really figure out much. I've been 'using' them for years, and still have to google it whenever I want to do anything new. I'll agree that lua's patterns are pretty bad, though... :P 00:40 kaeza__ :-P 00:40 Chanku Welp 00:41 Chanku This has been slightly productive.... 00:41 Pilcrow lol 00:41 Chanku I now have a very basic group mod thingy... 00:41 Chanku and I do mean VERY basic.... 00:42 Pilcrow well, it's gotta start somewhere, huh? :) 00:42 Chanku Yeah 00:43 Chanku although this is the second time I've actually tried this 00:43 Chanku the first time I couldn't get commands to work 00:43 Chanku and I got some other things in....but I lost the data when I messed up my Debian install and had to reinstall 00:44 Pilcrow ah, yeah. it happens. that's why good backup medium is important. 00:45 Chanku Yup 00:45 Pilcrow although I stick most of my mod projects into my dropbox, so if my computer stops working I've got them on a bunch of other stuff. works pretty well! 00:45 exio4 http://lua-users.org/wiki/FunctionalTuples so cute 00:45 exio4 church-encoding to the rescue 00:47 kaeza__ lol fp 00:48 * kaeza__ hides 00:49 exio4 00:55 exio4 no, we won't "learn" anything even related to FP in 2~ years, AFAIK 00:56 est31 CS? 00:57 exio4 systems engineering, boring stuff 00:57 Pilcrow let's just rebase the minetest modding API around Javascript. sound like a plan? :P 00:58 est31 sounds like a very huge plan 00:58 Pilcrow lol. and bad. 00:58 est31 in my opinion lua is much clearer than js 00:59 est31 there are some areas where it could be better 00:59 est31 but js has just tons of weirdnesses 00:59 exio4 Lua is simple 00:59 exio4 something JS can only wish 00:59 est31 yea, right that 00:59 exio4 if there was a rework on the modding api, I would go with Scheme 00:59 est31 js has faster implementations I guess. 01:00 exio4 then someone could write Javascript, if they wanted 01:00 exio4 given that you write enough reader macros... 01:00 est31 exio4, using scripts for the modding api is not to make modding more complicated, but to make it easier. 01:00 Chanku The Minetest api should use Brainfuck if it were to be rewritten 01:01 exio4 est31: ? 01:01 Pilcrow haha brainfuck 01:01 Pilcrow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck 01:01 est31 exio4, you could have c++ based mods too 01:01 Chanku Although more seriously I'd go with something like Python... 01:01 est31 but their problem is that most people dont like it 01:01 exio4 Python is crap 01:02 est31 no dont come with this snake stuff 01:02 exio4 est31: what'd be wrong with Scheme? 01:02 exio4 Python as a language is a good bad joke that people actually seriously :> 01:02 est31 just my opinion 01:03 Chanku I guess ArnoldC would be another good option then :P 01:03 exio4 est31: I don't know how Scheme wouldn't be "scripty enough" for a modding API, and because of it's lisp syntax and macros, you could also have extremely neat domain specific languages for pretty much anything 01:03 Pilcrow Python's slowness would be the biggest problem though, from a modder standpoint. no one would want to make a Python landgen... :P 01:03 exio4 I didn't even think about performance 01:03 Chanku Another Good option seems to be Malbolge.... 01:04 Chanku http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge 01:04 exio4 yes, I agree 01:04 exio4 :> 01:04 est31 lol 01:04 exio4 between Python and Malboge, I'd go with Malboge, at least that one will make people realize it's a joke 01:04 est31 ('&%:9]!~}|z2Vxwv-,POqponl$Hjig%eB@@>}= 01:04 exio4 :D 01:04 est31 trivial, isn't it? 01:04 Chanku I guess ArnoldC would be better.... http://lhartikk.github.io/ArnoldC/ 01:04 Pilcrow let's just use bash as a modding API and split the commands into their own binaries, lol 01:05 est31 then you can write mods using php 01:06 exio4 PHP yay 01:06 Pilcrow yup. to heck with sandboxing, you cound make a visual file manager as a minetest game. :D 01:06 Chanku Eww php.... 01:06 est31 sandboxing can be done too 01:06 Pilcrow lol 01:06 Pilcrow yes, I'm just being dumb now. 01:06 est31 https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/sandbox/Sandbox-FAQ 01:07 exio4 sandboxing would be easier on a language with a pure language 01:07 exio4 er, 01:07 est31 what is pure 01:07 exio4 on a pure language with a static type system 01:07 exio4 est31: side-effect-less 01:07 est31 side-effect-less? 01:07 exio4 a language without implicit side effects 01:08 Chanku Wait....why don't we write minetest mods in pure x86 assembly? 01:08 Chanku :P 01:08 est31 llvm assembly would be better 01:08 est31 then we could use that other chromium technology 01:08 Chanku ... 01:08 est31 :b 01:09 exio4 modelling sandboxing after a static type system sounds like a neat way to do it 01:09 Chanku I'm not sure if you got the purpose of my x86 assembly joke... 01:09 exio4 :> 01:09 Chanku then again I'm not familiar with llvm assembly so.... 01:10 est31 llvm assembly has the advantage of being portable 01:10 Chanku ah 01:10 est31 basically its like java bytecode just closer to the bare metal 01:10 Chanku my x86 assembly joke was based upon the fact that it's generally regarded as insane and something you just don't want to touch unless necessary or something like that 01:10 est31 this way, you can write a compiler for a language and get it compile on different platforms 01:11 exio4 I like that idea 01:11 Chanku basically x86 assembly very hard to code only in.... 01:11 exio4 nobody writes x86 01:11 exio4 we use it as a final target 01:11 exio4 x86 ASM * 01:11 est31 yea you have to know tons about the operating system 01:13 Pilcrow Chanku: any kind of assembly is something nobody really touches. unless, of course, you're developing a new architecture that doesn't have a proper compiler yet... 01:14 Chanku Again a bit of a joke. 01:14 Pilcrow that, or hacking a game (in certain cases)... 01:16 Pilcrow but yes, Chanku, I got the joke. the brainfuck one was better though; HOW would you do anything useful with THAT? :D 01:17 Chanku Simple 01:17 Chanku VERY slowly and VERY carefully 01:17 Chanku and with several, several, years of practice and learning 01:17 exio4 nah 01:17 exio4 you'd just write a compiler from a nice language to brainfuck 01:17 Chanku Still need to learn brainfuck.... 01:18 exio4 just enough to write a compiler 01:18 est31 brainfuck is an assembler language 01:18 Pilcrow simplest one I can think of though. no jumps or anything... 01:19 Pilcrow https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat 01:29 exio4 uhhm 01:30 exio4 how do work with strings on lua 01:34 est31 ? 01:34 est31 concat? 01:34 exio4 no, I need to index the nth element on a string 01:35 est31 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/829063/how-to-iterate-individual-characters-in-lua-string 01:36 exio4 string.sub(s,i,i) 01:36 exio4 thanks 01:40 Pilcrow oh. haha. something I could've actually helped exio4 with, and I was busy reading something... :P 01:43 exio4 aww 01:44 Chanku Alright so I have a general modding question.... 01:45 Chanku When would it ever be practical to override a node from another mod? 01:46 Pilcrow when your mod needs to 'enhance' what another mod's node does. for example, most hunger mods will override default:apple and farming:bread to add fullness in addition to health (or instead of it, in some cases)... 01:46 Chanku Alright 01:49 Pilcrow Chanku: another simple example is my lava limit mod, which makes trolling harder. it overrides bucket:bucket_lava to add an elevation check into its on_place function (to prevent players placing lava above sea-level: https://github.com/Pilcrow182/lava_limit 01:52 Pilcrow Chanku: although, that lava_limit mod should really check minetest's water_level setting, instead of using a static 0. it was just something I threw together in 5min because someone was asking for it (Calinou, I think?) 01:56 Pilcrow but yeah, exio4, I actually used string.sub in one of my recent mods quite heavily. that mod still needs some major work though. 02:02 exio4 ;_; 02:02 exio4 unfair 02:03 exio4 how do you check if something is an "empty" table? 02:03 Pilcrow exio4: what's unfair? 02:03 exio4 do I need to add nil all over my code? 02:03 Chanku exio4 I'd check the length of a table 02:03 Chanku and if the length is 0/nil then do that...you could probably put it into a function as well.... 02:04 Chanku although I might be incorrect 02:04 Pilcrow exio4: if a table is empty, it still won't be nil. it'll be {}. so to check it something like this should work: if #tablename == 0 then return end 02:05 Chanku Welp that was interesting... 02:05 Chanku I just finished setting up geany to launch minetest upon me clicking execute 02:06 Pilcrow Chanku: oh. that's a good idea! :D 02:06 exio4 thanks 02:06 Pilcrow np 02:06 exio4 I forgot length is O(1) >.> 02:07 exio4 now, this code isn't working 02:07 exio4 I think it'll be easier to rewrite it now that I am used to the syntax 02:07 Pilcrow heh, exio4. decided to learn some more lua? 02:07 exio4 not really 02:08 Chanku I can also start a server from it as well 02:08 Pilcrow Chanku: cool 02:08 Chanku This means that I just have to hit f5 and I can test it quickly :P 02:08 Chanku It also opens up a terminal 02:09 Pilcrow heh. now if only it could interpret your debug log to tell you where an error happened... :P 02:09 exio4 hmm 02:10 exio4 ohhhhhhh damn 02:10 Pilcrow exio4: what exactly are you doing, anyway? you're not a lua programmer.... :D 02:10 Chanku I could probably set that up :P 02:11 Pilcrow (not like it's HARD to become familiar with lua, mind you) 02:12 exio4 Pilcrow: trying to implement some extremely inefficient set of parser combinators 02:12 Pilcrow ohhh, that. 02:14 exio4 ikr :P 02:15 Pilcrow exio4: the best source for general info is the lua website iteslf. they have their own guide. http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html 02:16 exio4 I have it open 02:17 exio4 I am not used to the syntax 02:17 Pilcrow ok, just thought I'd point it out in case. 02:18 Pilcrow really, the only sites I use for minetest modding reference are that guide and dev.minetest.net 02:18 Pilcrow and the occasional stackoverflow post. 02:19 Chanku And that's somewhat done 02:19 Chanku It now prints out what's in debug.txt 02:20 exio4 Pilcrow: being used to having a type system doesn't help either :P 02:20 Chanku I could theoretically use regex to get the first error output and then display what comes after instead... 02:22 exio4 I don't even know how to start debugging this lol 02:22 exio4 http://dpaste.com/0R9KVZJ 02:23 Chanku Well are you getting an error when you run it that starts from there? 02:23 Pilcrow exio4: heh, I know that feels. the first language I learned was QBASIC, and I used it quite a lot. it was SO strange going into other languages and not ending my strings in $ any more... :P 02:23 exio4 there are no errors :( 02:23 Chanku Although I understand the weirdness when you go to a different/new language 02:23 Pilcrow ^ (or declaring variables before using them) 02:23 Chanku Back before I started my programming class I did a bit of java/c programming 02:24 Chanku and the Programming class uses Visual Basic.NET with the .NET 2.0 Framework.... 02:24 Chanku So for a while I had nearly everything written in the java/c way before realizing it was wrong 02:24 Chanku and I had simicolons at the end of several lines... 02:24 Chanku :/ 02:24 exio4 I am laughing at how non idiomatic this code is 02:27 luizrpgluiz I posted my first mod in wip mods community forum 02:27 exio4 hm 02:27 luizrpgluiz a decorative mod still in alpha state 02:28 luizrpgluiz https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12190 02:28 Pilcrow exio4: well. this is too confusing for me. 02:29 Chanku Welp 02:29 exio4 I need more welp 02:30 Pilcrow luizrpgluiz you might want to try and learn how to use git 02:30 Chanku I now have the Minetest server having it's output go into a different .txt file 02:30 Chanku (That's what my welp is for) 02:30 Pilcrow heh. I know you can do that. never really thought of a use for it, but I suppose it would be good for the geany thing... :P 02:30 Chanku I don't have all night to dick around with bash scripts though.... 02:31 Chanku I have two scripts 02:31 Chanku one for server 02:31 Chanku and one for client 02:31 exio4 lots of welp 02:31 Chanku server outputs to debug_server.txt and client outputs to debug 02:31 Pilcrow Chanku: do you have all night to bash around with dick scripts? :P 02:32 Chanku upon running the script it clears out their respective file before launching 02:32 Chanku and Pilcrow I do not 02:32 Pilcrow lol 02:32 Chanku Then upon the server/client dying it prints out what was in the debug file for that program 02:32 Chanku (debug.txt for client, debug_server.txt for server) 02:33 Chanku TBH If I had the time I could have it search the output for the word ERROR and then print out the reast.... 02:33 Chanku *rest 02:33 Pilcrow sorry exio4. is est31 still around? maybe he can understand it more than me. as I said, I only learned about parser combinators today, so trying to figure this out is beyond me... 02:34 Pilcrow Chanku: you could probably do that without any regex or anything. grep for 'ERROR'? 02:35 Chanku True, but I don't thing that grep would output all of the text file I need... 02:35 exio4 I don't know 02:35 exio4 don't worry, I don't understand the code either 02:37 Pilcrow Chanku: I don't remember for sure, but I think there's a cli param to make grep output the line numbers instead of the contents? then you could just use something like cut to output that line and the few after it or something... 02:37 exio4 -c 02:37 exio4 oh 02:37 Pilcrow oh? 02:37 exio4 wait, the number of matches or the line where something matched 02:38 exio4 -c is counting 02:38 Pilcrow exio4: I was thinking the line where something matched. 02:38 exio4 -n is line 02:38 exio4 -n then 02:40 Pilcrow although, that might not actually be necessary. I think everything related to an error has ERROR[main] at the beginning of it, so a simple grep would probably work... 02:41 Zeno` -C 02:41 Zeno` (capital) 02:42 Zeno` oh line numbers 02:42 Zeno` heh 02:42 Pilcrow one thing that does strike me as odd though. if a mod is enabled and then removed, minetest spits out an ERROR[main]: to say the mod couldn't be found. shouldn't that just be a warning, since it doesn't prevent the server from running? 02:42 Zeno` fsck my internet is slow today 02:43 Pilcrow heh. thanks for your contribution even if it was late. bad weather? 02:43 exio4 Zeno`: -C is context, IIRC? 02:44 Zeno` maybe it's bad weather (although weather isn't that bad). Looking up ISP issues/status page now 02:45 Pilcrow raining here again tonight. and it's supposed to be cold tomorrow, for this time of year. around 54F (12C) 02:45 exio4 hmm 02:45 Pilcrow hmm? 02:47 Pilcrow hmm. I now know 3 different code-pasting websites. dpaste, pastie, and pastebin. 02:47 est31 pastebin.ubuntu.com gist.github.com 02:48 exio4 lpaste.net 02:49 Pilcrow oh. forgot about pastebin.ubuntu.com and gist.github.com... the latter doesn't work right in my browser, and the former is ubuntu, therefore, satan. :P 02:50 Pilcrow whelp. looks like Zeno`'s internet really is bad tonight. 02:51 Zeno` err :3 02:51 * exio4 hugs Zeno` 02:52 Pilcrow hey Zeno`. is your connection better now? 02:52 Zeno` this not fair. What am I to do? 02:52 Zeno` Pilcrow, not really 02:52 * Pilcrow hugs Pilcrow 02:52 Zeno` maybe 02:52 Zeno` it comes and goes 02:52 Chanku And done 02:52 Chanku Both scripts now print out the error messages 02:52 Chanku and store it in a debug file 02:53 Pilcrow hey, I was wondering... is there a reason "ignore" is not walkable? it causes weirdness with falling nodes and unloaded chunks... 02:53 exio4 Pilcrow: that's so selfish 02:53 exio4 t 02:54 Pilcrow :P 02:54 Zeno` I thought it was (well kind of... it should stop you falling if it's below you IIRC) 02:56 Zeno` ffs. this internet is shit 02:56 Pilcrow Zeno`: well, it stops you from falling, but I don't really know how. point is, it doesn't stop sand from falling, since it is actually registered with walkable = false... https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/builtin/game/register.lua#L295 02:57 Chanku Both Client and Server both work now... 02:57 Zeno` oh 02:57 Chanku (The scripts that is) 02:57 Chanku So yeah 02:57 Zeno` hmmmm maybe that's the source of the map corruption errors that I and others have 02:57 Pilcrow Zeno`: I'm asking because of this: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2702 02:58 Zeno` Pilcrow, on "Onez' Server" there has been similar problems. Maybe because of lava or water falling 02:58 Zeno` dunno 02:58 Zeno` database corruption happens if people teleport to their home at the bottom of the world (by teleport I mean using /home or travelnet boxes) 03:02 Pilcrow Zeno`: I have no idea. I think flowing water is still a node rather than an object, isn't it? ignore stops nodes, but since sand and such are entities as they fall, it doesn't stop them. also, when sand updates, it checks if the node under it is walkable and if it's not, it turns into an entity and falls. 03:03 Pilcrow so updating sand on a chunk's lower boundary before the chunk below loads will make the sand fall through the ignore, and then the chunk generates and the sand is "stuck" as an entity within solid rock. and even worse if it's the bottom of the world, since it'll be a random entity falling down into nothingness and possibly going out of the bounds of certain numbers... 03:06 Pilcrow I have anecdotal experience with this wrecking my world, too: I was experimenting with programming a quarry-like machine, in a world composed entirely of falling nodes. when it got to the unloaded chunk underneath, the entire surface started to collapse (and obviously, that many falling nodes ground my server to a halt)... :P 03:08 Zeno` lol 03:08 Zeno` speed test doesn't even work because it cannot choose a server to ping 03:08 Zeno` oh there it goes (finally) 03:09 Zeno` 5.51Mbps 03:09 Zeno` seems that ping or name lookup is the main problem 03:10 Pilcrow Zeno`: you run linux right? what happens if you open a terminal and ping google? 03:10 Pilcrow (actually, that can be done in Windows too. I forget windows has a ping as well) 03:11 Zeno` same thing... name lookup takes ages and then after that pings are pretty normal 03:11 Pilcrow huh 03:11 Zeno` e.g. nslookup google.com takes about 15 seconds 03:12 Zeno` ohok 8 seconds 03:12 Pilcrow mine took 0.4 seconds... 03:12 Zeno` $ time nslookup google.com 03:12 Zeno` real 0m8.029s 03:13 Zeno` that doesn't seem good 03:14 Pilcrow not at all 03:14 est31 nslookup is old 03:14 est31 dig is better 03:14 est31 also more minetesty 03:14 Pilcrow est31: what makes dig better? 03:15 est31 its recommended to use dig instead 03:15 est31 by ISC 03:15 est31 but as it seems they now have removed that recommendation again 03:15 est31 ah whatever 03:16 est31 dig is faster to write 03:16 technomancy minetest is all about digging innit 03:16 est31 you don't call your calls like sysctl org.freedesktop.systemd.init-daemon.start 03:16 est31 you call them like rm -rf /* 03:16 Zeno` dig 03:17 Zeno` dig gives up lol 03:17 Zeno` ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached 03:17 Pilcrow lol 03:17 Pilcrow that's pretty bad 03:17 Zeno` dpaste.com I can't connect to at all. GitHub only half loads 03:18 * Zeno` cries 03:18 est31 irc works :D 03:18 est31 and, I guess, minetest too 03:18 est31 dont try one of the dreambuilder servers, also not a crowded one 03:18 est31 but it can be indeed be played 03:18 Pilcrow est31: sort of. he's been lagging behind a bit on irc. it's better than it was before, though... 03:18 est31 you should be patient though 03:24 Chanku Welp that was fun... 03:24 Pilcrow Chanku: was it really? :P 03:24 Chanku Well What I was working on 03:25 Pilcrow heh. nice to have a new project every now and then... :3 03:25 Chanku I have a nice workflow now 03:25 Chanku Yeah 03:26 Chanku TBH I was trying to decide if I wanted to try my hand at making Minecraft Mods or Mintest mods :/ 03:26 Chanku I think I might go with Minetest mods because it doesn't make me want to rip my hair out and punch someone in the face. 03:26 * Pilcrow wonders if Zeno`'s internet still has a pulse 03:26 Zeno` :( 03:27 Pilcrow Chanku: the community here's cooler. B) 03:27 Chanku Yeah 03:27 Chanku Less Drama 03:27 * Chanku tends to watch the Minecraft Modding Community from afar at times 03:27 technomancy why would you mod something that's not OSS 03:27 Chanku Because I like playing it. 03:27 technomancy http://p.hagelb.org/11what.gif 03:28 technomancy sorry 03:28 Chanku hm? 03:28 Chanku I mean I really don't care if something is OSS or not 03:28 technomancy putting a lot of effort into a platform that's controlled by someone whose interests are not aligned with yours 03:28 technomancy just doesn't seem very strategic 03:29 Chanku I wouldn't be modding Minecraft directly,but probably be using an API 03:29 Chanku such as Minecraft Forge... 03:29 Pilcrow Chanku: 'less drama'? maybe... but I heard there was a ton of dev in-fighting before the freeminer guys split of from minetest... I dunno, I didn't follow the github/irc scene at the time... 03:29 Pilcrow *split off 03:29 Chanku albeit from what I can tell Lex is a bit of as asshat 03:29 Chanku oh and I remember that 03:29 Chanku I was actually around at that time 03:29 Chanku albeit a ghost 03:30 technomancy yeah, but at any time they could just pull the plug and you'd be screwed 03:30 Chanku :P 03:30 Chanku and? 03:30 technomancy witness the total abandonment of minecraft pi edition 03:30 Chanku Same could be said to the modders of Skyrim or GTA B 03:30 Chanku *GTA V 03:30 technomancy yeah 03:30 Chanku However people mod because they enjoy it 03:30 Chanku they enjoy the game and they want to make something for it 03:30 Chanku maybe it's something others want 03:30 technomancy but skyrim isn't owned by a company with a long history of fucking with its customers 03:31 Chanku or it's something that one person wants, and thinks others might enjoy 03:31 * Chanku chuckles a little 03:31 hmmmm the reason behind the freeminer split is because certain people wanted to add unstable, untested, broken, generally unwanted shit to the engine 03:31 hmmmm things that should not be in the core and should instead be a mod 03:31 hmmmm thankfully they made a fork where they could release some of their pent-up energy 03:32 Chanku Besides I usually release the source of anything I make/work on... 03:32 Chanku If I think someone might find it, even a little bit useful. 03:32 Pilcrow hmmmm: yeah, I know the whole reasoning behind it, and I agree with you. why do you think I stick with minetest and not freeminer? still, there was quite the heated debates around here at the time... 03:33 Chanku Oh yeah tomorrow I have a few finals.... 03:33 Chanku -_- 03:33 hmmmm I'm glad people make forks 03:33 Pilcrow there ARE some pretty cool things in freeminer, but it's just too unstable... 03:33 hmmmm if they want to go into a separate direction, then fantastic 03:34 Chanku I also have to do some bug-fixing on my Final Project in my programming class (which is Open Source :P If anyone wants the source I can link it :P) 03:34 hmmmm also minetest classic did this 03:34 hmmmm except forked off of 0.3.x 03:34 Chanku I'm glad forks exists period 03:34 Chanku Ex: Debian-Devuan Fork 03:34 hmmmm that's the one without systemd? 03:34 Chanku Yup 03:35 * Chanku is in the anti-systemd camp 03:35 Chanku :3 03:35 hmmmm hehe 03:35 Chanku In fact that's part of the reason I usually build minetest 03:35 Xenoth Quick, everyone either hide or get their weapons! It's time for a FLAMEWAAAR! 03:36 Chanku is because the latest minetest isn't packaged for wheezy/wheezy-backports at this tim 03:36 Chanku *time 03:36 Chanku Hell I mean if you want a few things that systemd offers use something like runit or Epoch 03:36 Pilcrow hmmmm: yeah, I never really understood why people get their undies in a bundle about forks. isn't that kind of what open source is for? if you want to do something the original dev doesn't like, you make a fork, rather than being limited. heck, if the codebase doesn't get too drastically different, you can maybe even share some code... :) 03:37 Chanku like udev and eudev 03:37 hmmmm there are problems though 03:37 Chanku (udev being absorbed into the systemd monster and eudev being udev without the systemd monster part...) 03:37 Xenoth Fork issues? Why can't we all use sporks and get along? :( 03:37 Chanku :P 03:37 hmmmm you have a fragmented community, or no community at all 03:37 Chanku I'm already enjoying this community. 03:38 Chanku Eh... 03:38 Chanku So before I go 03:38 technomancy the main advantage of freeminer seems to be that it doesn't have such an awful name =) 03:38 Chanku anyone want to take a look at the somewhat buggy-mess that is my Final Project in my programming class :P 03:38 hmmmm :) 03:38 Zeno` yeah I'll have a look 03:38 hmmmm for what it's worth, some people attempted to change Minetest 03:38 hmmmm it didn't work out though 03:38 Chanku yeah 03:39 hmmmm a large enough portion of the community wanted to keep things the same 03:39 Chanku hmmmmmmm 03:39 Chanku :P 03:39 Xenoth Chanku: Same. 03:39 Chanku Anywho I'm going to go to bed. Have to get up at 6 AM Tomorrow to go to school.... :/ 03:40 hmmmm bye 03:40 Chanku (It's like 10:39 PM here...) 03:40 Chanku Bye 03:40 Xenoth Night. 03:40 Pilcrow goodnight Chanku 03:40 Chanku I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow 03:40 Chanku Finals 03:40 Xenoth Eh. 03:40 Chanku and again the final project debugging (Written in VB.Net with the 2.0 version of the .NET framework....) 03:41 Pilcrow huh. when did you actually get here, Xenoth? I never saw you sign in. or were you just perpetually signed in, like hmmmm and VanessaE? ;) 03:41 Xenoth Pilcrow: I've been here for ~13 hours. I leave my client idling on my laptop, which is on most of the day. :) 03:42 Pilcrow Xenoth: ah, alright. just curious. 03:43 * Xenoth suspects alterior motives. 03:43 * Pilcrow sits on Pilcrow's head 03:43 * Pilcrow is now donut-shaped 03:43 Pilcrow :P 03:44 Xenoth :P 03:54 Pilcrow_ ah. cool. finally got my KVirc client working. 03:55 Xenoth Hello, not-Pilcrow's-twin 03:56 * Pilcrow_ is actual Pilcrow. was just using webchat before, as I'm lazy... :P 03:57 Xenoth Heh. 03:57 Xenoth Alright, goodnight everyone 03:57 Pilcrow_ sleep well, Xenoth 04:11 * Pilcrow pokes the Zeno` to see if it moves 04:11 * Zeno` grumbles 04:12 Pilcrow heh. so what do you think about the whole 'ignore' thing? 04:12 Zeno` I'm not ignoring anyone! 04:13 Pilcrow no, I mean sand falling through ignore nodes 04:13 Zeno` oh well, it probably shouldn't 04:13 Zeno` well 04:13 Zeno` hmm 04:16 Pilcrow Zeno`: the only problem is, changing it to walkable would cause problems too. as LeMagnesium pointed out in the issue I linked you to, changing it would mean sand nodes and the like won't fall after a chunk under it is loaded, unless an update is manually triggered... 04:17 Zeno` correct. which is why I said "hmm" 04:18 Zeno` I dunno. I'll have to look at the code 04:19 Pilcrow maybe the code that stops players could also stop sand? but then, the falling nodes would still have to be changed lua-side, I think, so that they wouldn't constantly _try_ to fall every time an update is triggered... 04:59 MinetestBot 02[git] 04kwolekr -> 03minetest/minetest: Split ObjDef/ObjDefManager out to objdef.cpp 136c5a696 http://git.io/vTZmJ (152015-05-18T22:30:25-04:00) 05:00 Zeno` damn internet 05:08 Pilcrow Zeno`: still having problems? :\ 05:08 Zeno` yeah 05:08 Zeno` I'll have to ring them up I guess 05:09 Zeno` well I'll leave it until tomorrow since it mainly seems to be restricted to DNS 05:09 Pilcrow that sucks. did you try resetting your router? sometimes that'll do it... 05:09 Zeno` they're doing 3g/4g scheduled maintenance in my postcode (zipcode) today so maybe it's related 05:09 Zeno` even though I'm ADSL 05:09 Pilcrow ah. perhaps... 05:10 Zeno` I'll wait till they close the maintenance issue and if it persists call them then 05:10 Pilcrow Zeno`: what speed does your connection run normally? 05:10 Zeno` s/till/until 05:10 VanessaE 20 kbits...per hour. :) 05:11 Zeno` the speed is normal once DNS resolves 05:11 Pilcrow lol VanessaE 05:11 Zeno` router says 6490 kbps / 886 kbps 05:11 Zeno` which I think is normal 05:11 Zeno` err modem not router 05:13 Zeno` Line Attenuation 29.0 db 15.4 db 05:13 Zeno` is that good? 05:13 Zeno` Noise Margin 12.3 db 14.6 db 05:13 Zeno` sounds impressive 05:13 Pilcrow Zeno`: no idea, sorry 05:13 Zeno` me either 05:14 Pilcrow speedtest.net says I'm runnin at about 23 Mbps down, 4 up right now 05:14 * Zeno` tries speedtest 05:15 Zeno` can't connect 05:15 Zeno` lol 05:15 Zeno` still looking up DNS 05:15 Pilcrow hmm 05:15 Zeno` ah there it is 05:15 VanessaE time to plug in an alternate DNS 05:15 VanessaE is your friend :) 05:15 Zeno` I don't even know what I'm currently using 05:16 VanessaE probably just whatever your ISP specified in the DHCP handshake 05:16 Zeno` yew... I didn't wash my hands after I shook their hands 05:16 VanessaE lol 05:16 * Zeno` wonders how he can change it 05:17 * Pilcrow knows next to nothing about networking 05:17 * Zeno` presses some random buttons 05:18 Zeno` Router Upgrade! 05:18 Zeno` maybe it will install ipv6 for me! 05:19 * Pilcrow tries to ssh into Zeno`'s public IP... lol, or not. 05:19 Zeno` you can try if you like 05:21 Zeno` you can also try to ssh to my server 05:21 Zeno` (most of china does anyway.... what's one more) 05:22 Pilcrow hmm, I've never had to reset this router. our old one was horrible, but we went overboard with our current one and bought a nice $80 dualband n router... 05:23 Zeno` my laptop is in DMZ! 05:23 Pilcrow DMZ!? why would you do that?? 05:24 Zeno` it's called "cbf doing proper port forwarding I'll do it this way" 05:25 Pilcrow lol that is so bad... I'm not even sure how you'd protect a DMZ'd computer... 05:25 Zeno` rely on iptables 05:26 Zeno` i.e. DROP everything and whitelist IPs heh 05:27 Zeno` I call it "laziness that is not laziness" 05:27 Zeno` because it's harder than port forwarding lmao 05:27 Pilcrow lol 05:28 Pilcrow what's the point of it then? :P 05:36 Zeno` there is none 05:36 Zeno` :D 05:36 VanessaE bbl 05:36 * Zeno` waves to VanessaE 05:37 Pilcrow bye VanessaE 05:41 dprc dmz is the hostile network subject to attack; stuff goes out there to protect and segment clients/services hosted within the lan 05:41 dprc traffic originating from dmz can be treated with same fascist filtering as all other external traffic 05:43 Zeno` correct 05:43 Pilcrow no idea what you mean, dprc. I'm not much of a networking guy. I just know dmz is dangerous. 05:43 Zeno` which is why I drop all packets and whitelist those I know 05:44 dprc yes; it is the danger zone :) 05:46 dprc it is basically for machines you control but can not trust - like web servers etc. 05:47 dprc traffic coming from dmz should be treated like it came from the internets' so you do all the same crazy filtering on that for internal clients 05:49 Zeno` like top gun! 05:49 * Zeno` plays the danger zone them song 05:49 Zeno` it's my new startup sound for my laptop 05:50 Zeno` anyway it's not as if I've even had any probALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!!!!!!!lms doing it this way 05:52 dprc "that was the best flying ive seen to date; right up to the part where you got killed." --jester 05:53 Pilcrow lol 06:07 * Pilcrow wants a Raspberry Pi 2 06:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04kwolekr -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix build with libstdc++ 1343702ec http://git.io/vTZu4 (152015-05-19T02:38:48-04:00) 06:46 Pilcrow time for bed. g'night, y'all! 07:42 mazal VanessaE or ThatGraemeGuy around ? 07:44 ThatGraemeGuy I'm here 07:48 mazal ThatGraemeGuy: I just saw with one eye ( I was afk ) thet you and Vanessa was talking about discoloured player names last night. Just wante to give feedback that on survival server at the moment player names are a dark black colour. Don't know if it's relevant 07:49 ThatGraemeGuy yes that's what we were talking about 07:51 mazal k , last night was normal white , but now it's back to that colour again. Will try and remember to give her feedback tonight 08:08 RealBadAngel mazal, that should be solved in current git already https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d2ca662569427d36642660314668e416bf68f3c8 08:09 RealBadAngel at least i think thats the solution 08:10 RealBadAngel https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/23984ef7f0c13f6ae011587ba0488b9ea1bb64f8 08:10 RealBadAngel and this. anyway try to update sources 08:11 mazal Thik that must be done at server side isn't it ? 08:11 mazal think* 08:11 mazal Or is it my engine at client side that is the cause that needs updating ? 08:13 RealBadAngel you have to update your client 08:14 mazal k , thanx 08:22 mazal Ok updated to lastest dev version ( 0.4.12-201505181145 ) Still the same , not fixed 08:31 JamesTait Good morning all; happy May Ray Day! 😃 08:33 ElectronLibre Every time you say that I think "Oh my.. There are people who bothered themselves finding these names". 08:35 * CWz is playing the pc version of minecraft on a tablet. sort of 08:38 CWz and it not playble 08:38 ElectronLibre On a tablet? Not surprising. 08:38 JamesTait ElectronLibre, it's the internet, there are people out there who will try all kinds of crazy stuff. 08:38 JamesTait ElectronLibre, I heard there's a bunch of people who write software and give it away for free. Nutters! 08:39 CWz was trying to play minecraft PC via VNC and it didn't workout to well 08:39 ElectronLibre Games like MC/MT are a difficult to play on tablets, because you would need to replace a bunch of keys and two mouse clicks with taps on a small area. 08:39 ElectronLibre JamesTait, WHAT, you're kidding me? :) 08:39 JamesTait ElectronLibre, it's on the internet, it must be true. 08:40 ElectronLibre Always check. 13:27 CWz I'm now starting to realise why the new touchscreen users build those awful shacks 13:30 CWz building simple things like square shacks is far more easier in tablet. seem even easier then building them on pc. but pc still is better since it's easier to make nicer things 13:42 * twoelk|2 is awaiting a detailed analysis of building styles in regard of input devices on the forum 16:21 daswort hi which fake fire mod adds the smoke? i tried fake_fire and homedecor:fake_fire but both don't have the smoke animation 16:21 VanessaE you have to right-click the fire to get it to start smoking. 16:21 VanessaE and that's the homedecor version, specifically. 16:26 daswort hmm, have uptodate mt and homedecor from git but it does not work. right clicked with empty hand. and particles are activated 16:26 VanessaE try punching then 16:27 rubenwardy Hi all! 16:27 VanessaE hi 16:27 Xanthin Hi rubenwardy. 16:28 daswort VanessaE, left clicking immediatly removes them. even if not in creative 16:29 VanessaE ok so right-click is what should turn on the smoke 16:29 * VanessaE checks 16:30 VanessaE works for me. 16:32 daswort Does not work. Even if i connect as a client to LibertyLands (stable version) i can't toggle it. But i can see smoke other players have toggled. So i guess it is a client problem. VanessaE 16:33 VanessaE must be 16:33 VanessaE I just now tested it by setting a fire with flint+steel and then right-clicking on the fire with an empty hand 16:33 daswort VanessaE, is the immediate removel with left in non-creative wanted? On libertylands it takes some time to remove. 16:34 VanessaE the one on libertylands must be a different fork of fake_fire 16:34 VanessaE for me, it's instant removal and yeah, that's the way it's supposed to be 16:34 VanessaE it could be that you're reaching some number-of-particles limit in your client 16:36 daswort I think the default behaviour should be similar to Liberty Lands, so the user does not remove it accidentally. 16:37 VanessaE I'll consider changing it. 16:38 daswort can't be the particle limit, as i tested it in a empty test world 16:39 daswort is there a way to see what the mod is doing? VanessaE 16:39 * VanessaE shrugs idk :) 16:39 VanessaE well, you could insert a bunch of print() statements into the code 16:39 VanessaE that's what I do when I need such a thing 16:39 VanessaE but as for some kind of "trace" feature, not that I know of 16:43 daswort Started with --verbose and when i click the fire i get the message: "INFO[main]: Ground right-clicked" 16:43 VanessaE odd 16:46 VanessaE bbl 17:16 Krock meow 17:18 * ElectronLibre gives Krock a fish. 17:18 Krock >-)))°> pls 17:18 ElectronLibre ><)))°> <= Mine is different 17:19 twoelk that fishy looks a little sick 17:19 ElectronLibre Which one? 17:19 Jordach ><)))( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 17:19 ElectronLibre ._. 17:19 Jordach ><)))( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) 17:19 ElectronLibre Is that a lol-fish? 17:20 twoelk ? my client seems to garble that 17:20 Jordach ><)))༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ 17:20 YvesLevier Hola. Hey comrades :D 17:20 ElectronLibre Yes, mine too twoelk. 17:21 ElectronLibre Yet, I'm using UTF-8(Unicode). 17:21 ElectronLibre Jordach, you fish look a bit scarry. 17:21 YvesLevier Will Windows Minetest 0.4.12 work on my 0.4.11 server? 17:21 twoelk looking in the logs at irc.minetest.ru, that last one by Jordach doesn't all too healthy 17:21 twoelk +look 17:22 YvesLevier i mean Win clients 17:22 Jordach ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 17:22 ElectronLibre Even irc.minetest.ru can't resolve these characters. 17:23 twoelk hm, a waving potatoe half buried? 17:23 ElectronLibre Hmm, I can't see what it is. You might be right about this potatoe thing. 17:24 Amaz Fish and chips? 17:24 Jordach ^ 17:24 Jordach mmmm 17:24 Jordach i want that now 17:24 Jordach shame 17:25 Jordach i've got sweet and sour rice :( 17:26 exio4 how are you wild people 17:26 * ElectronLibre gives Jordach gives Jordach chips 17:26 Jordach nomnomnomnomnomnomnom 17:26 ElectronLibre Oops.. 17:26 ElectronLibre Me typing while doing something else ^ 17:26 exio4 that happens to me when I start reading something in spanish and switch to irc 17:27 * twoelk is nibbling on tasty bread chips he dried himself 17:27 ElectronLibre Here, some chips for your potatoe-like lol-fish. 17:27 ElectronLibre Same with french, or even english when I'm on a website reading something.. 17:30 daswort YvesLevier, newer clients can play on a older server version. 17:31 YvesLevier daswort: thx :) 17:34 daswort YvesLevier, but version 0.5 will break compatibility. Then the question is above or below 0.5 for multiplay. But 0.5 will take some time, and you can install 2 versions so i won't be a big problem. 17:36 twoelk 0.5 has yet to prove it is not vapourware 17:36 CWz http://pastebin.com/gJWkYDii I am complete clueless to why this results in crash. 17:48 ElectronLibre Anyway, the devs apparently agreed that the next release would probably not be 0.5.0, but 0.4.13. 17:48 ElectronLibre CWz: can you past the crash logs? 17:52 CWz ElectronLibre: http://pastebin.com/a8n1C5Jp 17:52 CWz there 17:53 ElectronLibre Can you tell me what's the number of the line "minetest.register_chatcommand" in your init.lua file please? 17:54 ElectronLibre Oh no, wait. 17:54 ElectronLibre I think I found it. 17:54 ElectronLibre args[1]:get_player_name() 17:54 ElectronLibre You're doing this : minetest.get_player_by_name(args[1]:get_player_name()) knowing that args[1] is a string. 17:54 ElectronLibre Remove the :get_player_name() 18:01 CWz nope still crashes 18:02 Krock why do you split by ','? 18:02 ElectronLibre There might be multiple errors. 18:02 ElectronLibre I just solved this one. 18:03 ElectronLibre Krock is right, most commands use " " as a separator. 18:03 ElectronLibre Could you paste again some crash logs please ? 18:04 Krock minetest.set_player_privs(args[1], minetest.string_to_privs(minetest.setting_get("default_privs"))) 18:05 * Krock pings CWz 18:14 * CWz is confused seems "minetest.set_player_privs(args[1],{minetest.string_to_privs(minetest.setting_get("default_privs"))})" this sets the targets privs to 1 18:14 ElectronLibre 1? 18:14 ElectronLibre The number? 18:14 CWz yes 18:14 ElectronLibre ._. 18:21 CWz something strange is going on there 18:23 ElectronLibre Try to keep your first version for set_player_privs. 18:55 CWz probably going to just use multiple chat commands and give up on the multiple parameters thing 18:58 Krock CWz, you can't learn something when you try a complete different way. The first one looked good 18:59 Krock *completely 19:02 ElectronLibre titortitor.2001 19:03 ElectronLibre oops. 19:03 ElectronLibre Sorry. 19:03 ElectronLibre Wrong chan :D 19:19 niebieski Hey guys, I can't download version 0.4.12 on Ubuntu precise. 19:19 est31 niebieski, from the ppa? 19:19 niebieski Yes. 19:20 Calinou build it yourself 19:20 Calinou and consider upgrading to 14.04 19:20 niebieski Long time ago the build was failed for Percise but now it seems built. 19:20 est31 yes I enabled it again 19:20 est31 but I didnt test whether it installs 19:21 niebieski Why I would consider upgrading ? 19:21 hoodedice got a xubuntu on mac mini (late 2006) =D 19:21 est31 so what exactly is your issue? 19:21 Jordach mfw hoodedice is csuohio 19:21 hoodedice niebieski, precise is 12.04 >_> That is pretty old 19:22 niebieski My issue is that I add the PPA to Ubuntu Software Center and it fetches minetestc55 which is outdated. 19:22 Calinou Why I would consider upgrading ? 19:22 hoodedice I think we got another ppa 19:22 Calinou because support of 12.04 ends sooner than the 14.04 19:22 Calinou and 12.04 has 3 years old software 19:22 Calinou there's nothing to lose, 14.04 is also LTS 19:22 hoodedice that one was indeed deprecated 19:23 est31 niebieski, minetestc55 is outdated, yes 19:23 hoodedice this is the new ppa https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/ubuntu/stable 19:23 niebieski I just installed Precise because of lack of memory anyway. :D 19:23 est31 yes 19:25 hoodedice go for a lighter variant, like xubuntu or lubuntu 19:25 Jordach >lack of memory 19:25 Jordach i installed 14.04 on 512mb 19:25 Jordach DDR 19:25 sd1001 Or archlinux :) 19:26 niebieski Oh, I meant storage space. 19:26 hoodedice inb4 distro wars 19:26 Jordach oh right 19:26 niebieski I'm looking forward trying archlinux. 19:26 sd1001 niebieski: dewit! 19:27 hoodedice XChat, best irc client evar 19:27 Jordach my laptops wifi adapter is so old Linux doesn't come with the fw anymore 19:27 hoodedice missed it so much on windows 19:27 niebieski hoodedice, this is the PPA I'm using. 19:27 sd1001 XChat=best? Erhhh 19:27 hoodedice mintestdevs? 19:27 Jordach Quassel master race 19:27 sd1001 irssi 19:27 hoodedice > QUassel. Jordach, pls 19:27 MinetestBot 02[git] 04rubenwardy -> 03minetest/minetest: Add texture overriding 13603297c http://git.io/vTl1F (152015-05-19T21:27:07+02:00) 19:28 Jordach 80 chars 19:28 Jordach pah 19:28 ElectronLibre XChat isn't maintained anymore. 19:28 hoodedice d'aw 19:28 est31 hexchat is better 19:28 ElectronLibre Use HexChat, the maintained fork. 19:28 hoodedice ehhh used to crash all the time 19:28 ElectronLibre But well, everyone use different client, everyone has different needs. 19:28 Jordach no crashes here on W8.1 19:28 est31 ask in #hexchat the developer is very active 19:29 hoodedice okay okay 19:29 hoodedice I'll someday 19:29 sd1001 You can't keep (he)xchat open in screen on a server 19:29 Jordach sd1001, Quassel Core 19:29 Jordach same thing 19:29 hoodedice also, yaay rubenwardy 19:29 Jordach the Core relays messages to other clients that connect as one person 19:29 sd1001 Uh, cool 19:29 Jordach eg my phone, laptop and desktop can be ME 19:30 Jordach also has an infinite backlog 19:30 sd1001 smart 19:30 sd1001 You can also use a bouncer maybe 19:30 Jordach i had 1.2gb of IRC logs 19:30 Jordach sd1001, the core functions as a bouncer 19:31 sd1001 It seems pretty cool, but I'm too lazy to change now :P 19:31 est31 1.2 GB !? 19:32 niebieski hoodedice, it's not working. 19:32 sd1001 I "only" have 312 M here 19:33 catninja meetings meetings meetings 19:33 hoodedice sudo apt purge minetest, etc, remove it completely 19:33 hoodedice then remove ye olde ppa 19:33 hoodedice then sudo apt-get install minetest from new ppa 19:38 hoodedice btw trying to use codelite but crash on compile + run 19:39 hoodedice if anyone could recommend a nice IDE that is like JetBrains IDEA but for C/C++ and is not CLion and can run on a 32 bit machine... that would be very nice 19:39 Calinou Code::Blocks? 19:39 Calinou Eclipse? 19:40 hoodedice ...and looks like Brackets, but is not Eclipse 19:40 hoodedice (and is not vim or emacs) 19:40 Calinou Atom? 19:40 hoodedice (then again, I might resort to emacs if I find nothing else) 19:41 hoodedice atom looks neat, I'll try it out. Thanks Calinou! 19:42 Calinou :) 19:49 jordan4ibanez Boo 19:59 jordan4ibanez Oh wow did you guys reduce the latency in the servers? 20:01 niebieski hoodedice, I'm downloading it now. 20:02 niebieski Thanks guys. 20:11 hoodedice !next 20:11 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 20:11 MinetestBot 02[git] 04kwolekr -> 03minetest/minetest: Replace instances of std::map with StringMap 13da34a2b http://git.io/vTljB (152015-05-19T16:10:49-04:00) 20:11 niebieski Customer ?! 20:12 niebieski I'm a customer to you ? 20:12 est31 lol 20:13 hoodedice we all are customers to each other. We pay in time and gratitude and goodwill =) 20:14 niebieski Yeah right. 20:14 niebieski You should know who you're dealing with, alright ? 20:14 hoodedice lemme guess 20:15 ElectronLibre (Don't be so upset, it's just a bot's command.) 20:15 hoodedice I give up 20:15 niebieski Me being can't install the game that doesn't mean I'm nothing. 20:16 niebieski That's because I have been on the streets. 20:16 hoodedice *coughs audibly* 20:17 niebieski You're making fun of me ? 20:18 niebieski I know you son. 20:18 hoodedice cool story dad 20:18 hoodedice almost as cool as https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnosleep%2Fcomments%2F2igaa9%2Fa_story_to_scare_my_son%2F&ei=pZpbVc3AMdCIsQSXx4CAAg&usg=AFQjCNHqWmpPcJOeRG2gEpcC0Lz0CCSWbA&bvm=bv.93756505,d.cWc 20:18 hoodedice #GoogleFail 20:19 hoodedice https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2igaa9/a_story_to_scare_my_son/ 20:19 niebieski What ? 20:19 ElectronLibre I remember this story. 20:19 ElectronLibre (Supposed to be) scarry. But also funny. 20:21 niebieski You're trying to infect the system with this URL huh ? 20:21 niebieski I know you Mike! 20:22 hoodedice second link >_> 20:22 hoodedice ayy Kenney! 20:23 Kenney Heya! 20:24 niebieski I've always liked to play a Mafia mobster. 20:24 niebieski I scared you son, admit it. 20:24 hoodedice you didn't scare me 20:24 hoodedice just set off some flags at the NSA =) 20:25 niebieski Yeah yeah, easy to tell behind your screen. :D 20:25 niebieski NSA ? wait let me duckduckgo it. 20:25 hoodedice do it behind 7 proxies 20:26 niebieski You're trying to scare me with some acronyms ? 20:26 niebieski You think that what it takes to scare me, huh ? 20:26 hoodedice > proxy is an acronym 20:27 hoodedice u w0t m8 20:27 niebieski Don't play with me Mike. 20:27 * hoodedice drops mike 20:27 hoodedice OH NO! MIKE!!! 20:28 catninja this channel is so wierd 20:28 catninja ^^ 20:29 niebieski I'll send my men after you Mike. 20:29 ElectronLibre catninja: agree. 20:29 hoodedice catninja, pls 20:29 hoodedice I've seen weirder days 20:30 ElectronLibre Last time I saw something that weird I was talking time paradoxes and kittens' ruling the world. 20:31 Chanku Hey 20:31 Halamix2 hey, run for your life :) 20:32 Chanku hm? 20:32 exio4 about Mafia 20:32 Chanku ?? 20:32 exio4 anyone up for a wolfgame/werewolf? 20:32 Chanku Not atm 20:32 catninja hoodedice: well my parther is called mike 20:33 catninja hoodedice: are you breaking him? 20:33 hoodedice I wish 20:33 hoodedice jk 20:33 catninja hoodedice: he should not be dropped you know. 20:33 hoodedice but you are a ninja 20:34 Kenney ugh, uploading game to App Store...fun. 20:34 niebieski You don't know who you're dealing with. 20:34 niebieski http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xlGk0rdlnQ8/TWFIwPJCskI/AAAAAAAAa34/4mKBflTpBGY/s1600/GODFATHER5.jpg 20:37 catninja aaand I seem to have bugged stuck in skyrim 20:38 catninja hoodedice: well I would not drop him. 20:39 Kenney OH. MY. GOD. 20:39 Kenney Apple actually accepted my game after 1 try...that's the first time ever. 20:41 niebieski hoodedice, I'm joking. 20:42 jordan4ibanez So many new people 20:42 jordan4ibanez Hi new people 20:42 Kenney hi 20:43 Halamix2 hi 20:48 jordan4ibanez woooooo 20:52 hoodedice Kenney, Google Play Store? 20:52 hoodedice images don't seem to load on firefox for some reason >_> 20:53 Kenney Client wants iOS + Android version, Android is a breeze 20:53 hoodedice niebieski, ikr 20:53 Kenney everything is a breeze compared to App Store, even Steam 20:53 hoodedice have fun with apple, Ken 20:53 hoodedice you have stuff on steam? 20:53 Kenney yeah, my game assets 20:53 hoodedice linky? 20:53 Kenney http://store.steampowered.com/app/363550 20:54 hoodedice wow, that's cool 20:56 hoodedice Ken, if you're free, can you look at this topic? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9751 20:56 hoodedice hi Amaz =) 20:56 Amaz Hi hoodedice! 20:58 hoodedice brb, need to switch ethernet cables to do some work 21:06 jordan4ibanez Has anyone ever made a truck in Minetest? 21:08 Chanku jordan4ibanez: made as in, build or made as in mod? 21:10 jordan4ibanez A mod 21:10 Chanku Then I don't think they have...although I am probably wrong.... 21:10 Chanku Well possibly 21:18 Amaz Just released a mod: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12197 21:21 Kenney Cool :D 21:22 Chanku Nice 21:24 niebieski Well done Amaz. 21:24 Amaz Thanks :) 21:24 Chanku Meanwhile my mod is still in the very early stages.... 21:24 hoodedice back 21:24 niebieski It would be good if one could change color using a command. 21:24 Chanku right now is basically a group plug-in that doesn't save across reboot... 21:24 Amaz All mods have to be there at some point Chanku :) 21:26 niebieski There should be a user specific file out there. 21:27 Amaz Yeah, changing the colour via a command would be good. 21:27 Chanku Although my mod will probably be a while... 21:28 Chanku Amaz that shouldn't be too to do though.... 21:28 Amaz Yeah. 21:28 Amaz The other things are more important. 21:28 Chanku True 21:31 Chanku Amaz: 21:31 Chanku If you want I can quickly write the code for the command. 21:32 Amaz Feel free! 21:32 Amaz It would be much appreciated! 21:33 Amaz I'm going to be going in 5 minutes or so, so it would probably be best if you could make a Pull Request on github, if that's alright. 21:33 hoodedice >going to be going 21:34 Hijiri polymorphic use of "going" 21:34 Amaz :) 21:36 Kenney Alright, back to fun work! http://puu.sh/hTsma/888d8bacbc.png 21:36 exio4 Hijiri: lol 21:37 exio4 typechecking a real language sure sounds like a fun task 21:37 Hijiri do linguists have natural language type systems? 21:38 Chanku Hey Amaz 21:39 Chanku If you want I can also add a command that would allow a player to use a 'custom color' 21:39 Amaz Yeah, that would be great! 21:40 Chanku Alright 21:43 hoodedice I really like your idea of using excel to store data Kenney. Not the first idea a programmer would think of haha 21:43 Kenney Yeah well, I kept losing item definitions in the LUA files 21:43 Kenney the sheet gives a great overview 21:44 Halamix2 From Excel you can quickly make CSV and then do what do you want (porgramming/databases/etc.) 21:44 Kenney and serves as a guideline to what nodes have to be created in the first place 21:44 Amaz gtg, night! Chanku, I'll have a look at the code tomorrow, if you've got it done. No worries if you haven't :) 21:44 Kenney Yeah exactly, I'll be creating a tool that converts the CSV to LUA code 21:52 wilkgr Hmmm... 21:52 wilkgr It still ain´t working http://pastebin.com/AUx2hV3k 21:53 wilkgr That´s the entire log file btw 21:59 Chanku And I've run into an issue.... 22:00 Chanku I hate Regex's 22:34 Chanku and pull request sent 22:42 Taoki Hey there. Does anyone know what happened to an old server that was briefly online at some point, called My Little Minetest or something? Yes, it was an experimental MLP mod / game. 22:42 Taoki Went there a couple of months ago, but it disappeared ever since... without the mods being posted either AFAIK 22:49 wilkgr Nope sorry 23:05 Taoki Never mind, found it 23:10 wilkgr ok 23:10 wilkgr Could anyone help me? Minetest is just crashing when I connect to Moontest (the server). http://pastebin.com/AUx2hV3k 23:14 Taoki Weird. Maybe missing textures on the server? It seems to complain about that 23:19 wilkgr Yeah, but it would probably just make those random colour images, right? 23:20 Chanku The thing is 23:20 Chanku it seems to not be able to 23:21 wilkgr Oh 23:21 wilkgr I wish I could join, its a good server. 23:22 wilkgr I used to be able to join 23:22 Chanku hm.... 23:23 Chanku make sure everything is right on your side... 23:23 wilkgr I haven´t changed anything since it worked, to be honest 23:24 Chanku Hrm... 23:24 wilkgr Well, actually, I have removed a couple of mods (mesecon, mobs-plus) but that shouldn´t make any difference, right? The mods get downloaded from the server anywy, afaik 23:26 wilkgr Just tried again and it works! 23:26 Chanku weird 23:26 wilkgr Yeah! 23:26 wilkgr In singleplayer my laptop get really hot so I just disabled 3D clouds and now it works 23:28 wilkgr why does 3d clouds make a difference 23:30 Chanku Something to do with how the clouds are done in the engine I think