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IRC log for #minetest, 2015-05-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:01 MinetestBot [git] ShadowNinja -> minetest/minetest: Fix GCC compiler warning dfd7909 (2015-05-04T20:01:10-04:00)
00:02 est31 Thanks ^
00:09 YvesLevier someone know what is Zeno time zone plz?
00:10 est31 Zeno is australia
00:10 est31 from*
00:26 YvesLevier est31: thx
00:27 harrison zeno
00:27 harrison shooting that ar -- row
00:27 harrison how far will -- it go
00:27 harrison half the way there...
00:28 YvesLevier harrison: Harrsison.  You are not very encouraging...
00:29 harrison well, it is best to know the bitter truth
00:32 YvesLevier agreed
00:32 YvesLevier At least - does he takes notes when programming?
00:32 GaboXandre left #minetest
00:33 YvesLevier As i hear you Harrison, we depend on him, mainly.(?)
00:33 harrison ?
00:34 YvesLevier Zeno is a core programmer, right?
00:34 YvesLevier my server is down since this morning Estern time
00:35 YvesLevier He began to help me to raise it up, so i would prefer to continue with him.
00:35 YvesLevier Shall i?
00:37 YvesLevier i see est and Calinou i recognize here.  and est wasnt thinking the same than him this morning, as far i understand.
00:40 YvesLevier Im not far to be tempted to erase all that and make a new world (our township) but how long?
00:47 est31 Also be warned, Zeno doesnt use a british ip
00:47 est31 there is a person with a british ip address who likes to impost other minetest people
00:48 est31 then that person convinces people to create servers for them
00:49 YvesLevier As if VenanessaE had clone?
00:51 est31 yes
01:02 YvesLevier est31: i would like to speack private with you when youre free plz
01:03 est31 type /msg est31 something
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02:05 kaeza Greetings
02:05 YvesLevier Greetings kaeza :)
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02:51 Dafull97 Anyone on that plays Minecraft
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03:47 botch Hello
03:48 kaeza hi
03:51 FR^4 joined #minetest
03:54 Dafull97 Anyone on here that plays mc or use to?
03:54 FR^4 joined #minetest
03:55 Dafull97 @kaeza Anyone on here that plays mc or use to?
03:57 kaeza I used to. why do you ask?
03:57 kaeza also, this ain't twitter :P
03:58 Dafull97 `:P Trying to find an account that i could have :P
03:59 kaeza :|
04:00 Dafull97 Why not? :P
04:00 Dafull97 If you don't use it
04:01 kaeza
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04:03 Dafull97 kaeza: but?? :P
04:03 sofar anyone know if you can do `node.to_table()` or something like that, that is printable?
04:03 yh1986 joined #minetest
04:04 kaeza sofar, dump(node)
04:04 FR^4 joined #minetest
04:05 sofar ah, yes, that works well enough
04:05 kaeza assuming you mean `node` is a node table as got from e.g. get_node
04:05 sofar yah
04:07 botch I was just stopping in to say hey....ya'll have a good night, ya hear?
04:07 botch :)  Yehaw and stuff
04:08 Dafull97 kaeza: but?? :P
04:08 sofar I stopped playing/coding bukkit/MC a while back
04:09 Dafull97 sofar: do you have a mc you dont use anymore? :P :P
04:09 sofar send money
04:09 Dafull97 How much?
04:10 sofar enough to put my kids through college
04:10 Dafull97 tf? xD
04:11 TheBonsai joined #minetest
04:12 sofar hey, I can ask, can't i?
04:12 sofar do you think I'd give the accounts away for naught?
04:12 Dafull97 Sorta, it's not like you are using them :P
04:14 FR^4 joined #minetest
04:16 Dafull97 sofar: Sorta, it's not like you are using them :P
04:16 hmmmm heh
04:17 hmmmm I used Bukkit as a reference of how MC's map generator works
04:17 Dafull97 Anyone willing to give a MC account tp me or let me use it
04:18 Wayward_Tab Not likely
04:19 Wayward_Tab This isn't the place to ask such things, anyway
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04:58 kaeza I have a Minetest account if you want. Only $99.99*
04:59 kaeza (* Plus shipping and VAT)
05:00 kaeza well, he's dead. thank you "hide join/part messages" setting
05:07 kaeza sofar, `minetest.serialize` and `dump` do basically the same, except that `serialize` is guaranteed to deserialize back to a table, while `dump` is just for "quick debugging", and may not deserialize (according to PA, at least
05:07 kaeza +)
05:07 kaeza so which one to use depends on the case
05:07 kaeza (re: )
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06:02 sofar kaeza: I don't like that HUD output, it works in the old case as a one-liner, but when you really want 5-6 lines of data a formspec would be better I think, so I need a multiline serializer... that works for meta:to_table() fine, haven't tried for the node yet
06:03 sofar it's a neat little mod tho... I really need that mod badly to debug the hydration system in crops and fine tune it :)
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07:15 hmmmm :)
07:15 hmmmm boy I cannot wait to blow up hud
07:15 hmmmm replace it with a bunch of generic lua draw-on-screen functions instead
07:15 hmmmm what a magnificent turd
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08:03 Calinou
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09:05 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Ferret Day! 😃
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09:44 CWz Can anyone provide an example of how to have a chat command accept multiple parameters (ie /cmd param1 param2)
09:46 ac_minetest chat command returns just one param, then you have to split string into several parts, for example
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09:51 geli hi
09:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
09:58 geli hi
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10:26 geli hi
10:28 Telesight joined #minetest
10:28 geli How to get total of days that I survive in game?
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11:41 Calinou geli, there's no official way to know that
11:41 Calinou I don't know of any mod that does that
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13:17 kaeza_ Mornings
13:20 CWz afternoonings
13:21 Wayward_Tab Gud mornig
13:21 H-H-H joined #minetest
13:23 CWz how does i get cloak like wayward
13:28 Wayward_Tab I asked over on #freenode
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15:11 Zeno` I feel a bit ill :(
15:11 Zeno` must have been something I ate
15:13 MinetestBot [git] ShadowNinja -> minetest/minetest: Make Git version detection use VERSION_STRING instead of tags 1be2d32 (2015-05-05T17:13:05+02:00)
15:16 exio4 Zeno`: drink coca cola
15:16 Zeno` I am, actually :)
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15:29 CWz trees seem to not be rollblock able
15:33 hmmmm nope
15:34 hmmmm anything placed using VoxelManip cannot be rolled back.  if you want your nodes to be rollbackable, you need to use set_node()
15:37 CWz does this includes default tree block being dug and placed
15:46 Sokomine if something is digged or placed directly by a player, it will usually use set_node/add_node/remove_node etc. and not voxelmanip
15:47 Sokomine my build chest does save the area where the building will be placed in. i'm currently trying to get metadata to work. seems i have to get metadata for each node in the area manually...and also set it...
15:48 Sokomine hmmmm: is there any convenient way to get/set metadata for a cubic area?
15:48 hmmmm no
15:49 hmmmm god forbid you actually need to do some work in the mod !
15:49 hmmmm it simply does not make sense to add an engine function here
15:49 hmmmm the apis are bloated enough as they stand
15:49 Sokomine depends :-) if it's just a tiny little house, nobody'll care. if a player starts saving a huge area, it might get slow
15:50 Sokomine ok, that's a valid point
15:50 est31 Its already bloaty for large areas because you don't use binary serialisation, do you?
15:52 Sokomine hm, ok, my particulary mod might be very bloaty in that regard, that's right. it's made for player-build things of reasonable size
15:53 est31 its not less bloaty than worldedit
15:53 Sokomine still, there's something i'd love to see added to builtin on the lua side: saving and restoring table data to files. by now, i include that in almost all of my mods...
15:54 Sokomine hmm. it's bloaty in other areas
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15:58 est31 there is support, isnt there???
15:58 Megaf left #minetest
15:59 est31 minetest.serialize
15:59 Sokomine it's about saving table data in a file in the world folder
16:00 est31 so, thats it exactly
16:00 est31 you only have to save the string into a file
16:02 hmmmm I suppose it would help to add a function to scan a voxelmanipulator for nodes containing some metadata
16:02 Sokomine yes. it's not much. just needed often
16:02 hmmmm but it'd be up to you to fetch the actual data and then store it
16:03 Sokomine hmmmm: yes, that was one of my first thoughts as well. the list of nodenames is helpful. seraching minetest.registered_nodes for nodes that *may* contain metadata (i.e. have on_construct, after_place_node, can_dig, ...) and then using the voxelmanip data to just get metadata at the places where those nodes are might help
16:03 SouL_|_ joined #minetest
16:04 Sokomine trouble is: the furnace doesn't use any of these functions that might be an indicator anymore. it now uses an abm. other nodes might do similar things...
16:04 Sokomine at least we could exclude air that way
16:04 Sokomine (that is, the furnace sets its metadata in an abm - not when it's placed somewhere)
16:05 Sokomine est31: it's really not much. see for example    it still lacks file name sanitazion
16:06 est31 I don't think it should be included in builtin
16:06 est31 its only a laziness function
16:07 Sokomine but a function needed often
16:07 Zeno` hmm
16:07 Zeno` just about every C function is a "laziness" function
16:08 Zeno` (every C function in the std lib I mean... very few are there because they are system or implementation dependent)
16:08 Sokomine in other situations, i'd just put it into a lib. but having mods depend on others is problematic for most players. and if a function is useful for many mods, it's a bad idea to have a local copy in each mod
16:08 * Sokomine nods to Zeno`
16:09 Sokomine we do need a slightly more extensive standard library for mods that's included and does not require further installation from users
16:11 Jordach joined #minetest
16:12 Sokomine it's also relevant regarding the upcoming security functions. it'll be much easier to handle if it's a simple function that's included instead of a copy in lots of mods
16:13 Zeno` If someone started a Minetest Lua "standard lib" I'd be the first to support it 100%
16:13 Hijiri mineboost
16:14 Zeno` People reiventing the wheel every time they write a mod or whatever is not productive
16:14 Zeno` AND the lib would probably be better optimised in the long run
16:14 est31 perhaps you are right
16:17 Sokomine attemts to do so seperately from the game itshelf will inevitably fail as most people won't use a dependency that'll make installation for players more difficult
16:18 Zeno` I don't think it needs to be part of the game
16:18 Sokomine if you don't ship it with the game, it'll fail
16:18 Zeno` It should be in builtin/stdlib/ or whatever works
16:18 Sokomine we don't have an apt-get install modname   here which takes care of dependencies
16:19 Sokomine yes. builtin/stdlib sounds about fine
16:19 Zeno` so these are officially supported (by the engine) things
16:20 Zeno` minetest_game can use them and so can mode
16:20 Zeno` mods*
16:21 est31 yes builtin/stdlib is good
16:21 Zeno` let's get a PR in place then :)
16:21 Zeno` starting small and building upon in over time
16:22 est31 so when should a function go into builtin/stdlib, and not the other builtin directories?
16:22 Zeno` well, let's take it as it comes
16:23 Zeno` if it's 100% Lua it should probably be stdlib
16:24 Zeno` and if it's a generic function
16:25 Sokomine that sounds reasonable
16:26 Sokomine i've seen other attempts to make libs in the past. some would have been useful if they would have been available on default
16:27 est31 where to document the functions? lua_api.txt or elsewhere?
16:28 Jordach_ joined #minetest
16:28 est31 and make it accessible through minetest.* or stdlib.*
16:28 est31 ?
16:28 est31 or something else?
16:28 Nitori joined #minetest
16:29 Zeno` The way I see lua_api.txt is that it documents the interface between the engine and Lua
16:29 Zeno` so I don't think this kind of stuff should be in that file
16:29 Zeno` as for the namespace... I'll let others debate :)
16:30 Zeno` a lib is not an API
16:30 Zeno` hmm... well, not in this instance
16:33 YvesLevier "abit ill"  Hey Zeno :)
16:33 Zeno` YvesLevier, yes I must have eaten something bad
16:33 Zeno` :3
16:34 Nitori joined #minetest
16:34 YvesLevier Zeno`: I see NO other reason for that
16:34 * Sokomine gives Zeno` some lakritze (don't know the english term)
16:35 * Zeno` eats it
16:35 YvesLevier du Dégrisol or some Vaporalex 4000mg<
16:35 YvesLevier Sorry off topic.  Was reading
16:36 Calinou hello, what do you think of my mockup?
16:36 Calinou (pardon the too small screenshot, I'll remake it soon)
16:37 Calinou it's responsive
16:37 YvesLevier Zeno, you know Jsoftware?  (a kind of real time C++) compiler.  Mostly used for simulations.
16:37 alket Calinou, that looks really awesome, i will use it too
16:38 Calinou yeah, you can use the code, it's all CC0
16:38 Calinou made it in an hour or so, uses Bootstrap
16:38 Calinou font used is Roboto Slab
16:39 YvesLevier Calinou: Superbe :)
16:43 Robert_Zenz joined #minetest
16:43 YvesLevier Zeno`: works better in Linux :P interactive interpretor you can get its C job it is working with.  But if you think youre not crazy enough for that...
16:47 Zeno` heh
16:47 Zeno` why?
16:51 Viper168 joined #minetest
16:53 YvesLevier (+/a)%#a NB.  Average of vector "a"  (compiled in C++) PLUS
16:54 YvesLevier Zeno`: you got the reply instantly :)
16:54 Zeno` I usually do that in my head :P
16:55 YvesLevier Zeno`: i thopught you had a hake there?
16:56 YvesLevier Its already bloaty for large areas because you don't use binary serialisation, do you?  -  i red this topic.  Finally, how interesting?
16:56 Sokomine Calinou: the page looks good. i like it how it sums up the basic points in a few sentences
16:57 YvesLevier est31: ^
16:58 YvesLevier Calinou: Sokomine: agreed
16:58 Sokomine perhaps link the world "download" in the second paragraph to the download page as well and "create mods" in the third one to a page with basic introduction about mt modding
17:00 TheWild joined #minetest
17:00 Sokomine the links in the menu currently don't work, but i suppose that's because they don't exist yet?
17:09 est31 Calinou, like the website
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17:27 Megaf_ est31: Can you tell me how do I squash that? last time I squashed something I broke everything
17:27 Megaf_ branch is patch-1, last two commits
17:27 est31 Megaf_, something like git rebase -i HEAD~2
17:28 est31 then edit the file as you need it
17:28 est31 like change the last "pick" to "s"
17:28 Megaf_ hm
17:28 Megaf_ will try that when I get home, cya
17:35 Calinou Sokomine, they don't exist indeed
17:35 Calinou I'm probably not going to continue this as celeron55 probably requires pages to use DokuWiki
17:35 Calinou (this is a static site)
17:35 Calinou done it in 1 hour just for fun
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18:13 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Tests: Add NodeResolver unittests b45df9d (2015-05-05T12:00:36-04:00)
18:21 Guest99882 joined #minetest
18:30 Sokomine Calinou: the way the page is structured is very nice
18:31 hmmmm Sokomine:
18:31 WSDguy2014 joined #minetest
18:31 Calinou Sokomine, I just followed the trend ;)
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18:44 Sokomine hmmmm: aaah! that looks very good. i'm sure it's faster when using c than lua
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18:56 ClaudeRoy .
18:56 WSDguy2014_ Hello guys
19:03 Calinou Minilens daily builds out:
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19:14 sfan5 Calinou: wtf is that
19:17 Miner59 hi calinou, I got an error when I played on your server : ClientEnvironment::addActiveObject(): id=8569 type=e: SerializationError in initialize()
19:17 alt59583 joined #minetest
19:18 Miner59 then some numbers and then this:   19:27:26: ERROR[main]: A serialization error occurred: 19:27:26: ERROR[main]: Malformed packet read 19:27:26: ERROR[main]: The server is probably  running a different version of Minetest.
19:18 est31 Miner59, what is your minetest version?
19:18 est31 Calinou, do you run the latest git?
19:18 Miner59 but I have 0.4.12 from git
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19:19 Miner59 I have not the newest maybe a week old
19:19 Miner59 hi est31 :-)
19:19 est31 hi Miner59 :)
19:20 Miner59 * not a week old, I wanted to write a month old
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19:24 est31 Can you try using the latest git version?
19:24 Calinou the server runs a slightly out of date Git
19:24 Calinou 0.4.12-era
19:24 Calinou (April)
19:24 est31 ok
19:27 Miner59 ok, I can try. But I thought minetest was always backward compatible to old clients in 0.4 branch
19:28 est31 it is, but if you use git versions, then life can be a bit rough :)
19:29 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
19:30 Calinou fsaa screenshots are broken :(
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20:15 Calinou ⇒ many updates (empty your cache if having problems)
20:15 alket or just do
20:16 Calinou I use so much !important :(
20:16 Calinou csslint whines at me for this
20:22 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest
20:23 MinetestBot [git] kwolekr -> minetest/minetest: Add core.find_nodes_with_meta() script API b785577 (2015-05-05T16:21:59-04:00)
20:26 Jordach_ bonus points Calinou
20:27 Jordach_ click for menus instead of hover
20:27 Jordach_ tablet users will thank you
20:33 Calinou I didn't do that intentionally
20:33 Calinou but yeah, it's made so for consistency with mobile dropdowns, which always use clicking
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20:45 Amaz Does anyone know why this code isn't working?
20:46 Tiktalik joined #minetest
20:48 alket nice nick Tiktalik
20:48 pozzoni joined #minetest
20:48 alket i wanted to set that nickname, but was taken
20:51 Enke joined #minetest
20:52 Amaz Ah, I fixed it. It should have been pointed_thing.under rather than pointed_thing. Sorry!
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21:37 paxcoder How would i go about recompiling just the client.cpp?
21:39 paxcoder What goes into the minetest binary?
21:40 paxcoder Or a better question: How much do I need to recompile if I just edited client.cpp?
21:45 sofar paxcoder: build code takes care of that, could just be one file and then re-link
21:45 sofar paxcoder: esp. if you didn't touch header files, shouldn't be too much to recompile
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23:22 Sokomine ups? current mt does not compile?
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