Time Nick Message 00:00 exio4 it's the same thing 00:06 wilkgr Hello! 00:06 wilkgr I´m trying to host a server, but minetest just closes when I try to 00:06 wilkgr With the carbone game 00:06 wilkgr *subgame 00:09 exio4 hi wilkgr 00:09 exio4 wilkgr: closes? are you running it on a terminal? 00:09 exio4 wilkgr: there's probably an error or something that would be helpful 00:12 wilkgr Ok, I´ll look at the log 00:14 wilkgr I´ll send you the pastebin link in a sec, is that ok? 00:16 wilkgr Here´s the log: http://pastebin.com/NiABT4e7 00:16 exio4 you'll find the log, paste it, and give us the link, in the channel 00:16 exio4 :D 00:17 wilkgr It´s not everything, just from running the server 00:18 wilkgr Here´s the ´raw´ file: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=NiABT4e7 00:25 exio4 :/ I don't know 00:31 wilkgr Oh, ok 00:31 wilkgr Different question: Does anyone know the node name for the diamond pickaxe? 00:43 Wayward_Tab wilkgr: default:pick_diamond 00:43 wilkgr Thanks 00:44 Wayward_Tab Yw 00:44 wilkgr ¨Cannot give an unknown item¨. 00:44 Wayward_Tab Hmm 00:45 Wayward_Tab I'm looking at the tools.lua, and that's what it says 00:45 exio4 10:02:34: ACTION[main]: World at [F:\.dd\minetest-0.4.11-win64\bin\..\worlds\Carbone server public] isn't this old? 00:45 exio4 wilkgr: you should upgrade to the latest stable, at least 00:45 wilkgr I´m using Voxelgarden, if that matters 00:45 wilkgr Ok, exio4 00:46 exio4 minetest-0.4.11 00:46 exio4 the debug.log should give us details about the minetest build 00:46 wilkgr I download sfan5´s build 00:46 wilkgr I downloaded it a couple of days ago 00:48 wilkgr Oh, the newest is apparently 0.4.12 00:48 wilkgr Ok, I´ll download that, retry 00:50 wilkgr Wayward_Tab, what about voxelgarden? 00:50 Wayward_Tab Should be the same, onless Voxelgarden has a different item string for it 00:51 Wayward_Tab Let me check 00:51 wilkgr ok.. 00:51 wilkgr Thanks a lot 00:53 Wayward_One hmm, it seems Voxelgarden doesn't have it, at least not in the normal place 00:54 wilkgr What do you mean? 00:54 Wayward_Tab It seems Voxelgarden doesn't have diamonds at all 00:55 wilkgr oh, ok 00:55 wilkgr ok 00:55 wilkgr So I´d have to do /giveme default:pick_steel 00:56 Wayward_Tab Yep 00:56 wilkgr ok 00:56 wilkgr That´s the next strongest, right? 00:56 Wayward_One no, that would be mese 00:56 wilkgr Oh, ok 00:56 Wayward_One then steel 00:56 wilkgr Oh well 00:56 wilkgr So, /giveme default:pick_mese 00:57 Wayward_One yes 01:00 wilkgr Could you try this server (it´s mine): 01:02 Wayward_Tab Sure, one sec 01:03 Wayward_Tab Wait, you need your external ip 01:03 Wayward_Tab Go to whatismyip.com 01:05 wilkgr That is my external IP 01:05 wilkgr I did this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=My+IP 01:06 Wayward_Tab Ah, ok 01:06 Wayward_Tab Heh, brain fart on my part 01:08 Wayward_Tab Hmm, I can't connect 01:10 Wayward_Tab Ah, nuts. Sorry, I have to go :/ back in a bit 01:11 wilkgr It´s probably the firewall. Damn. 01:19 wilkgr Ok, last question for now 01:19 wilkgr I´ve got the 3d_armour mod installed and enabled 01:19 wilkgr How do I use the armour? 02:00 technomancy can you have concurrency within lua scripts in minetest? 02:01 est31 nope 02:01 technomancy can you spin off a sub-vm? 02:02 Hijiri what about after(0, blah) where blah itself launches itself with after and 0 02:02 Hijiri when it's done 02:02 technomancy hm... crap. my mod might not be possible then ._. 02:02 Hijiri now give after a message queue and message-reading loop 02:02 Hijiri now you have a mini server 02:02 Hijiri (I have never done this) 02:02 technomancy Hijiri: cooperative multitasking? 02:02 Hijiri give blah a message queue, I mean 02:03 Hijiri like erlangish actor concurrency 02:03 Hijiri I don't know what cooperative multitasking is 02:03 technomancy I want to create computer blocks 02:03 technomancy and have multiple terminals that can run shells on a toy OS I've written 02:04 Hijiri you could give each computer its own message queue and message handling loop then 02:04 Hijiri and then different events would put messages in the queue 02:04 Hijiri like typing stuff or getting messages on a cable 02:05 technomancy could one person's script deadlock the whole server though if it had bugs or was malicious? 02:05 Hijiri I don't know 02:05 Hijiri depends how after works 02:05 Hijiri probably somebody could 02:05 technomancy gotcha; well that's something I can read up on at least 02:05 technomancy do some research 02:05 Hijiri my idea of using after is a hack though 02:06 Hijiri I would look for some better way 02:06 technomancy the problem with cooperative multitasking is it doesn't really work in the presence of bugs and malicious actors 02:06 Hijiri what's cooperative multitasking 02:06 technomancy it's like concurrent threads, but the code in control doesn't lose control until it voluntarily yields control 02:06 technomancy I suspect that's how lua coroutines work 02:07 Hijiri oh, didn't know lua had coroutines 02:07 technomancy lua has them; minetest may not enable them 02:07 Hijiri you could use minetest's timing primitives to keep rerunning a callback as a "server" 02:07 Hijiri that was my hack idea 02:07 Hijiri I don't know if minetest will freeze then if one callback takes too long though 02:08 Hijiri I don't know how minetest splits time between those things 02:08 technomancy windows 9x and mac system pre-X had cooperative multitasking 02:08 technomancy and they didn't really work that well; they didn't even try to support multiple users 02:08 technomancy Hijiri: right; you need a scheduler 02:09 Hijiri I wonder if there would be any way to "sanitize" lua code like that 02:09 technomancy sandboxing it in terms of permissions is easy 02:09 technomancy in terms of time: not so much 02:09 Hijiri insert yields before every function call and loop beginning? 02:09 technomancy hah 02:10 technomancy https://github.com/technomancy/calandria/commit/04988ae1899f0af181f07d254bacf990403cd2c3 02:11 Hijiri I guess minecraft's computercraft had it easier since they could just use Java's threading primitives 02:11 Hijiri or maybe minecraft had its own way of handling threads and the mod could use that 02:11 Hijiri or maybe forge did 02:12 Hijiri but delinquent scripts could still steal time, just it wouldn't lock up the game 02:12 Hijiri I wonder how they handled that? 02:19 wilkgr Is it possible to add extra commands to minetest? 02:23 * Wayward_Tab is back 02:28 Wayward_Tab wilkgr, any luck with the server yet? 03:24 wilkgr The server? I can´t punch a hole into my firewall 03:24 wilkgr Is it possible to add extra commands to minetest? If so, how? 03:24 wilkgr I was looking into creating an /afk command 03:26 est31 yes it is indeed possible wilkgr 03:26 wilkgr How? 03:27 wilkgr I´ll have to make a mod, right? 03:27 est31 either that 03:27 est31 or you directly edit the builtin/chatcommands.lua file 03:27 est31 of course a mod is much cleaner 03:27 wilkgr Is it possible to modify the player name with a mod, so that it could change from ¨wilkgr¨ to ¨wilkgr (away)¨? 03:28 est31 no 03:28 wilkgr Oh 03:28 wilkgr That was what the idea of the mod was 03:28 est31 it is possible to send "* player A is away !!" 03:28 wilkgr No actually modify the name, just the text above the player 03:28 wilkgr *Not 03:29 est31 no that isnt possible 03:29 wilkgr Pity 03:29 wilkgr I was hoping you could do that 03:30 wilkgr Is it possible to display text over a player? 03:31 est31 no 03:31 wilkgr Oh... 03:32 wilkgr Damn 03:32 wilkgr My mod will never be built then, it seems 03:33 VanessaE it is possible. 03:33 VanessaE attach an entity to the player and use code similar to signs_lib to generate text in the entity's texture. 03:34 VanessaE won't look as good as real (TTF) text but it's doable. 03:34 est31 but you can't see the name from far, can you? 03:34 VanessaE no unfortunately 03:34 VanessaE the problem of course is turning off the existing player name display. 04:31 exio4 est31: concurrency doesn't need multiple cores or anything like that 04:31 exio4 est31: concurrency is perfectly fine on a single core and without any kind of actual multithreading, too 04:32 technomancy exio4: that's certainly one definition of concurrency 04:32 technomancy exio4: some people use the word concurrency to mean true concurrency though 04:33 exio4 'true concurrency' being? 04:33 technomancy exio4: multiple things literally happening at the same time 04:33 exio4 that's parallelism :) 04:33 technomancy that's one definition of parallelism, yes 04:34 exio4 http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~djg/teachingMaterials/spac/sophomoricParallelismAndConcurrency.pdf 04:34 exio4 https://ghcmutterings.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/parallelism-concurrency/ 04:34 technomancy right; I get that rob pike is on a crusade to redefine these English words that have been used a certain way for centuries. 04:34 technomancy all I'm saying is that those words have *other* meanings too, and you shouldn't assume everyone uses them the same way as rob pike. 04:36 exio4 yes, it has other meanings too 04:36 exio4 specially when the context is vague 04:37 technomancy before 2011 I had only ever heard of the word "parallelism" used to mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_parallelism 04:37 exio4 technomancy: I'd read that post in that blog, mixing concurrency with parallelism is typical when the only way to do parallelism is using concurrency 04:38 est31 words words words 04:38 est31 I know what schedulers are exio4 04:38 est31 OS schedulers 04:39 exio4 so? how is related to the discussion of parallelism vs concurrency? 04:39 est31 what are those things for you? 04:40 exio4 I would like to know how knowing what an scheduler is changes anything 04:41 technomancy I"m not some kind of crazy purist; I don't mind when people come up with new definitions for words. it's just suuuuuper problematic when the new meaning includes things that are the exact opposite of the old meaning. =( 04:42 exio4 there's no super problematic opposite meaning here 04:42 technomancy traditional concurrency: things happening at the same time 04:42 est31 ah yet another blog post explaining how fuctinonal languages are the best of the world 04:42 technomancy rob pike concurrency: things might be happening at the same time, or they might not be 04:43 est31 and I still dont get what the difference between those terms should be 04:43 est31 I mean what does the blog author even mean with "multiple processors" 04:44 est31 with intel's hyperthreading technology two threads can run in parallel on the same core 04:45 exio4 est31: concurrency is basically interleaved tasks, parallelism is things running at the same time 04:45 kahrl one could argue that even a single sequential process is run in parallel in a modern cpu's pipeline 04:46 est31 yup 04:47 exio4 concurrently running A { a1; a2; a3; }, B { b1; b2; b3 }, C { c1; c2; c3; } would mean running those tasks in an interleaved (and potentially nondeterministic) manner 04:47 exio4 maybe a1; b1; a2; a3; b2; c1; c2; b3; c3 would do it! 04:47 est31 yes 04:47 est31 but parallelism is nondeterministic too 04:47 exio4 parallelism would involve things actually running in parallel 04:47 est31 yes 04:47 est31 I know 04:47 exio4 est31: paralleism isn't non deterministic 04:48 est31 yes 04:48 exio4 est31: it _can_ be 04:48 est31 but what does that mean? 04:48 est31 we still have same issues 04:48 exio4 ? 04:48 est31 if both processess want to work on one resource 04:48 est31 they still have to lock it and whatnot 04:49 exio4 if the resource is immutable, you can just access it 04:49 exio4 you won't need to lock it, as modifying it isn't a posibility 04:49 est31 when you can't modify it, then what does your program do? 04:49 exio4 it'd generae new structures 04:49 est31 compute the answer to the universe and everything and say hey I know it and terminate? 04:49 exio4 generate 04:50 exio4 est31: stop trolling :P 04:51 est31 so its nothing more than a pattern 04:51 est31 still the fact "running on multiple processors" is wrong 04:51 est31 and that result isn't suited for all parallel tasks 04:51 exio4 if you want deterministic parallelism, you have http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/papers/parallel/monad-par.pdf http://community.haskell.org/~simonmar/papers/monad-par.pdf 04:51 exio4 est31: yes, you _can_ mix them 04:51 est31 sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and modify common resources 04:53 exio4 est31: a thing that can be trivially run in parallel, would be two expensives computations in two threads, and then combine the results 04:54 est31 yup 04:54 exio4 if the expensive computations can't / won't mutate external state, it is safe to run them in paralle 04:54 est31 perfectly doable using threads 04:55 est31 What this basically is is a design pattern 04:55 est31 or a coding guideline 04:55 exio4 hmm? 04:55 est31 I mean you can achieve the same with threads 04:55 est31 but here you are limiting yourself so that everything is still safe 04:56 exio4 OS threads are a low-level primitive 04:56 est31 is that bad? 04:56 est31 c++11 has portable threading too 04:56 exio4 it is if you want to be clear when it comes to concepts 04:57 est31 so no "OS" here anymore 04:57 exio4 it's still OS threads 04:57 est31 thats an implementation detail 04:57 est31 it can also be implemented with a scheduler 04:58 est31 at least I think the standard allows it 04:58 est31 (with a non os scheduler) 04:58 technomancy just make windows people use virtualbox geez 04:58 technomancy problem solved;. next? 04:58 exio4 est31: can it? 04:58 * technomancy flees 04:58 est31 !next 04:58 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 05:00 technomancy portability schmortability 05:00 est31 issue is there isn't just windows 05:00 est31 there is also BSD 05:00 technomancy I know; just messing around =) 05:01 technomancy I've had my fair share of bug reports on my own projects from solaris users 05:01 clever ive been using QT lately, and ive now got the same code working on windows, linux (x86+arm), mac, android, and ios 05:01 technomancy well... a solaris user anyway. I'm not convinced there's more than one of them jumping across multiple sockpuppet accounts. 05:01 clever QThread gives cross-platform threads so i dont have to touch c++11 05:02 clever though c++11 still gives issues, QT is built with c++11 enabled, and OSX 10.6 lacks the c++11 libs, so the dynamic linker fails 05:02 est31 but you have to touch qt 05:02 clever yeah 05:02 est31 which opens its own box of problems 05:02 clever i'm using QT heavily for the gui and network as well 05:02 clever so its not like i'm using it for just threads 05:02 est31 basically its an own language based on c++ 05:03 clever now that i think of it, i havent seen any other language that handles parallism as well as the async packet in nodejs 05:03 technomancy you've never seen erlang? 05:03 clever you cant just say here is an array and iter function, do it on all cores 05:04 clever nope 05:04 technomancy you should 05:04 technomancy it's amazing 05:04 exio4 erlang is the king of concurrency 05:04 clever ah neat 05:04 exio4 clever: node.js is just mainstream callback hell 05:05 clever yeah, and technicaly its single threaded 05:05 clever but if you avoid blocking, you can use the callback stuff to maximize a single core 05:05 exio4 http://bartoszmilewski.com/2011/10/10/async-tasks-in-c11-not-quite-there-yet/ 05:05 est31 "mainstream" usually means "alive" 05:06 exio4 est31: nah, it just means abused 05:06 clever technomancy: what kind of platforms does it support? 05:06 clever i'll have to take a look at erlang when i get a chance 05:06 exio4 clever: green threads are really nice for that 05:06 clever exio4: green threads? 05:06 exio4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_threads lightweight tasks managed by the runtime 05:06 clever ah 05:07 exio4 NxM threading is how it is called in some places IIRC 05:07 est31 wiki is bad here 05:07 technomancy http://thisotplife.tumblr.com/post/66878750907/when-i-discovered-everything-is-traceable-in 05:07 est31 you don#t need a fully fledged VM here 05:07 exio4 est31: why? 05:07 est31 a simple threading API is enough 05:07 est31 ok you might want to cut the time into slices 05:08 clever which is basicaly what the OS is doing to run several threads on one core 05:08 est31 yes 05:08 exio4 clever: yes, but green threads tend to be extremely cheap 05:08 est31 or processes 05:09 clever yeah, less context switching and the kernel enter/exit overhead 05:09 exio4 clever: when I mean extremely, I am talking about running 2~M threads in stock hardware with less than 1/2gb of ram usage 05:09 clever and also the kernels overhead to hold threads 05:09 clever every thread needs both kernel and userland stacks, and enough room in kernel to hold all registers 05:10 clever including floating point, though those are only saved at context switch 05:10 exio4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5847642/haskell-lightweight-threads-overhead-and-use-on-multicores 05:10 exio4 GHC's green threads 05:11 clever switching out the value of the FPU registers is expensive 05:11 clever so linux only saves the int registers on kernel enter 05:12 technomancy erlang's processes are sorta similar to lua coroutines in that you can have a bazillion of them with nearly no overhead, but they can actually run literally concurrently since they share no resources 05:12 technomancy they all have independent heaps that can be GC'd in isolation; very cool design 05:12 clever nice 05:12 exio4 green threads :d 05:12 exio4 :D 05:12 clever technomancy: but then how do you move data between things? 05:13 technomancy clever: you have to do message passing, but the whole language is built around ways to make that work well 05:13 clever in the case of chrome, every process has its own JS engine and heap, just due to normal process seperation 05:13 technomancy every process has a mailbox for incoming messages 05:13 clever ah 05:13 clever ive also seen another thing about improving SMP performance 05:13 est31 its basically IPC 05:13 technomancy supervisor trees to ensure processes stay up 05:13 clever one blog i read explained how doing mmap() on one process, would be extremely slow 05:13 technomancy or get restarted when things go wrong 05:14 clever because it must sync up with every core in the machine, and flush the TLB caches 05:14 clever so the other threads dont screw up 05:14 clever and there was a solution by redesigning it to be mailbox based 05:14 technomancy the main difference between erlang message passing and IPC is that erlang processes can share the same objects in memory directly because they're 100% immutable 05:14 technomancy so you don't have to serialize anything to share it 05:14 exio4 yay for immutable data structures 05:15 technomancy erlang is brilliant for network servers. just severely lacking in usability. 05:15 clever technomancy: ah 05:15 clever so what happens if you modify something? 05:16 technomancy there's no way 05:16 technomancy those functions just don't exist 05:16 clever ah 05:16 clever is it like strings in java? 05:16 technomancy basically 05:17 technomancy takes a really different approach to programming, but when you get used to it, you can write really bulletproof servers 05:17 clever from what i can remember, foo = foo + baz; would create a new string 05:17 clever and replace the reference in foo 05:17 clever then the old foo gets GC'd later 05:18 est31 yea 05:18 clever technomancy: would erlang work well for audio DSP like stuff? 05:19 exio4 I don't think it'll work decently for hard-real-time tasks 05:19 technomancy exio4: yeah, that's correct 05:20 exio4 hard-real-time is hard :p 05:20 exio4 if we were talking about soft-real-time, maybe, with tweaks or something similar 08:06 CWz hello zeno 08:36 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Alison Hargreaves Day! 😃 09:02 CWz paragenv7 appear to be broken 09:32 OldCoder Announcing ChainLynx World 09:32 OldCoder ChainLynx Does Not Stynx. Server minetest.org Port 30017 16:33 Jordach eyo RealBadAngel 16:34 RealBadAngel hi Jordach, whats up? 16:34 Jordach not much, waiting for GTA V to redownload, and doing some work for my animation unit 16:35 RealBadAngel im still workin on minimap 16:36 Jordach shaders m8 16:36 Jordach also 16:36 Jordach thread that thing 16:36 Jordach i don't want IO lockups 16:38 RealBadAngel Jordach, im not sure if minimapper can be threaded 16:38 Jordach RealBadAngel, nothing is a problem if you're a programmer 16:38 RealBadAngel because map operations are allowed only from main thread 16:39 RealBadAngel to access them from another thread you would need a copy of scanned area 16:39 RealBadAngel so it would be damn slower imho 16:40 RealBadAngel and btw, ive already splitted scan into many step, so im not seeing fps drops 18:25 est31 I really understand why linus torvalds has added the version 2 enforcement on linux 18:52 TheWild can anyone explain me something odd that is happening in Minetest? When I look straight down and then immediately up, the sky is darker for a fraction of second. 18:55 Krock TheWild, that thing exists since we use irrlicht 18:55 TheWild so it's a matter of irrlicht? 18:55 Krock Is it graphical? Yes. 19:03 Calinou no 19:03 Calinou Krock, stop telling lies like that 19:03 Calinou TheWild, the sky color depends on where you look; the game thinks you're looking at a cave, so the sky and fog become darker to accomodate 19:03 Krock Calinou, what's the problem then? 19:03 Calinou if you look up quickly, you'll see the sky being dark for a moment because the game used to think you were in a cave 19:04 Krock I think we have light level max+1 for that... 19:04 Calinou it has nothing to do with that :P 19:04 Krock okay, would you punish me for my wrong informations? 19:05 TheWild okay, that explain at least something. 19:05 TheWild Thanks Calinou 20:12 AndroidKris anyone know what the archer and guard contracts do in the mobs mod 20:13 ElectronLibre Thay allow you to hire the guards/archers possessed by someone else. 20:51 AndroidKris What's a good seed value for a world that's mostly (like 85%) water? 20:58 Krock2 change the world params, not the seed. 20:59 Amaz Raising the water level would do it. 20:59 AndroidKris After I create the world but before I enter it right? 20:59 Amaz You can just put water_level = x into minetest.conf before you make the world. 21:00 Amaz Or after you make it, but before you enter it, you can change water_level = x in map_meta.txt 21:01 Amaz 25-35 as water height would probably give you 85% water, in mapgen v6. That's just a guess though :) 21:09 AndroidKris Starting with 10 for water level. Do I need to do anything else to get the map to "reset" with the new water level? 21:10 Amaz Is it a new map? 21:10 AndroidKris no 21:10 Amaz Ah, it won't work (very well) then... 21:10 AndroidKris gotcha. I'll start new then. 21:11 Amaz There will be cliffs of water when new mapchucks are generated that border onto sea. 21:11 Amaz It only changes what hasn't been generated. 21:15 AndroidKris I see that now. It's kind of funny actually. In theory, if the water level was raised enough, it should do what is intended, but there will be ... anomalies.lol 21:17 AndroidKris What's the major difference between v5 v6 and v7 map generators? 21:19 Amaz The main difference is the terrain they each make. 21:21 Amaz Also, mgv5 & v7 can have biomes defined in Lua, while v6 is hard coded in C++. 21:25 AndroidKris I notice in the Map_meta.txt before I enter a newly created world, there is a line called "mg_flags =" that is blank. I'm assuming that is where one can enter certain "flags" if one knows them, that will cue the mapgen to perform certain actions on initial load? 21:25 Amaz Yeah. 21:26 Amaz Let me find them. 21:26 Amaz https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/minetest.conf.example#L489-L492 21:26 Amaz There you go! 21:27 AndroidKris I just googled and got a wiki of the same stuff.lol. thanks!! 21:27 Amaz No problem! :) 21:28 Megaf_ is tenplus1 around? 21:28 Megaf_ Hi all 21:28 AndroidKris Ha, If I do flat, and water_level like 35, it'll be 100% water that's 35 blocks deep? 21:29 Megaf_ yep 21:29 Amaz afaik, yes. 21:29 jin_xi disable caves too or you get holes in the map and maybe lots of flowing water 21:30 AndroidKris bad connection, keep getting disconnected. sorry guys 21:47 AndroidKris jungles flag doesn't seem to work 21:49 Amaz Have you flown/walked around the map for a while? 21:50 Amaz And is it a new world? 21:53 AndroidKris new world, yes. and I flew around for about fifteen minutes. got nothing out of the ordinary. 21:54 Amaz Hm. Odd. 21:54 Amaz Is it in mg_flags or mgv6_spflags? 21:57 AndroidKris mg_flags. there isn't an mgv6_spflags in map_meta.txt before the world is generated 21:58 Amaz Add mgv6_spflags = jungles to minetest.conf and then make a new world and see what happens. 22:01 AndroidKris mgv6_spflags is in map_meta.txt after the world is generated, so maybe I can add it before and it will work? 22:02 Amaz Probably :) But adding it to minetest.conf saves the trouble ;) 22:03 AndroidKris But doesn't that then effect every world I make, or have made? 22:03 Amaz Just the worlds that you will make, not the ones you have made. 22:04 AndroidKris But what If I don't want it in a future world ? :P 22:06 Amaz You can remove it :P 22:06 Amaz But I see your point :) 22:07 AndroidKris I just added it in the world I wanted it in... worked like a dream 22:07 AndroidKris :) 22:07 AndroidKris Thanks for the help 22:07 AndroidKris Now I'm off to get dinner for the family 22:07 Amaz No problem! 22:08 AndroidKris \/m 22:08 AndroidKris ^^That's a peace sign. 23:49 OldCoder Is there anybody who can discuss the mobs spawn api present?