Time Nick Message 00:14 diemartin Taoki, *poke* 00:14 VanessaE ow. 00:14 VanessaE ;) 00:16 Taoki diemartin: hi 00:54 VanessaE ok, how was it that I enable jungles again? 00:55 iqualfragile VanessaE: add jungles magpen flag or smth 00:55 VanessaE I know it's a mapgen flag but damned if I know what flag, or where it's documented at. 00:56 VanessaE here it is. 00:56 VanessaE v6_jungles 02:30 harrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAmcCvECucM 02:43 MinetestBot GIT: Uberi commited to Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Merge pull request #32 from ShadowNinja/admin-only-lua https://gi 2014-01-21T18:42:16-08:00 http://git.io/x5N6Ag 02:43 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Make /lua and /luatransform administrator-only https://gi 2014-01-21T08:14:24-08:00 http://git.io/hSd4fg 02:48 fwilson is there a way to "sprint" i.e. fast without freemove? 02:49 diemartin fwilson, nope :/ 02:49 fwilson :\ darnit 02:49 diemartin actually, yes 02:49 fwilson :O 02:49 diemartin misread that 02:49 fwilson tellmetellmetellme 02:50 diemartin you can run without free move 02:50 fwilson diemartin: how do i run :\ 02:50 diemartin hold E 02:50 fwilson oh neat 02:50 fwilson thanks 02:51 ShadowNinja ~enable roulette 02:51 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: Error: That command wasn't disabled. 02:51 fwilson also, is there a mod that you know of that limits the fast speed? 02:51 ShadowNinja What? 02:51 ShadowNinja ~owner enable roulette 02:51 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: Error: That command wasn't disabled. 02:51 diemartin ~roulette 02:52 ShadowBot diemartin: *click* 02:52 diemartin O_o 02:52 ShadowNinja Huh. 03:16 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Add pointed_thing to minetest.register_on_placenode 1b5b6fe692 2014-01-21T19:06:40-08:00 http://git.io/OetWPw 04:53 katyusha Is it possible yet to run minetest on a mac 04:53 katyusha I want my friend to play, sadly he uses a mac 05:05 us_0gb katyusha: Sad indeed, but it could be worse. Many months ago, I think someone managed to get Minetest running on a Mac, but it wasn't easy. 05:05 katyusha us_0gb, yeah... I'm not gonna have an easy time getting him to switch over to GNU/Linux 05:05 katyusha I may try getting him to run it in wine 05:06 us_0gb Also, I wouldn't even bother trying on a PowerPC processor. I have Minetest running on a PowerPC processor, but it does not work well (at least the client doesn't). 05:07 us_0gb But if Wine is functioning, I'm assuming it's not a PowerPC processor. 05:12 katyusha yeah, it's an x86 05:12 katyusha unsure what architechure however 05:14 us_0gb THe biggest obstacle should be the compiling for the system then. I'd experiment and see what I could find, but I don't have any copies of OS X to test on. 05:27 katyusha us_0gb, it seems I'll just either have to convince him to use GNU/Linux or just drop it 05:28 katyusha it's too much trouble and my distaste for OS X makes me not really want to continue with it.. 05:29 us_0gb katyusha: Good luck then. It would be great if we had an OS X port, but that takes a maintainer. 05:29 katyusha Thanks 05:29 us_0gb I understand how you feel. If I had to try to make it work on Windows, my distaste for that would get in the way. 05:30 katyusha I actually wouldn't mind minetest being GNU/Linux and possibly BSD only, as it would drive people over to the OS 05:30 katyusha but regardless, thanks 05:30 us_0gb Assuming there wasn't a readily-available Windows version. 05:30 katyusha well yeah :P 05:31 us_0gb I think someone got it running on BSD fairly easily .... just a few minor modifications that were later added upstream. 05:31 katyusha can you compile it on say, freebsd easily now? 05:31 katyusha Or does it need patches 05:32 us_0gb As for removing the Windows version, I hear Minetest is a pain in the rear to compile without the buildbot. It would be a shame if something were to ... happen to the buildbot. If you know what I'm saying. 05:32 us_0gb I think you can compile on BSD without modification now, but I'm not sure. 05:33 katyusha what is buildbot? 05:33 katyusha but yes I understand ;) 05:34 us_0gb It's a set of scripts for compiling on and/or for Windows, I think. I don't know, I haven't looked at it. It's in the Minetest source tree if you want to take a look. 05:35 katyusha ah ok 05:39 us_0gb I think though that if Minetest were not available on Windows, it wouldn't drive people away from Windows - it would drive them away from Minetest. 07:33 reactor 'ello 07:36 cornernote sup 07:36 reactor Been procrastinating all evening, still got A. 07:37 cornernote in your science/philosophy ? 07:37 reactor Electronics. 07:37 cornernote nice 07:38 cornernote i never did well in school 07:38 cornernote i think it wasnt a good learning environment for me 07:39 cornernote hight school that is 07:39 cornernote high* 07:39 cornernote never went on to uni or anything 07:39 reactor ...turned out I had memorised all semester's material on the fly, so didn't have to cram. 07:40 reactor I wonder what I'm doing wrong, because other subjects I still have to cram, no matter how well I do during term (and I do do well). 07:40 reactor Oh... Sorry to hear that; how come? 07:41 cornernote i guess some subject you enjoy more, and the information flows better ? 07:41 cornernote i found it easier to learn on my own 07:41 reactor I enjoy quantum mechanics just as well. 07:41 cornernote teachers just read crap from a book 07:42 reactor Remembering school... well, whose school didn't suck!@ 07:42 cornernote i figure skip the middleman, read the book myself 07:42 reactor It's not a good environment at all. 07:42 cornernote its not for everyone, but it works for me 07:43 reactor Books are often full of little details, and principial things get lost. 07:43 cornernote you can miss a lot of info doing it this way 07:43 cornernote but you can gain a lot that others didnt get too 07:43 reactor Lecturers do a good job stressing important facts. 07:43 reactor At least ours do. 07:43 cornernote eg, i learned php/mysql well before it was being taught at schools 07:43 cornernote but i lacked some fundamental computer science concepts 07:44 cornernote had to figure out things the hard way 07:44 reactor Oh, I see your point. 07:44 reactor Pre-reading is good. 07:44 cornernote i never programmed anything in my life before php (well, if you dont include commodore64 basic) 07:45 cornernote not even html markup 07:45 cornernote then i just read the manual, about 6 times 07:45 cornernote and then one day all those words that ment nothing, started to have meaning 07:45 reactor The whole manual? I thought they are better used as reference material. 07:46 cornernote it was php3, so the manual was smaller 07:46 cornernote didnt read the entire function ref, but all other parts 07:46 reactor So, only what is essential? 07:46 cornernote i didnt know what was essential 07:46 cornernote so i just started on page 1 07:47 cornernote printed the thing 07:47 cornernote lol 07:47 reactor Speaking of which, we need an algorithm that determines what parts of a big book can be skipped without harm. 07:47 cornernote depends on the book 07:48 cornernote that bok you had in quantum stuff... sounds like most of it can be skipped =) 07:48 reactor Say, you've just read Berne's Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Then you decide to read a compilation of Freud. 07:48 cornernote this is a nice book on QED - http://www.scribd.com/doc/7119268/2physics-Qed-Feynman-Qed-the-Strange-Theory-of-Light-and-Matter-Princeton-University-Pre 07:49 cornernote dont skip any pages 07:49 reactor Some things are repeated, and in Berne's version they are better. 07:49 cornernote ahh, i se what you mean 07:49 cornernote like the book knows your previous books 07:49 cornernote so there is a "skip these parts, you already know them" 07:49 reactor That book on String Theory was not even ST, it was _about_ ST. I regret reading it before reading ST itself. 07:50 cornernote read the Feynman one 07:50 cornernote hes brilliant 07:50 reactor ...I think it's safer to read later books, then skip corresponding parts in earlier books. 07:50 cornernote not only that, but a brilliant explainer 07:51 reactor Quantum Electrodynamics? 07:51 cornernote yea 07:51 reactor We've bee studying this topic recently. 07:52 reactor Hmm. 07:52 cornernote theres a video set thats similar to the book if you prefer to kick back - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPDP_8X5Hug 07:52 cornernote but i highly recommend the book 07:52 cornernote i dont do this for school or anything 07:52 reactor Is there a list of books by Feynman? 07:52 cornernote just for personal interest 07:53 cornernote i have no idea, probably is... just ask google 07:54 cornernote i was interested in it because it offered to expalain the universe 07:54 cornernote but the more i learn, the less i know 07:54 cornernote lol 07:55 cornernote i found a link to einsteins SR too 07:55 cornernote i only read a small part, but it was really interesting to just read the intro 07:56 reactor been there; I think I need to read about GR before moving on to ST. 07:57 cornernote no, other way around... i think you need to know SR first 07:57 cornernote SR = GR with no gravity/accelleration 07:59 reactor I've been there 08:00 cornernote i love the 1st page: http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/einstein/works/1910s/relative/relativity.pdf (page6) 08:00 cornernote he explains so well that geometry on paper really really seems to match the universe we live in 08:09 reactor ~...why do headers in that book seem dark-blue? 08:20 cornernote no idea 08:20 cornernote so... what can we do that's sciency in minetest? 08:20 cornernote something in mesecons, but need an idea for a new build 08:21 reactor Pripyat. 08:21 cornernote a city ? 08:21 reactor As for why, well, I've already made the map, rather, ported the one by someone else some time ago. 08:22 reactor I need someone to whom I could pass it on. It's far from completion. 08:22 cornernote how u gunna do the nuclear disaster ? 08:23 cornernote build the reactor from TNT lol 08:23 reactor It's past-disaster city. 08:23 reactor I didn't port the plant itself, for I didn't have time. 08:25 reactor Nor am I very interested in the plant itself; it's just like any other nuclear plant if you don't count disaster site. 08:25 reactor The city itself would be an interesting location for survival mode. 08:25 reactor ...or deathmatch. 08:26 reactor If you're interested, I could show you some screens of what I made. 08:33 reactor ...not sure about the mesecons part, though. 08:33 reactor Other than elaborate boobytraps. 08:35 reactor OldCoder: g'mowin 08:35 OldCoder reactor, moin 08:35 * OldCoder will sleep shortly 08:36 * OldCoder has had another odd month and appreciates patience 08:36 reactor Haven't seen you for a while and a number of reasons; how's the how's? 08:37 OldCoder reactor, I am so tired physically 08:38 OldCoder But attempting to put things together 08:38 OldCoder I am grateful for the greeting 08:38 OldCoder The meeting should not be fleeting :-) 08:38 OldCoder But I will be asleep in moments 08:38 * OldCoder rests 08:38 OldCoder reactor, ^ 08:39 reactor Mighty nighty night then! o/ 11:35 specing troller: you should really turn off liquid dirt 11:35 specing I did a tunnel and now the hill looks weird 11:47 troller okay 11:48 troller but after restart 11:48 specing and can you apply that patch already? :X 11:48 specing I needed cobbles today and activated two tnts 11:48 specing then spend the next 5 mins clicking like a maniac 11:53 troller restarted 11:53 troller patch - no 11:55 troller if you want to reach top of moutains - you needd loooot of cobble 8) 14:04 specing proller: wow, I've hit a 10x10 mossy cobblestone cube cave, was that generated? 14:05 proller dungeon 14:14 specing proller: its massive 14:14 specing proller: goto road and follow the road 14:14 proller i cant now 14:40 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 15:10 iqualfragile "I will take a look later. Much much later. Because I'm Ukrainian and we have revolution right now. Sorry" nice 15:37 iqualfragile http://www.isnichwahr.de/comments/uploads/1044/51761390388658.jpg 15:38 PilzAdam isdochwahr 15:56 PenguinDad hi john_minetest 16:05 Jordach http://mg.viewskew.com/u/jordach/m/walking-test-3-1/ PilzAdam :P 16:05 PilzAdam wrong textures ;_; 16:05 Jordach 8th time 16:05 Jordach pfft spotify 16:13 PilzAdam fun fact: 4 people googled "nodetopia" and clicked on the link to my repo 16:14 PilzAdam (since 9th january) 16:20 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: Wher'd you get those stats? 16:23 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, https://github.com/blog/1672-introducing-github-traffic-analytics 16:36 proller and all 4 have nick "PilzAdam" ? 16:36 PilzAdam PilzAdams dont use google 16:37 * reactor fetches his safety goggles 16:40 reactor Oh, me. 16:40 reactor What are you looking at? 16:41 reactor I am not a pony, stop this staring. 16:42 reactor It must be the goggles? You don't like it when people wear goggles? 16:42 PilzAdam ponies sometimes wear goggles 16:54 kaeza greetings 16:54 Sokomine hi 16:54 reactor PilzAdam: that does not make me one 16:55 Sokomine i'm wondering what players/server admins will think about an anvil that can be used to repair tools - similar to technic. instead of setting up technic once and waiting, you have to hit the anvil with a hammer 16:56 Sokomine that anvil-nodebox from realtest fits well into my cottages-mod; i wanted to have an anvil for some time anyway. and such a node calls for usage... 16:57 PilzAdam I guess it would be cool in the realtest game 17:07 Sokomine the anvil exists already in the realtest game. it is absolutely necessary there and a core element for creating tools. repairing is less necessary there because tools last a very long time (once you've manage to create them - which is not as easy as in default) 17:07 PilzAdam I mean that hitting with a hammer 17:08 reactor 2guys1hammer 17:23 rubenwardy Hi all 17:25 kaeza hey ruben 17:27 rubenwardy What up in da hood, bruva? 17:27 rubenwardy (lol) 17:29 Jordach i'd go for that n bomb, but nukes don't cut it 17:32 ShadowNinja Jordach: Hmmm? 17:53 Sokomine PilzAdam: ah. realtest requires the hammer to be placed inside the anvil. i think hitting is more logical. also it is used by the wheat-processing tools for cottages 17:56 kaeza are the forum slowing down again or it's just my crappy 3G? 17:56 kaeza +s 17:57 PilzAdam yes 17:57 kaeza ._. 17:57 iqualfragile PilzAdam: Muck bloß nicht uff hier du Rudi 18:00 proller specing, you are second! 18:00 proller BlockBuilder places node default:cobble at (8935,1804,2263) 18:00 iqualfragile proller: hafti beste! 18:06 proller wat? 18:06 iqualfragile john_minetest: Nicht link von hinten ich hau dich frontal sakat 18:07 iqualfragile wut m8? ich dacht das wär ne parodie, der nimmt sich wirklich ernst? 18:07 proller понаехало тут 18:07 kaeza no se entiende un carajo ._. 18:08 PilzAdam iqualfragile, john_minetest, proller, kaeza, this is an english channel 18:08 ShadowNinja Ehm, we DO have seperate non-english channels. 18:08 iqualfragile PilzAdam: Dein Yokuzuna Sumo ficke ich mit nem push Kick 18:09 ShadowNinja iqualfragile: Did you ask for a kick? >:-) 18:09 PilzAdam Is it better to not write german gangster rap in this channel? I think so. 18:10 ShadowNinja ^ 18:12 ShadowNinja True, perhaps... 18:13 kaeza http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/45115285.jpg 18:27 JackGruff is it just me or have the jokes in xkcd become less technically over the years? 18:27 JackGruff technical* 18:35 rubenwardy HTML5 2d particle physics! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in8VAwe8DmQ 19:18 sfan5 meow 19:20 VanessaE hi 19:25 sfan5 john_minetest: http://i.imgur.com/nySOBtb.jpg 19:25 PilzAdam no kitten fight! Im allergic to adorableness! 19:28 * sfan5 throws a kitten at PilzAdam 19:28 STHGOM :O 19:29 STHGOM INCOMEING!!!!! 19:34 * rubenwardy empties a box of kittens over sfan5's head 19:34 sfan5 /usr/bin/kittengen --infinite --only=cute /home/rubenwardy/ 19:35 rubenwardy xkill /usr/bin/kittengen; 19:35 rubenwardy Mw ha ha ha 19:35 sfan5 kittengen is not a graphical app 19:35 * reactor fizzles all kittens 19:35 * sfan5 puts Rainbow Dash on rubenwardy's head 19:35 reactor Don't worry. There are spare ones. 19:35 jin_xi http://i.imgur.com/lddrYWO.jpg have some manuls 19:35 reactor sfan5: you suck at typesetting. 19:36 reactor Who's gonna notice that dash is coloured? 19:36 reactor Waste of ink it is. 19:36 sfan5 !rainbow - 19:36 MinetestBot 4- 19:36 sfan5 \o/ 19:36 rubenwardy !rainbow ~g hi! 19:36 MinetestBot 4~4g4 7h7i7! 19:36 reactor It's a typewriter minus, not a dash eh. 19:37 rubenwardy !reverse !ih g~ 19:37 MinetestBot ~g hi! 19:37 rubenwardy nope. 19:37 reactor ih? You're calculating something from quantum mechanics? 19:41 reactor ...you're not. 19:42 MinetestBot 4~4~4~7~7~7~8~8~8~3~3~3~12~12~12~6~6~6~13~13~13~4~4~4~7~7~7~8~8~8~3~3~3~12~12~12~6~6~6~13~13~13~4~4~4~7~7[7@8]8:8​3 19:42 reactor !rainbow pointlessness 19:42 MinetestBot 4p4o4i7n7t7l8e8s8s3n3e3s12s 19:43 STHGOM !rainbow KITTENS!!! 19:43 MinetestBot 4K4I4T7T7E7N8S8!8!3! 19:49 sfan5 !c int(bin('~')[2:]) 19:49 MinetestBot Exception: type object argument after * must be a sequence, not generator 19:49 sfan5 !c 1 19:49 MinetestBot 1 19:49 sfan5 !c 1+1 19:49 MinetestBot 2 19:56 rubenwardy !c self = {} 19:56 MinetestBot Exception: AST node type not allowed: 'Dict' 19:56 rubenwardy !c self = 0 19:56 MinetestBot 0 19:56 rubenwardy !c 1 19:56 MinetestBot 1 19:56 rubenwardy :P 19:56 rubenwardy !c tmp = 2 19:56 MinetestBot 2 19:56 rubenwardy !c tmp 19:56 MinetestBot Exception: AST node type not allowed: 'Name' 19:57 MinetestBot Exception: AST node type not allowed: 'Name' 20:04 STHGOM cya 20:14 reactor Pwned. 20:15 rubenwardy !eval hi = 1 20:15 rubenwardy bye all 20:16 reactor What's the point of building an expression calculator into an IRC bot? 20:16 reactor Don't you know about the wonderful program called bc(1)? 20:32 EvergreenTree o/ 20:42 sfan5 !c bin(4) 20:42 MinetestBot '0b100' 20:43 sfan5 !c len(bin(4)) 20:43 MinetestBot 5 20:52 ShadowNinja sfan5: You should probably add ShadowBot to MinetestBot's ignore list. 20:53 sfan5 why? 21:07 khonkhortisan I have enjoyed this fisheye modification to quake. http://shaunlebron.com/blinky/ I wish to copy that functionality to another game. Is minetest a good game to add that to? 21:19 RealBadAngel khonkhortisan, try adding fov = 120 to config 21:23 khonkhortisan try fov = 179 21:23 khonkhortisan rectilinear isn't good for wide views 21:23 khonkhortisan I already play at 120 21:25 khonkhortisan and 360 is great 21:25 PilzAdam AFAIK Minetest limits it to 180 21:26 khonkhortisan because of the projection used 21:31 khonkhortisan at 179 if you look down next to a tree you can see inside it 21:33 PilzAdam bye 21:34 khonkhortisan If I added it to a first-person shooter, I'd be called a cheater. Minetest is more construction than pvp, and I'm wondering if irrlicht will allow me to mess with the render 22:34 jojoa1997 hello 22:37 qwrwed @ShadowNinja: Thanks for adding register_on_placenode, but actually it was register_on_punchnode... It may be helpful in mods, but could you add pointed_thing to register_on_punchnode as well? 22:37 qwrwed (pointed_thing) 23:01 jojoa1997|PC hi long time no see 23:01 khonkhortisan hello