Time Nick Message 00:20 EvergreenTree oh hi 00:26 paramat Peacock, 2 fixes for archipelago are now in the forum thread :) 00:39 Sokomine :-( any ideas what might have caused a complete loss of sound under linux? i suspected pulseaudio, but starting that deamon appears to work 00:53 paramat Peacock, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128047#p128047 00:57 Peacock oups sorry was at the off license :P updating now 01:03 Sokomine ah. solved it. a strange tool whose name i'd never have guessed - named pavucontrol - turned out to be useful to tame pulseaudio 01:13 iqualfragile Sokomine: wait you did not know pavucontrol? 01:17 paramat hey no problem Pea :) 01:26 Peacock so far so good :-) im guessing the problem was fimy wasn't being set in every instance? 01:47 paramat yeah, same with 'sink' 01:52 Peacock thats what i figured, though i didn't know what value to assign fimy outside the else block 02:28 * RealBadAngel wonders why floor is producing an output like 32e-7 02:28 cornernote hey all 02:29 Peacock seems legit 02:44 Inocudom What are people's thoughts on this mod: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5939 02:52 us_0gb It seems very specialized. You can't use it for a lot. But it is kind of interesting. 02:57 Peacock i prefer specialized mods, when you try to do everything, you end up not being very good at anything 03:01 paramat WTF? this disco cant do mapgen? ;) 03:01 us_0gb Fair enough. 03:01 us_0gb I mean though that the nods are specialized. 03:01 * Peacock nods 03:02 us_0gb Stair nodes can be used for all sorts of non-stair purposes. Not so much with booze nodes. 03:02 us_0gb *nodes 03:02 Peacock kinda reminds me of all those emacs jokes lol (all it's missing is a good editor) 03:02 * paramat considers 'disco mapgen' ... 03:02 us_0gb Peacock: I know, right? 03:05 Peacock though for any kind of alcohol mod to be effective, you'd need wobbly gravity and slurred speech, i think both are doable 03:06 Peacock and the mod could randomly transport people into strange places in the morning 03:10 us_0gb WHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! 03:10 Peacock someone take the drugs from ogb :p 03:10 us_0gb 0gb.us doesn't do drugs. 03:11 Peacock oh well, maybe that's why you're going insane :p 03:11 us_0gb But that teleportation idea is hilarious. 03:11 Peacock oh lol i thought you were reacting to something else :P 03:11 us_0gb Going? I'm a paranoid freak who is incapable of love. I've always been insane. 03:12 Peacock well people incapable of love do tend to have other issues (like paranoia), no offense :p 03:13 Peacock though the medical profession really has no clue when it comes to mental health, a new a study out this week determined the part of the brain people thought controlled stress, actually fuels it lol 03:13 us_0gb Here's the thing though: me being paranoid does *not* mean they're not actually out to get me. No no, they are. 03:13 Peacock well why you specifically? 03:14 us_0gb That's the other thing: it's not me specifically. They're out to get us all. 03:14 us_0gb You're probably in as much danger as I am. 03:14 Peacock doubtful, now if you said they're out to bleed you dry (financially), i'd believe that 03:15 Peacock all this security bullshit has more to do with contracts than actual security 03:15 us_0gb I'm a nobody. There's no reason to come after me specifically. That I know of. 03:15 Peacock and jobs 03:15 Peacock security means a lot of jobs 03:15 Peacock that whole 90's new economy thing was a big let down 03:15 us_0gb Though it turns out FedEx "lost" the needed documentation to hand over my laptop. 03:16 Peacock the 2000 recession, and the 2007 03:16 Peacock though id prefer the gov't spent money on infrastructure which is much more desperately needed 03:16 Peacock they lost it? 03:16 Peacock like the customs papers? 03:20 us_0gb They say it's the "Commercial Invoice" that was lost. So probably not the customs papers. 03:20 Peacock well at UPS we would seal those inside a plastic pouch, pretty hard to lose 03:21 Peacock though, knowing how the conveyor belts at the distrib. centers work, as well as the staff, maybe i shouldn't be surprised :P check for damage if it ever arrives 03:21 us_0gb He says he will probably use UPS next time, actually. 03:21 Peacock lol it won't be any better :P 03:21 * us_0gb cries upon hearing "if" 03:22 Peacock we lost a shitton of stuff 03:22 Peacock regular customers *all* bought insurance 03:22 Peacock either shit didn't arrive, or it arrived in a thousand pieces 03:22 Inocudom But, this mod https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5939 has a lot of potential when it comes to decorating, yet nobody seems to care much for it. 03:23 * us_0gb wants his laptop. 0gb.us is tired of graphical bugs and unreasonable frame rates. 03:23 Peacock im one of those rare people who checks things out online, and buys in-store (contrary to everyone else) 03:23 Peacock inocudom we don't have that many active modders left 03:23 Inocudom Why did most of them quit? 03:24 Peacock well i have my theories but most people would deny it :P 03:24 us_0gb I will be active again, when time allows. I'm building a new game, LIAMS_game. 03:24 Inocudom Most of those theories would likely involve minecraft or licenses. 03:25 us_0gb Peacock: Good luck finding an X60 in a store though. 03:25 Peacock i dont give two shits about MC :P i never modded for that game 03:25 Inocudom Yeah, and judging by what I have seen in Minecraft videos, the vast majority of servers don't use mods at all. 03:26 Peacock the short'n'sweet version: alot of modders either run afoul of the many rules, or a cross a moderator, or dev and get themselves banned. either way, we're a lot better at losing modders than finding/keeping them :p 03:26 Peacock though you're right that in my case i dont release anything because i dont like the limitations on licenses 03:26 Inocudom In that case, would Freeminer be a friendlier atmosphere? 03:27 Peacock well they're certainly more receptive to a wider variety of content licenses 03:28 Peacock but if someone releases a nonfree mod over there, whats to say some zealot wont get the idea to "liberate" the code here? 03:28 Inocudom For me, a good license would involve giving credit and not using it in commercial projects. 03:28 Peacock you'd practically have to compactify the code and change all the variable names (like jquery compact) to make the code worthless to would-be liberators lol 03:29 Peacock inocudom well yeah but even this community doesn't like NC clauses 03:30 Peacock though it stands to reason if a modder thought he could commercialize his content, then he would, otherwise releasing it freely i dont think anyone else should get a right to profit off someone else's work either 03:30 us_0gb The inabillity to use it in commercial projects is sad though. 03:31 Peacock well look to buildcraft to see how that went 03:31 Inocudom So one advantage Freeminer has is a friendlier atmosphere, I take it. 03:31 Peacock people were outraged at the 3$ premium, 03:31 Peacock that was before it was determined that he wouldn't release sources 03:32 Peacock well as far as i can tell they don't limit liberties by calling it freedom lol 03:32 us_0gb Who isn't releasing sources? 03:32 Peacock buildcraft guy aparently 03:33 iqualfragile Inocudom: its more or less impossible to have mods on servers in minecraft 03:33 Peacock minecraft mods really modify minecraft itself, they dont run in an API sandbox 03:34 Inocudom Wow, another bad flaw that game has. Too bad the folks at PureZC don't think about that. 03:34 us_0gb In any case, I wouldn'tuse it if it forbid selling. Then again, I don't use a lot of other peoples' modules lately anyway. I use PilzAdam's skins, but most of the rest is my own scripts. 03:35 Peacock lol yeah "Pilzadam's slightly better version of " :P 03:35 cornernote what is buildcraft ? 03:35 Peacock people want everyone to contribute to a single minetest, but it matters less if you have dozens of the same mod :P 03:36 iqualfragile Peacock: yeah, he does a good job at cleaning up mods most of the time 03:36 iqualfragile besides simple_mobs, that one is just stupid 03:36 us_0gb Peacock: I think PilzAdam's skins was the original, not a remake. 03:37 us_0gb Also, PilzAdam's version of bones sucks. Just saying. 03:37 Inocudom Zeg9's skins mod has a visual menu though. 03:37 Peacock well yeah but then, if you want people to contribute to a single minetest, then i would think that attitude would apply to mods too (contribute instead of fork) 03:37 iqualfragile us_0gb: pilzadams version of bones was polished and integrated into minetest_game 03:37 us_0gb Inocudom: Zeg9's supports 3D skins though, which LIAMS_game does not have. 03:38 Peacock dunno, just one of several contradictions i notice in the things people say lol 03:38 us_0gb iqualfragile: Yes, yes it was. And the version in minetest_game sucks. 03:38 iqualfragile why would that be? 03:38 Inocudom Have you ever been on some of Freeminer's servers? You would not believe how many bones there are laying around. 03:38 Peacock well minetest_game is incredibly bloated now, if you wanna write your own game you practically have to start from scratch, you can't use mt_game as a base (not easily) 03:39 us_0gb iqualfragile: It deletes items from your inventory if there is not enough space in the bones node. It deletes the node you are standing in when you die. Also, there is a steel door-related glitch, unless my pull request on minetest_game was ever accepted. 03:40 iqualfragile ok 03:40 us_0gb Peacock: Default itself is bloated. That's the main thing LIAMS_game fixes. It splits up default. 03:40 Peacock well thats probably another thing that doesn't help mod development: the more you try to make mt_game complete, the less compelled people are to explore and create new mods 03:41 us_0gb LIAMS_game also has a use for mese shards and has both types of mese blocks. 03:41 cornernote re buildcraft... if so many ppl are upset about it, why not port an ios/droid client, make it "official", and then there is no issue 03:41 iqualfragile well, good night 03:41 us_0gb In addition, for better or worse, it has the node graphics from both minetest_game and minimal. 03:41 cornernote it only exists because the community cant/wont do it 03:41 iqualfragile cornernote: go ahead, nobody is gona stop you 03:41 Peacock cornernote i've been making that point for a while now :P 03:41 us_0gb iqualfragile: Good night! 03:42 RealBadAngel hi cornernote 03:42 cornernote no, i'll just use the "illegal" client, but thanks anyway 03:42 cornernote personally i think he did a great job 03:42 RealBadAngel i was thinkin about roads systems for skyblock 2 03:42 cornernote hey RBA 03:43 RealBadAngel you can make there vaccum nodes above 03:43 cornernote oh, thats a cool idea 03:43 Peacock cornernote the sad part is while the community was asking for sources, some in the community cracked the premium version to get all the features free :P 03:43 RealBadAngel so even if player manages to fall down 03:43 RealBadAngel he will suffer drowning 03:43 cornernote Peacock, got any link to that ? 03:44 iqualfragile i just noticed that mmdb is not linked on the homepage, could somebody add it to the mods-menue/ replace /mods by it? 03:44 Peacock link to what, buildcraft or the cracked stuff? cuz i think the community took down both lol 03:44 Inocudom RealBadAnge, Freeminer might be able to use your normal maps generating patch: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=127873#p127873 03:45 RealBadAngel Inocudom, this is almost obsolete code 03:45 RealBadAngel i do have better version of it 03:45 Inocudom It is? What has changed? 03:45 cornernote i have the link to the game, i'l like to see the link to the cracked one 03:46 RealBadAngel i have changed my mind 03:46 RealBadAngel and generation is done once 03:46 Peacock they disposed of that evidence :P 03:46 RealBadAngel like item textures 03:47 Inocudom If you wish to, you can tell the developers of Freeminer about it on the #freeminer irc channel. It is best if they hear about the patch from you. Makes for some testing of it. 03:47 cornernote so it was illegal to crack his illegal release ? 03:47 RealBadAngel so suffer once, profit + 03:47 cornernote 2 wrongs don't make a right... but 3 lefts do ! 03:47 RealBadAngel i will make the pull offcial tommorow 03:48 RealBadAngel by now i do have UI changes ready 03:48 cornernote i see this - https://github.com/lukepeng/buildcraft 03:48 RealBadAngel waypoints support i mean 03:48 cornernote and i see this - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/buildcraft-multiplayer-block/id740372768?mt=8 03:48 Inocudom Oh, that is good news. Hopefully, it will be accepted (Freeminer has the greater change of accepting pull requests.) 03:49 Inocudom Freeminer accepted the patch involving BlockMen's 3rd person view, so your normals generating patch should have a decent chance of being accepted. 03:51 Peacock cornernote sorry was takin a wicked slash 03:52 Sokomine oh! hi cornernote 03:52 cornernote hey Sokomine 03:52 Peacock well BC might have been illegal, but so was the cracking, though in the legal system they'd be treated as seperate issues 03:52 RealBadAngel my opinion is we should take the port code back 03:53 Peacock lol how exactly? 03:53 RealBadAngel fuck the ads 03:53 Inocudom Sokomine, what are your thoughts on the following mod made by doyousketch2: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5939 03:53 Peacock doesn't answer the how lol 03:53 Peacock either way, judging from this, it wont work: http://www.chinaiplawyer.com/china-court-protects-violation-gpl-license-agreement/ 03:54 RealBadAngel how how , its made public 03:54 RealBadAngel as we demanded 03:54 Peacock maybe im missing something, but i dont get the impression thats going to happen lol 03:54 us_0gb Oh, third person? Yuck. Maybe I'll stick with Minetest. 03:55 Peacock google and apple will take down the apps, but they wont expose themselves to possible liability by release the code themselves 03:55 Sokomine inocudom: i like that mod. peacock had it installed on his waterworld server, and i planned to build a bar using it 03:55 RealBadAngel i have bought a tablet for myself 03:55 RealBadAngel so an official port will HAPPEN 03:56 cornernote > my opinion is we should take the port code back 03:56 Sokomine RealBadAngel: that sounds very good :-) 03:56 Peacock well that was cornernote's and I's original point :P 03:56 cornernote has anyone here ever made a mobile app ? 03:56 Sokomine there seem to be some people working on it already. and you do see people with that...problematic...client online on servers sometimes. i wonder how they manage to steer the game 03:56 Peacock the official port needs to happen, that will help make the other stuff irrelevant 03:57 Sokomine i think that's one of the main problems you'll get...it's not easy with a mouse and a keyboard...but...on a phone or tablet (perhaps tablet is easier) 03:57 RealBadAngel mobile or whatever 03:57 RealBadAngel code is code 03:58 paramat so Peacock since youre on archi022 now feel free to explore now, in fact it would be cool if you checked out the nearest ice for any holes or dirt along chunk borders 03:58 cornernote my kids play MC on ipad... i cant control it, i hate it... but they have no trouble and love it 03:58 RealBadAngel once done can be used, we have paid already a price for it 03:58 RealBadAngel some1 were using us for shitty ads system 03:59 Sokomine cornernote: intresting. but kids are very flexible as far as such things go and learn fast :-) 03:59 RealBadAngel but the code is ok 03:59 RealBadAngel so, we are gonna take it and fuck the ads 03:59 cornernote is this a different one, or the same one: http://www.appannie.com/apps/ios/app/minetest./ 03:59 Peacock well my wife explored for a while and she found no further issues :-) 04:00 Peacock RBA anyone can package MT with ads, theres nothing really in the license about that, so long as they post the code 04:00 paramat cool B) 04:01 cornernote oh, i see there is some official instructions to build on android: http://dev.minetest.net/Android 04:01 Peacock hell i could even make fancy CD/DVDs and sell MT if i wanted 04:02 RealBadAngel btw, https://github.com/minetest-technic/unified_inventory/tree/waypoints 04:02 RealBadAngel for use with latest git 04:03 RealBadAngel im pretty proud of it, like rly 04:03 Inocudom That is very interesting, RealBadAngel. What are the specifics of the feature? 04:03 RealBadAngel just try it 04:04 RealBadAngel with this tab look, ive made, im planning to rebuild whole UI 04:04 RealBadAngel to follow the schema 04:05 Peacock what we need is a full screen menu, (with the chat beneath) 04:06 Peacock right now you dont have much choice in keeping fields at the bottom in case the chat overlaps 04:07 cornernote i hate that the official minetest build doesnt come with minetestserver.exe 04:07 RealBadAngel the solution could be emulation of an video card 04:07 cornernote RBA, ima update my server to latest and try your mod 04:07 RealBadAngel like hercules for example 04:08 Peacock well we could always make the chat part of the hud, make it totally customizable 04:08 RealBadAngel that would made consoles, terminals and chats possible 04:08 RealBadAngel and even file managers 04:08 Peacock (personally i hate having the chat at the top of the screen, every other game its at the bottom, usually centered (horizontally)) 04:09 RealBadAngel huh, im lookin forward to a day when launchin mc in mt will become reality :) 04:10 cornernote even sfan's build doesnt come with minetestserver.exe 04:10 cornernote where do i get it now ? 04:10 Peacock every time you play MC, Bill Gates massacres Bosnians :p 04:10 cornernote how silly to not include the server exe 04:11 Peacock maybe youre supposed to minetest.exe --flagname? 04:12 cornernote yeah, i'll just check the readme 04:12 cornernote wait, i did that and there is no mention of it 04:13 Peacock well if its like the wiki it probably dates back to minetest 0.2.x lol 04:13 cornernote in older versions there is a minetestserver.exe 04:14 cornernote now its removed, with no mention 04:14 cornernote what are we? cowboy coders ? 04:14 RealBadAngel hmmm i would like to include z80 lib 04:14 Peacock probably "disappeared" for counter-revolutionary activity (running a MT server on windows) :P 04:14 RealBadAngel and implement CP/M there 04:15 Peacock CP/M ... Copypasta Masochism? 04:15 cornernote whats the problem with running a MT server on windows ? 04:15 Peacock i was kidding cornernote :p 04:15 kahrl cornernote: minetest.exe --server 04:15 RealBadAngel Peacock, a real system 04:15 cornernote kahrl, thank you 04:15 Peacock told ya it was probably a flag :P 04:15 RealBadAngel with lotsa of software 04:15 Inocudom The bottom of the screen is better for chat. 04:16 Peacock well yeah your eyes doesn't have to bounce between the hotbar, cursor and chat 04:16 RealBadAngel as some can already know, i am an assembler programmer 04:16 RealBadAngel Zilog Z80 one 04:17 Peacock im a human programmer, we kidnap them off the street, drug them, fly them to an isolated location, break them and then indoctrinate them *evil laugh* 04:17 RealBadAngel and i do fuckin like to have it mt. period 04:18 Peacock actually thats probably how it's done :/ lol 04:18 Inocudom Yeah, it probably is. 04:18 cornernote perhaps minetest release could come with minetestserver.bat ?? just a 1 line file, it would save ppl a headache trying to make a server 04:18 Peacock well movies are always 20 or 30 years behind the methods, so it might not be done like that anymore lol 04:19 Inocudom Alan Watt says that we are an antique society. The moon knows many things. 04:20 Peacock yeah but i wouldn't go to the moon because of the secret nazi base 04:20 Peacock oh wait, that was in a movie too :/ 04:20 Inocudom No, you do not want to go to the moon. Quite a haunting place it is. 04:21 Peacock So is Detroit XD 04:21 cornernote u been ? 04:21 Peacock no but the youtubes of both places make them look desolate enough lol 04:22 Inocudom You know, Skyward Sword made me see the Zelda series in a more modern way. What if, in a future Zelda game, one of the dungeons was some ancient city on the moon left by an extremely advanced civilization? The ancestors of the Hylians. 04:23 Inocudom Lanayru Desert Past seems to indicate that it could be possible. 04:23 Peacock better odds doing it on mars, seems it was more likely to be habitable 04:24 Inocudom The ancient city would make a good candidate for an occult/undead type dungeon. Care to guess why? 04:24 Peacock beats me 04:25 cornernote in the mod selection, why are some grey ? 04:25 cornernote they are too old ? 04:25 cornernote or or missing a dependancy ? 04:25 Inocudom City Of The Gods would be a good name for it too. 04:25 cornernote or they are just not as awesome as the bright ones ? 04:26 Peacock wouldn't know about the modstore 04:26 Inocudom I remember well Gol And Maia's Citadel from Jak And Daxter. What a facinating place that was. 04:26 Peacock modstore = communism, communism being the most heinous personification of evil man has ever seen 04:29 paramat yeah i cant be bothered with the modstore 04:30 Peacock well i was kidding (mostly) about the communism bit, but i dont trust anything that would take hosting and distribution out of my hands lol 04:32 Peacock centralization has always made things worse, in everything lol 04:38 cornernote RealBadAngel, how do you use the crafting guide ? 04:40 hoodedice There was this IDE... scrite or something... Anyone remembers? 04:41 hoodedice SciTE. Got it. 04:44 cornernote why would you want scite ? 04:46 hoodedice Just because. 04:46 cornernote isnt notepad++ better ? 04:46 hoodedice notepad++ isn't on ubuntu, and scite is the only other IDE for lua that I know 04:46 hoodedice Dang. ninja'd 04:46 hoodedice XP 04:47 cornernote scite in on linux? oh, ok then =) 04:47 hoodedice =) 04:47 cornernote i guess eclipse is overkill ? 04:48 hoodedice eclipse was pretty... muddled? 04:48 hoodedice Kinda had stuff all over the place 04:48 cornernote whats the key to run ? 04:49 cornernote walk fast 04:49 cornernote shift makes me walk UBER SLOW 04:49 hoodedice But with the rep it has, I can expect it to be a part of my college syllabi next semester when I get java 04:49 hoodedice eh? 04:49 cornernote personally i hate eclipse =) 04:49 cornernote i'd rather scite 04:49 cornernote in minetest, i walk really slow 04:50 cornernote i can do freemove, and i move fast, but then i dont fall, and i can fly 04:51 hoodedice Shift is sneak, lol 04:51 hoodedice You need to enable fast and then use e for running 04:51 hoodedice Be warned, it's more like driving a segway than running. 04:51 hoodedice Man, how long were you away 04:51 hoodedice ? 04:52 cornernote lol, yeah that works 04:52 cornernote just a memory laps 04:52 cornernote lapse 04:53 cornernote thanks 04:53 paramat its not really running :D more like flying on the ground 04:53 cornernote yeah, whoosh 04:53 cornernote much haster 04:53 cornernote grr, fingers not working 04:53 hoodedice Man, Sublime looks amazing... 04:53 cornernote ok, im using RBA's inventory waypoints, very cool 04:54 cornernote whats the XYZ button supposed to do ? 04:54 cornernote and i assume the pencil should let me rename the waypoint, but it doesnt seem to do anything 04:54 hoodedice If only it was free =\ 04:54 cornernote maybe not implemented yet ? 04:55 cornernote hoodedice, if you use it for other things, then 70 isnt alot... i'd recommend to fork out a few bucks for a good editor 04:56 hoodedice 70 bucks isn't a lot?! 04:56 cornernote correct 04:56 hoodedice Man, if I spend $5 a day, I get a heart attack! 04:56 cornernote if you use it for ONLY minetest, probably not a great investment 04:56 hoodedice I lost my calc, a Ti 84+ at college today. I'm still thinking how I should break the news... 04:56 cornernote unless you are a hardcore modder churning out tons of code 04:57 hoodedice Nearly $80. 04:57 hoodedice I'm just starting out lol. I won't ever buy any IDEs, unless I'm required to 04:57 cornernote but if you want to be a good programmer, a good ide is paramount 04:58 hoodedice Yes, but currently I'm not technically a programmer. 04:58 hoodedice I don't have any finished mods. 04:58 cornernote your at uni ? 04:59 hoodedice Yes. Freshman, third week 04:59 hoodedice CIS. 04:59 cornernote what do you want to be when you grow up ? 04:59 cornernote lol 04:59 cornernote i mean, what are you studying 04:59 Peacock Rambo :p 04:59 hoodedice CIS. 04:59 cornernote i want to be a fire engine 04:59 hoodedice Thank you, Peacock 04:59 cornernote chemistry ? 04:59 hoodedice Compter and Info Science. 05:00 hoodedice -.- 05:00 Peacock computer? 05:00 cornernote i never went to uni 05:00 hoodedice Why? 05:00 Peacock me neither, times were shit then 05:00 cornernote forgive my ignorance of "real" computer science 05:00 hoodedice Oh lol, you have more mods than I do XD 05:00 Peacock "real" because the best programmers i know studied something else or never studied lol 05:00 cornernote now im a php/mysql developer 05:01 cornernote hoodedice, i'll tell you what... 05:01 hoodedice hmm 05:02 cornernote if you want to get that ide you like, i'll donate $10 to the cause, PM me with you paypal email 05:02 hoodedice Oh darn it corner, I'm not even sure that I'll even use it 05:02 cornernote but you have to buy it, or a fairy will die 05:02 Peacock of course the "real" compsci types love creating new platforms and languages and libraries, creating such a complicated mess only they can figure it out (thats how they protect their jobs) lol 05:03 cornernote no rush, think about it, you can get back to me 05:03 hoodedice Send me a Ti-84+ by tomorrow instead - That'll help me in that Calculus exam 05:03 hoodedice XD 05:03 cornernote calculus never helped anybody with anything useful 05:04 Peacock could say the same about economists lol 05:04 Peacock and liberal arts come to think of it 05:04 hoodedice Cornernote: Just a disclaimer: I'm Indian, and a non-resident, non-immigrant alien. 05:04 hoodedice Just sayin' 05:04 NakedFury theology, phylosophy class too 05:05 hoodedice EVERYTHING IS USELESS!! 05:05 Peacock alien, like... Vulcan, Andoria and Qo'nos or? 05:05 hoodedice I SHOULD PROBABLY PRESS THE x BUTTON AND HANG MYSELF! 05:05 hoodedice Homo Sapien. 05:05 cornernote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahXIMUkSXX0 <-- she makes cool videos about math 05:05 cornernote hoodedice, thats ok, im not racist 05:05 hoodedice I don't need help with math lol. 05:05 cornernote i hate all races equally 05:06 cornernote its not for help with math, its for entertainment 05:06 hoodedice Not anything about racism, XD, but just sayin 05:06 cornernote don't worry, i wont try to teach you anything... im just here for kicks and giggles 05:06 Peacock *shits and giggles 05:06 Peacock me too lol 05:06 cornernote thats the terms 05:07 cornernote i knew it was something like that 05:07 * us_0gb will pretend to try to teach, but is holding the textbook upside down 05:07 * VanessaE looks in 05:07 VanessaE hi 05:08 cornernote hoodedice, my best friend is a paki, its really cool having discussions with him because he brings a uniquely non-western point of view 05:08 hoodedice hey Van 05:08 cornernote morning V 05:09 hoodedice corner, that's cool. Means you already know how us indo-asians g about Education. 05:09 Peacock i prefer cat best friends, they bring a uniquely non-human point of view 05:09 hoodedice *go 05:09 cornernote cats are ignorant 05:09 Peacock Asian memes: "you win spelling B?! why y u no win spelling A!!!!" :P 05:10 cornernote you call it and call it, and it wont even acknowledge your existance 05:10 Peacock cats are smarter than most people lol 05:10 cornernote but then come dinner time, oh then they want to be friends 05:10 Peacock they know what they want, they know how to get it 05:11 hoodedice Cats are awsum ^.^ 05:11 Peacock and lets face it, contrary to dogs, they can take a dump on their own 05:11 hoodedice Rabbits are awesomer 05:11 Peacock i love rabbit, tastes great in a white-wine sauce 05:11 hoodedice under rated though 05:11 hoodedice YOU CARNIVORE!! XD 05:12 cornernote i think the white-wine sauce makes him omnivore 05:12 Peacock i love game meat lol 05:12 Peacock fancy fish is meh, i tried shark meat and a bunch of other things and they taste nearly the same as the cheap fish you can buy 05:12 us_0gb Cats are awesome, but they are a bit ignorant. They know what's going on enough to make them quite interesting, but they don't have a world view. 05:13 hoodedice Peacock -.- 05:13 cornernote Peacock, tried cat ? 05:13 Peacock not a fan of chinese restaurants 05:13 cornernote u can DIY 05:13 hoodedice Bahaha 05:13 cornernote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_meat 05:14 cornernote Cats are eaten in certain rural Swiss cultures 05:14 Peacock thats what i like about cats, they're laid back, they dont need a worldview.... way too many people with "worldviews", i think its time to thin the herd 05:14 cornernote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQgM8bmC-xU 05:14 cornernote !title 05:14 MinetestBot cornernote: HOW TO COOK A CAT - VIDEO RECIPE - YouTube 05:14 hoodedice " 4 million cats" 05:14 hoodedice Dayum... 05:14 cornernote he recommends free-range 05:14 Inocudom Bye. 05:15 hoodedice Hey Inocudom 05:15 Peacock id rather eat people than cats lol 05:15 hoodedice Bye 05:15 cornernote babies ? 05:15 Peacock though in 2014 your people-meat will probably contain more fat than meat 05:15 cornernote or old grandpas ? 05:15 Peacock why not? it would reduce pension costs and ensure every child went to school without being hungry XD 05:16 cornernote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWAF9PgDg2c 05:16 cornernote !title 05:16 MinetestBot cornernote: What Does Human Taste Like? - YouTube 05:16 Peacock A&W's has grandpa burgers 05:17 hoodedice Gross. 05:17 Peacock lol 05:17 hoodedice What am I doing here? 05:17 Peacock morbid curiosity? 05:17 hoodedice No. 05:17 cornernote no, thats the point, aparently its not gross 05:17 hoodedice It just auto-connected on login into buntu 05:18 Peacock its nightime in the EST, with the europeans asleep we can actually have a little fun lol 05:18 us_0gb Peacock: I agree that the herd needs to be thinned, but that's not my job. I do my part by simply not breading. 05:18 hoodedice I AM in the EST. 05:18 Peacock me too 05:18 hoodedice Thank you us_0gb, I will support you. 05:18 cornernote oh, im very guilty of breeding... 05:18 hoodedice By taking any and every girl you get 05:18 hoodedice (or boy) 05:18 Peacock i think the state should issue breeding licenses only after proper examination 05:18 hoodedice (not boy) 05:19 cornernote we got 4 kids, we have a population issue in our house 05:19 hoodedice 5? Bahaha 05:19 cornernote overpopulation issue 05:19 hoodedice Oops 05:19 Peacock you could open a gulag in your basement XD 05:19 hoodedice *4? Bahaha 05:19 hoodedice We have 5 05:19 hoodedice (Including me) 05:19 hoodedice Youngest is 4 years old. I'm 18, oldest 05:20 cornernote once guy in that video ate his own genitals :S :S 05:20 Peacock jesus lol im 29 in 5 days 05:20 Peacock the german guy? 05:20 Peacock every couple of years i read an article about some german guys volunteering their schlong to a cannibal 05:21 Peacock rammstein even made a song about it, Mein Teil 05:23 hoodedice I should probably leave... 05:23 cornernote guy ate human, and described it as being like "good, full developed veil. Not yound, but not yet beef.. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic tastes such as goat, game and pork" 05:23 Peacock lol 05:24 Peacock game tastes spicy 05:24 hoodedice *barfs* 05:24 VanessaE ew. 05:24 Peacock though they eat all sorts of shit they find in the forest 05:25 hoodedice Shall we mute them, VanessaE? 05:25 VanessaE no 05:25 Peacock Shall we begin? 05:25 Peacock oh no wait, that was Kahn from star trek 2 lol 05:25 VanessaE I think I'll stick to my well-cooked dead cow, pig, chicken, etc. :P 05:26 hoodedice I don't eat pork. 05:26 Peacock played by Benedict Cabbage Patch 05:26 hoodedice But then again, I do eat brains. 05:26 Peacock wait, i thought jews didn't eat pork either? lol 05:26 VanessaE Peacock: we're reform here. we eat pork too. 05:26 hoodedice Cornernote ain't disturbed by this now? 05:26 Peacock well, neither are christians i suppose but they do it anyway 05:26 VanessaE and G*d damn it I like pork. Bacon is good. :) 05:27 hoodedice BRAINS. 05:27 cornernote hoodedice, not much can disturb me 05:27 cornernote im a pretty disturbed individual 05:27 hoodedice Ok, that's cool. I'm easily disturbed. 05:27 Peacock i forget if its the old or new testament that says not to eat stuff from hoofed animals 05:27 cornernote its more funny to me than anything... saddedning when you think about it too seriously, but have to take it all with a grain of salt, so to speak 05:28 VanessaE Peacock: it's "old" testament stuff. 05:28 Peacock the vengeful god version, good stuff 05:28 VanessaE Peacock: I dunno, there's a lot of "vengeful diety" stuff in the "new" testament also :P 05:28 cornernote ahh yes, the religion that you need to pick out the parts you like to conform with modern morals 05:30 cornernote i have to say that if i was religous, non-western religions would be far more apealing to follow 05:32 Peacock dunno, when i look at the state of the world, and people try to talk to me about "intelligent design", i can't help but think god must have been an IT worker in a previous life lol 05:33 cornernote intelligent design, vs ... ? 05:33 cornernote random design ? 05:33 Peacock huh, fresh up on twitter: "COLOMBIAN PRIEST WHO RAN FAR-RIGHT MILITIA NABBED" 05:33 cornernote there is no such thing as random 05:34 Peacock timing seems prescient to this conversation lol 05:34 Peacock apparently the priest ran death-squads 05:36 Peacock and a lot of other "men of the cloth" seem to like choirboys 05:37 Peacock when you see how rich they are its not hard to compare them to the mafia 05:43 us_0gb I used to be easily disturbed. Not so much now that I've let go. 05:45 hoodedice Reconnected. Looks like my previous message didn't get through 05:45 hoodedice " Man I'm sleepy. And when I am sleepy I tend to get groggy. And when I get groggy, I get full retard easily. And if I see something 'blasphemous' when I'm full retard, may God bless you." 05:45 hoodedice "Let's have a distro war instead" 05:45 hoodedice okay, 05:46 * Peacock loads distro-cannons 05:46 * Peacock fires "ubuntu sucks" across the bow 05:47 * Peacock readies surface-to-air anti-fedora missiles 05:47 Peacock fedora as in the OS, not the hipsters who also deserve to die XD 05:48 Peacock though you gotta hand it to the hipsters, you can make excellent soap with them :P 05:49 us_0gb Soap? Out of people? I'll pass. 05:49 BrandonReese Fightclub 05:50 Peacock the first rule of Fightclub: put the toilet seat down 05:50 Peacock second rule of Fightclub: do not talk about anyone forgetting to put the toilet seat down 05:51 * hoodedice fires anti-crunchbang air-to-water missiles 05:51 * hoodedice misses the anti air anti Fedora missiles because he uses Xubuntu 05:51 us_0gb Xubuntu is hit by "Ubuntu sucks" though. 05:52 hoodedice But those aren't anit air 05:52 hoodedice *anti 05:52 VanessaE us_0gb: thankfully it takes little damage 05:52 Peacock well both ships and planes have bows lol 05:52 hoodedice *Thankfully* 05:52 us_0gb VanessaE: Yeah, probably. Unity is a monster. 05:53 VanessaE us_0gb: but the incoming "Xorg sucks" barrage will do worse... 05:53 * hoodedice readies the sudo gun 05:53 Peacock i wish they'd give that up and go back to gnome 2 lol 05:53 hoodedice Why pick on Xorg? 05:53 hoodedice Mir is bad enough 05:53 hoodedice owait, 05:53 us_0gb Canonical has an agenda to push, and GNOME doesn't fit in well to it. 05:53 Peacock Mir burnt up in the atmosphere, the software project will likely have the same fate 05:54 Peacock oh i forgot, unity and gnome3 are different sides of a very ugly coin lol 05:54 us_0gb True, they are. 05:54 Peacock meh, this anti-canonical stuff is very typical :P opensource has a tendency of stabbing its corporate partners in the back, whether deserved or undeserved 05:55 Peacock sometimes i think opensource is actually afraid of possibly being mainstream 05:55 us_0gb I'm not against Canonical, for the record. Just like I'm not against Google. 05:56 Peacock no i know, but the same people who complain about google spying say the same thing about canonical lol 05:56 us_0gb I used to cheer Canonical on. Now I don't, but I don't plot their downfall either. I'm nuetral towards them. 05:57 Peacock dunno, from a simplistic point of view, whenever a company tries to turn a profit from opensource, opensource turns against it :P because opensource wrote all the rules in a way that precludes most methods of making money lol 05:58 us_0gb THat's art of why I'm not on the side of open source. 05:58 Peacock it's even more ironic that they're against licenses with non commercial clauses while simultaneously being against commercial uses of software lol 05:58 us_0gb It is indeed. 05:58 Peacock well open source or free software, the latter is even more hardcore 05:59 us_0gb Free software *encourages* commercialization. 05:59 us_0gb Or rather, the leader in free software does. 05:59 Peacock id find the FSF more credible if it's leader took his leave 05:59 Peacock Gates and Jobs are both gone, it's his turn 05:59 us_0gb He is a bit nuts. 05:59 Peacock yeah he kinda gives the whole thing a bad name 06:00 Peacock the FSF is a PR and advocacy thing, they need someone other than a geek, a real PR type 06:01 Peacock RMS would be more suited to sit on some policy committees, but he shouldn't be the face & voice of the whole thing lol 06:02 us_0gb That may be true. I have mixed feelings on the topic. 06:03 Peacock well bottom line, he's a relic :P young people need someone from their generation to inspire them 06:05 us_0gb That may also be true. 06:05 us_0gb I wouldn't know. I'm not really inspired by people, per se. I care more about ideas. 06:07 Peacock sometimes ideas can be dangerous too ,like communism, fascism, new imperialism, they've all had lasting effects up to this day 06:08 Peacock when the europeans colonized Africa, they claimed they were bringing christianity and civilization to the "dark continent", not unlike spreading freedom and democracy today 06:09 hoodedice 500 megatons of freedom, dropped on Nagasaki 06:10 hoodedice and 1000 megatons of Democracy on Hiroshima 06:10 hoodedice (#exaggeratedvalues) 06:10 Peacock ah well ww2 was something different entirely 06:11 Peacock the germans and the japanese decided to print their own money and their economies recovered from the great depression while we were still living it... so put 2 and 2 together :P 06:11 hoodedice I remember, 06:12 hoodedice Cartloads of cash for a loaf of bread. 06:12 hoodedice economist did a real nice job 06:12 Peacock that hyperinflation occurred in germany *before* ww2, (versailles) 06:12 hoodedice oh. Darn history 06:13 Peacock the boom we had in the 20's was in large part thanks to german debt (reparations) 06:14 * hoodedice leaves 06:53 cornernote if you change the time to day, then to night, then to day again, do you lose a day from your minetest life ? 06:55 Miner_48er /set time_speed -72 07:06 us_0gb Peacock: True, but I'm not inspired by *all* ideas, just like most people aren't inspired by *all* people. 07:09 us_0gb Ideas can be the most dangerous things of all though. Sometimes you have to fight against ideas. 07:09 us_0gb Ideas often last longer than we do. 07:10 cornernote i'd say the same about traditions 07:10 us_0gb Traditions, as a general rule, are pointless, if you ask me. 07:10 cornernote well, we follow traditions whether you like it or not 07:10 cornernote its the system 07:10 us_0gb I think we'd be better off without them. 07:10 cornernote we are part of it 07:11 us_0gb True. We have no choice. That doesn't change my opinion of them though. I'd say it even strengthens it. 07:16 cornernote some traditions are very useful tho 07:17 cornernote like who would say no to a day off for some random public holiday 07:17 us_0gb I would. 07:17 us_0gb It's arbitrary. 07:46 Peacock oups, didn't notice the ping, was into a book on economics lol 07:48 cornernote rivetting, like edge of your seat stuff ? 07:48 Peacock depends if you find new deal era stuff interesting :p 07:49 cornernote economics is interesting when it involves obtaining loads of money 07:50 Peacock well you could argue understanding how the system works is part of it :P 07:51 Peacock or in the case of what im reading, how old ideas are recycled into new ones gives you an idea of what's to come 07:51 cornernote thats like arguing that sex education is like sex 07:51 Peacock well you can't make kids without knowing how to do it :P 07:51 cornernote i don't see why not 07:52 cornernote you dont have to know that sex will make kids in order to end up with kids from having sex 07:53 Peacock well... lol alot of women i know who want kids complain that their boyfriends are... how shall i say, only interested in their aft shuttlebay? 07:54 Peacock thank god my wife recognizes i'd be bad with kids, and she knows better than to stick me with kids i dont want :p 07:55 Peacock she pretty much gave up when she said "i want kids and a dog" and i said "only if you let me stick em both in the same cage" :P 08:08 * cornernote wonders why a child and a dog cant be in the same cage 08:09 cornernote brb, gotta figure out where my kids are 08:09 Peacock me too, but the wife seems concerned lol 08:34 us_0gb If the dog isn't safe for the children, why does she want both in the same house even? 08:35 Peacock i think you misunderstood the joke :P 08:35 us_0gb Or vice versa. Maybe the dog is the one that needs protection from the children. 08:52 RagnarLaud hi 09:25 RagnarLaud VanessaE, are you there? 09:25 VanessaE no 09:25 RagnarLaud VanessaE, can you forgive me for everything? 09:25 Peacock no 09:25 RagnarLaud all the annoying stuff 09:26 RagnarLaud i have changed... i really have 09:26 Peacock got a sex change in Zurich? 09:26 RagnarLaud talk about annoying stuff... 09:26 RagnarLaud but no, i haven't 09:26 RagnarLaud and i doubt i ever will 09:27 us_0gb Somewhere else then? 09:27 Peacock that was gonna be my next guess 09:27 VanessaE ... 09:27 VanessaE I don't even remember what it was that was to be forgiven 09:28 RagnarLaud please, V. I promise I won't be that annoying kid anymore 09:28 * us_0gb doesn't even know who we are hassling 09:28 VanessaE (and obviously, btw, I couldn't sleep) 09:28 us_0gb My condolences. Me neither. 09:28 RagnarLaud the thing I am apologizing for is all the annoying stuff, bad jokes etc. 09:28 Peacock you know, there are places in Europe where suicide is legal, you never have to be *that* annoying kid every again 09:29 us_0gb Don't say that. That's a little too far. 09:29 RagnarLaud suicide is legal in every single inch on the planet 09:29 RagnarLaud if you kill yourself then you can't go to jail anymore... you can't pay a fine... 09:29 us_0gb Right. It's attempted suicide that is the issue. 09:29 Peacock not necessarily, in the east german republic they called it self murder, and stop publishing stats on it in 76 :p 09:30 VanessaE sounds to me like you haven't quite figured out the "not annoying" part, ragnar. 09:30 VanessaE suicide? 09:30 VanessaE ... 09:30 us_0gb Suicide is the only crime for which the penalty for failure is higher than the penalty for success. 09:30 RagnarLaud Peacock took that here 09:30 Peacock call it an environmental gesture :D 09:31 RagnarLaud but VanessaE, what do you mean? 09:31 VanessaE nevermind. misread. 09:32 RagnarLaud ok 09:32 RagnarLaud but do you forgive me then and give me a last chance? 09:33 VanessaE maybe 09:33 RagnarLaud ok, I get it. I need to win your trust and forgiveness... 09:33 RagnarLaud am i right? 09:33 VanessaE to put it mildly yeah 09:33 Peacock depends, will you do a dozen hail maries stark naked on the side of the freeway? 09:33 RagnarLaud great :) 09:34 RagnarLaud come again, Peacock? 09:34 Peacock hail maries, freeway, birthday suit 09:34 us_0gb RagnarLaud: Peacock is a priest, and is offering devine forgiveness. 09:34 RagnarLaud and i accept it :) 09:34 Peacock indeed, the majestic christ compels you 09:34 RagnarLaud btw, Peacock, I just don't understand the hail maries part 09:35 Peacock well its nearly 5am don't expect too much consistency from me :p 09:35 us_0gb RagnarLaud: Hail Mary is a Catholic prair, I think. 09:35 RagnarLaud ok 09:35 Peacock ogb is right 09:35 RagnarLaud oh, ok 09:36 RagnarLaud oh, god..... thanks to my overactive imagination, i just imagined that in my head O.O 09:36 us_0gb Well, that's what you have to do if you want divine forgiveness. 09:37 Peacock and now for something completely different, https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7079575296/h94FA4DB1/ 09:37 RagnarLaud do i get divine forgiveness if i do it in my room? 09:37 us_0gb No, he said it must be nude next to the freeway. 09:38 Peacock the good news is when you get picked up by the authorities they won't charge by reason of mental defect :D 09:38 RagnarLaud but how about in the kitchen? my house is near a freeway and the closest room to it is the kitchen 09:38 * VanessaE sighs 09:38 us_0gb Peacock: That is a large cat. I hope it's as docile as it appears. 09:38 VanessaE did I step into the twilight zone? 09:39 VanessaE can this possibly be real? o_0 09:39 Peacock more like a timewarp :p 09:39 us_0gb VanessaE: Yes. Yes you did. 09:39 VanessaE *twitch* 09:39 RagnarLaud VanessaE, what do you mean by that? 09:39 Peacock though i wouldn't go naked in the kitchen - people eat there 09:39 us_0gb VanessaE: In this episode, Peacock is a Catholic priest with very ... unusual requirements for forgiveness. 09:39 RagnarLaud true... 09:39 VanessaE RagnarLaud: I mean they're clearly joking and you seem like you're taking them seriously....... 09:40 RagnarLaud no, I'm feeding the trolls :) 09:40 Peacock well anyone who hangs out around here knows not to take us seriously *all* the time :p 09:40 us_0gb Okay. We'll let you cross our bridge then, RagnarLaud. 09:40 RagnarLaud thank you 09:41 * RagnarLaud moonwalks across the bridge of forgiveness 09:41 Peacock A Bridge Too Far, by Cornelius Ryan 09:41 RagnarLaud VanessaE, i have a question for you. What band did "18 and life" 09:42 VanessaE Skid Row 09:42 VanessaE (I think) 09:42 RagnarLaud That's my gurll :D 09:42 RagnarLaud it is :) 09:42 RagnarLaud Skid row = My fav. rock band 09:42 RagnarLaud last year they came to Estonia for the Rock Summer... also Rudimental came... :) 09:42 RagnarLaud saw both 09:42 RagnarLaud i got a guitar pick from Snake :D 09:42 us_0gb No no, this isn't the bridge of forgiveness. For that, you still need to meet Father Peacock's demands. 09:43 VanessaE didn't know they were still playing. 09:43 us_0gb Skid Row makes me think of Little Shop of Horrors. 09:43 RagnarLaud and gave it to my mother, because Skid row is her favorite band 09:44 RagnarLaud VanessaE, last year then released a new album - The United Rebellion 09:44 Peacock damnit, wife took the rocking chair from Mrs. Kitty, now Mrs. Kitty is settling in to nap on me :/ 09:44 VanessaE not my kind of music anymore, not in many years 09:44 RagnarLaud United World Rebellion* 09:44 Peacock vanessa's more into black metal 09:44 VanessaE nope 09:44 VanessaE more like oldies. 09:44 Peacock Bing Crosby? 09:45 RagnarLaud Michael Jackson? 09:45 VanessaE not that old, beach boys and the like. 09:45 VanessaE well, actually the same time period I guess 09:45 Peacock Jackson ain't old, he just dead 09:45 RagnarLaud exactly 09:45 VanessaE 50s through 80s, mostly centered on the late 60s I guess 09:45 us_0gb I get those two mixed up sometimes. 09:46 RagnarLaud but he will always live in our hearts. :) 09:46 Peacock dunno when i think oldies i think ella fitzgerald and armstrong and coltrane lol 09:46 VanessaE "not that old" == Bing Crosby, you dork 09:46 VanessaE :P 09:46 Peacock bing can be good too :P 09:47 VanessaE and lately Abe and I have been damning him to hell :) 09:47 RagnarLaud hey, anybody seen Zeg9 lately? 09:47 VanessaE Peacock: because of "White Christmas".... it just came about a month late. 09:47 Peacock though its not nearly as bad as the joke i played on my mother in the 6th grade: "what was it like when they invented the horseless carriage?" :P 09:48 Peacock she wasn't much willing to help with homework after that lol 09:50 RagnarLaud Peacock, what do you think of this website: http://lingu.hj.cx 09:50 RagnarLaud !title 09:50 MinetestBot RagnarLaud: LinGU - Linux Gamers United 09:51 Peacock sounds like some sort of subversive organization, ill get Hoover on it immediately 09:51 RagnarLaud VanessaE, did you understand what 09:51 RagnarLaud Peacock just said 09:51 RagnarLaud sorry, pressed enter on accident :D 09:51 VanessaE don't care about it 09:51 RagnarLaud ok 09:52 Peacock accidental enters have been used to justify so many unplanned pregnancies, but it is no excuse 09:52 us_0gb True, true. 09:52 RagnarLaud ok, good one :D 09:53 RagnarLaud us_0gb, why does the US have 0GB's of storage? 09:53 RagnarLaud or is that the CPU? 09:53 RagnarLaud :P 09:53 us_0gb RagnarLaud: I'm not sure how it would be the CPU. Is there a way to measure a CPU in gigabytes? 09:54 us_0gb It could be RAM though. 09:54 Peacock gigahertz 09:54 RagnarLaud yeah, i mean RAM :D 09:54 RagnarLaud sorry 09:54 us_0gb Or the amount of disk space used. 09:54 us_0gb RAM's a bad thing to have none of. 09:55 RagnarLaud true :D 09:55 RagnarLaud but dude, it's US we're talking about... all they need are guns :P 09:55 us_0gb I can't say my name is the best. It's really the result of a poor decision two years ago. 09:55 us_0gb Guns are no replacement for RAM. 09:55 RagnarLaud please tell us about the origin of your name 09:55 RagnarLaud you can get RAM with guns, but not vice versa 09:56 Peacock on the contrary, more guns = less other people = more ram :D 09:56 us_0gb True, true. 09:56 RagnarLaud OMG, i never thought about that 09:56 RagnarLaud Peacock, what would you prefer. Fish or Meat? 09:56 us_0gb Peacock: That doesn't contradict RagnarLaud, it backs him/her up. 09:56 RagnarLaud if you could eat only one for the rest of your life 09:57 RagnarLaud him 09:57 sfan5 meow 09:57 RagnarLaud :) 09:57 sfan5 hi everyone 09:57 RagnarLaud hi sfan5 09:57 RagnarLaud :) 09:57 Peacock someone give sfan cat treats 09:57 * sfan5 puts a kitten on Peacock's head 09:57 Peacock but only when he sits for them 09:57 * RagnarLaud gave sfan5 dog treats, because he didn't have any cat treatrs 09:57 RagnarLaud treats* 09:57 * sfan5 sits on Peacock's head 09:57 Peacock you laugh but my cat actually sits on the wife's head when she's reading those weird japanese cartoons 09:58 RagnarLaud Hentai? 09:58 Peacock something called manga 09:58 RagnarLaud hentai == manga.naked() 09:58 Peacock if you say so, i never understood why that shit appeals to men lol 09:58 RagnarLaud SyntaxError: Missing ';' after function 09:59 sfan5 lolwat 09:59 sfan5 'hentai == manga.naked()' is not true 09:59 sfan5 it's not as simple as that 09:59 Peacock i prefer wife.naked() to be honest 09:59 Peacock you get papercuts with naked cartoons 10:00 RagnarLaud :D 10:00 RagnarLaud sfan5, do you think that Technology is advancing too fast? 10:00 us_0gb The origin of my name is simple. It's a FQDN (a domain name). I needed a short one, which meant using a short TLD (the "." part). The shortest TLDs available now are ccTLDs, which are each two characters long and represent a country. I'm in the United States, so the only ccTLD that it makes sense for me to use is .us. From there, I needed the shortest registrable name, which was three characters. I searched desperately to find any set of ch 10:00 us_0gb aracters that I could make sense of and was not taken. And "0gb.us" was what I ended up registering, as the backronym "Zero GigaBytes". 10:01 Peacock its a bit early for whole paragraphs :/ 10:01 RagnarLaud Peacock, did you know that Microsoft bought Nokia a whole 1 billion dollars cheaper then Skype? 10:01 sfan5 !c ''.join(chr(ord(c[1]) ^ (int(math.tan(c[0]+3.7582)*10) % 0x13)) for c in zip(xrange(9999), 'Ukikh~Ob|e<&n~ any~erdkq.kox')) 10:01 MinetestBot 'RagnarLaud: no absolutly not' 10:01 Peacock yeah and people though meego would still float lol 10:02 RagnarLaud sfan5, 10:02 RagnarLaud WTF 10:02 RagnarLaud sorry, accidental enter again :P 10:03 Peacock (*#$(%*#(*@&@ - i can post random shit too :p 10:03 RagnarLaud sfan5, do you know anybody by the name of Pennywise? 10:03 Peacock shitty band from the 90s? 10:03 RagnarLaud no 10:03 * sfan5 sits on RagnarLaud 10:03 RagnarLaud :) 10:03 Peacock he might like having pussy (cats) on his face 10:04 * RagnarLaud starts stroking sfan5 gently on the back 10:04 Peacock lol 10:04 RagnarLaud sfan5, who was Pennywise? 10:04 Peacock please, the mental imagery 10:04 * sfan5 purrs 10:04 RagnarLaud Pennywise? 10:04 sfan5 RagnarLaud: who's that? 10:04 Peacock seriously lol 10:04 RagnarLaud !g Pennywise 10:04 MinetestBot RagnarLaud: http://pennywisdom.com/ 10:04 RagnarLaud crap... :D 10:05 RagnarLaud !g pennywise the dancing clown 10:05 MinetestBot RagnarLaud: http://stephenking.wikia.com/wiki/It_(creature) 10:05 Peacock Scheiße indeed 10:05 RagnarLaud ok, just google it... 10:06 Peacock Stephen King, you serious? 10:06 Peacock guy ran out of ideas in the 90s 10:06 RagnarLaud have you seen the movie? 10:06 RagnarLaud now THAT'S a horror film :D 10:06 Peacock even Anne Rice is a bit passé (or crappé in french) 10:07 Peacock ever seen The Stand? its on YT 10:07 RagnarLaud "We all float down here, Henry! We all float! When you're down here with us, you'll float too! Kill them all! Come visit, anytime. Bring your friends!" 10:15 RagnarLaud http://pastebin.com/Ad0juMvp 10:15 RagnarLaud best scene there :D 10:15 RagnarLaud funniest one actually 10:44 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 10:45 nore hi 10:46 PilzAdam quote of the day: "I am a 14 year old boy, who loves coding and programming." 10:46 PilzAdam you have to think about that: he loves coding AND programming 10:48 Calinou I love coding, programming, making programs, developing software, writing code 10:51 sfan5 Calinou: http://i.imgur.com/Yl4FCPT.jpg 10:59 Calinou ? 11:01 sfan5 Calinou: you don't like cats? 11:05 reactor Morning. 11:06 sfan5 "A reactor a day keeps the doctor away".. 11:06 reactor Peacock: I forgot to ask, how long ago did you write the aging mod? 11:06 reactor Would it work with modern MT? 11:06 reactor sfan5: *slow slap* 11:06 * sfan5 taps reactor 11:06 reactor It's actually vice versa. 11:06 reactor A doctor a day keeps reactor away. 11:07 * sfan5 puts a doctor on reactor's head 11:09 reactor No, thanks. I'm healthy. 11:10 reactor But you are not. because you're irradiated. 11:14 RealBadAngel nice kitty btw 11:15 * sfan5 goes get more kittens for RealBadAngel 11:16 sfan5 RealBadAngel: http://i.imgur.com/0K3yzrT.jpg 11:16 sfan5 http://i.imgur.com/qjzMvkJ.jpg 11:16 sfan5 http://i.imgur.com/90nU9Xc.jpg 11:16 sfan5 http://i.imgur.com/qYdPjox.jpg 11:16 sfan5 http://i.imgur.com/8UvDsPc.jpg 11:19 RealBadAngel lol 11:19 RealBadAngel the 2nd one is great 11:19 reactor *sneeze* 11:21 RealBadAngel https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/q71/s720x720/1391875_523778414381205_1796643179_n.jpg 11:22 RealBadAngel these are mine 11:24 sfan5 everone has kitten, but I don't :-( 11:41 reactor john_minetest: ehlo 11:47 reactor john_minetest: how's your facility map? 11:52 VanessaE bbl 11:55 Rhy5 What have I done -.- 11:56 Rhy5 I wanted to delete IE8 on my Windows XP computer, now I've literally deleted all Windows Components. I.e. The Games, Accessories, I could go on. 11:57 Rhy5 Hey Jordan,. 11:57 Rhy5 Hi Jordan! 11:58 Jordach mhm 11:58 Rhy5 I need some help with some code. 11:58 Leoneof where's Jordan? 11:58 Rhy5 I want to be able to eat some food in Minetest, but then it gives me health AND gives me something back. Vanessa told me to edit "on_use = minetest.eat()" 11:59 Jordach Rhy5, you might be giving the original item back 11:59 Rhy5 But is it possible to get a DIFFERENT item back? 11:59 Jordach Rhy5, i assume so 11:59 Jordach pastebin said code 11:59 Rhy5 Anyhow you can help me with this? 11:59 reactor k 12:00 Rhy5 Leoneof, this isn't 20Q :P 12:00 reactor What are you working on now? 12:00 Jordach Rhy5, PASTEBIN said code 12:00 Rhy5 Pastebin has the code I need? 12:00 Jordach pastebin the item in question 12:00 Rhy5 Riiiigghht 12:00 Leoneof Rhy5: 20Q? 12:01 Rhy5 20 Questions Leoneof. xD 12:01 Leoneof XD 12:01 Rhy5 Techinally. 12:01 Rhy5 The 20 Questions Bot tries to think of what your thinking. 12:02 Rhy5 "Dinosaur" catches him out. 12:02 Rhy5 So you mean paste the question in Pastebin? Or the code? I want to know how to do this type of thing. 12:03 Rhy5 I want to be able to eat some food in Minetest, but then it gives me health AND gives me something back. Vanessa told me to edit "on_use = minetest.eat()" 12:03 Rhy5 This idk how to do ^^^ 12:04 Jordach Rhy5, paste the mods actual code 12:04 Rhy5 Alright. 12:04 Jordach i'm now Lua capable since i've played with Lovë2D 12:04 Rhy5 Sorry if I'm being annoying. 12:04 PilzAdam sfan5, how did you find it? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128083#p128083 12:04 Jordach I'm more annoyed when my blender render goes fucking wrong 12:05 Jordach eg when a skin should have loaded the newer image, but blender didn't give a fuck 12:05 Rhy5 http://pastebin.com/mTUcxqpv 12:06 Jordach okay, you want the large cake to leave 8 slices behind? 12:06 Jordach once it's eaten? 12:07 Rhy5 What I want is when you eat the full cake, it gives back 8 slices. When you eat the 8 slices cake, it gives back 7, and so on. 12:07 Rhy5 I just did different coding cus I was lazy :P 12:07 Jordach Rhy5, you don't need to make the slices do that 12:07 Rhy5 Hmm? 12:07 Jordach stack some apples and it only takes one from the itemstack 12:08 Rhy5 I don't mean it like that. 12:08 Jordach your slices work just like the apples ingame 12:08 Jordach Rhy5, basically, when you eat anything with minetest.eat(), it takes one item away from the stack of food 12:08 Jordach (provided they are stackable) 12:08 Rhy5 Think of it as a apple, with chocolate. Eat the chocolate, gives back an apple, eat the apple, gives back a cork/. 12:08 Jordach Rhy5, ah 12:09 Rhy5 :) 12:09 Jordach but cake slices are always eaten ;) 12:09 Rhy5 Think outside the box :P 12:11 Rhy5 I'm doing mahself a cheese toastie with salad cream, yum. :D 12:11 Jordach Rhy5, http://pastebin.com/Lm1SLyYz 12:11 Jordach try that 12:11 Jordach btw, minetest.item_eat(hp_change, replace_with_item) 12:11 Jordach ^ Eat the item. replace_with_item can be nil. 12:12 Rhy5 Alright, I'll test it out later, thanks alot. 12:12 PilzAdam what did the alot do? 12:15 Jordach not alot ;) 12:27 PilzAdam wtf? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128091#p128091 12:28 Rhy5 Uh... 12:28 Jordach dafuq 12:28 Rhy5 You talking about the last comment> 12:28 Rhy5 If you are, then, rofl. 12:30 Rhy5 Testing out the code now Jordach? 12:30 Rhy5 *! 12:30 Jordach Rhy5, nope 12:31 Jordach and i just saw that asterisk 12:31 Rhy5 Hmm? 12:32 Rhy5 Failed to load. 12:32 Rhy5 I'll give you debug now. 12:32 Jordach PilzAdam, shouldn't item_eat also allow a third param to give the user more items? 12:33 Rhy5 http://pastebin.com/61V1jFQQ 12:34 Jordach Rhy5, after the "cakes:cake_slice" add a comma right after that quoted bit 12:34 Rhy5 Alright. 12:34 Rhy5 minetest.register_craftitem("cakes:cake_slice", { 12:34 Rhy5 Already have done ^^^ 12:35 Jordach Rhy5, i meant item_eat 12:35 Rhy5 Alright. 12:35 Jordach http://pastebin.com/XnnrJH4a 12:38 Rhy5 Error: http://pastebin.com/9qjdQFML 12:41 Rhy5 Jordan? 12:41 Jordach mm 12:41 Jordach i don't know how it works rwally 12:41 Jordach really 12:41 Rhy5 Hmm. 12:41 Jordach i'd make a cake nodebox, then when dug, it makes 9 pieces (or crafting in inv) 12:43 Rhy5 Could I aim to something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiq7bsdDH1M 12:45 Rhy5 Skip to 0:33 12:48 * Rhy5 thinks that Jordach is doing some coding for Lazy Rhys 12:50 Rhy5 Jordach? xD 12:51 Rhy5 I hope Jordan has survived the Extreme Coding Apocalypse.... O_O 12:52 Jordach https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=8443 12:52 Jordach Rhy5, ^ 12:53 Rhy5 Yes? 12:53 Rhy5 What about Love2D? :P 12:54 Jordach that's actually my first app in it 12:54 Rhy5 Woah. Nicely done! 12:55 Rhy5 For a first LUA encounter, I'm impressed. Yet my first mod "Enchanting 0.1" was crap. xD 12:55 Rhy5 All I did was make a node and a few tools. Lol. 12:55 Jordach Lua* 12:56 Rhy5 Whatever. :P 12:56 Rhy5 Anyway, did you see the vid? 12:56 Jordach rendering right now and watching ChainLynxc 12:56 Jordach -c 12:56 Jordach you can GTFO 12:56 Rhy5 Hmm? 12:56 Rhy5 GTFO? 12:57 Rhy5 Oh, Get The Fuck Off? 12:58 Rhy5 That's a one tiny explosion there John. 12:59 Rhy5 I ain't going anywhere, sister! 12:59 Rhy5 Very nice. 13:00 Rhy5 So, john, could you help me with this cake crisis? 13:00 Rhy5 Lovely. 13:00 Rhy5 Please watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiq7bsdDH1M and skip to 0:33, I wanna aim to something like that. 13:01 * Jordach pokes sfan5 13:03 Rhy5 Mark! 13:05 markveidemanis Heya 13:05 Rhy5 Lemme guess Mark, your bad at Lua? 13:05 markveidemanis ... 13:06 markveidemanis Im shit at Lua but why tell me now? 13:06 Rhy5 I'm having a "CAKE" crisis. 13:06 Rhy5 I'm aiming for Minecraft's cakes, but not exactly. 13:06 markveidemanis How about you finish writing "Rhys’ Mods!" 13:06 Rhy5 Hmm. 13:06 Rhy5 Meh. 13:06 Jordach 35:18 time for current render :P 13:07 Jordach and still climbing 13:07 Rhy5 Mark, happy now? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=109795 13:09 Jordach Spotify just suggested a '97 mix of a song, much better than the modern one 13:11 Rhy5 I really am having this god damn cake crisis, I may aswell just do what I'm doing with the mod. 13:11 markveidemanis NOpe 13:11 Rhy5 Hmm? 13:12 Rhy5 What happening Mark? :O 13:12 Jordach Rhy5, you can have your cake and eat it 13:12 * Rhy5 eats his cake 13:13 Rhy5 Should add chocolatay later. 13:13 Jordach :3 13:13 Rhy5 Don't play Puss in Boots, sunshine. :P 13:13 markveidemanis https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128099#p128099 13:14 Rhy5 "Those, those eyes. They are so irresistable..." 13:14 * Rhy5 shoves a chocolate cake into Jordach's mouth. 13:14 Jordach nomnomnomnomnomnomnom 13:14 Jordach dammit! 13:15 Jordach blender just crashed 13:15 markveidemanis http://pastie.org/8688593 13:15 markveidemanis I must choose 13:16 Rhy5 Jordach, you wanted the god damn cake. 13:16 Jordach wtf 13:16 Jordach WTF 13:17 Jordach Blender decided to go super speed when i changed tile size to 512 13:17 Rhy5 Lol. 13:28 Megaf Hi all 13:32 markveidemanis WHat is this blender you speak of? 13:36 Jordach !title http://blender.org 13:36 MinetestBot Jordach: blender.org - Home of the Blender project - Free and Open 3D Creation Software 13:37 Jordach hey hoodedice 13:37 hoodedice Hey Jordach 13:37 hoodedice Sup? 13:37 Jordach not a lot 13:37 hoodedice hmm 13:46 whodeadeyes someone kick the other nick 13:47 Jordach no need 13:57 sfan5 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128091#p128091 *facepalm* 14:00 hoodedice what is stupid? A guy still on 98, or the modding API added after 0.4 thingy? 14:01 Jordach I. DON'T. ACTUALLY. KNOW. 14:07 Jordach hoodedice, i'm currently working on a awesomely improved mapgen 14:08 hoodedice PICS? 14:08 Jordach hoodedice, not yet 14:08 PilzAdam Minetest 0.1.2 doesnt exist 14:08 Jordach i'm working on a proper noise system 14:08 hoodedice I think it started from 0.2? 14:08 hoodedice I didn't see that lol 14:09 PilzAdam yea, it jumped from 0.0.2 to 0.2.something 14:24 hoodedice terminal did sme weird stuff just now 14:25 hoodedice Opened it, and it posted and ran some 'commands' that was actually the content of a website I was viewing. 14:25 hoodedice Strange. 14:30 hoodedice Hmm. How does one update minetest via git to a specific version again? 14:30 PilzAdam git checkout commit-hash 14:30 PilzAdam or git checkout 0.4.7 14:30 hoodedice Thanks 14:31 hoodedice I have to clone it first, but have since it will clone latest, how do I revert it one commit up? 14:31 hoodedice I need 21f1bec 14:32 PilzAdam git revert HEAD~numberofcommitsyouwanttorevert 14:32 PilzAdam add a --hard to that too 14:32 PilzAdam s/revert/reset/ 14:33 reactor надмозг 14:34 hoodedice I'm typing in git revert HEAD~1 --hard 14:34 PilzAdam git reset --hard HEAD~1 14:35 hoodedice reset or revert? 14:35 hoodedice reset 14:35 hoodedice Thanks a lot 14:35 PilzAdam reset will move the HEAD pointer; revert will create a revert commit 14:36 hoodedice okay. Now how do I build it into a particular dir? 14:36 sfan5 mkdir build; cd build; cmake-gui ..; make 14:36 hoodedice okay. Thanks 14:36 PilzAdam sfan5, why -gui? 14:37 sfan5 because easier to switch options 14:37 hoodedice BEcause he doesn't trust that I can use a terminal 14:37 hoodedice XD 14:37 hoodedice dir to build in must be within source code? 14:38 PilzAdam the dir you build in is whatever you are in when running cmake 14:39 PilzAdam and you always have to point cmake to the root dir of minetest 14:39 PilzAdam (which has to contain src/) 14:39 hoodedice Leave that more important Q: I did install luaJIT but the last time I built, it didn't configure MT to us that 14:39 hoodedice ok, dir I cd'd in is where package will be built. Cmake has to be pointed at src code. I should note this. 14:41 hoodedice Someone said it would happen automatically if the dependency existed 14:42 PilzAdam hoodedice, yea, LuaJIT will be enabled automagically when you have it properly installed 14:42 markveidemanis Hi! 14:42 reactor Hi markveidemanis chain generator. 14:43 reactor How's the science? 14:43 hoodedice So, sudo apt-get install luaJIT is not a proper method of installing, I see 14:43 PilzAdam hoodedice, do you have the dev packages? 14:43 hoodedice for MT or luaJIT? 14:43 PilzAdam LuaJIT 14:44 hoodedice MT, I have all depends as listed here http://dev.minetest.net/Compiling_Minetest 14:44 hoodedice I don't think so 14:44 hoodedice Lemme get them 14:44 PilzAdam its libluajit-5.1-dev for *buntu 14:45 hoodedice Thanks 14:45 Jordach https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128122#p128122 14:46 hoodedice Jordach, doesn't load 14:46 PilzAdam Jordach, that image doesnt display 14:46 Jordach hold it 14:46 PilzAdam maybe post a link that doesnt redirect to http://jordach.deviantart.com/art/Minetest-Wallpaper-1-431045124 14:46 Jordach PilzAdam, odd 14:46 Jordach http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-010214-144615.php 14:46 hoodedice I think it must have something to do with devianrt logins 14:47 hoodedice AWESOME!!! 14:47 PilzAdam >Download official windows 7 14:47 Jordach PilzAdam, my brother needs them 14:48 hoodedice PilzAdam, wut? You recommending 7? 14:48 hoodedice (Anyway, I recommend 8.1 myself XD ) 14:48 PilzAdam hoodedice, I was quoting the tab title from the screenshot 14:48 hoodedice lol, didn't see that! 14:48 Jordach meh, my brother tried 8, sucks 14:49 hoodedice 8 sucks 14:49 hoodedice 8.1 is actually useful enough 14:49 Jordach and refresh 14:49 hoodedice worls 14:49 hoodedice *works 14:49 Leoneof how to open minetest in codeblocks? 14:49 BrandonReese I think 8 is an improvement over 7, except for that stupid start screen. If it had a regular start menu button it would be a pretty good OS 14:49 Leoneof i can't find project file 14:50 hoodedice codeblocks? 14:50 PilzAdam Jordach, the clouds are ugly 14:50 Leoneof hoodedice: IDE 14:50 hoodedice BrandonReese, the start screen is what made me love it XD 14:51 hoodedice I think you need the source, Leoneof ? 14:51 Leoneof hoodedice: i have 14:51 hoodedice So? did you try opening any cpp file? 14:52 Jordach PilzAdam, couldn't be bothered to do proper ones 14:52 Leoneof hoodedice: no, that's not the way to edit cpp files 14:53 markveidemanis Jordach, could you send me your blender file converted from a minetest world if it's done? 14:53 hoodedice Can you wait a year? C/C++ is next year for me 14:53 hoodedice XD 14:54 Leoneof hoodedice: no guarantee :\ 14:54 hoodedice =) 14:54 hoodedice man, cmake-gui is a life saver. Thank you sfan5 14:54 * sfan5 high fives hoodedice 14:54 PilzAdam sfan5, how did you find it? https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=128083#p128083 14:55 PenguinDad sfan5: i prefer ccmake :P 14:56 sfan5 PilzAdam: rightclick -> 'In Google nach diesem Bild suchen' 14:56 PilzAdam cheater! 14:56 sfan5 therez no rules! 14:56 hoodedice lol 14:57 PilzAdam there are, see first post 14:57 PilzAdam "Here u can post your screenshot from game and other people will guess which game is it." 14:57 PilzAdam "guess" not "search in google" 14:57 hoodedice bah, just a game 14:58 sfan5 PilzAdam: depends on the definition of guess 14:58 hoodedice unix makefiles inn cmake-gui? 14:58 PilzAdam its defined in the obvious way 14:59 Jordach markv, no 15:10 markveidemanis Why not? 15:11 markveidemanis Holy shit 15:11 markveidemanis Blender is amazing not i pay attention to it 15:11 markveidemanis *now 15:28 SirDigby so any bets on the stuper bowl today? 15:33 * sfan5 doesn't 15:34 * sfan5 throws a CAT.5e cable at john_minetest 15:40 Jordach john_minetest, foosball 15:45 sfan5 934 people in the seen database of MinetestBot \o/ 15:45 SirDigby nurfball 15:49 SirDigby hahahahah 15:49 markveidemanis !seen banner 15:49 SirDigby john 15:49 SirDigby you so funny 15:49 markveidemanis :( 15:49 SirDigby dissipoint 15:53 SirDigby becouse you don't do shit 15:53 SirDigby IMIRIHGTLOL 15:53 SirDigby guyes 15:54 PenguinDad !seen me 15:55 markveidemanis Showing results for AMERITEL 15:55 markveidemanis No results found for IMIRIHGTLOL 15:58 ShadowBot john_minetest: I haven't seen some_none-pony in #minetest. 16:12 harrison http://i.imgur.com/j467i5V.jpg 16:30 SirDigby :| 16:31 MinetestBot rubenwardy: nice now uninstall eclipse and use a proper ide like intellij idea 16:32 sfan5 john_minetest: http://i.imgur.com/uftxtiF.jpg 16:32 rubenwardy Hi all! 16:32 MinetestBot rubenwardy: http://beta.xnrand.com/portal 16:32 rubenwardy . 16:32 sfan5 rubenwardy: don't worry I'm currently rewriting tell to be more nice 16:33 xnrand wat 16:34 sfan5 xnrand: more wat right here: http://i.imgur.com/Ls9GTY5.png 16:36 rubenwardy john_minetest, I already merged. 16:36 xnrand sfan5: that's poorly photoshopped 16:36 rubenwardy sfan5: may have crossed your mind already, but tell the recipent in PM rather than publicly, and give data/time of send. 16:37 sfan5 xnrand: http://i.imgur.com/0r5YXLM.jpg 16:37 xnrand ok that one's better 16:38 sfan5 meow http://i.imgur.com/53BYxbh.jpg 16:39 MinetestBot Calinou: No, no, no, it isn't ready yet, hence [WIP]. You should revert it (alhough it should at least run). 16:41 Calinou I didn't merge I 16:41 Calinou it 16:51 rubenwardy "l am Bedie Konate, I am a financial consultant and friend to a foreigner who died in Dec 26, 2003 that shared same surname with you. I am contacting you to assist retrieve his huge deposit of US$ 2.5 Million left in the bank before it gets confiscated. l wait to hear from you for more details. Please get in touch with me 16:51 rubenwardy as soon as your read this mail." 16:59 * VanessaE rouses from her less-than-deep slumber and stumbles into the channel 16:59 MinetestBot VanessaE: install the stats mod! 16:59 VanessaE good morning... or something. 16:59 MinetestBot VanessaE: Install the stats mod! 16:59 rubenwardy lol 16:59 VanessaE PilzAdam: fix your busted-ass logging code not to slam my drives with 3.5 MB/sec of writes :P 16:59 MinetestBot VanessaE: Install the stats mod! 16:59 sfan5 lol 17:00 sfan5 damnit PilzAdam 17:02 rubenwardy Just imagine trolling someone by doing !tell <> ^ doesn't know anything 17:02 rubenwardy Every time they spoke... 17:04 sfan5 rubenwardy: that'd look like 'someone: <> ^' 17:05 rubenwardy !tell sfan5 ^ doesn't know anything 17:05 MinetestBot rubenwardy: I'll pass that on when sfan5 is around 17:05 sfan5 lol 17:05 MinetestBot sfan5: ^ doesn't know anything 17:05 sfan5 if you ignore the ^..... 17:05 rubenwardy damn 17:06 sfan5 !tell rubenwardy the above person hasn't cuddled any kittens yet 17:06 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when rubenwardy is around 17:06 rubenwardy . 17:06 MinetestBot rubenwardy: the above person hasn't cuddled any kittens yet 17:07 rubenwardy Thinking of a !tellme is thinking about kittens ----> name: * rubenwardy is thinking about kittens 17:08 VanessaE PilzAdam: actually I see that you fixed it to some degree, but why are you rewriting the whole log file every 3 seconds? it should only be rewritten when a player whose info is included in the log signs off. 17:11 Mallot1 hey guys what channel would i use for modding? 17:11 Mallot1 #minetest-dev? 17:12 sfan5 no 17:12 sfan5 this channel or #minetest-mods 17:12 Mallot1 alright :) thanks 17:12 sfan5 -dev is only for engine/minetest_game development 17:13 Mallot1 oh alright 17:13 Mallot1 hello :), what is the minetest modding Lua command for looking at a players inventory? and what is the default variable for a players name? 17:13 PilzAdam VanessaE, what log file? 17:13 VanessaE PilzAdam: the stats file you write out. 17:14 Calinou VanessaE, to avoid big writes, shouldn't log be done in SQL 17:14 PilzAdam it gets written every 30 seconds 17:14 Calinou write every 5 minutes? 17:14 VanessaE PilzAdam: well it was getting written 5x or 10x a second (whatever the server's step interval is). Shadow says now it's being done every 3 after his fix. 17:15 VanessaE every 3 seconds* 17:15 PilzAdam ShadowNinja reported that, and I fixed it 17:15 PilzAdam it gets written every 30 seconds 17:15 VanessaE it should probably only be done as often as the map save interval as configured in your minetest.conf 17:15 Mallot1 all help is greatly appreciated! 17:16 Mallot1 :D 17:16 Mallot1 thanks in advance :) 17:16 PilzAdam VanessaE, https://github.com/PilzAdam/stats/blob/master/init.lua#L166 change that 30 to whatever you like 17:17 sfan5 Mallot1: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1404-1405 17:17 VanessaE PilzAdam: I've got 25000+ user accounts between all of my servers, so things like this need to be efficient.... 17:17 Calinou 25000? O_o 17:17 VanessaE yeah. 17:17 Calinou there should be removal in case of empty inventory + position close to spawn 17:17 Calinou and no particular privs 17:17 VanessaE yeah I know. 17:18 PilzAdam there is no easy way to scale any mod that writes per-player data to that usecase 17:18 VanessaE but, "close to spawn" varies from one server to the other, as does the idea of an empty inventory (bags, realtest's smaller crafting grid, for example) 17:19 VanessaE PilzAdam: can you store your stats in the player file? 17:19 PilzAdam of course not 17:19 VanessaE damn. 17:19 VanessaE didn't think so 17:20 VanessaE then there are two solutions: a separate stats file per player (in a folder designated for the purpose), or re-save the stats database at the map saving interval (which for me is every 5 mins) 17:20 Mallot1 so minetest.get_inventory(1, 2) would show the 1,2 position item in their inventory sfan5? 17:21 sfan5 no 17:21 sfan5 minetest.get_inventory({type="player", name="someone"}) gets you "someone" 's inventory 17:21 Mallot1 oh how do i use it? 17:22 rubenwardy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1816 17:22 VanessaE or sfan5's idea of using an actual database, but for a 170k stats file, that's overkill 17:22 Mallot1 ok, how would i check for a specific item in the inventory sfan5? 17:22 rubenwardy Mallot1, https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1816 17:22 sfan5 Mallot1: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L1816-1838 17:22 sfan5 read that part and then come back if you still have questions 17:23 xiong Does anyone here know Perl? 17:23 sfan5 define 'know' 17:23 VanessaE Calinou: btw, it's over 27000 now. 17:25 xiong sfan5, If you have to ask then the answer may well be "no". That's not to be snooty. If you just have some handshaking familiarity with the language then you may not *want* to have anything to do with this, dunno. 17:25 Calinou VanessaE, over 9000 :( 17:25 VanessaE Calinou: WAY over :) 17:26 xiong Let me rephrase that, sfan5. I'm happy to have inexperienced but eager help. But I'm not here to start a language flame war. Okay? 17:26 VanessaE 8000 of those are just the new "Vanilla" world (the one at 30005) 17:26 sfan5 flam wars usually only happen with OS's 17:26 sfan5 s/'s/s/ 17:26 xiong Well. Does anyone here know Perl? 17:26 Calinou sfan5, browsers too. 17:26 Calinou and even IRC clients. 17:27 VanessaE another 8800 in the "Survival" world (30001) 17:27 xiong And the proper number of spaces per tab. 17:27 PilzAdam sfan5, define "know" 17:27 VanessaE xiong: and git practices..... 17:27 sfan5 spaces per tab? 4 17:27 sfan5 or better 0 spaces and 1 tabs per tab 17:28 xiong Heretic! 17:29 xiong Let's take another approach to this, eh? Here's my current tool project: https://github.com/Xiong/rhea 17:29 MinetestBot UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tell_lastdiskwrite' referenced before assignment (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/tell.py", line 57, in checktell) 17:30 VanessaE that can't be good... 17:30 MinetestBot UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tell_lastdiskwrite' referenced before assignment (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/tell.py", line 57, in checktell) 17:30 markveidemanis Hi 17:30 markveidemanis Abyne got a copy of a parkour map? 17:30 * sfan5 puts a kitten on markveidemanis's head 17:30 VanessaE sfan5: you bwoke it! 17:30 sfan5 VanessaE: no, I rewrote it 17:30 * markveidemanis puts a kitten on markveidemanis' head 17:31 VanessaE that's a hell of a rewrite :P 17:31 markveidemanis !seen wait a minute 17:31 markveidemanis 2 reasons i cant do that 17:31 markveidemanis :( 17:32 rubenwardy !tell MinetestBot hi! 17:33 sfan5 rubenwardy: minetestbot is currently not here because broken 17:33 rubenwardy oh 17:33 PilzAdam s/broken/depressed/ 17:33 rubenwardy Because sfan5 has been bullying 17:33 PilzAdam yea 17:33 * sfan5 puts Derpy on rubenwardy's head 17:33 PilzAdam bad sfan5 17:34 * sfan5 puts Derpy on PilzAdam's head 17:34 * sfan5 puts Derpy on sfan5's head 17:34 * sfan5 puts Derpy on everyones head 17:36 * Enke takes Derpy off his Enke's head 17:36 Enke Wait, wait. Grammer fail. 17:40 reactor john_minetest: *slap* 17:40 reactor A bit late. But appropriate. 17:43 xiong sfan5, Where is your comment heading? 17:51 sfan5 xiong: comment heading?? 17:58 xiong Where are you going? 17:58 sfan5 ? 18:00 xiong Look, I'm sorry; I'm over 50, I think more or less in a straight line. I'm looking for interested Perlers. You spoke, not so I could really understand your point. I tried twice to answer you and then linked the project at hand. Is that enough for you to formulate more of a response? 18:01 sfan5 I'm probably not helpful because I know little perl 18:01 xiong I'm extremely poor at reading between the lines. 18:02 xiong Um, not to be fussy... though I'm a fussy person... the language is Perl; the interpreter is perl. Eh? Anyway, did you look at the project? 18:02 sfan5 yes 18:06 xiong Well, then. Perhaps I was wrong to ask who "knows" Perl. Maybe I don't know Perl. Maybe I should start by inviting comment on Rhea. Is it even clear from the README what it is meant to do? 18:06 sfan5 yes 18:12 Mallot1 sfan5 what does it mean by a item stack? 18:12 sfan5 it means you should use ctrl+f 18:12 sfan5 (search function in your browser on the current page) 18:12 Mallot1 alright 18:15 Mallot1 i did 18:15 xiong Well, that's good. Thanks. 18:18 Mallot1 does anyone know of some good beginner friendly minetest modding tutorials? all i know curently is how to make new bricks and blocks thats it 18:19 reactor open the "default" mod 18:19 reactor and look what is there 18:19 reactor Or download some mod that adds a few blocks. 18:20 Mallot1 alright 18:20 reactor And start with changing it. 18:20 reactor Examples are the best teaching tool. 18:20 Mallot1 im making a mod but i need to check the inventory of the player 18:21 reactor There must be a reference sheet on functions. 18:21 reactor I'm no developer, so you need to ask someone who is. 18:21 Jordach !g lua api.txt 18:21 MinetestBot Jordach: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt 18:22 Jordach fuck me backwards 18:23 xiong Dunno, Mallot1; you might start here: http://dev.minetest.net/Category:Methods 18:24 xiong How about this: http://dev.minetest.net/minetest.get_inventory 18:27 xiong Looks to me as if the provided example is just what you want. Unpacking that ref might be hairy; a player's inventory has 32 slots and each one can contain some quantity of almost any item. Good luck. 18:37 Mallot1 tahnks ziong ill check the links out 18:38 Mallot1 :) 18:39 Mallot1 hey xiong, what does foobar represent in the link? an item? 18:53 Mallot1 does anyone who what foobar is supposed to be in this http://dev.minetest.net/minetest.get_inventory 18:54 PilzAdam is that a serious question? 18:54 specing LOL 18:54 Mallot1 yes 18:54 PilzAdam its the playername 18:55 Mallot1 FAIL! 18:55 Mallot1 lol my bad xD 18:55 xiong wp metasyntactic variable 18:55 Mallot1 thanks 18:56 xiong I prefer 'hoge' and 'piyo', at least some of the time. 18:58 Leoneof umm why i'm here? 18:59 Leoneof o_o 19:00 reactor ?! 19:01 Leoneof i'm still thinking about nouveau is faster than nvidia-nonfree 19:01 Leoneof with minetest, and everything 19:02 specing Leoneof: how about CUDA? 19:02 specing Oh wait, it doesen't work 19:02 Leoneof specing: what? 19:08 Leoneof true 19:08 Leoneof specing: how's your 8600M card with nonfree nvidia driver? 19:12 Leoneof -_- 19:14 Jordach i have to explicitly use the nvidia driver 19:17 Sokomine someone's trying to run mt under win server 20008 r2 and gets the error message "SQL3Database failed to open:unable to open database file". he says the world does exist and is passed as command line parameter 19:18 Sokomine anyone any clue as to what that might be? i'm not familiar with windows 19:24 RealBadAngel 20008? pretty new ;) 19:25 Sokomine *g* very futuristic, yes :) 19:30 reactor Sokomine: tell him to reinstall SQL and try again? 19:30 reactor Why do people still use Windows servers? 19:31 Sokomine reactor: that server runs several mc worlds. perhaps they work better with windows. i have no idea. i was puzzled about this as well. but i'd really love to see a mt world run there. the old classic one lost so many players due to classic beeing no longer supported by the mc website 19:31 Sokomine mt is much more fun than mc classic :-) 19:33 reactor For each world you have to spawn a new process, afaik. 19:33 reactor I used to experiment with multiworld setup, so did OldCoder. 19:34 reactor No problems under UNIX. 19:34 reactor I never tested interaction with database server, just stored worlds in files. 19:34 Sokomine no, it's just going to be one mt world there. but several mc survival worlds run on the same server, so there's no way to switch to linux 19:34 reactor Oh. MC. 19:35 Jordach hey Enke 19:35 reactor Java is crossplatform. I remember being able to run MC server on GNU. 19:35 reactor Not sure about BSD, but it's very likely to work out. 19:36 Enke hey Jordach. 19:36 reactor Or did the makers of MC add some non-crossplatform feature to their new version? 19:36 Jordach ChainLynx just made me want to Minetest again 19:38 Sokomine reactor: no idea. perhaps the server owner had more experience with windows 19:38 Sokomine Jordach: excellent :-) 19:38 reactor Jordach: o/ 19:39 Sokomine Jordach: your skins for the farming people look very nice. i still think they're too elegant...but they are definitely fine :) only that guy with the long trousers does not have a mouth. i'm afraid he'll starve if he doesn't get one! :) 19:39 reactor Sokomine: oh, that happens to people nowadays :) 19:40 reactor Also, good timing. 19:42 Sokomine reactor: hm. do you have any other clue on what might be wrong? he's unwilling to change too much on the server (that might affect all the other programs) - and i'm sure mt brings everything compiled in? similar to what hard-linked would be under linux? 19:44 reactor Sokomine: depends on how you build it. 19:44 reactor There must be an option that you can pass to ld to make binaries statically linked. 19:49 OldCoder reactor, Still am 19:49 reactor Glad to hear that. 19:49 reactor Also, hi! 19:50 OldCoder Hi back t y 19:55 reactor Calinou: o/ 19:55 reactor rather, щ/ 19:56 Calinou /)(^ε^)(\ 20:04 reactor εεεεεε! 20:04 us_0gb εεεεεε, indeed. 20:06 Sokomine hi oldcoder! 20:07 MinetestBot 4S4o4k7o7m7i8n8e8 3m3i3n12e12s12 6i6n6 13S13o13k4o4'4s7 7m7i8n8e 20:07 OldCoder Sokomine, hey 20:08 Sokomine MinetestBot: that might be true sometimes :) 20:08 VanessaE !seen kaeza 20:08 * Sokomine digs the nyan cat rainbow the bot created 20:08 VanessaE bah, why can I never remember how that works? 20:09 sfan5 !seen kaeza 20:09 sfan5 MinetestBot! 20:09 MinetestBot sfan5! 20:09 sfan5 !seen kaeza 20:10 sfan5 !seen kaeza 20:10 MinetestBot sfan5: kaeza was last seen at 2014-01-23 00:43:32 UTC on #minetest 20:10 Mallot1 @MinetestBot how did you get the text color? :D 20:10 sfan5 !g irc colors 20:10 MinetestBot sfan5: http://www.mirc.com/colors.html 20:10 sfan5 ^ Mallot1 20:10 Mallot1 thanks 20:10 reactor People still use mIRC? 20:10 Mallot1 !g cool 20:10 MinetestBot Mallot1: http://www.coolmath-games.com/ 20:11 reactor !g 2guys1hammer 20:11 MinetestBot reactor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqSTU04XIqU 20:11 reactor No, thanks. 20:11 Mallot1 lol xD 20:11 Mallot1 cool math 20:11 sfan5 !title 20:11 MinetestBot sfan5: 2 guys 1 hammer ORIGINAL - YouTube 20:12 reactor "ORIGINAL" 20:12 sfan5 that is nsfw, isn't it? 20:12 reactor Are they selling snake oil? 20:12 reactor That is. 20:13 reactor Two people using hammer for apparently NSFW purposes. 20:14 sfan5 !tell thexyz http://i.imgur.com/dDBaY81.jpg 20:14 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when thexyz is around 20:15 reactor ...cancer of semicolon. 20:15 us_0gb I don't mind semicolons. 20:16 reactor Who does? 20:18 us_0gb Speaking of cancer, I read that some cancers are actually contagious. Isn't that scary? Though none of the three known contagious cancers is a human cancer, so we're safe. For now. 20:19 reactor HPV. 20:19 us_0gb One of these cancers is working on eliminating the Tasmanian devil species though. 20:19 reactor ^viruses that cause some kinds of cancer. 20:19 us_0gb HPV is a virus, not a cancer. It causes a cancer, but I'm talking about the cancer itself being contagious. 20:20 reactor It can be contagious via the causing element, yes. 20:20 reactor The cancer itself may be contagious only if the mutated cells produce some compound that is highly carcinogenic. 20:20 reactor And it must somehow reach the body surface. 20:21 us_0gb That's also scary, but it's not really the cancer itself being contagious. If you cure the HPV but not the cancer, it doesn't pass to others any more. 20:21 reactor So it's unlikely. 20:21 reactor I mean, such "contagious cancer" is unlikely to exist. 20:21 reactor There must be a unerlying viral agent. 20:21 reactor s/a /an / 20:22 us_0gb They sampled cancers from many devils. The cancer's DNA matched samples from the cancer from other devils. 20:22 us_0gb 20:27 VanessaE Calinou: did you see where ShadowNinja decided his patch is ready to merge to moreblocks? 20:27 reactor Non-viral. 20:27 reactor What the hell. 20:28 reactor us_0gb: that stuff is scary 20:29 reactor Mother Nature is a bitch out to get everyone. 20:30 us_0gb reactor: I know, right! Another such cancer acts as an STD for dogs. The third is in hamsters, but I haven't looked up the details. 20:31 Calinou VanessaE, he said it was not ready? 20:32 reactor Anyone who is about to call experimentation "unethical" should ask self a question: "Is the nature itself ethical?" Because if it was, it wouldn't throw in such nasty diseases. 20:32 rubenwardy What have I done? http://www.reddit.com/user/rubenwardy/ 20:33 VanessaE [01-31 17:11] Calinou: My MoreBlocks rewrite should be ready now. But you should look over it. And BTW, my patch is bigger than the entire mod (after the patch, I think it's bigger than the mod before the patch too). 20:34 sfan5 Vadtec: FYI I'm finished with rewriting tell.py 20:34 sfan5 damnit 20:34 sfan5 ^ VanessaE 20:34 sfan5 it works reliably now 20:34 VanessaE oh good 20:35 Calinou what is tell.py? 20:36 sfan5 Calinou: MinetestBot's module for telling people things 20:36 sfan5 like MemoServ, but simplerr 20:36 sfan5 -r 20:36 us_0gb !up test 20:36 MinetestBot us_0gb: Invalid Address 20:36 sfan5 !tell Calinou like this! 20:36 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when Calinou is around 20:36 us_0gb !tell MinetestBot test 20:36 MinetestBot I'm not dumb, you know? 20:37 us_0gb My apologies, MinetestBot. 20:38 Jordach sfan5, you mean a more intelligent and less idiotic memoserv 20:38 sfan5 :D 20:38 Calinou . 20:38 us_0gb More intelligent *and* less idiotic. That's a pretty cool combination of features, there. 20:38 sfan5 (try again, it sometimes doesn't notice things) 20:39 reactor How is Memoserv idiotic? 20:39 reactor Why reinvent the bicycle instead of learning to ride the existing one? 20:39 reactor s/the existing one/it/ 20:40 * us_0gb decides to MemoServ MemoServ 20:41 us_0gb Or what if I MemoServ ChanServ? 20:43 us_0gb I can't send to the services. 20:43 us_0gb [12:42:49] -18MemoServ- MemoServ is not registered. 20:44 us_0gb Ha ha, I can send to the bots though. 20:45 us_0gb [12:44:07] -18MemoServ- MinetestBot is currently online, and you may talk directly, by sending a private message. 20:45 us_0gb [12:44:07] -18MemoServ- The memo has been successfully sent to MinetestBot. 20:50 Jordach trolling 1-0-1 20:56 xiong Okay, call me the slow boy in the back row. I just realized I can mock a sub I have not yet written. 21:09 ShadowNinja Calinou: That was a very, very, very late response for a message that I added after the first merging. 21:24 sfan5 this fucking logic! someone created an 'Anime Fans' group on myANIMElist 21:26 ShadowNinja OperServ is much more fun than MemoServ and ChanServ. :-D 21:37 Jordach >playing minetest, >digging in a cave >song lyrics: "just like the son of Sam" 21:37 Jordach that just fucking happened 21:44 us_0gb [13:44:03] -18OperServ- You are not authorized to use OperServ. 22:01 Calinou /os :D 22:10 EvergreenTree VanessaE, I don't seem to have interact on your servers anymore 22:10 EvergreenTree do you know why? 22:11 VanessaE I'll fix it 22:12 VanessaE probably lost in the big cleanup a while back. 22:15 EvergreenTree Thanks. :-) 22:28 ShadowNinja us_0gb: But I get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6857907/ :-D 22:29 us_0gb ShadowNinja: I guess OperServ would rather help you than I. It's okay, I get that a lot. 22:34 ShadowNinja Heh. That doesn't sound good. But I happen to have root access to this OperServ. :-) 22:36 us_0gb ShadowNinja: Oh, is it the one from InchraNet then? 22:36 us_0gb Unrelated: 22:36 ShadowNinja us_0gb: Yep. 22:38 ShadowNinja Hehe, that's great. 22:45 Bjorn__ Does anyone know how to change the name of a Minetest server? All I get is an IP address in the public server list 22:46 ShadowNinja Bjorn__: server_address = 22:47 Bjorn__ In Minetest Config or Minetest.config.examples? 22:47 Bjorn__ *example 22:48 Miner_48er Minetest Config 22:49 Bjorn__ Not in there 22:49 Bjorn__ I see it in Minetest.config.example but not config 22:51 Miner_48er add it to config 22:51 us_0gb Bjorn__: Create a new file called minetest.conf. Put the setting in that new empty file. 22:51 us_0gb In unrelated matters: 22:57 Bjorn__ Now what? Got disconnected 22:57 us_0gb Bjorn__: Create a new file called minetest.conf. Put the setting in that new empty file. 22:58 Bjorn__ did that 22:58 us_0gb Start up Minetest, and it should be fixed then. 22:58 Bjorn__ Did that, still IP address in public server list 22:59 us_0gb Was Minetest running when you changed the setting? 22:59 us_0gb Shut down Minetest, add the setting, then start Minetest. 23:02 Bjorn__ Same problem 23:02 Bjorn__ So, just to review 23:03 Bjorn__ I make a file called Minetest.conf, so that I have two Minetest.conf files in my folder, then add "server_address = Name" 23:03 Bjorn__ ? 23:03 PilzAdam why create a new one? 23:03 Bjorn__ I thought that's what he said 23:04 us_0gb It needs to be called minetest.conf, not Minetest.conf. Case matters. It should not be possible to have two files by the same name though. 23:04 PilzAdam you should edit the one that was already there 23:04 pandaro Bjorn__ Minetest.conf or minetest.conf ? 23:04 us_0gb PilzAdam: There was no file already there, there was only minetest.conf.example. 23:05 PilzAdam us_0gb, from what I have read there already was one 23:05 PilzAdam In Minetest Config or Minetest.config.examples? 23:05 us_0gb PilzAdam: Okay, it looks like *I* misread then. My bad. 23:06 Bjorn__ I have a Minetest conf file 23:06 Bjorn__ It just doesn't have server_address in it 23:06 PilzAdam just add it to it 23:06 PilzAdam you can add all settings that are in minetest.conf.example to it, just make sure the lines dont start with # 23:07 Bjorn__ Do I need a comma or do I just put a space, server_address = [server name you want] 23:07 us_0gb Put it on a new line. 23:07 Bjorn__ Ah 23:07 PilzAdam the .example file is there to tell you what possible settings can be added to minetest.conf 23:08 Bjorn__ still didn't work 23:09 Bjorn__ Just keeps showing my IP:30000 23:09 prestotron55 [deleted] 23:10 pandaro hi prestotron55 you are very fast 23:10 PilzAdam Bjorn__, you edited the file while the server was shut down? 23:10 Bjorn__ I logged out of Minetest 23:10 Bjorn__ That should shut it down, right? 23:10 PilzAdam no, you should completly kill the process 23:11 Bjorn__ How? 23:11 PilzAdam do you run the GUI or just a dedicated server? 23:11 Bjorn__ I'm just doing it through the game client 23:12 PilzAdam then close the window 23:12 Bjorn__ I checked public, forwarded the port 30000, and then I start game in server tab 23:12 Bjorn__ I have 23:12 Bjorn__ Everytime 23:13 PilzAdam can you pastebin your minetest.conf? 23:14 Bjorn__ creative_mode = true enable_damage = true enable_shaders = true main_menu_last_game_idx = 1 main_menu_tab = server mainmenu_last_selected_world = 4 name = Bjorn selected_world_path = C:\Users\2104\Desktop\minetest-0.4.9\bin\..\worlds\All Medieval Server server_dedicated = false fixed_map_seed = mg_name = v6 address = port = 30000 public_serverlist = true remote_port = 30000 server_announce = true sound_volume = 1 server_a 23:14 PilzAdam pastebin.com 23:14 Bjorn__ Oh 23:18 Bjorn__ What do I do with it? 23:19 PilzAdam paste your code in it, click submit and then post the link here 23:19 Bjorn__ http://pastebin.com/JgJ6LLpz 23:20 PilzAdam use server_name instead of server_adress 23:21 PilzAdam also you could add server_description 23:21 Bjorn__ Now it appears as Sands of Time 23:21 Bjorn__ Thank you 23:36 Jordach i'm ready for anything; http://i.imgur.com/SNNdWQ7.png 23:49 blaise I'm going to bring my server down for a minute to update my kernel 23:58 blaise woot! Linux core 3.13.1-gentoo #1 SMP Sat Feb 1 20:54:15 UTC 2014 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2600+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux 23:59 PilzAdam bye