Time Nick Message 00:20 jojoa1997 anyone know where I can get an OpenSuse build? 00:20 jojoa1997 nvm 00:27 Vazon VanessaE: are you around, im needing some help with plant_lib 00:27 VanessaE hi 00:27 iqualfragile oh, btw: finally got the players positions right: https://mineguild.net/mt/leafletmap/ 00:27 iqualfragile for no apparent reason i have to divide the coordinates by 320 00:27 iqualfragile 10 i understand but i have no idea where the 32 is from 00:28 Vazon im trying to use plant_lib to generate a sapling and using moretrees as a reference but im all confused.... 00:29 VanessaE use one of the simpler mods instead. 00:29 VanessaE say flowers_plus 00:30 VanessaE or one of the parts of the ferns mod 00:30 VanessaE just where it uses a function for the spawn item, plug in the node name of your sapling instead. 00:30 VanessaE (in quotes of course 00:30 VanessaE ) 00:30 Vazon ok 00:32 Hisforever hi How do I make die for cloth or wood? 00:33 VanessaE dye is made from crafting flowers. 00:33 VanessaE wood in the default game is not dyable, but cloth i.e. wool blocks are 00:34 VanessaE pick a rose, put in the grid, you get red dye. dandelion gives yellow, etc. 00:34 Hisforever thanks that really helps I'm really new to this minetesty and it really makes you think 00:34 VanessaE good. it's supposed to :) 00:35 Hisforever lol Canessa 00:36 Hisforever I got off 2 life because it was so expensive and I love this so much better 00:36 Hisforever vanessa sorry for the typos 00:36 iqualfragile "die" Canessa" "minetesty" 00:36 VanessaE s'ok 00:36 VanessaE try Dreambuilder some time 00:36 VanessaE it's my subgame for minetest, you might like it 00:37 iqualfragile actually die minetesty Canessa 00:37 iqualfragile i think its a message 00:37 Hisforever feel like I've mined the grand canon with nothing of value 00:38 Hisforever ok another how fo you privet message someone 00:41 Hisforever 'see ya I'll book mark this page 00:41 VanessaE you can just /msg 00:41 VanessaE er 00:41 VanessaE /msg 00:41 VanessaE missed. 00:45 jojoa1997 [20:36:30] try Dreambuilder some time 00:45 jojoa1997 [20:36:41] it's my subgame for minetest, you might like it 00:45 jojoa1997 VanessaE I did and you shouldnt make the game so big 00:46 jojoa1997 It took forever to download 00:46 jojoa1997 -.- 00:46 jojoa1997 :3 00:48 jojoa1997 What does the amount and time in addparticle_spawner mean 00:48 jojoa1997 is it amount per second and time is how many seconds? 00:49 VanessaE I don't care about download times :) 00:49 VanessaE don't use particle spawners if you can avoid it 00:49 VanessaE they're not too reliable and they can kill FPS if not used very carefully 00:50 VanessaE amount is probably number of particles, time should be in seconds. 00:58 jojoa1997 what am I doing wrong here? http://pastebin.com/5xcThaGU 01:04 MinetestBot 02[Git] 04VanessaE -> 03Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: use one ABM for blinkyplant instead of two. 131ebd50a http://git.io/6Y9BaQ (152014-09-01T21:01:35-04:00) 01:07 iqualfragile VanessaE: i think its kinda ready to try now 01:09 crazyR wowowoooo you mean to tell me i might not be able to call blinkies "lag gens" ? 01:13 MinetestBot 02[Git] 04VanessaE -> 03Jeija/minetest-mod-mesecons: use the right mesecon:receptor_* call for on/off blinkyplant 13d325292 http://git.io/THlzbg (152014-09-01T21:12:11-04:00) 01:14 VanessaE ^^^^ screwed up the first time. 01:14 VanessaE sorry about that 01:14 VanessaE crazyR: well they possibly could be still used to make lag machines, idk 01:14 VanessaE hopefully not :P 01:15 VanessaE there, now it works. 01:15 crazyR lol blinkyplant's are lag machines lol. i discouragethe use of them as much as posible... i cant wait to see if this update tothe abm makes any diffrence 01:16 VanessaE all a blinky plant does now is cycle on and off with an ABM. if it lags something, it's because of what you connect to it. 01:17 jojoa1997 can I change the pitch on play_sound? 01:17 VanessaE dunno, jojo 01:20 jojoa1997 Also the entity is seethrough does anyone know why that happens the code is the same in here http://pastebin.com/5xcThaGU 05:03 blaise anyone alive? 05:03 VanessaE hi 05:22 blaise VanessaE: hello.. trying to figure things out with this uranium refinery has caused problems between my wife and I 05:22 VanessaE heh 05:22 VanessaE ooookay 05:22 blaise apparently I prefer to play minetest over spending time with her.. :G 05:23 VanessaE I can't take the blame for that :P 05:23 blaise no, I would never try to shift blame 05:23 VanessaE ...much :) 05:23 blaise I'm well aware that I spend too much time playing minetest 05:23 VanessaE I suggest you close IRC and go resolve that problem post-haste. 05:24 blaise well, she's asleep I think 05:24 VanessaE you're fucked. 05:24 blaise and I'm doing laundry 05:24 VanessaE tomorrow you better have one hell of a breakfast ready for her :) 05:25 blaise meh, she's fed our son 2 times in the last month. 05:25 VanessaE doesn't matter. 05:25 blaise she never hardly talks to him 05:25 blaise and earlyer in the week she threatened to end things because I wouldn't go get a bag of pot for her 05:26 blaise further more, I would nore have ever picked this game over her 05:26 VanessaE are my husband and I simply the last two people left on earth who've figured this whole thing out? 05:26 * VanessaE grumbles 05:26 VanessaE I feel old now. 05:26 blaise lol 05:27 blaise how does that make you feel old 05:27 blaise ? 05:27 VanessaE because that ^^^^^ sort of argument was unheard-of in the not-so-distant past. 05:27 blaise indeed. 05:28 VanessaE but the younger folks seem to just keep getting it wrong (no offense) 05:29 blaise she's pissed becuase she can't "have fun" as she calls it 05:30 VanessaE I mean, seriously... problems because you game too much? threatening a break-up because you wouldn't go fetch a bag of weed? 05:30 VanessaE what's wrong with this picture? 05:30 blaise and I'm just not the party person/bar fly that I once was 05:30 VanessaE how old are you two? 05:30 blaise I'm 35 and she's 27 05:30 blaise 28, 05:30 VanessaE so not so much younger than me (40) 05:30 blaise nah, I totally regret the 80's.. 05:31 blaise XD 05:31 blaise piano lessons from a guy that looked like boy george at the time.. 05:31 VanessaE the 80's are an era that's best forgotten 05:31 VanessaE aside from 8-bit computers, some movies, and some music. 05:34 VanessaE the 90's too. only good to come out of that era is the WWW. 05:34 blaise meh, I miss gopher clients 05:34 VanessaE (that some would say that THAT is questionable) 05:35 VanessaE hah, case in point ;P 05:35 blaise I'm still rather upset about how the commercialization of the internet happened 05:35 VanessaE that doesn't bug me too much 05:35 blaise and how people think the web is the internet.. 05:35 VanessaE Ads are what bug me. hence I run adblock. 05:36 VanessaE or more specifically, 05:36 blaise she refers to me on irc as "Channeling martians" 05:36 VanessaE Ads on sites that don't need them, and then people who bitch that the internet isn't free and sites can't possibly be free, are what bug me 05:36 blaise lol 05:36 VanessaE (meanwhile I pay $29 a month for my dedicated server and you don't see me serving up ads or asking for donations to cover that cost) 05:37 blaise indeed 05:37 blaise kinda like how cable companies started out.. 05:37 blaise "Commercial Free TV!!" 05:37 blaise then two years later, they want you to pay, AND they get paid to air commercials.. 05:37 VanessaE if I, poor as folk, can afford that, some little podunk website that gets half the traffic my server gets, can afford a $5 VPS without showing ads 05:38 VanessaE so don't cry to me about costs. 05:38 VanessaE (traffic measured in terms of bandwidth, not views) 05:41 VanessaE well I think I'm done bitching for now. off to bed with me 05:41 VanessaE night 05:43 blaise o/ 06:03 MinetestBot 02[Git] 04kwolekr -> 03minetest/minetest: Add LuaVoxelManip methods: get_node_at() and set_node_at() 13f3eefeb http://git.io/abjdmg (152014-09-01T17:33:21-04:00) 06:46 cg72 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10046 06:46 cg72 go get this mod guys :D 07:48 hisforever hi I need to know how do I get water? 07:50 hisforever is any body on here ? 08:02 hisforever hi is anybody here? 08:03 twoelk hisforever: make a bucket, scoop up a water source, which is the not moving, always one block high water sort 08:04 twoelk or get a block of snow/ice place it and melt it by placing a torch nearby 08:04 hisforever ty Twolk 08:41 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Great Fire of London Day! :-D 08:41 Jordach this must be scripted 08:42 JamesTait Heheh. :) 08:42 Jordach :3 08:42 JamesTait I suppose it is, in a way - by historical events. 10:38 blues101 Greetings, any way to have the TNT explode only below surface? Thank you. 10:39 blues101 I did find lava code so it can not be placed above ground but I'm new to setting up servers. 11:21 gorilla hi all. I'm setting up a MT server on Linux (debian). And want to install the meru mod, which file do I edit to enable it and where's the best spot to unzip the mod zip file. 11:25 PilzAdam gorilla, how have you installed Minetest? 11:25 gorilla PilzAdam: Yep. And all is working. Just installing the mod for server that has me stuck. 11:26 PilzAdam how have you installed Minetest? a system-wide installation or a run in place version? 11:27 gorilla PilzAdam: oh sorry. missed that word :-P. System side. worldedit (from deb package) ended up in /usr/share/games/minetest/mods 11:28 PilzAdam ok, install your mods to ~/.minetest/mods/ then 11:28 PilzAdam (create if it doesn't exist yet) 11:28 gorilla where ~ is the user that the server runs as? 11:28 PilzAdam yes, the home directory of that user 11:28 gorilla ta.. will try that. 11:30 PilzAdam also the place where your package manager installed wordledit is not exactly correct 11:30 gorilla PilzAdam: oh? 11:31 PilzAdam or wait 11:31 iqualfragile gorilla: i would strongly recommend stopping whatever you are doing at the moment, then learning how to operate linux and then comming back 11:31 PilzAdam can you paste the output of minetest --version? 11:31 iqualfragile at the moment the most likely outcome of your doing will be a security nightmare 11:32 gorilla iqualfragile: It's not a public server. Nor will it be. 11:32 iqualfragile will there be any way to reach it from the internet? 11:32 gorilla PilzAdam: the server version is 0.4.10. 11:33 gorilla iqualfragile: Nope. 11:34 PilzAdam gorilla, can you run minetest with --info and post the "path_share" line? (should be the second line) 11:34 gorilla PilzAdam: INFO[main]: path_share = /usr/share/games/minetest 11:35 PilzAdam ah ok, the worldedit mod is correctly installed then 11:35 PilzAdam my fault 11:36 gorilla PilzAdam: worldedit is stock install from the repo. If it was incorrect, then the error is upstream :-D 11:37 gorilla Linux Distro: Debian (Jessie) 11:38 gorilla iqualfragile: I'm more than familar with Linux, just not the finer detail of Minetest. :-) 11:38 PilzAdam anyway; if you placed your mod in ~/.minetest/ then you need to enable it 11:38 gorilla PilzAdam: ta 11:38 PilzAdam the best way to do that is start the server for a few seconds 11:38 iqualfragile gorilla: thats why you asked what ~ means, right? 11:39 gorilla iqualfragile: Oh. That was a brain fart. 11:39 PilzAdam then kill it, go to the world directory (should be in ~/.minetest/worlds/) and edit world.mt 11:39 gorilla PilzAdam: doign that atm. 11:42 gorilla PilzAdam: mod has loaded. Thanks. 11:54 AnotherBrick does items have metainfo? or only nodes do? 11:56 Jordach only noads 11:56 Jordach oh god my spelling has fallen apart 11:57 * PenguinDad meows at Jordach 11:57 Jordach meow 11:57 * Jordach should make a Console Peasant Language Scheme for Minetest 11:58 AnotherBrick ok. thanks Jordach 12:21 MinetestBot WidDos: 07-26 15:49 UTC Hello 12:21 WidDos Hey Celeron55. Been a long time talked to you 12:24 gorilla PilzAdam: Just need find the option to stop packets being log to debug.txt "5 <-, size=b, data= 4f45 7403 0002 0200 0053 ae". that IP addres has been altered here. 12:25 PilzAdam AnotherBrick, items can have metadata too 12:25 PilzAdam its a single string only, though 12:26 PilzAdam gorilla, hm? 12:27 gorilla PilzAdam: I'm getting lines like what have been quoted above being logged in debug.txt... just looking to find the config option to make them stop. 12:27 WidDos I think you add it in the minetest.conf 12:28 gorilla WidDos: yep. I thought it was debug-log-level but not sure. 12:29 PilzAdam gorilla, do you run with --verbose or --info? 12:29 AnotherBrick yay Adam! boo Jordach 12:29 PilzAdam oh wait, debug.txt 12:29 Jordach AnotherBrick, not in the context i was thinking of 12:30 PilzAdam its debug_log_level, IIRC; see minetest.conf.example 12:32 WidDos What is "verbose" log level do? 12:34 AnotherBrick ok, to make context clear i'll ask - is it possible to write mod that will make it possible to find out who the heck stole my favourite sword with insription "to AnotherBrick from loving MaryJane"? 12:35 WidDos That would come in handy AnotherBrick if you had a bank. 12:37 gorilla PilzAdam: I think those message where actually coming from the start-stop-daemon command. Sorry about that. 12:40 nax wow, Idris is amazing 12:43 PenguinDad nax: Sorry but I'm not religous :) 12:44 nax what? 12:44 nax !g idris-lang 12:44 MinetestBot nax: http://www.idris-lang.org/ 12:44 nax PenguinDad, ^ 12:44 gorilla PenguinDad: :-D 12:47 * Jordach begins ressurrection 12:48 PenguinDad nax: That looks interesting 12:49 nax http://eb.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/writings/idris-tutorial.pdf 12:49 nax Haskell is a good gateway drug to Idris 12:49 * RealBadAngel plays for Jordach die and respawn theme: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/Rains%20Will%20Fall.mp3 12:50 sfan5 nax: hi 12:50 MinetestBot 02[Git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetestmapper: Fix number rounding, clarify comment and change var. names 131c47825 http://git.io/8FZb_g (152014-09-02T14:49:56+02:00) 12:51 nax hi sfan5 12:53 gorilla RealBadAngel: Nice track. 12:53 RealBadAngel and something for autumn: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/Autumn%20Day.mp3 12:54 gorilla RealBadAngel: That can wait around six months for me :-P 12:55 Jordach stock music is never good as hand crafted for one purpose 12:56 RealBadAngel this one is very good quality 12:56 RealBadAngel i mean this guys work 12:57 RealBadAngel the site holds pieces only of one author, hundreds of them 12:58 RealBadAngel http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/The%20Complex.mp3 12:59 RealBadAngel http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/Our%20Story%20Begins.mp3 13:00 RealBadAngel http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/Invariance.mp3 13:01 RealBadAngel this one is meant for main menu: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/mp3-royaltyfree/The%20Descent.mp3 13:01 Jordach and you keep proving my theorem on why OSS Gaming doesn't get far 13:01 Jordach using stock crap is low quality 13:01 sfan5 that music is not crap 13:01 RealBadAngel make better ones :P 13:01 sfan5 it's good 13:01 * Jordach did that 2 years ago 13:01 sfan5 but music made for a specific purpose is usually better suited 13:01 RealBadAngel Jordach, those tunes are excellent 13:02 RealBadAngel and we can use them freely 13:02 gorilla RealBadAngel: The Descent reminds me of Battle for Wesnoth... a fun turn based game. 13:02 RealBadAngel and for me it reminds The Rock 13:03 RealBadAngel music made by Hans Zimmer 13:03 RealBadAngel pretty same style 13:40 Jordach i do more digging than building https://cdn.mediacru.sh/XXHEDljVIdwF.jpg 13:43 PenguinDad these fingernails are long O_O 13:43 Jordach PenguinDad, i grow at a faster rate 13:43 Jordach if i were to continually do so my beard would regrow in less than 24 hours 13:44 Jordach because cutting hair makes it grow even faster 13:44 T4im that's a myth.. the hair is dead.. it doesnt care about being cut or not 13:45 Jordach T4im, i leave my hair for a month and it's already long 13:45 Jordach (doesn't mean to say i push hair strands out extremely fast) 13:45 T4im well.. its being grown.. but the rate is the same 13:45 T4im at least independend of being cut 13:48 T4im and how long after a month? O_o 13:50 T4im 1-2cm would still be usual, i think 14:00 crazyR anyone know the package name for irrlicht on centos 6 14:26 stormchaser3000 um i think i found a forum spam post 14:26 stormchaser3000 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=152879#p152879 14:27 stormchaser3000 just was wondering if that is sam or not (gotgold5x's pos) 14:27 stormchaser3000 spam* 14:31 Jordach dat be spam 14:34 stormchaser3000 ok 15:01 * nman3600 slips a mento into his mouth 15:07 crazyR works better when slipped into bottles of coke :D 15:07 nman3600 I'm not eating the mint ones though :( 15:07 nman3600 Have you heard about the new choco flavoured ones? 15:08 crazyR nope 15:19 * sfan5 meows at nman3600 15:25 RealTinyMonster kk 15:25 RealTinyMonster HI! 15:28 nman3600 MEOW 16:05 Mikeonline hi 16:24 Mikeonline is it right that areas mod updates the hud on every server step? 16:26 crazyR yes otherwise you wont know when your in someone elses area 16:27 crazyR although it would be cool if there was a way where it would only update when a place moved into a new chunk 16:28 crazyR is there a way to detect a player moving into a new chunk without relying on server step 16:28 crazyR im thinking to far into it lol 16:28 crazyR a simple solution would be to check the value thats the hud is set to and only update it if it has changed 16:29 crazyR ive also noticed a lot of mods are not using the update hud properly. some mods are removing the hud then using the set hud to update it :/ 16:43 Mikeonline farming mod sucks CPU 16:43 Mikeonline hm 16:43 Mikeonline my first thought was areas would eat cpu 16:43 Mikeonline now i removed all except farming 16:44 Mikeonline and the spikes seem to be gone 16:47 Mikeonline has someone noticed performance issues with "farming"? 16:50 T4im Mikeonline: maybe mod profiling support helps finding the bad mod: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/c24e0753fc240636b2f9b1889554649e67c9046c 17:04 Mikeonline T4im: maybe 17:04 Mikeonline actually i try to go back to all default server settings first 17:04 Mikeonline i used in 0.4.3/4 which worked fine 17:06 Mikeonline i feel pushed back into the good old dos games time 17:06 Mikeonline :D 17:08 Mikeonline the cpu load why flying alone is with all mods except farming about: 10% 17:08 Mikeonline with all tuning in minetest.conf 17:08 Mikeonline if i add farming it grows to near 30% 17:08 Mikeonline thats hard 17:11 Calinou yes otherwise you wont know when your in someone elses area 17:11 Calinou most mods that interact with the HUD will happily exploit things to slow down the server 17:11 Calinou people should stop making such things 17:12 Calinou we desperately need bindable commands :( 17:12 Mikeonline after i add --dofile(farming.path .. "/nodes.lua") the issue is gone too with farming mod 17:13 Mikeonline i go on isolating the problem 17:16 Mikeonline who wonders its the abm.. 17:16 Mikeonline not surprising 17:17 Mikeonline it seems that all default:dirt nodes get the group soil 17:18 Mikeonline so all nodes of dirt are handled by the abm 17:18 Mikeonline for each node the neighbour water is checked 17:18 Mikeonline is this asumption correct? 17:22 blaise what's the default resolution for minetest ? 17:23 twoelk 800*600? 17:23 blaise hrmm 17:24 twoelk at least I get that message on startup in windows 17:29 Mikeonline hm 17:29 Mikeonline i "fixed" the bug i think 17:29 Mikeonline now farming needs to be checked/fixed 17:30 Mikeonline damn 17:31 Mikeonline in github it seems to be changed 17:32 Calinou screenW = 800 17:32 Calinou screenH = 600 17:32 Calinou are the defaults, blaise 17:32 Calinou (sadly: 16:9 resolution would have been better, like screenW = 1024) 17:33 Calinou or even 1366 × 768 17:33 Calinou but 1024 × 600 is more compatiblr 17:33 sfan5 how about actually suggessting that change instead of complaining 17:33 Calinou I thought of making an issue 17:33 sfan5 the res MC uses would be ok too 17:33 Calinou no 17:33 sfan5 why not? 17:33 Calinou MC uses a random resolution that doesn't mean much 17:33 Calinou too small, too 17:34 Calinou let's use something that makes sense 17:34 sfan5 qHD 17:34 sfan5 960x... 17:34 sfan5 what was it... 17:34 sfan5 540 17:34 sfan5 !c (960/540, 16/9) 17:34 MinetestBot (1.7777777777777777, 1.7777777777777777) 17:37 Krock hello? 17:40 Calinou isn't qHD 2560 × 1440? 17:40 Mikeonline grrr grrr :D 17:41 Mikeonline i debuged hours and then it is fixed in git already :D 17:41 Mikeonline +g 17:41 celeron55 oh, i just got some glorious feedback from our good friend Jesse 17:41 Mikeonline development is so fast.. 17:41 celeron55 >was wondering if there was a way you could add options to lower the 17:41 celeron55 >graphice because on my laptop it lags like hell. Thanks 17:41 celeron55 8D 17:41 Mikeonline ah cel55 has awaken from the death 17:42 celeron55 one of these "lol who is this kid -- i don't even" emails that i sometimes get 17:42 Mikeonline can is suggest some protection code to be added to farmin using pastebin or forum? 17:43 celeron55 suggesting anything to me is likely to make nothing happen, suggest it to whoever is currently making or maintaining the thing you are concerned of 17:44 Mikeonline not to you c55 :) 17:44 Mikeonline maybe Calinou 17:44 celeron55 oh good 17:44 sfan5 Calinou: no 17:44 Mikeonline c55 is out of business i think 17:44 Mikeonline c55 do you know the perfect settings for a p4 low cpu with much ram and 10mbit bandwith? 17:44 celeron55 i'm in... other business 17:44 sfan5 :D 17:45 sfan5 Mikeonline: for a server? 17:45 Mikeonline ive seen your forum post.. but its p4/slow/less or fast/big 17:45 sfan5 try the performance settings in that case 17:45 Mikeonline yes 17:45 sfan5 and lower the number of blocks sent 17:45 Mikeonline so i cant use more ram and bandwith with less cpu? 17:45 sfan5 consult minetest.conf.example for docs 17:45 celeron55 that sounds like you have infinite everything except CPU 17:45 sfan5 no 17:45 Mikeonline i use actually the old c55 settings from board 17:45 Mikeonline and the old default settings from source of 0.4.4 17:45 sfan5 you can't trade bandwith/ram/cpu 17:46 sfan5 +d 17:46 Mikeonline c55 true 17:46 celeron55 if you run heavy mods, it's going to be slow on a P4 17:46 sfan5 Calinou: QHD -> 2560x1440, qHD -> 960x540 17:47 celeron55 are you running it at the moment? 17:47 Mikeonline i thought it would be possible to send much data to the clients without calculating the changes. 17:47 celeron55 does it run notably badly with your current settings and how is that visible? 17:48 Mikeonline after tuning and debugging it runs fine i think now 17:48 Mikeonline farming mod some days ago was horrible buggy 17:48 celeron55 oh, well, go and enjoy it then 8) 17:48 Mikeonline so there is no recommendation to tune it more? ;) 17:50 celeron55 if it works, don't fix it 17:50 Mikeonline http://pastebin.com/B6hpkv1T this is my current set 17:51 Mikeonline some things are commented out because i dont know how it could be set better 17:52 celeron55 i recommend commenting out everything that you don't understand :P chances are you'll just worsen the experience 17:52 Mikeonline with this setting i get about 10%/10% p4/ht load if i fly around alone fast 17:52 Mikeonline thats why i commented out so much :) 17:53 Mikeonline on pastebin i showed my conf by 29 lines only 17:53 sfan5 profiler_print_interval = 0 17:53 sfan5 enable_mapgen_debug_info = false 17:53 sfan5 those probably don't have any effect at all 17:53 Mikeonline thats making sure the default stays on updates 17:53 celeron55 anyway, if you get too much cpu load with those, setting dedicated_server_step higher (0.2 is probably still usable) will lessen it if you use a lot of mods that do active processing all the time but also worsens the experience 17:53 sfan5 we won't change the default to print debug messages 17:54 sfan5 num_emerge_threads = 1 might also worsen it depending on cpu 17:54 Calinou can you stash commits from GitHub? 17:54 Calinou I'd like to edit 2 files in a single commit 17:54 Calinou without having to clone the repository 17:54 sfan5 stash is not something you do to commits 17:54 sfan5 or is it? 17:54 celeron55 the correct word is squash 17:54 Mikeonline use svn gateway? 17:54 sfan5 # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit 17:54 sfan5 yeah 17:55 sfan5 no, you can't do that on the web interface 17:55 Mikeonline num_emerge_threads = 1 means it uses one core? 17:55 Calinou Mikeonline, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8217145/ 17:55 Calinou try these settings 17:55 Mikeonline because p4 has HT it could be better not to use the second 17:55 celeron55 isn't 1 the default anyway 17:55 Calinou 1 is the default 17:56 Calinou higher values are less efficient, lots of concurrency 17:56 celeron55 and higher values are buggier too 17:56 sfan5 default is 1 17:59 Mikeonline Calinou: you increased max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client to 5 and server to 30. i had 2 & 20. can you tell my why this is better? 18:01 Calinou 1600th pull request made 18:02 Calinou Mikeonline, it depends on your bandwidth 18:02 Calinou this sends blocks quicker 18:02 Mikeonline wont it increase cpu load if many players fly around? 18:02 Calinou no 18:02 Calinou generate/send distance is decreased 18:02 Mikeonline bandwith is about 10mbit/s upstream 18:02 Calinou active block range is decreased (this helps hugely) 18:03 Calinou lol, Travis is building for just 1 variable change 18:07 blaise what would cause this? 13:06:28: ERROR[ServerThread]: ServerEnv: Trying to store id=38888 statically but block (-3,1,10) already contains 539 objects. Forcing delete. 18:07 blaise it just keeps saying it over and over and over 18:07 Mikeonline Calinou: i can hardly meter it but it seems raising these values raises the cpu load too. i think the server has too much work forming so many network packets 18:07 blaise then I get one of these, and the number increases 18:07 blaise 13:06:54: ERROR[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::deactivateFarObjects(): id=38904 m_static_exists=true but static data doesn't actually exist in (-3,1,10) 18:07 blaise WARNING: StaticObjectList::remove(): id=38904 not found 18:08 blaise 13:06:54: ERROR[ServerThread]: ServerEnv: Trying to store id=38904 statically but block (-3,1,10) already contains 540 objects. Forcing delete. 18:08 sfan5 blaise: too many entities 18:09 twoelk what is in block (-3,1,10)? a sheep farm out of control? 18:09 twoelk a busted pipe? 18:12 sfan5 lol 18:16 Mikeonline jabadabadu :P 18:19 blaise twoelk: I can't seem to do anything when I log in 18:19 blaise so I can't find out 18:19 blaise even if I teleport, I can see where I was but nothing else 18:21 blaise interestingly enough, the irc mod is working just fine 18:23 blaise 13:22 Players On Channel:, finn, blaise, Wiver, waynii, mojuave, lockdown, polik 18:23 blaise I'm only supposed to have 5 people on at a time 18:23 blaise !server MidnightSystems 18:23 MinetestBot blaise: MidnightSystems | midnightsystems.net | Clients: 2/5, 1/4 | Version: 0.4.10 / minetest | Ping: 337ms 18:23 blaise :G 18:24 Mikeonline thx for config tuning @ Calinou @ celeron55 18:24 Mikeonline and sfan5 ;) 18:24 sfan5 hooary 18:24 sfan5 !server meow 18:24 MinetestBot sfan5: Meowtest 0.4.10 "SEGFAULTY" | minetest.org:30018 | Clients: 5/25, 3/6 | Version: 0.4.10 / meowtest_game | Ping: 979ms 18:25 Krock !server orm 18:25 MinetestBot Krock: Krock's Ultimative Platform | minetest.ntdll.net | Clients: 0/25, 0/0 | Version: 0.4.10-dev_MSVC / base | Ping: 643ms 18:25 sfan5 !server players:most 18:25 MinetestBot sfan5: [RUSSIA, RO] pirates-bay | | Clients: 20/40, 12/22 | Version: 0.4.10-dev / minetest | Ping: 72ms 18:25 sfan5 >russia 18:25 Krock putin. 18:25 sfan5 puten? 18:25 Mikeonline !server dlk 18:26 blaise so, I think someone is attacking my server somehow 18:26 blaise after I restarted it someone tried to login with the username "heheh" 18:26 twoelk blaise: maybe the server couldn't decide whom to deny access? 18:26 sfan5 Mikeonline: you are banned from using minetestbot, remember? 18:26 Mikeonline :P 18:26 Mikeonline thats bad sfan 18:26 sfan5 not my fault 18:26 sfan5 you started misusing !tell 18:27 Mikeonline you seduced me to :P 18:27 Mikeonline anyway the ban is useless 18:27 blaise if sfan5 dangles peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream over a cliff, are you going to leap for it? 18:28 sfan5 useless? 18:28 sfan5 why? 18:28 Mikeonline yes 18:28 Mikeonline just wasting memory ;) 18:28 sfan5 pff 18:28 sfan5 I have enough 18:28 Mikeonline it could be circumvented easy 18:28 * blaise detects troll activities and points his attention back to his minetest server 18:28 Mikeonline and i dont plan to abuse the bot ;) 18:28 Mikeonline blaise detected himself :) 18:29 * Krock gives blaise a lava - & water bucket 18:29 sfan5 !unignore *!*@unaffiliated/mikeonline 18:29 MinetestBot sfan5: '*!*@unaffiliated/mikeonline' removed from ignore list. 18:29 Mikeonline thx 18:32 Mikeonline i think my server is ready for production use now after upgrading many days from 0.4.3 18:32 Mikeonline now i have to think if i announce.. 18:32 Mikeonline not if.. when.. 19:17 crazyR can anyone look through this and let me know if it should work ok? https://gist.github.com/MarkTraceur/998260 19:24 * Jordach rubs his shoes on the 8th ring oh hell's doormat https://cdn.mediacru.sh/wCqsnF4RMOuX.jpg 19:26 Calinou whoa, marktraceur started playing before me 19:27 crazyR lol what you think. would it work on a centos6 os 19:27 crazyR i cnt see anything out of place but ive not messed with init scripts to much 19:28 Calinou no idea 19:35 PenguinDad Calinou: 1024×600 is not 16:9 19:36 Exio it is NEARLY 1024x600! 19:36 Calinou right :/ 19:36 Calinou but it's a common resolution on netbooks 19:36 Calinou I won't bother doing the PR again :: 19:36 Exio <- using 1024x600 right now 19:36 Calinou I'll change description accordingly 19:36 Exio Calinou, what laptop did you have? 19:37 Exio (netbook) 19:37 Calinou an eeePC 19:37 Exio specs please 19:37 Exio there are a few different eeePCs as far as i know 19:38 Calinou Intel Atom N455, 1 GB DDR3-1066… 19:38 Exio like i said "acer aspire one", there are a few different AAOs 19:38 Exio N455, which GMA? 19:38 Calinou no idea 19:38 Calinou it runs Minetest slowly, at 15-20 FPS, no point playing anyway 19:38 Exio 1024x600 => 128/75 19:38 Calinou it's incredibly better on desktop :P 19:39 Exio Calinou, is it a dual core atom? 19:39 Exio (with 64bit support)? 19:39 Exio if it is, then you've a super-shitty gpu i think, like i have right now 19:40 Exio my older intel atom (n270) was waay better 19:41 Exio it doesn't make sense, does it? 19:42 Exio i'm comparing an intel atom with two cores at 1.6ghz, newer gen, with 2x ram, and an igp that is supposed to be able to play 1080p without problems (even thought it can't), with a single core (32bit-only) n270 with only core at 1.6ghz and had 1gb of ram (i still have the module :P) and a sucky intel gma 19:42 Exio still sad 19:44 sfan5 Exio: ur sad 19:44 Exio yes, because you're not a real catamorphism 19:45 sfan5 meow 19:45 sfan5 :3 19:46 Exio you're still not a cat 20:02 Calinou Exio, 64 bit, but 1 core with HT only 20:02 Calinou 1.6 Ghz 20:03 Exio ahm 20:03 Exio so a mid-thing between my old atom and this one 20:03 Exio i should tell him to compile a kernel config 20:09 hisforever Hi everybody 20:09 hisforever I'd like t know how to plant Pine Cones? 20:12 twoelk if you want to plant a tree you will need a sapling of that tree sort 20:12 hisforever bow this sure is a feriendly channel 20:13 hisforever Dose anyone know how to plant Pine Cones? 20:13 twoelk ? 20:14 * Jordach pokes VanessaE 20:15 hisforever I went into the woods and saw A pine tree and cut it down got Pine Cones they are the seeds how Do I plant them? 20:16 hisforever ty twoelk for at least putting up a ? 20:16 Mikeonline n7+1 20:16 twoelk did you not get any sapplings? 20:16 PenguinDad hisforever: you can't plant pine cones 20:17 hisforever ok ty 20:17 hisforever so there not a renuable source of wood? 20:18 twoelk if you cut a tree you normally get sapplings. these you can plant 20:19 twoelk what mod is the pine from? more_trees? 20:19 hisforever well from this pint tree I got the cones 20:20 twoelk hisforever: are you running singleplayer with a certain game? 20:20 twoelk or are you on some server? 20:20 hisforever I'm on a server m.ayntest.net 20:21 hisforever yes a server 20:21 twoelk type /mods and see if you can see any tree mod 20:21 hisforever ok ty 20:21 hisforever ty so mucuh your great 20:43 VanessaE hisforever: moretrees' pine cones are not plantable. they are a source of food. you need saplings to replant. get those from digging at the leaves (or they should drop to the ground if you let the leaves decay) 20:44 VanessaE same as with a default tree. 20:58 twoelk hm, just took down a complete douglas fir on the "Liberty Land Minetest" (m.ayntest.net) server resulting in 2 sapplings and some 300 leaves 20:59 twoelk might have done it wrong but that doesn't look like a sensible ratio 20:59 VanessaE that's a little low, yes 20:59 VanessaE unless they changed the ratio, you should have ended up with closer to 10-15 saplings 21:00 VanessaE (I'm pretty sure the ratio is still 20:1) 21:02 twoelk lots of moretrees just missing the bottom trunks here. That's no good to harvest any saplings :-( 21:14 VanessaE screenshot? 21:16 VanessaE or do you mean people just being lazy when digging them? 21:19 twoelk lazy people 21:19 twoelk it seems 21:19 twoelk no wonder they get no sapplings 21:19 twoelk on other server now 21:26 VanessaE oh ok 21:32 twoelk interesting, just fell into a hole on Xanadu server. A hole covered with thin snow. Shouldn't snow fall if there is air underneath? Pretty good trap this is though :-D 21:38 VanessaE it's supposed to, yeah 21:38 VanessaE unless something walkable is holding it up :) 21:38 VanessaE or it was worldedited in :P 21:40 VanessaE bbl 21:44 twoelk rather gavegen grieving. Xanadu has lots of signs of that 21:45 twoelk *cavegen 22:08 kaeza greetings 22:15 zat http://rubmint.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/ed1a0_epic-fail-perv.jpg 22:22 MinetestBot Inocudom: 08-26 10:04 UTC that branch wasn't mapgen v5, just an old v6. 22:24 Inocudom sfan5: Oh, I see. I, for a moment, had hoped that you had added deserts to mapgen v5. This is important because Freeminer has that mapgen in it. 22:24 Inocudom It looks like proller will have to take care of that. He did add ore generation to it. 22:33 Inocudom cg72 isn't here right now. I came to tell her about the new commits to Minetest and that she will probably want to merge those into her fork of Minetest: https://github.com/MineTime-game/minetime 23:29 Vazon VanessaE: using plant_lib to generate the saplings worked great but is there any way to weed the saplings out from growing in jungles and forests?? 23:48 wbsw Any news on a MIPS port of minetest? 23:51 marioxcc wbsw: yes, it failed 23:51 wbsw dammit 23:51 marioxcc hehe, I'm kidding 23:51 wbsw yay 23:51 marioxcc but they ported it to brainfuck, did you know? :) 23:52 wbsw Speaking of porting, i asked here before about porting to the Gcw zero 23:53 marioxcc by the way, “they” didn't port it to brainfuck, I was kidding again, and I guess that you figured but 23:53 marioxcc there are actually C to brainfuck compilers 23:53 marioxcc http://esolangs.org/wiki/C2BF 23:54 wbsw i came to see if a porting to the gcw zero is possible 23:54 wbsw here are the specs 23:54 wbsw http://www.gcw-zero.com/specifications 23:56 marioxcc wbsw: those specs are wrong, Linux isn't an opearting system, it's a kernel 23:56 marioxcc and not even the “Linux operating system” whicn is GNU/Linux/X11/etc... has global versions like 3.x 23:57 wbsw its a special linux kernal made for the GP2X 23:57 wbsw anyways is it possible? 23:58 marioxcc wbsw: I don't know about the internals of Minetest, but I suppose that it's quote doable, because Minetest is written in C++ mostly 23:58 marioxcc and Lua 23:58 marioxcc *quite 23:58 wbsw gcw zero has a Love app for running lua games 23:58 marioxcc minetest isn't a Lua game, it uses Lua as an extension language 23:59 wbsw Ah, ok. sorry if i sound tech-nooby, im a 10 year old 23:59 marioxcc wbsw: no, it's fine. You need not tell our game, and need not apologize. 23:59 wbsw Ok, thanks 23:59 marioxcc *tell our game 23:59 marioxcc oh,