Time  Nick            Message
00:03 Peacock         the bottom plane looks about as big as the dreamliner lol
00:10 PilzAdam        bye
01:14 MinetestBot     GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Temporary disable local install button due to irrlicht dialog breaking localization 16bd368374 2013-11-23T17:15:25-08:00 http://git.io/ff39Uw
01:49 paramat         we certainly need shadow decay http://i.imgur.com/8Bro5oC.png
01:50 paramat         crater example http://i.imgur.com/ULsHYcy.png
01:52 Peacock         jesus christ shadows at that distance shouldn't be possible lol
01:53 paramat         big translucent comet vapour cloud with glitchy lighting http://i.imgur.com/m0yIjf7.png
01:53 Peacock         all hail HW lighting, the saviour of man XD
01:54 paramat         3D noise looks like imperial star destroyers and those platforms where dark lords say "i am your father"
01:55 Peacock         imagine the backlog in child support darth vader owes
01:56 Peacock         they'll probably repo his star destroyer
01:58 paramat         one more screen ... http://i.imgur.com/Zzm9mBf.png cavegen poked holes in the airlike nodes holding back water in a vrealm, uphill flood
01:59 Peacock         like i said, they should just yank the entire mapgen from the engine and let mods take care of it
01:59 Peacock         too many hard coded elements designed for minetest_game
02:04 paramat         hm interesting point ...
02:05 Peacock         well they'll never listen to me but they might listen to you :P it certainly would spur diversity between games and servers
02:10 paramat         well i do intend to get to c++ and github dev standard so i can help out
02:10 Peacock         good luck with that :P judging from the logs you'll spend more time arguing about pulls than writing them
02:10 Peacock         thats why i prefer modding lol
02:13 paramat         hehe indeed thats what im wary of :)
02:14 Peacock         heck i'd even rather run servers than release any mods so i dont waste more time arguing legalese than coding lol
02:15 paramat         i expect most of my time will still be working alone on mods, for the sake of my sanity
02:15 Peacock         better that way :P alot of the best modders tend to burn out
02:16 Peacock         between the license queens, method maniacs and the ridiculous suggestions one gets, you'd need a tanker of gin lol
02:21 * OldCoder      is still available tonight if people wish to work with new worlds
02:21 * OldCoder      will return later
02:23 iqualfragile    Peacock: are you crazy?
02:23 Peacock         possibly, jury's still out on that one
02:23 iqualfragile    do you know how much time it takes to do even basic landscape generation?
02:23 iqualfragile    you can not just put that into lua
02:23 iqualfragile    it would make the game slow as hell
02:24 Peacock         i actually wasn't the first to advance that idea, i picked it up from the dev logs
02:24 iqualfragile    additionaly v7 allows mods to do a lot of things
02:24 iqualfragile    it even requires mods to do some things
02:25 NekoGloop       minetest always requires mods
02:26 Peacock         mods provide 3/4's of the content (conservative estimate), they might as well provide the terrain too
02:27 Peacock         in any case if i had to debate this, i'd rather do with someone who has the power to either change things, or create the lua mapgen of the default game to prove it's possible
02:53 paramat         lua mapgen would be slower yes, okay for singleplayer but servers may suffer, and im not sure players would accept a significant slowing of mapgen ...
02:54 paramat         i can almost recreate v6 in lua now, apart from "flow mud" which i have yet to understand
02:55 paramat         oh hang on, i dont know caves or dungeons either ...
02:56 Peacock         well i think with perlinmaps it could be reasonably fast enough
02:56 Peacock         lvm asteroids without perlinmaps might have been rough in server mode, but now theres no lag
02:58 Peacock         if the engine continued to focus on better and faster noise functions rather than hardcoding mapgen elements it could end up very possible
03:10 ShadowNinja     Actually fast Lua mapgen is possible now.  See nore's mg mod. (Disclaimer: I haven't tested mg)
03:11 Peacock         don't tell me, i already believe it :P tell iqualfrajilee
03:12 ShadowNinja     iqualfragile: ^
03:25 iqualfragile    paramat: servers would not be that much of a problem as they usualy have great hardware
03:25 iqualfragile    i worry about the midle to low end hardware people tend to have at home
03:25 paramat         okay good
03:25 iqualfragile    especialy as even right now with native mapgen its not too fast
03:26 paramat         i plan to visit the mg server soon to see this alternative mapgen
03:26 iqualfragile    one longer term goal of minetest is to make mapgen realy fast so you can afford to just not store the generated blocks
03:27 ShadowNinja     My server isn't all that fast, although the MG server runs on a very good VPS.
03:27 paramat         iqual, intersting idea, regenerate each time ...
03:29 paramat         um ... you'd have to store player creations though
03:29 Peacock         why would you want to constantly regenerate the same blocks? storage is cheap
03:30 iqualfragile    paramat: yes, that is the plan, just save the differences
03:30 paramat         wow crazy
03:30 Peacock         minetest already uses a larger chunk of my CPU than of my hard drive
03:30 iqualfragile    so you can take advantage of new or changed mapgen easily
03:31 ShadowNinja     Mapgen is fast, blocks are cached in memory for a minute, but no need to store unchanged blocks.
03:31 iqualfragile    additionaly it is a lot easier to multithread in the engine
03:32 Peacock         but then you'll also never have a decent map beyond whats already built...
03:32 iqualfragile    Peacock: in that case you might want to use luajit
03:32 iqualfragile    Peacock: nope, when you add a block via lua or anything that counts as change and would be stored
03:32 Peacock         i am using jit and i dont run a hundred mods
03:34 Peacock         the cavegen thing already fucks up alot of things, if people preload a map it's to not have that sort of problem, so constantly regenerating the same chunks seems incredibly stupid to me lol
03:34 iqualfragile    additionaly it would be quite possible to have some specialy declared mapgen section for mods which can be called to recreate a block
03:35 iqualfragile    so that should not be a problem
03:35 iqualfragile    good night
03:35 paramat         i added a comment with a matching wieldhand copied from Jordach's SamII skin https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/issues/219#issuecomment-29148057
03:35 Peacock         whatever lol let me know when you guys decide to waste CPU cycles instead of storage so i can know not to update lol
03:36 paramat         ... found a way to move it in from the corner of the screen
03:36 Peacock         especially as there's already a delete unused blocks conf
03:37 paramat         i also have a similar wieldhand matching the SamI texture
03:37 ShadowNinja     Peacock: No there isn't, and without rollback you can't prune the DB later. (And usilg a rollback log will be very slow)
03:37 ShadowNinja     using*
03:38 Peacock         id much rather have a specific delete_block function in the API than have it done for me whether i want to or not
03:38 Peacock         at least the delete_block would work on used and unused blocks alike
03:40 ShadowNinja     DELETE FROM `blocks` WHERE pos=1234567;
03:41 Peacock         well if its that easy why not add it to API rather than impose the function without choice to the user/admin
03:43 ShadowNinja     Peacock: This will only be implemented if the mapgen is fast enough at regenerating blocks, which it is.
03:43 Peacock         yeah but it's also going to be a pain in the ass for those of us who don't use the engine's mapgen, thats what im trying to point out, so if possible, please add a conf option to disable that
03:44 ShadowNinja     Yes, Lua mapgen wouldn't use that.
03:56 dafull97        hey guys
04:02 * NekoGloop     curls up in ShadowNinja's lap
04:03 Peacock         very gay, tape Miss Brahms!
04:05 NekoGloop       meow
04:05 hmmmm           [10:25 PM] <iqualfragile> especialy as even right now with native mapgen its not too fast
04:05 hmmmm           it's very fast
04:05 NekoGloop       it's fast
04:05 NekoGloop       but lua
04:05 hmmmm           the reason why YOU don't notice everything loading up instantaeously is due to a client-side meshmaking bottleneck
04:05 Peacock         it's so fast, before you know what happened it's giving you money for a cab and telling you to beat it
04:06 paramat         i pushed asteroid LVM/PM stacked realm version to github https://github.com/paramat/asteroid
04:06 NekoGloop       hmmmm, so it's like how everyone thinks their processors are slow when in reality they just need more RAM? :P
04:07 Peacock         well where meshes are concerned, i'd say better gfx cards
04:07 paramat         i included hmmmm's advice to clear lighting with 'set lighting =0,0'
04:07 hmmmm           nope, the problem is mostly the latency of the ram
04:08 hmmmm           if ram access gets faster, computers will start advancing again
04:08 NekoGloop       well
04:08 NekoGloop       i mean like computers with 2GB
04:08 NekoGloop       >.>
04:08 hmmmm           2gb is still a lot
04:08 NekoGloop       not to actually run anything
04:08 hmmmm           it's hilarious how nobody seems to think so
04:09 Peacock         dont need to tell me, as a kid they had e-dong measuring contests about having 32 or 64mb of ram lol
04:09 hmmmm           at work my computer has 2gb and everybody says it's so slow because of that, no, the real reason why is because it's running eclipse with 5 java applications open at all time, along with visual studio, and firefucks taking up 50gb
04:09 Peacock         so when i see people comparing hardware today, i cant help but think back to when i was a kid lol
04:09 NekoGloop       yes
04:09 hmmmm           and it's a laptop too so it has a laptop hard drive
04:10 hmmmm           if the hard drive were swapped out for something nicer then that'd make a real difference
04:10 ShadowNinja     paramat: 1) Give noise values a better name, eg, perl_structures, not perl1. 2) pass the tables directly to get_perlin_map.
04:10 hmmmm           people SUCK at identifying bottlenecks
04:10 Peacock         well i thought that was obvious looking at city traffic patterns XD
04:10 ShadowNinja     paramat: 2 is simpler and faster because the table is only generated once.
04:11 paramat         okay
04:11 NekoGloop       well
04:11 NekoGloop       assuming you don't have an ass hard drive
04:11 NekoGloop       and assuming you're running an operating system and its components along with any given game
04:11 Peacock         i think ass hard is called hemorrhoids
04:12 NekoGloop       Peacock, stfu("now") && gtfo("quickly")
04:12 Peacock         lol
04:13 Peacock         there's a cream for that you know lol
04:14 paramat         local nvals1 = minetest.get_perlin_map({...}):get3dMap_flat({...})? ShadowNinja
04:14 ShadowNinja     paramat: You can also optimize your usage of VoxelArea:index. Just add one to vi in the loop and use index(x0, y, z) before the inner loop.
04:14 NekoGloop       cream.apply(area.burned)
04:14 paramat         ah okay i saw that method elsewhere
04:15 ShadowNinja     paramat: No, local nvals_structures = minetest.get_perlin_map(perl_structures)
04:16 paramat         okay
04:16 ShadowNinja     paramat: Er, +:get3DMap_flat()
04:17 ShadowNinja     paramat: Of course +the second argument to get_perlin_map.
04:17 paramat         yep
04:17 Peacock         i think what he's saying is the more paramters you pass directly to functions instead of as variables means less GC lua has to do, (if i understood)
04:18 ShadowNinja     Calling get_perlin_map would be best outside of on_generate, but I don't know the best way to do that.
04:18 paramat         the content ids are now all separate local variables, folllowing hm-mms advice
04:19 ShadowNinja     Peacock: If you use "{}" Lua generates a new table every time that runs, so "local a = {} for i=0,100 doThing(a) end" is much faster.
04:19 paramat         thanks SN very useful, even more speed
04:20 Peacock         well a table for node content id's might be a pain in the ass, but from what i saw from all other lvm mods, they seem to run get_content_id on every iteration of ongen lol
04:20 Peacock         at least i defined mine from the outside :P
04:20 Peacock         though i know tables is a bigger PITA than plain variables
04:20 ShadowNinja     paramat: And "local size = {x=sidelen, y=side..."
04:21 paramat         okay
04:21 ShadowNinja     Peacock: Tables are a lot slower than local variables.
04:22 Peacock         blame OCD, i *need* to organize things lol
04:22 ShadowNinja     You can also place the content ids outside the function, but I don't know how much that will help.
04:22 Peacock         every time things are disorganized, my universe makes a little less sense
04:23 Peacock         well it avoids having to call minetest.get_content_id on each chunk
04:23 Peacock         i havent seen what the function does, but i assume its better to call it once than on every chunk
04:23 ShadowNinja     organized.in.tables -> organized_with_underscores. :-)
04:24 hmmmm           content IDs should be local variables in the on_generate function
04:24 hmmmm           not organized in tables
04:25 hmmmm           putting them in a table which seems to be so very popular slows down accesses by as much as 50%
04:25 Peacock         so running mt.get-cont-id on every chunk is faster than calling it outside, even with locals?
04:25 hmmmm           that's correct
04:26 Peacock         seems kinda repetitive but if you say so
04:26 hmmmm           you probably don't realize it but get_content_id() is a very quick function, all it does is do a O(log(n)) lookup on a std::map
04:27 hmmmm           if I say so?  who cares about what I say, why don't you go check it for yourself
04:27 Peacock         well no like i said i dont know what the function does, not all functions in the api are that simple :P
04:27 hmmmm           you should be profiling your speed-critical lua code right along anyway
04:27 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: "on_generate() local id = mt.get_c_id("name") end" is faster than "local id = mt.get_c_id("name") on_generate() end"?
04:27 Peacock         why would i check it myself? i dont have enough bread to leave a trail a breadcrumbs to find my way back from the MT source XD
04:28 Peacock         i might be a fan of spaghetti dinners, that doesn't mean i wanna tackle the engine source lol
04:28 hmmmm           ShadowNinja, try it on your own.
04:29 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: Meaning yes, or IDK?
04:29 hmmmm           globals in Lua are pretty dang slow
04:30 hmmmm           I only tested local table vs. local
04:31 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: Well that's a local outside the function, not actually a global.
04:31 hmmmm           try it instead of guessing!
04:32 hmmmm           local t1 = os.clock()
04:32 hmmmm           stuff here
04:32 hmmmm           print(string.format("elapsed time: %.2fms", (os.clock() - t1) * 1000))
04:32 Peacock         tried enough shit just trying to get shadows to go away, speed was never a problem
04:39 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: I tested with math.random. "localer" variables were 150% as fast, but calling math.random() bumped it up 800%.
04:39 ShadowNinja     800% as long that is.
04:40 ShadowNinja     0.15 -> 0.10 -> 0.86
04:40 hmmmm           why would you call math.random()?
04:41 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: Because it's a Lua->C call(I think) and it should be fairly fast.
04:42 hmmmm           math.random() is Lua, you must be thinking of PseudoRandom
04:42 ShadowNinja     Of course this doesn't really matter because I'm using a loop that repeats a million times...
04:42 Peacock         ideally you need 3-4 tests: external array, external local vars, internal array, and internal local vars (int/external = to the ongen function)
04:43 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: And Lua->C calls in basic Lua? I'd like to avoid firing up a server.
04:43 ShadowNinja     Any*
04:43 stormchaser3000 is vanessaE on this chanel
04:43 Peacock         she's gone to London to see the Queen
04:43 hmmmm           ShadowNinja, not that I'm aware of
04:44 stormchaser3000 or shadow what is the chanel that the irc mod uses
04:44 NekoGloop       no
04:45 stormchaser3000 ok ShadowNinja what is the irc server that the irc mod runs on
04:48 ShadowNinja     stormchaser3000: Vanessa's servers, mine, and kaeza's are connected to irc.inchra.net
04:49 stormchaser3000 thanks
04:51 ShadowNinja     So, aparently basic table access if faster in LuaJIT than local variable access: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6467128/
04:52 hmmmm           weird, and definitely not the result that pilz got when he tried the same
04:52 hmmmm           you should run that test a couple of times within the same process and take the average and show the variance as well
04:54 Peacock         so question is, outside table, or table inside ongen?
04:56 Peacock         and.. what kind of differences are we talking about, ms or seconds lol
05:05 Peacock         ideally if jit were default instead of plain lua we'd have a fewer set of test results to try lol
05:08 * Peacock       offers beer to the channel
05:15 * NekoGloop     splashes it on Peacock's face
05:15 Peacock         how rude
05:15 NekoGloop       meow
05:15 reactor         Morning.
05:15 Peacock         morning?
05:16 reactor         No, mowing.
05:16 Peacock         i woke up at 6PM EST :P
05:17 reactor         Woah man.
05:17 reactor         I'm amazed to discover someone's sleep cycle is more fucked than mine.
05:18 Peacock         that's only half of it, last week i had to wait for a plumber during daytime, so i practically got no sleep until yesterday lol
05:19 Peacock         now i got the lovely beginnings of a skylight in my bathroom and barely any pressure in the shower XD
05:20 reactor         Peacock: plumbers work at night?!
05:21 Peacock         no they come during the day, im at night lol
05:21 reactor         Oh.
05:21 Peacock         so try getting any sleep between 7pm and midnight lol
05:21 reactor         Heh.
05:21 reactor         Why go to bed at 7?
05:21 Peacock         yesterday i hit the sack at 7am and awoke at 6pm today lol
05:21 Peacock         erm, not yesterday, this morning lol
05:21 reactor         o_0
05:22 reactor         I've once done that.
05:22 Peacock         yeah, im out of whack lol
05:22 reactor         That is terrible.
05:22 Peacock         that's nothing, next week (monday) i have to wait for the ceiling people
05:22 Peacock         they  could come any day, so i can't sleep any of them until they come lol
05:22 reactor         If I happen to stay up later than 4 o'clock, I prefer not going to bed at all, because I would wake up with head full of jell-o.
05:23 Peacock         i used to be able to stay up 24 hours, but im pushing 30 now
05:24 reactor         It's interesting how the mind starts detaching itself from the body when you stay up for long.
05:24 reactor         And making up strange thoughts.
05:25 Peacock         true with sleep deprivation you start hearing the cellphone ring or the front door knock even though its not true lol
05:25 reactor         Oh yeah yeah, compulsive tendencies.
05:25 reactor         "Have I checked that tap?"
05:26 reactor         "Check the door, god damn it!"
05:26 Peacock         heck i changed the ringtone on my phone and i still hear the old one lol
05:28 Peacock         fall and winter are like that lol lack of vitamin = lack of sleep and appetite
05:28 Peacock         *vitamin D
05:32 reactor         Winter sucks ass.
05:33 reactor         You go to work at night, and you go home at night. No sun until Sunday.
05:33 reactor         And on Sunday, no time to get out.
05:34 Miner_48er      will the instructions for compiling MT work on cent os?
05:40 Peacock         im not a huge fan of winter either, god must have one hell of a sense of humour :P
05:40 Peacock         someone like me should have been born on the west coast or somewhere like florida lol
05:42 reactor         Miner_48er: it's probably the same as other OS.
05:42 reactor         Miner_48er: why don't you move your servers to a BSD variant?
05:43 Miner_48er      not my servers
05:43 reactor         Oh.
05:43 reactor         Talk to the owner about the benefits of switching?
05:43 Miner_48er      what benifit?
05:44 reactor         A second.
05:44 reactor         For example these: http://www.luke.maurits.id.au/writing/why-i-use-netbsd.html
05:45 reactor         That apples to other BSD, too.
05:45 reactor         title
05:45 reactor         !title
05:45 MinetestBot     reactor: Why I use NetBSD
05:46 paramat         okay so local content ids within ongen function ... im learning a lot tonight
05:50 Peacock         p, shadowninja said earlier that tables were faster with jit
05:57 paramat         okay i use normal lua
06:00 Peacock         portals http://s18.postimg.org/smxql3w7d/screenshot_2293341731.png
06:01 reactor         Pwned.
06:01 reactor         Peacock: woah.
06:01 reactor         You're working on a portal gun?
06:02 paramat         a dyson cube is a good idea actually ... stuck on the inside of the world boundary with a big sun in the centre, lots of space inbetween
06:04 Peacock         not a portal gun my computer (with the mapp mod builtin) will be able to create portals :-)
06:04 Peacock         and yeah, dyson sphere/cube would be cool, actually i thought of a cube first
06:04 Peacock         because a sphere in MT would be painful to do lol
06:04 paramat         its a cubic cosmology
06:04 Peacock         but a cube with each inside face being a terrain would be awesome :-)
06:05 paramat         i find vrealm possibly more interesting when gravity cant be changed, if it could it would just be another landscape
06:06 Peacock         what i worry about with vrealm is liquids
06:06 Peacock         the slightest obstruction would cause a waterfall of epic proportions
06:06 paramat         yeah cavegen has to be disabled
06:06 Peacock         but the vrealm made me think of a cube where each inside face is a terrain
06:08 paramat         the hard and challenging bit is making them meet or perhaps blend at the edges and corners
06:08 Peacock         a dyson cube if you will lol
06:08 Peacock         i wouldn't know about that, im only *starting* to get a handle on noise playing with your asteroid mod lol
06:28 nore            paramat, an advice for the content ids in ongen function
06:28 nore            better make them global to the whole mod
06:33 VanessaE        hi
06:34 reactor         o/
06:36 paramat         nore, okay thanks
06:39 paramat         ... but hmm-mm recommends them to be locals ... :)
06:43 hoodedice       Yo
06:48 nore            paramat, locals to the mod
06:49 paramat         okay :)
07:11 MinetestBot     GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Don't continue trying to deserialize blank block data 068dd796f5 2013-11-23T23:10:15-08:00 http://git.io/ZvIscA
07:15 MinetestBot     GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Bump version to 0.4.8 a2608217d3 2013-11-23T23:12:20-08:00 http://git.io/zYU0rA
07:20 VanessaE        oh, so it's official?  guess I better update a few mods.
07:24 hmmmm           erm hold on guys
07:24 hmmmm           don't fetch from master yet
07:34 MinetestBot     GIT: kwolekr commited to minetest/minetest: Bump version to 0.4.8 122875c30c 2013-11-23T23:23:49-08:00 http://git.io/ydUD6A
07:45 pitriss         Hi, I want to ask, is there way how to modify join/leave messages from mod?
07:53 sfan5           pitriss: no
07:54 pitriss         sfan5: ok.. I just wanted to add timestamps to them..
08:10 arsdragonfly_   0.4.8 is out?!
08:11 VanessaE        apparently so
08:11 nore            it is getting out
08:11 nore            they are making the builds, etc.
08:19 hmmmm           paramat, http://dev.minetest.net/Lua_Optimization_Tips
08:20 paramat         https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=119396#p119396
08:20 paramat         thanks
08:20 nore            https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7819
08:20 hmmmm           I just finished writing that up, it'd be good if somebody could go through each point and benchmark what the typical improvement is
08:21 nore            hmmmm, about that: should we include bit32 in Lua too? (it is in LuaJIT and Lua 5.2, but not 5.1)
08:21 nore            bitwise operators are useful to optimize things...
08:22 hmmmm           erm, no thanks
08:29 paramat         =) !
09:22 MinetestBot     markveidemanis: <john_minetest> No, I won't help you with your homepage/project/anything.
09:23 markveidemanis  !up mt.marktest.co.uk
09:32 reactor         markveidemanis cahin
09:32 reactor         markveidemanis chain*
09:42 nore            How do I profile a lua thing? os.clock is not precise enough
09:42 VanessaE        run a loop of whatever say 1000 times
09:42 VanessaE        time that, divide by 1000.
09:53 smoke_fumus     does anyone have experience with Cg syntax?
09:55 VanessaE        nope, no one would ever study that :{
09:55 VanessaE        :P
09:55 VanessaE        ok, enough sarcasm, I'm off to bed.  night all.
09:58 nore            is there a way a mod can detect if using LuaJIT or not?
10:01 nore            cause I have a mod that should do something if LuaJIT is there and something else if it isn't
10:07 arsdragonfly_   nore : simply if jit then blah blah blah end
10:07 arsdragonfly_   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19056429/how-to-check-if-nginx-uses-luajit-and-not-lua
10:08 nore            yes, I saw that...
10:27 PilzAdam        Hello everyone!
10:28 reactor         Ehlo.
10:29 nore            PilzAdam, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7819 <-- yay!
10:48 hoodedice       RealBadAngel: Why wasn't shaders implemented in 0.4.8?
10:48 PilzAdam        hoodedice, because they are not finished yet
10:48 hoodedice       hrm.
10:48 RealBadAngel    this is not ready feature, it will be released propably with 0.4.9
10:49 hoodedice       What is yet to do?
10:49 RealBadAngel    lotsa stuff
10:49 hoodedice       =)
10:49 hoodedice       PS: I've noticed that bumps occur towards the corner of the screen
10:50 hoodedice       Area under the pointer is flat
10:50 hoodedice       Is that on purpose?
10:53 RealBadAngel    if you look straigth at texture you see it not deformed
10:53 RealBadAngel    deformation (oclussion) takes place when view vector changes
10:54 hoodedice       hmm
10:54 RealBadAngel    take a closer looks at bricks texture
10:54 RealBadAngel    *look
10:56 hoodedice       bumped?
10:57 RealBadAngel    HavenNG
10:57 hoodedice       hrm, yes, bricks do retain the bumpness even on direct view
10:57 hoodedice       brb ;ater
10:57 hoodedice       *later
11:32 whiskers75      hai
12:45 hoodedice       Has MGv7 been done with?
12:50 hoodedice       MGv7 wasn't finished?!
12:50 hoodedice       S.A.D.
12:52 reactor         MG-42 was!
13:18 MinetestBot     GIT: sfan5 commited to Uberi/MineTest-WorldEdit: Revert "Change compatibility notices." because we have 0.4.8 now b3ba6f2433 2013-11-24T05:18:04-08:00 http://git.io/CwQPjQ
13:59 iqualfragile    yay minetest 0.4.8
14:00 reactor         Already?
14:00 reactor         Woohoo!
14:04 Jordach         naw shit
14:05 iqualfragile    well maybee minetest 0.4.9 wont take that long
14:30 iqualfragile    what is the id for air?
14:30 PilzAdam        iqualfragile, 126 or 127 IIRC
14:31 iqualfragile    and in foo:bar notation?
14:31 iqualfragile    empty string?
14:31 PilzAdam        "air"
14:31 iqualfragile    oh… ok
14:32 PilzAdam        "" is the hand, or empty item
14:34 iqualfragile    ok
14:35 iqualfragile    feature request: allow mods to have an disabled.lua and an delete.lua
14:35 PilzAdam        hm?
14:35 iqualfragile    disabled.lua is called if (and only if) the mod is set to off in world.mt
14:36 PilzAdam        how would that be used?
14:36 iqualfragile    delete.lua is called when … hmm… maybee when the world was started with a special parameter or when its contained in some setting
14:36 iqualfragile    PilzAdam: right now when you disable mods you have shitloads of undefined nodes
14:37 iqualfragile    disable.lua could just contain the node definitons without any kind of abms or game logic, just the graphics more or less
14:37 iqualfragile    and delete should alias them tho some default node
14:37 PilzAdam        eh, that means you cant disable mods anymore?
14:39 markveidemanis  Bad idea, it takes away control
14:39 markveidemanis  Like the current mod system
14:39 markveidemanis  I liked when ALL the mods were enabled by default
14:39 iqualfragile    PilzAdam: yes you can, but without the ugly undefined nodes
14:40 * sfan5         wishes he did more bitcoin mining back then when the price was low
14:40 iqualfragile    sfan5: everybody does
14:41 sfan5           I currently have 1.68€ worth of bitcoins, mining gives me 10x less now...
14:41 sfan5           you can't do much with 1.68€
14:42 reactor         Bitcoins are waste of electricity.
14:42 reactor         Mining them is not based on producing product, as it's the case with gold and real money.
14:42 reactor         When you mine gold, you mine valuable material.
14:43 reactor         When you mine bitcoins you calculate complicated functions that don't describe anything.
14:45 thexyz          sfan5: I have 86$ it seems
14:45 thexyz          according to blockchain.info rates
14:46 sfan5           I recalculated and
14:46 thexyz          reactor: calculating that hash helps the network function
14:46 sfan5           I have 2.55€ now
14:51 thexyz          cool
14:52 thexyz          and I keep reading about all those pizzas for $2 million
14:57 iqualfragile    reactor: no
14:57 iqualfragile    gold is not valuable
14:57 iqualfragile    gold is borderline-useless
14:57 reactor         It is.
14:57 reactor         It's a good conductor.
14:57 iqualfragile    and thats it
14:57 reactor         It's a good non-reactive metal.
14:57 reactor         s/metal/material/
14:57 iqualfragile    it allso does not react with (we call it königswasser)
14:57 iqualfragile    no, sorry
14:57 reactor         It dissolves in it, no?
14:58 iqualfragile    königswasser was one of the accids taht can dissolve gold
14:58 reactor         King Vodka, we call it here.
14:58 iqualfragile    but you can use plastic
14:58 reactor         You can't use plastic for some substances.
14:58 reactor         You can't use plastic for conductive pads.
14:59 reactor         Gold is soft and has high conductivity, hence it's good for electrical connectors.
14:59 reactor         Jewelry is a brutal waste of this precious material.
14:59 iqualfragile    but it is too rare to actually be used for connectors
14:59 reactor         It is.
15:00 iqualfragile    so there is allmost no real use for gold
15:00 reactor         There is.
15:00 reactor         Connectors.
15:00 reactor         Alright?
15:00 reactor         You could even make wires of it, if you could afford.
15:00 reactor         I suppose there are applications where they use gold wires.
15:00 reactor         Heh.
15:00 iqualfragile    and there is a real use for bitcoins:
15:00 iqualfragile    trusted transactions
15:00 reactor         It also is good for medical implant coating.
15:01 reactor         Because it should not react with the body.
15:01 markveidemanis  Why does worldedit leave FUCKING SHADOWS?
15:01 reactor         markveidemanis: //fixlight
15:09 markveidemanis  Nope
15:09 markveidemanis  Wont work
15:10 markveidemanis  I am having to dig everyhing up
15:11 Exio4           i now have two windows VMs
15:11 Exio4           er, three
15:11 Exio4           windows 98, windows xp, and windows seven (ultimate)
15:11 Exio4           the last, 64bit, the xp, 32b and the w98, well, 64bit x86 cpus didn't exist back there
15:12 nore            reactor, there are some materials even more conductive than gold...
15:12 reactor         Provide examples, will you?
15:13 Exio4           i wonder what to do with them
15:14 nore            reactor, sodium for instance
15:14 reactor         It's reactive as hell.
15:14 reactor         Good luck making connectors of it.
15:14 nore            I know...
15:14 reactor         Then why did you even start this?
15:14 nore            but I also know that researchers were able to make even more conductive  materails
15:15 nore            out of carbon nanotubes
15:15 reactor         Impractical
15:15 Exio4           gold is useless because it os too expensive to be useful in shit
15:15 reactor         Gold is easier so far.
15:15 Exio4           it is *
15:15 nore            which can be used for wires (they made several centimeters of it...)
15:16 nore            gold is to rare to be used everywhere... that's why copper is used instead
15:16 reactor         Copper is reactive.
15:17 Exio4           yes, gold is awesome
15:17 reactor         Gold is the best for connectors, so far.
15:17 Exio4           get 1kg of gold and 1kg of copper or any other material
15:17 reactor         You don't have to make them entirely gold.
15:17 reactor         You only have to coat the conductors.
15:40 jojoa1997       did anyone install proprietary drivers on ubuntu before?
15:41 PilzAdam        yes
15:41 jojoa1997       do you have a readon graphics card?
15:41 PilzAdam        no
15:42 jojoa1997       poo
15:42 jojoa1997       oh wait i can go on #ubuntu nvm
16:00 harrison        sauce4thehoss, gruel4themule
16:01 iqualfragile    harrison: wut?
16:01 harrison        oh, just a slogan
16:01 harrison        or "meme" if you will
16:02 iqualfragile    3edgy5me
16:03 harrison        perfect! i didn't understand that at all!
16:03 harrison        OldCoder, perhaps you can help us
16:04 OldCoder        Good morning. How?
16:04 harrison        iqualfragile and i have offered competing memes
16:04 * OldCoder      listens
16:04 harrison        can you pick the winner?
16:04 harrison        mine is:
16:04 OldCoder        I can try
16:04 harrison        sauce4thehoss, gruel4themule
16:04 OldCoder        Go on
16:04 harrison        iqualfragile's meme is:
16:05 harrison        3edgy5me
16:05 reactor         2edgy4me
16:05 OldCoder        harrison, what are the criteria? All are euphonius (sp?)
16:05 harrison        o now i understand. that is rilly clever
16:06 harrison        euphonious
16:06 OldCoder        T Y
16:06 harrison        his is more clever and mine includes a mule
16:06 harrison        hard to judge a winner
16:06 OldCoder        I do not see how they are qualified to be "memes". They are all amusing catchphrases.
16:07 OldCoder        I will use gruel4themule and 2edgy4me myself
16:07 harrison        ok i have a g'teed meme then
16:07 OldCoder        Pass on selecting a "meme"
16:08 harrison        01,09mememememememememememmememememememememememememememememememememememememe
16:08 harrison        01,09                                   _        internet insect           .
16:08 harrison        01,09   _ __ ___   ___  _ __ ___   ___ | |__   ___  _ __  _ __   ___  _ __ .
16:08 harrison        01,09  | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| '__|.
16:08 harrison        01,09  | | | | | |  __/| | | | | |  __/| | | | (_) | |_) | |_) |  __/| |   .
16:08 OldCoder        Hi
16:08 OldCoder        harrison, bot does not like that
16:08 reactor         Pwned.
16:08 OldCoder        harrison, others; I wish to build 0.8.4 server and clients for MT
16:08 harrison        but do YOU like it?
16:08 OldCoder        harrison, I cannot read it here but it looks interesting
16:08 OldCoder        Paste to a paste site?
16:09 OldCoder        harrison, reactor, others; is there a git clone command to pull 0.8.4 plus fixes as opposed to new experimental branches?
16:10 reactor         0.4.8
16:10 reactor         mk
16:10 reactor         hmm
16:10 reactor         idk
16:10 PilzAdam        OldCoder, no
16:10 Calinou         too many memes
16:11 PilzAdam        we only have a stable branch, but we dont push fixes to it
16:11 harrison        that is what makes it so stable
16:12 Peacock         what, no stable twig or stable roots?
16:12 Peacock         and will the stables have ponies?
16:12 harrison        sauce4thehoss, gruel4themule
16:12 harrison        see what i did there?
16:13 Peacock         drugs are bad, mkay?
16:13 harrison        You don't actually believe that.
16:14 Peacock         drugs have been uncool since rob ford
16:14 harrison        In any case. one man's mede is another man's persian.
16:15 Peacock         speaking of persians, the iranians cut a deal with the yanks
16:15 harrison        Jew don't say!
16:16 OldCoder        PilzAdam, thanks. What is the git clone for the stable branch?
16:16 Peacock         bibi don't seem happy
16:16 jojoa1997       lol i just found this in the minecraft forums http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2055138-what-is-the-one-thing-you-dislike-the-most-in-17/#entry25266339
16:16 OldCoder        PilzAdam, or should I continue to clone upstream bleeding egde?
16:16 OldCoder        * edge
16:16 harrison        that was my impish implication
16:16 PilzAdam        OldCoder, git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git whatever && cd whatever && git checkout stable-0.4
16:16 PilzAdam        same for minetest_game
16:17 jojoa1997       i thought the big ugly black border was minetest's thing. This makes me wonder if Mojang is ccoping some of Minetest's things?
16:17 jojoa1997       Hi OldCoder
16:17 Peacock         who the fuck cares if he is lol
16:17 PilzAdam        OldCoder, I recommend to use stable, as you have less risk to break stuff with it
16:17 Peacock         as in, pot meet kettle lol
16:17 sapier          Mobf prerelease 2.2.90 is ready plz test
16:20 OldCoder        PilzAdam, thank you
16:20 OldCoder        jojoa1997, Hey
16:21 jojoa1997       gtg gonna try the new grapfics driver the internet told me
16:21 Peacock         the internet says alot of things,
16:25 Peacock         i hadn't realized how tacky Sliders was until i started watching it again lol
16:26 rubenwardy      Hi all
16:28 ShadowNinja     hmmmm: My local variables vs tables test only did "ids[1] = ids[1] + 1", more complex table access should take longer. And I found that if I raised the number of iterations local variables got the edge at about the ten-second mark.
16:31 Peacock         so the jury's still out on table vs local vars
16:33 ShadowNinja     Peacock: Local variables are almost always faster, and tables only win by a slight margin in LuaJIT with very simple access.
16:34 Jordach         > simple access
16:34 Jordach         > luaJIT
16:34 Jordach         hell nope.
16:34 Peacock         well in the overall scheme of things, the switch to perlinmaps did alot more to boost ongen speed than where and how i store my content id's
16:35 Peacock         though since i use jit i reckon the where and how of content id's dont affect much
16:35 ShadowNinja     Yes, most of this only matters if your codecrepeats a few billion times.
16:35 ShadowNinja     +' '
16:36 ShadowNinja     Peacock: LuaJIT is very good at optimizing tables, but Lua is a lot slower.
16:36 Peacock         as in generating billions of chunks?
16:37 Peacock         well the fact we still have two-speed lua doesn't help for comparing results lol
16:37 ShadowNinja     Peacock: As in generating about a million chunks at a time.
16:37 Peacock         yeah that'll never happen lol
16:38 Peacock         ianno how i mentioned a delete chunk functions yesterday, is it possible to check if a chunk has been generated and to call ongen without having a player physically there?
16:39 sapier          not from within lua
16:39 sapier          at least by now
16:39 Peacock         poop, my computer node map thingy is pretty good at scanning asteroids, but only for loaded areas
16:39 sapier          maybe the forced block loading api could be used to mage a block generate but it's early discussion state
16:40 Jordach         sapier, i'd make one that allows entities to use a farmesh like thing, they can work as normal (cannot be seen, but do move and react)
16:40 Jordach         same for abms
16:41 ShadowNinja     Local variables: 9.926781 Tables: 36.931419 -- Lua with 1,000,000,000 iterations.
16:41 sapier          sorry don't understand what you try to tell ?
16:41 Peacock         another idea, an on_walk function for nodes, for things like traps and portals
16:41 Jordach         sapier, allow entities to roam and attack other entities, but do not render them if they are in unloaded chunks
16:41 sapier          peacock I have a feeling of very very bad performance with such a callback ;-)
16:42 Jordach         eg, mobs
16:42 nore            sapier, force_loading is coming soon...
16:42 Peacock         sapier compare and contrast with running an abm on the node every second :P
16:42 nore            (as soon as I am motivated enough for it)
16:42 ShadowNinja     Peacock: After client-side Lua in implemented that will work.
16:42 ShadowNinja     is*
16:43 sapier          peacock just because you can find even worse ways to do it the bad thing doesn't get better
16:43 ShadowNinja     Peacock: For now iterate through all players in on_globalstep.
16:43 sapier          jordach unloaded chunks meaning areas where node data isn't available?
16:43 Jordach         sapier, correct
16:43 Peacock         that was my first thought, and i wouldn't be surprised if on_walk worked much the same way
16:44 sapier          how should a entity do anything sane without knowing it's environment?
16:44 Jordach         basically let the engine create a fake solid area (just like farmesh, the engine should just estimate the solid areas, nodeboxes become boxes)
16:44 sapier          I don't see the benefit right now maybe I miss somethingß
16:45 * Jordach       doesn't wanna update minetest versions (the problems of being stable)
16:46 sapier          in general loading things is while no player is there is a bad idea ... in most situations finding a way to NOT load things and do same is way better
16:46 rubenwardy      What are farmeshes?
16:47 Peacock         gone, judging from changelog
16:47 Megaf           I hate this rollback now a days
16:47 Megaf           it just make the OS to kill the minetest server
16:47 sapier          reduced detail meshes ... at least I think so
16:47 rubenwardy      Like player meshes in the distance?
16:48 ShadowNinja     Megaf: Use SQLite rollback. (See the pull request)
16:48 rubenwardy      Or the map mesh
16:48 rubenwardy      (like terrains when they lose detail)?
16:49 Megaf           developers... They neve see things with a user point of view
16:49 Megaf           why dont you make the thing actually usable?
16:50 rubenwardy      or user friendly
16:50 sapier          because users tend to NOT report issues
16:50 rubenwardy      It is because developers are like robots
16:50 Jordach         ...you can talk rubenwardy
16:50 rubenwardy      s/like/
16:50 Megaf           There are several unhappy players on my server, All I can say is, sorry, it's a minetest bug or fault
16:50 Jordach         you develop your nodebox editor with the MOST WANTED features
16:50 Jordach         s/with/without
16:50 sapier          megaf if you have issues WRITE A issue on github
16:50 Jordach         AN*
16:51 rubenwardy      Is that a statement, or a suggestion?
16:51 Megaf           sapier, my issue it's a know bug
16:51 sapier          which one
16:51 sapier          ?
16:51 rubenwardy      or a you try
16:51 Jordach         rubenwardy, people want the save and other shit working first
16:51 Megaf           sapier, rollback
16:51 sapier          can't rollback be disabled?
16:51 rubenwardy      Export works!
16:51 Megaf           rollback, in the master branch, make the server to be killed
16:52 Megaf           I need rollback to help fix grefing
16:52 Peacock         if you dont like rollback, learn to make regular backups and moderate your servers properly
16:52 Peacock         that means not granting interact to complete noobs lol
16:52 Megaf           shut up
16:52 Peacock         blow me
16:52 rubenwardy      I suppose you have a point
16:52 Megaf           Peacock!*@* added to ignore list.
16:52 Megaf           done
16:53 Megaf           you are blown up
16:53 Megaf           happy?
16:53 sapier          rollback isn't something you will get without performance impact if you NEED to use it you have to accept it (that doesn't necessarly mean it can't be done better)
16:53 Peacock         http://youtu.be/bqlplW3iYB0
16:53 Megaf           sapier, rollback is a fantastic tool and it used to work grate
16:53 Megaf           great
16:53 rubenwardy      I am currently preparing for save/load
16:53 sapier          obviously it didn't noone breaks things by purpose
16:53 Megaf           I used to use rollback with no big issues at all, never had a crash with it
16:54 Megaf           even with a rollback like /rollback nick 999999999999999999999999999999999999999
16:54 sapier          and what happens now?
16:54 Megaf           I just had to wait a couple of seconds and everything back to normal
16:54 Megaf           thats with the 0.4 branch
16:54 Megaf           now, with the master branch, it makes the server to use so much memory that it makes the OS kill it
16:55 Peacock         an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure XD
16:55 Megaf           And it doesn't actually rollbacks anything at all
16:55 Jordach         Peacock, tell me about it, same for HIV fighting drugs
16:55 sapier          I'll see what I can do megaf give me some time
16:56 Megaf           sapier, and now, that's actually the only issue I have
16:56 Peacock         from griefing to HIV lol that escalated quickly
16:56 Megaf           everything else seems to be fixed
16:56 Jordach         Peacock, prevention is far better than the cure
16:57 Jordach         the cures suck and make it worse usually
16:57 Jordach         ello
16:57 Calinou         hi
16:57 rubenwardy      Who here watched Doctor Who / the day of the Doctor?
16:57 Megaf           I don't use stuff to protect land because I believe that takes freedom away
16:58 Jordach         btw, if i get around to actually planning a second short, i want community input
16:58 Megaf           I will myself protect small parts of land for some users
16:58 Peacock         ugh, doctor who... fantasy show for women lol i can't stand DoG's biased reporting on it (sponsor)
16:58 rubenwardy      DoG?
16:58 Peacock         denofgeek
16:59 Peacock         they bitch about half a dozen decent american scifi, but act like doctor who is original with bi-monthly dalek invasions lol
16:59 rubenwardy      Where are you from?
16:59 Jordach         john_minetest, the pirate shore awaits ;)
17:00 rubenwardy      Excluding the day of the doctor, there has not been a dalek invation since the ww2 / new dalek things
17:00 rubenwardy      However, they were in Clara's first apprense, but not as an invasion
17:00 rubenwardy      The Daleks are the Doctor's nemisis
17:01 sfan5           nice, bitcoin-qt uses all memory
17:01 rubenwardy      watchseries.* is good
17:01 OldCoder        Exterminate!
17:01 OldCoder        ^ Daleks
17:01 sapier          megaf maybe a quick solution for your probmem might be removing/backuping rollback logs on regular base?
17:01 * OldCoder      remembers when the Daleks finally showed how they could get up stairs :P
17:01 rubenwardy      Not having the daleks every so often would be like not having the joker in spider man
17:02 rubenwardy      meh
17:02 OldCoder        rubenwardy, Joker in SpiderMan? Ah. But actually I think they met once.
17:02 Jordach         OldCoder, oh god that was the most fearful thing ever: "ELEVATE!"
17:02 rubenwardy      The joker is spider mans nemisis?
17:02 Megaf           sapier, tried that already
17:02 OldCoder        rubenwardy, Nope
17:02 rubenwardy      oh
17:02 OldCoder        Different universes
17:02 rubenwardy      ok
17:02 rubenwardy      Not having the daleks every so often would be like not having the joker in batman
17:02 OldCoder        See "The Killing Joke"
17:03 OldCoder        Named after the story probably
17:03 OldCoder        Hold on briefly
17:03 sapier          megaf there's a solution worked on atm but it's not ready for release
17:03 OldCoder        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_The_Killing_Joke
17:03 OldCoder        john_minetest and others ^
17:03 OldCoder        Landmark comic ^
17:04 Megaf           ok, if its not ready, dont release it, thats the right decision
17:04 OldCoder        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/95/Jokerorig.png
17:04 OldCoder        Joker's original identity ^
17:04 OldCoder        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jokerkillingjoke.png
17:04 OldCoder        Joker after one bad day ^
17:04 OldCoder        john_minetest, reviewing further
17:05 OldCoder        Yes
17:05 OldCoder        john_minetest, you are correct; comic may have been named after the band as an inside joke
17:05 OldCoder
17:06 OldCoder        To wrap up: There was a mild mannered comedian who had one bad day. Wife died, he fell into toxic chemicals, etc. Happens all the day. Afterwards, insane and mirror image to Batman.
17:06 OldCoder        ^ Concise summary
17:06 OldCoder        * all the time
17:14 Megaf           sapier, any idea of what could be causing the OS to kill minetesetserver when rollback is in progress?
17:15 sapier          there's a known issues with large rollback files but if you don't have those I'd more think about a general bug
17:15 ShadowNinja     Megaf: OOM. Wait for SQLite rollback or merge it locally.
17:16 Megaf           ShadowNinja, how will it work? For the end user, it will be just like /rollback nick time?
17:17 ShadowNinja     Megaf: The only difference is that it is 1000X faster, doesn't eat RAM, and /rollback_check has a limit option that defaults to 5.
17:23 sfan5           and now bitcoin-qt crashed my computer
17:23 Peacock         have a box of lols
17:25 thexyz          s/ls/lis/
17:26 sfan5           lolis?
17:26 sfan5           do you mean lollies?
17:27 thexyz          he
17:27 thexyz          he
17:27 Megaf           ok, thanks for your attention sapier ShadowNinja
17:27 Megaf           I must got
17:28 sfan5           >I must got
17:28 sfan5           plol
17:29 EvergreenTree   o/
17:37 Jordach         o/
17:45 rubenwardy      Ok, the handles now work, on to the UI Framework and then save / loading
17:49 sfan5           bitcoin-qt -reindex -dns -upgradewallet does things 100% faster than before
17:51 Jordach         plol, bitcoin
17:54 Exio4           does anyone want to play monopoly?
17:54 Jordach         FUCK. YEAH.
17:54 EvergreenTree   ^
17:54 reactor         ~ $ who is smart
17:54 reactor         usage: who [-HmqsTu] [am I] [file]
17:54 reactor         :(
17:54 reactor         It used to say the current user.
17:54 Peacock         who is Yeah and why would you fornicate with him/her
17:55 Jordach         goddammit Peacock
17:55 Jordach         Exio4, have you found a irc game again
17:56 Exio4           nope, it is there http://www.psmonopoly.com/monopoly-online
17:56 Peacock         not retro enough, let's play with carrier pidgeons
17:56 Jordach         jordach@Aspire ~ $ who is smart
17:56 Jordach         jordach  pts/0        2013-11-24 17:55 (:0.0)
17:56 Jordach         reactor, ^^
17:57 reactor         Aight.
17:57 reactor         :(
18:01 Jordach         oh, wow
18:01 MinetestBot     GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Reenable -dev suffix f87c1c2410 2013-11-24T10:01:25-08:00 http://git.io/yn2Vjw
18:02 Jordach         didn't even had the qt developer shizzle
18:08 Calinou         calinou@calinou-desktop:~$ whatis love
18:08 Calinou         love: nothing appropriate.
18:09 Jordach         same here
18:09 sfan5            4
18:09 sfan5           s/4//
18:11 iqualfragile    oh fuck… 4chan found some child adoption wobsite
18:13 Jordach         wobsite
18:16 rubenwardy      Hmmm
18:17 Jordach         any minetesters up for online monopoly?
18:18 PilzAdam        Jordach, hows the short coming along?
18:18 Jordach         PilzAdam, rendering
18:18 EvergreenTree   He's working on it
18:18 Jordach         it's done in large segments so i can openshot it as well as blender render new parts
18:18 whiskers75      Hai guise
18:19 Jordach         PilzAdam, frame 32 of 475
18:21 EvergreenTree   Jordach, did you know blender has a fairly basic built in video editor?
18:21 EvergreenTree   It's called blender vse iirc
18:21 Jordach         EvergreenTree, sucks compared to OpenShot
18:21 Jordach         i'd rather use the well known FOSS standard
18:21 EvergreenTree   yeah, though OpenShot sucks compared to some of the video editors on linux
18:21 EvergreenTree   it'll do though
18:22 Jordach         s/linux/windows
18:22 Jordach         EvergreenTree, OpenShot 2.0 has an amazing set of new stuff
18:23 EvergreenTree   Like what?
18:23 * EvergreenTree wants
18:23 Jordach         new interface, new transitions, plugin support
18:24 Jordach         http://www.openshotvideo.com/?bloglink-header
18:24 Jordach         masking, some other shit
18:25 EvergreenTree   :D
18:25 Peacock         "Openshit, now with masking and other shit" XD
18:26 Exio4           Jordach: ?
18:26 Jordach         Exio4, waiting for the tree
18:28 Calinou         I tried installing arch in VirtualBox today and failed again :<
18:29 Jordach         Calinou, i managed to get Arch going in virtualbox
18:29 Jordach         ON WINDOWS.
18:29 Jordach         EvergreenTree, Exio4: want a render of us three playing monopoly?
18:29 Calinou         on windows, yes, Jordach
18:29 Exio4           sure
18:29 Calinou         Jordach, us four!
18:30 OldCoder        Calinou, what went wrong?
18:30 EvergreenTree   Here is the client if you want to play: http://www.psmonopoly.com/monopoly-online
18:30 OldCoder        Not with Love but with Hard Disk
18:31 Calinou         it kept rebooting on "archiso"
18:31 VanessaE        hi all
18:31 Calinou         "All original material Copyright 2002-2014"
18:31 Calinou         THEY HAVE A TIME MACHINE!!!
18:31 OldCoder        VanessaE, Hello
18:46 * rubenwardy    is starting to write the NBE's file parser
18:47 thexyz          Calinou: try harder
18:47 thexyz          what's so difficult about installing arch?
18:47 thexyz          it just fucking works
18:47 Calinou         it doesn't boot on the installed stuff
18:47 VanessaE        rubenwardy: Non-Biological Extraterrestrial's? ;)
18:47 Calinou         it keeps booting archiso
18:47 rubenwardy      NodeBox Editor
18:48 thexyz          (and if it doesn't just fucking works then use `acpi=off nomodeset` and it will)
18:48 Calinou         how would you remove the installation media on virtualbox?
18:48 VanessaE        (that stupid movie ruined me...)
18:48 thexyz          Calinou: that's not arch problem
18:48 thexyz          lrn2virtualbox
18:48 thexyz          you can remove the disk from the tray
18:48 Calinou         I don't have that problem with xubuntu or debian
18:48 thexyz          or choose a different boot media when starting your virtual machine
18:48 Calinou         didn't have to do that :P
18:48 thexyz          and?
18:48 thexyz          also
18:48 PilzAdam        VanessaE, heh
18:49 thexyz          http://i.imgur.com/B82D3gR.png
18:50 thexyz          but I guess I've posted that one already
18:50 thexyz          http://i.imgur.com/bdjXaJZ.jpg
18:50 iqualfragile    thexyz: are you sure that should be archlinux?
18:50 thexyz          of course
18:50 iqualfragile    not … gentoo…?
18:50 thexyz          what else?
18:51 thexyz          I don't remember people advertising gentoo to newbies
18:51 Calinou         I seen the first one already
18:51 iqualfragile    that might be because there are no getoo users…
18:51 Calinou         thanks for .png version :P
18:51 thexyz          iqualfragile: I use it
18:51 iqualfragile    SO BLOATED with "the gnu coreutils"
18:51 thexyz          http://i.imgur.com/sLf3w7W.png
18:52 thexyz          > install gentoo
18:52 iqualfragile    yes, busybox masterrace
18:53 iqualfragile    plol
18:53 thexyz          http://i.imgur.com/dLswDjW.jpg
18:53 Leoneof         your poor cpu, don't compile with your cpu
18:53 thexyz          what?
18:54 Leoneof         gentoo means to compile everything, yes or no?
18:54 iqualfragile    Leoneof: wat.jpg?
18:54 iqualfragile    yes
18:55 Leoneof         then don't hurt your cpu, you have to run simple software on it
18:55 Leoneof         :)
18:55 thexyz          what should I use it for?
18:55 Leoneof         ummm, VMware :D
18:55 iqualfragile    thexyz: gpu obviously plol
18:55 thexyz          wat?
18:56 iqualfragile    a joke
18:56 iqualfragile    Leoneof: i do not know about you but my cpu is idle for about 99% of the time
18:57 Calinou         same
18:57 Leoneof         great, keep it in quiet mode.
18:57 thexyz          eh
18:57 thexyz          what a waste of resources
18:58 thexyz          http://i.imgur.com/O9bL4M2.jpg
19:00 iqualfragile    thexyz: i think apple users are bsd users
19:00 DMackey         Aww, they are scared of the little puppy heh
19:02 iqualfragile    thexyz: i think the arch pic is a litle outdated
19:02 thexyz          why?
19:02 Calinou         old ubuntu logo is used :P
19:02 iqualfragile    pacman does not delete your custom configs anymore
19:04 thexyz          wow!
19:05 thexyz          that's quite a progress
19:05 thexyz          but honestly, I think that arch is good
19:05 thexyz          because new packages and AUR
19:05 iqualfragile    see?
19:05 thexyz          and the wiki too
19:06 iqualfragile    yes, aur is awsome
19:06 iqualfragile    wiki is realy nice
19:06 iqualfragile    (arch just does not have the problems other distros have, maintaining multiple versions of the same guide for different releases)
19:06 thexyz          does it have something like revdep-rebuild?
19:07 iqualfragile    ?
19:07 thexyz          it's a tool available for gentoo which checks packages for broken links to libs and rebuilds them
19:07 iqualfragile    uh…
19:07 iqualfragile    no, that does not realy happen
19:07 thexyz          really? it did for me
19:07 thexyz          when you have a package from AUR
19:08 thexyz          and update some system library
19:08 iqualfragile    ah, i see
19:08 iqualfragile    i am not aware of any tool that does this
19:08 thexyz          in gentoo it doesn't happen anymore because it keeps old libraries if anything depends on them
19:08 iqualfragile    but i mostly use -hg -git -bzr packages from aur so i do not crae
19:08 thexyz          well that sucks
19:09 iqualfragile    what i dislike about arch is the limited amount of packages in the official repositories
19:10 iqualfragile    no security solution (grsec, selinux, apparmor) at all
19:10 iqualfragile    no simon
19:10 thexyz          then use gentoo hardened
19:10 iqualfragile    nope
19:10 thexyz          why?
19:11 iqualfragile    too unstable
19:11 iqualfragile    do not want to recompile all of kde just for one translation change
19:11 thexyz          unstable?
19:11 thexyz          then don't use ~stuff
19:11 iqualfragile    yes, it allways uses the latest versions so its unstable
19:11 sfan5           why are .me domains that expensive...
19:12 thexyz          you have no idea
19:12 rubenwardy      Save for the node box editor is complete! Now for reading...
19:12 thexyz          1) if you don't want unstable packages don't use ~amd64/~x86 keywords
19:12 thexyz          and you'll get stable everything
19:13 iqualfragile    rubenwardy: does it finally compile on archlinux?
19:13 thexyz          then, if you don't like last package version for some reason you can mask it and continue using the version you like
19:13 iqualfragile    thexyz: i was joking
19:13 iqualfragile    i am using arch right now
19:13 rubenwardy      no idea, iqualfragile.
19:13 thexyz          it's a stupid joke
19:13 thexyz          because it's hard to differ from fanboyism
19:13 iqualfragile    ok…
19:16 Calinou         <sfan5> why are .me domains that expensive...
19:16 Calinou         because of ego
19:16 sfan5           lololol
19:16 Calinou         just buy .org, the inverse of .me! :D
19:16 thexyz          how expensive is "that expensive"?
19:17 sfan5           $8.99
19:17 thexyz          that's considered expensive now?
19:17 thexyz          eh
19:17 sfan5           I wonder why .pw is cheap
19:18 Calinou         why buy expensive when you can have cheaper
19:18 VanessaE        heh and I thought the ten bucks a year that I pay for my .com was cheap
19:18 thexyz          because it looks nicer? and it's not "expensive", if you think 9$/year is expensive I've got bad news for you
19:18 PilzAdam        maybe its $8.99 per day
19:18 thexyz          expensive is something like .tm
19:18 rubenwardy      Bye all
19:19 Calinou         why not save a few dollars?
19:19 thexyz          although not really
19:19 Calinou         sometimes it does not even cost you a character
19:19 iqualfragile    you know whats cheap? your mom
19:19 thexyz          > because it looks nicer?
19:19 Peacock         lol
19:19 Calinou         well, we even have free domains if length doesn't really matter
19:19 thexyz          you can as well just have .tk
19:19 Calinou         subdomains, I mean
19:19 Peacock         there's not just length, there's girth too
19:19 Calinou         usually works :P
19:19 thexyz          iqualfragile: http://i.imgur.com/KjVLmHo.jpg
19:19 thexyz          Peacock: ^
19:19 iqualfragile    :D
19:20 iqualfragile    have you just recently restocked on funny pictures?
19:20 thexyz          not really
19:20 thexyz          I collect them sometimes
19:20 Peacock         your momma's so fat, when she walks around in high heels, she strikes oil
19:21 sfan5           .pw is $3.98, .me is $8.99 and .xxx is $84.89 ( per year)
19:21 Calinou         lol @ .xxx
19:21 thexyz          > being that cheap
19:21 Peacock         you could start a pron site
19:21 Peacock         efficientgermansex.xxx
19:21 sfan5           lol
19:21 thexyz          .xxx was on sale not too long ago
19:22 iqualfragile    Peacock: i do not think that would be too exiting
19:22 * Jordach       just put ese into bankruptcy in monopoly
19:23 * sfan5         hates monopoly (because everyone else is better than me)
19:23 PilzAdam        nobody is better in monopoly than my grandma
19:23 sfan5           cmon bitcoin-qt sync faster!
19:23 iqualfragile    i dislke the standard monopoly rules
19:24 iqualfragile    sfan5: wont happen
19:24 iqualfragile    you need to download like 9 gb data
19:24 sfan5           it needs to download data from the last 74 weeks
19:24 sfan5           ~ 180000/270000 blocks
19:27 thexyz          http://i.imgur.com/w6cT7im.png
19:34 hmmmm           I wonder if that kristopher guy made a contract with walt disney to badmouth madoka
19:38 thexyz          probably
19:38 thexyz          I dunno, why else would one hate on madoka?
19:41 VanessaE        why do people hate on anime in general? :-/
19:41 NekoGloop       because kawaii uguuuuuuu hehehehehe
19:42 thexyz          http://kielmaru07.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/1259829153228.jpg
19:42 hmmmm           lol
19:42 hmmmm           thexyz is /a/ no doubt
19:42 Jordach         PilzAdam, i have 4k in the bank
19:43 thexyz          hmmmm: http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/zeichnungen/minetest-dad.png
19:43 hmmmm           I have three times as much
19:43 hmmmm           because I have a JOB and i WORK
19:45 Jordach         hmmmm, monopoly money
19:45 thexyz          hmmmm: sad truth is sad
19:46 hmmmm           pft sour grapes
19:46 thexyz          Jordach: was that an attempt at showing off?
19:49 Exio4           Jordach:
19:49 Exio4           are you kidding us
19:50 thexyz          i too don't understand this
19:56 iqualfragile    "borderline autistic" yes, describes the minetest community quite well
19:56 sfan5           >God damn. Is there a tag for "swimsuit that lets you see the nipples"? (http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/97285540) lol
19:56 sfan5           maybe it was a bad idea to browse 4chan /a/
19:57 hmmmm           what are you guys watching this season
19:57 iqualfragile    sfan5: why would it be?
19:57 iqualfragile    unless you wanted to keep your social skills and remaining braincells
19:58 sfan5           the first post of /vg/ I looked at was about Hyperdimension game neptune; watched the anime
19:59 sfan5           the first post of /a/ I looked at was about Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita; currently watching the anime
20:00 Jordach         Exio4, not my fault
20:02 sfan5           the whole discussion is boobs
20:03 Jordach         welcome to the internet ladies and gentlemen
20:04 sfan5           I didn't expect something else
20:06 sfan5           chrome is doing something wrong with japanese <title>s
20:07 thexyz          hmmmm: I was watching the new monogatari
20:08 hmmmm           spoiler
20:08 hmmmm           hachikuji dies
20:08 thexyz          again?
20:08 hmmmm           :D
20:08 Jordach         what a totaljerkface.com ...
20:08 hmmmm           you'll see
20:09 hmmmm           if romcoms are your thing you should check out golden time, pretty good
20:09 Jordach         Exio4, ping me when the game is done
20:09 thexyz          how does this compare to toradora?
20:10 Exio4           it is done and we're out
20:10 hmmmm           greatest love story ever written
20:10 thexyz          I know that it's by the same author
20:10 thexyz          ever told
20:11 hmmmm           compared to toradora I dunno, probably about the same or something it seems like
20:11 thexyz          hmmmm: have you checked the vn?
20:11 Exio4           toradora
20:11 hmmmm           it's still not even a 3rd of the way through
20:11 hmmmm           I have not
20:11 sfan5           ooh yay! new IS2 episodes
20:11 hmmmm           >watching infinite shittiness
20:11 hmmmm           >ever
20:11 thexyz          lol
20:11 thexyz          sfan5: watch dxd instead
20:12 sfan5           lol no
20:12 sfan5           later maybe :PÖ
20:12 sfan5           s/Ö//
20:13 thexyz          welp
20:16 reactor         жжжж
20:16 thexyz          heh, they're making new chu2
20:17 Jordach         let's lock thexyz, sfan5 and hmmmm into a room with infinite bandwidth and a laptop each
20:18 sfan5           haha, wtf http://matane.de/wp-content/uploads/katanablue.jpg
20:18 Jordach         except a microwave is activated every half hour
20:18 sfan5           don't forget kittens
20:18 thexyz          Jordach: microwave? is that a s;g reference?
20:18 Jordach         no
20:18 Jordach         microwaves kill wifi
20:18 hmmmm           I still haven't watched s;g
20:18 hmmmm           :(
20:18 thexyz          why?
20:18 sfan5           Jordach: you didn't say that we use wifi
20:19 hmmmm           never got around to it
20:19 hmmmm           if we were all locked in a room we'd probably still do the same things we're doing now
20:19 thexyz          you should
20:19 hmmmm           NO
20:19 thexyz          also there's now shitty camrip of the movie
20:19 hmmmm           must
20:19 hmmmm           do
20:19 hmmmm           minetest
20:20 sfan5           minetest!
20:20 thexyz          oh right
20:21 sfan5           why do fansub groups usually choose servers with shitty bandwith for ddl
20:21 Jordach         Exio4, there was a fucking auto roll feature
20:21 Jordach         sfan5, they get paid with them
20:21 sfan5           I'm downloading at like 5/12 of my max dl speed
20:22 ruskie          because they prefer you use torrents
20:22 ruskie          I use xdcc
20:22 Exio4           Jordach: yes, emily and i used it
20:22 Jordach         Exio4, fuck
20:22 sfan5           I recently upgraded my networks storage pi to a 250gb hdd (the one I had lying around)
20:22 Calinou         emily?
20:23 Jordach         Calinou, monopoly
20:23 Calinou         ah
20:23 thexyz          sfan5: use either xdcc or torrents
20:23 Jordach         (grab capitalism and connect to play.psmonopoly.com : 1234)
20:23 Calinou         I wanted to play it, but why do you need to install a .deb for that? :/
20:23 Calinou         thexyz, piracy advice isn't really welcome here
20:23 thexyz          who the fuck uses ddl?
20:23 thexyz          Calinou: what piracy?
20:23 Jordach         Calinou, you can build from source
20:23 Calinou         thexyz, people who want to avoid the hadopi ;)
20:23 Calinou         in france (even though it's not really alive anymore)
20:23 thexyz          Calinou: I thought we're talking about linux distros, no?
20:23 sfan5           thexyz: there are no torrents yet
20:23 Calinou         I direct download my linux distros, too :P
20:24 thexyz          sfan5: just watch english subs
20:24 Calinou         thexyz, "fansub"... :P
20:24 * sfan5         used torrents to dl xubuntu
20:24 sfan5           thexyz: but.. german...
20:24 Calinou         torrenting was slower :/
20:24 thexyz          sfan5: what player do you use?
20:24 sfan5           vlc (please don't tell me you want me to use mpv, I know that)
20:24 Jordach         Calinou, i've got a run in place build: you want it?
20:24 thexyz          > vlc
20:25 thexyz          whyyyyyy
20:25 thexyz          well at least now I know you deserve slow ddl
20:25 sfan5           because it works
20:25 sfan5           :-(
20:25 * sfan5         flips table
20:25 * Calinou       flips cone
20:26 Calinou         (the VLC logo!)
20:26 Exio4           mplayer
20:26 thexyz          mpv
20:26 sfan5           it's finished, watching time~
20:26 sfan5           Calinou: lol
20:26 * Calinou       puts cone on his head
20:26 Jordach         sfan5 - get your server's ass in gear
20:26 Jordach         btw, it's REALLY GLITCHY in FireFox
20:27 Calinou         Jordach, ok, or give me link to source
20:27 Calinou         (I thought it was closed source though... :P)
20:27 Jordach         im using mint 15
20:27 Jordach         okay wtd
20:27 thexyz          sfan5: stop using vlc right now
20:27 thexyz          http://mpv.io/
20:27 Jordach         sfan5, your uploader is chromium only :(
20:28 sfan5           Jordach: chromium?
20:28 sfan5           really
20:28 sfan5           ?
20:28 Jordach         sfan5, i have to double click top bar links
20:28 sfan5           that's a bug in bootstrap
20:28 Jordach         and it tells me to resend login info after i've logged in
20:28 Jordach         fuck it: mediafire it is
20:28 sfan5           wat
20:29 sfan5           let me test
20:29 Jordach         Firefox 20 btw
20:29 Jordach         Calinou, http://www.mediafire.com/download/566yna01trtbidt/
20:29 Jordach         prebuilt and has source folders
20:29 Calinou         ok
20:30 sfan5           well...
20:30 thexyz          Currently the most up-to-date and modern continuation of what used to be MPlayer, forked from a fork called MPlayer2 (a.k.a. MPlayer-uau) that originally added segment linking and ordered chapters playback capability for *nix users.
20:30 thexyz          Contains a very high quality OpenGL3-based renderer by wm4 ("opengl", "opengl-hq"), as well as a new libass-based OSD implementation.
20:30 thexyz          ^ mpv
20:30 sfan5           the resend is caused by the reload after login
20:30 sfan5           firefox is weird
20:30 sfan5           use a better browser
20:30 Jordach         chromium keeps having panics over my kerring
20:30 Jordach         keyring
20:31 Jordach         and it doesn't read very well
20:31 Calinou         firefox is nice
20:31 Calinou         chromium is good too
20:31 sfan5           thexyz: fine, I'll try mmpv
20:31 Jordach         (happened on xubuntu and mint)
20:31 thexyz          sfan5: yes you should
20:31 sfan5           if my upload service works better in IE than Firefox I'll laugh
20:33 Jordach         btw, my games are always marked #minetest
20:34 thexyz          wat?
20:35 thexyz          sfan5: i can't believe you're watching is instead of s;g
20:35 sfan5           I (personally) find IS2 more interesting than S;G
20:35 sfan5           but that does not mean I'm not watching s;g anymore
20:36 thexyz          hmmmm: ^
20:37 sfan5           mpv has a building system better than the most projects I've seen
20:39 thexyz          what else could you expect from the best video player software ever made?
20:39 thexyz          http://mpv.io/
20:39 sfan5           I have to recompile libav... no way... I hate that
20:40 thexyz          'build' finished successfully (3.250s)
20:40 thexyz          hey that's nice
20:40 thexyz          mpv recommends ffmpeg
20:41 thexyz          also why do you need to recompile it? are you on gentoo or something?
20:41 sfan5           no, ubuntu only has outdated packages
20:42 thexyz          outdated? i'm sure you don't need bleeding edge libav/ffmpeg generally
20:42 Jordach         > ubuntu
20:42 VanessaE        G*d fucking damn it
20:42 VanessaE        https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7002
20:42 sfan5           after installing all needed packages it still shows the message
20:43 sfan5           "Unable to find development files for some of the required Libav libraries (libavutil > 51.73.0 libavcodec > 54.34.0 libavformat > 54.19.0 libswscale >= 2.0.0)."
20:43 VanessaE        formerly his currency and economy mod.  I warned him not to blank the post.  Now what?
20:44 Jordach         VanessaE, you have a copy of it in VE-Survival
20:44 VanessaE        yes
20:44 Jordach         create your own fork...
20:44 thexyz          sfan5: well you know your problem
20:44 VanessaE        the current version is slightly broken though
20:45 VanessaE        rather than fix what he broke, he deleted the post and the related git repo
20:45 thexyz          VanessaE: permanent ban
20:45 thexyz          oh i'm too late
20:45 Jordach         thexyz, abusing your status eh
20:45 thexyz          Jordach: what?
20:45 Jordach         thexyz, a warning would have been fine: he's a hothead
20:45 thexyz          seriously
20:46 sfan5           TheLastProject: I already banned him
20:46 VanessaE        I warned him ahead of time, Jordach
20:46 VanessaE        he did it anyway
20:46 thexyz          Jordach: any chance you're living somewhere where drugs are allowed?
20:46 Jordach         thexyz, okay, from VanessaE's reports, feel free to nuke from orbit
20:46 thexyz          blanking posts is bannable offense
20:46 NekoGloop       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLPkKZS6q9k randomly
20:46 Jordach         do as you please
20:46 sfan5           !title
20:46 MinetestBot     sfan5: GentleBot Hell [SFM] - YouTube
20:48 thexyz          sfan5: mixing binary and source packages is not generally a very good idea
20:48 thexyz          > install gentoo
20:48 sfan5           no
20:49 thexyz          then
20:49 thexyz          can you explain why did you compile libav from source?
20:49 hmmmm           >tfw someone browses the same boards as me
20:49 sfan5           I didn't
20:49 sfan5           apparently there is a build script that does stuff for me
20:49 thexyz          I can't read then
20:49 thexyz          [00:39:57] <sfan5> I have to recompile libav... no way... I hate that
20:50 thexyz          by the way, anyone with win8 willing to test last minetest?
20:50 sfan5           s/recompile/compile/ then
20:50 * sfan5         did test last minetest on win8.1 already
20:50 thexyz          you don't have to
20:50 sfan5           works perfectly
20:50 thexyz          hm
20:50 iqualfragile    > impyling somebody uses windows 8
20:51 iqualfragile    NekoGloop:
20:51 iqualfragile    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk8f7cY5Rx8
20:51 NekoGloop       nope
20:51 sfan5           !title
20:51 MinetestBot     sfan5: [Trance/Techno/Rave] Drop the Bass - YouTube
20:52 thexyz          > music > youtube
20:52 thexyz          enjoy yer quality
20:52 NekoGloop       I do enjoy it
20:52 NekoGloop       since I don't have dial-up
20:52 NekoGloop       :v
20:52 Jordach         Calinou, 180s to reconnect, otherwise game over
20:52 Calinou         I segfaulted
20:52 Jordach         o.o
20:52 Calinou         cool, it asks for reconnect
20:53 iqualfragile    "i segfaulted" sounds kind of like "i sneezed"
20:53 thexyz          I was talking about audio quality
20:53 iqualfragile    thexyz: i do not think this is about audio quality
20:54 thexyz          for every song you listened to on youtube ...
20:54 NekoGloop       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGzDRx9mNM
20:55 iqualfragile    NekoGloop: wtf is this shit?
20:55 NekoGloop       !title
20:55 MinetestBot     NekoGloop: 【Touhou】Aya &amp; Hatate de Don &quot;あやとはたてドーン&quot;【東方】&quot;1 hour [...]
20:55 NekoGloop       that
20:55 iqualfragile    yeah, i am looking at it right now
20:55 thexyz          NekoGloop: you should get that torrent with 1.2tb of touhou music
20:55 NekoGloop       well you asked what it was
20:56 NekoGloop       I don't have 1.2tb of harddrive space >.>
20:56 thexyz          then you can get a lossy one
20:56 thexyz          which is ~300 gb
20:56 NekoGloop       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqa4OUWWFJ8 ~
20:56 thexyz          http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=473067
20:57 NekoGloop       don't care
20:57 thexyz          why?
20:57 thexyz          you're always posting this kind of music yet you don't care
20:58 thexyz          I can't understand this, can you explain please?
20:58 iqualfragile    john_minetest: yeah, big tradition
20:58 iqualfragile    wernher von braun& stuff
21:00 iqualfragile    minute?
21:02 iqualfragile    ah, that guy
21:05 iqualfragile    i am quite sure his name is günther not gunther
21:08 sfan5           mpv compiled
21:09 thexyz          cool
21:09 thexyz          with lua?
21:09 sfan5           mpv is nice
21:09 thexyz          now uninstall vlc
21:09 sfan5           dunoo
21:09 sfan5           dunno*
21:09 sfan5           I just followed http://askubuntu.com/questions/343147/is-there-any-way-to-install-mpv-without-having-to-compile-it-from-source
21:09 thexyz          meh
21:10 thexyz          well whatever
21:10 thexyz          if there's on screen controls when you move mouse then it has lua
21:11 Jordach         another segfault
21:11 Jordach         goddamit
21:11 Calinou         Jordach, me too
21:11 Jordach         ui didn't
21:11 Jordach         -u
21:11 Jordach         i think its the animations
21:13 sfan5           thexyz: there are controls
21:13 thexyz          cool
21:13 sfan5           I'm currently setting all file assocs. to mpv
21:13 thexyz          see? it's better than mplayer.*
21:13 thexyz          john_minetest: anything is better than vlc
21:13 thexyz          yes it can do that
21:13 thexyz          and mpv plays everything
21:14 Calinou         it can even record stuff, or convert stuff
21:14 thexyz          i'm not sure about decss though
21:15 thexyz          mpv can convert, and that can even be useful sometimes
21:15 thexyz          i.e. you need to deinterlace and don't want to use your brain
21:15 thexyz          just use mpv and yadif
21:23 thexyz          sfan5: are you enjoying it?
21:24 sfan5           yes
21:24 sfan5           but I hate that it closes when i press esc an it is in fullscreen
21:24 sfan5           I can change that, right?
21:25 thexyz          sfan5: ESC set fullscreen no
21:25 thexyz          and then you'll need a shortcut to terminate it
21:25 thexyz          https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/etc/input.conf
21:26 sfan5           where is that file?
21:26 thexyz          # All lines in this file are commented. If you want to remap a key, copy the
21:26 thexyz          # file to ~/.mpv/input.conf, and uncomment and edit the binding you want to
21:26 thexyz          # change.
21:26 thexyz          reading is hard
21:26 thexyz          i understand
21:26 sfan5           oh sorry
21:26 thexyz          too bad i can't kick it in return
21:27 thexyz          also related https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/103
21:27 ShadowNinja     I can't have it ignore that and not real floods without making it slow or adding special exemptions.
21:28 thexyz          hey i never flood
21:28 thexyz          and quassel doesn't support gay.pl so you're safe
21:29 ShadowNinja     Heh.
21:29 Exio4           05w04h07a08t 03i09s 10g11a02y12.06p13l
21:29 sfan5           haha
21:30 Exio4           prism ftw :P
21:33 thexyz          sfan5: now that you've got a decent player you should get some decent shows to watch
21:37 VanessaE        ok, I managed to capture and re-upload all but six of DanDuncombe's projects:  candle, nanotech, 3d_apple, instabuild, zonbies_game, and sign (danger/hazard signs)
21:37 VanessaE        anyone got files to fill those in with?
21:38 thexyz          where were those hosted?
21:38 VanessaE        they were all dropbox or github.
21:39 VanessaE        he deleted them at the source and I don't have copies here.
21:39 VanessaE        those which I re-uploaded are as forum attachments.
21:39 thexyz          meh that's retarded
21:39 thexyz          why did he ragequit again?
21:39 VanessaE        because he couldn't be arsed to fix a bug in his currency mod
21:40 thexyz          wat
21:40 VanessaE        despite insistence that he fix his code, he decided "fuck it, I'll just delete it"
21:40 VanessaE        when warned not to delete it from the forum, he did so anyway.
21:40 VanessaE        sfan5 banned him, he ragequit.
21:40 thexyz          wat
21:40 VanessaE        yeah.
21:42 thexyz          okay new rule for mod releases
21:42 VanessaE        yes?
21:43 thexyz          you should attach archive with code using forum attachments
21:43 VanessaE        forum attachment is mandatory? :)
21:43 thexyz          yes
21:43 VanessaE        agreed.
21:43 thexyz          you do?
21:43 VanessaE        mmhmm.
21:43 iqualfragile    thexyz: why not move to mmdb?
21:43 thexyz          i thought you're going to tell stuff about trolling release and github and so
21:43 thexyz          iqualfragile: that's an option too
21:44 thexyz          i hope it's not too broken
21:44 iqualfragile    especialy as there is now (incomplete) support in minetest
21:44 Sokomine        thexyz: hm. that might be a nice idea. might help us to keep copies of mods. might even be easier for players sometimes. definitely better than those mediafire hosted mods
21:44 VanessaE        thexyz: use forum attachments for stable/"current" releases, github et al. for dev?
21:44 VanessaE        so at worst, the dev release disappears but the stable releases remain
21:44 thexyz          I'm afraid some guys don't even have releases
21:44 thexyz          and then, yes, there's mmdb
21:45 VanessaE        well if not releases, then a download of the current code anyway
21:45 thexyz          so use it instead?
21:45 VanessaE        use both
21:45 iqualfragile    both is redundand--> waste of time
21:45 VanessaE        yeah but mmdb is... cumbersome compared to a forum attachment
21:45 thexyz          is mmdb usable in its current state?
21:45 iqualfragile    idea: put some stickie in the mod releases section pointing to mmdb
21:45 VanessaE        why not have mmdb scrape the forums?
21:45 iqualfragile    gather some feedback
21:46 Calinou         I don't use mmdb personally
21:46 PilzAdam        thexyz, no, since it doesnt get versions from git automatically
21:46 thexyz          i don't like the source code but maybe the frontend is better?
21:46 thexyz          PilzAdam: forums don't either
21:46 thexyz          what's your point?
21:46 iqualfragile    add things which need to be added
21:46 iqualfragile    then use mmdb
21:46 PilzAdam        thexyz, I can add a link to the git download to the forum
21:46 Sokomine        i already suggested to iqualfragile to use the bot that scans mod releases for required points to gather the information for mmdb
21:46 iqualfragile    Sokomine: mmdb and the forums are in the same database
21:46 thexyz          PilzAdam: yes, and that's a problem if you don't add an archive with release
21:46 thexyz          we're going to disallow those topics to be moved into mod releases section
21:47 iqualfragile    no need to render stuff as html and then evaluate it
21:47 VanessaE        scraping the forum for release info, while not as reliable as manually adding it, is far better for the modders imho
21:47 thexyz          meh
21:47 PilzAdam        thexyz, what if I link to a commit?
21:47 thexyz          PilzAdam: no, that's not the problem
21:47 thexyz          the problem is that if you ragequit then everything is lost
21:48 iqualfragile    releases have another advantage: you can review them
21:48 VanessaE        what's the rule gonna be for mods that already there?
21:48 iqualfragile    and support different minetest versions with different versions
21:48 VanessaE        +are
21:48 VanessaE        there == Mod Releases section, I mean
21:48 PilzAdam        thexyz, the best way I can imagine is to tag releases in git and tell mmdb to check that out
21:49 thexyz          PilzAdam: are you willing to write this functionality?
21:49 thexyz          and then do the same for svn
21:49 VanessaE        PilzAdam: you just excluded 90% of the modding community :P
21:49 thexyz          and hg
21:49 thexyz          and something else
21:49 ShadowNinja     thexyz: ShadowBot now ignores trusted users. You have to register to be considered trusted.
21:49 VanessaE        it's hard enough to get people to use github or similar, let alone learn branching and tagging.
21:49 PilzAdam        thexyz, Im just telling the devs of mmdb what would suit me the best
21:49 thexyz          ShadowNinja: register?
21:49 VanessaE        and that doesn't deal with the problem of people deleting their github repos entirely.
21:49 VanessaE        which is the problem here.
21:50 ShadowNinja     thexyz: /msg ShadowBot help register
21:50 thexyz          PilzAdam: then don't highlight me, highlight iqualfragile instead since he's the only one who develops me, thx
21:50 PilzAdam        thexyz, dont be so aggressive against suggestions
21:50 thexyz          s/me,/it/
21:50 thexyz          PilzAdam: stop right now
21:50 PilzAdam        oh, you asked, though
21:50 thexyz          alright
21:50 thexyz          this feature will never be implemented anyway so iqualfragile feel free to ignore this feature request
21:51 Timoteo         maybe its not the worst thing excluding people not capable of operating basic versioning... I would not want to run code by someone not even able to tag something
21:51 iqualfragile    VanessaE: yes, that is because git is freakingly hard to learn and an overkill for allmost all projects
21:51 iqualfragile    hg is easy and its quite easy to get people to use it
21:52 VanessaE        overkill?  maybe.  hard to learn? not really.  people are just too lazy to learn
21:52 PilzAdam        Timoteo, the problem is not to tag stuff, its that its very unhandy for me to uplaod .zips to mmdb
21:53 PilzAdam        iqualfragile, will game support be added?
21:54 iqualfragile    yes
21:54 iqualfragile    atm: sanktnimmerleinstag :D (kidding)
21:55 Sokomine        that's true. somehow, mmdb is too unhandy currently. it requires to download the mod from github, renaming the folder from bla-master to bla, packing it again (so that people getting it from there at least do not run into problems), upload it, uplaod screenshots, attach the screenshots to the posting, wait for it to be approved...
21:56 Sokomine        it's not bad as such. mmdb will be very helpful for players seeking mods eventually. especially those who just started and havn't heared about the forum or are not that intrested in it and just want to play
21:56 VanessaE        thexyz: list of his projects where I couldn't restore the downloads:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6470942/
21:56 VanessaE        (I need to improve my packrat skills...)
21:56 PilzAdam        Sokomine, wait, what? versions need to be approved?
21:57 iqualfragile    Sokomine: renaming it is actualy not needed (anymore) sapier has some kind of clever name guessing mechanism build into the modmanager
21:57 PilzAdam        who does this? how is it done?
21:57 sapier          modmanager does rename mods ;-)
21:57 PilzAdam        s/clever/hacky/
21:57 iqualfragile    PilzAdam: yes, they need to be aproved
21:58 iqualfragile    at the moment i guess that i do most of the approving
21:58 PilzAdam        and what do you check? do you run the mod and see if it even loads?
21:58 iqualfragile    but we should ask thexyz to add some/all forum mods to the people allowed to approve
21:58 Sokomine        vanessa: dan did a lot of projects. no wonder you didn't catch all
21:59 Sokomine        iqualfragile: oh, that's good news!
21:59 iqualfragile    PilzAdam: right now i mostly look for basic stupid mistakes but that would be the aim
21:59 ShadowNinja     Last I heard mods + devs can, or will be able to, approve.
21:59 PilzAdam        iqualfragile, how about doing this automatically? run the mod in all specified API versions
21:59 Sokomine        oh? you really check them when approving? intresting. might be quite a lot of work in some cases
22:00 iqualfragile    PilzAdam: the reason i build in approving was mainly to prevent evil mods to do anything harmfull
22:00 PilzAdam        iqualfragile, how long did checking mobf take? :-p
22:01 iqualfragile    PilzAdam: well, i open every .lua file and take a quick look
22:01 Sokomine        the most important issue i have with mmdb is that it ought to link to the forum posting because that's where most modders describe what their mod is about, post screenshots, describe functionality, explain receipes. that's where the documentation for a mod is...in the first posting of the forum thread
22:01 Sokomine        it's extremly important to link to that. at least from the web frontend of the db
22:02 ShadowNinja     iqualfragile: The license needs to be a text field, there is no LGPLv2(+) and a number of other licenses.
22:02 PilzAdam        iqualfragile, how about scripts that simulate the API versions so the mod init can be checked (if it crashes) and another script that searches for lethal functions (like io) and marks it to review by a human if it finds it
22:03 iqualfragile    Sokomine: you can just put a link into the description, it is markdown
22:03 iqualfragile    maybe take this discussion to #minetest-mmdb
22:03 thexyz          it could also check if the script loops forever on a given input
22:03 iqualfragile    thexyz: no
22:03 iqualfragile    that is impossible
22:03 Sokomine        ah, fine. but doing so for each mod is a hell of a lot of work. we need some automatism there
22:03 thexyz          iqualfragile: you ruined the joke
22:03 iqualfragile    thexyz: oh, sorry
22:04 iqualfragile    Sokomine: but its one time work
22:04 Sokomine        how about a "add what's in this thread to the mmdb"-link/button for forum mods? and then a script could guess what it can guess from the posting, link the posting, and the moderator can finetune it? that way, adding mods of no longer active modders would work easier
22:04 Sokomine        iqualfragile: it all sums up
22:05 Sokomine        i don't even know how many mods we have out there. imagine adding them all - with only a fraction of the modders beeing present
22:05 iqualfragile    hmm… do you like python? :D
22:05 Sokomine        no, sorry. python is a language i've never done anything in
22:06 iqualfragile    not a problem at all, python is ridiciously easy to learn
22:07 Sokomine        what about that script of sfan5 that checks if the mod is allowed to stay in modding general? we don't need 100% accurate results here. if it reduces the work of adding a mod to the db to mostly checking if the automatism did everything right, then we'll soon see far more mods there
22:07 iqualfragile    i am a bit limited on time right now, it is enought to maintain mmdb and maybee add things like support for games but not for complex stuff like
22:07 Sokomine        perhaps. but i don't really need python right now...
22:07 Sokomine        ah
22:08 iqualfragile    well… what you said
22:15 VanessaE        so what's gonna be? criteria for moving a mod to Mod Releases is forum attachment, or mmdb, or both?
22:16 VanessaE        (I favor attachments)
22:17 VanessaE        thexyz: I think, also, that we need to disable editing of first posts.  Maybe allow the user to *amend* it?
22:17 iqualfragile    proposal: neither, add a sticky pointing modders to mmdb, gather feedback, improve, then use mmdb
22:19 VanessaE        thexyz: in fact the best way might be to have amendments allowed by default, but edits have to be approved by a moderator.
22:25 kahrl           that seems restrictive, do the moderators have time and inclination to approve every change?
22:26 ShadowNinja     I don't like this, although it would be OK if I can approve my own edits... ;-)
22:29 VanessaE        kahrl: well its either that or disallow first-post edits entirely.
22:29 VanessaE        this shit has to stop.
22:29 VanessaE        amendments are fine though
22:29 VanessaE        if punbb supports that.
22:30 VanessaE        (or edit histories, which I guess it doesn't support)
22:30 ShadowNinja     VanessaE: We need edit history, and no, I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
22:33 VanessaE        ok, edit history it is, then
22:33 VanessaE        if we can get it.
22:34 ShadowNinja     sfan5: *poke* :-)
22:34 ShadowNinja     Or we switch to something like phpbb.
22:35 PilzAdam        VanessaE, you seem to have missed thexyz's rage about that yesterday
22:35 VanessaE        I guess I did
22:35 VanessaE        since my machine doesn't run servers anymore, I don't leave it on 24/7 anymore :)
22:36 PilzAdam        it was about the post history, he suggested to use another forum software, which was non-free
22:36 PilzAdam        then everyone said "no! not non free software!" and he asked if someone would write it for punbb then
22:36 VanessaE        so if punbb is so hated, why do we still use it?
22:37 VanessaE        surely there are other FOSS forum systems out there
22:39 Vazon           VanessaE you there??
22:39 VanessaE        no :)
22:39 Vazon           lol hi
22:39 VanessaE        I'm not there ------>
22:40 ShadowNinja     VanessaE: phpbb is the best that I know of, but it's bloted, and to quote xyz, "s**t".
22:40 VanessaE        I'm here vvvvv
22:40 VanessaE        *points to floor*
22:40 VanessaE        define "bloated"?
22:40 Vazon           i need help upbgrading to 0.4.8 on linux but i still need my files for my server .....can you help me plz :D
22:40 Vazon           upgrading*
22:40 VanessaE        Vazon: do you compile from sources or use the daily builds ppa?
22:40 ShadowNinja     VanessaE: Too big?
22:41 VanessaE        ShadowNinja: too big relative to what metric?
22:41 VanessaE        what's the ideal size?
22:41 ShadowNinja     I think phpbb is our best option. It uses too much code yo implement lots of features, relative to punbb.
22:41 Vazon           ummm idk i was sent to a forum page to download 0.4.7 so idk really
22:41 ShadowNinja     to*
22:42 VanessaE        Vazon: well if you're in linux, your best bet is to compile from sources or to use the dailies ppa.  https://launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+archive/daily-builds
22:43 VanessaE        what distro?
22:43 Vazon           ??
22:43 VanessaE        what Linux distribution are you using?
22:43 Vazon           12.4
22:43 VanessaE        Ubuntu?  Debian?  Arch? etc
22:43 VanessaE        ok, Ubuntu.
22:43 VanessaE        12.04
22:44 Vazon           yes sorry i for got the 0
22:44 VanessaE        in that case use that ^^^^ ppa link
22:44 VanessaE        open a terminal program.  become root.  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/daily-builds;  such apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55
22:45 VanessaE        that's all that should be needed.
22:45 PilzAdam        VanessaE, eh, how about stable?
22:45 VanessaE        if you use a run-in-place build, copy your worlds and mods over to /home/yourname/.minetest
22:45 PilzAdam        Vazon wants to upgrade to stable, not dev
22:45 VanessaE        ok, then ppa:minetestdevs/stable
22:45 VanessaE        instead of /daily-builds.
22:46 VanessaE        same instructions though
22:46 Vazon           yea stable would be best thanks for that Pilz :D
22:46 VanessaE        I usually don't recommend stable because it's always outdated ;)
22:47 Exio4           >always
22:47 Exio4           >released less than 24hours ago
22:47 PilzAdam        using unstable means that you risk data loss
22:47 VanessaE        open a terminal program.  become root.  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable;  such apt-get update; sudo apt-get install minetestc55
22:47 Vazon           exactly Pilz
22:48 VanessaE        Exio4: perhaps I should have bolded the ;) at the end :P
22:48 PilzAdam        otoh its good for devs to have many testers
22:48 Exio4           but i wanted to use >
22:50 Vazon           now if i restart my server will it run threw 0.4.8??
22:51 harrison        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kem9FBJjZ3I
22:51 OWNSyouAll      Is luajit required for anything or is it just for performance?
22:51 PilzAdam        OWNSyouAll, only performance
22:51 OWNSyouAll      k
22:52 VanessaE        and then only server-side or singleplayer (doesn't affect the client)
22:55 iqualfragile    vanessae: typo
22:56 Exio4           ;_;
22:56 Exio4           i need to reboot to apply the upgrades
22:56 Exio4           unless..
22:58 VanessaE        what typo?
23:00 OWNSyouAll      When I go to the credits tab of the menu I get this Could not open file of texture: /home/ownsyouall/.minetest/textures/base/pack/logo.png
23:01 PilzAdam        OWNSyouAll, globally installed minetest version?
23:01 OWNSyouAll      Installed it from source so whatever is the default of that
23:01 MinetestBot     GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix line_of_sight (AGAIN) 4f246f0e22 2013-11-24T15:04:05-08:00 http://git.io/jMvj9g
23:01 PilzAdam        s/globally/system-wide/
23:03 OWNSyouAll      Also is there a way to change mouse sensitivity?
23:03 PilzAdam        IIRC there is a pull request for that
23:04 VanessaE        it's all paramat'
23:04 VanessaE        it's all paramat's fault.
23:04 VanessaE        ;)
23:04 PilzAdam        paramat, are you passed in yet?
23:04 paramat         of course
23:06 paramat         PA :)
23:07 paramat         Peacock, "pretty good at scanning asteroids, but only for loaded areas" its possible to scan perlin noise for where an asteroid will be generated
23:08 paramat         i do that in 'flatten' and 'uniflat' mods
23:08 * paramat       is just passing by
23:11 iqualfragile    VanessaE: ;  such apt-get update
23:11 paramat         yes doctor who is hugely over-rated *reads logs*
23:12 VanessaE        oops!
23:12 VanessaE        heh
23:12 iqualfragile    paramat: that was yesterday
23:12 iqualfragile    you will have quite a lot to read
23:13 Vazon           VanessaE do you no the mod that tells you your pos for your bones opone death
23:13 VanessaE        Vazon: I am not familiar with that mod.
23:14 VanessaE        (and I make sure to expressly disable bones on my servers)
23:15 Vazon           hmmmm
23:17 OWNSyouAll      What does the leveldb support add can we save worlds to leveldb instead of sqlite now?
23:20 VanessaE        that's precisely what it does.
23:20 VanessaE        you can order the engine to use leveldb instead of sqlite if you want
23:21 OWNSyouAll      Is there any advantages to doing that?
23:21 PilzAdam        bye
23:21 VanessaE        but only right after the world is created, obviously.
23:21 NekoGloop       sqlite derps if you have too big of a world
23:21 VanessaE        leveldb is supposed to be a bit faster, less likely to barf on large worlds, yeah
23:22 VanessaE        bbl
23:22 OWNSyouAll      How large is "large" here?
23:22 VanessaE        gotta lie down for a while
23:22 OWNSyouAll      like 65k nodes?
23:22 VanessaE        OWNSyouAll: around 4 GB
23:22 VanessaE        it's dependent on the size of the map file
23:22 VanessaE        anyway, bbl.
23:25 Sokomine        unrelated question: what are shaders good for - apart from letting the world appear more blurry? seems the sea mod with it underground plants looks far better with shaders enabled..while there are some strange effects on some textures (the leaves we talked about yesterday) with shaders disabled...
23:28 OWNSyouAll      How do I create a leveldb world I tried changing the backend to leveldb in world.mt and all that does is crash
23:30 Sokomine        that usually ought to be sufficient - provided you've leveldb compiled in
23:32 OWNSyouAll      Yeah it creates the leveldb file but crashes doing so
23:32 OWNSyouAll      http://pastebin.com/xGD7gLuR
23:33 Miner_48er      what versions of irrlicht are compatible with MT?
23:34 paramat         hmmmm thanks for the lua optimisation tips, am learning a lot (and need to). from recent advice im improving my coding style in asteroid LVM, still more to do but so far: https://github.com/paramat/asteroid/blob/master/init.lua
23:35 paramat         in 30 mins i'll be back to compile 0.4.8 from source for the first time
23:45 Sokomine        paramat: aah! that's fine. so your intresting landscapes will become even faster :-)