Time Nick Message 00:00 PilzAdam this is hilarious 00:00 PilzAdam [00:52:34] <-- MinetestBot (~MinetestB@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 00:03 PilzAdam apparently it's "good" in Zelda to go into the menu 00:06 PilzAdam watch the whole video 00:20 PilzAdam there are episode 2 and 3 on the channel 00:24 ShadowNinja ~title 00:24 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: Quick Move · Issue #1311 · minetest/minetest · GitHub 00:25 ShadowNinja Hmmm, I'll have to add a --channel to that. 00:27 ShadowNinja ~title 00:27 ShadowBot Quick Move · Issue #1311 · minetest/minetest · GitHub 00:27 ShadowNinja ? 00:28 PilzAdam john_minetest, in episode 3 there is the "yolo principle" 00:29 ShadowNinja ~echo > 00:29 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1311 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1311 00:30 ShadowNinja Odd. 00:31 ShadowNinja http://youtu.be/xOCurBYI_gY 00:31 ShadowNinja ~title 00:31 ShadowBot Computer program that learns to play classic NES games - YouTube 00:32 * ShadowNinja shrugs 00:32 ShadowNinja Oh! 00:33 PilzAdam john_minetest, it has 9 hours of pause menu and about 2 minutes of playing mega man 2 00:40 VanessaE ShadowNinja: *poke* 00:41 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Hmmm? 00:42 ShadowNinja Ah. 00:42 VanessaE -dev 01:34 Vazon mhmm where can one make the default ice texture semi-transparent? 01:45 WindHero GIMP xD 01:45 WindHero @Vazon 02:02 WindHero hey Megaf 02:03 Megaf Hi WindHero 02:44 WindHero how many people here know the /ghost command? 02:45 Megaf IRC command or Minetest command? 02:45 WindHero IRC 02:45 Megaf I don't 02:45 Megaf [23:45:16] * GHOST: Unknown command 02:45 WindHero it's really useful for when you get DC'd 02:45 WindHero it's a nickserv command 02:45 Megaf what does it do? 02:46 WindHero ./ns ghost 02:46 WindHero it kicks your previous name so you can grab it back 02:46 Megaf ah 02:46 WindHero I'll demonstrate 02:46 Megaf I know that and use it quite often 02:46 Megaf you said /ghost command 02:46 Megaf not the nickserv's ghos command 02:47 WindHero oh, my bad 02:48 WindHero yup 03:12 OldCoder VanessaE, Hey 03:14 VanessaE hey 04:31 blaise Megaf: some of us don't have an alias set to msg nickserv... which is all /ns does 04:32 blaise XD 05:30 whiskers75 sfan5: meow? 06:41 * sfan5 meows at whiskers75 06:41 whiskers75 sfan5: the ddos is over 06:41 whiskers75 sfan5: get back on the pie 06:43 VanessaE morning sfan5 06:43 sfan5 hi everyone 06:54 VanessaE night all. 06:54 whiskers75 VanessaE: me and sfan5 have an irc network 06:54 whiskers75 built on pies! 06:54 VanessaE I'm off. 06:54 sfan5 lol 06:54 * whiskers75 waves sadly 07:41 Krock hai 08:14 markveidemanis Hello 08:26 Krock hi 08:36 Mikerhinos blue sky, bright sun, birds peeping...a nice sunday is starting :) 08:38 reactor Turns out "character conversion failed" appears even with gettext. 08:56 reactor ЗД?АВСТВУNTE 09:33 reactor OldCoder: how's it going? 10:01 crazyR is there a way to remove the green background from a formspec textbox? 10:10 markveidemanis Add a white one 10:18 crazyR what i mean is, i want to make it transparent so you wound realise it was there. i could then add a backgound image with a border, lol 10:32 Jordach sfan5, where's MinetestBot 10:32 sfan5 uh.. 10:33 Krock omg 10:33 Krock MTbot is gone 10:35 Jordach [23:52:37] <-- MinetestBot (~MinetestB@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 10:35 Jordach she decided to go to sleep :P 10:36 PenguinDad !help her 10:38 Krock Hi MinetestBot! 10:38 Krock Hi MinetestBot 10:38 MinetestBot Hey Krock! 10:39 * Jordach meows at MinetestBot 10:40 PenguinDad even with insomnia you need sleep ;) 11:07 sfan5 <3 MinetestBot 11:07 MinetestBot <3 sfan5 11:40 blaise PenguinDad: my son is 13 days old and I've not slept sence he was born, I feel like I'm dieing.. 11:41 sfan5 blaise: I just read days as years 11:41 * blaise freaks out 11:45 * PenguinDad wonders if ShadowBot is older than MinetestBot 12:12 PenguinDad Hi john_minetest 12:16 jin_xi #join #minetest-dev 12:16 jin_xi argh 12:26 Krock sfan5, is this error message helpful? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=141616#p141616 12:38 nman3600 hi 12:43 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 12:43 nore hi 12:44 Krock hi 12:47 nman3600 hi 12:48 kaeza mornings 12:48 nman3600 it's afternoon for me lol 12:56 nman3600 Does anyone have ideas for an auction house 12:56 nman3600 i need ideas for it 13:04 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/wSlpLo2.png 13:04 reactor щ? 13:04 nman3600 i don't get it whats supposed to be in that picture 13:05 reactor Me neither. 13:05 RealBadAngel how do you like it? those are item entities and their size depends on count/stack_max 13:05 nman3600 wow that's cool 13:05 reactor Ah. This must be nice. 13:05 nman3600 will that be in next update? 13:05 RealBadAngel so full stack of cobble is bigger than single cobble 13:05 nman3600 that's really smart nice idea 13:05 reactor Yeah. 13:06 reactor Is it going to be in soon? 13:06 RealBadAngel i think its gonna be released as a mod 13:06 reactor Speaking of dropped items. 13:06 nman3600 So it will be like blockmens minetest plus (i think it was blockmen how made it) 13:07 reactor It would be nice to have them fall slightly different trajectory each. 13:07 reactor Because otherwise if you drop many things they end up in the same place. 13:08 nman3600 yeah i find that annoying when it does taht 13:08 nman3600 *that 13:08 reactor Oh, also, the "drop" key drops the whole stack. 13:08 reactor Which is not convenient most of the time. 13:09 nman3600 maybe shift+(drop key) should drop the whole stack and drop key drops one 13:09 RealBadAngel rather opposite 13:09 nman3600 yeah maybe 13:09 RealBadAngel hold shift to drop single one 13:09 RealBadAngel thats a good idea 13:09 nman3600 thanks 13:21 kaeza reactor, try this: https://gist.github.com/kaeza/73c680e11cd8b312280c 13:22 reactor o/ kaeza 13:22 reactor should it be put in the server or in the client? 13:22 kaeza (put it in a mod or simply replace builtin/item.lua) 13:22 kaeza server 13:22 reactor aha, thank you 13:23 reactor When should I report back? 13:24 kaeza just test around and see if you can break it :) 13:24 reactor Okay, I will tell you if I have issues with it. 13:27 Jordach dafuq does that do kaeza 13:27 kaeza Jordach, hold sneak to drop one 13:27 Jordach awesome 13:30 nman3600 oh hi Jordach didn't realize you were here 13:35 crazyR is it possible to move a formspec into the top right corner. instead of in the moddile of the screen? i know it can be done with the hud 13:35 crazyR *middle 13:35 nman3600 does this look like a good texture for wooden shears http://imgur.com/oDqFSje 13:38 nman3600 well?? 13:40 CraigyDavi That looks fine, nman3600 13:40 nman3600 thanks next is stone shears 13:40 nman3600 i;m updating my shears mod 13:43 nman3600 should i make gold mese and diamond shears? i don't think i should 13:46 CraigyDavi nman3600, Depends whether you want higher ones which deal more damage faster 13:47 nman3600 i might add gold and mese 13:48 nman3600 nah i think wood stone and steel is enough 13:53 nman3600 should wooden shears be crafter like this 13:53 nman3600 {"default:tree", "", "default:tree"}, {"", "default:wood", ""}, {"default:stick", "", "default:stick"} 13:53 nman3600 fail 13:53 Krock *group: 13:53 w_laenger hi 13:53 Krock hey 13:53 nman3600 hi 13:54 w_laenger I've got a problem with minetest 13:54 nman3600 so wooden shears being crafted like steel one but replace the steel with tree trunks 13:54 Krock what a supprise 13:54 nman3600 w_laenger whats the problem 13:55 w_laenger the hud is invisible 13:55 nman3600 try f1 13:55 w_laenger didn't help 13:56 nman3600 then i would suggest reporting it 13:56 nman3600 (need link): https://forum.minetest.net/viewforum.php?f=6 13:56 w_laenger yesterday the hearts were invisible 13:57 nman3600 Or kindly ask a moderator or admin on this IRC page 13:57 w_laenger https://cdn.mediacru.sh/vW6LvS_c8Ko0.png 13:58 w_laenger and today I got another bug 13:58 jin_xi hmm, your cross hair is way off center 13:58 nman3600 w_laenger are you on the newest build or a newer version? 13:58 w_laenger yes, I cut the image 13:59 w_laenger newest unstable 13:59 w_laenger and I enabled fxaa with nvidia-settings 13:59 RealBadAngel http://youtu.be/OivpaSPY5v8 14:00 nman3600 very cool RealBadAngel can't wait for it to be released :) 14:00 w_laenger I got an error at util/pointer.h 279 14:01 nman3600 maybe report it 14:02 w_laenger waypoints? 14:04 nman3600 what should the max uses on stone shears be 14:04 nman3600 on wood shears i've made it 40 14:04 nman3600 on steel shears it is 80 14:04 nman3600 so maybe 60 idk 14:05 w_laenger disabling fxaa didn't help 14:06 nman3600 suggestions? 14:06 w_laenger ok, it's a bug of minetestserver 14:07 w_laenger I used a local server 14:07 PenguinDad w_laenger: what's the error in pointer.h ? 14:07 w_laenger and after restarting the hud is shown again 14:07 w_laenger util/pointer.h 279 14:08 w_laenger thunar spammed my terminal so I can't middle mouse click 14:08 nman3600 should i make the max uses on stone shears 60? 14:09 w_laenger void SharedBuffer::drop() 14:09 w_laenger Assertion '(*refcount) > 0' failed. 14:13 w_laenger how can I find out the maximum amount of nodes which can digged by a tool? 14:13 w_laenger can be* 14:14 nman3600 what do you mean? 14:14 Krock w_laenger, some nodes damage more than other 14:17 w_laenger ok.. 14:18 w_laenger please add reflections to minetest 14:25 Krock BlockMen! hello. I need some dev-help 14:25 BlockMen Hi Krock 14:25 BlockMen what is it? 14:25 Krock Do the settings "congestion_control_max_rate" and "max_packets_per_iteration" control each other? 14:26 Krock or is that sometihng diffrent 14:26 BlockMen umm...i guess you caught the wrong dev for that :\ 14:26 Krock agh, any idea who would be good at this part? 14:26 BlockMen sapier i guess 14:27 PenguinDad Krock: you might ask sapier 14:27 Krock okay thanks. I'll ask him 14:32 Krock let's hope he's online in the forum the next days 14:32 PenguinDad Krock: he's in #minetest-dev 14:33 * Krock headdesks 14:33 Krock thx PenguinDad 14:44 Krock Jim dies whenever I reload the page.. 14:44 Krock wait no.. xy tells thatn Jim is dead 14:48 PenguinDad poor Jim 14:52 Krock "Er it tot, Jim", means someone else is dead but I don't remember his name 14:54 crazyR is it posible to position a formspec on the screen, for example so that it wouldbe in the top right corner? 14:55 BlockMen crazyR, not like hud elements. only in an ugly and hacky way, also not relieable 14:56 crazyR i presume the ugly hacky way means using background images to give it the appearance of being like that? 14:59 w_laenger hi 14:59 BlockMen yes, or makeing the background fullscreen and make a huge formspec to place elements in corners then 14:59 BlockMen but i wouldnt do that 15:00 crazyR yea doesnt sounds apealing lol, thanks for the heads up. 15:00 Megaf Hi all 15:00 CraigyDavi hi Megaf 15:09 * Krock made an infinite extendable auto-smelter with default:* and pipeworks:* 15:09 * Krock adds mesecons.* 15:21 reactor What's the point in additional furnace in Homedecor? 15:23 nman3600 sorry i just randomly went afk 15:23 nman3600 anyway hi 15:25 nman3600 uploading shears. v2.0 coming out in less thank 15 mins 15:27 w_laenger this bug is really annoying, people who join this server with an older version have an invisible hud, too 15:28 reactor Completely? 15:29 nman3600 i need a tiny tiny bit of help 15:29 nman3600 should stone shears be made of cobblestone or stone 15:29 reactor "stone shears" 15:29 reactor This is ridiculous. 15:29 nman3600 but "stone" tools are made of cobblestone 15:30 reactor Yes, but have you ever tried making scissor-like tools from stone? 15:30 reactor They would be too brittle, if you ever could. 15:31 nman3600 i shoulnt've asked 15:31 reactor wooden shears are kind of like that, too. But At least wood can handle bending and stretching as well. 15:31 reactor s/as well/better than stone/ 15:31 nman3600 i'm gonna do stone 15:31 reactor cobble it is, for tools 15:31 reactor other tools are made with cobble 15:32 nman3600 hi rubenwardy 15:32 nman3600 so you're saying cobble then? 15:32 reactor yep 15:32 rubenwardy pre-hello Xd 15:32 rubenwardy Hi all! 15:32 nman3600 k thanks 15:32 nman3600 hi ruben 15:33 crazyR whe you set the formspec via meta:set_string("formspec", "formspechere") on register node, what does it set the formname too? 15:35 w_laenger and the next bug: *** glibc detected *** minetest: malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x7d0cec38 *** 15:36 w_laenger and I need to restart because of the hud problem again 15:47 nman3600 hi Calinou 15:47 Calinou hi nman3600 15:47 nman3600 how are you? 16:02 nman3600 in about 5 or more mins v2.0 of my shears mod will be out 16:07 nman3600 how do i post a mod on github to upload to the forums?? 16:08 Calinou 1) upload to GitHub 2) put a link to the repository in your forum topic 16:08 Calinou it's that easy 16:08 nman3600 but how do i upload it to github 16:08 Calinou you need to learn how to use Git first 16:08 nman3600 i only got github the other day so i'm new to it 16:08 rubenwardy You can create it in the browser 16:08 rubenwardy If you use windows, there is a nice program for it 16:08 Calinou rubenwardy, how can you add new files using it? you can only edit files with the web interface, or remove files 16:08 rubenwardy you can 16:08 Calinou a nice crap program for it :P 16:09 Calinou TortoiseGit is preferable for GUI 16:09 rubenwardy see the [+] in the file browser 16:09 Calinou ah 16:09 nman3600 that says create new? 16:09 rubenwardy Calinou: it lacks features, but it good for simple pulling, commit, push 16:09 rubenwardy Create new repository 16:10 nman3600 ok 16:10 Calinou it's proprietary and locked in, that's why I don't recommend it 16:10 Calinou (typical GitHub…) 16:10 rubenwardy ok, I don't think you can create it all at once. You need to copy and past individual files, in different commits, with [+] 16:11 nman3600 i'll go back to mediafire then or is there anything else better than it 16:11 nman3600 i've got to go eat my dinner brb 16:14 rubenwardy "git pull crazy master" 16:17 nman3600 i'm back so should i use mediafire or use something better 16:20 Calinou dropbox is better 16:20 Calinou it allows for direct downloading 16:20 nman3600 k i'll use that then 16:20 nman3600 thanks! 16:46 nman3600 V.2.0 of my shears mod is now released 16:46 nman3600 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=9247&p=142004#p142004 16:47 nman3600 brb 16:49 Krock party hard 16:53 * rubenwardy read "Krock is partly hard" 16:53 Krock lol 17:04 HamishTPB Can anyone tell me how to make the mouse work the proper way up (pilot style) please? 17:04 Krock Which platform? 17:04 HamishTPB Linux 17:05 HamishTPB I can't get used to the way first person stuff defaults these days (I am old!) :) 17:07 HamishTPB aha - I think I found something in the wiki 17:07 HamishTPB I have found it now! 17:07 HamishTPB sorry - I have been looking for ages and as soon as I ask I find it :-) 17:13 Krock and none answers - how lonely 17:16 Warr1024 would be rather nice if invert_mouse were a checkbox. 17:17 HamishTPB Warr1024: yes 17:17 HamishTPB but I found it in the config now :) 17:18 Warr1024 there are a handful of things you can only do in the config file 17:18 Warr1024 for instance, change the FOV 17:18 Krock why invert_mouse? that's confusing 17:18 BlockMen finally: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=142013#p142013 :) 17:18 Warr1024 I also found that I'm unable to bind the TAB key to anything unless I do it manually in config. 17:19 Warr1024 Krock: what's confusing about it? 17:19 HamishTPB It is in beta though 17:19 HamishTPB and very usable so I can't complain too much 17:19 Krock Warr1024, everything moves into wrong direction..well I couldn't handle that 17:20 Krock BlockMen, gonna steal that code :P 17:20 HamishTPB When I started playing 3D games (probably before most of you were born!) 3D games always defaulted to aircraft style controls :) 17:20 HamishTPB so I got used to it and can't work the other way 17:20 Warr1024 Krock: still don't know what you mean. How would adding a checkbox cause that? 17:21 BlockMen Krock, just play MT+ 17:21 Krock Warr1024, I mean, I couldn't play with inverted-mouse, I'm not used in it. that's all I said 17:21 BlockMen its the most polished game around :) 17:21 Warr1024 ah ok. 17:22 Krock BlockMen, I love my own modified version of minetest_game :P but extending is always something special 17:22 Warr1024 which control style is intuitive to you depends on whether you think of moving the mouse "up" or "forward" 17:22 kaeza HamishTPB, one of the first (if not the first) games to feature pitch change I believe was Quake, and that's not so old :) 17:22 kaeza (in FPSs I mean) 17:22 Warr1024 I do remember a time when invert_mouse used to mean the opposite of what it does now. 17:22 Krock btw, FPS = Frames Per Second | FPSs = ? 17:22 HamishTPB kaeza: I am talking before that even - 8/16 bit 17:22 kaeza Krock, First Person Shooter 17:23 Krock aah 17:23 Krock ok thx 17:23 HamishTPB most first-person stuff back then *was* space or aircraft oriented so it sort of made sense :) 17:23 Warr1024 "control forward = pitch forward" feels a lot more intuitive with a joystick. 17:23 BlockMen Krock, well, have fun then. In MT+ all is kinda connected. Just copying something to _game wont be that easy :P 17:24 HamishTPB although now that I think about it Carrier Command may have been the other way around - need to check that 17:24 kaeza HamishTPB, space shooters usually have one in charge of some space...aircraft, so it makes sense :) 17:24 BlockMen http://i.imgur.com/YQyH8AW.jpg 17:24 HamishTPB kaeza: yeah :) 17:24 BlockMen same seed, different results^ 17:24 Krock I live JPEG :D 17:24 Krock love 17:24 Krock * 17:25 HamishTPB never could get into minecraft but this works right away for me 17:25 HamishTPB so I will probably lose many hours to it! :D 17:25 BlockMen arg...damn imgur, when does it change the format an when not? 17:26 Krock BlockMen, interesting comparison :) 17:26 Krock (it never changes for me) 17:27 BlockMen Krock, even better when playing 17:27 BlockMen */ingame 17:27 Krock Yeah 17:30 VanessaE good morning 17:31 HamishTPB hiya 17:38 kaeza mornings V 17:39 OldCoder kaeza, Yo! 17:40 kaeza OldCoder, o/ 17:40 Calinou HamishTPB, one of the first (if not the first) games to feature pitch change I believe was Quake, and that's not so old :) 17:40 Calinou back when a lot of players played with keyboard only... huehue 17:40 Calinou (would be nice if Minetest had keyboard look too) 17:40 kaeza ^ 17:42 blaise I think it was doom, actually 17:42 blaise I'm personally rather fond of decent and decent2 17:43 Calinou doom doesn't have vertical looking in vanilla 17:43 Calinou same for jumping 17:44 Krock new, helpful image: http://i.imgur.com/ni80Ncq.png 17:50 nman3600 hey 17:57 nman3600 so... 17:59 VanessaE hi all 18:01 Megaf LazyJ; ping 18:01 Krock Megaf; ping 18:02 * Megaf pongs Krock 18:02 Krock What to do (except of raging) when it takes 5 seconds to send a ping request to a 5m distanced server with 12 players? 18:03 Krock Possibly too slow router or wifi 18:03 Megaf Krock; walls and water and pipe are good things to block wifi 18:04 nman3600 hi Vanessa 18:04 Megaf wifi signal behaves like light, so imagine you router as a quite brilliant lamp 18:04 Megaf and on reflactions 18:04 Krock Megaf, there's a solid 10cm wall without pipes = 20cm of speed reduction 18:04 Calinou Krock, a ping request as in, “ping command”? 18:05 Calinou MegAFK, wifi works well in my bedroom which is quite far away from router, here 18:05 Calinou I'm probably just lucky 18:05 Calinou desktop uses ethernet anyway 18:05 Calinou 20m cable 18:05 Krock Calinou, "/ping" -> 5s -> "Server: Ping sent!" -> 0.8s -> "Server: Internal ping: 0.8" 18:05 nman3600 2.0 of the shears mod is out! 18:06 Exio4 Calinou: how much is "far away"? 18:06 Krock Weird... everything runs so fast and when the 6,7 or 8th player joins, it gets worse every second 18:07 MegAFK 30 packets transmitted, 30 received, 0% packet loss, time 8697ms 18:07 MegAFK rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.539/0.652/0.745/0.065 ms 18:07 MegAFK ping -c 30 -i 0.3 18:08 Krock hmm normal ping works with 50ms delay so it must be a MT problem 18:09 nman3600 time to make textures! brb 18:09 Krock *gets angry* the 1 month older build never had such problems 18:10 nman3600 so basically krock it has a 0.05 second delay :D 18:11 * Krock looks at laptop's screen 18:11 * Krock sees the reason for the unability for connecting 18:11 nman3600 it's about time i update my first ever mod :D 18:12 VanessaE PilzAdam: asl wants https://github.com/PilzAdam/farming_plus/issues/9 and /10 merged into farming_plus. I suggested he ask you first. 18:12 * Krock 's auto-crash-starter doesn't work when a crash GUI appears 18:12 PilzAdam VanessaE, you have push access IIRC 18:12 PilzAdam do it! 18:13 VanessaE I know. wanted to run it by you first. it is your repo after all. 18:16 * Krock just wrote a completely useless post there 18:16 VanessaE asl: what about Krock's commit just now? 18:16 VanessaE er comment 18:17 Krock lol 18:17 Krock ye..I noticed -^ 18:20 asl you mean the check if tool is sharp enough comment? 18:21 Krock it's enough comment to sharp check the tool 18:22 VanessaE --> comment 18:23 kahrl mais comment? 18:24 kaeza Just butting in... how about defining a `sword' group? 18:25 * kaeza evades the swords thrown at him and hides 18:25 Calinou +1, would be nice to have groups for tools 18:26 asl lots of mod would need to be updated to include the group for it to be any use, just a simple string search work fine 18:26 kaeza string comparisons don't feel... too clean 18:27 kaeza but might be the only way in the short term. 18:30 VanessaE kaeza: having defined groups for the various tools would be a plus. 18:32 kaeza asl: leave the string search in place, and if you can, add code to handle a possible "sword" group (so in the future mods can add it) 18:33 asl i ain't that good at lua yet 18:33 kaeza well, actually, it's up to VanessaE and/or Adam 18:33 kaeza :P 18:34 asl well, what about the seed placement? wasted quite a bit of seed cause it ended up being place on top of another seed 18:35 asl https://github.com/PilzAdam/farming_plus/issues/10 18:35 VanessaE merged. 18:36 EvergreenTree How would I use gdb to debug minetest? 18:36 EvergreenTree I'm reporting something to BlockMen 18:39 VanessaE EvergreenTree: make sure minetest is built in debug mode. then just do gdb minetest 18:39 jin_xi do gdb bin/minetest then type r 18:39 VanessaE and when you get the gdb prompt, type run 18:39 VanessaE ninja'd. 18:41 Vazon Vanessa i have a problem with my player files 18:41 VanessaE what's the problem? 18:42 Vazon ok the world saves and so does the auth.txt but the player files will not save, there inventory will not save and nether will the inventory 18:42 Vazon nether will there postion* 18:53 Krock EvergreenTree, is your build newer than 2 days? 18:55 EvergreenTree Krock: Why do you ask? 18:55 EvergreenTree yes 18:55 Krock EvergreenTree, just because of the "notice" above 18:57 Krock EvergreenTree, http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/ 18:57 EvergreenTree oh 18:57 EvergreenTree no, I figured it out 18:57 Krock ok 19:15 RealBadAngel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnwk5XZ6DQE 19:15 RealBadAngel how do you like it? :) 19:16 zat How do I start the lua profiler? 19:17 Jordach RealBadAngel, what happens if you drop 65535 items 19:17 * ^whiskers75 purrs at sfan5 19:17 VanessaE there, all farming_plus issues have been dealt with in one way or another. 19:18 * sfan5 meows at ^whiskers75 19:18 Jordach "The server at jordach.deviantart.com is taking too long to respond" D: 19:18 ^whiskers75 sfan5: this is my irccloud nick 19:18 RealBadAngel jordach, with the code propably nothin special comparing to the original one 19:18 Jordach RealBadAngel, what size would it be - or is it clipped 19:18 RealBadAngel items do merge in stacks 19:19 Jordach if > 99 then set_size(1.0) end most likely 19:19 RealBadAngel full stack is max size 19:19 RealBadAngel either 1/1 or 99/99 19:19 RealBadAngel its max size 19:20 RealBadAngel while minimal size of item is 1/99 19:20 RealBadAngel local a = 0.15 + 0.15*(count/max_count) 19:20 RealBadAngel something like that 19:20 Jordach but what happens if the stack size is greater than max_count 19:21 RealBadAngel thats not normal and i havent thought about it even 19:21 RealBadAngel propably will have to be caped 19:26 VanessaE cap it at max_count then 19:27 VanessaE math.max((0.15 + 0.15*(count/max_count)), max_count) 19:27 VanessaE I think that's how you'd do it anyway 19:27 VanessaE or something similar 19:27 VanessaE pff, math.fail :) 19:28 VanessaE cap it at 1 ;) 19:44 reactor 01:43:44: INFO[CurlFetchThread]: servers.minetest.net/announce not found (Timeout was reached) (response code 100) 19:44 reactor Eh?! 19:45 reactor Is it my or serverlist server's fault? 19:46 asl Reactor: that kind of normal, it just a random network error, if it happen a lot, then something is wrong 19:47 reactor I changed my server's description, now it started appearing. 19:47 reactor I changed it back, didn't help. 19:48 asl just keep trying, timeout mean that it fail to connect to the serverlist server 19:50 reactor The serverlist is populated, I see. 19:50 reactor Mine doesn't show up. 20:09 sapier http://animalsmod.comuf.com/downloads/Minetest-release_20140518.apk another alpha test of minetest android client 20:14 VanessaE *gasp* 20:14 VanessaE "release" 20:14 VanessaE you stopped calling it -Debug.apk :) 20:16 ^whiskers75 sapier yay 20:17 sapier that doesn't mean anything VanessaE it's just to ensure ppl compare release builds to release builds ... debug would be significant slower 20:21 Megaf does anyone here knows pedro555? 20:21 crazyR Ìû 20:25 reactor Мы или Они? 20:27 CraigyDavi Megaf, I remember th ename from somewhere... 20:27 Megaf He plays on serveral servers 20:29 jin_xi sapier: nice work, but it crashes for me whn i dig a node 20:32 CraigyDavi Ah yes that's where I remember the name from 20:33 sapier jin_xi do you have a crash log ? 20:33 jin_xi sapier: im much noob to android, where should i look? 20:34 sapier puuh guess you don't have a rooted device ... hmm could you have a look at /sdcard/Minetest/ there should be a file called debug.txt ... the last lines should do 20:34 jin_xi no not rooted 20:35 sapier debug.txt should be still there 20:37 jin_xi hmm, nothing too interesting, iCCP png warnings 20:39 jin_xi can i turn log level up easily? singleplayer digs default:... is the last line 20:40 EvergreenTree put debug_log_level = 4 in minetest.conf 20:40 Sokomine aah! there are now < and > in case there are more games installed than fit into the menu. that's great! now i can keep them in one folder :-) 20:41 Sokomine john_minetest: yes. vanessa announced it on the forum 20:41 Sokomine fly's very practical for building 20:41 VanessaE yes yes yes it's right 20:41 VanessaE for the umpteenth time :) 20:44 Amaz aah! there are now < and > in case there are more games installed than fit into the menu. that's great! now i can keep them in one folder 20:44 Amaz Yay! 20:44 Megaf john_minetest; what server? 20:46 * Jordach grumbles about fly for all 20:46 Jordach VanessaE, taking the survival out of minetest since 2012 20:47 EvergreenTree minetest never really was a survival game 20:47 Jordach bullshit 20:47 Jordach 0.2 20:47 Jordach and 0.3 20:48 Amaz Hopefully with the subgames being included, it should go more survival... 20:49 diemartin try survival modpack :3 20:49 Jordach or BFD 20:49 Jordach >:D 20:49 diemartin you can die of suffocation, hunger, thirst, or by radiation 20:49 VanessaE radiation? 20:50 diemartin my engrish is bad 20:50 VanessaE wtf, you blowing up reactors too? :P 20:50 diemartin +poisoning 20:50 Amaz Great! 20:50 * Amaz likes the sound of that 20:50 diemartin VanessaE, heh, no, toxic waste :D 20:51 diemartin (liquid) 20:51 Jordach i'm surprised with the ability to override mods, hasn't made a mod that looks normal, but modifies water to kill 20:51 diemartin hmm 20:51 * diemartin takes noe 20:51 diemartin note even 20:52 diemartin Jordach, make an ABM that turns air into lava! it kills everything! including your FPS and CPU! 20:53 * diemartin already tried... PC almost didn't tell the tale 20:53 VanessaE lol 20:53 Jordach im surprised there arent trojian mods 20:53 * Jordach modifies his jukebox to set fire to thuings 20:53 Vazon Vanessa you never helped me with my player file problem :| 20:53 jin_xi sapier: android crash http://paste.ubuntu.com/7485530/ 20:54 Jordach but only in MT+ or Carbone 20:55 sapier hmm jin_xi sadly nothing in there that'd help 20:56 BlockMen Jordach, whats with MT+? 20:56 raffahacks Is therw an android stable versiin 20:56 Jordach BlockMen, modifying the jukebox to set fire to a random node 20:56 Jordach but doesnt work in bfd 20:58 BlockMen Jukebox, fire? 20:58 BlockMen why? 20:58 jin_xi sapier, how do you place stuff? in other news picking flowers and crafting works 20:59 PilzAdam Jordach, I do that for all my mods if you pay me :-p 20:59 sapier there's nothing special about that code in android port jin_xi 21:05 jin_xi sapier: well, it crashes too when i tried to open inv with creative on 21:05 sapier hmm creative on? 21:05 sapier maybe that's related 21:05 jin_xi so i was positively surprised i could craft and such 21:05 sapier did you do a singleplayer game or connect to some server? 21:06 jin_xi single 21:06 jin_xi bbl 21:11 Vazon can someone tell me why my servers player files will not save on shutdowns? 21:11 blaise bad permissions on the files ? 21:12 Vazon ? permissions is in the auth.dat 21:12 Vazon its the players files that will not save, like postion and inventorys 21:15 Vazon idk what the server is on, OldCoder is hosting it 21:16 blaise lol 21:16 blaise OldCoder: hey mang, what are you using to host your minetest hosery 21:17 Amaz How do you set make to use the max threads possible? 21:23 blaise make -j manages compile jobs 21:23 blaise there's another one I forgot that will incure as many jobs as there is free resources 21:24 Amaz Okay. 21:24 blaise I'm looking it up in the man page now, just a sec 21:25 Amaz I know make -j(number) uses that number of threads, but I'm not sure how many my pc has... 21:26 Sokomine jordach: play adventuretest if you want a stornger survival aspect. or realtest (to a degree). or on xanandu 21:29 blaise cat /proc/cpuinfo 21:29 blaise it'll tell you 21:30 PilzAdam make -j uses one thread for each object to compile 21:33 blaise --load-average 21:34 blaise that will initiate as many compile jobs as it takes to keep the system at the specified load average 21:34 blaise which is prefered over -j 21:34 blaise -j9 would be fore an 8 core system 21:34 sapier make sure you've got enough memory for the -j setting you use 21:35 blaise http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3413384/how-to-determine-a-good-value-for-load-average-using-gnu-make 21:36 blaise that site might help you make sure you make a good decision 22:20 blaise sapier: so when this thing force closes or what not, does the debug and backtrace and all that get sent home? 22:20 sapier no 22:20 blaise zomfg 22:20 blaise freenode is falling apart 22:21 blaise sapier: no phone home? or no freenode fall aparts? 22:21 sapier no phone home 22:21 blaise damn 22:22 blaise how do we expect to tell you guys anything? 22:22 blaise "oh, hay.. it crashed.. " 22:22 blaise isn't exactly very informative. 22:23 sapier well that's a alpha version, I haven't done all the cool stuff to prepare error information for us to be usefull ... wait minetest itself doesn't have things like that :-) 22:23 sapier but yes for android we need it even more so I most likely will implement at least some defined way 22:23 sapier but no automatic transmission 22:24 sapier at least not until I get told about a simple way to do that for android automaticaly 22:24 sapier on android I'm still a beginner 22:24 blaise arnt there templates for that stuff in the adk ? 22:25 blaise on linux I can run minetest through gdb and send you guys the backtrace.. 22:25 sapier maybe ... I don't know but usually those things are for java aps ndk isn't supported even close to java things 22:25 blaise but honestly, I haven't had the need 22:25 BlockMen gd night everyone 22:25 blaise BlockMen: gn.. 22:26 sapier that's a good idea ... I've got work today too 22:27 blaise :) 22:27 blaise I've got a mom with stiches, and a baby to look after 22:27 blaise and I need to look into a gov grant to start a non-profit buisness 22:27 blaise lmao 22:31 puhfa one of our players found an egine-related glitch, both with 0.4.9 and later dev versions: nodes' damage_per_second wont do anything if user is sneaking above the node 22:31 puhfa is this a known issue? 22:48 blaise I would look on the bug tracker site, but I'm not aware of one 22:48 blaise I believe they juse use the github for bug reporting... 23:03 VanessaE s/just/specifically/ 23:10 Megaf folks, I just did some benchmarks on time vs threads ona four core CPU 23:12 Megaf http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-180514-201157.php 23:13 Megaf ^ blaise ^ PilzAdam 23:14 Megaf Vimeo got the best videos ever. 23:14 Megaf I hate them 23:14 Megaf they still use the flash player 23:14 PilzAdam Megaf, eh, thats exactly what one would expect 23:14 Megaf That's so ice age 23:16 blaise no html5 ? 23:17 PilzAdam vimeo uses html5 if you don't have flash 23:18 Megaf not here 23:18 PilzAdam your browser is so ice age 23:18 Megaf youtube and other websites can play html5 with no issues at all 23:18 Megaf "¡Ay caramba! 23:18 Megaf This video can’t be played with your current setup." 23:19 puhfa blaise: yeah i searched github first but didnt find any report, thats why i asked here 23:25 blaise puhfa: Megaf might have more information about it 23:26 blaise I myself am lost.. 23:26 Megaf ok, hold on 23:26 puhfa oh, i added an issue in github already 23:26 blaise as much as I would like to contribute by means of testing and bug reporting.. I haven't seen anything worth anyones time as far as that goes 23:26 blaise definitly no bugzilla or anything 23:27 puhfa i myself just hate wading through a code written by someone else 23:30 blaise you're not alone 23:30 blaise there are some serious rats nests out there with no foot notes 23:40 OldCoder blaise, Hi! 23:40 OldCoder blaise, one minute and I shall answer 23:41 OldCoder http://christfollower.me/D130622PC 23:42 OldCoder My pride and joy; the octocore. 32GB RAM and eight cores. Eight is Enough for Love :P 23:42 OldCoder http://christfollower.me/images/130622_system3.jpg 23:42 OldCoder http://christfollower.me/images/130622_system5.jpg 23:42 OldCoder ^ Minetest server and response to blaise earlier question 23:42 OldCoder 23:42 OldCoder http://christfollower.me/images/130622_system1.jpg 23:43 OldCoder ^ Lots of RAM in which Minetest can cram 23:43 OldCoder 23:43 OldCoder http://christfollower.me/images/130622_system2.jpg 23:43 OldCoder ^ Lots of disk for Minetest is no risk 23:43 OldCoder :P 23:43 OldCoder 23:43 * OldCoder loves his primary system 23:44 VanessaE nice 23:44 OldCoder You saw that last year but it is still a host without peer :P 23:44 * OldCoder will leave shortly to seek beer which must be near 23:44 VanessaE ok 23:44 OldCoder ^ Primarily a rhyme as a joke 23:44 VanessaE I know :) 23:45 OldCoder Ah 23:45 * OldCoder is not pushing the server right now because he is waiting for relocation and more stable network 23:45 VanessaE go seek out some suds and relax :) 23:45 OldCoder However... somebody tell Brandon Reese I am still waiting for Landrush 23:45 * OldCoder has Redcrab and Minerealms now and wishes Landrush to complete the set 23:46 VanessaE this is a copy of redcrab, or this IS redcrab? 23:46 * OldCoder tried to rescue Ghostshell 4GB world before its death but Ghostshell was depressed etc. 23:46 OldCoder It depends... 23:46 OldCoder If Redcrab/original shuts down this will become Redcrab 23:46 OldCoder We figured he was shutting down 23:46 Megaf blaise; http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-180514-204611.php 23:46 OldCoder But apparently he has surfaced again 23:47 VanessaE ah 23:47 Megaf That's with in a system that have 4 cores 23:48 Megaf so, a good number of jobs to run is the same number of real cores you have 23:49 VanessaE Megaf: it depends on the architecture too 23:49 pitriss Megaf: better is number_of_cores+1 :) 23:49 VanessaE (cores*threads)+1 23:51 VanessaE that i3 that my servers run on is dual core, but 4 threads, so -j4 or -j5 is best, depending on the job (assuming the build system is set up properly) 23:51 Megaf folks, how do I reset a user password? 23:53 VanessaE /setpassword 23:53 VanessaE meh. you get the idea. 23:53 VanessaE pretty sure that's the command 23:55 Megaf Thanks VanessaE