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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-09-15

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00:34 kaeza <offtopic>anybody know a good program for w32 to convert a PNG image sequence to any video format?</offtopic>
00:37 OWNSyouAll kaeza, ffmpeg
00:38 kaeza hmm
00:42 twoelk left #minetest
00:45 VanessaE_ back.
00:58 kaeza https://mediacru.sh/TJ-eRqS60d2r
01:00 luizrpgluiz joined #minetest
01:01 kaeza looks like Blender OS (tm) has that functionality. thanks anyway OWNSyouAll :P
01:01 luizrpgluiz hi
01:02 kaeza hi
01:02 luizrpgluiz left #minetest
01:02 kaeza bye
01:09 Enke joined #minetest
01:11 jordan4ibanez Here, this is a stupid mod which makes the player auto jump if there's anything in front of them. I bet someone can do something with this. http://pastie.org/private/znlancrqnftg3ibu1xw5kg
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02:15 Sokomine jordan4ibanez: so that you can walk smoothly over a map? even if the height difference is one? that sounds very intresting
02:16 Sokomine would be great to have on servers (although lag may be too high for that)
02:39 roboman2444 joined #minetest
02:49 blaise hey, uhrm
02:51 blaise would anyone be willing to work with me to help create a package for the OpenWRT firmware img the wndr3700 (V1) ?
02:51 blaise so that the minetest server could be hosted on that device?
02:54 blaise also, I noticed that there is no efnet #minetest
02:55 blaise I have taken the liberty of creating said channel
02:56 VanessaE_ people still use efnet? :P
02:56 VanessaE_ next you'll be saying there are still people on undernet and galaxynet also :P
02:56 blaise ehm, I don't care for those irc networks
02:57 blaise but I started out on the erris free network
02:57 VanessaE_ I started out on efnet actually, before the efnet/ircnet split
02:59 blaise I figured if I keep this channel with the topic showing the latest version, the irc rules, and the public minetest server list
02:59 VanessaE_ good idea
02:59 blaise it might spark some interest in those that don't know about its existence
02:59 blaise :)
03:00 blaise maybe when I get my ducks in a row I can get a shell and host a #minetest bridge bot so the ops here can preform actions on the efnet #minetest
03:01 VanessaE it might be enough to have the bot /notice users as they join that channel, telling them to come here
03:02 blaise I better limit the channel before I get join/part flooded
03:02 blaise XD
03:02 VanessaE heh
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08:26 Megaf_ Morning all
08:26 Megaf_ Hi blaise
08:31 JamesTait joined #minetest
08:37 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy International Dot Day! :-D
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09:02 Megaf_ Hi JamesTait, morning
09:02 Megaf_ People, is there a way that I can be sure that my server is actually using LuaJIT?
09:08 Megaf_ VanessaE: Ping
09:14 Megaf_ VanessaE: What script do you use to copy all your media files?
09:16 TriBlade9 joined #minetest
09:16 TriBlade9 join #minetest-dev
09:16 TriBlade9 ...
09:16 TriBlade9 Derp
09:17 TriBlade9 Anyone here awake?
09:18 meldrian hello TriBlade9
09:18 TriBlade9 Hello meldrian :)
09:19 TriBlade9 What might you be up to?
09:19 meldrian answering questions :) I'am awake
09:21 TriBlade9 Ah
09:21 TriBlade9 Nice to see someone online, living in China is a bit annoying when everyone else is asleep >_>
09:22 meldrian well, it's 11:20 am right now so... I'am awake :) but tired
09:23 TriBlade9 Go to sleep if you need to x]
09:23 DusXMT TriBlade9: It's early noon over here ;)
09:24 TriBlade9 It's 17:24 here :P
09:24 TriBlade9 You in the UK/western Europe?
09:25 meldrian why's everyone asleep around you @ 17:24?
09:25 Megaf_ 10:25 here, UTC +1
09:26 DusXMT Pretty close, Central Europe (that's one more hour, UTC+2)
09:26 DusXMT TriBlade9: ^^
09:26 Megaf_ Im in Dublin :)
09:26 TriBlade9 Ah
09:27 TriBlade9 No one's asleep around me (except for old people)
09:27 TriBlade9 I just know most of y'alls timezones are sleeping right now :)
09:27 TriBlade9 ^ That sentence made no sense
09:27 meldrian na, western europe's still here
09:29 TriBlade9 Yay
09:29 * TriBlade9 loves Western Europe now!
09:29 blaze joined #minetest
09:29 TriBlade9 Hai blaze
09:29 DusXMT More like the entire Europe, it's just 13:27 in Ukraine, which is on the east
09:29 Guest76279 hi TriBlade9
09:29 Megaf_ In a couple of minutes Id like some help in testing my servers remote media
09:29 Megaf_ Hi blaze
09:29 TriBlade9 I'd be glad to help Megaf_
09:29 TriBlade9 IP and version?
09:30 TriBlade9 Is it 0.4.10-git compatible?
09:30 Megaf_ Thanks
09:30 meldrian holy moly that means... nearly half of the WORLD might be awake right now?!
09:30 meldrian amazing!
09:30 Megaf_ TriBlade9: I will use a remote server as media server, so it wont eat my servers uplink everythime someone is joining
09:31 Megaf_ TriBlade9: my server is GIT version :)
09:31 Megaf_ meldrian: I dont know whats more amazing, the fact that half is awake or the fact that half is asleep
09:31 blaze joined #minetest
09:31 TriBlade9 Awesome
09:31 blaze hi Megaf_
09:32 * meldrian 's confused
09:33 TriBlade9 Megaf, send the IP when you're ready, I'm recompiling MT right now
09:33 Megaf uploading media using a 3G connection my be hard
09:33 TriBlade9 Ow
09:33 Megaf TriBlade9: I will
09:33 TriBlade9 Ofc, 3G in Dublin is probably about the same as Ethernet in Shanghai... At least where I am >_>
09:34 blaze joined #minetest
09:35 Megaf 40 KB/s of upload here
09:35 Megaf TriBlade9: well, 3G can be quite fast, but here in my falt is not good at all
09:36 TriBlade9 40KB/s is quite good for upload...
09:36 TriBlade9 You lucky dog >:U
09:37 Megaf TriBlade9: the transfer failed on the last second
09:39 TriBlade9 Ow
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09:46 Megaf *****!!
09:46 Megaf it fails on the last second!
09:46 TriBlade9 Again?
09:46 TriBlade9 Ow
09:46 TriBlade9 Wow, that really sucks
09:46 Megaf Error:        Connection timed out
09:46 Megaf Error:        File transfer failed after transferring 15789266 bytes in 423 seconds
09:47 asie joined #minetest
09:50 TriBlade9 asie!
09:50 TriBlade9 HI
09:50 TriBlade9 Dayum you get around
09:53 TriBlade9 Can anyone tell me what makes a MT world feel so.. idk.. dead/boring compared to MC, even when using the same textures?
09:53 asie TriBlade9: focus on functionality over user experience
09:53 asie because nobody had time to make good UX
09:53 TriBlade9 mm
09:53 TriBlade9 Like the UI? Dayum that thing is ugly
09:53 TriBlade9 And the chat box is atrocious
09:53 asie no
09:53 asie UX
09:53 asie UI is how it looks
09:53 TriBlade9 UI is part of the UX
09:53 asie UX is how it feels
09:54 asie yes it is
09:54 asie but it's not the most important
09:54 TriBlade9 We know the UX sucks
09:54 asie yes
09:54 TriBlade9 But what is the most important part?
09:54 asie the UX.
09:54 asie Always.
09:54 TriBlade9 No, I meant the most important part of the UX. Btw, this is the same TriBlade9 from #cauldron :) Nice to see ya
09:55 MinetestForFun joined #minetest
09:56 TriBlade9 There's all kinds of lttle areas that need improvement
09:59 TriBlade9 asie, what exactly do you think is missing from the UX?
10:01 Megaf thinks like head movement
10:01 Megaf when the players looks around
10:01 Megaf and smooth player and mobs movement too
10:01 Megaf also fonts are terrible
10:02 TriBlade9 Aye
10:02 TriBlade9 There needs to be some sort of local mod
10:02 TriBlade9 Head movement isn't a huge deal
10:02 TriBlade9 But boxes around rotating entities seems so strange
10:02 asie Yes
10:02 Megaf TriBlade9: 2000 files to upload, after that I can turn my server on
10:03 Megaf TriBlade9: they are working on this boxes thing, RealBadAngel is actually
10:04 TriBlade9 Removing it or making it rotate? If both were added I could practically kiss RBA
10:04 TriBlade9 That's my biggest turn-off
10:04 TriBlade9 I want to modify player movement as well, but iDK which source file to edit
10:04 TriBlade9 Still perusing code
10:04 Megaf TriBlade9: minetest_game/mods/default/player.lua
10:05 Megaf or something like that
10:05 Megaf thats one file to edit
10:05 TriBlade9 Okay
10:05 TriBlade9 No wonder, I was looking in the C++
10:05 TriBlade9 Wasn't there a mod waaay back by sfan5 or smth that Added minecraft-style signs?
10:05 TriBlade9 Like you could type on the sign?
10:06 asie yes
10:06 asie i have it
10:06 TriBlade9 Really?
10:07 TriBlade9 I'll look for it then
10:07 TriBlade9 I've been away since MT 0.4.6
10:07 TriBlade9 Speaking of new stuff, are nodeboxes animatable yet? x]
10:09 Megaf nope
10:09 Megaf 470 files to go o/
10:09 TriBlade9 Damn
10:09 TriBlade9 What about dynamically switching out textures for a node?
10:09 RealBadAngel i dont plan to add animation to nodeboxes, its pointless
10:10 RealBadAngel for that drawtype mesh is better
10:10 Megaf !tell iqualfragile Linux numbers include desktop and android. By sfan5
10:10 MinetestBot Megaf: yeah, yeah
10:10 TriBlade9 Waait
10:10 TriBlade9 There's a mesh drawtype?
10:10 RealBadAngel there will be
10:10 TriBlade9 Oh
10:10 TriBlade9 ETA? (If I may ask)
10:11 RealBadAngel no idea, too much stuff already not finished
10:11 RealBadAngel and yes, im working on better selection boxes
10:11 TriBlade9 Dayum
10:11 TriBlade9 YES
10:11 TriBlade9 Rotating with entities?
10:11 RealBadAngel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUeiwNKahWI&amp;feature=youtu.be
10:11 RealBadAngel atm theyre workin with nodes only
10:12 TriBlade9 YT is blocked ;_;
10:12 TriBlade9 #WelcomeToChina
10:13 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/7M2QskC.png
10:13 DusXMT TriBlade9: Can't you use a proxy or something to avoid the block?
10:14 TriBlade9 Nope
10:14 DusXMT How come?
10:14 TriBlade9 Proxy isn't effective for a JS/flash-heavy site. Dropbox barely works with my proxies
10:15 TriBlade9 Ah
10:15 TriBlade9 Blue box :O
10:15 TriBlade9 I can't tell if I like it or hate it
10:15 TriBlade9 But if it's mesh-based, I love you anyways :)
10:16 DusXMT TriBlade9: Then get something like youtube-dl (a python script for downloading web videos, and not just youtube ones), route it through a proxy and you should be aboe to download the vids :) (That's how I watch youtube videos, except for the proxy)
10:16 DusXMT *able
10:17 DusXMT It seems to support HTTP/HTTPS proxy directly even, so you can just pass it as a command line argument
10:18 TriBlade9 I'll check it :D
10:19 TriBlade9 Sometimes I convert a vid to a mp4 online if I really want to see it
10:21 Megaf TriBlade9: you could use a SSH Socksv5 Tunnel
10:21 TriBlade9 Yeah...
10:21 Jousway joined #minetest
10:21 TriBlade9 Except they keep blocking me everythime I try that
10:21 TriBlade9 It like lasts for a day or two
10:21 TriBlade9 Same for a VPN
10:30 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:35 Megaf hi PilzAdam
10:35 Amaz joined #minetest
10:38 Megaf hm, what address I have to use for remote_media? /media/ or /media/index.mth?
10:38 Megaf RealBadAngel: any idea?
10:38 Megaf asie: ?
10:38 asie I think /media/
10:39 ImQ009 joined #minetest
10:39 Megaf !server Megaf
10:39 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4.0 | minetest.megaf.info:30003 | Clients: 0/9, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.10-Megaf / MegafXplore | Ping: 548ms
10:39 Megaf can someone please try my remote_media?
10:49 Megaf seems like its not working 11:48:46: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: http://minetest.66ghz.com/MEDIA/index.mth not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 200)
10:52 kahrl Megaf: looks like your index.mth has an extra "-en " in front of it
10:52 kahrl what shell did you execute sfan5's script with?
10:53 Megaf kahrl: https://gist.github.com/sfan5/6351560
10:53 kahrl yeah, I know, but what shell?
10:53 kahrl there should be no "-en " if you used bash
10:54 Megaf ah
10:54 Megaf kahrl: OS X shell
10:54 Megaf actually, bash
10:54 kahrl ok, let me try something
10:54 proller joined #minetest
10:54 * kahrl actually has access to an OS X machine at work
10:55 Megaf kahrl: no no, I did that on Linux
10:55 Megaf Debian
10:55 kahrl oh
10:55 kahrl are you sure?
10:55 Megaf yes
10:55 Megaf kahrl: cant I just change that by hand?
10:56 kahrl well, yes
10:56 AnotherBrick joined #minetest
10:56 kahrl but I wonder if the script couldn't be made more portable
10:56 kahrl if I type "echo -en bla" in OS X I get: -en bla
10:57 kahrl if I type "echo -en bla" in Ubuntu (should be the same as Debian, no?) I get: bla
10:57 kahrl (the latter with no newline)
10:57 DusXMT HOw about using the printf program instead of echo?
10:57 DusXMT By default, it evaluates expressions and adds no \n
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10:58 kahrl DusXMT: good idea
10:59 kahrl seems to work on OS X, Ubuntu and Gentoo
11:01 kahrl ugh, I have no idea why in OS X "help echo" tells you that -neE are options but the actual echo just prints them
11:03 DusXMT perhaps there are several different echos? (eg. built in the shell, and a stand-alone program?)
11:04 kahrl it should always use the builtin if it exists, right?
11:04 kahrl and since "help echo" works I assume the builtin exists
11:05 DusXMT I'd think so, unless you force the external program by specifying its path
11:05 kahrl it works if I either do /bin/echo -n or run bash (as opposed to sh) and do echo -n
11:05 kahrl but help echo in sh still tells me about the options
11:06 DusXMT Perhaps help is also an external program?
11:06 kahrl I don't think so, "which help" prints nothing
11:06 DusXMT You could try something simple like this: alias echo=/bin/echo  ; but you'd have to put that at the beginning of each script.
11:07 DusXMT or simply: sed 's|echo|/bin/echo|g' -i.bak script.sh
11:07 Megaf !server Megaf
11:07 MinetestBot Megaf: Megaf Server v4.0 | minetest.megaf.info:30003 | Clients: 0/9, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.10-Megaf / MegafXplore | Ping: 604ms
11:07 kahrl or use printf ;)
11:07 DusXMT Or :)
11:07 Megaf DusXMT: kahrl: can you please try my remote media now?
11:08 kahrl Megaf: looks fine in the browser now
11:08 kahrl or, actually, no
11:08 kahrl there shouldn't be verbatim \x00\x01 in it
11:08 kahrl those should be two bytes with values 0 and 1
11:09 Megaf 12:08:51: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: http://minetest.66ghz.com/MEDIA/index.mth not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 200)
11:09 DusXMT I wish people used a more defined language than shell...
11:10 Megaf kahrl: so, MTHS01 or MTHS 0 1?
11:10 Megaf how should it looks like?
11:10 kahrl Megaf: just rerun the script, but with printf instead of echo -en
11:10 TriBlade-Away joined #minetest
11:12 Megaf kahrl: will I have to reupload everything or just the index?
11:12 kahrl just the index
11:12 TriBlade-Away Megaf, any progress?
11:12 Megaf not really
11:12 TriBlade9 :/
11:12 Megaf Im renerating the index now
11:13 Megaf lets see what happens
11:15 Megaf kahrl: the index looks like this now, MTHS\x00\x01�<T��%^G�:�
11:16 kahrl looks wrong
11:16 Megaf $ echo $SHELL
11:16 Megaf /bin/bash
11:16 kahrl strange
11:18 kahrl what's the output of printf "MTHS\x00\x01"?
11:18 theTroy joined #minetest
11:19 Megaf $ printf "MTHS\x00\x01"
11:19 Megaf MTHSminetest@odroid-wheezy:~$
11:20 kahrl idk why it would work outside the script but not inside
11:21 ibloat joined #minetest
11:21 DusXMT Perhaps the script has a #!/bin/sh shebang?
11:21 DusXMT instead of bash?
11:21 kahrl nah, #!/bin/bash
11:21 kahrl at least in sfan5's gist
11:22 kahrl Megaf: well if you want you can change it with a hexeditor
11:23 kahrl replace the bytes 5C 78 30 30 5C 78 30 31 with 00 01
11:24 kahrl in index.mth I mean, of course
11:26 Megaf kahrl: if I do printf "MTHS\x00\x01" > $MEDIADIR/index.mth in the command line
11:26 Megaf this goes to index.mth MTHS^@^A
11:26 kahrl ah, that's better
11:27 kahrl I guess then you can comment out the corresponding line in the script (but keep the one afterwards that writes the hashes) and rerun it
11:28 Megaf kahrl: yep, I separated the make index part to a second script
11:40 TriBlade9 Got it yet Megaf?
11:46 Megaf TriBlade9: not yet, Im having troubles to upload a file
11:46 Megaf ftp> put index.mth
11:46 Megaf local: index.mth remote: index.mth
11:46 Megaf and stays there
11:46 Megaf whats wrong with this?
11:48 kahrl some inane NAT issue (active vs passive FTP, etc.) probably
11:48 kahrl I'd use sftp instead if possible
11:49 Megaf not possible,
11:49 Megaf Im working around that
11:49 kahrl try passive FTP
11:51 Megaf This is my last attempt today http://minetest.66ghz.com/MEDIA/index.mth
11:52 Megaf I GIVE UP OF THIS SH***!
11:52 Megaf 12:52:16: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: http://minetest.66ghz.com/MEDIA/index.mth not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 200)
11:52 kahrl well the file itself looks good now
11:53 Megaf this things used to work fine before they changed how this works for worse
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11:57 Megaf and if I try another server it givees me this message
11:57 Megaf 12:56:49: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: http://minetest.megaf.info/media/index.mth not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 0)
11:57 Megaf kahrl: minetest is so fucked up
11:58 Megaf I just lost 3 hours for nothing, im out of here
11:59 kahrl if I connect to your server, it works
11:59 kahrl I have no idea why it doesn't work for you
12:05 raffahacks joined #minetest
12:06 raffahacks Hi
12:08 raffahacks VanessaE, I tried your creative server :)
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12:28 Megaf|Away TriBlade9:
12:28 Megaf|Away !server Megaf
12:28 MinetestBot Megaf|Away: Megaf Server v4.0 | minetest.megaf.info:30003 | Clients: 0/9, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.10-Megaf / MegafXplore | Ping: 256ms
12:28 Megaf|Away git it a try please
12:28 kaeza joined #minetest
12:29 Megaf|Away kahrl: I should have reuploaded everything
12:29 Megaf|Away 13:28:59: INFO[main]: Client: Received media file 0a97348e1691cedda2462a17d65836c85b9e72de "character_91.png" mismatches actual checksum 52a66fb36851d3be2febcf34a7e16f98f66c004f
12:30 TriBlade9 Well, this is interesting
12:30 TriBlade9 Ready Megaf|Away
12:30 TriBlade9 ?
12:31 Megaf|Away TriBlade9: you will be able to login bu it will take lots of time
12:31 Megaf|Away man, Im wasting so much time here.
12:31 TriBlade9 I'm logging in
12:32 TriBlade9 My connection is terrible at nights though
12:32 TriBlade9 If you could wait 'till tomorrow morning, I might actually be able to get on
12:32 casimir joined #minetest
12:32 Megaf|Away TriBlade9: Im connection for 30 minutes already and still half way to login
12:32 TriBlade9 Ah
12:32 TriBlade9 Lots and lots of this, 20:32:44: ERROR[CurlFetchThread]: http://minetest.66ghz.com/MEDIA/beds_bed_side_yellow.png not found (HTTP response code said error) (response code 404)
12:33 Megaf|Away TriBlade9: yep, I removed all files, Im going to reupload them
12:33 TriBlade9 Ow
12:33 TriBlade9 Sorry
12:33 TriBlade9 Imma have to go in a bit :/
12:33 TriBlade9 Hi casimir :)
12:33 kahrl Megaf|Away: looks like you uploaded that file in ascii mode.
12:33 kahrl try binary mode
12:34 kahrl (another reason to avoid ftp)
12:35 Megaf|Away kahrl: I hate ftp too
12:35 Megaf|Away is slow and insecure
12:36 Megaf|Away kahrl: but I dont have any other option
12:36 kahrl did you try it? some hosters don't advertise sftp support but provide it
12:41 Megaf|Away let me try
12:42 TriBlade9 Test
12:42 TriBlade9 Why are you on 3G anyways?
12:43 TriBlade9 Why the heck must formspec GUIs always look so ugly and badly codeD?
12:48 Megaf|Away TriBlade9: because we are renting a flat and we are staying here for a short period of time
12:49 TriBlade9 Ah, alright
12:49 TriBlade9 Almost ready?
12:56 Megaf|Away kahrl: any idea how do I know if ftp is uploading or not?
12:56 TriBlade9 umm
12:57 TriBlade9 What FTP client are you using?
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12:58 TriBlade9 Hi adidik :)
12:58 TriBlade9 Aaand hi SylvieLorxu
12:59 SylvieLorxu Hi? o.o
13:00 adidik joined #minetest
13:01 TriBlade9 I just like to say hi...
13:06 kahrl https://mojang.com/2014/09/yes-were-being-bought-by-microsoft/
13:08 john_minetest joined #minetest
13:10 TriBlade9 Are you FFing serious kahrl?
13:10 TriBlade9 I just checked mojang.com about 10 mins ago
13:11 TriBlade9 Love the way Linux isn't even mentioned in :There’s no reason for the development, sales, and support of the PC/Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Vita, iOS, and Android versions of Minecraft to stop. Of course, Microsoft can’t make decisions for other companies or predict the choices that they might make in the future.
13:12 SylvieLorxu At least we have enough clones
13:12 SylvieLorxu Minecraft, Freeminer, Terasology, etc.
13:12 SylvieLorxu We're not exactly shy on voxel sandbox games :P
13:12 TriBlade9 Not enough
13:12 TriBlade9 We need a Java clone, with a Rhino/DynJS modding API
13:13 TriBlade9 Allowing the mods/scripts to directly access the engine through JavaScript
13:13 TriBlade9 >:D
13:13 TriBlade9 (I tried to do that a few months ago, failed miserably)
13:13 asie joined #minetest
13:15 TriBlade9 asie
13:15 asie I know
13:15 asie about Minecraft being sold, at least
13:15 TriBlade9 You gonna stick with MC now that MS just bought MJ?
13:15 TriBlade9 Lots of Abbreviations there
13:15 asie TriBlade9: Doubtful.
13:15 asie Unless they don't fuck up.
13:15 TriBlade9 Same
13:15 TriBlade9 Only reason I would stay now is for my server
13:16 TriBlade9 And because MT's lighting sucks
13:16 TriBlade9 (See https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=154178#p154178)
13:17 kahrl mc devs are stealing emoticons from mt devs now :P  https://twitter.com/jnkboy
13:17 TriBlade9 How?
13:18 TriBlade9 Orite
13:22 Megaf|Away TriBlade9: Im not sticking with MC now that MS bought MJ, not because of MS buying MJ but only because I like MT the most.
13:22 Megaf|Away And because it runs well on LNX
13:22 Megaf|Away and on OS X
13:22 Megaf|Away more abbreviations for you
13:23 SylvieLorxu If I may interject for a moment
13:23 SylvieLorxu What you're referring to as LNX is actually GNLNX
13:23 TriBlade9 G/LNX
13:24 TriBlade9 Unfortunately, GNU is already an abbreviation
13:24 TriBlade9 So it must be GNU/LNX
13:24 Mooch joined #minetest
13:24 TriBlade9 Then Wth
13:27 Megaf|Away kahrl: Im trying to use a command line one
13:29 jp__ joined #minetest
13:33 TriBlade9 BUT
13:34 TriBlade9 Since L in Linux is an abbreviation of Linux, we can just say "L"
13:34 raffahacks joined #minetest
13:34 TriBlade9 And since S in Slash is an abbreviation of Slash, we can say GSL
13:34 raffahacks Megaf, are you here?
13:35 raffahacks !seen Megaf
13:35 MinetestBot raffahacks: megaf was last seen at 2014-09-13 21:35:33 UTC on #minetest
13:35 DusXMT Fun fact: There's now even an official "GNU" distro, and minetest was already ported to it, so some people can just say "GNU"
13:36 raffahacks An official gnu distro?
13:36 DusXMT yeah, it's still in the works, but you can find information on gnu.org/s/guix
13:36 TriBlade9 Oi
13:36 TriBlade9 Why not just state the distro
13:36 TriBlade9 Ubuntu 14.04:amd64
13:37 raffahacks Stallman :)
13:37 DusXMT That's also an option, what I do most of the time
13:37 raffahacks Megaf|away, are you here?
13:37 Megaf|Away raffahacks: yep
13:38 raffahacks Do you also get some errors when mt for mac is started?
13:38 nutcase84 joined #minetest
13:38 Megaf|Away raffahacks: yep, it crashes on startup often
13:39 Megaf|Away raffahacks: also, mouse movement is not fluid
13:39 Megaf|Away it hangs
13:39 raffahacks I mean some image not found errors
13:39 nutcase84 Well, this is my new Minecraft now that EA bought it.
13:39 raffahacks EA or MS?
13:39 DusXMT MS
13:39 nutcase84 Derp, ms
13:39 nutcase84 just woke up. XD
13:39 DusXMT If EA bought it, _that_ would be a disaster.
13:40 raffahacks Megaf, like cannot load image in chat log
13:40 nutcase84 https://mojang.com/2014/09/yes-were-being-bought-by-microsoft/
13:40 DusXMT Don't get me wrong, I don't like M$, but EA... that's just a terrible company
13:40 nutcase84 agreed
13:40 raffahacks Why a disaster? MS is MUCH worse for of
13:40 raffahacks Me
13:41 DusXMT Theyknow how to make good games bad
13:41 raffahacks Well, I'm not a gamer
13:42 DusXMT Neither am I, but I used to be, and I remember that some of the MS games I played weren't half as bad.
13:42 aldobr joined #minetest
13:42 aldobr hi all
13:42 raffahacks Megaf|away: do you ever get any cannot load image message in chat logs at start?
13:43 Megaf|Away raffahacks: that depends on the server
13:43 raffahacks Singleplayer
13:44 Unlucker joined #minetest
13:44 raffahacks Mega
13:45 raffahacks Megaf, I also sometimes notice big lags on multiplayer
13:45 raffahacks Do you?
13:46 Megaf raffahacks: again, servers issue
13:47 raffahacks Ok, thank you
13:51 xnrand since microsoft now owns minecraft... is microsoft gonna sue/dmca/whatever minetest just because "screw you we got lawyers"?
13:51 xnrand sounds like a thing microsoft would do
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13:59 kaeza oh my, there seems to be an influx of new users lately. MC refugees? :)
14:00 sruz25 joined #minetest
14:01 kaeza also, mornings
14:02 sturryz joined #minetest
14:02 jp__ \o
14:04 parabyte joined #minetest
14:04 parabyte is there any way to import a minecraft map into minetest
14:04 sfan5 yes
14:04 parabyte I have no desire to run minecraft anymore!!!
14:04 parabyte sweeeeeet
14:04 sfan5 !g import minecraft site:forum.minetest.net
14:04 MinetestBot sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=572
14:04 sfan5 hm
14:04 sfan5 no
14:05 sturryz i wish to purchase minetest for 2.5 billion, hook up with me so i can turn it into a cellphone game
14:05 sfan5 lemme find the topic
14:05 parabyte i know
14:05 jp__ parabyte : https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&amp;t=6007
14:05 parabyte since the purchase its totally put me off minecraft
14:05 sfan5 parabyte: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&amp;t=6007
14:05 sfan5 parabyte: look at this for faster exports and imports: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&amp;t=6007&amp;start=25#p148502
14:05 parabyte okay second question if a minecraft client connects do they get a error message that says please connect via minetest?!?
14:06 sfan5 obviously not
14:06 parabyte is there a way to implement this?
14:06 parabyte i want to configure minetest to run on minecraft port
14:06 sfan5 theoretically yes
14:06 sfan5 umm
14:06 sfan5 that won't work
14:06 sfan5 Minetest uses UDP Minecraft uses TCP
14:06 parabyte i wont be running a minecraft daemon
14:07 sfan5 so you'd need a dummy minecraft server running that tells people to use minetest
14:07 parabyte ah
14:07 SylvieLorxu Eww, TCP for gaming
14:07 parabyte yeah i can handle that
14:07 parabyte tcp lol
14:07 SylvieLorxu I swear Notch is a terrible dev
14:07 parabyte oh god i hate mojang so much
14:07 sfan5 parabyte: note for converting: if you want full support for all block types you should install some minetest mods and add the conversions into the file
14:07 parabyte i wonder if i can get my membership fee back for my mojang account?
14:08 parabyte i will donate to minetest project with that fee
14:08 parabyte to prove a point
14:08 sfan5 did m$ actually buy mojang yet?
14:08 parabyte yes
14:08 parabyte they did
14:08 sfan5 really? have a link to a news article?
14:08 parabyte 2.5 billion
14:08 parabyte let me look
14:08 sturryz joined #minetest
14:08 ThatGraemeGuy http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/press/2014/sept14/09-15news.aspx
14:08 parabyte http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29204518
14:08 * sfan5 reads
14:09 parabyte i recommend reading the bbc news for a more unbiased article
14:09 parabyte microsoft will try and make things sound better
14:09 VargaD_ joined #minetest
14:09 sfan5 they always do that
14:09 parabyte basically my theory is they will port minecraft to C#
14:09 sturryz what does minetest use for rendering?
14:09 parabyte ascii
14:09 parabyte lol
14:09 sfan5 sturryz: Irrlicht, backend selectable: Direct3D 8, D3D 9, OpenGL, some crappy software rendere
14:10 parabyte okay i forgot to ask
14:10 parabyte when i port my minecraft map will redstone work?
14:10 parabyte im guessing its different in minetest
14:10 DusXMT parabyte: There already is a C# clone, MC X360 edition
14:10 sfan5 !g minetest mod mesecons
14:10 MinetestBot sfan5: http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=628
14:10 sfan5 install that mod
14:10 sturryz irrlicht is nice, very robust
14:10 sfan5 and enable "Mesecons" checkbox when converting
14:10 sfan5 but be warned: it does not convert every single thing
14:10 sfan5 IIRC
14:11 sfan5 conversion table might be a bit outdated
14:11 jp__ indeed
14:11 parabyte DusXMT,to be truthful the xb360 version of minecraft is better looking and nicer to play then the java version
14:11 parabyte i have no problems but since bukkit was taken down it ruined my little server with regular players
14:11 sfan5 maybe thats because it's not java :P
14:12 sfan5 there still is spigot
14:12 sturryz javascript lol
14:12 parabyte yeah i know but that is not updated cause the spigot crew just used bukkits code
14:12 sfan5 it is
14:12 sfan5 they provide patches
14:12 sturryz i am pleased much with irrlicht though, very good engine
14:12 DusXMT By the way, what language is Minetest written in? (I'll guess C++, but I'm not sure)
14:12 sfan5 based on the last official spigot build
14:12 parabyte sfan5, im assuming you are a ex bukkit dev?
14:13 parabyte everyone left that boat
14:13 parabyte lol
14:13 sfan5 DusXMT: C/C++ Lua for game content and most mechanics
14:13 sfan5 parabyte: me? no
14:13 parabyte dev's run for the hills lol
14:13 sfan5 I've been here longer
14:13 parabyte oh god you guys given a busy evening porting my maps to minetest!
14:14 sfan5 another tip: if you want some block from minecraft don't be afraid to try writing a mod
14:14 sfan5 it's easy
14:14 parabyte actually i know a little C++
14:15 sfan5 mods use Lua btw
14:15 parabyte oh bad times lol
14:15 parabyte i only know some C++
14:15 parabyte lol
14:15 sturryz lua is easy to pick up if you have experience with another language
14:15 sfan5 even if not Lua is pretty easy
14:15 sturryz it's very coherent
14:15 parabyte im the type of guy who uses c shell cause it looks more normal then Bash
14:16 sturryz what version of lua does minetest use?
14:16 parabyte when i port my game over to minetest
14:16 parabyte oh god my server is huge
14:16 parabyte minetest can do multimap?
14:17 sfan5 partially offtopic: serverlist(servers.minetest.net) stats for the last 10 days: http://meow.minetest.net/tmp/serverlist_stats_2014-09-2014.txt
14:17 sfan5 sturryz: 5.1, 5.1 plus some 5.2 additions if you use LuaJIT
14:17 sturryz ok
14:17 sfan5 multiple maps, not yet
14:17 parabyte ah that is a slight issue
14:17 sfan5 but you can run multiple server instances
14:17 sfan5 they do not use much RAM or CPU when not having any players
14:18 sfan5 you can do inter-server chat with the IRC mod
14:18 parabyte my minecraft server only has at most 60 players
14:18 parabyte im guessing minetest will love that
14:18 kahrl you could also stack the maps on top of each other
14:18 sfan5 ^
14:18 parabyte i had that with bukkit a irc daemon on it that let me keep a eye on things
14:18 parabyte stack the maps on top each other!
14:18 parabyte lol
14:18 parabyte i never knew minetest was that robust
14:18 sfan5 you probably don't have an MC map that needs the full 30 000 nodes up and down
14:19 sfan5 (and left/right forward/backward too)
14:21 DusXMT I'm new here (I haven't even booted the game up yet), is node how a block is called in Minetest, or a collection of blocks?
14:22 sfan5 !dev Terminology
14:22 MinetestBot "Minetest and its components" - http://dev.minetest.net/Terminology
14:22 sfan5 basically yes
14:22 DusXMT Thank yooo~
14:22 sfan5 (MC -> MT) block -> node, chunk -> MapBlock
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14:29 parabyte im reading the forums
14:29 parabyte my map i believe is HUGE will that be a issue?
14:29 parabyte well my minecraft server tops out at 3gigs big
14:30 sfan5 that could be an issue
14:30 sfan5 using worldedit[Mintest] (= some text) schematics  would be a problem
14:30 sfan5 but .mts can hold much more
14:30 sfan5 and it's read by C++ not Lua
14:31 parabyte if you are curious about my maps i can provide you a url
14:31 * Amaz is!
14:32 * sfan5 is a cat
14:32 Amaz :P
14:37 sfan5 asie: "The Minecraft Drama Generator has been bought by Microsoft." :D :D
14:37 asie sfan5: They gave me 5 bucks and a Surface Pro.
14:37 sturryz lol
14:37 asie I can install Linux on one and buy a blank CD for the other.
14:37 sfan5 sounds like a good deal
14:38 parabyte sfan5, the mcedit filter your work?
14:38 parabyte im going to give it a shot :)
14:38 sfan5 yes
14:39 parabyte my pc has 32 gigs of ram so hopefully it will be able to the dirty
14:39 sfan5 that should be enough
14:40 parabyte wowzer my main map still loading after 1 minute in mcedit
14:40 parabyte mcedit is alright but sure be better if they made it render a little more like native minecraft
14:41 sfan5 at least it works
14:42 parabyte lol i have no idea how to enable your plugin i need the rtfm
14:42 parabyte lol
14:42 sfan5 put it into the "filters" folder
14:42 sfan5 should work
14:42 parabyte i just not familiar with mcedit
14:42 parabyte yeah i did
14:42 sfan5 do you use the one from the first post or from the last post?
14:42 * parabyte looking for export button pmsl
14:42 parabyte last post
14:42 sfan5 thats the right one
14:43 sfan5 export?
14:43 parabyte bit like homer simpson where is the any key!
14:43 parabyte haha
14:43 sfan5 :D
14:43 parabyte hmmmmmm
14:44 parabyte i wont ask i obviously need the manual
14:44 parabyte ill brb
14:44 parabyte i have to select an area to export?
14:44 sfan5 yes
14:45 blaise I wonder if it would be possible to make a mod that introduced the periodic table..
14:45 parabyte how on earth
14:45 blaise that would greatly expand the recipes for materials...
14:45 parabyte but big map
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14:45 LemonLake hello
14:45 parabyte eAK
14:45 parabyte lol
14:45 LemonLake im offended
14:45 blaise LemonLake: good morning.. :)
14:45 sfan5 parabyte: try to select a part of the map for testing
14:45 LemonLake blaise: ohayou
14:46 sfan5 LemonLake: use SASL or a join delay, we can see your host before your cloak kicks in
14:46 LemonLake sfan5: i dont actually care about the cloak but ok
14:46 blaise ~drew@host86-164-181-82.range86-164.btcentralplus.com
14:46 Amaz Why are you offended?
14:46 LemonLake besides
14:46 LemonLake if one of my brothers joins you see the realhost anyway
14:46 parabyte is there any means to export entire map?
14:47 sfan5 parabyte: select all of the chunks
14:47 sfan5 IIRC there was a shortcut for that
14:47 blaise good god
14:47 parabyte yes manual time for me
14:47 parabyte ill be back here later when i know more about mcedit
14:47 parabyte never used the software package
14:47 LemonLake joined #minetest
14:47 LemonLake is that better?
14:47 sfan5 no
14:47 blaise lemonlake is more than 30 hops away from me
14:47 sfan5 didn't work
14:48 LemonLake * SASL authentication failed
14:48 LemonLake hmm
14:48 LemonLake joined #minetest
14:48 LemonLake wbn
14:48 Amaz Yep!
14:48 LemonLake good
14:48 LemonLake i did initially use a join delay, actually
14:49 LemonLake it seems to have broken tho
14:49 Amaz (If wbn = What about now)
14:49 LemonLake or that was just on my windows...
14:49 blaise yeah, freenode got cracked
14:49 LemonLake yes amaz, it does
14:49 Amaz :D
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14:55 blaise good morning everyone
14:55 LemonLake "Microsoft acquired Mojang for a smooth 2.5 BILLION dollars."
14:55 blaise or evening, or which ever it may be
14:55 LemonLake so this happened
14:55 blaise LemonLake: we all know
14:57 Amaz That's a lot of money.
15:02 parabyte sfan5, select all
15:02 parabyte then export
15:02 parabyte yea?
15:03 sfan5 not export but using the filter, correct
15:03 parabyte figured it out and its doing it
15:03 parabyte woohoo
15:04 sfan5 parabyte: it keeps you updated every 0.5%
15:04 sfan5 (in the console window)
15:05 parabyte compression level
15:05 parabyte i guess thats for the image data that makes up the blocks
15:06 sfan5 not image data
15:06 sfan5 just which node is where
15:06 Calinou joined #minetest
15:06 parabyte what would you set it to
15:06 sfan5 the default is pretty ok
15:06 parabyte ill leave it b
15:06 sfan5 you mean 7
15:07 sfan5 oh
15:07 sfan5 nvm
15:07 parabyte LOL i may have to leave my pc on for a year
15:07 sfan5 what is it doing?
15:07 parabyte oh 2 days sorry
15:07 parabyte its doing it
15:07 parabyte 3 days
15:07 parabyte lol
15:07 sfan5 is there a moving progress bar
15:07 sfan5 ?
15:07 parabyte 4 days
15:07 parabyte oh how do i stop mcedit recording undo
15:07 sfan5 yeah
15:07 parabyte i guess there is a man page for that
15:08 sfan5 it shouldn't record an undo
15:08 sfan5 the map is not going to be modified
15:08 parabyte done
15:08 parabyte i clicked continue without undo
15:08 parabyte ill let you know what happens when mcedit comes back to life
15:08 sfan5 look into the console windows
15:09 sfan5 it should say something about the progress there
15:09 parabyte Creating options for  <module 'AddPotionEffect' from '/home/parabyte/Mcedit/mcedit/filters/AddPotionEffect.pyc'>
15:09 parabyte Creating options for  <module 'tomtsschem' from '/home/parabyte/Mcedit/mcedit/filters/tomtsschem.pyc'>
15:09 parabyte Saving file at: /home/parabyte/Mcedit/mcedit/keepercraft.mts
15:09 sfan5 ^
15:09 sfan5 looks good
15:09 parabyte just a HUGE map
15:09 parabyte iim brave!
15:10 spamyak joined #minetest
15:12 sfan5 parabyte: it should report some progress in the 15 minutes
15:13 jp__ it's impossible or extremely long to convert an entire MC map to MT
15:13 Daryl_ joined #minetest
15:14 blaise nah
15:14 parabyte ill leave it to sit for a while sfan5
15:14 blaise just time consuming
15:14 parabyte ill go back to it in a moment
15:14 parabyte ls -lah to get some indepth file information reports 0 bytes in my export file so its working hard and top reports that python is working hard
15:14 jp__ blaise : just an example : 500x500x500 nodes takes about 8-10 hours to convert
15:14 parabyte i have a firth gen i7
15:15 parabyte firth! i meant first
15:15 sfan5 jp__: did you use the mts script?
15:15 jp__ yes
15:15 sfan5 it depends on cpu and HDD access speeds
15:15 jp__ much more as any players here
15:15 Amaz How will you integrate it with the Minetest mapgen once you've converted it?
15:15 parabyte sata but i cant remember what i got under the hood
15:16 grondilu joined #minetest
15:16 LemonLake does anyone made a sublime text plugin for minetest?
15:16 parabyte sfan5, i think im asking too much to convert a huge map. -rw-rw-r--  1 parabyte parabyte    0 Sep 15 16:13 Ikeeper.mts
15:16 * H-H-H is loving minetest :)
15:17 LemonLake "0 sep"
15:17 parabyte 0 is the filesize
15:17 LemonLake oh
15:17 H-H-H is there a way to get back to the surface lol i fell in a big hole now am lost haha
15:17 Calinou /teleport 0,20,0
15:17 sfan5 parabyte: it first saves the data in memory because it needs to reorder it
15:17 H-H-H ty
15:17 sfan5 parabyte: even if you don't need it, this might be interesting: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7263
15:18 parabyte everything is interesting ;)
15:18 sfan5 :)
15:19 parabyte how many hours do you think it be until it starts working?
15:19 parabyte im going to leave it b
15:19 parabyte do you have a command line only app that takes minecraft map > minetest map
15:20 parabyte i could run it on my super duper remote server that i pay too much for
15:20 jp__ "sfan5: it depends on cpu and HDD access speeds" -> the CPU/HDD works extremely few during this process (I used a modern computer), it's mainly the MTS converter which is slow
15:20 sfan5 not yet
15:20 sfan5 like I said try converting e.g. a small area of the map just to test
15:20 parabyte i do not understand 3d stuff at all sfan5 my knowledge goes as far as writing simple irc clients and kludging code
15:21 Billistic_ joined #minetest
15:21 Billistic_ guise.
15:21 Billistic_ best day ever for the porject.
15:21 parabyte mcedit 1.8 build 788
15:21 sfan5 parabyte: I can try to write a command line app later today
15:21 parabyte sfan5, im hardcore i take your plugin for 0 to million ;)
15:21 parabyte stress testing!
15:21 parabyte lol
15:22 parabyte be super lots of minecraft admins porting to minetest would be greatful
15:22 parabyte as mcedit is not really a good tool for conversion
15:22 Calinou MCEdit is very weird, techniaclly
15:22 Calinou slow to render, etc
15:22 parabyte for starters it needs a x installation
15:22 sfan5 it's not rendering anything while it converts
15:23 Calinou casimir, “The single and only reason to run Windows is, you can be sure that every software that is commercially available runs on Windows.” → wrong, many paid-and-proprietary software is only for OS X
15:23 parabyte no i know but just be nice to have minetestconverter -I minecraftmap -o minetest.mts
15:23 Calinou or even… only for GNU/Linux
15:23 Billistic_ may I suggest something about the project?
15:23 Billistic_ this is high overview stuff
15:23 sfan5 surer
15:23 sfan5 sure*
15:23 Billistic_ alright, fuck minecraft.
15:24 Calinou “The single and only reason to run Windows is, you can be sure that every software that is commercially available runs on Windows.” → playing it on a phone is quite silly, as Windows Phone is nowhere to be found on tablets
15:24 Billistic_ instead of focusing on gameplay
15:24 Billistic_ and items
15:24 Calinou we don't focus on gameplay too much sadly
15:24 Billistic_ good.
15:24 sfan5 Calinou: stop destroying stuff pls
15:24 Calinou both Minecraft and Minetest don't care much about balance sadly
15:24 Billistic_ focus on mmorpg style play
15:24 Billistic_ meaning connectivity
15:25 Billistic_ so make it so users can connect to worlds like minecraft
15:25 parabyte Gameplay could do with work in minetest
15:25 parabyte i do agree
15:25 Billistic_ and secondly, work on imporing image files that get translated in to pixels
15:25 kruug joined #minetest
15:25 parabyte Jumping for example is not natural enough
15:25 sfan5 importing image files?
15:25 Billistic_ yep.
15:25 sfan5 can you elaborate?
15:25 Billistic_ well instead of a user sitting there and building a pixel perfect image by hand
15:25 Billistic_ you could import a png file
15:26 parabyte you mean picture frames like in minecraft Billistic_ ?
15:26 sfan5 isn't there a mod for that?
15:26 Billistic_ I'm thinking mine test could be more like activeworlds
15:26 Billistic_ and a block=a pixel.
15:26 parabyte Billistic_, there is plugins to change game behaviour
15:26 parabyte minetest = vanilla minetest
15:26 sfan5 and anyone can write a subgame that focuses on any aspect they want
15:27 Xack hey Calinou :)
15:27 sfan5 subgame = something like e.g. FTB
15:27 Billistic_ have you guys read snowcrash?
15:27 kaeza Billistic_, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6751
15:27 kruug Minetest v0.4.10, what was the release date on this?  Basically, how active is the game/community?
15:27 tadni joined #minetest
15:28 sfan5 kruug: 7. July
15:28 Billistic_ I'm thinking mine test could morph more in to activeworlds/Snow Crash/sketch up
15:28 tadni Welp, I officially fully separate myself from Minecraft.
15:28 Calinou hi Xack
15:28 parabyte tadni, me too
15:28 parabyte and i run a fully blown minecraft server
15:28 Billistic_ tadni, it's done son.
15:28 parabyte currently in the process of converting maps
15:29 parabyte thanks to sfan5 code ;)
15:29 sfan5 kruug: depending on what activity means to you this might shed some light on it: http://meow.minetest.net/tmp/serverlist_stats_2014-09-2014.txt
15:29 tadni I'm hoping that the modding community comes over to minetest in mass.
15:29 * grondilu wonders if we'll see good C++ developpers turning into minetest after Mojang's acquisition.
15:29 sfan5 oh god so many people from MC...
15:29 Billistic_ but anyway, minecraft in a way made 3D modeling simple for anyone
15:29 sfan5 we already have that, Billistic_
15:29 kruug sfan5: yeah, that's pretty much a good sign :)
15:29 VanessaE sfan5: I warned. :)_
15:30 kruug there's iOS/Android versions of Minetest?
15:30 sfan5 Android official one
15:30 * VanessaE <----- You heard it here first, folks.
15:30 kruug or are those just browser stats?
15:30 Sokomine kruug: pretty active. most people here use the current git version and compile that for themshelves
15:30 sfan5 iOS only an inofficial one thats probably illegal
15:30 Billistic_ sfan, if you guys already have a snow crash 3d world where you can program stuff right in to it then why aren't we chatting on it right now?
15:30 kruug schweet
15:30 sfan5 kruug: nope, not just browser
15:30 sfan5 Billistic_: one sec
15:30 Billistic_ melt my face sfan5
15:31 Sokomine hm, if you come from minecraft, be aware that both games share a lot of similarities, but are not equal. that might make it more difficult for some poeple to switch over - because some small things they're used do will then be slightly diffrent
15:31 VanessaE Billistic_: chatting over IRC is far more efficient than any in-game chat system could ever hope to be :)
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15:32 Sokomine what is a snow crash 3d world?
15:32 sfan5 Billistic_: you mean this? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&amp;t=9923&amp;p=151531#p151487
15:32 VanessaE Billistic_: besides, we have an in-game networked chat module available (which, fittingly, uses IRC as the network)
15:33 * grondilu had no idea the chat module was using IRC.
15:33 Sokomine grondilu: there's a mod that connects the ingame chat to irc
15:33 Billistic_ Van, I disagree.
15:33 VanessaE grondilu: the in-game chat doesn't, by default.  there is a mod that can do it.  IRC mod.
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15:33 grondilu ok
15:33 Sokomine most of that irc chatting happens on the inchra network, where several servers share one channel
15:34 Calinou having to Alt-Tab all the time is annoying
15:34 Billistic_ hey sfan5, no I mean more like Canoma by metacreations
15:34 Calinou the in-game chat should just be improved
15:34 VanessaE Billistic_: what is an in-game chat but public discourse with some kind of tab- or tree-based private messaging?
15:34 Calinou history, colours…
15:34 Billistic_ calinou, play GuildWars 3
15:34 VanessaE Calinou: agreed
15:34 sfan5 "Canoma is Mac/Win software that allows fast creation of photorealistic 3D models from one or more photographs."
15:34 Billistic_ chat is in the corner all the time
15:34 sfan5 thats something entirely different
15:34 Billistic_ I know
15:35 Calinou <19Sokomine> most of that irc chatting happens on the inchra network, where several servers share one channel
15:35 Calinou this is quite insane
15:35 Billistic_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzfbu9NRXws
15:35 sfan5 !title
15:35 MinetestBot sfan5: CANOMA TEST#8 「飛び出す絵画」 - YouTube
15:35 Billistic_ that's way old tech too
15:35 Calinou each high-traffic server should have its own channel
15:36 Billistic_ but basically in the software, if I wanted to build a building I should be able to import a photo of a building
15:36 Billistic_ there might be a builder interface and then a living/playing in the world interface
15:37 VanessaE Billistic_: that would be immensely complex
15:37 sfan5 ^
15:37 Billistic_ think long term project goal
15:37 VanessaE I could see importing a blender model and 'rasterizing' it
15:37 VanessaE turning that model into cubes etc
15:37 VanessaE maybe
15:37 VanessaE but from a photo?
15:37 Billistic_ why not just be able to import a flat image and then treat any import as a group
15:38 VanessaE that's way out of scope for a voxel sandbox game
15:38 Billistic_ that's what I started saying when I got here
15:38 Billistic_ get away from just being a game
15:38 Sokomine calinou: why? it's very practical. i can be on irc even when i don't have time to join a server. and notice thanks to highlighting when someone mentions my name
15:38 Billistic_ that's what microsoft is going to do to it, leave it be a simple game
15:38 Calinou join several channels?
15:38 Billistic_ they don't want to do what I'm talking about
15:38 Calinou because right now, chat of several servers gets mixed up :/
15:39 Sokomine doesn't mean that the ingame chat can't or shouldn't be improved though. but the standalone irc has its advantages
15:39 Calinou which makes it hard to read backlog
15:39 VanessaE Billistic_: thing is, it's *supposed* to be a game
15:39 Calinou the only use is communication between servers
15:39 Sokomine hm, yes, it's getting a bit crowdedon that channel. seperate channels for larger servers would be good
15:39 Billistic_ Van, so?
15:39 Billistic_ we pivoted
15:40 twoelk several channals for chatty servers ;-)
15:40 Calinou Minecraft is far from a simple g ame
15:40 VanessaE Billistic_: it being Minetest.  I'm not so sure that your idea, while doable, is within the scope of this project.
15:40 kaeza Calinou, this helps a bit: https://gist.github.com/kaeza/9859954
15:40 Billistic_ started off as a game, ends up being the system everyone uses the internet through
15:40 Calinou you need several weeks to figure out the whole gameplay
15:40 Sokomine billistic: hmmm. i'm afraid that won't work well anyway. real buildings can be an inspiration, but...a 1:1 copy is seldom possible. most real buildings have the tendency not to fit into a grid with 1 m sides. even with nodeboxes there are limits
15:41 VanessaE Billistic_: indeed, there are many real-world buildings that have made it into Minetest, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&amp;t=9496
15:41 Billistic_ sokomine, maybe think in scale then
15:42 VanessaE most of those buildings, ironically, are from MC
15:42 Billistic_ there's a dpi limit on the game to start
15:42 twoelk inchranet is usefull though for centralized moderation of several servers. It is way easier to find a moderater there. someone is always online
15:42 VanessaE (and are all X-flipped because of an importer bug)
15:42 Billistic_ 1=pixel=a foot
15:42 Billistic_ there'd have to be a bit of math done, but maybe you can only import images that are 1000x1000 72 dpi
15:43 VanessaE and there IS an image import mod but it just draws pixel art
15:43 VanessaE https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6751
15:44 VanessaE (obviously false-color in those tests; "real" colors can be done)
15:44 Billistic_ ah
15:45 Billistic_ so I mean is that sort of the limit that's faced right now
15:45 Sokomine billistic_: i'm afraid it requires human intervention and creativity to turn a picture into a building in mc/mt from a picture. a model might be slightly diffrent...if it's 3d already, it could perhaps to some degree be imported and then fine-tuned by the players
15:45 Billistic_ that the pixel art can't be true color?
15:45 VanessaE Billistic_: naw, that's just a bit of laziness is all
15:45 Billistic_ Soko, that's cool, but someones I feel like it'd be easier to import something as a starting porint
15:45 parabyte sfan5, that plugin not spitting out any data for an entire map
15:45 Billistic_ point
15:45 parabyte okay i will select a small region and try it
15:45 VanessaE kaeza just didn't plug in the right values into his conversion tables to handle the images that were given
15:46 VanessaE Billistic_: as you can see, what you want IS possible, it's just that no one has really spent much effort on it because no one's really wanted it I guess
15:46 parabyte sfan5, okay it crashed
15:46 VanessaE Billistic_: also, there's been talk of making an image-to-terrain importer as well.  e.g. image colors = terrain type, brightness = height, that sort of thing
15:47 parabyte sfan5, http://pastebin.com/nGW657p9
15:47 Sokomine billistic_: hm, i can imagine that it might be helpful for complex, huge buildings. similar as setting up the basic structure with worldedit commands
15:47 kaeza Billistic_, it's configurable. you could make a better image if you can take the time to sample the colors from VanessaE's unifieddyes and create a palette :P
15:47 parabyte this system only has 12 gigs of ram my other workstation has 32 gigs
15:47 LemonLake nbe 0.7 is looking really nice
15:47 Billistic_ Soko, yeah I mena some skyscrapers are kinda repetitive...
15:47 Billistic_ what's up with my typing today!
15:48 kaeza it's tyop day!
15:48 VanessaE see?  laziness ;-)  *pokes kaeza*
15:48 * kaeza is not here
15:48 tadni parabyte: /only/
15:48 VanessaE sure you are :D
15:49 tadni MY highested spec'd computer has 8gb of ram.
15:49 Sokomine that's right. and with skyscrapers, nobody does the inside :-( they usually look pretty impressive but are hollow on the inside - or, at max, have floors and a staircase
15:49 parabyte i love ram
15:49 tadni parabyte: I prefer goad.
15:49 VanessaE Billistic_: minetest is highly programmable in its modding language (Lua).  it's mostly a matter of *want* rather than capability.  almost anything can be done with some effort, especially if you're not too concerned about speed.
15:49 tadni goat*
15:49 Billistic_ it'd also be helpful for things like putting grafitti on streets and stuff
15:49 VanessaE (speed, after all Lua is meant to be an interpreted language, even with LuaJIT)
15:50 Billistic_ well I'm not much of a programmer
15:50 Billistic_ so that's why I'm throwing my 2 cents out here
15:50 kaeza Billistic_, decals? easily doable. look at signs_lib for inspiration
15:50 VanessaE Billistic_: Lua is easy to learn :)
15:50 jp__ LemonLake : you have a link for NBE 0.7 ?
15:51 LemonLake jp__, https://github.com/rubenwardy/NodeBoxEditor
15:51 Sokomine that's bad. on the other hand - programming mods for minetest isn't necessarily difficult. it depends on what you want to do. creating a 3d building from a flat picture would certainly a very big challenge :-) other things are trivial by comparison
15:51 Billistic_ yeah for real.
15:51 kaeza in MT, anything's possible. if it does not work at first, apply more hack
15:51 VanessaE Billistic_: also re: decals, look at streets mod too.
15:52 LemonLake kaeza: +1
15:52 jp__ LemonLake, thanks but confused with versionning
15:52 LemonLake jp__: how so?
15:52 jp__ I thought that NBE was in 0.6.x
15:52 LemonLake so did I
15:52 LemonLake but it's now updated
15:52 Sokomine there are limits :-) it's still a computer program, running on a turing machine
2 more elements. Show/hide.
16:16 LemonLake So I added fertilizer to the worldgen
16:17 LemonLake https://cdn.mediacru.sh/UZz-o9b4VyYQ.png
16:17 LemonLake ya think it generates a little too much?
3 more elements. Show/hide.
16:31 Boto Hi, can minetest be run in raspberry pi?
16:31 sfan5 probably
16:32 Boto :)
16:32 proller try compile and run irrlicht demos
16:32 Mikaela minetest is in Raspbian repositories.
16:32 ElectronLibre With enough memory, a screen, a mouse and a keyboard, yes.
16:33 proller 0.1 fps ~= yes
16:33 proller !=
16:33 stroEkris lol
16:33 Boto Thanks for your aswers
16:33 ElectronLibre ~= in lua, != in C.
16:34 LemonLake yes it can
16:34 proller freeminer on odroid take 10-20fps, but it have 4 cores ang 2g ram
16:35 proller odroid 15x faster than pi
16:35 asie joined #minetest
16:35 twoelk LemonLake: what does the pic show? fertelizer laying around? or a now green desert?
16:39 parabyte joined #minetest
16:39 parabyte sfan5, your plugin wont extract the map
16:39 sfan5 did it work with a small part of the map?
16:40 parabyte yes
16:40 parabyte fails with that pastebin with whole map
16:40 parabyte i got to grips with mcedit now
16:40 sfan5 it says "KeyboardInterrupt"
16:40 parabyte yeah i stopped it
16:41 parabyte ctrl c
16:41 parabyte all those errors indicate a problem to me
16:41 sfan5 those are not errors
16:41 sfan5 it's just where the progras was at the time you stopped it
16:41 sfan5 one sec
16:42 parabyte oh ill restart it
16:42 sfan5 not yet
16:42 * ElectronLibre thinks that a try: except KeyboardInterrupt is useful.
16:42 sfan5 uh no
16:43 sfan5 parabyte: replace "print_pc_interval = numnodes * 0.005" by "print_pc_interval = 2500"
16:43 sfan5 then try again
16:43 parabyte oh okay ill fire up vi
16:43 roboman2444 joined #minetest
16:45 ElectronLibre sfan5 : I use a try: except KeyboardInterrupt only in a very long while, to disable someone to break it thinking the program is buggy. But try: except is useful sometimes :D.
16:45 parabyte I have used unices a very long time ctrl C is my natural reaction
16:45 westyvw_ joined #minetest
16:46 Boto thanks
16:46 parabyte sfan5, ill let you know what happens in a mo changes have been made
16:46 Calinou <Boto> Hi, can minetest be run in raspberry pi?
16:46 Calinou server-onyl
16:46 Calinou client is too slow, unless you're fine with a slideshow
16:47 Calinou use https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&amp;t=1825
16:48 twoelk parabyte: I onced exported a 640*640*100 map with 4 gb of ram it took four hours and I only noticed when it finished when the resulting map schematic file was not growing anymore
16:48 hoodedice joined #minetest
16:49 sfan5 twoelk: a big part of the time is spent with de-compressing some data and compressing it again
16:49 sfan5 the .mts format is kinda bad for writing it in real-time
16:50 parabyte sfan5, okay now its doing something console reporting a progress in percent that is weird in itself 3000.0%
16:50 hoodedice Hi MT Community
16:50 parabyte lol
16:50 parabyte but its working now
16:50 twoelk just saying, wait and wait and wait
16:50 sfan5 parabyte: 3000.0% o.o
16:50 parabyte lol
16:50 parabyte i need to read your source work out what your variables mean
16:50 twoelk importing into Minetest can be the greater challange
16:51 twoelk lua seems to have a limited amount of memory it can use
16:51 parabyte sfan5, 17500.0% done
16:51 parabyte lol
16:52 sfan5 sounds good :P
16:52 LemonLake twoelk: fertilizer laying around
16:52 Blorph joined #minetest
16:52 twoelk NYC and Pripyat map were done in slices and stitched togeter ingame
16:53 Blorph Hello
16:53 twoelk +h
16:53 sfan5 hello
16:53 ElectronLibre Hello Blorph .
16:53 Blorph Hey
16:53 sfan5 parabyte: looking at it right now; btw: in which intervals does the percent update?
16:53 twoelk LemonLake: aha?
16:55 sfan5 parabyte: the only explanation for that is that box.maxz is smaller than box.minz
16:55 LemonLake twoelk: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/lI4Dr_pcg-Lx.png
16:55 LemonLake aha im so immature
16:56 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:56 MinetestBot rubenwardy: 09-12 17:38 UTC <Krock> impressive images :)
16:56 rubenwardy Hi all!
16:56 LemonLake rubenwardy: nbe 0.7 is awesome
16:56 Blorph Looks like a mole-mound.
16:56 LemonLake hm
16:56 realtinymonster joined #minetest
16:56 LemonLake maybe i need to use a diff texture then
16:57 realtinymonster yo, LemonLake and OldCoder!
16:57 Blorph Minetest maybe over run with new people soon..
16:57 twoelk LemonLake: there was molehills somewhere
16:57 LemonLake realtinymonster: こんにちは
16:57 rubenwardy Thanks XD
16:57 LemonLake Blorph: true that
16:57 OldCoder realtinymonster, Hi
16:57 LemonLake Blorph: let's make it good
16:58 realtinymonster OldCoder: I hear you'd like to talk?
16:58 Blorph Lot’s of the big MC modders are coming, and might take it over..
16:58 LemonLake really?
16:58 NakedFury it would be awesome if that happened
16:58 Blorph Not really a bad thing, as long as they add good stuff, and not redo it.
16:58 LemonLake i find it hard to believe that the big mc modders would like to switch to a laggy limietd lua api but hey what do i know
16:59 realtinymonster Asie did
16:59 LemonLake true
16:59 realtinymonster right asie?
16:59 asie yes
16:59 asie the problem is
16:59 realtinymonster probably afk
16:59 realtinymonster ah
16:59 asie it might be laggy
16:59 asie it might be limited
16:59 Blorph Indeed.
16:59 asie but it is portable
16:59 LemonLake yep
16:59 realtinymonster yes
16:59 asie it is friendly
16:59 asie and it is really nice to use
16:59 asie a joy, compared to Forge
16:59 LemonLake my only real concern is the community
16:59 realtinymonster aye
16:59 LemonLake we're all aware of the type of people minecrafters can be
16:59 asie yes
16:59 asie but hey
16:59 asie they will need to adapt
16:59 LemonLake they better
17:00 LemonLake they will not ruin this community
17:00 asie they can't
17:00 realtinymonster you guys say this as if minecraft is doomed
17:00 asie the reason minecraft's sucked so much is because of its original culture
17:00 Amaz +LemonLake
17:00 LemonLake it's not
17:00 asie eloraam, sengir, etc.
17:00 LemonLake its just a lot of people no longer give a shit about it
17:00 LemonLake welcome to microsoft
17:00 asie for many the ms thing is just an excuse to leave
17:00 asie like me
17:00 realtinymonster cause fucking M$
17:00 LemonLake yep
17:00 Tiktalik sooooooo
17:01 Tiktalik realtinymonster, mojang is probably doomed
17:01 LemonLake asie, im checking out your stuff from mc
17:01 LemonLake its pretty cool
17:01 asie http://mc.shinonome.ch/
17:01 LemonLake yeah im on that
17:01 DusXMT It's kind of interesting that I came in the day of the M$ even for unrelated reasons
17:01 LemonLake DusXMT: Fair enough :p
17:01 parabyte sfan5, lol 643234.0% complete
17:01 parabyte LOL
17:01 * DusXMT found out about it as it was packaged to Guix
17:01 ElectronLibre What is going on? Microsoft has finally bought MC?
17:01 LemonLake ElectronLibre: yep, for 2.5bl
17:02 realtinymonster yep
17:02 ElectronLibre O_O
17:02 LemonLake i don't think it's gonna be that bad to be honest
17:02 ElectronLibre Mojang is doomed.
17:02 LemonLake because most people will flock before they can do anything
17:02 LemonLake :3
17:02 asie Mojang /is/ doomed.
17:02 realtinymonster I think all M$ cares about is people using its products
17:02 asie Mojang is now Microsoft Gaming
17:02 Blorph Because Notch was afraid of going a bit crazy..
17:02 LemonLake that's why notch left ages ago
17:02 parabyte sfan5, 100.0 intervals
17:02 Blorph http://notch.net/2014/09/im-leaving-mojang/
17:02 LemonLake he couldn't take the pressure of owning mc when working on his own crap
17:02 sfan5 hm
17:03 parabyte come on guys mojang owner wanted the 1.5 billion
17:03 NakedFury but notch hasnt done anything at all since Minecraft
17:03 NakedFury what pressure is there?
17:03 parabyte lol it was not the pressure it was the big 1.5 billion
17:03 LemonLake he hasnt done anything BECAUSE minecraft
17:03 NakedFury everything he started he dropped
17:03 LemonLake because of minecraft, essentially
17:03 * ElectronLibre is afraid by the idea he could see a day C:ProgramFiles(x86)WindowsGamesMojangMinecraft
17:04 realtinymonster lol
17:04 DusXMT It's quite possible
17:04 LemonLake windows live integration
17:04 LemonLake 'nuff said
17:04 Tiktalik parabyte: 2.5, actually
17:04 Blorph left #minetest
17:04 realtinymonster they'll make it expensive as shit I bet
17:04 ElectronLibre 2.5 Billion Oo? This is too much xD...
17:04 parabyte yeah but he had a share in the company
17:04 LemonLake $50 for base game
17:05 LemonLake $60 for the nether dlc
17:05 DusXMT lol
17:05 LemonLake $20/month for multiplayer
17:05 realtinymonster haha
17:05 LemonLake $200 to have a server
17:05 LemonLake $10 for enchantments
17:05 ElectronLibre Ho my...
17:05 LemonLake $0.20 per skin
17:06 LemonLake +updates only on xbox one
17:06 VanessaE I could just see that.
17:06 ElectronLibre Who will pay for this...?
17:06 LemonLake the parents of many children
17:06 ElectronLibre It's too expensive...
17:06 VanessaE note to self:  start charging for Home Decor updates. ;)
17:06 Calinou <asie> Mojang is now Microsoft Gaming
17:06 Krock joined #minetest
17:06 LemonLake VanessaE: hehe
17:06 Calinou “Microsoft Gaming” is already a thing
17:06 Krock ello.
17:06 ElectronLibre Hello Krock.
17:06 * Krock meows
17:06 LemonLake Krock: you missed literal shit in worldgen
17:07 LemonLake https://cdn.mediacru.sh/lI4Dr_pcg-Lx.png
17:07 Krock LemonLake, wut?
17:07 LemonLake this is gonna be used in the sapling treatment plant
17:07 Krock wait. browser needs to start first
17:08 Krock LemonLake, poop?
17:08 jp__ note to self : start elaborating a contract with VanessaE :P
17:08 LemonLake fertilizer
17:08 LemonLake but essentially poop, yes
17:08 VanessaE jp__: heh
17:09 Krock LemonLake, I would prefer "flat" fertilizer, like the seeds in the new MTG farming mod
17:09 LemonLake flat?
17:10 Krock like... lilypads
17:10 LemonLake interesting
17:11 LemonLake i could make it random
17:11 jin_xi have cows place it
17:11 LemonLake so sometimes it spawns flat fertilizer more frequently
17:11 * ElectronLibre is shocked by seeing "2.5 billions of dollards" and "MC" in the same sentence... He has got to sleep...
17:11 LemonLake jin_xi: i was thinking of doing that too, however not everyone plays with mobs
17:11 jin_xi spawn random shit for those without mobs, because shit happens
17:12 LemonLake maybe
17:12 OldCoder realtinymonster, are you the Moontest person?
17:12 jin_xi no mobs just ghostly feces appearing out of thin air
17:12 realtinymonster yep
17:12 OldCoder realtinymonster, What is the status of Moontest?
17:12 LemonLake what is the main used mob mod?
17:13 realtinymonster about done with the base, then comes improvement
17:13 OldCoder Let me know when you feel it's ready for review
17:13 realtinymonster ok, I will
17:13 OldCoder o/
17:13 realtinymonster i'd give it about a week or so
17:13 realtinymonster \o
17:13 OldCoder kk
17:14 hoodedice Chillax
17:14 hoodedice and thank whatever Deity you worship that EA didn't buy Mojang
17:14 LemonLake they wouldn't dare
17:14 LemonLake even ea know's they'd go bankrupt
17:15 hoodedice I can't even imagine what EA would do if they bought MC
17:15 LemonLake revert to alpha, change texture pack, major microtransactions and rename the game
17:17 parabyte i wonder what happens when it gets to 999999.0% sfan5 lol
17:17 parabyte 1% ?
17:17 parabyte lol
17:18 sfan5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
17:18 twoelk parabyte: how big is the area you are exporting?
17:19 parabyte whole map! mwahahahahahaha
17:19 LemonLake http://i.imgur.com/GJ5SY4g.jpg
17:19 LemonLake enjoy
17:19 Krock ElectronLibre, already 2.5?
17:19 hoodedice oh yeah
17:20 hoodedice your pick is damaged
17:20 hoodedice 3 hours to fix
17:20 twoelk oh? will it fit into the 64 km cube? ;-P
17:20 hoodedice FIX IT NOW: 40 G
17:20 * ElectronLibre don't understand the meaning of "already 2.5", sorry...
17:20 sfan5 parabyte: redownload the scipt from here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/tomtsschem.py
17:20 Amaz LemonLake: My eyes!
17:21 hoodedice THEY BURN
17:21 hoodedice diamond pick is on sale! $19.99
17:21 Krock ...
17:21 parabyte will the one i been running for ages work?
17:21 parabyte i dont wanna stop it been going so long
17:21 ElectronLibre Krock : 2.5 Billions of dollars is the price that Microsoft bought MC (I don't understand the meaning of the question sorry >.< ...).
17:22 hoodedice Congratulations! You have unlocked diamond pick! On sale for 30,000 dirt or buy with 15 G
17:22 hoodedice oooh ohhh
17:22 Krock ElectronLibre, they bought it now? eww.
17:22 ElectronLibre Yes.
17:22 hoodedice "Press G to look at your tool"
17:22 realtinymonster lol
17:22 * Krock shoots on Steve Ballmer or whoever's the CEO
17:23 hoodedice Stya someIndianGuy
17:23 ElectronLibre Krock : https://mojang.com/2014/09/yes-were-being-bought-by-microsoft/ .
17:23 jp__ parabyte : convert an entire map is a crazy idea, just give up for that
17:23 * Krock likes chargeable battery powered sound boxes.
17:23 * Krock only needs bateries for sscreen and PC now to make it portable
17:24 kaeza ssssssssscreen BOOM!
17:24 realtinymonster lol
17:24 parabyte jp__, what i want ;)
17:24 jp__ you can't
17:24 RyanGuill joined #minetest
17:25 Krock I wonder if 1 Billion = 1'000'000'000'000 or less.
17:25 sfan5 0.25% done, 9807 nodes / sec, ETA: 13479 sec(s)
17:25 sfan5 might take a while
17:25 PineappleClock joined #minetest
17:26 ElectronLibre (I think it's too much expensive but if Microsoft wants to waste money it's its choice. ^^.)
17:26 DusXMT Krock: I think it's less/the short scale, because that's mostly used in English
17:26 Krock mhm. I hate those names. wikipedia shows up 1,000,000,000 and I learned it with 1000x more
17:26 hoodedice 1 billion = 1,000,000,000
17:26 kaeza ^
17:26 RyanGuill 1B = 1000 * 1M
17:26 hoodedice !B = 1,000,000 *1k
17:27 kaeza when I was a kid, someone talking about "one billion" meant 1000000^2
17:27 * DusXMT is a user of the long scale
17:27 Krock =1000000000000
17:27 Krock 1'000'000'000'000 = tat's what I've learnt, kaeza
17:27 hoodedice ''''' everywhere!
17:27 HLuaBot Unknown command "'''". Try "help".
17:27 jp__ parabyte : I already converted parts of MC maps (~500³ nodes), it took about 10 hours of conversion for each of them; so imagine for an entire map...
17:28 jp__ https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&amp;t=9440
17:28 hoodedice another bot?!
17:28 twoelk parabyte: you may have difficulties importing the map into Minetest
17:28 DusXMT Krock: That's called the long scale, afaik
17:28 kaeza HLuaBot, stfu
17:28 HLuaBot Unknown command "stfu". Try "help".
17:28 sruz25 well, it's 1000^4 in europe afaik
17:28 hoodedice HLuaBot, help
17:28 HLuaBot Commands: reload, load, unload, plugins, op, deop, devoice, voice, join, part, help, uptime, echo, raw, eval, quit, more, ping, shutdown, config, networks, connect, disconnect, tell -- Use 'help <command name>' to get help with a specific command.
17:28 sruz25 *1000^3
17:28 sruz25 it's 1000^4 in US
17:28 Krock !c 1000^3
17:28 MinetestBot 1003
17:28 Krock no.
17:28 Krock !c 1000**3
17:28 MinetestBot 1000000000
17:28 hoodedice lol
17:29 Krock 1'000'000'000 = one milliard for me..and I live in europe
17:29 kaeza !c 255^123
17:29 MinetestBot 132
17:29 RyanGuill left #minetest
17:29 Megaf Mojansonf? I don't really care
17:29 kaeza hmm
17:29 * twoelk wonders wether sfan5 has added some schematic import magic for large files
17:29 sruz25 Krock: yeah, I meant 1000^3
17:29 kaeza !c 0xCAFEBABE
17:29 MinetestBot 3405691582
17:29 Krock LOL
17:29 jin_xi they will get rare to make MC a kinect only game
17:29 sfan5 twoelk: no
17:29 Krock !c 0xBADC0DE
17:29 MinetestBot 195936478
17:29 sfan5 twoelk: but I'd like some export magic
17:30 Megaf Why I care is the fact that Notch had promissed that Minecraft would become OpenSource on version 1.0.
17:30 Megaf That annoys me
17:30 Calinou never
17:30 Krock maybe it never gets to versio 1.0?
17:30 Calinou he said he would do it when sales dropped
17:30 Calinou 1) he's a liar
17:30 Calinou 2) he's a liar
17:30 hoodedice ^^
17:30 Calinou 3) sales will not drop
17:31 hoodedice 3) he's a zwizzed up liar
17:31 Krock 3) 1) and 2) are correct
17:31 Calinou 4) it'd be public domain
17:31 hoodedice 3) Is not a paradox
17:31 kaeza 5) 5 is false
17:31 Calinou public domain software may not have its source released
17:31 Krock 6) There's no (6
17:31 dbz2k joined #minetest
17:31 hoodedice 4) and if it is, then 4 is also not a paradox
17:31 Megaf 7) This is 7
17:31 sfan5 twoelk: it's very infeffient: <all node data> + <all probabilty data> + <all param2 data> so I need to wait for every data set to complete instead of being able to just write each one into the file instantly; also I need to write a node table into the file before so I can't even write the node data to the file directly
17:31 Krock 9) You forgot number 8
17:31 Megaf 8) Is not after 9
17:31 hoodedice 34) There is a blocky version of it
17:32 kaeza ^_^
17:32 Megaf One million) What?
17:32 hoodedice 34.2) If there is not blocky version, then a blocky version shall be made
17:32 kaeza https://xkcd.com/1208/
17:32 hoodedice 42) The answer.
17:32 twoelk sfan5: extracting large schematic files from mc worlds has been prooven to work several times. Importing large files is a PITA though and has limits set by lua
17:32 Megaf 56) what is the question?
17:32 sfan5 twoelk: .mts doesn't use lua
17:33 sfan5 twoelk: what I'm talking about is that writing .mts file is just inefficient
17:33 twoelk is there some we2mts converter?
17:34 sfan5 no
17:34 sfan5 do we need one?
17:34 * Krock reads wikipedia site of M$ "Revenue Increase US$ 86,83 billion (2014)[1]"
17:34 Krock nojang was cheap.
17:34 Krock s/n/m
17:34 * twoelk is sitting on some we files that took days to create
17:35 twoelk and said we files are too large for mt so I had to split them by hand and gave up some day
17:35 Krock and nokia's price was "$7 billion", ehm. okay.
17:36 Jordach joined #minetest
17:36 hoodedice I still miss Nokia
17:36 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
17:36 twoelk recreating them as mts files from mc would take for ever again
17:36 * twoelk still has his old Nokia phones
17:37 * hoodedice has a 2.3 Xperia x10, still better than his htc one vx
17:37 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:37 * hoodedice dreams of buying a jolla in the near future
17:37 sfan5 parabyte: tried the new script yet?
17:37 jp__ twoelk : why you don't import your .we files into a MT world and then re-export them via the WorldEdit's MTS export ?
17:38 twoelk because too large
17:38 Krock omg da smile. https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1362#issuecomment-55549158
17:38 twoelk they will not load
17:38 jp__ twoelk : dimensions ?
17:39 twoelk the interresting ones some 640*640 but others are larger
17:39 hoodedice catch ya'll later
17:39 Scall joined #minetest
17:39 jp__ indeed yes
17:42 Megaf I like this one https://xkcd.com/688/
17:43 * twoelk dreams to convert at least the central part of his favorite old mc world of some 4km*5km someday. It grew in years
17:45 Sokomine megaf: perhaps he meant the classic version. that, to my knowledge, is open source now. it's called classicube
17:46 ElectronLibre joined #minetest
17:47 Sokomine twoelk: hm. perhaps you better ought to convert directly then instead of using .mts. both formats are relatively similar to my knowledge
17:47 dv- joined #minetest
17:47 twoelk tried that and utterly failed
17:48 Sokomine hoodedice: nokia did make great handies (mobile phones). a good one with android would have been nice...
17:48 JimmyAx joined #minetest
17:48 parabyte just trying it
17:48 parabyte unsure if its working
17:49 parabyte no information being spit out of console yet
17:49 Sokomine twoelk: how so?
17:49 sfan5 it should report every 0.25%
17:49 * ElectronLibre forgot to plug the battery wire...
17:49 Sokomine afaik that's what sfan5's script is doing right now? if i got that right?
17:49 * sfan5 meows at ElectronLibre
17:49 sfan5 Sokomine: doing what?
17:50 stroEkris Do any of you know how to get the same map generator from v 0.3?
17:50 * ElectronLibre meows at sfan5
17:50 stroEkris I like the wierd terrain :3
17:50 parabyte nah not working maybe i should wait bit more
17:50 twoelk I must admit I rather spend my spare time playing than coding. So I'll have to waite until someone solves the problem that now even more will have when switching to mt
17:50 parabyte do i need to make that tweak to it you made?
17:51 sfan5 no
17:51 sfan5 you can if you want
17:51 sfan5 it should output a status faster then
17:51 Krock stroEkris, to get the same is hard. try to find a lua mapgen which does +/- what you want
17:51 kruug joined #minetest
17:51 kruug Downloading for Windows, what's the difference between MinGW and non-MinGW?
17:51 Sokomine sfan5: converting mc worlds to mt?
17:51 sfan5 basically no difference
17:51 sfan5 Sokomine: yes
17:52 Krock kruug, people say, the on-MinGW (=MSVC) _can be_ faster
17:52 twoelk ehm, extracting from mc to mts if I got the chat right
17:53 Sokomine to mts? oh, ok. hm. might be a bit of trouble to import later on? or is it split? an entire world most likely would not fit into memory uncompressed
17:53 * twoelk wonders iff he missed something vital
17:53 Sokomine maybe i missed something. didn't read the entire chat
17:54 twoelk parabyte: you better give a detailed report on what you did if you succeed
17:55 RumiaGloop joined #minetest
17:55 * sfan5 meows at RumiaGloop
17:55 RumiaGloop I just accidentallied my windows 98
17:56 sfan5 Jordach: https://soundcloud.com/tomorrowworld/tomorrowworld-artists-of-tomorrow-volume-006-pegboard-nerds
17:56 sruz25 is there github on the convertor thingy or something?
17:56 * ElectronLibre isn't the only one who have got still a windows 98 xD
17:57 * Sokomine puts a glass of milk in front of sfan5
17:57 * sfan5 noms the milk
17:57 sfan5 sruz25: no
17:57 RumiaGloop I accidentallied the swap file
17:57 sruz25 how optimized is it?
17:57 RumiaGloop yes
17:57 RumiaGloop it works 25% of the time
17:57 sfan5 sruz25: it uses python, so not much
17:58 sruz25 oh
17:58 sruz25 might look at it and optimize it a bit
17:58 Jordach time to initiate the we're possibly fucked plan b
17:58 ElectronLibre That's nearly a half-year I didn't start this windows 98 xD
17:58 sfan5 sruz25: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30267315/Minetest/tomtsschem.py
17:59 kruug man, now I feel like there needs to be a WAILA plugin/mod...I've been playing too much FTB
17:59 sruz25 thanks
17:59 sfan5 WALIA?
17:59 RumiaGloop What Am I Looking At.
17:59 kruug tells you what's under the cross-hair
17:59 kruug Feed The Beast
17:59 sfan5 ah
17:59 kruug [12:57] <  RumiaGloop>| it works 25% of the time
18:00 kruug ...
18:00 kruug http://www.feed-the-beast.com/
18:00 kruug stupid linux auto-copy
18:00 RumiaGloop a minecraft mod, which adds an on-screen popup to show what's under the crosshair
18:00 * Jordach can whip something up that uses pointing at with the hud api
18:00 Jordach grabs node desc + item texture
18:00 * sfan5 meows at Jordach
18:00 twoelk http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-tools/1261810-eihort-an-opengl-world-viewer-latest-0-3-14-2013
18:00 john_minetest joined #minetest
18:01 twoelk can't we hijack that ?
18:01 sfan5 uh
18:01 sfan5 what
18:01 sfan5 no
18:01 twoelk its really fast
18:02 sfan5 if we add stuff to that it won't be fast anymore
18:02 twoelk true
18:03 twoelk so maybe alias 7000 mt-node-types nodes to 250 types?
18:03 twoelk bah need to entwine some nodenoodles
2 more elements. Show/hide.
18:06 sfan5 o/ asie
18:06 Jordach asie, sad day isn't it
18:07 Calinou did asie left Minetest at least 3 times?
18:07 asie No
18:08 asie I only left once, and even then I just stopped doing stuff
18:08 sfan5 Jordach: http://t.co/5vQNvk7nU7
18:09 twoelk btw, I have a we version of that Survival-Games map seen on the screenshot of the link I just posted
18:09 sfan5 the whole map?
18:10 twoelk I think so
18:10 sfan5 my script says a mts export would take about 4.5 hours
18:10 twoelk did I mention I spend days playing with your tool?
18:11 Shafticle joined #minetest
18:12 Krock !doge
18:12 MinetestBot http://i.imgur.com/l0YSsre.jpg
18:13 ElectronLibre O_o
18:14 ElectronLibre Doge inside :D.
18:14 VanessaE sol_invictus: *poke*
18:14 ElectronLibre Instead of Devil inside ^^
18:15 sol_invictus VanessaE: yep
18:15 Nascher joined #minetest
18:15 VanessaE sol_invictus: didn't you also have that entity duplication bug with one of your maps?  the one that /clearobjects couldn't resolve?
18:15 VanessaE Megaf: *poke*  what about you? ^^^^^^
18:15 PineappleClock left #minetest
18:15 VanessaE and anyone else?
18:16 sol_invictus VanessaE: yes, but I'm not seeing it anymore
18:16 VanessaE where entities just kept multiplying out of control for no discernible reason
18:16 VanessaE sol_invictus: ok
18:16 Megaf VanessaE: I dont know, what kind of entity duplication?
18:16 VanessaE sol_invictus: what game and mods were you running?
18:16 Megaf I have configure my server to clean all entities
18:16 sol_invictus btw Vanessa, have you tried logging add_entity calls?
18:17 VanessaE Megaf: ok, nevermind then
18:17 VanessaE sol_invictus: not yet; I'm trying to re-establish who else had that problem and what mods they were running.
18:18 sol_invictus I'm running minetest_game from the official repo and mods are listed on forum
18:18 VanessaE which mods specifically?
18:18 VanessaE (or, link?)
18:18 Sokomine havn't seen much entity duplication lately on servers. perhaps a mobs mod on iirc sfan5's meowtest might count? but i'm not sure if it was that server. sheep multiplied so much it was a real herd
18:18 sol_invictus https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&amp;t=10030
18:18 sfan5 Sokomine: blockmen fixed that bug
18:19 VanessaE sol_invictus: wow, so much for yours being a fairly vanilla-ish server :)
18:19 Sokomine ah, good if he did. though those sheep wheren't that bad :-) good wool providers .-)
18:20 sol_invictus VanessaE: well, I'm trying not to put every possible mod there
18:20 VanessaE sol_invictus: understood.  no worries.
18:20 Bitgod joined #minetest
18:20 Bitgod how deep does minetest 0.4 go??
18:20 Bitgod ive been digging for 5 min
18:20 Bitgod lol
18:20 VanessaE Bitgod: -30912 meters or so.
18:21 Bitgod i assume minetest is made in c++ only?
18:21 Bitgod i oly know C#: <
18:21 VanessaE (or was it -30927?  I forget.  almost -31000 anyway)
18:21 VanessaE Bitgod:  yes, C++ for the engine, Lua for the game content.
18:22 ElectronLibre I think it's -30927 Vanessa :).
18:22 Bitgod i just fell in f'n lava
18:22 * Bitgod pees on it
18:22 Bitgod does minetest have water?
18:22 Bitgod as far as buckets
18:22 LemonLake Yes.
18:22 Bitgod awesome
18:22 Bitgod i really need to learn c++
18:22 Bitgod i wanna make this game good
18:23 Bitgod except Minetest is not a good name for it..
18:23 LemonLake 'make this game good'
18:23 Krock o/ a C# programmer!
18:23 LemonLake If you want to make mods/subgames, that's done in Lua.
18:23 Bitgod i mean expand it :)
18:23 DusXMT Bitgod: you can fork it, if you don't like the direction it's going in
18:23 ElectronLibre I've already teleported myself at -30000 and flown to 30927. There, I couldn't go higher.
18:23 LemonLake If you want to change core, that's done in C++.
18:24 LemonLake +DusXMT
18:24 LemonLake Bitgod: Can I see what you've done in C#?
18:24 Bitgod sure, 1 min
18:25 LemonLake Okay then.
18:26 Bitgod msg me ur email
18:26 Bitgod ill invite you to my repo
18:27 rubenwardy I am making an interpreter for a programming language. What command line argument letter should disable strict mode be?
18:29 rubenwardy I'll just use --disable-strict
18:29 roboman2444 joined #minetest
18:29 Calinou --lax
18:30 ThatGraemeGuy joined #minetest
18:30 * ElectronLibre thinks --district but it's stupid.
18:31 RealBadAngel --godmode=ON  ;)
18:34 rubenwardy https://github.com/rubenwardy/beruben
18:34 rubenwardy :P
18:34 ElectronLibre What do I need to run it?
18:35 LemonLake The interpreter just linked.
18:35 ElectronLibre Ok.
18:38 LemonLake I don't know what I just did to my eye but I'm either crying in one eye or it is slowly rolling out of its socket.
18:38 Digit joined #minetest
18:39 Digit can minetest be run on a headless server?   tried installing in gentoo but no matter how i set the useflags, it seems to always want to install numerous x11 deps.
18:40 VanessaE Digit: yes
18:40 LemonLake I think this has been asked prior.
18:40 VanessaE Digit: normally when you build i.e. outside of Gentoo, cmake . -DENABLE_CLIENT=0 -other-flags-here
18:40 VanessaE or was it -DBUILD_CLIENT=0
18:41 VanessaE anyway one or the other.
18:41 VanessaE ah, it's the latter
18:41 * ElectronLibre perfectly runs a program in BeRuben
18:41 Digit i was looking to install it through portage like any other package.  :/
18:41 VanessaE Digit: my build string, for example, is:  cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=0 -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -DENABLE_LEVELDB=1
18:42 kruug question: are you afraid that Microsoft will DMCA Minetest?
18:42 VanessaE idk what the USE flags are for Gentoo though.  hell I don't even remember who maintains the ebuild for that.
18:42 VanessaE kruug: nope.
18:42 VanessaE kruug: Minetest is immune from that
18:42 kruug yeah?
18:42 VanessaE yeah
18:42 Digit i tried with dedicated and server useflags.   thought that should have been enough
18:42 VanessaE minetest uses no code or content from minecraft and is based in a country where the DMCA has no basis in law.
18:43 LemonLake ^
18:43 VanessaE not to mention, who would you send the DMCA takedown notice yo?
18:43 VanessaE to*
18:43 sfan5 VanessaE: github and nearlyfreespeech.net
18:43 kruug Country of basis...nice!  Whomever registered the domain, for starters
18:43 ElectronLibre Just a question rubenwardy, why the hell do I need to write all these letters for only a print? xD
18:43 VanessaE sfan5: "safe harbor".
18:43 rubenwardy It is an esoteric language
18:43 VanessaE sfan5: github has to put the code back if it's "takedown"'d.
18:43 VanessaE if someone files a counterclaim
18:44 ElectronLibre Ho, I see.
18:45 VanessaE sfan5: at that point it becomes the lawyers' problem between Microsoft/Mojang and that of whoever's repo it was that was targeted.
18:46 VanessaE and that's provided that github takes the safe-harbor approach rather than fighting the takedown notice.
18:46 sfan5 rubenwardy: your lang. basically clones befunge?
18:46 rubenwardy Yeah
18:47 * ElectronLibre is gonna try to create a language interpreter for the language he "designed" in his notes.
18:48 rubenwardy But with more features
18:48 Calinou rubenwardy, hint: software using a GNU license must have a copy of the license + notice at the beginning of each source file
18:48 Sokomine vanessae: isn't "safe harbor" just an expression for "we (the usa) do what we like anyway, but you can sell it to your people as if their rights didn't get violated"?
18:48 VanessaE sfan5: and even if the DMCA is used and it becomes a problem, there's a thousand other hosts and registrars out there who are not friendly to the US and its media companies
18:48 rubenwardy so much text though
18:48 kruug or, a gitlab repo could be set up...private host, private service, etc
18:48 Calinou it's a requirement anyway, to avoid ambiguity
18:49 erlehmann joined #minetest
18:49 Calinou (don't just link to the license, it must be included)
18:49 erlehmann hey
18:49 erlehmann long time no see!
18:49 Calinou hi erlehmann
18:49 VanessaE Sokomine: in the context of the DMCA, it means that the company hosting the disputed content cannot be held liable for any kind of copyright infringement or similar if they immediately take the content down upon receipt of the legal DMCA notice
18:49 Calinou erlehmann, Minetest still doesn't support Erlang.
18:49 sfan5 lol
18:49 erlehmann i am seriously interested, is minetest getting attention in the wake of microsoft minecraft?
18:49 Sokomine ah, that, yes
18:49 sfan5 yes it is
18:49 Calinou yes, it got bought for $ 2.5 B
18:49 erlehmann great! :)
18:50 kruug yeah, I got linked here from /r/minecraft...
18:50 Megaf Hey all, Im looking for a good free hosting
18:50 VanessaE Sokomine: but it also means that if the person who claims rightful ownership of the taken-down content syas that the claim was wrong, they can issue a counter-claim against the host and the company that issued the take-down order, which forces the host to put the content back up. the host is then "safe-harbored" from future DMCA action against that media content.
18:50 Megaf all I care is good uplink
18:50 erlehmann does minetest have a single player mode now? :D
18:50 kruug Megaf: for what?
18:50 Megaf erlehmann: it does
18:50 VanessaE Sokomine: at which point, the media company claiming the code is illegal has to take it up with the person who runs the repo, and lawyers talk to lawyers without involving e.g. github.
18:50 kruug I know of a good CHEAP hosting...
18:50 erlehmann Megaf yeah a one that is fun.
18:50 rubenwardy Calinou: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/ban.h#L1 ?
18:50 LemonLake erlehmann: did it never not?
18:50 Bitgod "It looks like you placed a Dirt Block, that will be $1.99, please sign into your Microsoft account to continue placing this block." - Clippycraft.
18:51 Bitgod i made a mc funny :D
18:51 sfan5 LemonLake: yes
18:51 erlehmann LemonLake i remember that in 2011, minetest single player was pretty blande.
18:51 Megaf kruug: I want a place to put all media files from my minetest server
18:51 LemonLake i see
18:51 sfan5 Megaf: just any webhosting service
18:51 kruug Megaf: so, you want an online repo for pictures?
18:51 LemonLake i think we should consider security with servers now
18:51 kruug Bitbucket should work for that...
18:51 sfan5 LemonLake: why that?
18:51 LemonLake because of the incoming communtiy, so much ransomware is gonna come in the form of server mods
18:52 erlehmann LemonLake i contributed a little and drew the logo and some textures and merged patches in summer 2011. then i got a girlfriend and stopped doing that :D
18:52 Sokomine vanessae: ah, ok. those laws are difficult and diffrent by country
18:52 VanessaE hey erlehmann!  long time no see.
18:52 Megaf I have one host already, but it ran out of inodes...
18:52 LemonLake erlehmann: I see
18:52 erlehmann hello VanessaE. you were the person making the flower mods?
18:52 Krock oh hi erlehmann. nice to see you back
18:52 kruug Megaf: just screenshots?
18:52 kruug why not imgur?
18:52 Megaf kruug: you dont get it :P
18:52 VanessaE erlehmann: the person who maintained it yeah. part of it is in minetest_game now
18:52 kruug no, I don't
18:52 Cen_ joined #minetest
18:52 Megaf I mean, all media files from minetest and mods
18:52 Megaf we call that remote host
18:52 sfan5 erlehmann: didn't you do some poorly drawn comic about maintaining minetest-delta?
18:52 erlehmann i still have graphics from which not all are used! http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/icons/minetest/
18:53 Krock die welt ist gar nicht so XD
18:53 VanessaE Sokomine: indeed so - the DMCA is strictly an American thing; other countries have their own implementations of it I guess
18:53 erlehmann sfan5 hahaha, yess. http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/zeichnungen/minetest-dad.png
18:53 erlehmann 25-Jul-2011 02:47
18:53 sfan5 :D
18:54 erlehmann i have continued with pixel art and now have made emoji for gnu unifont
18:54 LemonLake sourcetree spotted
18:54 erlehmann coming soon to a unifont near you
18:54 erlehmann here http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/icons/unifont-symbols-emoji.png
18:54 erlehmann INSTALL GNU UNIFONT
18:54 erlehmann :D
18:54 sfan5 I think I already have it installed
18:54 erlehmann it has dragons and stuff
18:54 sfan5 zsh/2 2501 % sudo pacman -Q bdf-unifont
18:54 sfan5 bdf-unifont 7.0.03-1
18:54 erlehmann sfan5 🐇
18:54 sfan5 I can't read that
18:54 erlehmann 🐘🐘🐘
18:55 sfan5 thats an elephant
18:55 erlehmann it should be a rabbit and three elephants
18:55 kruug can't read that :(
18:55 sfan5 hm
18:55 erlehmann burger! 🍔
18:55 LemonLake 03f354
18:55 rubenwardy Calinou: done :P
18:55 erlehmann here is the ttf http://unifoundry.com/unifont.html
18:55 erlehmann unifont upper contains the animals and stuff
18:56 sfan5 <3 http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/icons/minetest/companioncube.png
18:56 erlehmann hehe
18:56 erlehmann i have old screenshots! http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/screenshots/games/minetest/minetest-axles-gears.png
18:56 sfan5 http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/icons/minetest/unknown_block.png
18:56 sfan5 i like that one
18:56 sfan5 we should use it
18:57 erlehmann harr harr
18:57 erlehmann :D
18:57 erlehmann what is currently used?
18:57 erlehmann a super mario question mark block i hope? :D
18:57 LemonLake no
18:57 sfan5 nah
18:57 Krock lol, looks like the "Er ist tot, Jim!" error page of chromium
18:57 LemonLake just a little texture that says 'missing node' or something
18:57 kruug ugh...hour-long corporate expense reporting meeting...
18:57 erlehmann i remember working on the rails http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/screenshots/games/minetest/minetest-rail.png
18:57 sfan5 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest/minetest/master/textures/base/pack/unknown_node.png
18:58 erlehmann Krock i was more thinking of sad mac or so
18:58 sfan5 the old cobble texture..
18:58 sfan5 ahh
18:58 Krock k.
18:58 Calinou rubenwardy, yes, headers like this
18:58 sfan5 those were times
18:58 LemonLake erlehmann: what is this girlfriend thing you speak of?
18:58 erlehmann sfan5 by all means, take my unknown block. you can have it under LGPL and/or CC-BY-SA 3.0 or whatever minetest was.
18:58 LemonLake where do i buy one?
18:59 Calinou but you should add a copyright holder at the top of each file
18:59 Calinou you didn't add one
18:59 erlehmann hahaha
18:59 Calinou Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
18:59 Calinou this form is good
18:59 Krock updateto 2014!
18:59 Calinou so adapt it to your nick and current year
18:59 Calinou and name/email
18:59 erlehmann LemonLake i am not an expert on the topic. i had several since then. recently, two left me at the same time :(
18:59 LemonLake 'at the same time'
18:59 LemonLake no wonder
19:00 kruug two girlfriends in a row, they both left me on Thanksgiving weekend...
19:00 kruug two year gap between, but still...
19:01 sfan5 erlehmann: maybe you care: mobile usage of minetest has reached record highs: http://meow.minetest.net/tmp/serverlist_stats_2014-09-2014.txt
19:01 LemonLake omg i fucking care
19:02 ElectronLibre There is a meow.minetest.net O_O!?
19:02 sfan5 yes
19:02 LemonLake that's sfans subdomain i assume
19:02 PenguinDad joined #minetest
19:02 sfan5 correct
19:02 Calinou kruug, here, girlfriends are 404
19:02 LemonLake "Windows Vista       -> 1807  03.62%"
19:02 Calinou (or even 403)
19:02 sfan5 Calinou: france doesn't have girlfriends?
19:02 Calinou here = in my case
19:03 LemonLake we really gotta shut down buildcraft
19:03 ElectronLibre Windows 7 --> 60.10% Wow.
19:03 kruug shut down buildcraft?
19:03 LemonLake yes
19:03 LemonLake or at least stop them doing their thing
19:03 RealBadAngel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX_rP-f6VCY&amp;feature=youtu.be
19:03 sfan5 buildcraft = some random android client of minetest that sucks
19:03 LemonLake whoa wtf
19:03 LemonLake rba
19:03 LemonLake what is this saucery
19:03 RealBadAngel how do you like it ?
19:03 kruug oh, not the Minecraft mod, buildcraft
19:04 LemonLake i like it on my chips
19:04 jp__ RealBadAngel : better, but in a slight white color please
19:04 RealBadAngel i like blueish ones ;)
19:04 LemonLake make it a setting?
19:04 Calinou http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&amp;px=MTc4OTI
19:04 Calinou in before shitstorm
19:05 kruug RealBadAngel: now add WAILA-like support!
19:05 jp__ highLIGHT, light is white
19:05 LemonLake again?
19:05 RealBadAngel but this feature is textureable, one can make it any color he wants to
19:05 Calinou this is interesting for textures: http://neotextureedit.sourceforge.net/
19:05 RealBadAngel my "halo.png" texture is just all blue
19:05 LemonLake ive seen this before
19:05 PenguinDad jp__: light has no specified color
19:05 LemonLake its essentially filterforge for linux
19:05 PenguinDad Also…
19:06 PenguinDad Hi everyone!
19:06 LemonLake konn
19:06 erlehmann sfan5 mobile? android?
19:06 sfan5 yes
19:06 erlehmann show and tell
19:06 sfan5 there's also an iOS clone
19:06 LemonLake which is the most popular one
19:07 sfan5 but the iOS is not official
19:07 erlehmann interesting!
19:07 sfan5 erlehmann: forum post about android: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=42&amp;t=9389
19:07 LemonLake can we not flag buildcraft? is that not a thing?
19:07 LemonLake or do google no longer care?#
19:07 kahrl whoa, it's erlehmann :O
19:07 sfan5 LemonLake: they did what the license requires
19:07 LemonLake :/
19:08 PenguinDad erleh​mann is here :O
19:08 erlehmann :D
19:09 sfan5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/1635
19:09 sfan5 !title
19:09 MinetestBot sfan5: Infinitely better unknown node texture by @erlehmann by sfan5 · Pull Request #1635 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
19:09 erlehmann harr harr
19:09 erlehmann :D
19:09 sfan5 :)
19:10 Calinou http://i.imgur.com/rapDmDa.png
19:10 Calinou this is minetest.net traffic
19:10 LemonLake oooh
19:10 LemonLake this is both problem and unproblem
19:10 sfan5 !tw https://twitter.com/asiekierka/status/511592374024544257
19:10 LemonLake i remember we were getting a lot of peeps from reddit and put an image on the front page, that was good
19:11 MinetestBot Okay, it's official: I'm working on my own sandbox game. Not as close to Minecraft as any of the Minecraft clones around. Not even 3D. (@asiekierka)
19:11 sfan5 asie wat r u doing?
19:11 PenguinDad sfan5, erlehmann: +1 for that texture
19:11 asie sfan5: A game.
19:11 sfan5 asie: terraria-like?
19:11 asie Nope.
19:11 asie Top-down, if anything; not platformer
19:12 Bitgod o
19:12 Bitgod GTA: Minecraft Edition
19:12 Bitgod :D
19:12 PenguinDad No 1D game? :(
19:12 sfan5 i see
19:12 Bitgod 0D :D
19:13 LemonLake i think there are a lot of 1d flash games
19:13 Bitgod so powerful, dimensions cease to exist
19:25 Bitgod i found a bug in 0.4.10
19:25 Bitgod you cant break blocks fast enough by rapidly pressing the use button
19:25 Bitgod lol
19:29 blaise is this mod https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3291 and this mod https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7302 compatable? or do the same thing?
19:29 blaise sudoman vs Jordan4ibanez
19:29 geggam joined #minetest
19:30 Calinou Bitgod, you hold mouse buttons
19:30 kruug Bitgod: yeah, you don't hit rapidly...
19:32 erlehmann sfan5 can i have a screenshot using the texture?
4 more elements. Show/hide.
19:42 Bitgod oh
19:42 Bitgod but what if i want to? :P
19:42 Bitgod like super breaking :
19:43 kruug write a mod!
19:43 Bitgod i dunno how in c++
19:43 Bitgod im used ot java
19:43 Bitgod lol
19:43 ElectronLibre Learn lua ^^.
19:43 Bitgod oh lua
19:43 Bitgod hmmm
19:43 Bitgod ok ill puts with it
19:44 Bitgod i love u
19:44 * Bitgod pets
19:45 Jordach Bitgod, so Minecrosoft pissed ya off then?
19:46 stroEkris Bitgod: C++ is the main thingy, while Lua is being used for mods, gui etc
19:47 Bitgod Jordach yes
19:47 Bitgod :)
19:47 Calinou there's a mod generator for static nodes
19:48 Jordach Bitgod, i'm already working on: microsoft is coming, get the we're going to get fucked plan b in action
19:48 sruz25 optimized the conversion thingy a bit, I don't have mc map at hand though http://pastebin.com/afZaXttH
19:48 sruz25 and diff of the two versions http://pastebin.com/3JmPMPTL
19:48 Jordach sruz25, alias bedrock to default:cloud
19:48 Jordach it's unbreakable afaik
19:48 Bitgod Jordach, as am i
19:48 Calinou https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&amp;t=9939
19:48 asie joined #minetest
19:48 Bitgod expect alot of new minecraft spinoffs soon
19:48 Bitgod lol
19:49 Calinou sruz25, I have a bedrock mod you can use
19:49 Jordach wait what
19:49 Jordach +20 users today
19:49 Jordach ho shit
19:49 Calinou https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&amp;t=9231
19:49 Bitgod yep
19:49 Calinou unbreakable, cool texture
19:49 Bitgod we're going back to the roots
19:49 Bitgod where minecraft was birthed from
19:49 Calinou node name is bedrock:bedrock
19:49 Bitgod minetest :D
19:49 Jordach so Bukkit, Spigot and CB are pointless after all
19:50 Jordach i can see at least three paths: 1) modding lives, but current method dies (eg, API happens) 2) continue as normal, eg, the deal never happened, 3) modding dies altogether and DLC for everyone....ugh
19:51 kruug I hope it's either 1 or Forge stays...
19:51 Vazon joined #minetest
19:51 Bitgod if 3 happens
19:51 Bitgod we're fine
19:51 Bitgod minetest is here
19:51 kruug bukkit/canary/etc can leave...
19:51 Bitgod it's usable
19:51 Bitgod :D
19:51 Bitgod microsoft cant stop us
19:51 Jordach Bitgod, ask ecutruin on that...
19:51 Bitgod minetest came out before minecraft
19:51 Bitgod hell minecraft was based on infiniminer
19:52 Bitgod which was based on minetest
19:52 Bitgod :)
19:52 ecutruin What's up?
19:52 Jordach Bitgod, Ecu the ender storage dude lives here too :3
19:52 Bitgod he stores the endermen?!
19:52 Bitgod so hes King Ender?!
19:52 ecutruin Yeah.. I'm one of Minecraft's "big" modders.
19:52 * Bitgod bows before your feet
19:52 ecutruin But w/e...
19:52 Bitgod i respect thy
19:52 ecutruin Why was I pinged?.. O.o;
19:53 Jordach just letting other modders know you're here ;3
19:53 Bitgod it's a pulse check :)
19:53 aaaaa joined #minetest
19:53 ecutruin Ah.
19:53 SylvieLorxu ell, that didn't take long
19:53 SylvieLorxu *Well
19:53 ecutruin People freaking out over Microsoft's acquisition?
19:53 Jordach yarp
19:53 SylvieLorxu Yeah
19:53 SylvieLorxu Way worse than I expected
19:53 sruz25 I only optimized it so that it doesn't always go through whole list (which is O(n)), now it should be O(1) when it looks for conversion., so I don't really know what the deal with bedrock is
19:53 SylvieLorxu Not that Microsoft has a good reputation
19:53 SylvieLorxu But I didn't expect it to be this bad
19:54 ecutruin Well.. Minetest should be fine.. I don't know why you guys would be freaking out.  MT doesn't contain MC code.
19:54 Jordach Bitgod, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHfmoG4MUIQ i may have copied the lidded chests
19:54 kruug SylvieLorxu: I think the biggest commotion is the openness that was promised with Minecraft, as well as Notch saying that he'd never sell out
19:54 PenguinDad So much talk D:
19:54 SylvieLorxu Nah, I mean the sudden influx of people interested in Minetest
19:54 Jordach SylvieLorxu, even the redditors at /r/minecraft were saying go there
19:54 kruug I'd rather have seen him step down and leave Jeb to take care of it rather than just outright sell Mojang
19:54 SylvieLorxu kruug: People are surprised commercial games selling out? :P
19:55 kruug SylvieLorxu: it's not viewed as commerical...it's still viewed as indie
19:55 Jordach Bitgod, i'm basically Slamacow around here, as i mastered rendering
19:55 kruug well, until the ink has dried at least...
19:55 Bitgod nice
19:55 kruug ^
19:55 Bitgod sucks to be notch
19:55 erlehmann ah i remember https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&amp;t=3605
19:55 erlehmann :D
19:55 Bitgod he could of made mc even bigger
19:55 SylvieLorxu kruug: Indie? With a huge company and that profit? :P
19:55 Bitgod oculus rift + minecraft = win
19:56 Bitgod now imagine
19:56 Sokomine ecutruin: which mods have you done? just asking out of curiousity. i'm not very familiar with mc mods (mc doesn't run well on my machine)
19:56 Bitgod facebook buying microsoft
19:56 ecutruin The community broke Notch.. guys.. he didn't do anything bad. >.<
19:56 kruug SylvieLorxu: indie because there's no actual dev studio behind it
19:56 kruug it's just Notch/Mojang
19:56 erlehmann Bitgod „could of made“ … is that internet slang or are you not english native speaker?
19:56 SylvieLorxu Hmm
19:56 erlehmann Bitgod i read that from time to time.
19:56 ecutruin Sokomine, I'm the designer/artist behind Ender Storage.  In addition, I sparked the "frames" of RedPower and a few things in various other mods.
19:56 SylvieLorxu Oh well, Community > Indie
19:57 Jordach "All good things must come to an end"
19:57 ecutruin Notch never wanted to be one of the biggest people in the world.  The community attacked him on top of that.. basically turning the whole thing into a curse.
19:57 kruug quote from 2012: "He also promised that he would release the game source code as "some kind of open source".  This, of course, wouldn't be done until sales start dying and a minimum time has passed.  Well, with Minecraft officially releasing in November 2011, I'd say we're close to the "minimum" timeframe.  We all know Notch doesn't like to wait."
19:58 erlehmann kruug oh no, notch lied to us!
19:58 Bitgod sadly
19:58 Bitgod notch cant release shit now
19:58 kruug erlehmann: yup
19:58 Bitgod microsoft owns his ass
19:58 kruug Bitgod: not true
19:58 erlehmann who would have guessed that someone who writes proprietary software lies.
19:58 Bitgod wtf?
19:58 kruug he just can't release anything under the Mojang name
19:58 ecutruin Wow.. you guys are so wrong..
19:58 SylvieLorxu Oh well, we have Minetest :P
19:58 Sokomine ecutrin: ah. thanks. doesn't tell me much sadly as i don't know much about that gameplay aspect
19:58 * PenguinDad gets a sale killing gun :>
19:59 shadowzone joined #minetest
19:59 ecutruin Notch is not owned by Microsoft.. Notch sold everything TO Microsoft so that he could be done.. with the community.. the stress.. everything.
19:59 kruug right
19:59 ecutruin It is the community's fault it all happened.
19:59 Bitgod thus selling minecraft ip
19:59 sfan5 erlehmann: https://cdn.mediacru.sh/Hf6ygelXTLn-.png
19:59 Bitgod so he cant release source
19:59 Bitgod since its paid for by ms
19:59 Bitgod else ms sues him into oblivion
19:59 kruug yes, as opposed to following through and letting the source be open...
19:59 erlehmann sfan5 it looks like some kind of cancer! :D
19:59 kruug or, stepping down and removing himself from Mojang
20:00 ecutruin Well yeah.. but he hasn't been a part of Minecraft.. or even really Mojang for a few years now.. really.
20:00 asie ecutruin: Of course it is.
20:00 Bitgod lol erlehmann
20:00 kruug ecutruin: then what's he got to worry about?
20:00 asie Notch didn't have anything from the 2.5 billion he couldn't have had from open-sourcing the game
20:00 erlehmann if notch had really meant that “i'll release source”, he would have done it years ago.
20:00 asie I mean, he could just have open-sourced the game *and* left MOjang
20:00 kruug he got $1.2 billion...
20:00 asie but he went for the money patch
20:00 Sokomine hm, if it's about mc sources...perhaps it's just a question of time. in 20 years or so, perhaps...wasn't the code of ms-dos eventually released? or some extremly early windows version?
20:00 kruug the rest went to the rest of Mjoang
20:00 kruug Mojang
20:00 Bitgod asie i would too
20:00 Bitgod $ talks
20:00 Bitgod :P
20:00 ecutruin Notch probably did mean it.. when he said it.. but the community turned toxic against him..
20:01 sfan5 sruz25: the optimized version looks rather impractical when creating new node conversion
20:01 stroEkris MC's community is very toxic
20:01 kruug Sokomine: yes and no
20:01 kruug Sokomine: it's there to study and look at, but not to use
20:02 sruz25 I don't really know that much about the formats, but not having O(1) when looking for the block seems ...
20:02 sfan5 erlehmann: :D
20:02 sruz25 unnecesarry
20:02 Sokomine kuurg: ah, ok. didn't check that out further. it is long outdated anyway
20:03 Jordach https://soundcloud.com/djgammer/itsqwerkouttime <3
20:03 erlehmann ecutruin it does not matter. he lied.
20:03 kruug Sokomine: To access this material, you must agree to the terms of the license displayed here, which permits only non-commercial use and does not give you the right to license it to third parties by posting copies elsewhere on the web.
20:03 * ecutruin smacks erlehmann.
20:03 ecutruin You're an idiot.
20:03 sfan5 o.o
20:04 sruz25 sfan5: like if you want to add new block?
20:04 sfan5 yes
20:04 sruz25 s/block/node
20:05 sruz25 but looking at that O(n) is just painfull
20:05 erlehmann ecutruin we cannot reason about his internal state reliably. but we can judge him by his actions. not that it matters!
20:06 ecutruin erlehmann, again...I'll repeat...you're an idiot.
20:07 Bitgod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXSjrq469CA
20:07 ElectronLibre left #minetest
20:07 Bitgod good itming :P
20:07 Jordach no elitism in here please
20:07 Jordach #minetest-dev is the place for that
20:07 Jordach >:D
20:07 sfan5 sruz25: I got a good idea: convert the array to table before starting
20:07 sfan5 !title
20:07 MinetestBot sfan5: You Are An Idiot 10 HOURS - YouTube
20:07 kruug !artist
20:07 Bitgod lol
20:07 erlehmann ecutruin forget it.
20:07 sfan5 it doesn't have that yet
20:07 sfan5 :P
20:07 erlehmann i do not wish to antagonize anyone.
20:08 erlehmann (right now)
20:08 nman3600 joined #minetest
20:08 ecutruin You're badmouthing Notch when he ended up making a decision for his better health.. driven to such a decision by overwhelming stress and actual harassment/threats from the very community he started.
20:09 Miner_48er joined #minetest
20:09 sruz25 sfan5: hmm, that would work too
20:09 ecutruin I'm sorry.. but trying to say Notch is in the wrong.. is being an idiot.
20:09 kruug ecutruin: why couldn't he just leave the company and wash his hands of Minecraft?
20:09 kruug if that was his reasoning...
20:10 sruz25 the point is: having so heavily used function O(n) is not wise if it's possible to avoid it
20:10 nman3600 Everywhere I go it' all about minecraft being bought! DL
20:10 nman3600 D:*
20:10 erlehmann ecutruin i think he was in the wrong all along, for releasing proprietary software. i believe everyone who does that is excerting undue influence on others' lives.
20:10 Bitgod nman3600
20:10 Bitgod now wait for .... facebook to buy microsoft
20:10 kruug if he wanted out, hand the deed to the company over to Jeb and walk...
20:10 Bitgod imagine minecraft on facebook
20:10 Bitgod LOL
20:10 nman3600 I will be pissed.
20:10 Bitgod id probably kill myself
20:10 Bitgod lol
20:11 nman3600 I can't believe mojang did that.
20:11 vanila erlehmann++ good point
20:11 raffahacks joined #minetest
20:11 tadni To be fair, Not was making millions while at Mojang -- he could have retired and had people cover for him without selling.
20:11 tadni Notch*
20:11 kruug ^
20:11 erlehmann and we see now a consequence of that.
20:11 PenguinDad IJDGAF about microsoft buying mojang
20:12 erlehmann if linus torvalds would be selling out to microsoft, nothing would happen :D
20:12 erlehmann like, no rage or nothing
20:12 Bitgod Linux Torvalds
20:12 grondilu What if Facebook had bought Mojang?  Would people have been even more pissed?
20:12 Bitgod NEW OWNER OF MS!
20:12 Bitgod imagine :D
20:12 erlehmann it is only that minecraft is proprietary that there is outrage
20:12 Bitgod grondilu, fuck yes
20:12 Bitgod it would be nuclear
20:12 sfan5 thats not gonna happen
20:12 kruug grondilu: yep
20:12 erlehmann prove me wrong!
20:12 erlehmann grondilu MINECRAFT OCULUS RIFT!
20:13 raffahacks Is it just my impression, or discussions here go in a crazy way?
20:13 * ecutruin sighs.
20:13 tadni It's a lot more money than he would ever need to survive, and now notch has a lot, a lot more money than he would ever need to survive. Which is fine, bu ultimately, it's  a "I rather have a billion dollars" than millions, situation.
20:13 Bitgod invite your facebook friends so they join you in a adventure to buy blocks
20:13 Bitgod $1 for dirt block, etc
20:13 sruz25 well, it's not like MS could achieve much w/ linux, cuz anyone could fork it
20:13 PenguinDad lol
20:13 sruz25 that's not the case of minecraft
20:13 kruug "You have placed your alloted 10 bricks.  Place more by paying $9.99 or inviting 10 friends!"
20:13 Bitgod lol kruug i love u for that one
20:13 erlehmann sruz25 that is the point. minecraft is done. but any free software project will stay.
20:14 kruug sruz25: for now...
20:14 Bitgod how much $ u wanna bet the commnunity will show up at microsoft's hq w/ pitchforks
20:14 tadni erlehmann: How is Minecraft "done"?
20:14 sruz25 erlehmann: well, openoffice did not
20:14 Bitgod and demand mojang's buyout to be reversed
20:14 Bitgod lol
20:14 kruug if Microsoft bought Linux, all they'd have to do is do a Major version release and redo the license
20:14 sruz25 there's still its fork, but not OO
20:14 Broam joined #minetest
20:14 ecutruin Honestly guys how old are you?  Do you guys have ANY clue what it is like being in even lower management, much less owning one of the most successful companies in the world?
20:14 * ecutruin sighs.
20:14 tadni It's a recognized brand. A majority of users will still play a Minecraft owned by MS.
20:14 ecutruin You guys attacking Notch are just rediculous.
20:14 kruug ecutruin: do you?
20:14 Sokomine bitgod: not "a block of dirt wants to be friends with you. accept? y/n"
20:14 ecutruin Yes.
20:14 ecutruin I'm not a child.
20:15 geggam how can one buy linux ?
20:15 kruug ecutruin: have you owned a company?
20:15 kruug geggam: the kernal
20:15 Bitgod Sokomine, there's no dos prompt on facebook? :P
20:15 kruug you can buy the code
20:15 erlehmann „Microsoft Minecraft“
20:15 Broam What else is new. Kids are gonna overreact. Last week it was gamergate now it's mojang.
20:15 erlehmann it really goes well
20:15 sruz25 geggam: you can buy the name
20:15 erlehmann the alliteration!
20:15 tadni ecutruin: Mojang was by no means, "one of the most sucessful companies in the world".
20:15 Sokomine bitgod: no idea :)
20:15 sruz25 geggam: but you can not revert copyleft
20:15 tadni They surely aren't in the top 100.
20:15 DusXMT geggam: simply, they can buy the trademark, which is owned by Linus. We'd simply fork the existing codebase and continue under a different name
20:15 Bitgod call it...
20:15 geggam right ... see mysql  and mariadb
20:15 Bitgod Linus!
20:16 Bitgod er Linex
20:16 ecutruin I'm 31 years old.. and right now, I actually work as management for a small team.  In addition, I have been a co-manager of a start-up as well.  Its not all happiness and sunshine.
20:16 geggam openoffice .. libreoffice
20:16 kruug ecutruin: but you'd rather sell-out than manage it properly?
20:16 ecutruin kruug, Notch wasn't management.
20:16 geggam offer me 2.5 billion and call me whatever you want :)
20:16 ecutruin Period.. it wasn't in his nature.
20:17 kruug ecutruin: but he could still have left without selling out
20:17 tadni ecutruin: I'm fine that he did it for more money, everyone has a price ... but he did not need to sell, to be disconected from Mojang and live the rest of his life without working another day.
20:17 PenguinDad Fun fact: My given name is Linus
20:17 erlehmann bye for now. until later
20:17 Broam What you folks should be worried about is how you're going to deal with all the entitled 10-year-olds who come to visit
20:17 tadni PenguinDad: Nah, I give you the name Thaddeus.
20:18 kruug Broam: make the channel +i ?
20:18 tadni Broam: My 10 y/o cousin is obssesed with minecraft.
20:18 * PenguinDad squawks at tadni
20:18 Sokomine broam: install a no-guest-name-mod. helps a lot already against those questionable android clients
20:18 * ecutruin just shakes his head.
20:18 Broam heh.
20:18 Bitgod LOOK
20:18 Bitgod stop fighting
20:18 Bitgod https://mojang.com/
20:18 Bitgod read this and hush
20:18 Bitgod lol
20:19 Broam I've been looking to move to minetest more seriously for a while, and I guess this is the push I needed.
20:19 * ecutruin would never move his modding to MT.
20:19 kruug Bitgod: "He’s decided that he doesn’t want the responsibility of owning a company of such global significance."  Then he could have walked without selling out...
20:19 Bitgod Broam, im in on this too
20:19 Bitgod ill join you
20:19 Broam plus it's sort of hard for the login servers to go down if there are no login servers
20:19 Broam ecutruin: all the modding for MC I ever did was FLOSS. Moving to MT is a wealth of options
20:19 Bitgod illl laugh if microsoft pulls mojang's servers offline
20:20 Broam It has nothing to do with MSFT. It has everything to do with DRM
20:20 Bitgod thus, rendering your pretty 'launcers' useless
20:20 tadni Bitgod: " He’ll continue to do cool stuff though. Don’t worry about that." What else has notch done, besides scrolls which was a flop and that spaceship game which never got past concept?
20:20 Bitgod launcher too
20:20 kruug Bitgod: my launcher will be safe :)
20:20 Bitgod tadni, eactly
20:20 Bitgod mine too
20:20 Bitgod i use team extreme
20:20 Bitgod :P
20:20 kruug I have FTB which cache's the login token
2 more elements. Show/hide.
20:21 Broam look. old versions are gonna be archived everywhere and offline mode is a thing. No one can kill minecraft's old version or modding scene.
20:21 ecutruin kruug, who are you do say that?  Is it something you built.. suffered through the community of.. etc?  How is it even bad that Microsoft owns Mojang?  Right now.. we don't know what's going on.. Microsoft could be amazing for Minecraft.. we don't know.
20:21 Broam but it's not floss and for someone who wears an FSF cloak I should be playing FLOSS games or at least helping them succeed.
20:21 ecutruin You guys are all attacking Notch because you're frustrated and scared.. well grow up and realize that he wanted to be done.. and he created something used EVERYWHERE.. he deserves a good payout.
20:21 bluej10013 joined #minetest
20:21 tadni Notch lucked out, remixing other popular underated game concepts. He's not a wealth of good ideas.
20:22 kruug ecutruin: see: RARE
20:22 tadni Again, he was excited and put money in Scrolls.
20:22 kruug He got a good payout...
20:22 vanila im honestly worried about Notch, this is a very strange decision - I hope he is alright
20:22 kruug he could still walk and get paid
20:22 Broam I'm not worried about Notch or Minecraft.
20:22 ecutruin kruug, Yes.. RARE was a bad thing that happened, but it doesn't mean everything they do is evil and vile.
20:22 Bitgod juist hope he doesnt do what robin williams did
20:22 Bitgod depression sucks :|
20:22 vanila yes
20:23 raffahacks What is the name of the GNU distro?
20:23 ecutruin Stop overreacting and attacking someone who really just wanted out.
20:23 destin_eternel people move on in life. happiness is part of that. respect the guys decision
20:23 vanila this situation got me interested in minetest
20:23 tadni ecutruin: No, I'm mad he sold out and acted like he couldn't have hired someone to run his company for him.
20:23 drinkdecaf joined #minetest
20:23 kruug ecutruin: all I'm saying is that he could have been out without abandoning the community
20:23 vanila because I will not like to play a minecraft that signals home to microsoft
20:23 kruug tadni: exactly
20:23 ecutruin tadni, Tough.. its not your company.. he deserved every penny he got.
20:23 realtinymonster joined #minetest
20:23 kruug ecutruin: and he earned every penny...minus these
20:23 kruug these are blood monies
20:23 ecutruin No.. they aren't.
20:24 tadni raffahacks: "The GNU distro", but out by the GNU project?
20:24 kruug he's killing the community
20:24 ecutruin God you're idiots.
20:24 destin_eternel ecutruin, I agree with that ..
20:24 kruug ecutruin: no, we're fanatics :)
20:24 ecutruin No.. you're idiots.
20:24 kruug no, you're the corporate shill...
20:24 realtinymonster dont me an idiot, idiout
20:24 tadni ecutruin: No one "deserves" 1+ billion dollars, I don't care if you cure cancer.
20:24 Amaz rafhacks, I think it's Guinx
20:24 iqualfragile i just worry that microsoft might not be as chill as jeb
20:24 kruug ^
20:24 tadni Amaz: No, guix is the package manager.
20:24 Bitgod jeb was awesom
20:24 Bitgod e
20:24 raffahacks I heard something like that here this afternoon...
20:24 Bitgod i tweeted w/ him a fewtimes
20:24 Amaz Ah.
20:25 iqualfragile https://np.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/29vrkp/cant_run_minecraft_made_my_own/ciozegx
20:25 geggam meh... only thing they control is the login... reverse eng / break that and you can do whatever you want
20:25 kruug Youtube streamers, the thing that really made Notch/Mojang/Minecraft famous can't be monotized anymore, meaning that 90% of the streamers won't stream
20:25 tadni Amaz: If they're talking about the official GNU distro, it' just called GNU... but it's still in Alpha.
20:25 Amaz Yeah.
20:25 mat__ joined #minetest
20:25 Amaz I was on the webpage earlier today.
20:25 ecutruin No.. I've been for a community driven engine for a year or so now.  I just am a designer now days.. don't do the coding as much myself.  I'm not a corporate fanatic.  I'm saying the community caused Notch so much undo stress over something that was a hobby to him.
20:25 iqualfragile geggam: there are allready projects doing that
20:25 destin_eternel ecutruin, amazing how the drama spills over into other places. sheesh
20:26 kruug ecutruin: he can still walk without hurting the community :)
20:26 geggam i thought this was a different game ....
20:26 Guest95796 +i mat1
20:26 kruug he could have even gotten the 1.2 billion from Mojang without selling it :)
20:26 ecutruin Its the community that is hurting the community.. not Notch.
20:26 geggam was why i was here
20:26 kruug ecutruin: yes, let's punish the whole for the loud snobs...
20:26 vanila kruug, clearly he did a terrible thing - and it looks self destructive
20:26 kruug that's the corporate way!
20:27 vanila thats why im worried about his mental health
20:27 ecutruin kruug, Noone is being punished.. and if you think so.. you're just as much of an idiot as I stated.
20:27 mat1 joined #minetest
20:27 vanila it's rude to call someone an idiot for having a differnet view than you
20:27 kruug ecutruin: we'll see, but in 6 months when everything is Microsoft run and the community/servers/everything is in shambles, I will be here to say "I told you so"
20:27 geggam anyone who is in mgmt and calling people idiots wont last :)
20:28 kruug ^
20:28 geggam assuming they actually are there
20:28 ecutruin kruug, You still wouldn't be right.  It doesn't mean Notch is punishing anyone.  The community is the one punishing everyone.
20:29 kruug ecutruin: Notch is indirectly punishing the community for a few bad eggs...
20:29 tadni kruug: They might write a formal modding api for minecraft and even possibly port to c# ... but Minecraft 2 is surely going to be an PC/Xbone exclusive.
20:29 ecutruin No.
20:29 ecutruin He's not.
20:29 * ecutruin just sighs.
20:29 vanila Selling out by giving your company to minecraft is hurting the community
20:29 vanila saying "no" doesn't make that false
20:29 tadni vanila: MS*
20:29 vanila oops
20:29 destin_eternel ecutruin, indeed
20:30 * PenguinDad jumps out the window
20:30 kruug There is nothing to force Microsoft to retain the Mojang development team
20:30 kruug in fact, there is a good chance that they'll disperse teh team to other projects
20:30 ecutruin He didn't "give" the company to Microsoft.. they payed quite a bit for it.. likely way more then they will ever get back.  What he did is ensure it will continue to be supported.  If he had just left.. and the other founders just left.. do you think Mojang would function?
20:30 kruug this means less quality Minecraft, and a team that doesn't have the same core vision/value of the original team
20:31 geggam but... doesnt it run now ?
20:31 ecutruin That's because everyone didn't step out.
20:31 geggam its not going to degrade all the sudden
20:31 destin_eternel notch hasn't touch minecraft in quite a while, it was jeb/dinnerbone/grum doing the decisions
20:31 kruug right...
20:31 stroEkris Am I the only one who doesn't bat an eye about Microsoft buying Minecraft?
20:31 kruug so, Notch could have walked and no one would have cared
20:31 vanila stroEkris, looks like it
20:31 vanila this is a really big deal
20:31 tadni destin_eternel: Then why was life "so stressful" for him?
20:31 geggam i thought... mineteset was not minecraft... am i wrong ?
20:31 vanila it confuses me seeing all these peopel downplaying it
20:32 ecutruin In addition.. to stop out .. and step out completely .. he HAS to sell his shares.. that's kind of how it works.  If the other owners wanted out as well.. then who does he sell to?
20:32 kruug right...he could have sold his shares to Jeb, or someone else within the dev group, or had another invester step in
20:32 stroEkris vanila, not to me
20:32 vanila There is no defending selling out to microsoft
20:32 drinkdecaf joined #minetest
20:32 vanila this makes an extremely powerful rich company more powerful
20:32 kruug no, he didn't sell his shares to Microsoft, he sold EVERYTHING to microsoft
20:33 geggam so who here can tell me the difference in minetest and minecraft ?
20:33 vanila this is a bad thing for everyone except microsoft
20:33 ecutruin Jeb couldn't reasonably purchase his shares.
20:33 destin_eternel I think what it comes down to is FUD, it is too early to go off on a tangent.
20:33 kruug Minetest is OSS, Minecraft is now a corporate husk of a once great game
20:33 stroEkris Well, I wonder how bad it is for me...
20:33 tadni geggam: Minetest has a proper modding api and is based on c++, instead of slow java?
20:33 kruug ecutruin: then split between multiple buyers
20:33 geggam this is the #minetest channel yes ?
20:33 * ecutruin sighs and jsut shakes his head.
20:33 kruug all he has to do is go below majority
20:33 tadni Minetest is also Free as in Freedom, and poptarts.
20:33 ecutruin Seriously... how old are you guys?
20:34 kruug ecutruin: if you haven't been CEO/owner, you know no more than I
20:34 Miner_48er geggam minetest.net
20:34 kruug how old are you ecutruin ?
20:34 ecutruin I'm 31.
20:34 kruug ah, so young...
20:34 erlehmann joined #minetest
20:34 geggam its what i though tadni ... so why the hell arent people  just using minetest and not whining ?
20:34 kruug so naive...
20:34 tadni ecutruin: I like you're go to is "they say things I don't like, so they must be young".
20:34 geggam you use closed source crap you get screwed... its the cycle
20:34 ecutruin kruug, how old are you?
20:34 erlehmann geggam, people realize that they are powerless.
20:34 tadni your*
20:34 kruug old enough to know better than to sell out
20:34 realtinymonster go argue in #minecraft, net here
20:34 erlehmann geggam, this makes them mad.
20:34 ecutruin tadni, no.. you guys are talking like little children, hense why I'm asking how old you are.
20:35 geggam so they realize the easy path has a price...
20:35 stroEkris I just don't care about minecraft
20:35 geggam :)
20:35 kruug easy path, not right path
20:35 bluej100 It wasn't Dinnerbone's decision. He's not excited about it. https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/511513103478292480
20:35 ecutruin kruug, you didn't answer my question.
20:35 bluej100 I think Notch and Carl and Jakob were burned out and made the decision.
20:35 geggam your right isnt my right... remember that  and you will go farther
20:35 kruug why would he?  Everything he's worked for was swept out from under him...
20:35 tadni ecutruin: No, you're are justifying his decision saying it won't effect minecraft. You can argue everyone has a price and I'd agree, but I don't think Notch had MC's best interest selling to MS. He had his.
20:36 kruug ^
20:36 destin_eternel it's just a damn game..get over it
20:36 erlehmann geggam i have seen that before. tell people that this would not have happened with free software and they become mad.
20:36 tadni destin_eternel: It's a game people have suck 1000s of hours in.
20:37 erlehmann yeah, so notch has basically programmed a highly addictive drug
20:37 geggam http://xkcd.com/743/ applicable
20:37 erlehmann so he is kind of a druglord then
20:37 ecutruin tadni, I'm not justifying his decision.  I'm disappointed as well.  However, I'm not going to attack the guy who gave us Minecraft over it.  Especially when he was essentially driven away from the game he made by the community it created.  I'm sorry.. I'm not unreasonable.  I have actually grown up.
20:37 destin_eternel ecutruin, exactly
20:37 jin_xi well said ecutruin
20:38 tadni geggam: The big reason I see a transitional problem from Minecraft to Minetest, is the lack of mods on Minetests end. Even without a proper modding api, there are huge and popular mods that need work to be ported over before there's a chance MT gets any real traction.
20:38 erlehmann ecutruin have you made any minecraft mods? if so, want to port them?
20:38 ecutruin Minetest cannot be a replacement for MC in terms of modding.
20:38 destin_eternel ^
20:38 geggam so the api needs built
20:38 tadni ecutruin: How did the  community "driven him away"?
20:38 iqualfragile joined #minetest
20:38 tadni drive*
20:38 erlehmann ecutruin minetest has a better modding api by far.
20:38 kruug tadni: he had nothing to do with the EULA
20:38 kruug well, not the recent debacle
20:39 adhoc joined #minetest
20:39 tadni kruug: Hm?
20:39 ecutruin It is not mature enough as an engine to actually support most of what the community needs.  To make it mature would equate to re-writing a large portion of the engine.  Honestly, it'd likely be more efficient to make a new game engine period.
20:39 erlehmann ecutruin what is missing?
20:39 ecutruin erlehmann, MT's API/Engine is terribly designed for the kinds of content MC modders make.
20:39 jin_xi you cant compare mt vs mc modding in terms of better api
20:39 kruug sorry, that was more in anticipation to ecutruin trying to answer your question
20:39 ecutruin I could go on about what its missing for hours..
20:39 erlehmann ecutruin so lets work on that.
20:40 stroEkris Irrlicht
20:40 ecutruin I have in fact, in this channel, gone on about what its missing.. for hours.
20:40 tadni ecutruin: ... What is Minetest missing api wise?
20:40 erlehmann ecutruin, list priority targets.
20:40 scourge joined #minetest
20:40 erlehmann ecutruin, minetest can grow. it will have to.
20:40 tadni I see a lack of manpower, over api challenges/limitation factors.
20:40 kruug ecutruin seems like a "get off my lawn" kind of guy...
20:41 iqualfragile ecutruin: better create bug reports
20:41 ecutruin Non-looping animation.  Particle Engine.  Clientside LUA.  Customizable GUI components.  Better networking protocol.  Clientside entity prediction.
20:41 iqualfragile http://github.com/minetest/minetest
20:41 iqualfragile there is no lack of manpower
20:41 iqualfragile there is lack of organisation
20:41 ecutruin There's just a few.. and they are not non-trivial.
20:41 geggam manpower or skilled manpower iqualfragile  ?
20:41 geggam there is a difference
20:41 stroEkris 23:41 < iqualfragile> there is lack of organisation
20:41 stroEkris ^
20:41 erlehmann ecutruin what about writing an article, comparing the apis?
20:41 iqualfragile ecutruin: there are customizable gui elements now
20:42 ecutruin iqualfragile, why bother.. as I stated.. fixing ALL of the issues is not worth the effort.. you'd be better off making a new engine.
20:42 iqualfragile geggam: there is skilled manpower, too
20:42 Sokomine tadni: we have quite a lot of mods for diffrent purposes. finding them in the mod relases forum is the main difficulty. further mods are of course always welcome! sometimes people even adopt old mods where the developer has left and modernize them
20:42 ecutruin iqualfragile, can I retexture the item slot components?.. buttons?.. backgrounds that scale correctly?.. etc?
20:42 iqualfragile but as i see it people are afraid of actually working on things because pull requests are not really handled
20:42 erlehmann debian has packaged minetest even.
20:43 iqualfragile which results from a lack of organisation/authority
20:43 vanila I think that minetest is inspiring and I am really happt to see this project
20:43 PenguinDad ecutruin: what's so bad about the networking protocol?
20:43 erlehmann oh the same problem as in 2011?
20:43 iqualfragile ecutruin: no, you were not
20:43 ecutruin PenguinDad, the current UDP is slow.. it doesn't handle the kind of traffic needed for a lot of the stuff MC modders do well enough.
20:43 iqualfragile you don't seem to be too experienced in software engineering
20:43 tadni Sokomine: If that is the case, Minetest's website needs a much better way to spotlight relevant/decent mods. Mods make the game, don't be hiding them in a forum your new target audience (Minecraft transplants) aren't likely to search through.
20:44 kruug ecutruin: sounds like you're making yourself a to-do list :)
20:44 iqualfragile ecutruin: yes, current network protocoll is not the best, not at all
20:44 PenguinDad ecutruin: minecraft is unplayable in multiplayer for me while minetest is
20:44 sfan5 sruz25: it doesn't seem to be any faster
20:44 stroEkris Minetest by itself is somewhat an engine
20:44 stroEkris The mods are the games :P
20:45 mvdan joined #minetest
20:45 tadni stroEkris: That seems like a very apt metaphor.
20:45 iqualfragile ecutruin: but what would you want to do? change the protocoll backwards-incompatible? that would remove 50% of our userbase
20:45 ecutruin iqualfragile, I went to college for 3 years for computer programming and software development.. getting a 4.0 before I got bored and quit.  I also managed sole development for the startup I mentioned earlier.  Sorry.. but I do have experience.  On top of that.. I spent quite a bit of time talking to many very experienced developers.  I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about.
20:45 stroEkris tandi: Why so?
20:45 sfan5 iqualfragile: we don't need to support 0.4.7 or older
20:45 kruug ecutruin: so fix this :)  Don't just complain...
20:45 ecutruin iqualfragile, you would need to evolve if you want to grow.. its just that simple.
20:46 * ecutruin sighs.
20:46 Miner_48er the mod database is a recent addition that is gaining popularity https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/
20:46 iqualfragile "recent"
20:46 LemonLake how add mods?
20:46 iqualfragile LemonLake: log in, click the add mod button
20:46 tadni stroEkris: A lot of mods modify the game by adding small bits of functionality -- not by providing major overhalls to the core experience.
20:46 LemonLake it says invalid credentials.
20:46 LemonLake even though
20:46 LemonLake I can verify
20:47 LemonLake they are correct.
20:47 tadni LemonLake: On your end. Fine here.
20:47 Amaz Problem with the new forum.
20:47 Sokomine tadni: you're very right with that! with mt, mods are far more essential than with mc. even the "basic" minetest_game (or minetest_next) is in essence just a collection of mods; games are in essence collections of mods
20:47 casimir ecutruin "you would need to evolve" <--- wrong sentence
20:47 iqualfragile LemonLake: yes, sorry, the mmdb was made back when we had the old forums
20:47 ecutruin You really didn't listen to what I stated, did you?  I stated.. to "fix" the issues with MT involve an amount of work that would be better spent towards building a new engine designed from the ground up to be the type of engine needed.
20:47 LemonLake iqualfragile: So was my account AFAIK.
20:47 iqualfragile LemonLake: you can only log in with your old credentials, im working on that
20:47 bluej100 left #minetest
20:47 geggam udp is slow ?
20:47 stroEkris Gotcha tandi
20:47 LemonLake Well that's a pain in the ass
20:47 kruug ecutruin: so get started...no one's stopping you but you
20:47 LemonLake Are you working on that this very minute, or this month?
20:48 ecutruin kruug, Who says I'm not supporting such a project?
20:48 kruug ecutruin: you...
20:48 kruug since you're on here arguing why Microsoft is a good thing...
20:48 ecutruin I don't believe I ever stated that I'm not supporting a voxel engine.  I stated I'm not supporting MT.
20:49 iqualfragile LemonLake: yes, not this verry minute, this verry minute im about to go to bed, but yes, im working on it
20:49 kruug ecutruin: you're not supporting MT because you don't agree with an implementation of some random bit of code, but yet you either won't clone it and do it "right" or you won't help it get fixed
20:49 kruug so, you're in here complaining....why?
20:49 Sokomine ecutruin: hmm. that's something to be heard from a lot of projects. it is always tempting to write something completely anew. if you have the time....
20:50 * Megaf would give lots of money to minetest developers if he could
20:50 geggam im still stuck on the statement udp is slow
20:50 kruug what would be the alternative?
20:51 kruug I thought UDP was the better protocol to use...
20:51 geggam on a GB lan you can run an OS over tcp pretty easily
20:51 bluej100 joined #minetest
20:51 tadni Sokomine: It's rare the one actually has to rewrite a whole codebase from scratch, assuming the devs aren't crap and don't document code and just are bad in-general.
20:51 iqualfragile Sokomine: writing things compleetly anew is a horrible waste of time
20:51 LemonLake iqualfragile: i see
20:51 geggam nfs pxe boot
20:51 Sokomine tadni: i started to create categories and add the mods to them in the wiki. i didn't get far yet - it is a lot of work because there are so many mods out there. this is something that definitely needs doing
20:52 kruug Sokomine: something akin to the Bukkit mod db?
20:52 Miner_48er kruug https://forum.minetest.net/mmdb/
20:52 Sokomine tadni: i don't think the devs are bad. but: it was started by a single person, then developed further. not all design decisions taken at the beginning might have been good. yet it is a very enjoyable game
20:53 kruug Miner_48er: right, but it would be more user friendly to mimic this: http://plugins.bukkit.org/ no?
20:53 Sokomine kruug: i've heared about bukkit but don't know what it really is?
20:53 ecutruin kruug, Not "some bit of code", but yes.  I disagree with the design decisions made with MT.. I think it has promise, which is why I stay in this channel.  However, so much would have to be fixed, it just doesn't feel "worth it" to fix.
20:53 tadni Sokomine: I still think people are far to apt to "let's scrap everything" kind of mentality.
20:54 tadni ecutruin: As someone in the enterprise/buisess world, this is especially surprising of a suggestion.
20:54 kruug ecutruin: so, you're saying you'd rather sit and complain than assist...
20:54 geggam enterprise just renames it
20:54 kruug I think I understand you're line of thought...
20:54 geggam then sells it at a higher price with less features
20:54 geggam :)
20:54 kruug that's why you prefer Microsoft :)
20:54 ecutruin kruug, I normally tend to stay silent, actually.
20:54 geggam prove it
20:55 celeron55 joined #minetest
20:55 erlehmann what about a kickstarter for reimplementing popular minecraft mods?
20:56 ecutruin erlehmann, in MT?.. won't happen.
20:56 LemonLake a kickstarter? nah
20:56 LemonLake you can just put a forum post up and you'll get hundreds of them
20:56 tadni ecutruin: We already have like half the popular mods.
20:56 ecutruin Remake ThaumCraft in MT.. I'd love to see that.
20:56 LemonLake ecutruin: it is quite possible
20:56 iqualfragile problem is performance, mainly
20:56 Sokomine one point where - based on the demo i played a year or two ago - mc is by far superior is handling of mobs/fighting. that's something that doesn't really work well in mt. there are mobs mods out there, yes, and they add far more intresting things (i like the mobf animals and their behaviour a lot more than what i saw of those...hearts spawning...cute-looking-to-be-killed mobs in mc)
20:57 LemonLake just...nobody can be fucked
20:57 LemonLake and performance, too
20:57 iqualfragile at least for me heavy use of pipeworks almost brings the strongest servers down to their knees
20:57 ecutruin tadni, yes.. you have very broken, glitchy duplications of many popular MC mod mechanics.  Many things done with MC cannot be done via MT.
20:57 iqualfragile but that might just be stupid implementation
20:57 kruug follow the way of Thermal Expansion and make tubes/pipes opaque...
20:57 LemonLake iqualfragile: pipeworks is recieving massive overhaul
20:57 LemonLake it is much more efficient now
20:57 kruug ecutruin: then fix it
20:57 LemonLake +kruug
20:57 celeron55 in my opinion minetest is mostly a prototype of what the world needs
20:58 LemonLake +c55
20:58 tadni ecutruin: Besides the speed ... I don't see what the issue is.
20:58 Sokomine ..but fighting just isn't something that works well. which suits me as that's no apsect of the game i'm intrested in :-)
20:58 ecutruin kruug, why?
20:58 celeron55 but we have no resources of making a non-prototype version of it
20:58 ecutruin I can.. just use MC.. currently.
20:58 iqualfragile LemonLake: yes, but it seems to me that they forgot the backward compatibility
20:58 celeron55 for*
20:58 erlehmann celeron55. hey
20:58 LemonLake iqualfragile: to be honest it'd only bloat it. everyone should just update
20:58 kruug ecutruin: fix it, or just submit a bug report
20:58 tadni ecutruin: Can you give me of specific examples of what is "impossible" in minetest?
20:58 iqualfragile celeron55: yes, you can chaneg your gravatar avatar
20:58 LemonLake if the older version is that bad then no point in making it bc
20:58 celeron55 the MC community has way more resources but they like to stick to what they have
20:59 celeron55 so, whatever
20:59 LemonLake yep
20:59 ecutruin Or.. I could work on my own engine and not have the issues.. https://twitter.com/ecutruin/status/503023271571652608/photo/1 .. I've already messed around with the renderer.
20:59 LemonLake though i think core devs gotta focus on performance atm
20:59 celeron55 john_minetest: that someone needs skill too
20:59 LemonLake more than the lua api
20:59 LemonLake just saiyan
21:00 tadni LemonLake: THat's just Super.
21:00 celeron55 and also, the MC community is so stuck to java that there's no way of getting them away from java
21:00 iqualfragile ecutruin: yeah, right
21:00 celeron55 so basically it would have to be java
21:00 iqualfragile go play with unity
21:00 ecutruin tadni, Remake ThaumCraft. ^-^  If you do that.. in MT.. without glitchy entities and smooth animations.. I'll accept MT as a valid platform.
21:00 celeron55 and nobody else likes that
21:00 kruug ecutruin: then go work on that engine and leave the big boys to their development...
21:00 kruug just sayin :)
21:00 scourge ecutruin: what is ThaumCraft?
21:01 ecutruin celeron55, I just posted a picture of a Unity3D voxel renderer, written in C#.. not java.. so no.. we're not all stuck on java.
21:01 tadni ecutruin: If i cared about magic mods at all, then maybe.
21:01 iqualfragile ecutruin: go such m$ dick
21:01 celeron55 ecutruin: what languages are you willing to use?
21:01 DusXMT ecutruin: C# is rather unportable, and Unity is non-free
21:01 ecutruin iqualfragile, wow.. immature much?
21:01 tadni I'd be much more likely to work on more technical, wiring, etc, mods.
21:01 iqualfragile ecutruin: using C#? wtf?
21:02 ecutruin DusXMT, Unity3D uses Mono.. which IS portable.. C#.
21:02 kruug ecutruin: you're the one saying people are idiots if they don't agree with you...
21:02 ecutruin kruug, no.. I'm saying people are being idiots because they are.
21:02 tadni "Let's write a FOSS gave in proprietary software!"
21:02 erlehmann ecutruin unity 3d is not free
21:02 iqualfragile tadni: i don't think he wants to write a foss game
21:02 stroEkris I don't like Unity3D
21:03 iqualfragile which makes tis dicussion even more unrelated to minetest
21:03 erlehmann ecutruin seems to have a working idiot-radar. idiots everywhere!
21:03 iqualfragile ecutruin: please take this to another channel/discussion forum
21:03 ecutruin ecutruin, its free to develop on.  I can use it to make a prototype if I so choose.  Did I say use it for MT?  Nope.  I just said I was using it to mess around with voxel engines.
21:03 iqualfragile ecutruin: if you have actuall issues with minetest just file a bug report and talk over there
21:04 erlehmann ecutruin what iqalfragile says
21:04 ecutruin iqualfragile, I've already talked to a few of the developers of MT and explained the issues, actually.
21:04 celeron55 iqualfragile: how do you think you are benefiting this discussion?
21:04 erlehmann is that kickstarter idea a stupid one?
21:04 iqualfragile celeron55: im not, im just here to troll
21:04 celeron55 iqualfragile: just go away if you have nothing to say except hating random things
21:04 LemonLake yes
21:04 erlehmann why
21:05 iqualfragile erlehmann: i am not too sure if they will reach their targets…
21:05 tadni I find it odd that people have this general mindset, about free software -- that one would suggest to use blantanly non-free software as the core of the engine. A huge amount of Minetest is how open/modable it is...
21:05 ecutruin tadni, who suggested such a thing?
21:05 scourge ^what he said
21:05 tadni ecutruin: Using Unity3D as a game engine basis.
21:05 LemonLake ggggg
21:06 kruug well, I think ecutruin suggested using non-free multiple times
21:06 scourge ecutruin: you also said c#
21:06 LemonLake someone said unity3d
21:06 erlehmann a kickstarter could provide visibility and enable someone to do full time integration work.
21:06 erlehmann and now would be one of the best times.
21:06 kruug erlehmann: it's much like the Ubuntu phone...
21:06 tadni john_minetest: Ah, my mistake.
21:06 LemonLake i think a kickstarter is kaput
21:06 iqualfragile ecutruin: talked to the developers or filed bug reports?
21:06 DusXMT Sure, Mono is both free and portable, but M$ can decide to take it any time it wants with its patents
21:06 celeron55 could people maybe be useful and discuss whether there is any ways to find common ground between MC modders and MT developers and users?
21:06 kruug they knew nothing would come of it, but yet they did it to get exposure
21:06 celeron55 are*
21:06 DusXMT s/take it/take it down/
21:06 ecutruin tadni, as I'm now mentioning for the second time.. I never said use Unity3D for MT.. do not put words in my mouth.  I was using it for MY OWN prototype engine.. which was NOT going to be open source.
21:06 LemonLake celeron55: you know I was talking about a compatibility layer a long time ago
21:06 celeron55 that would be good in this situation and it hasn't been discussed a lot
21:06 LemonLake or something like that
21:07 Megaf [21:57:18] <iqualfragile> at least for me heavy use of pipeworks almost brings the strongest servers down to their knees
21:07 casimir Seems this discussion is going nowhere.
21:07 LemonLake somesort of modding tool that allows you to export for both games
21:07 LemonLake but nobody liked that idea relaly
21:07 Amaz +casimir
21:07 Megaf heavy use of pipeworks on my server
21:07 celeron55 i'm thinking more of trying to figure out if something new could be written to be useful to both
21:07 tadni ecutruin: I said my mistake, chill your self.
21:07 LemonLake celeron55: compatibility layer
21:07 celeron55 this channel is a fucking nightmare though
21:07 Megaf and its not pipeworks that slow it down, is minetestserver itlself
21:07 LemonLake this M$+MC hype really stirred the chan
21:07 LemonLake i've nevr seen it so active
21:07 stroEkris celeron55: This current channel? I guess it is.
21:08 celeron55 there is always an intolerable chaos here, but now it's much worse than usually 8)
21:08 sfan5 #minecraft is not much better
21:08 sruz25 sfan5: hmm, most blocks ARE stone and dirt with low IDs
21:08 sruz25 sfan5: so it kind of makes sense
21:08 Megaf blaise: I updated my server to latest git and now I get 104 seconds of lag, from 3 seconds to 104, maybe sapier have done something nasty again
21:09 sfan5 sruz25: I use a slightly modified version, I'll work on it tomorrow.
21:09 LemonLake guys
21:09 LemonLake lets all just like shut the fuck up, yeah?
21:09 Amaz ^
21:09 LemonLake we'll just get on with our regular business
21:09 Broam ...okay I am humbled
21:10 Broam in the mod I'm helping to test, we made a block called a Brazier. Pretty simple, spits out fire out the top
21:10 LemonLake Broam: That's nice.
21:10 Broam Today I learned how catchy minetest's fire mechanics are. Wildfires are fun
21:10 LemonLake Hehehe.
21:10 Broam Yes. Yes it is.
21:10 stroEkris Like in real life
21:10 LemonLake Broam, why not stick to fire particles?
21:10 Broam code if you care - https://gitorious.org/sztest
21:10 kruug is there anything to watch out for when modding?  Like ID's and such?
21:10 LemonLake That'd prevent all your wildfires :p
21:11 LemonLake kruug: lua
21:11 LemonLake watch out for wild lua
21:11 Broam LemonLake: I think it's because the idea was to use braziers to make coal gas. It's part of the mechanics
21:11 Sokomine broam: best disable fire on a server. it's bad if a wild fire destroys a building. but if you're just testing, and in singleplayer, it probably doesn't matter
21:11 LemonLake Broam: I see.
21:11 kruug LemonLake: well, yeah...but if I want to add new items, do I have to make sure someone else isn't using that ID?
21:11 sfan5 There's no IDs, so no
21:11 Broam LemonLake: Interesting stuff he's got going in there. Rotary power & stuff. Microblocks etc
21:11 stroEkris Is it possible to create/generate a map with width, length and depth limits?
21:11 LemonLake kruug: None of that crap.
21:11 kruug sfan5: thanks!
21:11 sfan5 (at least no IDs on the Lua side)
21:11 LemonLake It's all names, like the new Minecraft version apparently uses.
21:11 Broam Sokomine: oh yeah
21:12 LemonLake So if you've been using the assetname:itemname system recently, there's nothing new.
21:12 Broam john_minetest: We had to make firebreaks by cutting deep trenches.
21:12 iqualfragile kruug: there are ids but they are hidden, your new blocks are named according to the modname:blockname shema
21:12 iqualfragile so as long as your modname is unique you don't have a problem
21:12 LemonLake ^
21:12 Broam fun fact: cactus is highly flammable
21:12 LemonLake cactus is plant
21:13 LemonLake plant does the burny thing
21:13 Bitgod that was fun
21:13 Bitgod we had a california fire lol
21:13 Bitgod fixed tho
21:13 erlehmann joined #minetest
21:13 Sokomine celeron55: both games look pretty similar on the surface, and what people do with mods may be similar as well in both games. yet the modding mechanisms seem to be quite diffrent, and it may take time to understand each other in that regard
21:13 drinkdecaf joined #minetest
21:14 LemonLake shit, this conversation caused me to lose my train of thought
21:14 LemonLake uhh i was like making a sapling or something
21:14 Broam sorry I burnt your train of thought there LemonLake.
21:14 LemonLake Broam: dig trench in head
21:14 Bitgod we boarded your train and took off
21:14 Bitgod :D
21:15 LemonLake Bitgod: my train tho
21:15 LemonLake you bastard
21:15 sfan5 :D
21:15 Sokomine kruug: the only thing you'll have to make sure about is that the name of your mod doesn't conflict with another one people might want to use in the same world
21:15 LemonLake that was my fucking train
21:15 celeron55 Sokomine: yes and i would like to increase understanding between both sides in that
21:15 LemonLake you dont just steal a train
21:15 Bitgod sorry, it has a new cnductor
21:15 Bitgod :p
21:15 LemonLake nggh
21:15 celeron55 Sokomine: it could happen that something could be developed to benefit both
21:16 Sokomine lemoncake: no. limits in map size cannot really be enforced. you can stop your mapgen and create no further land beyound a certain point, or teleport players back, but that's about it. not really practical
21:16 Bitgod minetes
21:16 Bitgod can it handle 32x32?
21:16 Bitgod textures
21:16 Bitgod cuz im gonna update alot of em
21:16 sfan5 Yes
21:16 Bitgod ok i love u now
21:16 Bitgod ty
21:16 * Broam laughs
21:17 sfan5 It can handle as much as you want
21:17 Sokomine if you want to learn more about mt, and how it may look like, take a look at vanessaes survival- or creative servers. they have a lot of mods installed :-)
21:17 NakedFury it can have 128 textures too
21:17 Bitgod oh?
21:17 NakedFury or higher
21:17 Bitgod 1080x1240?!
21:17 Bitgod or something
21:17 Bitgod jk
21:17 sfan5 e.g. 512x
21:17 sfan5 1024x too
21:17 NakedFury higher than a point is ridiculous
21:17 Broam the only limitation is that if the texture is too big you have to send it to the client on login - right?
21:17 Bitgod i say 128 is fine
21:17 sfan5 If your card can render that
21:17 Bitgod 128 is good enough'
21:17 Sokomine celeron55: that would be very nice. many ideas may work in both games
21:17 NakedFury servers can also enforce the texture to be used
21:18 sfan5 Yes you need to send it to the client on the first login
21:18 stroEkris celeron55: Is it possible to create/generate a map with limits? if yes then how can I do that?
21:18 sfan5 But that can be sped up by using HTTP for media loading
21:18 Sokomine bitgod: yes, higher texture resolution is no problem. however, as media is downloaded from a server upon connection, it's best not to go too high-res for everyday stuff - and better let players install texture packs if they wish to
21:19 geggam if you have a server and want to run MT on it.. what would be a good spec ?
21:19 Sokomine i wouldn't use 128 px for everyday nodes. perhaps for a very complex machine
21:19 erlehmann hands up, whom of you is here from reddit?
21:19 Megaf OffTopic:
21:19 Megaf 22:19:28: VERBOSE[main]: Client: Attempting to load image file "character_41_preview.png"
21:19 Megaf 22:19:28: VERBOSE[main]: Client: Loaded received media: 9bd1a537eb1cf77fbf3a1664c06d592c3d5a0064 "character_41_preview.png"
21:19 iqualfragile geggam: if i have a computer and want to run a programm on it, what would be good specs?
21:19 LemonLake Hands down.
21:19 Broam I use reddit but I'm not here from reddit
21:20 Megaf That means that remote media is working, right?
21:20 geggam minetest
21:20 iqualfragile geggam: in other words: it really depends on what you want to do with it
21:20 LemonLake Megaf: I do believe so, yes.
21:20 geggam well iqualfragile ... i assume run minetest as a service
21:20 iqualfragile a basic minetest server does not really take recources
21:20 Megaf Thanks
21:20 sfan5 Megaf: no, that means nothing
21:20 iqualfragile but if you have 100 users and mobf and pipeworks its another deal
21:20 geggam network load john_minetest  ?
21:21 Sokomine there are people running servers on raspberry pis, but that's really low end. if mobs, technic, mesecons etc. come into play, servers do need more ressources
21:21 mvdan left #minetest
21:21 geggam heh... my home network is GB lan.. id hope so
21:21 LemonLake Damn.
21:21 LemonLake This chan has like 20 more people than usual.
21:21 LemonLake The power of Reddit, I guess.
21:21 Wuzzy2 joined #minetest
21:21 geggam what about pushing upload to internet... 2mbps  cover how many  ?
21:21 erlehmann reddit is 20 people on irc
21:22 erlehmann i knew it
21:22 geggam john_minetest, ... my router is home brew openbsd
21:22 erlehmann all the time
21:22 geggam ;)
21:22 sfan5 lol
21:22 geggam i have an old sc1435 sitting around... might spin up a MT server
21:23 Sokomine geggam: don't know. if you want to know details, best talk to vanessae. she runs several servers. other people run servers from their machines at home (i.e. krocks server) - which seems to work fine as well
21:23 Broam I can safely say that openbsd can host a small server no problem.
21:23 Megaf geggam: with 2 mbps of upload you can hold 20 players
21:23 geggam ok Sokomine ... ill fire up a server in a few days.. camping on the beach here for a couple
21:23 geggam ill invite everyone over and do some measuring
21:23 Megaf 1 mbps/players
21:24 iqualfragile Megaf: thats too high
21:24 geggam ive ran minecraft on openbsd before :)
21:24 LemonLake o.o
21:24 Sokomine geggam: if you don't install a no-guests-mod and announce your server on the public list, you will get visitors. mostly kids using tablets or phones. the majority of them won't do much useful, but as a test, it might work well :-)
21:24 LemonLake i think i figured out why i've not been able to breathe correctly for months
21:25 geggam used to have kids over for lan parties... had 20 kids in the garage wired direct to the switch... they loved the no lag play
21:25 iqualfragile geggam: oh, yes, definitly ban guests
21:25 LemonLake geggam: the trick to a server is to have patience with mobile users
21:25 LemonLake they're a pain in the ass
21:26 LemonLake either that or ban them
21:26 LemonLake take your pcik
21:26 LemonLake s/pcik/pick/
21:26 * Bitgod connects to LemonLake via 2G
21:26 Sokomine well, it's usually not banning mobile users as such. just people who can't be bothered to think up a name for themshelves
21:26 * Bitgod waits 5yrs to move char
21:26 * LemonLake doesn't connect
21:26 * LemonLake does not have a provider that supporst 2g
21:26 geggam i dont usually worry about who is on the server... the kids tend to handle it
21:27 h9ine laser transceivers
21:27 * Megaf is not using 3G nor 2G. Megaf is using SlowGee
21:27 geggam did have to quit inviting one over... evidently nukes are a thing ?
21:27 LemonLake we're here having a conversation here
21:27 sfan5 LemonLake: you don't have 2G?
21:27 LemonLake and h9ine is just like
21:27 LemonLake 'yo, laser transceivers."
21:27 LemonLake sfan5: nop, i am la 3 of la g
21:27 h9ine :)
21:27 Bitgod 5G is coming soon
21:27 Bitgod cant wait, maybe by 202
21:27 Bitgod 201
21:27 iqualfragile laser transcivers work
21:27 LemonLake i have 4g in my provider
21:28 Bitgod 2021* ffs
21:28 iqualfragile at about gigabit speed
21:28 h9ine yes they do
21:28 LemonLake but they haven't installed it in my town yet
21:28 iqualfragile using infrared light
21:28 iqualfragile seen one recently
21:28 LemonLake they're planning on doing that later this year
21:28 iqualfragile self-build
21:28 Sokomine geggam: hm. i care most about servers set up for building something. on them, nukes would be very destructive and are thus usually restricted to below ground
21:28 sfan5 I have LTE where I live with my phone.
21:28 h9ine seen one on instructables
21:28 LemonLake sfan5: where i live i have a thing called wifi
21:28 LemonLake so i dont need 4g in my house
21:28 sfan5 me too
21:28 LemonLake :o
21:28 LemonLake omg
21:28 LemonLake wow
21:29 geggam i was running 7 minecraft servers on an old dell 1850 ... hexxit bukkit and various minecrafts Sokomine
21:29 sfan5 but I'm talking about mobile internet
21:29 geggam the kids told me what configs to set
21:29 LemonLake lol
21:29 LemonLake the kids know their shit
21:29 Sokomine geggam: ah :-) so the kids know what they want
21:30 geggam yep... im just the admin / network dude
21:30 LemonLake kid: "uhh yeah like command blocks and /give 46 64 it lets us get wood to start with so the game is more fun"
21:30 geggam dont really game much.. sort of curious as to what will happen and looking at alternatives
21:30 parabyte joined #minetest
21:30 LemonLake look out
21:30 LemonLake parabyte has joined
21:30 parabyte sfan5, if your still about http://pastebin.com/VM39U5am
21:31 LemonLake who highlighted me
21:31 Sokomine i'm not sure what hexxit, bukkit etc. exactly are. the demo of mc ran to a degree on my machine some time ago, but now it doesn't seem to work anymore (it's a celeron g1610 without extra graphics card); thus, it's hard to compare anything further
21:31 erlehmann what is the feature minecraft has that minetest does not?
21:31 sfan5 parabyte: still there, I might be able to send you and improved test version.
21:32 iqualfragile erlehmann: being polished
21:32 sfan5 erlehmann: owned by Microsoft
21:32 geggam o heh.. dell1850 was dual dual core xeon 3ghz with 16 gb ram
21:32 geggam older machine
21:32 geggam server only
21:32 parabyte much appreciated need to desperately port my map to minetest
21:32 parabyte sfan5,  :)
21:32 Bitgod i suggest we change minetest to Minecrafter
21:32 Bitgod and actually work on it hard
21:32 Bitgod and make it popular
21:32 Bitgod more than mc :D
21:32 parabyte minetest will get popular now due to what happened
21:32 Bitgod yes
21:32 LemonLake were does moretrees define the height of its trees?
21:32 Bitgod but minetest as a name would be dumb
21:32 iqualfragile Sokomine: they are server-side apis basically
21:33 iqualfragile a lot more limited then minetest server apis
21:33 parabyte yes the name is somewhat silly but the software is really good
21:33 iqualfragile (or at least they were when i looked at them the last time)
21:33 kruug yeah, I agree that "test" shouldn't be in the name, but htat's just personal opinion :)
21:33 Sokomine oh. i thought they where collections of mods?
21:33 kruug Sokomine: it was a way to run mods on servers
21:34 kruug Bukkit isn't a group of mods per se
21:34 Bitgod lovely
21:34 Bitgod coming soon to toys r us
21:34 Bitgod minetest
21:34 Sokomine lemonlake: i think it's part of the L-systems...instruction set. there, the height is defined indirectly
21:34 erlehmann "minetest is a dumb name" i remember that discussion!
21:34 Bitgod thatts like calling windows windowstest
21:34 Bitgod lol
21:34 Bitgod its TEST for a reason
21:34 kruug Test sounds like it'll forever be in alpha/beta
21:34 kruug never stable
21:34 Bitgod if we're gonna promote it as a game
21:34 iqualfragile kruug: which is the case
21:34 Bitgod then change it :)
21:34 celeron55 well MC would have been better being forever in alpha 8)
21:34 iqualfragile Bitgod: there is really no need to promote it
21:35 erlehmann yeah why not change to something else! mine-ix!
21:35 sfan5 parabyte: http://meow.minetest.net/tmp/tomtsschem.py
21:35 Bitgod then why the fuck am iu here
21:35 erlehmann hahaha
21:35 celeron55 minix!
21:35 Bitgod here
21:35 erlehmann "we"
21:35 geggam so in a week ill setup a server... should have some power to it... we can see how this stuff runs
21:35 * VanessaE is back
21:35 parabyte sfan5, here i go again! ;)
21:36 erlehmann i thought about doing an ascii client for minetest. is the protocol stable?
21:36 VanessaE hah!
21:36 * Bitgod votes Minetest being called Epicraft
21:36 Bitgod done
21:36 geggam epic... like the irc client ?
21:36 kruug epicraft already exists...
21:36 Bitgod oh
21:36 VanessaE oh, we're back on the rename minetest subject again eh? :)
21:36 Sokomine kruug: ah. i've heared that that works diffrently in mc. in mt, mods always run on a server. the textures and node definitions and other media data are sent to the client when it connects
21:36 geggam heh irony
21:36 VanessaE I still vote for "TOME" :)
2 more elements. Show/hide.
21:36 iqualfragile VanessaE: but tome is another game
21:36 Bitgod ok Morlds
21:36 kruug Sokomine: you can mod without server
21:36 Bitgod instead of Worlds
21:36 Bitgod Mine worlds :D
21:36 VanessaE https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5800
21:36 VanessaE :D
21:36 Geppie lol
21:37 VanessaE wow, that IS an old subject
21:37 iqualfragile no, just scrolls
21:37 iqualfragile lets just call it scrolls
21:37 celeron55 erlehmann: it isn't officially stable because it kind of sucks, but it hasn't changed drastically in a loooooong time (which is part of the reason it sucks)
21:37 erlehmann just "rim". or "scrolls"
21:37 Bitgod if im gonna thrw my $ into this and my time
21:37 Bitgod i expect we're gonna get popular too :(
21:37 kruug 0x10c!
21:37 Bitgod else its a waste of time
21:37 erlehmann celeron55 then i won't write a client for that.
21:38 Geppie bitgod, no money needed, mt is opensource, as well as voxelands
21:38 Geppie lol
21:38 celeron55 won't blame you for that 8)
21:38 kruug erlehmann: so, if it were renamed rim...and you worked for it...would it be a...
21:38 Bitgod Geppie
21:38 VanessaE Bitgod: this game is free. you don't have to worry about pouring money into it.
21:38 Bitgod if Minecraft was caled Minebeta
21:38 Bitgod it woudl suck
21:38 celeron55 it probably isn't as bad as i make it sound though
21:38 erlehmann kruug, rimjobs feel awesome
21:38 Bitgod ok wtf?
21:38 Geppie no it wouldnt
21:38 Bitgod thats sick
21:38 Geppie its only a name
21:38 Bitgod keep the sexuals out of here, we got kids here
21:38 sfan5 o.o
21:39 jin_xi fuck kids
21:39 * Geppie licks bitgod's nipple
21:39 Geppie lol
21:39 kruug :D
21:39 iqualfragile jin_xi is gonna get v8
21:39 Bitgod jin, you do it, then mail me from jail
21:39 erlehmann fuck kids! you heard it!
21:39 Bitgod lol
21:39 VanessaE Bitgod: erlehmann is one of our oldest users... you should be a bit cautious about warning him :P
21:39 Bitgod oh
21:39 Bitgod ok
21:39 * Bitgod licks erlehmann's as
21:39 Bitgod s
21:39 Bitgod THERE
21:39 Bitgod lol
21:39 Geppie LOL
21:39 erlehmann hahaha
21:39 VanessaE hah!
21:39 sfan5 O.O
21:39 kruug Bitgod: I'm not sure he wipes...
21:39 Geppie lel
21:39 Bitgod oh well, chocolate
21:39 erlehmann vanessae, i do not believe in seniority that way.
21:39 Bitgod i make funny >_<
21:40 Bitgod yes, ban 'this'
21:40 erlehmann it is the reddit effect
21:40 Bitgod bad word :p
21:40 Geppie no john
21:40 Geppie lol
21:40 VanessaE erlehmann: you're grandfathered in.  too late :P
21:40 Sokomine bitgod: we've got toilets for that!
21:40 sfan5 can we get back to the topic?
21:40 erlehmann hahaha
21:40 Bitgod Sokomine, not in minetest we dont
21:40 Bitgod i should make a pee mod
21:40 VanessaE sfan5: what IS the topic?  I missed it.
21:40 parabyte sfan5, yes your improved code is spitting out meaningful console data
21:40 Sokomine (which are very nice items of furniture and even have a flushing sound :-))
21:40 VanessaE Bitgod: too late.  someone already made one.
21:40 Sokomine oh yes, we do, bitgod. just install homedecor
21:41 sfan5 parabyte: :)
21:41 VanessaE https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4783
21:41 sfan5 !title
21:41 MinetestBot sfan5: [Mod] Poop mod [caca] - Minetest Forums
21:41 Geppie bitgod, you can make mixxit, i'll make voxxit
21:41 iqualfragile srsly?
21:41 Geppie lol
21:41 VanessaE (and Home Decor has a bathroom kit, including a toilet that makes a flushing sound :P )
21:41 kruug !title
21:41 MinetestBot kruug: [Mod] Poop mod [caca] - Minetest Forums
21:41 Sokomine vanessae: seems we got visitors (hopefully new modders) from mc visiting
21:41 iqualfragile there is a poop mod for minetest?
21:41 VanessaE Sokomine: so I noticed
21:42 VanessaE iqualfragile: yep.  old mod, too
21:42 kruug is there a mod that mimicks WAILA and NEI?
21:42 Sokomine what are waila and nei?
21:42 VanessaE ?
21:42 sfan5 NEI?
21:42 kruug "What Am I Looking At" and "Not Enough Items"
21:42 sfan5 how about the creative inv.?
21:43 Sokomine what do they do?
21:43 Notgnoshi joined #minetest
21:43 VanessaE kruug: Unified Inventory. :P
21:43 kruug the first one tells you what's under the crosshairs, and the second one is a way to view crafting recipes from the inventory screen
21:43 VanessaE kruug: Unified Inventory is one of several that handle the latter
21:43 Sokomine ah. under the crosshair...thought i saw some discussion about such a mod here earlier (hud-based?)
21:43 sfan5 crafting.. Inventory+ was it called IIRC
21:43 LemonLake VanessaE: Where are the tree heights defined in moretrees?
21:43 VanessaE I'm not sure about a "what's under the pointer" mod though
21:44 sfan5 Uh wait
21:44 Sokomine for the receipes, yes, unified_inventory is very good. it also comes with bags and sethome
21:44 VanessaE LemonLake: they're defined as part of the model - they're not exactly "set" anywhere.
21:44 LemonLake VanessaE: and how am I supposed to read these models?
21:44 sfan5 VanessaE already stated the correct mod
21:44 LemonLake to me this is just brainfuck
21:44 VanessaE LemonLake: it's more a matter of "these operations add up to 'this' high"
21:44 VanessaE LemonLake: yep, that's about right.  it may as well be brainfuck.
21:44 Sokomine lemonlake: well, to a degree :-) the tree-models are written using L-systems. do you know turtle graphics? it's like that
21:44 LemonLake whoa
21:44 LemonLake im popular now
21:45 parabyte 1400000000000000 seconds remaining sfan5 !
21:45 LemonLake and is there an interpreter for these?
21:45 Megaf VanessaE: just to confirm, I do have the entity duplication bug, and its quite a big deal, but its not new
21:45 sfan5 parabyte: sounds like you have some waiting to do...
21:45 Sokomine there is a mod where you can enter the l-system strings and get the tree placed immediately. i don't remember where it is located :-(
21:46 Bitgod Sokomine, you could do that w/ recipes too though ithought
21:46 LemonLake either way, i'll just leave the numbers are something like 4-8 and let the user define how many logs they want
21:46 Sokomine bitgod: do what?
2 more elements. Show/hide.
21:47 sfan5 parabyte: I can try to make a more efficient converter tomorrow
21:47 Sokomine lemonlake: hmm. most trees from moretrees are huge. another approach to the tree problem is to use schematics...though every tree will look more or less the same then
21:47 Bitgod soko, in minecrat
21:48 Bitgod u had a bush and some farming item
21:48 * sfan5 goes to sleep
21:48 Bitgod which made trees
21:48 LemonLake Sokomine: I just need to know how many logs each tree contains.
21:48 parabyte sfan5, lol
21:48 proller joined #minetest
21:48 Broam Bitgod: It's not in the base engine, but a "fertilizer" item shouldn't be too hard to do
21:48 LemonLake oh, I added fertilizer.
21:48 Broam there's probably 2-3 mods thave have something like that
21:48 Bitgod im gonna make it
21:48 LemonLake though it's only implemented in the machine I'm adding to factory
21:48 Bitgod oh
21:48 parabyte its okay in 443642 centuries the map ve converted sfan5
21:48 Bitgod ffs
21:49 Bitgod is there a mod i can make?
21:49 parabyte be
21:49 Broam minetest's base game is very spartan
21:49 Bitgod seems like EVERYTHING is made
21:49 Bitgod :<
21:49 LemonLake I'm going to make it work on corps
21:49 Notgnoshi left #minetest
21:49 LemonLake https://mediacru.sh/lI4Dr_pcg-Lx
21:49 Sokomine lemonlake: what do you need to know that for? it's not a fixed value...do you want to write a lumberjack mod for moretrees?
21:49 LemonLake Sokomine: no..
21:49 Broam Bitgod: yeah you saw us making rotary power (water wheels etc)
21:49 Bitgod ye
21:49 Bitgod s
21:49 LemonLake Sokomine: It's a sapling treatment plant. it gives you a random amount of logs with just a sapling and a fertilizer
21:49 proller joined #minetest
21:50 LemonLake or I could just drop in-built moretrees support and leave it to the user
21:50 Sokomine bitgod: it's pretty common that people write their first mod and later realize that something like that existed already :-) happened to all of us to a degree
21:51 kruug hmmm...that moddb could use an overhaul
21:51 kruug there's no search
21:51 NakedFury the first mod is always the most common one and the first step to modding
21:52 Sokomine lemonlake: ah. hm. you could take a look at some trees, guess how many trunks they will have on average...but...some moretree trees will give more than one stack of tree trunks and take about half an hour to tear down...
21:52 LemonLake i know that much, sokomine
21:53 Sokomine what will be the purpose of the sapling treatment plant? to get logs? then it might make sense to give roughly the same amount of logs for each treated sapling as the amount of work invested would be the same...
21:53 LemonLake to get multiple types of items, actually
21:54 friti joined #minetest
21:54 LemonLake i see
21:54 LemonLake that would involve completely changing how it works, but i'll see what i can do
21:54 Sokomine else with l-system, you could do a lot of math and calculate probability for each height. probably a bit too much effort
21:55 LemonLake for now, it is, yes.
21:56 bluej100 have you guys avoided reading Minecraft’s source? feel confident about responding to a letter from MS’s lawyers?
21:56 jin_xi nice try MS lawyer
21:56 LemonLake bluej100: Where is this threat coming from?
21:56 Broam not even the same language bluej100
21:57 bluej100 sorry, I mean a hypothetical letter
21:57 Broam irrlicht engine has been around for a long time.
21:57 Broam since 2003
21:57 bluej100 holy cow
21:57 bluej100 that’s awesome
21:57 LemonLake LWJGL is quite old, too.
21:57 Broam minetest itself hasn't, but it uses that engine
21:58 friti The crash upon checking online mods repo is a known bug, right?
21:58 GeneralAltoids left #minetest
21:59 H-H-H doesnt crash on my system friti
21:59 NakedFury its great to see so much activity here and new names
21:59 friti Nope, Linux, Kubuntu to be exact.
21:59 ImQ009 joined #minetest
21:59 LemonLake NakedFury: Sure.
22:00 friti To be even more exact, i use Utopic Unicorn, latest nightly
22:00 Broam friti: oo. that might be a source of crashes - might be good to narrow this one down early
22:00 H-H-H im running manjaro with minetest 0.40.10
22:00 LemonLake omg
22:00 LemonLake when was 0.40.10 released?
22:00 friti No need, i already have gdb installed
22:00 LemonLake im 36 minors out of date
22:00 H-H-H works fine for me even using the online md installer thingy
22:01 Broam LemonLake: you and me both :)
22:01 H-H-H mod*
22:01 LemonLake "online mod installer thingy"
22:01 LemonLake i need to see this.
22:01 friti The console shows me this (i'm using pipe symbol to separate lines) terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LuaError' |  what():  C++ exception | Aborted (core dumped)
22:02 friti Now for GDB.....
22:02 friti First let me install the debog symbols
22:02 LemonLake I'm off.
22:02 LemonLake I need sleep today.
22:02 LemonLake Good night all.
22:02 Broam night.
22:02 kaeza night
22:05 erlehmann helo
22:05 erlehmann again
22:05 erlehmann i was supermarkt
22:05 erlehmann have erdbeerfanta
22:06 friti john_minetest: http://pastebin.com/ejyXsSJq
22:08 friti Fanta is great (never had the strawberry version though), though i also like SiSi :-)
22:09 friti I got it from the ubuntu repo, and it's version 4.10
22:11 friti To repro: Open minetest. navicate to the mods tab, click the "Online mods repository" button, and that's when it crashes
22:11 erlehmann yeah
22:11 erlehmann i had that too
22:11 erlehmann it is the package in debian
22:11 shadowzone I had that bug as well.
22:12 friti Okay, i will download the tarball and see what happens
22:14 friti Or should i add the PPA?
22:14 jin_xi blue fanta is the best
22:14 Mallot1 joined #minetest
22:14 Broam friti: configure, make, make install, doo dah, doo dah.
22:14 Mallot1 How do you guys feel about the Mojang and Microsoft deal?
22:15 Broam Mallot1: it's been a few hours but it's been talked to death
22:15 Mallot1 I know right Broam
22:15 Mallot1 It's pretty sick
22:15 Broam it was the push I needed to bring myself fully into FLOSS gaming
22:15 friti Mallot1: I think it's the best that could happen to Minetest ;-)
22:15 Broam john_minetest: but that doesn't go well to the tune of "camptown races"
22:15 erlehmann halloti, are you considering contributing to minetest?
22:15 Mallot1 your so right friti :D
22:16 * friti tries the PPA first, and if that errors, will try to build from source
22:16 Mallot1 I think it's time for domination
22:16 erlehmann you guys should consider using redo. it is the best thing since sliced bread!
22:16 Broam friti: for fun if the ppa doesn't work, "apt-get build-dep" will save you a LOT of trouble
22:16 Mallot1 I'm pretty good with Irrlicht now, gotta get back. Just came to say hi see ya guys :D
22:17 erlehmann hihi
22:17 * friti routinely builds the Singularity viewer for SecondLife, already has the build deps installed and all :-)))
22:17 friti Thanks for the tip though, Broam
22:17 Broam np, just tryin' to help
22:18 friti And it's appreciated :-)
22:19 Broam One could aassume s/^/HTH HAND/g  if they wanted :P
22:20 friti Well, the version from the PPA does NOT crash. YAY!
22:21 erlehmann john_minetest, a build system designed my djb
22:22 mos_basik joined #minetest
22:23 kaeza don't forget about ant
22:23 erlehmann john_minetest redo is under 300 lines of code, yet more powerful and easier to grasp than make
22:24 hax404_ joined #minetest
22:24 erlehmann i know becaus i implemented it.
22:24 friti Sounds like a combo of make and ccache
22:25 erlehmann no
22:25 erlehmann it is completely different
22:25 erlehmann http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jonathan.deboynepollard/FGA/introduction-to-redo.html
22:25 T4im joined #minetest
22:26 erlehmann my redo implementation is at http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin
22:28 mos_basik is this what you are referring to erlehmann ? http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin
22:28 mos_basik oops https://github.com/apenwarr/redo
22:29 erlehmann yeah, only that apenwarr did use over 1500 lines of python and i did use under 300 lines of shell script.
22:29 erlehmann you see where this is going :D
22:30 mos_basik heh
22:30 erlehmann my redo implementation might me the smallest and fastest build system.
22:30 erlehmann it only depends on busybox or gnu coreutils
22:30 erlehmann try it.
22:30 friti Hmmm... Escap whilst in "Change keys" seems to exit the game. I would expect to go back to the Settings tab
22:30 erlehmann john_minetest i doubt it. seriously.
22:34 geggam so what about the libs to run that python ?
22:35 geggam bash erlehmann ... or ksh >
22:35 geggam ?
22:37 erlehmann geggam, mine is written in bourne shell.
22:37 erlehmann try it.
22:37 geggam so if i write it in ksh mine would be smaller :)
22:38 erlehmann yeah, but bourne shell is everywhere
22:38 geggam bash is small enough for me... just giving you some poop
22:38 john_minetest left #minetest
22:39 erlehmann bash lol
22:39 erlehmann bash is bigger than all the plan 9 coreutils together
22:39 erlehmann i mean bourne shell
22:39 erlehmann sh
22:40 geggam ah... another plan 9r
22:40 erlehmann nope
22:40 geggam one day i might take that plunge
22:40 erlehmann but bourne shell is literally everywhere
22:40 geggam so is perl...
22:40 erlehmann i use rc daily, though
22:40 erlehmann nope
22:40 erlehmann perl is not on my phone. or my router.
22:40 erlehmann busybox is
22:41 Warr1024 joined #minetest
22:41 geggam your phone is a closed system... you dont own it
22:41 erlehmann i even avoided readlink(1)
22:41 geggam router... can go either way
22:48 huw joined #minetest
22:49 huw hullo!
22:50 Fritigern Howdy
22:50 shadowzone howdy doo.
22:50 huw for some strange reason i've been looking for an alternative to Minecraft today :)
22:51 erlehmann hahaha
22:51 * huw pokes around the wiki
22:51 erlehmann huw minetest is written in c++. its mods are written in lua, however.
22:52 huw erlehmann: i will take your word for it that that's...good? ;)
22:52 huw <-- not a coder, sorry
22:52 erlehmann if you feel lucky, consider building a mod.
22:52 Fritigern huw: Give it a go and see for yourself ;-)
22:52 erlehmann huw, yes, that is good.
22:52 huw just a Linux desktop user who enjoys Minecraft
22:52 huw *enjoyed
22:52 * Fritigern uses Kubuntu
22:53 erlehmann huw, minetest mods can be written as easy as shell scripts or javascript.
22:53 huw Fritigern: yeah i will definitely check it out
22:53 huw erlehmann: well i don't really do any scripting but i could definitely give it a go
22:53 proller joined #minetest
22:53 Fritigern Really? One can use bash to write a MT mod?
22:54 huw i'm afraid i'm not your average Linux guy....i just use my PC to get stuff done - and play games. i use Linux simply because i prefer it to Windows
22:55 huw the screenshots look *great*
22:55 Fritigern huw: I'm not dev, no scripter or anything. I learned how to compile the Singularity viewer myself because i like running pre-alpha stuffs
22:55 erlehmann fritigern, lua is a very simple language.
22:55 Fritigern But that is all the compiling/scripting/coding/whatever i do :-)
22:55 erlehmann ah.
22:56 huw ooh there's a 1-click installer!
22:56 * huw clicks
22:56 Fritigern erlehmann: I have tried my hands on Lua only once, when i wanted to program a turtle in Computercraft or something similar (it;s been a while)
22:56 erlehmann lel
22:56 bluej100 I wonder if I could make an adapter for my https://github.com/instructure/MinecraftLTI onto minetest
22:57 bluej100 maybe I would just have to port the whole thing
22:57 erlehmann yeah
22:57 l17 joined #minetest
22:57 bluej100 would it be possible to embed a webserver?
22:57 erlehmann if people port minecraft mods to minetest, ms loses and the community winds.
22:57 l17 how do i light a torch
22:57 erlehmann wins.
22:58 Fritigern erlehmann: I have it on rather reliable authoroty that there are definitely MC modders who are considering modding for MT
22:58 huw bah. installer failed
22:58 Fritigern huw, which distro do you use?
22:58 NakedFury good tell them to come and stop wasting time considering stuff
22:59 huw Fritigern: OpenSUSE. the 1-click installer couldn't add the required repos. i'm just grabbing the rpm instead
22:59 Geppie naked, we love wasting time pre bashing microsoft
22:59 Geppie lol
22:59 NakedFury ohh you can bash it all you want after you ended your considerations
22:59 erlehmann fritigern  "definitely considering" haha
22:59 huw ok. the rpm seems to be working. so will i have to download it again every time the game is updated?
23:00 Sokomine l17: just craft one (stick+coal) and place it somewhere
23:00 erlehmann huw i use debian minetest is packaged there.
23:00 huw (apologies for noob questions - i really am just a desktop user and generally stay away from the technical side of things)
23:00 l17 i  have one in inventory, but right clicking does not woork?!?
23:00 erlehmann huw maybe suse has packaged it too?
23:00 Sokomine huw: most of us use the git repro and compile that. it's easy with linux
23:01 huw Sokomine: i've never tried that. looks like i might have to because the rpm installed but the game won't launch
23:01 Sokomine l17: it ought to. are you playing in singleplayer or on a server? on a server, you might lack the interact priv and thus not be allowed (yet) to build
23:03 Sokomine huw: best install git using your distribution. then do a git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git
23:03 huw Sokomine: ok i'll do that later. thanks
23:03 l17 i dont need to build, i have a torch in the inv
23:03 l17 but i cant seem be able to sue it
23:04 Sokomine l17: are you on a server or in your own world?
23:04 Sokomine l17: when you want to place a torch, that's building. just a torch as such, but it does require the right to build
23:05 Sokomine if the spot is protected by someone else, the protection mod most likely will tell you that
23:05 Fritigern Sokomine: Are there build instructions that i can have a look at somewhere?
23:06 l17 any1 played prelude of the chambers
23:06 Sokomine fritigern: there's a nice readme. building is also pretty easy... i use  "cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 -DENABLE_GETTEXT=1 -DENABLE_FREETYPE=1 -DENABLE_LEVELDB=1; make -j2"
23:06 l17 i cant move beyodn the rock
23:06 Fritigern Sokomine: I like making a bash script for building, so i can share it with other noobs like me :-)
23:07 Sokomine fritigern: those two lines sit in a bash script on my disk as well :-) that's where i quoted from
23:07 Sokomine l17: type   /privs yourname    and see if interact is listed
23:11 erlehmann good night
23:13 RumiaGloop http://pastebin.com/TFFVu94Q Game Maker Studio: anyone see anything wrong with line 37? not sure why, but the while loop isn't triggering
23:16 compcube joined #minetest
23:18 Geppie rumia, your usingh GMS for MT?
23:20 kaeza RumiaGloop, wrong mask/bbox/solid setting?
23:20 kaeza (for whatever the sprite of obj_blocksomething is)
23:21 kaeza also, !(x<y) <-- why not (x >= y) ?
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23:23 RumiaGloop it's not minetest, but I just figured I might ask
23:23 OldCoder joined #minetest
23:24 astralnebula arch minetest works for people? hasn't for me in a while
23:24 RumiaGloop kaeza: the mask is set to a square, and I like !(x>y) because it makes it flow more (in this case, if I'm not going to go outside the window)
23:28 kaeza I don't see anything bad with the condition, though GM used to have wonky operator precedence rules for logical operators back when I used it
23:28 RumiaGloop kae, that's why ((((((((*PARENTHESES INTENSIFY*))))))))
23:28 kaeza (`if not x and y` was taken as `not (x and y)` instead of `(not x) and y`)
23:29 * kaeza parenthesizes even (((x*y)+z)-1) now
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23:43 Fritigern I have cloned https://github.com/minetest/minetest but how do i combine minetest with minetest_game using git?
23:45 Fritigern (oh, and i have succesfully built minetest, but according to the readme, without minetest_game only minimal development test will be available)
23:45 Broam joined #minetest
23:45 Fritigern Broam: welcome back!
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23:51 Megaf !server Dont
23:51 MinetestBot Megaf: Dont enter | | Clients: 0/100, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / MegafNew | Ping: 219ms
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23:55 Megaf thats a messed up map
23:57 Sokomine Fritigern: mv minetest_game  minetest/games/    also keep in mind that the basic game (even not the minimal one) is really very basic. depending on what you like, you ought to install mods
23:58 Fritigern Sokomine: that is not a git command. I am really looking to have git combine the two folders into my local repo.

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