Time Nick Message 00:01 iqualfragile ShadowNinja: ok, where do i get a decent colours.txt? 00:02 Inocudom Do you notice the framerate drop too, RealBadAngel? 00:03 Inocudom Transparent textures have always caused a framerate drop when in large numbers. 00:04 VanessaE wait, what? 00:04 VanessaE [11-22 18:59] <NekoGloop> linux is better 00:04 VanessaE have I joined some alternate-dimensional channel? 00:04 NekoGloop yes 00:07 iqualfragile NekoGloop: yeah, win8 is a mess 00:08 iqualfragile i would not even atempt to dual boot it 00:08 RealBadAngel Inocudom, ofc, shaders have lotsa to do :) 00:09 RealBadAngel there are no chips for free ;) 00:09 Inocudom Even with shaders off, the transparent nodes in large numbers can drop framerate. 00:10 Inocudom And still do. 00:11 Inocudom Even in Minetest Classic they can cause a considerabe drop in framerate. This concludes that the shaders are not the sole cause. 00:14 RealBadAngel for many leaves a solution is to have them solid ones 00:14 RealBadAngel Terasology is also using such ones for their trees 00:15 RealBadAngel and we are talking thousands of leaves nodes per single tree even 00:15 ShadowNinja iqualfragile: http://digitalaudioconcepts.com/vanessa/hobbies/minetest/colors.txt 00:15 RealBadAngel big oak is 2-3k of leaves 00:17 Inocudom VanessaE's pc is a good deal more powerful than mine, but transparent nodes slow hers down too. 00:19 ShadowNinja Transparent things are simply harder to draw. 00:27 Inocudom Are any of you familiar with the vbo feature of proller's development branch? 00:34 PilzAdam Inocudom, kinda 00:46 VanessaE I still use the VBO branch. 00:46 VanessaE I hope that goes into mainline soon. it's too valuable not to. 00:52 paramat hi hmmmm :) i saw your reply to issue https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1015 and also posted new differing results, im available on this channel on and off for the next few hours 01:12 PilzAdam bye 01:18 paramat bye funguy adam :) 01:22 RealBadAngel and all the mushrooms went to sleep, damn it must be late then ;) 01:33 VanessaE heh 01:35 RealBadAngel but i heard that mushrooms actually grow when its dark 01:38 VanessaE Dan's do :) 01:39 RealBadAngel wonder then with what weird error/bug on shaders PA will pop up tommrow 02:00 iqualfragile VanessaE: thx for colours 02:02 VanessaE you're welcome 02:02 VanessaE it needs some tuneups and more stuff added... patches welcome :) 02:25 Peacock paramat i think that's spelled fungii? 02:26 paramat :) 02:26 Peacock and, RBA, mushrooms are like voters, keep 'em the dark and feed 'em shit 02:27 Peacock *in the 02:31 paramat wow im finding lots of nyancats in singlenode =/ 02:31 Peacock yeah mapgen.lua works alot better if just delete it lol 02:32 paramat im getting inconsistent lighting results each session 02:32 Peacock yeah ive been keeping an eye #1015 02:33 Peacock so far every proposed solution has been a dud? 02:34 Peacock and they only just figured out the problem with water and terrain level lol i complained about that before moving into this flat last summer 02:34 paramat well mapgen v6 with water level = 40000 works, no terrain generates and no shadows 02:34 paramat y = -40000 02:35 Peacock yeah but water level should mean water, not terrain :P when the global warming people talking about rising sea levels, they don't mean the continents are rising too :P 02:35 paramat nyancats look good flying between the asteroids 8) 02:36 paramat yep so thats a temporary hacky fix 02:37 Peacock asteroid has pretty much become default on my space game, though minerals are defined seperately 02:38 paramat yeah, i recommend atmospheres with possibly opaque textures 02:38 paramat hope youre feelng better :) 02:38 Peacock well you saw the code i posted on GH, it's pretty customized, and since posting the issue i added two more ores lol 02:39 Peacock meh, sleeping max four hours at time lol twice as many showers, but half the meals :P 02:43 Peacock the lab, im up to 9 machines: http://s23.postimg.org/wfxs8msez/screenshot_2195079915.png 02:44 Peacock (if you dont count the computer, power sources and distributors) 02:44 paramat beautiful ... those nodeboxes 02:44 Peacock you mean the slopes, thats not mine 02:45 Peacock https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=4297 02:45 paramat yeah the slopes 02:46 paramat :) i like the drain in the road 02:46 paramat hmmmm :) 02:47 Peacock uspdie down slope :-) 02:47 Peacock *upside 02:49 Peacock i hadn't noticed before though that's where people copied the milling machine from 03:01 hmmmm hello paramat 03:01 paramat hi 03:02 hmmmm hold on 03:02 hmmmm so you're using a version different from the latest? 03:02 paramat yeah 03:03 hmmmm 0.4.7 stable? does that even have lua voxelmanip? 03:03 paramat no it doesnt 03:03 hmmmm well I don't know how you're doing work with it 03:03 Peacock ive got the OCT 9 git 03:04 hmmmm you guys should all be using the latest git 03:04 hmmmm it has many bugfixes and issues that you may be having could've been solved 03:04 paramat yep :) 03:04 hmmmm right now I want to solve the problem you're having, assuming you're using the latest git, so I could fix a problem if there is a problem with LVM before 0.4.8 03:05 Peacock paramat, which one of us is gonna test this with the latest git (run in place) ? 03:05 paramat yeah im using pre-LVM asteroid mod 03:05 paramat im ashamed to say i still havent got round to learning compiling the latest 03:06 hmmmm well I'm not sure how we could proceed without you using the latest 03:06 Peacock aiight downloading latest git now 03:06 hmmmm I suppose I could download your mod and test it myself 03:06 paramat i guess i cant report bugs without having latest ... :/ 03:07 paramat so this is more about the problems Peacock / mauebic is having 03:07 paramat mauvebic 03:07 Peacock well its your lvm version :P 03:08 Peacock so it could be any of your users :P 03:08 hmmmm so can I have a link to what you currently have for your asteroid mod? 03:09 paramat sure ... 03:10 paramat http://www.mediafire.com/download/83g9sfo70abr21z/asteroid040lvmparamat.zip 03:10 hmmmm mediafire....? 03:11 hmmmm I can't download it 03:11 paramat oh okay sorry 03:11 hmmmm nevermind 03:12 paramat the code is posted in the issue :) 03:12 hmmmm first off 03:12 hmmmm I know you probably think storing content IDs in a table like that is nice and neat but it slows things down by 30% 03:13 hmmmm I recommend you change all of those to local variables 03:13 paramat okay 03:14 hmmmm also in your mod I don't see where you disable lighting or set water level 03:15 paramat ah the code is posted twice 03:15 paramat second one has 'nolight' set 03:17 hmmmm hmm I don't see any asteroids getting created at all 03:20 paramat the code pasted in the topic is missing some parameter 03:20 Peacock just tested on latest git with no light flag, pitch black 03:20 paramat -s 03:21 paramat thanks Pea 03:22 paramat hm i can post the full code in my topic in the forum ... 03:22 hmmmm why can't you use something like pastebin 03:22 paramat :) havent yet needed it 03:24 paramat heh people tend to assume im a good programmer, but no :) 03:26 paramat init.lua https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=119268#p119268 03:27 paramat and nodes.lua file follows. i have not yet pushed asteroid lvm to git, as im waiting to use and test it myself 03:29 paramat also that is missing the mapgen init 03:29 paramat sorry, what a mess :) 03:29 hmmmm that kinda is a mess lol 03:30 hmmmm anyway the problem is definitely on your end, just as a sanity check I tried my own reference implementation of the lua mapgen and it worked fine as expected 03:30 paramat i really dont expect you to build a mod from that when it ideally should be up on git 03:30 hmmmm hmm 03:30 hmmmm you see, what I'm thinking is that it could be you're setting things to content_ignore 03:31 paramat however, the fact that i get similar shadow glitches with pre-LVM asteroid mod in 0.4.7 singlenode might point towards a lighting problem with singlenode 03:32 paramat and content_ignore casts black shadows ... ? 03:32 hmmmm yup it sure does 03:33 hmmmm content_ignore blocks light 03:33 Peacock so why isnt y > 0 ignore/black? 03:33 hmmmm for me the entire thing is black 03:34 Peacock p did you give him the full mod? 03:35 paramat well everything except on mapgen init 03:35 Peacock cuz i get normal looking asteroids on the top half, and pitch black below 0, but never the whole thing 03:35 hmmmm ah seems to work great if you comment that first if statement 03:37 hmmmm yup there's your problem 03:37 hmmmm YMIN is set way too high 03:37 hmmmm this was in no way a lua voxel manipulator bug 03:38 paramat oh yeah in that code the limits are set to a narrow realm 03:38 Kacey hello all 03:38 paramat but in our testing we're changing those limits to the entire world 03:38 hmmmm yeah, you see, when you turn off the lights in the mapgen you turn them off everywhere 03:39 Peacock well i dont get why singlenode air would give darkness throughout half the map at all, it's air 03:39 hmmmm even if you decide to not write any of your own blocks in the voxelmanip, you still need to calculate the lighting if it's shut off 03:40 Peacock yeah we tried nolight + calc_lighting, same result 03:40 paramat yes calc lighting is in there 03:40 hmmmm no, you don't understand. 03:40 paramat perhaps set lighting then calc 03:40 hmmmm you are returning before the light is ever calculated 03:41 hmmmm you see how you return from on_generate() before you do any lighting calculations? 03:41 hmmmm that's a problem 03:41 paramat oh crap! 03:41 paramat heh :D 03:42 Peacock what version asteroid? 03:42 VanessaE paramat: I believe the correct response here would be "derp" ;) 03:42 paramat thats asteroid 040 LVM 03:42 paramat from the mediafire link above, Pea's version may have been edited 03:43 Peacock set_data(), calc_lighting() then write_to_map(), isn't that the order? 03:45 paramat thanks hm-mm, i will write a new version for testing 03:45 hmmmm paramat, could I suggest that you call vmanip:set_lighting({day=7, night=7}) before calc_lighting in order to set a minimum light level? I am concerned that lower asteroids would get too dark because of asteroids above it that were already generated 03:46 paramat okay 03:46 Peacock usually the shadows (in my case) happen when i teleport to y<0 location, moving straight down is np 03:46 Peacock (thats just with calc lighting) 03:47 Peacock anyways, i'll keep an eye out for p's latest version, if it works i'll close the issue 03:47 paramat Pea, what limits are you using for XMIN XMAX etc? 03:47 Peacock none, asteroids is the *whole* map 03:47 Peacock no ground, no other planets, just asteroids :-) 03:48 hmmmm I would like to point out that setting nolight is intended for full mapgen takeovers 03:48 paramat aha if you have no limits, this isnt fixed ... ? 03:48 hmmmm if you're only generating a specific level of the map, it'd probably be a good idea to leave out nolight and clear the lighting on your own using set_lighting({day=0, night=0}) before calling calc_lighting() 03:49 paramat Peacock, new version is easy to edit 03:50 paramat just remove the first if then return statement 03:50 paramat directly after register on gen 03:50 paramat however im still pondering and not sure this is the solution 03:51 Peacock well make a realm and full map version, we'll know soon enough :P 03:51 Peacock or just like, put a config variable FULL_MAP = true/false 03:51 Peacock if its false then use ymin/ymax/xmax etc.. 03:52 paramat yep no problem 03:53 hmmmm so anyway as this is a user error I'm going to close the issue 03:54 ShadowNinja Note: Avoid leaking into the global namespace. 03:54 Peacock well i'd wait till we're sure the new version works, otherwise we'll just have to open another one 03:56 hmmmm Peacock, it does work. 03:56 hmmmm I even verified it myself 03:56 Peacock aiight then 03:56 ShadowNinja And don't hardcode values in the Lua file, use a seperate config file. (Putting them in variables is still hardcoding) 03:56 hmmmm I am going to write a bit of literature on LuaVoxelManip sometime 03:56 Peacock shadow whats the difference between putting a var in one file or another? 03:56 paramat Pea still got shadow glitches in singlenode without 'nolight' flag though ... 03:56 ShadowNinja Peacock: You mean init.lua or minetest.conf or similar? 03:57 Peacock so what did hmmm do that works that doesn't work for p? 03:57 paramat heh well im only guessing 03:57 Peacock hmmm can you pastebin your changes? 03:57 ShadowNinja Peacock: Editing init.lua doesn't go well with git, or any vcs that I know of. 03:58 paramat SN okay so all parameters read from a config text file 03:58 hmmmm Peacock, I removed the bounds check at the beginning of on_generated, and I added the on_mapgen_init function back 03:58 hmmmm with the water_level set at -31000 03:58 ShadowNinja Peacock: And even if you use a plain archive you still have to reapply your changes every time you update. 03:59 ShadowNinja paramat: Make sure you cache the settings. 03:59 paramat okay 04:02 Peacock well fuck me running, the water level thing in singlenode does work (for me) 04:03 Peacock i dont get why p got different results though (from GH comment) 04:03 paramat ah water level was causing a glitchy divide at y = 0 04:04 paramat oh my comments are for 0.4.7 stable with pre-LVM 04:04 paramat i should perhaps delete those 04:04 Peacock though pre-lvm doesn't use calc_lighting either 04:04 paramat yep 04:05 Peacock so i guess water_level/nolight/calc_lighting makes the difference 04:05 paramat so far so good in your testing? 04:06 Peacock tried 2 test maps, waterlevel/nolight and calc_lighting seem to be working 04:06 Peacock (in singlenode) 04:06 paramat good i hope that persists 04:07 paramat persistence = 1 04:07 Peacock good thing on my new building map i didn't explore the y <0 yet 04:07 Peacock so i set the water level in map meta and hopefully all is good 04:09 paramat when i set water = -40000 it came out as water_level = -32768 i map meta 04:09 paramat (in) 04:10 Peacock i think that's 16bits signed 04:11 paramat yeah seems familiar 04:12 Peacock from stackoverflow: That means a 16-bit integer can represent 65536 different values. If it's an unsigned 16-bit integer, it can represent 0-65535 (inclusive). The convention for signed integers is to represent -32768 to 32767, -214748368 to 214748367, etc. 04:13 paramat in my own 0.4.7 pre-LVM setup the glitchy shadows persist even with water level = -32000 and no 'nolight' flag, but 0.4.8 may change that so im not too bothered, its the LVM version that needs to work 04:13 Peacock what about prelvm with nolight and waterlevel set? 04:13 Peacock though, nolight is useless to you w/o calc_lighting :/ 04:14 * paramat tries to remember 04:15 Peacock i say code all your mods to use lvm, less headache :P 04:16 paramat yes when 0.4.8 is out everything gets updated and no maintaining pre-LVM versions 04:16 Peacock well it's due any day now :-) 04:17 * paramat appreciates hmm-mm's effort in that 04:19 paramat wow just saw your screenshot in the forum 8} 04:19 Peacock wife built most of it lol been busy coding extra machines 04:20 Peacock should be due for putting up an alpha server soon, as soon as i figure where to place players 04:21 paramat i look forward to visiting 04:22 Peacock i give every player a craft guide lol resource tree is pretty tricky, like RTS space games lol 04:22 Peacock p, http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest-dev/2013-11-23#i_3449956 :-) 04:22 Peacock wont have pre-lvm headaches for much longer :P 04:25 * paramat eats choc to recover 04:25 * VanessaE offers paramat some Belgian chocolate 04:26 paramat belgian choc is amazing 04:27 Peacock i have a hard time with chocolate, used to love it lol 04:27 Peacock these days it gives mostly indigestion 04:29 paramat im intolerant of dairy, gluten, spices, sauces ... its a challenge to feed myself :) 04:29 Peacock well i'm just picky, but it's just as difficult finding something to eat 04:30 VanessaE paramat: so what do you eat? tofu? :) 04:30 Peacock honestly dont have enough varied tastes for 3 squares a day 04:30 Peacock brekfast = nicotine, caffeine, lunch = beer, dinner = pasta/pizza 04:33 Peacock sometimes a sub or some chicken lol 04:34 paramat i do eat fish though, for protein 04:34 Peacock fish is so expensive though 04:35 Peacock i mean if you do go for the typically cheap fish 04:35 paramat yes im watching my money run out 04:35 Peacock *dont 04:35 paramat expensive organic food 04:35 Peacock though i once tried shark meat and it didn't taste much different from the cheap fish 04:36 Peacock well i like bio vegetables but i'd never go full organic lol that'd mean dealing with hippies i'd much rather intern in camps lol 04:37 paramat hehe ... so far 0.4.7 singlenode with nolight flag, water -32000 everything black as you would expect 04:38 Peacock pre or lvm? 04:38 paramat i other news ive been testing shadow propagation through a world 04:38 paramat (in) 04:39 paramat ... using flolands and normal terrain 04:40 paramat a shadow made by a realm or floatland will only travel down through the entire world if you start at the top and slowly fly down, shadows propagate down from chunk to chunk 04:40 paramat working upwards the light in a lower chunk over-rides shadow from above 04:41 Peacock pretty much what i experienced before trying the different lighting methods 04:41 paramat this means higher realms could possibly create blackouts for lower realms 04:42 paramat the way to avoid is to create invisible barriers that make a no-go volume about 400m thick 04:42 paramat then choose particular x z locations where traffic and therefore shadows are allowed 04:42 paramat ... like a space elevator 04:43 paramat i may have to bug hm-mm to make shadow propagation limited to a defined realm 04:43 Peacock well i've asked for a long while to simply be able to disable shadow propagation 04:44 Peacock though a range config would be the next best thing 04:44 paramat yes he said range was impossible 04:44 Peacock thing is though, shadows only make sense on an earth-based map 04:45 Peacock now, if you want an engine, you cant code it to expect a single type of environment, otherwise all you have is a highly customizable game 04:45 paramat i tend to assume an asteroid realm is gently lit from above, since light is hardcoded as coming from above 04:45 hmmmm paramat, http://pastebin.com/nxRDCtfj 04:46 * paramat reads 04:46 hmmmm actually now that I look at what i wrote on pastebin it doesn't seem very substantial 04:47 paramat yes but it suggests possible shadow-cones! 04:47 hmmmm in order to actually make use of the amount of vertical space we have, this is necessary 04:48 Peacock what about defining different light sources like you would in say, blender? 04:48 hmmmm oh, I also need to add into that algorithm description that the light level addition is only performed if at least one neighbor has light as well 04:50 paramat and of course increase light by 1 every 10 or so nodes 04:51 Peacock pastebin looks interesting 04:51 paramat Pea, whats good is we have c55's universality to back up our cosmic demands 8) 04:52 Peacock wouldn't call them demands lol but he wants a space game, were trying to make one :P 04:52 hmmmm in order to get your space game you need dynamic lighting 04:53 hmmmm this is just some stupid idea I threw out 04:53 hmmmm hardware lighting is what you need for minetest to go forward 04:53 Peacock well i keep reading mentions in the logs of HW lighting 04:54 paramat im not bothered by having an unrealistic space game with one camera orientation, one gravity direction, light from above etc, good enough for now 04:54 Fury this is a minecraft chat mod but I hope one day it will be Minetests official source chat type: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1540451-164-tabbychat-v1902-smp-chat-overhaul/ 04:54 paramat the unrealism gives it charm :) 04:55 Peacock i wouldn't really touch gravity lol there's no non-painful way to do gravity in space that would be realistic 04:56 paramat decaying shadows will help with normal realms too 04:56 Peacock otherwise, you'd be standing up on an asteroid no matter which side you're standing on 04:56 Fury dont work towards a realistic fix for gravity 04:56 paramat in a cubic cosmology gravity could have only 6 directions, the transitions would be complex 04:56 Fury that will just ruin experiences and be unfun. invent ways to make it work 04:57 paramat yep Fury 04:57 Fury check how gravity is done in the game Space Engineers 04:57 Peacock well thats why im not concerning myself with gravity or air generation lol 04:57 Fury a fake way but provides a very entertaining and fun experience 04:57 paramat new gravity is a MT rewrite anyway 04:57 Peacock much easier to draw a spacesuit on the player texture 04:57 paramat lol 04:58 hmmmm so now players are going to have pitch and roll as well 04:58 hmmmm woo 04:59 Peacock pitch and roll? like for crawling? 05:00 Fury crawling would be cool to have 05:01 Peacock though im not sure, maybe we can do crawling with lua 05:01 Peacock capture player inputs and change the collision box 05:58 hmmmm PRE-GAME FOR THE PRE-GAME 05:58 hmmmm GOT A COUPLE FRIENDS WE PROBABLY GOTTA RESTRAIN 05:58 hmmmm NO GUARANTEES THAT WE'LL BE SANE 05:59 VanessaE uh oh...watch out, he's channeling Oldcoder again... 06:00 hmmmm you know how we roll 06:00 hmmmm straight to the face, baby 06:00 hmmmm you know how it goes 06:00 hmmmm i'm chuggin' liquor fast, dunno how to take it slow 06:00 hmmmm don't call the cops, call animal control 06:02 hmmmm :q 06:02 hmmmm hey 06:02 hmmmm pair of mats, just a heads up, I'm planning on adding eased 3d noise soon 06:03 paramat eased heh 06:04 hmmmm run through the easeCurve polynomial 06:04 paramat a type of blur? 06:04 hmmmm no, it just makes the terrain less linear looking 06:05 paramat oh i'll search and research this 06:05 hmmmm well I could try to explain it to you but it'd be quicker if you just look yourself 06:05 paramat Bas likes trippy leaf textures 06:05 paramat his OCD server is nuts when in the forests 06:06 paramat hm i really should make a new wieldhand that matches SamI 06:07 paramat ... in time for 0.4.8 :P 06:18 hmmmm now that I'm looking into it, properly explaining LuaVoxelManip is a lot of work... there are a lot of engine details that would need to be explained as well 06:19 paramat i dont explain my mods as clearly as i could 06:20 paramat well i have a texture for a cuboid Sam1 wieldhand, but perhaps its too late, now testing 06:27 paramat samI cuboid wieldhand texture http://i.imgur.com/STJyHUB.png screenshots of test http://i.imgur.com/FFEkl3U.png http://i.imgur.com/2rDEfPt.png 06:28 paramat its a pixel copy of Sam1 texture, correct orientation 06:30 paramat would any devs like to finally fix this mismatch between character skin and wieldhand? for 0.4.8? 06:32 VanessaE feature freeze. 06:32 paramat pooey 06:32 VanessaE release is probably within 24 hours 06:32 paramat yay! 06:33 VanessaE depends how long it takes thexyz and sfan5 to release fresh 0.4.8 builds I guess 06:33 VanessaE which reminds me... 06:33 paramat a texture could break the frozen code? 06:34 paramat but then ... it should be a pull request with diff stats i guess :) 06:39 paramat okay hopefully either J0rdach or myself or both will provide a new character skin with matching wieldhand for 0.4.9 06:40 VanessaE why do you do that? 06:40 VanessaE this anti-ping stuff I mean 06:41 paramat J doesnt want to be disturbed unless urgent 06:41 VanessaE pfft 06:42 paramat i only ping if important, its considerate :) 06:42 VanessaE where's the fun in that? ;) 06:44 Peacock disturbed from doing what, do i want to know? :P 07:25 sfan5 hi everyone 07:28 us-0gb Hello! 09:57 Jordach i can't even leave myself logged into IRC and get repeatably fake pinged 09:58 Jordach woo 09:58 Jordach 800 frames rendered! 09:58 VanessaE haha 10:25 Peacock repeatedly fake? lol vorta cloning center? 10:26 Jordach Peacock, like J0rdach 10:26 Peacock there are weyoums 1 through 8, and maybe sfan is the 5th clone :/ 10:26 Peacock gonna check on my tinfoil supplies 10:28 Jordach because you need more hats..? 10:29 Peacock well in case the facsimiles come for me 11:05 F_XZ Hello! I've got a problem running minetest. All the textures fail to render due to libpng version inconsistancy. Anyone knows how to solve this problem? 11:16 F_XZ Well, I installed minetest directly from gentoo portage repository and it compiled all right. After recently upgraded my libpng from 1.5.15 to 1.6.6, which a lot of other packages require, I found this problem. Things don't go right after rebuilding minetest. 11:17 Jordach F_XZ, Irrlicht is the problem, not minetest 11:19 F_XZ Jordach, I found sfan5's post on the forum and tried rebuilding irrlicht, and this did not fix the problem. 11:20 Jordach F_XZ, libpng12-dev is the package needed 11:21 F_XZ Jordach, My libpng is already 1.6.6. minetest package does depend on this. 11:21 Jordach huh 11:27 F_XZ Yes, wierd. I checked ldd for all possible executables and libs, none of them depend on libpng15. I also rebuilt minetest with libpng16. 11:28 F_XZ And minetest gave the message: PNG warning: Application built with libpng-1.5.15 but running with 1.6.6 12:06 Jordach paramat, up early? 12:06 Jordach oh shit 12:06 Jordach rollback again! 12:24 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 12:24 basxto hi 12:26 Jordach PilzAdam, 800 frames have been rendered 12:26 PilzAdam 32 seconds? 12:27 Jordach mhm 12:27 * Jordach doesn't want to use a renderfarm.fi due to youtube uploads 12:28 Peacock renderfarm - all renders are equal, but some renders are more equal than others 13:58 EvergreenTree !tell Jordach Here is your water source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuS9Z2RLF_0 and the image file: http://i.imgur.com/P9RJpiU.png 13:58 MinetestBot EvergreenTree: I'll pass that on when Jordach is around 13:59 nore hey, since when does that command exist? 14:04 EvergreenTree I'm not sure actually 14:04 EvergreenTree Of course 14:04 PilzAdam nore, since https://github.com/sfan5/minetestbot-modules/commit/f00642cd975dd887883bde26e949f7e0aa67a008 14:04 EvergreenTree I just wasn't sure when it was made 14:05 nore ok... it is quite recent... 14:09 Ripper003 Hello world 14:11 EvergreenTree Hm? I wasn't aware of a user named "world" on at the moment 14:11 EvergreenTree Just kidding, welcome to #minetest 14:12 Ripper003 World is always on 14:12 Ripper003 Well a 3rd of him is anyway 14:12 EvergreenTree Yep 14:12 Ripper003 Thankies anyway 14:13 * john_minetest just pictures a bloody murder story where only a third of the victim is left over and now chats on the internet 14:13 Ripper003 It's not murder if you don't kill someone entirely 14:15 PilzAdam wow, $git gc --aggressive reduced my pilztest repo from 4.3 to 3.3 MiB 14:16 Ripper003 Is good ja? 14:17 nore PilzAdam, what's git gc? 14:17 PilzAdam "git-gc - Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository" – manpage 14:17 Ripper003 Is of Linux terminal 14:19 Ripper003 Hmm...I'm wanting to build Minetest into a DMG file on OS X but haven't a clue where or how to start 14:25 Ripper003 Any ideas? 14:39 sfan5 MinetestBot! 14:39 MinetestBot sfan5! 14:39 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Prevent enabling Shaders if Direct3D is used 1b3f35e097 2013-11-23T06:34:08-08:00 http://git.io/yKaPTQ 14:43 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Prevent enabling Shaders if Direct3D is used ee0b8da844 2013-11-23T06:41:47-08:00 http://git.io/I_foWw 14:43 sfan5 this is kinda annoying.. 14:47 reactor o/ 14:47 reactor OldCoder: my right brain is a bit itchy, so I'll probably make some improvements soon. 14:48 reactor No. 14:48 reactor Just itchy. 14:53 reactor john_minetest: hello everyrobot. 15:10 MinetestBot GIT: kahrl commited to minetest/minetest: Fix invalid escape sequence in database migration code ab601e8710 2013-11-23T07:09:38-08:00 http://git.io/Ijg3bg 16:01 adama_ hello every one 16:01 nore hi 16:02 adama_ i have an issue with the dev version can you help ? 16:02 nore what is it? 16:03 adama_ the plants mod will not spawn any plants, is this something different in dev version then stable 16:03 nore first, what mod are you using 16:04 nore (could I have a link please?) 16:04 adama_ vannesae's pants mod 16:04 adama_ ok one min 16:05 nore then you need to ask that in the forum topic (or to ask VanessaE) 16:05 adama_ ok thank you 16:07 adama_ ya it was called plantlife sorry but i will see if i can ask vanessa 16:34 MinetestBot GIT: jristz commited to minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Spanish) c439bdd4e5 2013-11-23T08:33:15-08:00 http://git.io/liNsGw 16:34 MinetestBot GIT: anton-tsyganenko commited to minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Russian) d661cb320d 2013-11-23T08:33:15-08:00 http://git.io/I6xUHw 16:34 MinetestBot GIT: maciej.kasatkin@yahoo.com commited to minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Polish) 78f1fcf450 2013-11-23T08:33:15-08:00 http://git.io/teD0JA 16:34 MinetestBot GIT: JakubVanek commited to minetest/minetest: Translated using Weblate (Czech) 28c21ed566 2013-11-23T08:33:15-08:00 http://git.io/XHpnSw 16:40 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest: Run updatepo.sh fb150e0504 2013-11-23T08:38:01-08:00 http://git.io/TSggbg 16:54 nore * MinetestBot has quit (Excess Flood) 16:55 nore no comment 16:55 nore :p 16:55 nore sfan5, is that MinetestBot kicking itself? 16:55 PilzAdam nore, thats freenode kicking MinetestBot 16:56 nore ah... because MinetestBot sometimes kicks people, no? 16:59 sfan5 wat 17:02 Jordach !tell EvergreenTree FUCKING. WIN. 17:02 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when EvergreenTree is around 17:02 PilzAdam !tell MinetestBot !tell MinetestBot !tell MinetestBot does this work? 17:02 MinetestBot PilzAdam: I'll pass that on when MinetestBot is around 17:04 Jordach MinetestBot! 17:04 MinetestBot Jordach! 17:05 sfan5 PilzAdam: no because 1) MinetestBot doesn't notice itself (IRC standard) 2) that would result in <MinetestBot> MinetestBot: <PilzAdam> !tell MinetestBot ... which won't execute a command 17:06 MinetestBot john_minetest: ...and text 17:06 sfan5 won't work 17:06 MinetestBot john_minetest: I'll pass that on when MinetestBot is around 17:06 PilzAdam !tell !tell !tell 17:06 MinetestBot PilzAdam: I'll pass that on when !tell is around 17:06 sfan5 results in <MinetestBot> !tell: <PilzAdam> !tell !tell 17:06 sfan5 nope 17:07 sfan5 ''tell:'' is not a valid command 17:07 MinetestBot john_minetest: I'll pass that on when Wilhelm is around 17:09 Jordach !tell LandMine GTFO BIATCH. 17:09 MinetestBot Jordach: I'll pass that on when LandMine is around 17:09 sfan5 >biatch 17:09 sfan5 plol 17:10 Jordach now lrts 17:10 Jordach lets play the waitjng ga,e 17:10 PilzAdam Jordach, is it done yet? 17:11 Jordach pilzadam, can tablets render? 17:11 Jordach no. 17:11 PilzAdam yes 17:11 Jordach pilzadam, be fuckkng patient pl0x 17:17 NekoGloop !tell arsdragonfly !tell NekoGloop lol 17:17 MinetestBot NekoGloop: I'll pass that on when arsdragonfly is around 17:19 sfan5 MinetestBot! 17:19 MinetestBot sfan5! 17:19 sfan5 EvergreenTree|Jordach|Here is your water source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuS9Z2RLF_0 and the image file: http://i.imgur.com/P9RJpiU.png |||| I don't know why MinetestBot didn't do this 17:21 PilzAdam sfan5, spam: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=119312#p119312 17:25 NekoGloop MinetestBot! 17:25 MinetestBot NekoGloop! 17:25 NekoGloop MinetestBot, sup 17:25 MinetestBot NekoGloop: nuffin 17:26 NekoGloop muffins? :3 17:28 sfan5 muffins! yay 17:30 nore sfan5, when will 0.4.8 be out? ... 17:30 sfan5 soon 17:30 nore if we add issues each time we're about to release it, it won't be 17:30 sfan5 possibly today 17:30 PilzAdam sfan5, with the bugs you want to be fixed it will take longer, though 17:31 sfan5 I can try to fix them myself 17:31 nore I will look at them too 17:45 OldCoder Hi 17:45 OldCoder reactor, good 17:45 reactor o/ 17:45 OldCoder Does anybody wish to test MT worlds today? 17:46 OldCoder I need to see if the item definitions lock is present or gone 17:46 * OldCoder will go to office and be online in an hour 17:46 OldCoder * lockup 17:50 reactor idk 17:56 reactor markveidemanis: o/ 17:56 OldCoder john_minetest, I will ping you from my office 17:56 reactor Markov chain? 17:56 OldCoder markveidemanis chain 17:56 reactor Heh. 18:07 MinetestBot GIT: sfan5 commited to minetest/minetest: Fix rename modpack button not working, fixes #1019 374e68d205 2013-11-23T10:06:35-08:00 http://git.io/PaSYpw 18:08 JackGruff nice. since when did you guys get the bot to do this? 18:09 sfan5 MinetestBot always did this 18:18 JackGruff hmm. guess i dont log on often enough 18:21 markveidemanis Hi 18:22 JackGruff yello 18:22 JackGruff sfan5, how often does the ubuntu PPA update? 18:23 sfan5 the stable one updates every release 18:23 sfan5 the daily-build one every new commit 18:24 JackGruff but you only release a new stable when the version number changes? 18:24 JackGruff so 0.4.8 will be the new stable? 18:24 sfan5 yes 18:24 JackGruff thanks 18:31 stormchaser3000 hi 18:31 stormchaser3000 is kaeza here 18:33 MinetestBot EvergreenTree: <Jordach> FUCKING. WIN. 18:34 EvergreenTree Like my water Jordach? :P 18:34 Jordach ^^ 18:34 MinetestBot Jordach: <EvergreenTree> Here is your water source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuS9Z2RLF_0 and the image file: http://i.imgur.com/P9RJpiU.png 18:35 stormchaser3000 lol 18:45 robotest hey 19:01 OldCoder john_minetest, Hi 19:06 OldCoder john_minetest, PM if you stop by 19:06 MinetestBot GIT: Novatux commited to minetest/minetest: Fix my name (doesn't display correctly because of utf8 characters) 83f1d9ae6b 2013-11-23T11:05:07-08:00 http://git.io/vC_TFw 19:06 OldCoder Would anybody else like to test worlds? 19:07 OldCoder Worlds, come'n'git em! :P 19:07 Sokomine :-) 19:36 jojoa1997 hi 19:37 zat http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr01/2013/3/13/18/enhanced-buzz-30461-1363212008-0.jpg 19:37 zat <3 20:09 jojoa1997 how do i enable plants waving in RealBadAngel's shaders reworked fork 20:10 VanessaE in the settings menu 20:10 VanessaE and you have to have mods that support it, but right now none do 20:11 VanessaE Coming Soon.™ 20:12 jojoa1997 so why does my game lag super when i turn on the leaves shaders? 20:12 VanessaE maybe your machine can't deal with shaders? 20:12 jojoa1997 actually i dont get red blocks anymore 20:12 jojoa1997 it can 20:13 VanessaE if you got red blocks, you can't do opengl shaders. 20:13 VanessaE red blocks == you are running directx 20:13 jojoa1997 i just dont see leaves waving buit i guess you have to change the block groups 20:13 jojoa1997 red blocks means broken shaders/unsupported shaders 20:13 VanessaE idk how it works now. 20:14 VanessaE it was paramtype2="waving", but that's about to change 20:14 VanessaE (to waving=true, but that isn't implemented yet) 20:14 VanessaE just wait a bit for RBA et al. to make up their minds. :P 20:14 LazyJ I read that waiving leaves in MT were on the horizon. Any idea of the time-line? 20:15 VanessaE LazyJ: the code is here now. https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/commits/shaders_rework 20:16 LazyJ Thx, I'll take a look. ;) 20:22 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMgGxL8aU4E 20:37 NekoGloop lolno 21:09 VanessaE bbl 21:11 * Jordach tried to join vanessas server using buildcraf 21:11 VanessaE did it barf? :) 21:11 Jordach mhm 21:11 VanessaE (it probably did, it's 0.4.7-stable) 21:12 VanessaE ok, bbl for real now. 21:12 Jordach it is really fast, faster on mp for me 21:13 * Jordach sends thanks to mrtu 21:13 Jordach mrtux* 21:24 thexyz AHAHAHA 21:24 thexyz https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=119323#p119323 21:24 sfan5 lol 21:25 thexyz i'll ban him for 1 month 21:25 thexyz fuck 21:25 nore thexyz, perhaps just remove the post with a warning, no? 21:25 thexyz i'm so generous 21:26 thexyz shit like this could easily get the server shut down 21:26 thexyz of course he just deserves a fucking warning 21:27 PilzAdam isnt it "free as in free beer" and not "free as in beer"? 21:27 thexyz well honestly I don't care 21:27 thexyz I just think warning is not enough in that case 21:27 thexyz and banning forever is not really nice 21:27 thexyz so I guess 1 month is reasonable? 21:28 sfan5 1 month real time is like 1 year internet time 21:29 thexyz eh? 21:29 thexyz well 21:29 thexyz that's gonna suck 21:29 thexyz for him 21:30 thexyz what is your suggestion? 21:30 thexyz and by looking at his post history it looks like he doesn't post more than 1 message per month anymore 21:31 thexyz and I really don't want to be sued for shit like that or have my server shut down which runs some other projects too 21:31 sfan5 it's your choice 21:31 PilzAdam thexyz, or you just hope that "In any event you are responsible for your posts, and the other users are responsible for their posts, not the operators of this forum." takes effect in court 21:32 stormchaser3000 i did not get to see the post soon enough before it was deleted 21:32 stormchaser3000 what did it say 21:32 sfan5 stormchaser3000: someone posted a cracked version of that minetest android version 21:32 stormchaser3000 buildcraft 21:32 stormchaser3000 ? 21:33 sfan5 yes 21:33 ShadowNinja cracked == Full version without price? 21:33 sfan5 yes 21:33 stormchaser3000 D: i had better uninstall it then (i downloaded it) 21:33 * stormchaser3000 workout deleting the files 21:34 stormchaser3000 ok there the mine folder in my playstarz folder is deleted 21:35 stormchaser3000 is there any other folders that are used for the full version 21:41 thexyz PilzAdam: yes sure 21:41 thexyz but you know 21:41 thexyz hetzner is a Germany hosting provider 21:41 thexyz so it will just turn my server off 21:44 stormchaser3000 hmmmmm if only i knew c++ i would make the real minetest for android and have it be the latest git 21:45 stormchaser3000 and have t be free on google play 21:45 PilzAdam no, if you knew c++ you wouldnt do that 21:45 stormchaser3000 ? 21:45 sfan5 it requires more than c++ to do that 21:46 stormchaser3000 hmm um ok 21:46 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, can you try latest chanes in my branch and see if anything is still broken for you? 21:47 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, sure 21:50 PilzAdam RealBadAngel: 21:50 PilzAdam /home/adam/Minetest/minetest/src/nodedef.cpp:605:8: warning: unused variable 'waving_plants' [-Wunused-variable] 21:50 PilzAdam /home/adam/Minetest/minetest/src/nodedef.cpp:606:8: warning: unused variable 'waving_leaves' [-Wunused-variable] 21:50 RealBadAngel dont worry 21:50 RealBadAngel i am aware of it and this is not an error 21:51 RealBadAngel i will use those settings there 21:53 stormchaser3000 how do i get to your branch of minetest real bad angel 21:53 NekoGloop Wunused! 21:53 NekoGloop Wun~used~ 21:54 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, in HavenNG the side texture of dirt_with_snow is messed up 21:54 PilzAdam and default:snow laying on top of the jelly leaves looks... interesting 21:55 stormchaser3000 Pilzadam how do i get to that branch 21:55 RealBadAngel win or linux? 21:55 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, is bumped updated yet? 21:55 stormchaser3000 linux lucid (my !@#$ing old system and os) ubuntu 21:55 stormchaser3000 10.04 21:55 RealBadAngel so you have to build it on your own 21:56 stormchaser3000 i know and i know how to 21:56 RealBadAngel https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest/tree/shaders_rework 21:56 stormchaser3000 ok thanks 21:56 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, and there is still the time_speed thing 21:56 RealBadAngel i know 21:56 RealBadAngel step by step 21:57 PilzAdam you wanted me to test if anything is broken :-p 21:57 RealBadAngel each day i am fixing issues, errors and the like :) 21:58 stormchaser3000 now i hope my intel 1 core computer can handle this 21:58 RealBadAngel and making HavenNG looks better. read: using the features 21:58 RealBadAngel http://i.imgur.com/duNnnQR.jpg 21:59 PilzAdam this doesnt fit the style of MT 22:03 iqualfragile wooohoo 22:03 Calinou <stormchaser3000> linux lucid (my !@#$ing old system and os) ubuntu 22:03 Calinou <stormchaser3000> 10.04 22:03 iqualfragile dr. who special! 22:03 Calinou use something that is not EOL 22:03 iqualfragile awsome 22:03 Calinou stop hyping it. 22:03 Calinou it isn't even fun anymore 22:03 iqualfragile Calinou: wut? i just watched it 22:03 iqualfragile was lots of fun 22:04 Calinou overrated as hell 22:04 Calinou more than a nexus 7 22:04 iqualfragile Calinou: did you see it? 22:05 Calinou no 22:05 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, use_texture_alpha is broken 22:05 iqualfragile in that case, my dear Calinou, stfu 22:06 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, what is using that feature for example? 22:06 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, my patched mt_game 22:06 RealBadAngel can i have it? 22:07 PilzAdam https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest_game/commit/c7fa80f8ab6e8d87201e411f7d356d5c7a45d3de 22:07 stormchaser3000 um yes calinou 22:07 stormchaser3000 i have a bad os 22:08 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, so, the ice for example, yes? 22:08 stormchaser3000 i use lucid linux 22:08 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, yep 22:09 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, can you make a screenshot how it does look for you? 22:12 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, http://mg.viewskew.com/mgoblin_media/media_entries/461/AlphaNodesBug.png 22:12 PilzAdam this tower is build out of ice 22:19 Jordach thexyz, gg dmca only works from the us, playstarz is china based 22:20 thexyz ^ he has no idea about what he says 22:21 Jordach thexyz, supertuxcart code is gplv2, the java frontend is from that... 22:21 sfan5 lolwat http://www.reddit.com/r/Jobs4Bitcoins/comments/1nt2am/forhire_dna_barcode_sequencing/ 22:21 thexyz Jordach: then email gpl-violations 22:21 thexyz I don't want to dig this stuff 22:21 sfan5 Jordach: supertuxkart has no java frontend 22:22 thexyz I see copyright violation — I ban the guy 22:22 Jordach sfan5, see vanessas tablet outpur 22:22 thexyz for now it looks like you're just saying random shit without understanding it 22:22 sfan5 Jordach: it's some C++ then, but not Java 22:22 thexyz i.e. what's about DMCA? if there's no DMCA does that mean copyright can be violated? no, of course.. 22:24 Jordach its only worth pursuing if we can truly see the source 22:30 Jordach (the best thing we can do is 22:30 Jordach note hat he ap isnt officially sanctioned 22:33 iqualfragile thexyz: do you pay for bandwidth by volume? (for minetest.ru) 22:33 Jordach and instill hate touchscreen kayboards... 22:34 thexyz iqualfragile: there's 10 terabyte limit / month after which it switches to 10 mbps connection and will ask me to pay for bandwidth, what do you need this information for? 22:34 iqualfragile are you using it up? 22:34 iqualfragile (the 10 terabytes) 22:34 thexyz what do you need this for? 22:35 iqualfragile i have added a server of mine to the public server list so there were a lot of new people joining the server 22:36 Jordach ...is it git? 22:36 iqualfragile then some day the webserver i used for media_url crashed 22:36 iqualfragile Jordach: yes it is 22:36 Jordach damn 22:36 * Jordach cant use rhe ta let 22:36 Jordach the tablet* 22:37 iqualfragile and allmost everybody who tried to join quit or timed out before they even downloaded most of the content (as there is mesecons and pipeworks and mobf installed) 22:37 iqualfragile this lets me guess that most people have this kind of problem as i think that the server admins using media_url are a minority 22:38 iqualfragile so i thought minetest cdm might be a good idea 22:38 iqualfragile thexyz: ^ thats why 22:38 thexyz yes there's http://minetest-cdn.net/ 22:39 thexyz and we're waiting for kahrl to merge his httpfetch code 22:39 thexyz some day.. 22:39 thexyz it uses cloudflare by the way 22:39 iqualfragile hmm 22:39 iqualfragile ok 22:39 iqualfragile interesting 22:40 iqualfragile in that case media_url shoud default to minetest-cdn.net 22:40 iqualfragile who runs it? 22:45 OldCoder iqualfragile, I used curl but had to stop because of the bug that is fixed by httpfetch 22:46 thexyz iqualfragile: I do but it's not functional yet 22:46 OldCoder VanessaE informed me that textures go missing presently 23:00 Jordach hey paramat 23:00 paramat hi 23:16 Peacock good morning starshine the earth says hello 23:16 paramat hi :) 23:16 Peacock hey, i finally crashed and slepted over 12 hours lol 23:17 paramat good to hear 23:17 paramat and still no shadow bugs? :) 23:17 Peacock nope, what about at your end? 23:18 paramat well my end doesnt count as i was using pre-LVM 23:18 paramat but yeah still buggy shadows but that may be my fault 23:18 Peacock oh well i read on the logs 0.4.8 should be out *this* weekend, so hopefully monday at the latest 23:19 Peacock naw not really, you were trying water level with prelvm, if i had tried it with lvm along with the nolight and calc-lighting it would have worked 23:19 iqualfragile Peacock: yeah looks like its in the final stage 23:19 iqualfragile translations beeing pulled in 23:20 Peacock i'll bet they'll keep the 0.4.9 milestones written in stone this time ;) 23:20 paramat i get the feeling it was water level that fixed it for you? 23:20 Peacock well nolight + calc_lighting alone didn't work with lvm, the water level thing was crucial 23:21 Peacock though it also confirms that it treats everything below water level as being underground as suspected 23:21 Peacock which i dont really get why thats necessary for singlenode, but i doubt it will stay like that in future versions 23:23 paramat hm-mm correctly pointed out my mistake of exiting ongen before calcualting light, but i still cant see how that would produce the shadow glitches, still confused, reading over logs. However if your realm works then im happy. 23:23 Peacock well im still fuzzy on that exiting ongen before calculating light 23:23 paramat and i also am suspecting its water level causing problems in singlenode mapgen 23:24 paramat yeah because your version is full map, but you still got shadow bugs 23:24 Peacock http://pastebin.com/C2GNGbPU 23:24 Peacock did i make the same mistake there ^ ? 23:24 Peacock because it seems to work regardless 23:24 * paramat reads 23:26 paramat well looks good to me 23:26 Peacock okay so it's just the code that he saw yesterday that had calc_lighting in the wrong place 23:28 paramat are you keen to add craters? i will be coding LVM craters as a code chunk that can be dropped into your code easily 23:29 paramat i was considering adding rare materials around the crater edge formed by impact energy ... obsidian perhaps 23:29 paramat but i know you started another world :) 23:30 paramat if you add crater code nothing changes you just get craters in the newer asteroids 23:30 Peacock depends would there be more noises/perlinmaps? 23:31 Peacock id have to see if there's a noticeable difference in speed, 'cus right now your lvm + perlinmaps version spawns as fast as MT's builtin mapgen :-) 23:32 paramat great. no no more noises, just random positions in each chunk, simple spheres excavated, should be simple and fast, 23:32 Peacock heck they could almost remove the mapgens from the engine and rely on your mods if they were all setup similarly 23:33 Peacock i'll have to see how it looks, i rather like the shapes of the asteroids since you revamped the whole thing in the latest versions :-) 23:33 Peacock not too far apart, not too tiny 23:33 paramat after craternips are done i must stop changing things and move on to another mod heh 23:34 Peacock vertical realms? :P 23:34 paramat yeah 4 vrealm plus upside down realm plus normal realm = cube world 23:35 paramat yes the number and size range of craters is configurable 23:35 Peacock next up you could try doing a dyson sphere 23:35 ShadowBot john_minetest: Error: I haven't seen markveidemanis, I'll let you do the telling. 23:35 MinetestBot john_minetest: I'll pass that on when markveidemanis is around 23:35 paramat i like the asteroid shapes too so tend to just have a few craters to add interest, i must post some screenshots 23:36 paramat dysin sphere lol i have big plans 23:36 Peacock there it is http://thehumblefuturist.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/st-dyson-sphere.jpg 23:37 paramat ive always been fascinated with ringworlds, dyson spheres etc 23:38 Peacock stanford toruses are cool too 23:38 Peacock the Chinese will probably be the first to build one of those 23:39 paramat when i was a kid in the late 70's nasa were producing artwork of O'Neil colonies etc, i was obsessed with those artworks 23:40 Peacock welll heck back then every major power had their own plans for a space station 23:40 paramat yeah im hoping for another space race US-Chinese 23:40 Peacock budget cuts in every country gave us the ISS instead 23:40 paramat yep and Nixon wanting to spend money on war instead of Nasa, what a loss to lose JFK 23:41 Peacock not sure about a space race, more likely a naval confrontation, heard the news about the new "identification zone" in the south china sea? 23:41 paramat nope 23:41 Peacock http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-25062525 23:41 Peacock Japanese, Koreans aren't too happy lol 23:41 paramat i recently discovered what the shuttle could have been if it's budget hadnt been cut 23:42 Peacock the Russian had their own shuttle too, the Buran i think it was called 23:42 paramat instead we got crude solid rocket boosters 23:42 paramat yeah Buran Energia, monster booster 23:42 Peacock well the space shuttle program was kindof a mixed bag 23:44 Peacock i mean the only reason the gov't went for it was to build their own freedom space station (robocop) and for the supply contracts in certain states 23:46 Peacock though the space race was mostly a cold war thing, it did lead to alot of the technologies we use today, which might explain why these days facebook and twitter are considered "innovative" in lieu of real technological progress lol 23:47 paramat my youth of reading SF has led to my big dreams and disappointment at our slow progress 23:48 paramat Elon Musk has an awesome vision, his reusable booster is a better and cheaper idea than the shuttle 23:48 Jordach elon has 22nd century ideas in the 21st century 23:48 Peacock well anyone who was a fan of star trek growing up has to be disappointed at the state and direction of society today lol 23:49 * paramat is also an electric car enthusiast 23:51 paramat heres the site full of past shuttle concepts http://www.pmview.com/spaceodysseytwo/spacelvs/index.htm 23:53 paramat one of my favourites, double spaceplane http://www.pmview.com/spaceodysseytwo/spacelvs/sld029.htm 23:54 Inocudom How many of you know abot RealBadAngel's Bumped texture pack? To make mods and games have its effects, the textures of them simply need normal maps of the 256px resolution. 23:58 ShadowNinja ShadowBot: channel lobotomy add 23:58 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: The operation succeeded.