Time Nick Message
00:00 Miner_48er 72
00:14 Niften Any staff/developer on?
00:23 blaaaaargh at least wait a full minute...
00:23 luizrpgluiz hii
00:26 RealBadAngel its always the same, some folks simply dont know what patience is ;)
00:34 jojoa1997 Hi
00:35 Fritigern How high? :-)
00:36 jojoa1997 Very low
00:36 Fritigern So not hi at all!
00:36 jojoa1997 Linux Mint broke so now I have to reinstall it
00:36 jojoa1997 after I update lubuntu and ubuntu
00:36 Fritigern What broke it?
00:36 Fritigern Hmmm
00:36 Fritigern And it broke how?
00:37 jojoa1997 I was installing a python package and accidentally did ctrl-c on the terminal instead of the editor
00:37 jojoa1997 and now it wants me to reinstall it but it says i need to do dpkg --configure python-numpy
00:37 Fritigern So your python installation isw incomplete
00:37 jojoa1997 but I cant do the dpkg commadn wihtout reinstalling it
00:37 * jojoa1997 used a script to install python
00:38 jojoa1997 Hey at least the usb connectionw asnt disconnected
00:38 Fritigern LOL
00:38 jojoa1997 That is how my ubuntu broke the last three times
00:39 jojoa1997 I finally said forget my ubuntu and used the hard drive for my extended essay
00:40 Fritigern I never knew that dpkg was a pythin script....
00:40 Fritigern *python
00:40 * Fritigern can;t tpye
00:41 jojoa1997 no
00:41 jojoa1997 I have a script that installs python manually
00:41 jin_xi wut
00:42 Fritigern Ah, so you do NOT have the dpkg command installed then?
00:42 jojoa1997 i do
00:42 jojoa1997 my script I stopped partway through and messed up everythong
00:43 Fritigern Then why can't you run dpkg?
00:43 jojoa1997 I did
00:43 jojoa1997 simple terms:It is sending me in a loop on how to fix it
00:43 jojoa1997 anyways I already disconnected linux mint from usb today so i should probs just reinstall it overnight
00:44 jojoa1997 so glad I have my win8 computer to watch youtube vids
00:45 Fritigern BTW, my funace UI is messed up. Well the texture. Using Unified inventory, i found that the latest version did not come with a texture for the furnace UI, so i copied the UI from an older version into the new one. Now the texture is streched.
00:46 Fritigern Of course i want to have a decent looking texture there, so what to do?
01:00 Fritigern It may need noting that i use the default_tweaks from technic...
01:01 Niften hi everybody
01:15 RealBadAngel hi
01:16 RealBadAngel Fritigern, those tweaks needs to be updated
01:16 Fritigern Okay, pulling from git then
01:18 Fritigern "Already up to date"
01:18 Fritigern I think someone needs to make a commit
01:23 andre_pl Apologies in advance for the noob problem, but I'm attempting my first mod, and am new to lua as well, I'm trying to register a callback for on_step on each player, but It appears I'm doing it wrong: http://pastebin.com/xmVhXvFx
01:23 andre_pl that code just throws: attempt to call method 'on_step' (a nil value)
01:34 Fritigern Okay, i am having a serious privs issue. I have made a test user and it has privs that it shouldn;t have. Auth.txt shows that it only has the default privs (interact,shout,teleport,home,fast) but in-world, /privs shows that the test user has much, MUCH more than that.
01:35 Fritigern A second test user does not have those "extenedd privs"
01:35 Fritigern *extended
01:39 RealBadAngel andre_pl, you have to register on step function
01:40 RealBadAngel andre_pl, like here: https://github.com/minetest-technic/unified_inventory/blob/master/item_names.lua#L36
01:43 andre_pl RealBadAngel: Oh, I think i was confusing the entity defition api w/ event registration.. so player has a on_step like all other entities, but it's not an event
01:43 andre_pl i think i get it :) thanks
01:48 Fritigern Any idea how that test user got those provs?
01:48 Fritigern *privs?
01:52 Fritigern This really is a big issue! If somehow any user can obtain extended privileges, then the entire server is in danger of serious griefing
02:04 bjrohan Suggestions for best armor mod?
02:10 jordan4ibanez !tell
02:10 MinetestBot jordan4ibanez: Need a nickname...
02:11 jordan4ibanez !tell sfan5 a sfan5 haiku http://i.imgur.com/pZYTdXa.png
02:11 MinetestBot jordan4ibanez: I'll pass that on when sfan5 is around
02:12 jordan4ibanez lol
02:17 kaeza bjrohan, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4654
02:55 andre_pl can a mod expose an api for other mods to use? how does one mod call a function in another?
02:57 VanessaE just directly call the function.
02:57 VanessaE and put the mod in depends.txt
02:58 VanessaE if mod A needs to call foo() in mod B, put B into mod A's depends.txt and just call foo() directly, nothing special.
02:58 VanessaE it's just like calling functions in the modding API.
03:03 andre_pl VanessaE: i assume foo has to be non-local?
03:03 VanessaE correct.
03:04 andre_pl and that applies to all non-local variables? not just functions?
03:04 VanessaE correct. they can be restricted in scope e.g. function A.foo(), a.bar_baz, and so on
03:04 VanessaE with A = {} at the start of your code
03:04 andre_pl so I should take care not to pollute the namespace
03:04 VanessaE yes
03:05 andre_pl cool thanks
03:05 VanessaE no prob
03:11 andre_pl has there been any attempt at bow-draw mechanics? I couldn't find anything but the throwing mod and it doesn't seem to do it
03:12 VanessaE nothing as yet - this requires changes to the client to allow in-hand items to be animted
03:12 VanessaE animated*
03:12 VanessaE such a feature does not yet exist
03:12 andre_pl :(
03:24 andre_pl is there a way to detect if the player is touching the ground?
03:33 someguy_ Yo]
03:33 Brains Hrm... Are there problems with tubes (pipeworks mod IIRC) that are ~100m long?
03:50 * Brains punts and installs a teleporting tube and everything is happy again.
05:56 rickmcfarley home.metrocast.net/~minetest-modding-tutorial
05:56 rickmcfarley My attempt at extending further Jeija's modding tutorial
06:54 ispn Hi all!
07:35 knobo how can I run?
07:46 ispn https://voxel.codeplex.com/ <- pretty epic voxel modeller
07:47 knobo Is it possible to move faster/run in minetest?
07:48 Nekrodes knobo: run, you fool!! :þ
07:53 blaise it's possible to sneak
07:53 blaise dunno if it helps with hunting foul and game
07:54 knobo To make running possible, would the core needed to be changed then?
07:54 knobo Or could it be done with a mod?
07:55 RealBadAngel no mods needed
07:55 knobo How to do it then?
07:55 RealBadAngel fast priviledge
07:55 RealBadAngel and "e" key
07:58 knobo RealBadAngel: is it possible to change that key?
07:59 H-H-H yes in the settings
08:00 RealBadAngel its "use" key
08:03 knobo Thank you :)
08:36 Fritigern Today's WorldEdit lesson is that if you strech a selection, the selection stretches too. DO NOT REPEAT THE STRECHING OPERATION!!!!
08:39 Fritigern You make a 10x10x10 selection, and you strech it along the X-axis 10 times, this makes it 100 nodes long. The selection also grows to the same dimensions. So if you repeat the operation, the object is now 1,000 nodes long. Repeat it yet again, and BOOM, 10,000.
08:40 Fritigern And since WE doesn't let that operation be reversed, i am now stuck with a n object many times the size that i wanted it to be.
08:41 Fritigern Oh well, i'll live. It's just a big pain.
08:55 speak Is it so that the default minetest game doesn't have monsters at all?
08:55 Fritigern This is true
08:56 Fritigern And since you said "default minetest game", you prolly already know that they can be added via mods
08:57 speak Correct, and thank you
08:58 speak Any plans on adding monsters to the default game?
08:59 ThatGraemeGuy if you mean minetest_game then no, this has been discussed a billion times
08:59 speak Feel free to say "read through the forums" or something, if this has been discussed 50000x times already
08:59 speak Okay, grand :P
08:59 ThatGraemeGuy mobs are left for mod authors to do
08:59 speak I've been trying to figure out what the most cohesive "game" is that I could get, everything seems to be quite heavily in development, or abandoned
09:00 speak I mean everything that I've been able to find. Maybe Carbon?
09:00 * Fritigern is happy with the absence of mobs.
09:00 speak I'm looking for a survival type game
09:01 ThatGraemeGuy check the Games section on the forum, most will have a decent decsription of what sort of game its intended to be and you can get a good feel for how active the game is as well
09:01 speak ThatGraemeGuy: Yeah I've been going through those, thanks
09:01 Fritigern LOL! ThatGraemeGuyI read "intended" as "indecent" ;-))))
09:01 Fritigern (and of course, i leave a space out)
09:01 ThatGraemeGuy now there's an idea :-D
09:02 speak It's tricky to find one that isn't abandoned, and still has a good set of features
09:02 Fritigern Who can build the biggest boobs! :-)
09:02 Amaz speak: Lord of the Test is a fairly good survival game... But still in development, and based on the Lord of the Rings, which may put you off...
09:02 Fritigern Gonad rush!
09:02 speak Oh yay, the Overcraft developer seems to have gotten back to his/her project
09:02 speak Amaz: Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out
09:03 * Fritigern has learned that "in cdevelopment" often means "Very playable, but the devs aren;t just sitting around being all complacent and all"
09:03 Amaz :P
09:03 speak Fritigern: Yeah I sure don't mind "in development", that's a good thing :P
09:03 ThatGraemeGuy speak: you can also check out the Servers section, a lot of them will say which game they are based on so you can pop on to the server and check it out
09:03 Fritigern Heck, even that other hole digging game is still "in development"
09:04 speak Indeed!
09:04 speak ThatGraemeGuy: Good tip, thank you
09:04 Fritigern (wouldn't surprize me if MC 2.0 will be written in Visual Basic)
09:04 ThatGraemeGuy .NET
09:04 Amaz XD
09:05 ThatGraemeGuy with mods done in PowerShell
09:05 speak Hehe
09:05 Fritigern And there goes my night's rest....
09:07 jp when you want add an image on Git, you mus use : ![Image] (file URL) in the <> code area ?
09:07 jp must*
09:07 jp I'm being mad...
09:08 ninnghazad while its not right, just using
works on github
09:08 ninnghazad ah,sry, in code area...
09:09 jp not work
09:09 jp what a pain to replace some images >:(
09:15 spiritfilled Hi my friends how do I set the time to day only?
09:16 Nekrodes jp: github uses markdown for formating your text -> https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
09:17 spiritfilled ty
09:18 kaeza spiritfilled, use `/time 8000`, followed by `/set time_speed 0`. the former sets the time to day (08:00 AM to be precise), and the latter "freezes" time
09:19 jp Nekrodes : it's for replace some images in a folder, your solution not work
09:19 kaeza also mornings
09:37 Amaz Does anyone know how to convert a .blend file to a .x?
09:39 jp Amaz : export
09:39 Amaz Okay.
09:39 jp but you need to install a filter for .x iirc
09:39 Amaz I don't see a .x option there though.
09:39 rubenwardy Make sure the plugins are enabled (directx comes with blender by default)
09:40 Amaz Okay!
09:40 rubenwardy settings > plugins > import / export
09:40 Amaz Thanks.
09:40 rubenwardy welcom
09:45 RealBadAngel amaz, mt (irrlicht) supports wavefront .obj
09:46 rubenwardy Some people recommend .b3d for Minetest stuffs
09:46 jp .obj is not for animated object iirc
09:46 Amaz RBA, but .obj does not support movement, right?
09:46 * Amaz found that out the hard way!
09:53 RealBadAngel Amaz, yup, it doesnt
10:28 Nekrodes hi john_minetest :)
10:37 ninnghazad hm, so how to get an entity by position? nodes by position with minetest.get_node(), but no minetest.get_entity() or the like...
10:41 RealBadAngel for _, object in ipairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(playerPosition, 3))
10:41 RealBadAngel 3 is radius here
10:42 ninnghazad aah... thanks!
10:42 RealBadAngel used here for example: https://github.com/minetest-technic/item_tweaks/blob/master/item_drop.lua#L184
10:57 rickmcfarley RealBadAngel: I did a tutorial for nuclear reactor, if you get a chance, let me know what you think. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfBwygvEJNA
10:57 rickmcfarley Also, for anyone interested, home.metrocast.net/~minetestmoddingtutorial
11:05 kaeza http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz0PaPpmGa8
11:15 ninnghazad hmpf, get_objects_inside_radius segfaults... yay.
11:20 raffahacks What's chanserv?
11:21 kaeza maybe you're passing an invalid argument
11:21 kaeza ninnghazad, can you paste(bin) the relevant code?
11:24 ninnghazad http://pastebin.com/xW8ru33f if there is no entity within the radius, it work and returns {}, but if there is, it segfaults
11:25 ninnghazad segfault happens @ #0 0x00007ffff6657e51 in lua_rawseti ()
11:26 kaeza what is the output of the first print() ?
11:26 ninnghazad i assume this is because my entities are somehow bad and it crashes trying to read from them.
11:26 ninnghazad ACTION[ServerThread]: dronetest: system 2 generated output: check for objects @ {["y"] = 13, ["x"] = 125, ["z"] = 124}
11:28 ninnghazad my entities are defined like this: http://pastebin.com/tAYhwd8q plus a bunch of functions of course
11:28 kaeza hmm
11:29 jojoa1997 hi
11:35 kaeza ninnghazad, the code you pasted runs OK here (for reference, this is the code I run: https://gist.github.com/kaeza/8c2607fba5180788301a )
11:35 jp https://cdn.mediacru.sh/4voQCzVtROm4.jpg
11:38 kaeza gist updated with output
11:38 kaeza I should note two errors here, but they may be unrelated to the segfault:
11:39 ninnghazad kaeza: thx. hm... imma try to check if it only segfaults when finding entities i made or for all of them
11:40 kaeza 1) you should use ipairs() instead of pairs() (mainly because it makes it clear you are iterating a list)
11:40 raffahacks Bye
11:41 kaeza 2) the values returned by get_objects_inside_radius are "raw" objects (i.e. "userdata"). you should use obj:get_luaentity().physical or so
11:41 kaeza (instead of obj.physical)
11:42 ninnghazad yeah, i guessed so - but my code never reaches that point, so i stuck with the problem before looking up how to get value from obj.
11:46 alket is this under a liberal license ? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5427
11:49 rickmcfarley No commercial use, no derivatives. .....so in my opinion, no
11:50 rickmcfarley http://bdcraft.net/license-terms-of-use
11:52 kaeza ninnghazad, just in case, did you actually register the entity?
11:53 lisacvuk anyone have some nice castles?
11:54 ninnghazad kaeza: ye, its actually 2 objects of the entity i registered. just found out that spawning dummyball-objects instead does not make the get_ func segfault, but it returns an empty list - not finding the dummyball that totally is in that spot.maybe ill try recompile from latest source before i go on looking
11:55 kaeza alright
12:00 Fritigern sfan5: How do i know when the save operation is finished in WorldEdit?
12:03 jp Fritigern : you have used /save, right ? normally something like " saved to ..."
12:03 sfan5 when the .we file stops growing
12:03 jp use /mtschemcreate rather
12:04 sfan5 note: /mtschemcreate doesn't save the contents of the chests
12:04 jp right
12:05 Fritigern sfan5: Can you add a message upon save completion? WE does givesuch a message when loading finishes, so i expect the same for a save operation
12:06 sfan5 Fritigern: please open an issue on github for that
12:30 ninnghazad kaeza: rebuild didn't help. if using get_ in a globalstep i works for me too, and it finds my objects. calling from another place, behind some pcalls, segfaults or does not find anything. seems to me i have a corrupt minetest-table at the point of calling.
13:49 ninnghazad kaeza: it's the coroutines, get_objects_inside_radius cannot be called from within, for whatever reason.
14:11 Brains Technic needs a beamed power machine...
14:21 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, why isn't there a smooth day-night-cycle with shaders anymore?
14:52 ThatGraemeGuy Brains: a what now? :-o
14:55 Brains ThatGraemeGuy: I'm too lazy to run power cables 100s of meters so I was daydreaming about beamed power... Tesla style or focused microwave beams or... (Technic can handwave (or minimally reflect) the losses inherent in beamed power.)
14:55 ThatGraemeGuy ah
14:56 ThatGraemeGuy people run hv to -2000 and deeper
14:56 ThatGraemeGuy stop whining and suck it up :P
14:56 Brains Heh, ran my first length of hv cable down to -100 or so last night, should be time to do it again soon.
14:56 * Brains had trouble with 100m long tubes so punted and just used teleporting tubes.
15:07 PenguinDad john_minetest: Heated vines :P
15:12 * sfan5 meows at john_minetest
15:13 * john_minetest gives sfan5 a <'(((-<
15:13 * sfan5 noms the fishy
15:19 Amaz Does anyone have the Blender script that was attached to this post? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=9068
15:29 Brains Anybody know why technic has windmills disabled by default?
15:33 ThatGraemeGuy Brains, I suspect because they are too cheap.
15:34 ThatGraemeGuy Relatively cheap to make and no ongoing running cost at all
15:34 Brains Even more than solar arrays?
15:35 * Brains is set up with the 2x HV solar array + HV quarry arrangement at the moment. Lumps for nothing and your ingots for free.
15:37 ThatGraemeGuy Yeah wind generators are mostly carbon steel, which isn't terribly hard to accumulate
15:38 * Brains was thinking about building a reactor but he's got no idea what he'd use that much power for at the moment.
15:38 ThatGraemeGuy I've had an idea that they ought to have some item that you place into a slot similar to fuel in a furnace
15:39 ThatGraemeGuy so as the wind generator runs this item runs out and needs replacing
15:39 Brains Only be fair to do it with solar arrays too then.
15:39 ThatGraemeGuy because right now you make a generator and get power permanently
15:40 ThatGraemeGuy not really, solar generates for less than half the time, that's already a down side
15:40 Brains 'Course, at the end of the tech pyramid, you can get pretty much anything you want pretty easily.
15:40 ThatGraemeGuy wind has no real down side
15:40 Brains And presumably the windmills would generate less power but more steadily.
15:42 Brains Oh, and a bit of variation in the power supply would be a cool downside... Then you can smooth that with battery boxes.
15:42 Brains (Variation = wind speed varies, power varies)
15:42 * Brains notices coal->coal_dust is one way.
15:49 * shadowzone pokes ShadowNinja
15:49 George hi everybody
15:51 George I need an inventory mod so I can see how to make things I like the single player part best So where can I get this mod?
15:51 George or where do I search been looking for about a week
15:52 cities maybe this
15:52 cities https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3933
15:52 George ty cities
15:53 cities Im new though don't trust me
15:55 Calinou I'm a chemist trust me
15:56 George The page comes up but the download is brok just though you might like to know Cities
15:57 Brains George: Did you try the attachment at the bottom of that post?
15:57 George no ty
15:58 George I'll try it ty
15:58 * sfan5 meows at Hirato
15:58 * Brains hasn't tried the attachment himself, but, IIRC, unified inventory is a mod included in the dreambuilder game he's playing.
15:59 cities unified inventory is where it lets you search on the right for blocks. right?
15:59 cities and it can tell you the recipe?
15:59 Calinou game looks much better with new grass/dirt textures
15:59 cities nodes*** excuse me
15:59 Hirato hai sfan5
15:59 George I'm dl it now ty
15:59 Calinou water's still a bit too blue
15:59 Calinou hi-rato
15:59 cities Calinou what new? Did it make everything look medieval?
16:01 Calinou it has a new, darker cobble
16:01 Calinou your mileage may vary
16:01 Calinou looks OK to me
16:01 Calinou a bit too dark probably
16:01 cities ok
16:01 cities I think I was seeing the same thing you are
16:01 Calinou hard to differentiate to gravel
16:02 cities do stone bricks look all old now?
16:02 George got it is there anything I need to get it to work?
16:02 cities with hints of green
16:03 Calinou mossycobble is OK, quite subtle
16:03 cities I'm not sure I like this 'new'
16:04 Calinou stone-ish textures don't tile well
16:04 Calinou the grass is less eye-cancer-provoking at least 8)
16:04 cities less bright green?
16:05 cities bright green grass is nice :)
16:06 Calinou it sucks
16:06 Calinou grass being too green or too bright (or worse, both) is the main problem of texture packs
16:06 Calinou water being too blue too
16:06 cities aww
16:06 cities I think it looks happy
16:07 kahrl like a room without a roof?
16:07 cities but I do think I am seeing what you're seeing. Not a few days ago everything seemed different
16:07 cities now the stone looks old and the grass is dull
16:09 Calinou stone hasn't changed (IIRC), only cobble, mossy cobble and stone bricks
16:10 Calinou grass doesn't tile well, but good colour (reminds me of MixCraft)
16:10 Calinou MixCraft has a very good feeling
16:10 cities stone bricks thats what I meant to say
16:10 Calinou feels classical but not ugly
16:10 cities it feels medieval
16:10 cities like a john smith minecraft texture
16:11 Calinou https://cdn.mediacru.sh/TQw8-8cEODum.png
16:11 Calinou screenshot of textures here
16:12 Calinou quite easy on the eyes
16:12 Calinou unlike the old ones
16:12 George I've got errors I pasted them in http://pastebin.com/vKcvDiCp
16:12 cities hmmm
16:12 cities maybe thats not what im seeing that looks good
16:13 cities can you screenshot a stone brick
16:15 George http://pastebin.com/vKcvDiCp
16:15 cities Calinou guess you wouldn't like sphax then :)
16:16 Calinou meh
16:17 Calinou cities, old pack: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/u51wOcFnGbkn.png
16:17 Calinou stone bricks (new): https://cdn.mediacru.sh/e0xtUM-jLcb-.png
16:18 George like those too
16:18 cities ok
16:18 cities yeah I like the new one
16:18 cities its not what I was thinking of
16:19 Calinou it's better than the old one to me
16:19 cities it does look better
16:19 cities you're right
16:19 Calinou https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/82342922/minetest/mapper-Ubuntu-1404-amd64.tar.xz
16:19 Calinou https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/82342922/minetest/NodeBoxEditor-Ubuntu-1404-amd64.tar.xz
16:19 Calinou Ubuntu builds of the mapper and NodeBoxEditor, test if you can
16:20 cities does technic change textures
16:20 George I can't seem to get that unifited inventory working grrrr
16:23 George would that dropbox work in Manjaro Caliniu?
16:25 George is everybody sleeping lol
16:25 sfan5 no
16:27 George How do I get that unifited inventory mod working?
16:28 cities I don't think anyone knows righ tnow
16:28 George understand cities
16:28 PenguinDad George: what is the problem?
16:29 kaeza http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkyAOMR7t0U
16:29 sfan5 !title
16:29 MinetestBot sfan5: Solid Snake Calls Gun Shops - Metal Gear Prank Call - YouTube
16:37 cities sfan5
16:37 cities you a fan of soundboard calls?
16:37 cities err rather kaeza
16:38 kaeza no
17:16 cities I'm gonna get into the linux thing
17:18 SylvieLorxu cities: Which distro?
17:19 cities I don't know, I'm mostly kidding myself. I would have to read to see what a 'distro' is
17:19 SylvieLorxu Distro is basically a "flavour" of "Linux". You have Ubuntu and Linux Mint and way more (like you have Windows XP and OS X and so)
17:20 SylvieLorxu I think more
17:20 cities goodness
17:20 SylvieLorxu But most aren't interesting
17:20 SylvieLorxu Ubuntu or Linux Mint are most common for beginners, Trisquel if you care about only using FOSS stuff, Arch or Gentoo if you like pain
17:21 SylvieLorxu (Or Parabola if you like Arch' pain combined with only FOSS)
17:21 rubberduck one question, are some ores less common in higher depths, i am around -3000 and some of the default ores looks for me to be less common.?????.??.?:-P
17:21 sfan5 18<john_minetest18> Hey, Arch is no pain.
17:21 sfan5 ^
17:21 SylvieLorxu Arch is pain to new users
17:21 sfan5 yes
17:21 SylvieLorxu Unless you're the tweaking kind that has a lot of patience and isn't scared of typing command
17:21 sfan5 but "Arch is pain" doesn't imply that
17:22 SylvieLorxu It's way more work than Ubuntu or Mint
17:22 SylvieLorxu Hmm, I wouldn't recommend Sabayon, it's like an unstable version of Gentoo
17:23 cities I like colors.
17:23 SylvieLorxu But yeah, if you're new, you probably want to choose between Ubuntu or Mint (if you want things to be easy), Trisquel if you want things to be easy and completely FOSS, Arch/Gentoo/Parabola if you love tweaking (Parabola is Arch' FOSS sister, Gentoo can be made free)
17:23 SylvieLorxu s/free/FOSS/
17:23 SylvieLorxu (Clearer in this context)
17:24 SylvieLorxu In run Gentoo myself but I wouldn't recommend that to new users
17:24 SylvieLorxu s/In/I/
17:24 SylvieLorxu (Dammit)
17:25 SylvieLorxu Cinnamon is pretty nice, I guess. I prefer KDE, but to each their own
17:25 MinetestBot jordan4ibanez: 09-30 05:40 UTC wonderful, wonderful! :3
17:25 cities omg this is so crazy
17:26 sfan5 "[...] that are slow on slow computers"
17:26 sfan5 >tfw
17:26 cities some friend of mine one time
17:26 MinetestBot 02[Git] 04kaeza -> 03minetest/minetest: updatepo.sh: Find all files 1347abe25 http://git.io/QTetUw (152014-09-30T13:25:26-04:00)
17:26 cities talked me through dual booting
17:26 cities I think it was ubuntu
17:27 cities and I couldn't get wifi to work :(
17:27 cities we're no longer friends
17:27 SylvieLorxu I would really try a live CD before dual booting
17:28 SylvieLorxu WiFi support gets better each version, there's a fair chance a new version would support it just fine
17:28 cities so ubuntu
17:28 cities ohh
17:28 SylvieLorxu VirtualBox works too, although I personally still prefer Live CD/Live USB, but yeah
17:28 sfan5 john_minetest: i3 is entirely different
17:28 SylvieLorxu I's personal preference
17:29 cities so you can test them out
17:29 cities inside virtualbox
17:30 cities does anyone on this channel use windows at all
17:31 sfan5 yes
17:32 sfan5 some people do
17:32 cities I can see using linux or whatever if you're really wanting to do something you couldn't normally accomplish
17:32 sfan5 basically linux and windows is about the same
17:32 sfan5 linux is just nicer
17:33 Calinou basically linux and windows is about the same
17:33 Calinou is quite true, actually
17:33 Calinou although some things will feel more native
17:33 Calinou eg. Git
17:33 Calinou using Git on Windows feels kind of strange
17:33 Calinou or VCS in general
17:34 cities Ive heard about these repos
17:34 cities that sounds interesting
17:34 cities reminds me of cydia on a jailbroken iphone...
17:34 SylvieLorxu It's basically just like that, yeah
17:34 Calinou kind of like an application store, but more than that
17:36 cities thats neat
17:36 cities windows app store is
17:36 cities well
17:37 cities I don;t use it
17:39 cities ubuntu is for tablets and phones?
17:39 cities cool
17:40 SylvieLorxu Ubuntu can run on tablets and phones too, but I don't know of any tablet/phone that runs it
17:40 sfan5 cities: app stores and package managers aren't comparable
17:42 cities oh ok
17:42 cities I'm not sure what it is then
17:43 SylvieLorxu I think they are comparable
17:43 SylvieLorxu They do basically the same: Download, install and configure software for you
17:44 Calinou and integrate it
17:44 Calinou this is important, they immediatly come with integration into your system
17:44 Calinou desktop icons, etc
17:44 Calinou unlike randomly downloaded .zip
17:44 SylvieLorxu That falls under "install" for me
17:49 dirkk0 what's missing is: apt-get install --yes --pay 0.99 myAwesomeApp
17:50 cities what the paying
17:50 Calinou but we have “apt†now :)
17:50 Calinou sudo apt install, sudo apt update, sudo apt full-upgrade, sudo apt search…
17:50 Calinou oh, no sudo for search
17:50 sfan5 dirkk0: so everyone who gets root on your system can spend thousands of monies on anything they want?
17:54 PenguinDad apt-get install --yes --pay NaN cookies # :3
17:56 dirkk0 I didn't sudo for a reason ;-)
17:59 dirkk0 http://xkcd.com/149/
18:00 knobo //set tnt
18:03 knobo takes a lot of memory
18:40 rubberduck lölölölöl
18:41 PenguinDad Too many umlauts :D
18:41 rubberduck the server is down :-(
18:41 rubberduck can't play at the moment
18:41 rubberduck :-(:-(:-(:-(:-(
18:42 ThatGraemeGuy rubberduck: VanessaE is updating mods will be back in a couple of mins
18:42 rubberduck ok
18:43 ThatGraemeGuy up again
18:44 rubberduck :):):):):)
18:44 VanessaE I am here.
18:46 rubberduck :):-D:-(;-):P=-O:-*8-):-[:'(:-/O:-):-X:-$:-!>:o just testing all smileys
18:46 ThatGraemeGuy I meant the server will be back in a couple of mins :-p
18:52 EvergreenTree Wuzzy's tutorial map is great! I have never seen a map which has used mods the way he has
18:52 shadowzone What is the tutorial map?
18:53 EvergreenTree Look at
18:53 EvergreenTree blehy
18:53 EvergreenTree y u fail me ctrl+v
18:53 EvergreenTree https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10192
18:53 EvergreenTree ^ There
18:53 EvergreenTree it is a combination of a game and a world
18:54 * Jordach fails of the week
18:54 EvergreenTree /s/game/subgame
18:54 shadowzone Thank you.
18:54 diemartin the duck is blehy btw
18:54 Jordach i spent more time playing solitaire than trying to get a netgear wifi adapter to work
18:54 shadowzone XD
18:54 EvergreenTree Lol
18:54 EvergreenTree Typos ftw
19:01 Jordach so we were somewhat finishing the hardware section off of my hardware chapter, and my teacher gives me the hardest stuff to do
19:02 blaise I'm having some pretty bad difficulty comping boost
19:04 sfan5 Jordach: such as?
19:04 Jordach a shitty netgear wifi usb adapter
19:04 Jordach wpn111 drivers
19:04 Jordach oh fuck no
19:05 Jordach i'll give pics later
19:05 sfan5 do you even google
19:06 PenguinDad s/google/duckduckgo/
19:07 Jordach sfan5, even with the original drivers, it denied me wifi every time
19:07 Jordach so while it tried to connect, out came solitaire
19:07 Jordach (mastering the art of not giving a fuck)
19:07 Jordach and jesus fuck Coke Life tastes like Pepsi (otherwise known as shit)
19:09 cities watching someone play on youtube
19:09 cities a purple sphere flew up
19:09 cities and
19:09 cities started a fire
19:11 cities thats some oddness
19:11 blaise Jordach: the netgear wna1100 is pretty rock solit
19:11 blaise solid
19:12 blaise ath9k_htc driver works perfect
19:12 Jordach blaise, not when no matter what it ignores any attemot to connect to wifi
19:12 blaise and I get atleast 10MegaBytesPerSecond
19:12 blaise XD
19:12 blaise Jordach: I didn't say wpn111, that thing is trash
19:13 blaise I said wna1100
19:13 blaise I got it for $30
19:14 blaise netgear wireless-n 150
19:15 blaise my broadcom onboard wireless in my laptop is crap
19:15 blaise fricken 1MegaBytePerSecond.
19:15 blaise sticks
19:15 blaise *stinks*
19:15 blaise s/sticks/stinks/
19:16 blaise broadcom sucks
19:16 blaise Jordach: howdy
19:16 blaise An_Sar: hi
19:16 blaise chchjesus: hey
19:16 blaise daswort: howyadoin
19:17 * blaise drowns in an ocean of chocolate and peanut butter
19:17 EvergreenTree blaise presents: How to say hello 5 different ways in an irc chat room
19:17 EvergreenTree Heyo Calinou
19:17 EvergreenTree ^ yet another way
19:17 * blaise drags EvergreenTree into the peanut butter and chocolate ocean with him
19:17 EvergreenTree :P
19:18 * EvergreenTree noms on the ocean
19:18 Jordach TIL ETS2 uses Blender for modeling
19:20 DusXMT EvergreenTree: Adding to the collection: 'ello
19:21 blaise the u_skins mod uses blender to generate player skin previews in the selection form
19:21 blaise so I was trying to install the fricking blender
19:21 blaise but it just the fricking doesn't compile on the correct
19:21 EvergreenTree blaise: it doesn't need to be compiled
19:21 EvergreenTree just download the binary
19:21 EvergreenTree :P
19:22 EvergreenTree http://www.blender.org/download/
19:26 blaise there is no binary
19:26 EvergreenTree Yes there is,
19:26 EvergreenTree 64 bit: http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/graphics/blender/release/Blender2.71/blender-2.71-linux-glibc211-x86_64.tar.bz2
19:26 EvergreenTree 32 bit: http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/graphics/blender/release/Blender2.71/blender-2.71-linux-glibc211-i686.tar.bz2
19:26 blaise so you're telling me there is a precompiled binary archive for amd64 on gentoo GNU/Linux ?
19:27 blaise IN the gentoo portage overlay ?
19:27 EvergreenTree I think so, the binary should work on all platforms
19:27 blaise EvergreenTree: I can't use those, they're corrupt
19:27 EvergreenTree blaise: its a mirror
19:27 EvergreenTree so just go to the blender website and click the according 32/64 bit button
19:28 blaise they're still corrupted by alternative failboats of eharmoney
19:28 EvergreenTree blaise: ?
19:28 DusXMT Those binaries ship with a different version of the Thompson virus than if one would build it on their machine :D
19:28 blaise I will the compile it on the stuff which the great computer gods gaveuth us
19:28 * blaise throws frozen hotdogs at EvergreenTree
19:29 * EvergreenTree absorbs the hotdogs
19:29 VanessaE !tell bjrohan I installed that skin you wanted finally. Sorry for the delay.
19:29 MinetestBot VanessaE: I'll pass that on when bjrohan is around
19:29 * rubberduck eats the hotdogs
19:30 cities oh thats neat
19:30 chchjesus hey blaise
20:19 * Jordach drops $10 that W10 won't suck ass
20:21 SylvieLorxu Literally or methaphorically?
20:22 Jordach both
20:22 Jordach it's 7 rehashed with a shitload of NT speed boosts
20:22 Jordach that 8 got (minus the fucking start screen)
20:22 SylvieLorxu In that case I'm on your side because software can't literally suck ass
20:22 SylvieLorxu If it was only methaphorically I wouldn't be on your side because Windows is and will always be horrible
20:23 Jordach SylvieLorxu, look at it this way: i compile minetest once and it's ready for tablets, desktop and phones
20:23 Jordach no extra toolchains, just push once
20:23 PenguinDad TIL Microsoft can't count
20:23 Jordach PenguinDad, 7, 8, 9
20:23 Jordach think about that for a moment
20:24 SylvieLorxu PenguinDad: One Microsoft person promised that Windows 9 would be a free upgrade to Windows 8 users
20:24 SylvieLorxu So, to avoid legal trouble, they're skipping 9
20:24 SylvieLorxu So they can still charge you
20:24 Jordach SylvieLorxu, there's code in lots of apps that regex's for the name Windows 9*
20:25 Jordach (which is meant for Monolithic kernels, not NT)
20:26 * PenguinDad headdesks
20:26 cities so windows 10 will not be free
20:26 cities for windoiws 8 users?
20:26 EvergreenTree Jordach: y u support windows
20:26 SylvieLorxu cities: Of course not :P
20:26 Jordach EvergreenTree, yes and no
20:26 cities who primised that windows 9 would be free?
20:27 Jordach 1) it's actually starting to look like DEs that have awesome candy
20:27 Jordach 2) borderless windows (eg, no outlines, just like a maximised window at all times minus the title bar
20:27 Jordach 3) the start button
20:27 SylvieLorxu https://news.yahoo.com/confirmed-windows-9-free-upgrade-windows-8-users-133033409.html
20:27 SylvieLorxu Microsofct Indonesia
20:28 EvergreenTree Jordach: A lot of DE's have borderless windows
20:28 Jordach EvergreenTree, MS is catching up fast
20:28 EvergreenTree Kde, gnome, unity, etc
20:28 EvergreenTree Jordach: Sure, but does that make windows good? not really
20:28 Jordach EvergreenTree, look at the build chain for developers
20:28 SylvieLorxu Microsoft is basically now doing what KDE has done since early KDE4
20:28 Jordach EvergreenTree, think of the windows phone users who want a voxel game on their tablet or WP
20:29 SylvieLorxu "Converging desktops"
20:29 SylvieLorxu Unity has been doing the same for a while as well
20:30 Jordach SylvieLorxu, Unified Computing comes to mind: no matter what device, the operating system is the same and is easier for developers to target different systems at once
20:31 SylvieLorxu Jordach: That's the exact thing I'm saying
20:31 EvergreenTree Jordach: But not everyong uses windows
20:31 Jordach eg, i can start writing an email on my phone, insert pictures via my tablet, and send it on my desktop, which is visible on all three devices at the same time (and does the client animations)
20:31 SylvieLorxu KDE has been supporting that since KDE4
20:31 SylvieLorxu Oh, that
20:31 Jordach SylvieLorxu, except bloat
20:31 Jordach KDE = bloat
20:31 SylvieLorxu Well, KDE Connect supports a lot of syncing
20:31 SylvieLorxu ...
20:31 SylvieLorxu Windows takes MUCH more resources
20:31 Jordach i don't want eye candy thanks
20:31 SylvieLorxu Don't give me this KDE = bloat bullshit in this context
20:31 EvergreenTree Jordach: how dare you insult kde
20:32 Jordach psh
20:32 SylvieLorxu KDE is heavy, yes, but it's not bloat when you compare it to Windows
20:32 SylvieLorxu Windows is much heavier
20:32 Jordach ~12% RAM used
20:32 Jordach u wot m8
20:32 Jordach blender uses more than windows
20:32 SylvieLorxu 12% of what?
20:32 Jordach 8gb
20:32 SylvieLorxu Okay, I have 4GB, let me check
20:32 Jordach (i'm also running steam + tox + firefox)
20:33 Jordach and W10 should be a godsend: we could have a second phone device other than android supported for minetest
20:34 SylvieLorxu I have a lot running and I'm compiling a kernel
20:34 SylvieLorxu I can't fairly compare like this (applications shouldn't count in the first place)
20:34 Jordach SylvieLorxu, Windows 8 before used to sit around ~350mb used with nothing running at all
20:34 SylvieLorxu Jordach: KDE is around 200MB if I do nothing
20:35 SylvieLorxu If I just booted and don't have anything started yet
20:35 Jordach SylvieLorxu, when do i need 3d acc for drawing a DE
20:35 Jordach oh yes, KDE
20:35 Jordach why'd you think they killed Aero?
20:35 SylvieLorxu GNOME3 needs 3d acceleration, KDE4 doesn't as far as I know
20:35 Jordach battery killer + resource drain
20:35 SylvieLorxu KDE5 neither, I believe
20:35 EvergreenTree Jordach: KDE doesn't need to have transparent windows
20:36 SylvieLorxu I really want KDE5: https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma5.0/
20:36 Jordach EvergreenTree, using Kubuntu as a standard
20:36 EvergreenTree You can strip it down to the bare essentials if you want
20:36 [xming] Windows X :D
20:36 SylvieLorxu Kubuntu is a mess
20:36 Jordach lolwat
20:36 EvergreenTree SylvieLorxu: Yes it is
20:36 Jordach it looks like 8 fucked Vista
20:36 SylvieLorxu It's not a fair comparison, they really have a messed up KDE installed
20:36 SylvieLorxu KDE5 has been in development for a while
20:36 EvergreenTree Use arch + your own custom kde
20:37 EvergreenTree :P
20:37 Jordach and they still haven't fixed default looks either
20:37 EvergreenTree That's what I did with my ~6 year old laptop
20:37 Jordach all DEs look the same visually and accomplish the same tasks
20:37 EvergreenTree and it still runs fien
20:37 SylvieLorxu Jordach: ...
20:37 EvergreenTree Jordach: Look at awesome, or rat poison
20:37 SylvieLorxu You're a complete idiot when you make such statements
20:37 SylvieLorxu KDE4 doesn't look like GNOME3 which doesn't look like awesome which doesn't look like Unity which doesn't look like Xfce
20:37 EvergreenTree Jordach: DE's do not accomplish the same tasks
20:37 Jordach SylvieLorxu, go program a fully featured DE then
20:37 SylvieLorxu That's not even related!
20:38 Jordach prove that you know what you're talking about
20:38 SylvieLorxu Me programming a DE has NOTHING to do with DEs acting similar
20:38 SylvieLorxu ...
20:38 EvergreenTree Red herring alert
20:38 SylvieLorxu Why don't you try multiple DEs?
20:38 SylvieLorxu I've done that at least
20:38 Jordach SylvieLorxu, and this is Linux's problem
20:38 Jordach choice (Android suffers as well)
20:38 EvergreenTree The "I'd like to see you do it yourself" argument should be banned
20:38 SylvieLorxu Jordach: You're being a complete moron
20:38 SylvieLorxu You constantly keep raising the bar whenever I prove you wrong
20:38 Jordach moron is relative to yourself
20:39 SylvieLorxu That's not how you discuss
20:39 EvergreenTree Discussions should stay on topic to, we have drifted to comparing DE's with windows
20:39 SylvieLorxu You moved the discussion all the way from Windows 10 to KDE looking like "every other DE in existance"
20:39 SylvieLorxu And then even further to "Linux sucks because choice"
20:40 Jordach SylvieLorxu, design is what pulls the masses
20:40 SylvieLorxu There is literally no connection between the subjects
20:40 Jordach SylvieLorxu, no
20:40 SylvieLorxu Yes.
20:40 EvergreenTree I honestly don't think linux and windows should be compared. There are meant for different purposes, and different users
20:40 Jordach EvergreenTree, depends
20:40 Jordach OLPC
20:40 SylvieLorxu Desktop distros could be compared
20:41 SylvieLorxu But at least they should be compared for sane reasons
20:41 SylvieLorxu Not "Linux sucks because it's not Windows"
20:41 EvergreenTree Right
20:41 Jordach Ubuntu One is crap compared to MS's OneDrive + Device Sync
20:41 EvergreenTree Ubuntu One shut down a while ago
20:41 Jordach i was referring to all Ubuntu services
20:41 SylvieLorxu No, you were referring to Ubuntu One
20:41 SylvieLorxu Stop switching subject every time you're proven wrong
20:42 Jordach SylvieLorxu, Ubuntu One was the more known one
20:42 SylvieLorxu ...
20:42 SylvieLorxu You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about
20:42 SylvieLorxu And your ignorance is crystal clear
20:42 EvergreenTree We should compare the operating system as a whole, not applications that happen to be created for a different os
20:43 SylvieLorxu I also have to get up in, like, 7 hours, so I'm going to bed instead of wasting my time on this
20:43 Jordach SylvieLorxu, tl;dr windows isn't the shit from the 90s anymore
20:43 SylvieLorxu ...Yeah, I'm not going to bother
20:44 Jordach its a new beast altogether
20:44 Jordach john_minetest, context from the street would say windows is good
20:44 Jordach as it's the *shit*
20:45 cities I don't see how they just skip a number
20:45 Jordach cities, regexes were made to limit functions in business apps that are runnining in W95 / W98
20:46 EvergreenTree Let me rephrase what I said earlier, I think linux and windows should be compared, but in a reasonable way
20:46 Jordach EvergreenTree, objectively as an empty OS with only the bare essentials
20:46 Jordach no package manager, just a notepad, wordpad, image editor, file manager, media / movie player
20:46 Jordach take ReactOS for example too
20:47 * Brains is amused that you leave out the package manager but include a "media" player.
20:47 Jordach Brains, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and most popular ones do
20:47 EvergreenTree Jordach: Ubuntu's do have a package manager by default
20:47 EvergreenTree apt
20:47 Jordach EvergreenTree, yes, but a person who used 7 wouldn't think of using that to install packages
20:48 Brains Jordach: They all include a package manager and even Windows figured out that a package manager-kin was necessary. And the generic "media" player leaves lots of room for wiggle.
20:48 cities Jordach what does that have to do with skipping a number
20:48 * Brains won't get into distro/OS wars but poking at criteria is amusing.
20:48 EvergreenTree Woohoo Os wars
20:48 [xming] more than one :D dkpg, apt and aptitute
20:48 Jordach cities, programs that were badly programmed interpretted the 9 as DoS based
20:48 cities are you saying thats the basis of their new name
20:48 Jordach yes
20:49 Miner_48er How does this relate to minetest?
20:49 cities you can run minetest on windows 10
20:49 cities there
20:49 Jordach Miner_48er, [21:23:30] SylvieLorxu, look at it this way: i compile minetest once and it's ready for tablets, desktop and phones
20:49 EvergreenTree Miner_48er: Offtopic is what this channel is all about
20:49 EvergreenTree go to -dev if you want on-topic discussion
20:49 Jordach if you want offtopic, see #minecraft
20:49 Jordach >:P
20:50 cities someone else said the name was because indonesia promised free windows 9
20:50 EvergreenTree Jordach: Very true. :P
20:50 EvergreenTree Jordach: Windows can be ectremely good at syncing simply because they have the money to be so
20:51 Jordach cities, businesses with apps that can't detect version numbers right and have to rely on regexes that don;t count the second number
20:51 Brains cities: It could be because of both... It is possible to have more than one reason. Of course, the real oddity is that people think names matter all that much.
20:51 cities I know it doesn't matter in the end but I just think its funny
20:52 PenguinDad Can't wait until ms introduces chrome-like version numbers
20:52 Jordach just remember, dual digits that are even are usually good versions (98, 2000) except 7 for some reason, probably luck on that
20:52 Jordach s/dual/non single digit/
20:52 cities so they named it 10 because its good
20:52 cities heh
20:52 Jordach 7 is Vista with a facelift]
20:53 Jordach i never bluescreened with 64bit vista
20:53 cities I tried it. I didn't care. Its a glorified IRC machine for me
20:53 Jordach may i suggest DoS 6.0 then
20:53 Jordach ;3
20:54 Jordach john_minetest, my pentium 4 didn't
20:54 EvergreenTree If you want command line, use unix
20:54 EvergreenTree 7 is the best windows I have ever used. (out of xp, 7, and 8)
20:54 Jordach john_minetest, remember, the start of Vista's problems was the 64bit having no drivers using WHQL
20:55 Brains Kids these days...
20:55 EvergreenTree Also, just to resurrect the KDE discussion for no reason, I am able to run arch + kde on a Pentium 2.0ghz with 2gb of ram, and it works fine
20:55 cities I'm getting my free copy of Indonesian Windows 9
20:55 Jordach john_minetest, i'm the only person who ME didnt bluescreen on
20:56 Brains Jordach: They should clone you...
20:56 Jordach Brains, been considering digital clones
20:56 EvergreenTree john_minetest: The graphics is built in intel
20:56 EvergreenTree The hardware is not great at all
20:56 Jordach Brains, if i have a dodgy netgear adapter and i make it work fine after four hours of fighting it - i may have technomancy after all (or just IT Savantism)
20:57 cities upgrading to Dos 6.0
20:57 Jordach it does not take me long to resume working on other operating systems / workstation layouts
20:58 Jordach somewhere around in my aging P4 media partition is a prototype PIHELM#
20:58 iqualfragile_ GNU/sotrix!
20:59 Jordach i designed a entire GUI layout that allows full Google Glass like layout, except it's like a FPS hud, like CS:GO or Red Eclipse
20:59 Amaz Jordach, how do you export your blender models as .b3d? I guess it's some python script...
21:00 Jordach Amaz, use install from file on this zipball: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oa3mp3z4fx0hdol/B3DExport.zip?dl=0
21:00 Amaz Thanks!
21:04 Amaz Now, just to figure out texturing...
21:07 * Brains built a nice fenced in area for his animal collection and somehow only the sheep kept getting out (disappearing?).
21:16 MinetestBot lemonlake: 09-19 17:47 UTC https://tox.im/ pls
21:16 * lemonlake sneaks in
21:16 MinetestBot lemonlake: 09-25 19:56 UTC y u no tell me your tox addr?
21:16 lemonlake I don't have tox.
21:19 iqualfragile_ lemonlake: well, get it
21:19 lemonlake iqualfragile_: I do now.
21:20 lemonlake Just installed it on both machines. Antox vs uTox?
21:20 lemonlake (for andyroids)
21:20 iqualfragile_ no idea, i don't do spyhardware
22:08 MinetestForFun Hi, i've a problem, when i set a static_spawnpoint in my minetest.conf, when a player use /spawn command in the game, they aren't teleported at the spawn point, but in a another point... it's not normal ... :/
22:08 MinetestForFun please, can you help me ?
22:25 Nerotic Hey.
22:25 EvergreenTree Hello
22:27 Nerotic comment ca va?
22:28 VanessaE ?
22:28 Nerotic french :P
22:28 Nerotic English translation: how are you?
22:29 VanessaE oh heh
22:29 Nerotic I haven't been here in a long long time. (months?)
22:31 Nerotic Besides the person who came in the other day asking stupid questions under my name, i havent been here. I had to change my nickserv password because of that guy.
22:31 shadowzone Hi VanessaE.
22:32 VanessaE hi
22:36 Nerotic I'm making a fork. Anyone generally know how to change the main menu like freeminer does? (like what file(s) is it in, or a wiki page i can look to?)
22:37 Nerotic i think i found something nvm
22:37 exio4 hi \o
22:38 grendal_prime ohla
22:38 VanessaE Nerotic: all I know is the menu is Lua, but I don't know how it's laid-out/how it works
22:38 grendal_prime he i found this lord of the rings game for minetest.
22:39 grendal_prime where would i put that...on an ubuntu system.
22:39 Nerotic VanessaE, same. On the dev wiki, it says its all from main.cpp
22:39 grendal_prime looks like more than a mod..looks like an entire game.
22:39 Nerotic the Engine Structure says so
22:40 grendal_prime https://github.com/Amaz1/Lord-of-the-Test
22:40 Nerotic I know its in builtin, ill just play around
23:24 MinetestForFun Hi, my server runs on the lastest dev version of minetest, so only clients with 0.4.10-dev + version of minetest can connect to my server, is it possible to show a message when a client with the bad client version try to connect in my server, for explain to the player "he needs a more updated version of minetest" ? (i don't know if a variable of "minetest_version exist", and if my idea is possible) Can you help me ? :)
23:35 andre_pl is it possible for a mod / game to disable the 'fast' thing entirely and repurpose the key?