Time  Nick        Message
01:45 sofar       can someone explain me something regarding technic/mesecons?
01:46 sofar       I'm having a hard time understanding how to make a grinder, if the ingredients for making a grinder require that you have... a grinder?
01:48 LittleJoe   a grinder of the last power level
01:48 LittleJoe   so you need a LV grinder for a MV one and so on
01:49 sofar       yes but the LV grinder needs stainless steel ingots
01:49 sofar       and that requires... stainless steel dust
01:49 sofar       .... which means you need a grinder
01:49 LittleJoe   wich you get by grinding stainless steel : )
01:50 sofar       so? is there another way to make stainless steel?
01:51 LittleJoe   nope
01:51 sofar       the machine casing needed for the LV grinder requires bronse (needs bronze dust .. which requires a grinder) and ...
01:51 LittleJoe   yeah technic ties all of the available elements together : )
01:52 sofar       so you need a grinder to make a grinder?
01:52 LittleJoe   essentially
01:52 LittleJoe   but not a LV one
01:52 sofar       so explain how I can get a grinder without having a grinder, then, please
01:53 sofar       because without that, this whole mod is just bullshit(TM)
01:53 sofar       unless you /give or creative cheat one into existance
01:53 LittleJoe   doesn't the lv grinder not need one?
01:54 sofar       I just explained
01:54 LittleJoe   stainless steel
01:54 Brains      sofar: You don't need dust to make alloys...
01:54 LittleJoe   alloy furnace
01:54 sofar       aha
01:54 sofar       finally an answer
01:55 sofar       Brains: that was entirely unclear to me, obviously, thanks
01:56 LittleJoe   sorry, I missed the dust part : )
01:57 * sofar     bakes clay to make alloy furnace
01:58 * Brains    plays mostly on a home server running a dreambuilder (which includes technic&mesecons) with his son...
01:58 Brains      Which reminds me, I still haven't found any uranium...  Wonder why.
02:01 Brains      Oh, that is why...  It is apparently a lot deeper than I thought.
02:01 LittleJoe   actually it's not below 200 I think
02:02 sofar       I can't find mese, got plenty of uranium already
02:02 sofar       stay above 300, I believe
02:02 sofar       256-300 is a great place to stay between
02:03 Brains      You guys running dreambuilder?
02:04 * Brains    just grepped the mods and found a place that puts uranium down below -2000...
02:19 * Brains    has 50 or so diamond blocks...  Stupid things seem to be feast or famine for him.
02:20 Brains      I read the wrong line, not 50 but 20...  Still.
05:09 sofar       any tips to increase brightness in minetest? I'm dropping torches every 4 blocks in order to actually see anything... it doesn't seem very balanced like this
05:10 VanessaE    normally a torch is enough to light up about 3x that distance
05:11 VanessaE    at least enough to get around
05:11 sofar       I can walk around further but I frequently am missing ore nodes just 4-5 nodes away from a torch
05:11 sofar       it's just not practical
05:11 sofar       it's way, way too dark
05:13 sofar       k maybe it's 5 nodes diagonally. not 12 nodes like you say
05:17 gregorycu   Ok, sounds like your brightness is too low
05:17 VanessaE    there was a proposal at one time to rework that whole thing
05:17 gregorycu   What type of graphics card do you have?
05:17 VanessaE    I guess it fell flat
05:17 sofar       I have little issues with other dark games
05:17 sofar       linux+NVIDIA (9800GT) nvidia blob driver
05:18 sofar       I tried setting gamma = in minetest.conf
05:18 sofar       didn't seem to change anything
05:22 gregorycu   Um... There may be settings somewhere
05:22 gregorycu   For your card
05:22 gregorycu   Sorry, I have an ATI card and I'm on windows
05:23 sofar       indeed, I found a color correction settings that improves it
05:23 sofar       it does make my normal desktop completely washed-out white
05:24 sofar       more like a white-out
05:24 sofar       I can barely read the grey letters on github anymore o_O
05:24 MinetestBot 02[git] 04gregorycu -> 03minetest/minetest: Settings fixes Make the GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter use the settings callback (8% perf improvement in game loop) Ensure variable is set Ensure settings callback is threadsafe 13ed7c9c4 http://git.io/mZnVJg (152015-01-25T15:23:37+10:00)
05:24 gregorycu   That's no good
05:24 sofar       but, now I can prance around in caves not placing torches every 5 nodes, lol
05:25 * sofar     must be getting old ;)
05:25 gregorycu   A lot of games have gamma correction
05:25 gregorycu   Maybe ours doesn't work
05:27 sofar       Xorg maybe overrides it? I know X handles the gamma...
05:32 gregorycu   If you create an issue, I will look into it at some stage
05:32 gregorycu   Though I'm on windows, so unless it's a bug in the game...
05:33 sofar       I can figure out if the gamma setting in the minetest.conf file setting is maybe broken, then file a bug against that
05:34 sofar       at least I can ask some of my colleagues at work about that, I'm sure they can fix it =)
05:35 * sofar     tries to find his elusive diamond ore
05:37 sofar       gregorycu: to give an idea how far off it is to "reasonable"
05:37 sofar       then nvidia gamma adjustment is set to 1.000 by default, which I assume defaults to a 2.2 gamma or at least 1.8
05:38 sofar       I need to set it to 1.4 to make caves feel playable - 1.4x2.2 = 3.08
05:38 sofar       that's way off, even if the base gamma is 1.8, I'd be playing at gamma = 2.52
06:10 MinetestBot 02[git] 04gregorycu -> 03minetest/minetest: Suppress MSVC warning in chat.cpp 135b55deb http://git.io/llqozQ (152015-01-25T16:09:23+10:00)
06:46 sofar       wow, I just want 1 diamond
06:47 sofar       2hrs of mining, still no diamond, at -500 or so
06:52 gregorycu   wow
06:52 gregorycu   -500
06:52 gregorycu   Hey, nobody said it would be easy
07:43 sofar       o_O
07:44 gregorycu   You get diamond bro?
07:44 sofar       just found 1 cluster with 168 diamonds total in it
07:44 gregorycu   ...
07:44 gregorycu   What mapgen are you using?
07:44 sofar       mg
07:44 sofar       with mesecons
07:44 sofar       at -750 depth
07:44 gregorycu   What's mg?
07:45 sofar       https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7263
07:53 nore        well, finding diamonds is hard, but once you've found them, you won't be needing to look for those for a while :)
07:53 nore        (see the number of people who report to have been unable to find them...)
08:06 LazyJ       VanessaE, have Inchranet's IRC connections changed again?
08:06 VanessaE    I'm not sure what's going on with it but services apparently are down
08:06 LazyJ ??
08:06 LazyJ       Ah.
08:06 VanessaE    ^^^ that's still up as usual though
08:07 LazyJ       I logged in to a few of the game servers and saw chat but my IRC client has been timing out from Inchranet for the past few hours.
09:22 * Krock     got the idea of making a mod to allow buying a crafting book crafting guides would be useless then
09:22 Krock       *crafting book. crafting guides
09:49 MinetestBot 02[git] 04kilbith -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Textures Update 135518c27 http://git.io/yvmpxA (152015-01-25T10:48:42+01:00)
09:58 gregorycu   nore: Maybe they should be easier to find?
09:58 gregorycu   nore: You don't want people to get sick of looking at just give up :)
09:59 gregorycu   Your mod though :
09:59 nore        yep, I was thinking at that
09:59 gregorycu   :)
09:59 nore        but parameters are quite hard to tune
09:59 nore        I thought once to add a setting to get normal oregen
09:59 nore        but I was too lazy :)
10:00 Calinou     😈
10:05 nore        btw; is it a known bug that if an entity is inside an airlike, sunlight_propagates node, it still is darker than it should??
10:05 gregorycu   Um...
10:07 gregorycu   I can't see a bug report for it
10:07 gregorycu   Care to create one?
10:09 nore        hm... did I say I was lazy? ;)
10:09 nore        but I'll create one
11:15 Neolink     good day
11:16 Neolink     Is anybody help me to start my game?
11:16 Calinou     Neolink, what do you need?
11:16 Neolink     I have truble
11:18 Neolink     When i press any key after staart  a client the game is closed
11:20 Neolink     Early, i used 0.4.9 and this  problem цфы тще
11:20 Neolink     *was not
11:21 gregorycu   hmm...
11:21 gregorycu   What flavour keyboard do you have?
11:22 Neolink     i'm soryy i mean button not key
11:22 gregorycu   Oh
11:22 gregorycu   Does the game crash?
11:23 Neolink     yes
11:23 gregorycu   What version?
11:24 Neolink     0.4.11 by stef and original
11:25 gregorycu   You on windows?
11:26 Neolink     xp
11:28 Neolink     ОС: Windows XP SP 3 версия 5.1 сборка 2600.xpsp_sp3_qfe.080814-1300
11:28 Neolink     Дата и время установки (обновления): 29.05.2011 (18:09)
11:28 Neolink     Разработчик: http://XTreme.ws
11:28 Neolink     Версия: 12.8.30
11:30 gregorycu   I am not aware of any bugs
11:31 gregorycu   If you want, you can create an issue, and someone may be able to take a look: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/new
11:36 Neolink     i will try
11:39 Neolink     threre is not the same in russian?
11:46 gregorycu   Пожалуйста, заполните "Title " и "Comment" с настолько подробно, как вы можете, на английском языке. Вот и все.
12:01 Neolink_    can i play with a client 0.4.9 on a server 0.4.11
12:01 Jordach     you have to update your client
12:02 gregorycu   Neolink_: Have you tried a brand new install?
12:02 Neolink_    0.4.11 is not working
12:03 Neolink_    i m trying now
12:03 Neolink_    0.4.10
12:03 Krock       Neolink_, to answer your 1st question: yes it's possble but with some limitations
12:06 gregorycu   Neolink_: If you still have problems, try deleting your minetest.conf file
12:08 Krock       <Neolink>ОС: Windows XP SP 3 версия 5.1 сборка 2600.xpsp_sp3_qfe.080814-1300
12:08 Krock       could you give my latest build a try? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=9515&p=168536#p168536 I compile thoseon Windows XP SP 3
12:08 Krock       and it works fine
12:08 Neolink_    OK Im going to feed the bears, then write what happened
12:08 Jordach     Krock, your build works on XP SP3
12:08 Neolink_    for a 20 minutes
12:09 Jordach     on a dying Dell Inspiron laptop
12:09 Krock       Jordach, good to hear, even when I didn't expect anything else :P
12:10 Jordach     Krock, even funnier was the single core 2005  Intel Celeron getting 18fps on Intel Extreme Graphics 2
12:10 gregorycu   I can't tell if feed the bears is a joke or not
12:10 Krock       The CPU is the "bottleneck then" - as celeron55 told me a while ago :)
12:11 gregorycu   A bottleneck which is made better
13:13 * Fadi      is away: Away exploring the Gamma Quadrant.
13:15 Fadi        /back
13:15 Fadi        woops
13:46 rubenwardy  Hi all!
14:04 rubenwardy  !seen iqualfragile
14:04 MinetestBot rubenwardy: iqualfragile was last seen at 2014-12-19 17:41:29 UTC on #minetest
14:59 Neolink_    Does anyone give ip of a working server?
14:59 Neolink_    0.4.10
15:00 Fadi        http://minetest.net/servers
15:00 rubenwardy  !server
15:00 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Krock's Ultimative Platform | | Clients: 5/14, 4/9 | Version: 0.4.10-dev_MSVC / base | Ping: 33ms
15:00 rubenwardy  !server
15:07 Neolink_    The server is ( reQuesting a password
15:07 Neolink_    Ok i understood
15:09 gregorycu   Nice server
15:09 gregorycu   The network perf is way better than minecraft
15:12 Neolink_    may be but i have slow internet
15:19 gregorycu   I have horrible internet and I was on the server no problems
15:54 rubenwardy  Weedy, SmugLeaf: you should add a delay between authenticating and joining channels. I saw your IP address there.
15:57 * Jordach   <3 consistency https://cdn.mediacru.sh/I/Ijja9E6jiO4S.png
16:09 rubenwardy  What would you guys think about a schematics sharing website? YT for MT. :P
16:10 rubenwardy  I'm discussing with the http://freepo.st dev about supporting other FOSS websites and applications, Minetest came up.
16:12 rubenwardy  Do people share schematics a lot?
16:12 rubenwardy  I can visualise an in game catelogue where you spawn other's creations from a website.
16:13 cheapie     I generally don't share stuff a whole lot, but something like that still sounds like a good idea to me.
16:14 rubenwardy  You could spawn towers, castles, small houses. It would be a good way to interact with the community. Although developing it would be a pain. And the mod store is more important
16:16 * cheapie   never even uses the mod store
16:17 rubenwardy  Lol. It is good for new players, though
16:17 rubenwardy  If it worked
16:19 rubenwardy  :S
16:19 gregorycu   If you put your mind to it, I think you can pull it off
16:46 Caleneledh  Does anyone have any idea what would cause minetest.get_node(p) to return air for everything?
16:47 rubenwardy  Check capitalisation of the pos table? Is the map block loaded there?
16:48 Caleneledh  pos table is correct, I believe. All lower case keys.
17:06 Caleneledh  Found the issue.  I was getting an incorrect position due to  a miscall of get_pointed_thing_position(), and that in turn was messing up get_node()
17:45 Kalabasa    Why is there no wallmounted_to_dir
18:00 kaeza         42
18:00 kaeza       also, greetings
18:07 Krock       42?
18:08 rubenwardy  The meaning of life, the universe and everything.
18:08 Krock       a right.
18:08 Krock       +h
18:13 Kalabasa    There, I made a wallmounted_to_dir.
18:15 Kalabasa    Let's see if this works: #2203 !!
18:15 Kalabasa    nope :(
18:17 * twoelk    wonders wether Minetest version 42.0.0 will include the answers to all questions
18:33 Kalabasa    You mean 0.42.0? ;D
18:38 kaeza       at this rate, more like 0.4.42
18:38 kaeza       :(
18:38 kaeza       :((
18:42 Polsaker    lol
18:54 Fadi        Sorry for the nick changing and timeout spam, dunno why my internet is being so crap.
18:55 kaeza       been there bro
19:10 rubenwardy  Calinou, https://cdn.mediacru.sh/J/JppM_JhpordO.png
19:14 Calinou     what is the bar at the bottom, rubenwardy ?
19:14 SylvieLorxu Calinou: I think it's part of the debug functionality of Symphony, which FreePost uses
19:15 rubenwardy  Dev toolbar.
19:15 rubenwardy  I'm running freepo.st on my localhost
19:16 rubenwardy  Calinou, ##freepost!
19:16 rubenwardy  :P
19:26 sofar       anyone playing technic that can explain why a water turbine isn't generating power even when it's green, and I have a switching station?
19:26 sofar       I assume the water turbine is LV, that was wholly inapparent
19:26 sofar       is the power coming out of a special face?
19:31 sofar       oh goodness, it's a mesecons water turbine, not a technic water mill
19:36 Calinou     https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8N5mGVCUAAzLmM.jpg
19:37 rubenwardy  wow
19:38 Krock       2xwow
19:40 kaeza       sofar, --> #minetest-technic
19:42 sofar       kaeza: heh
19:42 sofar       Calinou: lol
19:43 est31       ~seen VanessaE
19:43 ShadowBot   est31: I saw VanessaE in #minetest 11 hours, 36 minutes, and 21 seconds ago saying "^^^ that's still up as usual though"
19:44 est31       ~help ~seen
19:44 ShadowBot   est31: Error: There is no command "~seen".
19:45 est31       ~help seen
19:45 ShadowBot   est31: (seen [channel] <nick>) -- Finds the last time a nick was seen speaking and what they said.
19:45 est31       ~seen * VanessaE
19:45 ShadowBot   est31: seen [channel] <nick>
19:45 est31       ~seen *. VanessaE
19:45 ShadowBot   est31: seen [channel] <nick>
19:45 est31       ~seen .* VanessaE
19:45 ShadowBot   est31: seen [channel] <nick>
19:45 est31       no regex :(
19:45 est31       ~seen ShadowNinja
19:45 rubenwardy  ~seen any VanessaE
19:45 ShadowBot   est31: I saw ShadowNinja in #minetest 4 days, 16 hours, 59 minutes, and 44 seconds ago saying "tim_flatus: The reason is because I've written a lot of code for UI and i m d b3st m0dr :-P"
19:45 ShadowBot   rubenwardy: seen [channel] <nick>
19:46 rubenwardy  ~seen all VanessaE
19:46 ShadowBot   rubenwardy: seen [channel] <nick>
19:46 rubenwardy  lol
19:46 kaeza       so much VanessaE pings
19:46 kaeza       oops
19:46 ShadowNinja ~admin ignore add *@gateway/tor-sasl/est3
19:46 ShadowBot   ShadowNinja: Error: '*@gateway/tor-sasl/est3' is not a valid nick or hostmask.
19:47 ShadowNinja ~admin ignore add *@gateway/tor-sasl/est31
19:47 ShadowBot   ShadowNinja: Error: '*@gateway/tor-sasl/est31' is not a valid nick or hostmask.
19:47 ShadowNinja ~admin ignore add *!*@gateway/tor-sasl/est31
19:47 ShadowBot   ShadowNinja: O.K.
19:47 Jordach_    [x] rekt
19:47 kaeza       ^
19:47 Jordach_    "rfc"
19:47 SmugLeaf    fucking beeps
19:47 est31       I've tried /m ShadowBot but that didnt work
19:47 est31       sorry for spamming
19:47 SmugLeaf    beeps everywhere
19:48 SmugLeaf    so people can highlight me
19:48 SmugLeaf    and I'll actually see it
19:48 kaeza       but why on channel notices?
19:48 Fadi        iirc you can disable notice beeps
19:49 SmugLeaf    I dunno
19:49 SmugLeaf    I installed irssi 7 years ago and never needed to change it
19:49 Fadi        but yeah it shouldn't send channel notices.. :|
19:49 rubenwardy  !g irssi disable beep on notices
19:49 MinetestBot rubenwardy: http://scripts.irssi.org/
19:49 SmugLeaf    no one uses notices for crap
19:50 SmugLeaf    anyway it's ignored, so carry on
19:50 kaeza       it's a recommendation of the IRC RFC
19:50 kaeza       bots are supposed to not respond to notices
19:50 est31       ShadowNinja: is there a way to privately speak with shadowbot? sorry for the spamming
19:51 ShadowNinja SmugLeaf: Use a decent client.
19:51 ShadowNinja est31: Yes, it's called /msg...
19:51 kaeza       if botA sends "botB: do x", and botB responds with "botA: OK", then botA re-replies with "botB: ..."
19:51 rubenwardy  what
19:51 est31       ah ok thanks
19:51 rubenwardy  "irssi - The client of the future"
19:52 kaeza       or something along the lines
19:53 est31       ShadowNinja: does it ingore me now also on /msg channels?
19:53 rubenwardy  You will now be ignored so long that the ninja forgets. :D
19:53 est31       oh
19:53 ShadowNinja est31: Yes.  Removed.
19:53 kaeza       can't parse
19:53 est31       ok
19:54 est31       thanks can I find its src somewhere?
19:54 ShadowNinja ~source
19:54 ShadowBot   My source is at https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria -- Custom plugins are at https://github.com/ShadowNinja/Limnoria-plugins
19:54 est31       thanks
20:33 NakedFury   hello
20:33 sfan5       hi
20:33 NakedFury   how is everyone here?
20:33 NakedFury   ohh and happy new year even if its late
20:44 Nytram      IF it's late? It's 25th. Thanks and Happy New Year to you anyway. oO
20:45 T4im        hmm the serializer seems to have problems serializing minetest.hash_node_position() numbers correctly :/
20:47 T4im        is there an alternative way to get them into a more condense type anyway? (base64 string or something like that) I feel like I'm missing something, because I'd expect this to be used more often for hashmaps O_o
20:49 Calinou     hi NakedFury
20:49 NakedFury   hi to you to
20:51 T4im        either way is anyone of you is using minetest.serialize with hashmaps using large numeric indexes (like minetest.hash_node_poistion() is supplying, 48bit after all), be aware that you might be running into occasionally collisions, because tostring() seems to be used, which formats numbers with a certain size in a scientific notation
20:51 T4im        if *
20:52 * T4im      is gonna compensate somehow with own formatting
20:54 c0de1       hi
21:10 nore        T4im, you should fix builtin then, since it uses that formatting to serialize forceloaded blocks
21:10 T4im        oh
21:26 T4im        oh wow… lua doesn't even complain about the fact that calculations are done on that less precise format when getting the position back… this might mean that completely different blocks are being forceloaded on restarted… D: what's with all those forceloading bugs latly
21:27 T4im        in fact, I just run a quick test and managed to let it load a completely different block on startup than what I told him to forceload via anchor before
21:27 T4im        only neighbouring block, but still
21:27 Fadi        I tried doing that once, I ended up crying in a corner
21:27 Fadi        :<
21:27 T4im        seen as those are persistent, and not removed, anchor usage leads to persistent forceloaded blocks :/
21:28 T4im        until someone actually deletes the textfile that is
21:28 * T4im      throws himself into the corner too
22:18 ecutruin1   Hey.  Curiously.  How feasible currently is it to alter the functionality of the item bar on the HUD?
22:20 ecutruin    Has anyone here messed with it at all?
22:23 shadowzone  I've never messed with it before.
22:25 mecatninja  does minetest have an offtopic-minetestchannel somewhere?
22:27 shadowzone  You're in it.
22:27 acerspyro   heh
22:27 acerspyro   welcome to heaven
22:28 jin_xi_     ecutruin: not that i have tried much, but i think the hotbar is kind of hardcoded in its looks and functionality
22:29 shadowzone  jin_xi_: I don't think so, VanessaE was able to tweak her's a little.
22:30 shadowzone  her's is 16 slots.
22:31 VanessaE    it's easily changed - my code came from Carbone originally
22:37 ecutruin    I want to move it, shrink it.. and remove the scrollwheel functionality.
22:39 VanessaE    well expanding/shrinking and moving it are something you can do in Lua (in realtime I think), but not the scroll wheel function
22:39 VanessaE    that part is, afaik, hard-coded
22:40 ecutruin    Can I just hide it completely and replace the functionality with a custom hud addon?
22:41 VanessaE    probably, but getting it to respond to number keys may not be possible...?
22:42 ecutruin    Cannot override keypresses?
22:42 VanessaE    not in Lua
22:50 ecutruin    Hrm
22:52 VanessaE    custom key bindings from Lua have been requested before, so maybe you or someone can code a proper engine hook for it.
22:52 Fadi        wait we can't override keypresses in lua? aw
22:52 Fadi        :/
22:53 est31       but the client always should be abled to change it
23:03 ecutruin    I really don't have time to re-learn C++ just to make keybindings work, sadly. >.<  Though maybe if I just decide to change a bunch, I could justify re-learning it.  Not sure right now.
23:14 sofar       can someone tell me what the 'e' key actually is good for? I haven't found a single use for it yet
23:14 est31       e is for fast
23:14 est31       press it while walking
23:14 est31       and check for the fast priv
23:14 est31       /privs
23:15 acerspyro   I set it to my inventory
23:15 acerspyro   While I set ctrl to use
23:15 sofar       I have the priv, doesn't make me faster
23:15 sofar       it's j for me
23:15 est31       try enabling fast mode
23:15 acerspyro   sofar: yes
23:15 acerspyro   You need to toggle it with j
23:15 acerspyro   Then hold E and walk
23:15 est31       sofar you have fly enabled?
23:15 sofar       acerspyro: so ... which items can you 'use'
23:15 acerspyro   Buttons iirc?
23:15 sofar       it's my own server, I can do what I want
23:16 est31       when you have fly disabled, e makes you run
23:16 sofar       right-click button isn't using it?
23:16 acerspyro   idk
23:16 est31       when fly is enabled, j makes toogle run
23:16 est31       and when fly is disabled, you also need to be in fast mode (toggled by j)
23:16 sofar       inventory at I and use at E is ... just terrible
23:17 sofar       I press the inventory button all the time, it should default somewhere left on the keyboard
23:17 est31       therefore I think that lua keybindings should not be only settable by the server but also configurable by the client
23:17 acerspyro   sofar: just set inventory to E and use to Ctrl
23:17 est31       not everybody wants the same keybindings
23:18 acerspyro   est31: tf you on about
23:18 acerspyro   You can change keybinds
23:18 est31       yes but some ppl demanded lua keybindings on here
23:19 acerspyro   idk
23:19 sofar       I know I can, but I'm playing and playing and just wondering... when is 'use' going to start being useful?
23:19 sofar       a good default, it is not
23:19 est31       ecutruin demanded them
23:19 est31       scroll up
23:20 sofar       this is something you should do usability research
23:20 ecutruin    I demanded? O.o;  I more so was curious if it was possible as I had an idea I could do with MT.. but it won't work it seems.
23:20 sofar       make 10 new players play for 15 minutes, give 5 'e' for inventory, give 5 'i' for inventory, measure which one is happy about the key ... etc.
23:21 acerspyro   sofar: Well
23:21 acerspyro   Thing is, I've tried.
23:21 acerspyro   Seems like devs never notice, or even acknowledge bad interface decisions.
23:22 ecutruin    I am of the opinion that MT as an engine should give the developer the ability to overhaul most anything to create an experience.  And is should be up to said developer what keybindings are what and if they will allow them to be configured.
23:22 ecutruin    It seems to be getting there though, slowly.
23:22 est31       you mean the server owner?
23:23 est31       minetest is free software you are free to *develop* which experience with it you want
23:23 ecutruin    Server owner, game maker, mod developer, etc.
23:23 Kay         cant chat hell?
23:23 T4im        oh, the e key is actually a use key?
23:23 Kay         cant chat. help? mobile.
23:23 ecutruin    Whomever makes the content the user will be playing should have control of what said content is, how its interacted with, etc.
23:23 acerspyro   est31: Not a reason for defaults to suck
23:24 acerspyro   Guest34345: Bit vague (sarcastic). Try again.
23:24 T4im        I wonder if we can use it in those alternate scenarios for nodes we use sneak in so far
23:24 acerspyro   Guest34345: iOS?
23:24 * T4im      checks if its being returned with the player controls
23:24 Guest34345  ... ugh. I havent played minetest for two years. I completely forgot the controls.
23:25 Guest34345  A droid.
23:25 acerspyro   ok
23:25 T4im        doesn't seem so :S
23:25 T4im        unless aux1 is that one
23:25 acerspyro   Some people come in and are like "I can't chat" "What OS" "iOS" "Not supported. Scram."
23:25 est31       T4im: great idea. I really hate when I'm in fly mode, want to place an item next to one with an inventory, and have to press sneak
23:26 acerspyro   Guest34345: You press the chat button and it doesn't do anything?
23:26 Guest34345  Meep. I used to play perfectly fine. Two years ago. :(
23:26 Guest34345  the server has a weird gui.
23:26 T4im        the sneak key has become the ultimate key… sneak, crouch, grep the underground, use, switch modes
23:27 acerspyro   Guest34345: updated your client? :P
23:27 est31       grep? as in unix grep?
23:27 T4im        greb*
23:27 T4im        grab*
23:27 est31       ah
23:27 Guest34345  comepletely updated.
23:27 T4im        unix grep broke my spelling of that word
23:27 T4im        :D
23:27 Guest34345  the name's Kay, BTW
23:27 acerspyro   Guest34345: 0.4.11 (or 0.4.12, idk if it's out)
23:28 acerspyro   Guest34345: It's taken, and we call you by your IRC nickname
23:28 Guest34345  dunno ugh XP Such a newb.
23:28 est31       acerspyro: planned release date is january 29
23:28 est31       try logging in to #minetest-dev
23:28 est31       out and in
23:29 acerspyro   oh didn't notice the topic
23:30 Guest34345  hold up. brb
23:53 Kay_Demonia Ugh. Why is my acc 'Kay' not logging in?!! Grrrrrr
23:56 Kay_Demonia Anyway... who can help? I'm on Android and my Minetest won't allow me to chat?