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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-11-16

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Time Nick Message
00:02 iqualfragile harrison: i have now reformulated the question 4 times, it is sufficient if you just answer one; while they are not equivalent they are verry related
00:03 Exio4 angelscript looks pretty nice
00:04 PilzAdam bye
00:04 iqualfragile wtf? that was one secound
00:04 iqualfragile one!!
00:05 iqualfragile how the fuck does he expect one to answer within one secound?
00:06 harrison ?
00:06 harrison let me see...
00:07 harrison you might think of the films as chum, as chunks of bait spread in the water (metaphorically, the internet) to attract
00:09 harrison of course, many well-known species show up .... but one always hopes for a kraken
00:13 harrison i hope that is clear...
00:17 paramat joined #minetest
00:18 harrison anyway, my point tonight was just: i got 71 views from 4chan!
00:20 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
00:22 iqualfragile no, it is not clear, please try not to use metaphors
00:22 harrison the metaphor never fall far from the simile
00:22 harrison falls
00:34 NakedFury joined #minetest
00:49 pitriss VanessaE: Hi i want to ask.. how you have implemented tree growing speed in your moretrees.. It is constant on based on time_speed?:)
00:59 Ikkiko joined #minetest
01:09 VanessaE pitriss: it is based on abms, via plants_lib
01:10 pitriss VanessaE: yeah and I'm asking if abm intervals are based on time_lenght setting:)
01:10 VanessaE no
01:11 VanessaE they're set from actual values in moretrees config;
01:11 VanessaE length of the in-game day is not taken into account
01:11 pitriss VanessaE: ohh and do you plan to do such thing? It is not so hard.. I did that for farming plus...:)
01:12 VanessaE I don't have any plans right now, but seems to me it would be trivial to implement into plants_lib
01:13 VanessaE check the length of the day, divide 72 by that number, multiply the result by the ABM interval
01:13 pitriss yeah it is trivial to take basic values and count correct ones based on time_lenght
01:23 Renoki joined #minetest
01:26 VanessaE pitriss:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6424084/
01:27 VanessaE look good to you?
01:27 pitriss VanessaE: thanks..
01:28 pitriss VanessaE: only one thing.. time_speed can be zero.. so you should check that to not get division by zero error:)
01:28 VanessaE right
01:35 VanessaE http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6424096/
01:35 VanessaE better?
01:35 KingsleyT joined #minetest
01:36 VanessaE ('biome' is local)
01:37 pitriss VanessaE: yeah it seems good for me:)
01:42 pitriss VanessaE: do you apply this to your plantslib directly or should I patch this file locally?
01:48 Vazon joined #minetest
01:49 Vazon can someone help me wiht PilzAdam's Item Drop mod
01:49 VanessaE pitriss:  I just pushed it to git
01:49 Vazon with*
01:49 Warr1024 joined #minetest
01:49 VanessaE Vazon: use cy1's instead.  https://github.com/cyisfor/item_drop/commits/master
01:50 pitriss VanessaE: great, i will pull it now.. Thank you very much:)
01:50 Vazon hmmm
01:51 Vazon well......
01:52 Vazon well i cant find what im looking for on that :/
01:53 Vazon owait
01:59 Vazon i found it but have not idea how ot input it -.-
01:59 Vazon to*
02:05 VanessaE pitriss: does it work as intended?
02:05 VanessaE I've only tested that it doesn't seem to break anything :D
02:06 pitriss VanessaE: it seems as yes, but it needs longer testing period.. with longer day these intervals are also longer:D
02:06 pitriss VanessaE: If we find some bug or so, we let you know;)
02:06 VanessaE ok
02:07 VanessaE we?
02:07 * VanessaE is curious
02:08 pitriss VanessaE: Me and my friend Ritchie.. we have small private server:D
02:08 VanessaE oh ok
02:09 pitriss But the same piece of code is just working in farming plus, so I guess it will be okay too;)
02:10 VanessaE heh ok
02:11 Vazon what is the init command to get time
02:11 VanessaE os.time()
02:11 VanessaE if you mean the lua function
02:11 Vazon yea ok lets try that
02:13 Vazon local now = minetest.os.time() what is wrong with that??
02:14 Warr1024 you trying to get the in-game time or real time?
02:14 pitriss vazon it is os.time() not minetest.os.time
02:14 VanessaE -minetest.
02:14 VanessaE it's just os.time()
02:14 Vazon ok
02:15 proller joined #minetest
02:17 Vazon omg if they could just make it simple to have just item pick up and item delete time this whouldnt be so hard >;(
02:19 pitriss Vazon: and what do you try to do?
02:20 Vazon just have item pick up and where droped items delete after so long
02:21 Exio4 redshift is cute&nice
02:22 pitriss Vazon: item pickup is easy.. https://github.com/Pitriss/classic_technic_game/blob/master/mods/pickup/init.lua //this is just modified PA's item drop
02:23 pitriss Vazon: but yeah I will appreciate code to cleanup entities lying on the ground for longer time
02:26 pitriss I'm going to sleep.. Night all..:)
02:26 Vazon night and thanks
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02:57 Vazon ok back
02:57 Vazon VanessaE you there?
02:57 leo_rockway joined #minetest
02:57 VanessaE hi
02:58 Vazon you know how to set up the irc mod right?
02:58 VanessaE yes
02:58 VanessaE you have to compile a library that's included with it
02:58 Vazon well could you help this Noob out plz cuase the readme file didnt help me at all
02:58 VanessaE and you have set at least the network, channel, IRC nick, and prferably the nickserv password
02:59 Vazon i have a name and password on this name
02:59 Vazon brb
03:01 Warr1024 I had a lot of trouble getting that thing to work, until I figured out to add -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN=1 to cmake command line.
03:02 VanessaE what's that do?
03:03 Warr1024 when I had minetest compiled without it, lua refused to load the binary library.
03:03 kaeza Warr1024, which OS/distro?
03:03 Warr1024 OpenBSD.
03:04 Warr1024 it's not a problem with the mod code, it's an issue with the way the embedded copy of lua in minetest itself configures itself by default.
03:04 Warr1024 It might be because support for OpenBSD in MT's cmake defs is only marginal
03:04 Warr1024 or it could be an intentional security thing in lua by default.
03:05 Warr1024 irc mod is the only one I've seen so far that's affected.
03:05 kaeza so it works if using LUA_USE_DLOPEN?
03:06 Warr1024 yes.  When building minetest, I add -dLUA_USE_DLOPEN=1 to the cmake command line and follow through the rest as normal.
03:06 kaeza my translation of the Lua Makefile to a CMakeLists.txt may have gone wrong
03:06 kaeza oh derp
03:07 Warr1024 ?
03:07 kaeza don't mind me, I'm a bit sleepy
03:07 Warr1024 heh, me too
03:08 Warr1024 it looks like minetest enables that dlopen business by default on OSX.
03:08 Warr1024 maybe it just needs to do that for OpenBSD as well...
03:08 Warr1024 I can't vouch for any of the other sort-of-marginally-supported OS's like NetBSD...
03:08 kaeza IRC also does not seem to work on M$ Windows
03:08 Warr1024 not much does :-)
03:09 kaeza AFAIK it may be an error related to the fact that the copy of luasocket embeds another copy of Lua ;)
03:14 Warr1024 The problem I was having seemed to be because the copy of lua embedded in MT didn't allow loading *.so's at runtime.
03:15 Warr1024 The fix was a change to the way I compiled MT, not the way I compiled the irc plugin...
03:15 Warr1024 so I'm guessing that if this is a problem for a wider audience, it may need to be fixed in the core...
03:15 Vazon back
03:17 Vazon ok VanessaE about the irc mod what do i have to do first
03:21 kaeza Vazon, use the quick_install.sh script to build & install, then set some configuration options in minetest.conf, as explained in the Configuration section of the README
03:22 Vazon ...i have read the README file and ... it just confused me :/
03:22 kaeza you need CMake and a C compiler
03:23 kaeza which OS BTW?
03:25 Vazon Linux Ubuntu 12.04
03:26 kaeza ok, I'll assume you have gcc and cmake installed and working
03:26 Vazon i guess...
03:26 kaeza just cd to the base directory for the IRC mod source tree
03:27 kaeza and do ./quick_install.sh ~/.minetest/mods
03:28 Vazon ok
03:30 Vazon umm im put that in the terminal and it didnt work
03:31 kaeza can you pastebin the error?
03:32 Vazon yea sure
03:32 Vazon http://pastebin.com/Qe8XfF5z
03:33 kaeza you did not cd into the base directory...
03:34 Vazon sorry im still anoob to linx and i have no idea what cd means
04:12 Miner_48er change directory
04:12 Miner_48er man cd
04:16 Warr1024 heh, you won't find manpages for cd on many systems, since it's generally a shell built-in command and not a separate bin...
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06:53 hoodedice https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7722
06:53 hoodedice What do ya'll think?
07:07 VanessaE bbl
07:31 Leoneof joined #minetest
07:38 thexyz did some drama happen?
07:39 thexyz all proller's pull requests are closed
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09:32 thexyz https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=118256#p118256
09:33 reactor Hell.o
09:33 thexyz that's so wrong I can't even explain it
09:38 Jordach joined #minetest
09:42 Jordach VanessaE, HDX USER SPOTTED
09:43 thexyz you mean there are 2 hdx users now or what?
09:47 Jordach thexyz, haha yes
09:48 reactor ¨_¨
09:48 reactor :¨
09:52 Jordach reactor, lol
09:52 Jordach (why have we managed to forget about plol?)
09:52 Jordach ^ sfan5
09:53 reactor p?
09:53 Jordach physically
09:53 reactor Does "p" stand for "portable"?
09:53 reactor Oh.
09:53 reactor Aight.
09:59 sfan5 Jordach: dunno
10:00 sfan5 hi everyone BTW
10:00 reactor What multiplexor is better: tmux or gscreen?
10:01 Jordach screen ftw
10:01 reactor o/ sfan5
10:01 reactor What is the main diff?
10:01 reactor Last time I tried gscreen, I didn't get far.
10:01 o i think tmux is easier to use
10:02 Jordach o - please d0 n0t use 0ne letter nicks
10:02 o Jordach: why not?
10:02 issa2013 joined #minetest
10:02 Jordach pe0ple will be kicked by shad0wb0t
10:02 Jordach f0r n0 g00d reas0n
10:02 Jordach and the 0ps will kick y0u
10:03 o oh, are you being serious about that?
10:03 o i'm quite often using the nick 'o'
10:03 Jordach we've had this bef0re
10:03 o you're the first one complaining :'(
10:03 Jordach shad0wb0t kicks f0r nick spamming
10:04 o xy@daert:~/.weechat/logs$ grep -E 'kicked\s.\s' ./*/*/#minetest.weechatlog
10:04 o can't find anyone kicking a one char nick :P
10:05 Jordach there was a nick called i
10:05 o i can't really change it because i am +q'd in a channel atm
10:05 sfan5 Jordach: highlights only count like this: foo o bar not like fooobar
10:06 Jordach sfan5, shadowbot has kicked like that before
10:06 o you know what
10:07 o-o-o joined #minetest
10:07 o-o-o oooooooooooo i doubt that will get me kicked
10:07 o-o-o see?
10:08 Fadi morning
10:13 Jordach joined #minetest
10:13 Jordach wtf
10:13 Jordach just got logged out by just playing minetest
10:14 Jordach out of my damn system :(
10:14 Jordach sfan5, just found a massive lava cave :O
10:15 thexyz what's with that stupidity? kicking for one letter nicknames, seriously?
10:15 * o shrugs
10:15 Jordach thexyz, check loggingbot's logs
10:15 thexyz gimme link
10:15 Jordach ugh
10:15 o http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/
10:16 thexyz oh thank you kind soul
10:17 Jordach thexyz, http://sfan5.duckdns.org/ircstats/minetest.html
10:17 Jordach go down to most referenced nicks
10:18 thexyz Jordach: yes and?
10:18 Jordach people once abused ShadowBot's auto kicker like that
10:20 thexyz gimme links
10:20 Jordach thexyz, it happened before, but i cannot find the link
10:20 Jordach because too many logbs
10:20 Jordach logs*
10:21 thexyz well then obviously the bot has to be fixed
10:22 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest
10:24 issa2013 hello
10:24 issa2013 what's up on the minetest world
10:25 splash joined #minetest
10:26 Calinou everything's down
10:26 reactor Calinou: got pwned?
10:26 cya joined #minetest
10:26 cya so
10:27 Calinou hi french guy who uses SFR
10:27 Calinou bye...
10:27 Calinou :'(
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10:37 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
10:43 reactor Hello PlizAdam.
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11:12 * Jordach wants a mark forum as read button
11:14 PilzAdam Jordach should look at the bottom right
11:15 Jordach PilzAdam, don't non /me third person me, that's my job!"
11:16 PilzAdam https://github.com/PilzAdam/pilztest/commits/model
11:16 Jordach blend or gtfo
11:17 Jordach and why not just use the current format
11:17 Jordach there's nothing wrong with it
11:22 * Jordach doesn't like Japanese Culture descending on the forums
11:22 PilzAdam https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8qjhgebfg8y1jt/pilztest_models.zip
11:23 PilzAdam hm? what do you mean by "current format"?
11:23 Jordach PilzAdam, the one Taoki made is far superior
11:23 Jordach im also surprised you didn't name the model fiola.b3d
11:24 PilzAdam you do realise that the model size is only 10% from the one in mt_game?
11:25 splash left #minetest
11:25 PilzAdam oh, its even less than 10%: 300 KiB vs. 13 KiB
11:27 Jordach \o/
11:29 PilzAdam also the animations look better when done dynamically in the code instead of doing it in the model file
11:29 john_minetest joined #minetest
11:29 Jordach ...tell MC that...oh...wait, it is...
11:30 PilzAdam in MC the whole model is created in the code, AFAIK
11:30 Jordach PilzAdam, yes, but it's animated like yours
11:31 Jordach Calinou, got that link to your 1080p wallpapers?
11:31 PilzAdam I want to test it on a non-local server
11:31 iqualfragile PilzAdam: maybee your model format is just broken? i think animations should be saved with the model
11:31 Calinou https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2432
11:31 iqualfragile PilzAdam: i can host it
11:31 Jordach found it
11:32 PilzAdam iqualfragile, what? I would call the format of mt_game "broken", since its as big as the whole textures folder of default and it looks quite bad
11:32 PilzAdam iqualfragile, https://github.com/PilzAdam/pilztest/commits/model
11:33 iqualfragile PilzAdam: yes, but maybee there is a third format, not just x or b3d
11:34 PilzAdam in the default model when you dig, walk and sneak then your digging hand moves slower; thats "broken" IMO
11:34 iqualfragile yes
11:34 PilzAdam hey john_minetest
11:35 iqualfragile but please do not fall back to doing animation in the code
11:35 reactor john_minetest: o/
11:35 reactor iqualfragile: o/
11:35 Jordach new desktop setup get: http://i.imgur.com/w6iDZVP.png
11:35 iqualfragile reactor: \o
11:35 Jordach (my OCD is satisfied)
11:36 iqualfragile Jordach: you could use sfan5s windows8-themed minetest icon
11:36 reactor john_minetest, iqualfragile, how's Germany?
11:36 PilzAdam iqualfragile, as long as the model sending code is as bad as currently its simply wrong to save the animations in the model file
11:36 reactor Jordach: nice.
11:36 iqualfragile reactor: quite sunny right now (at least where i am) but quite cold, too
11:36 reactor Here's mine.
11:37 Jordach reactor, simple and understated - just how i like it
11:37 reactor ftp://mike402.no-ip.biz:65421/pub/scr/
11:37 iqualfragile john_minetest: yes, and we have quite some politicians for sale!
11:37 iqualfragile PilzAdam: model sending code?
11:37 PilzAdam I mean the slow media sending by that
11:37 Jordach reactor, lovely
11:38 reactor ен
11:38 reactor ty
11:38 reactor The font has holes in it, though. Need to smoothen it out.
11:38 Jordach reactor, you could have used 65432 as the port number, or 54321 - OCD talking again
11:38 reactor Jordach: why?
11:38 iqualfragile PilzAdam: i solved that (for my server) by just running a litle bit of code to copy all the models and textures and music into one folder and then run python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer in it
11:38 Jordach because it looks good and is easy to type :D
11:39 reactor 65421 is algith.
11:39 reactor alright
11:39 reactor My point is, eh. I use ports in range 654000-65535 for subscriber services.
11:40 Jordach holy shit
11:40 Jordach dat port number
11:40 PilzAdam iqualfragile, I cant expect every pilztest server to do that
11:40 reactor What, they're the hightest available, so that they don't clutter the rest, and I can open ports randomly without considering.
11:41 iqualfragile why not use 21?
11:41 iqualfragile PilzAdam: you do not need to, you just need one pilzserver to do so
11:41 iqualfragile then others could use his server
11:42 iqualfragile holy shit, dolphin supports ftp
11:42 PilzAdam thats too centralized
11:42 * PilzAdam high fives iqualfragile for KDE
11:42 Jordach ewwwwwwwwwwww
11:42 iqualfragile PilzAdam: yes, but if people want to be decentralized they can just go ahead an run a simple command on startup
11:43 PilzAdam additional work to be decentralized? even if there is a (better) working solution that doesnt require extra work?
11:43 iqualfragile it is not that hard… i think i have even published my script to do so
11:43 iqualfragile PilzAdam: there is a better working solution?
11:43 reactor iqualfragile: 21 is too common, I don't want much attention from randomly scanning whoever is randomly scanning.
11:43 PilzAdam yes, coded animation
11:44 werwerwer joined #minetest
11:44 iqualfragile that is a hack and you know it
11:44 PilzAdam hows that hacky?
11:44 reactor Serious hackers attack for a reason.
11:44 iqualfragile reactor: crackers
11:45 reactor I have nothing to hide... yet.
11:45 reactor script kiddies?
11:45 reactor iqualfragile: yes, the right term for "hackers" is crackers.
11:45 reactor The actual hackers are not cracking shit.
11:45 iqualfragile PilzAdam: because the animations belong into the model file which is animated
11:45 reactor Because "hacking" means "advanced programming".
11:45 PilzAdam why do you think that they belong there? is it a law or something?
11:45 iqualfragile reactor: oh, wow, you have quite a stable upload
11:46 iqualfragile PilzAdam: no, but logic
11:46 reactor But whatever. To deter script kiddies, I use other port.
11:46 iqualfragile if somebody wants to reuse your model he would just try and take the model file and drop it into his folder
11:46 PilzAdam what if I e.g. want players to be able to point in a direction? with in-model animations they are always out of sync
11:46 reactor iqualfragile: ?
11:47 iqualfragile PilzAdam: that is another usecase
11:47 Megaf joined #minetest
11:47 PilzAdam what if somebody wants to use my model but with a swimming animation?
11:47 PilzAdam I cant put every possible animation in the model
11:47 iqualfragile then he adds that animation to the model file
11:48 reactor iqualfragile: ?!
11:48 reactor iqualfragile: what model?
11:48 reactor And why not share?
11:48 reactor I don't care if someone uses my work. I would only be glad.
11:48 reactor And I'm dropping it soon, anyway. Because I have more interesting and profittable things ahead of me.
11:48 PilzAdam so he could also add animations for the animations I do in the code
11:48 reactor Ping?
11:48 iqualfragile additionaly its quite a litle bit easier to create animations using a specialised tool like blender
11:48 iqualfragile reactor: i am sorry, but what are you talking about?
11:49 reactor Oh.
11:49 reactor I got confused.
11:49 PilzAdam there are some problems: I want the digging and placing animation to depend on the view pitch
11:49 reactor Discard last five lines, they're garbage.
11:49 PilzAdam hows that possible with in-model animations?
11:49 reactor iqualfragile: what do you mean stable upload?
11:49 iqualfragile reactor: ok
11:50 iqualfragile reactor: your upload is quite stable, it does not flicker around or anything
11:50 PilzAdam and do I need to create extra animation ranges for each combination of digging, walking and sneaking?
11:50 reactor Good.
11:50 reactor How fast is it, iqualfragile?
11:50 iqualfragile PilzAdam: i am not quite shure what you are trying to archive
11:50 reactor It's not very fast, is it?
11:50 iqualfragile but animation blending is possible
11:51 PilzAdam its broken in irrlicht, though
11:51 iqualfragile so you can combine any animations without combining loads of ranges
11:51 iqualfragile digging and placing animations depeding on view pitch: cant you just create two seperate animations and use your code to decide which one should be played?
11:52 PilzAdam ehm, the pitch ranges from 0 to 180
11:52 PilzAdam I dont want to create 180 animations
11:52 iqualfragile i do not quite get what you are trying to archive
11:53 iqualfragile 123 KiB/s
11:53 PilzAdam the animation depends on a lot of things (movement, sneaking, view direction); that is a lot easier to "combine" in the code
11:55 PilzAdam thats what I want to achive: the animations should perfectly fit what the player does currently
11:55 reactor I see.
11:55 reactor I have 120 most of the time.
11:55 reactor Speaking of The X Files. I am not the best source to get them from.
11:55 reactor You better use torrents for that, the speed would be a lot faster.
11:55 PilzAdam and that is a lot harder when I have to create the animations before I know the situation
11:55 iqualfragile nah, did just one those for testing, they were the bigest files i could find at the moment
11:55 reactor I'm keeping the series (part of) for a friend of mine whose ISP only gives unlimited dl at night (I don't see any reason for him not to use torrent like others do).
11:56 iqualfragile PilzAdam: i am quite shure that it is possible to do with the logic beeing in the code and the animation in the model file
11:56 reactor Aha!
11:56 reactor I KNOW when they drop my connection.
11:56 reactor They do it when I upload something.
11:57 PilzAdam iqualfragile, as I said, animation blending is broken in Irrlicht
11:57 reactor Hell, I PAY for the bandwidth, what is wrong with you, people?
11:57 iqualfragile PilzAdam: why not fix it?
11:57 reactor Fucking scumbags.
11:58 PilzAdam iqualfragile, there are 2 possibilities: 1) fix Irrlicht, create the animations in the model and do some code to blend them 2) do code to create them
11:58 PilzAdam now guess what is easier / less time consuming?
11:58 iqualfragile yes exactly
11:58 iqualfragile and possiblity one would fix the problem for everybody
11:58 iqualfragile and possibility two is an ugly hack
11:59 PilzAdam its neither ugly nor hacky, its just a different way
12:00 iqualfragile animations do not belong into the code
12:00 PilzAdam thats your point of view
12:00 iqualfragile just as logic does not belong into models
12:01 reactor Seriously, why would ISP drop people for fully using what they pay for?
12:01 iqualfragile reactor: because it is expensive for them
12:02 reactor That is at least dishonest. But legally, it is false advertising.
12:02 PilzAdam anyway, iqualfragile, can you host the testing server?
12:02 iqualfragile PilzAdam: i am setting it up atm
12:09 issa2013 PilzAdam, i have a server on linux open 24/24 7 by 7
12:09 iqualfragile PilzAdam: please merge https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/744
12:10 iqualfragile inground spawning happens way too often
12:10 issa2013 if u want i can use to generate evry day a build from windows and linux to 32x and 64 bit
12:13 reactor iqualfragile: so what, I bought that bandwidth from them. It's mine now.
12:13 reactor iqualfragile: I have right to use it.
12:13 nore joined #minetest
12:13 reactor If they can't provide it, they should reduce it and charge less.
12:14 iqualfragile reactor: yes, but 90% of users would not file a lawsuit about it
12:14 reactor Me neither.
12:14 reactor Courts are corrupted, and no one would give a french word.
12:20 reactor o many?\
12:21 reactor I see.
12:21 reactor I know 0.000000 jokes.
12:22 reactor "Intel 80585.999462"
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13:18 Dan_D What is the correct setting? video_driver = direct3d9 is what I think it is for direct3d9
13:18 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
13:18 Dan_D Oh wait nvm
13:18 Dan_D THe above works
13:19 reactor Shit.
13:19 reactor He leaves right when I come.
13:19 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
13:19 EvergreenTree o/
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14:36 hmmmm where is my mapgen cohort paramat
14:37 hmmmm anyway I just came up with an interesting idea for post-processing; i want to vary the blur radius size by perlin noise
14:37 Taoki joined #minetest
14:38 hmmmm (yes, this reduces detail in areas but, no, this does !not! do the same thing as varying persistence or octaves since the feature reduction would be on a very local scale)
14:40 MinetestBot GIT: metaducky AT gmail DOT com commited to minetest/minetest: fixed array limit check when reading Lua specialtiles table 35606cfb67 2013-11-16T06:31:17-08:00 http://git.io/X8s9_w
14:43 hmmmm here is what I was trying to aim for originally:  http://s18.postimg.org/mdyy75x3r/screenshot_1633045957.png
14:43 hmmmm this is not really possible with a linear gradient
14:43 hmmmm disregard the biomes, i screwed those up
14:44 hmmmm see how nicely the 2d and 3d noise blends in?
14:45 nore wow
14:48 hmmmm yep, i think i did a really good job at reducing that problematic 'vastness' of the terrain without sacrificing local details.. buildability is still pretty bad but I'm working on that
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14:56 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Fix invalid listname and listsize not handled correctly in set_size 90e7832408 2013-11-16T06:52:41-08:00 http://git.io/lHLeEg
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15:30 kaeza afternoons
15:30 MrBeNNy Greetings.
15:31 EvergreenTree I am back from fighting the war of leaves
15:43 MrBeNNy Hmm Evergreen trees have needles ;)
15:44 EvergreenTree Can anyone link to the api for stairsplus?
15:44 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:46 * OldCoder is driving to work and will return. He will add worlds today if people wish.
15:46 OldCoder Anybody up for a new world or two?
15:46 Jordach joined #minetest
15:47 EvergreenTree o/
15:48 EvergreenTree You're away from home I take it?
15:48 reactor o/
15:52 EvergreenTree Can someone please link me to the api for stairsplus?
15:56 kaeza EvergreenTree, see the sources?
15:57 kaeza https://github.com/Calinou/moreblocks/tree/master/stairsplus
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16:12 EvergreenTree Hey Calinou
16:13 Calinou hi :)
16:15 reactor o/
16:15 reactor Oops.
16:16 reactor Memory problems.
16:17 Calinou upgrade your RAM, reactor
16:18 reactor I see you're eager to provide me a nervous tissue graft.
16:18 Jordach hey evergreen
16:19 Jordach <- tablet user yep
16:19 PilzAdam every device that cant run Minetest sucks
16:19 reactor PilzAdam: true.
16:20 reactor I mean, PilzAdam++;
16:22 reactor joined #minetest
16:23 Jordach my tablet can technically play minetest
16:24 rubenwardy joined #minetest
16:26 * us_0gb tries to explain that his refrigerator does not suck, but is technically a device that cannot run Minetest
16:26 us_0gb My toaster might suck, but on different grounds.
16:26 kaeza "technically" <.<
16:27 us_0gb It is though. Refrigerators are devices.
16:27 kaeza oh that was meant for Jordach
16:27 us_0gb No, it was meant for PilzAdam.
16:27 us_0gb OH! Misread.
16:27 kaeza no, my reply :P
16:27 us_0gb My bad.
16:28 * us_0gb hangs his head and stands in the corner, facing the wall
16:28 OldCoder joined #minetest
16:29 kaeza would be interesting to play MT on a fridge though :P
16:29 PilzAdam OldCoder, new worlds? wanna give pilztest a shot?
16:29 OldCoder PilzAdam, Didn't you tell me to take down the last one? If I run one of your worlds, is it going to last?
16:29 * OldCoder has an investment in these things
16:30 PilzAdam pilztest is currently indev
16:30 OldCoder PilzAdam, what types of mods are needed?
16:30 PilzAdam no mods at all, only the pilztest game
16:30 OldCoder But that is mods, right?
16:30 OldCoder A collection of special mods?
16:30 PilzAdam its a subgame, like minetest_game
16:31 OldCoder I should probably understand this once and for all...
16:31 OldCoder A subgame is basically a set of world specific mods and textures; is this correct?
16:31 PilzAdam Minetest is an engine; it runs "games" (or "subgames") that are basically a bunch mods
16:31 OldCoder Yes
16:32 OldCoder So my understanding is correct...
16:32 us_0gb OldCoder: Yes, that is correct.
16:32 OldCoder I presently use about 100 mods. Some are maintained and some are not...
16:32 PilzAdam each world can only have 1 game
16:32 OldCoder Yes
16:32 OldCoder But a "game" is basically just mods
16:32 rubenwardy Hi all
16:32 us_0gb Hello!
16:32 OldCoder rubenwardy, hi. PilzAdam What I did in 2012 was run a bunch of "games"...
16:32 kaeza sup ruben
16:33 OldCoder People tended to wander off and not support the mods. So after my life was disrupted in 2013 it took me about 9 months to resync. I will not be running any more "games" except for very special cases. Just worlds that are compatible with subsets of my 100 mods.
16:33 OldCoder Good luck with PilzTest though
16:34 OldCoder 100 mods ought to be enough :-)
16:34 PilzAdam the problem with your system is that everything is basically the same
16:35 OldCoder Nope... because...
16:35 PilzAdam since it all is based on minetest_game
16:35 OldCoder I have 110 mods (actual approx. number) and will add dozens more. Worlds can select the mods.
16:35 OldCoder How is this different from a central configurable _game ?
16:35 OldCoder This includes textures
16:35 OldCoder I can change textures centrally as well
16:35 reactor OldCoder: o/
16:35 OldCoder reactor, Hi!
16:36 OldCoder reactor, did you save the paste link which describes Pripyat locations?
16:36 OldCoder I wish to start writing that up today
16:36 PilzAdam maybe you should test pilztest in singleplayer or so; its really a completly different game than minetest_game
16:36 Calinou hi rubenwardy
16:36 PilzAdam mods will never achieve such a change in gameplay
16:36 reactor ftp://mike402.no-ip.bix:65421/pub/minetest/Pripyat/remarks.txt
16:36 reactor Shit.
16:36 reactor ftp://mike402.no-ip.biz:65421/pub/minetest/Pripyat/remarks.txt
16:36 OldCoder PilzAdam, you are mistaken with all due respect because your _game is just a set of mods. Correct? So I could add the mods to my own collection. Is this right?
16:36 reactor My fingers are assholes.
16:37 OldCoder reactor, Your fingers are fumbling friends
16:37 OldCoder Appreciate them; my own are malfunctioning right now
16:37 PilzAdam no, since mods always run on top of a game, which is mt_game in your case
16:37 reactor They are a bunch of frozen sausages.
16:37 reactor I'm freezing in this room.
16:37 OldCoder reactor, warm them up. Bathe them in bacon soup.
16:37 PilzAdam a "game" is way more than a bunch of mods
16:37 PilzAdam it has a goal, and all the parts help to achieve that
16:38 OldCoder PilzAdam, Go on regarding goal
16:38 reactor OldCoder: wrong ling, again.
16:38 reactor ftp://mike402.no-ip.biz:65421/pub/minetest/Pripyat/remarks
16:38 * OldCoder will wait
16:38 OldCoder t y Reviewing
16:39 OldCoder PilzAdam, If you modify clouds (assuming that they are in standard _game) is there no way to force use of your version? Actually there is... won't worldmods do it?
16:39 OldCoder john_minetest, Hi
16:39 PilzAdam OldCoder, when creating a game you have to decided what features you want to add to it; there are no features at all without a game, you have to code it all in the game
16:39 us_0gb Goal or not, a game is in fact a set of modules, though the game now also includes menu artwork and a conf file.
16:39 us_0gb THose same modules could be applied outside the game.
16:39 OldCoder us_0gb, PilzAdam, Yes. Once again... Explain what I cannot achieve by combining world.mt settings and worldmods folder.
16:40 PilzAdam OldCoder, on the other hand a mod always builds upon a game; it builds upon a set of features and changes or adds new features
16:40 * OldCoder is interested
16:40 OldCoder PilzAdam, Example please?
16:40 OldCoder Use clouds as an example perhaps
16:40 OldCoder Didn't you do something like PilzClouds?
16:40 PilzAdam almost all known standalone mods run on top of minetest_game
16:40 OldCoder PilzAdam, Example please?
16:40 OldCoder Use clouds as an example perhaps
16:40 OldCoder us_0gb, PilzAdam, Yes. Once again... Explain what I cannot achieve by combining world.mt settings and worldmods folder. Something specific.
16:40 PilzAdam whats up with these clouds? /me is confused
16:40 us_0gb PilzAdam: default doesn't build on the game, it helps define the game. Yet is is *still a module*.
16:41 PilzAdam us_0gb, of course, default is part of a game; external mods are the ones that build on top of a game
16:42 OldCoder PilzAdam, your time is appreciated. But, again, are you able to indicate something specific I can't do using load_mod settings in world.mt and worldmods folder?
16:42 PilzAdam OldCoder, no matter how you edit the worldmods or what mods you enable or disable, you always run minetest_game
16:42 OldCoder See question above
16:42 OldCoder One last time and thanks
16:42 OldCoder PilzAdam, your time is appreciated. But, again, are you able to indicate something specific I can't do using load_mod settings in world.mt and worldmods folder?
16:42 OldCoder
16:42 us_0gb You are using "mods" as a synonym for "external mods" though in your conversation with OldCoder, when it is not a synonym.
16:43 PilzAdam OldCoder, no matter how you edit the worldmods or what mods you enable or disable, you always run minetest_game
16:43 us_0gb Which is what is causing communication errors.
16:43 PilzAdam when you want to run pilztest, then you dont run minetest_game
16:43 OldCoder PilzAdam, I greatly appreciate your patience. But you have not answered the question. Presently I am not aware of anything significant I can't do.
16:43 us_0gb Except if you *don't* base on minetest_game. A blank game could be used.
16:44 OldCoder Yes
16:44 OldCoder That is one possible long term approach
16:44 PilzAdam ah, you want that kind of example
16:44 PilzAdam "default" in minetest_games registeres ores that pilztest doesnt have; and there is no way to "unregister" these ores
16:44 OldCoder If anybody sees Sapier this weekend tell him I want cows! :-) Hoping for the respawn config parameter
16:45 OldCoder PilzAdam, so I don't need to use default
16:45 PilzAdam there is no way to disable default, though, except using a different game than minetest_game
16:45 OldCoder Exactly
16:45 OldCoder A blank game
16:45 OldCoder Which is then extended using world.mt settings and worldmods
16:45 OldCoder
16:45 PilzAdam well that could work
16:45 * OldCoder sighs
16:45 OldCoder Progress!
16:45 Thorn_ haha
16:45 OldCoder :-)
16:45 OldCoder
16:45 PilzAdam _could_
16:46 OldCoder Indeed
16:46 us_0gb THe main issue would be inclusion of different defaults in different games.
16:46 us_0gb You'd need /worldmods/ or something.
16:46 OldCoder us_0gb, Yes. PilzAdam, my larger concern is that _game writers wander off. Their worlds then die. I want Mauvebic's world back but where is he?
16:46 PilzAdam technically there are no (known) problems; but as I said earilier "games" should be more than a bunch of mods, they should be well choosen and perfectly fit together
16:46 OldCoder See larger concern above
16:47 OldCoder I do not wish to invest time in _games that will die
16:47 OldCoder
16:47 PilzAdam mods can die too
16:47 OldCoder They can be repaired on an individual basis
16:47 OldCoder And discarded that way too
16:47 OldCoder When a large mess of _game mods goes bad
16:47 reactor OldCoder: btw, remember that font? http://svo.2.staticpublic.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/glasstty/
16:47 OldCoder The world dies
16:47 OldCoder reactor, R
16:48 OldCoder reactor, Oh yes!
16:48 cisoun joined #minetest
16:48 OldCoder Interesting
16:49 reactor OldCoder: I wonder how the typeface is called.
16:49 reactor It was also used on matrix printers.
16:49 reactor Not exactly the same, but quite similar.
16:49 OldCoder I am attempting to install it now
16:49 reactor I'm not talking about it being striped, but the letter shape itself.
16:50 reactor I would be glad if someone made a version of this font without stripes.
16:50 OldCoder But then it would not be authentic
16:50 OldCoder But yes could be done
16:50 * OldCoder experiments with ttf
16:50 PilzAdam OldCoder, whats the problem with "dead" games? the Minetest API is stable enough so there are no problems running that forever
16:50 reactor I wouldn't care, I like the shape itself, not the stripes.
16:50 reactor I don't know how it can be done in automatic process, though.
16:51 us_0gb PilzAdam: OldCoder was fixing breakages right and left while reviving worlds.
16:51 zat joined #minetest
16:51 OldCoder PilzAdam, us_0gb Indeed. But PilzAdam is partly correct...
16:51 OldCoder Only partly
16:51 OldCoder PilzAdam, Built-In caused breakage
16:51 OldCoder IIRC
16:52 OldCoder So Mauvebic world is probably dead. I want those buildings back.
16:52 * OldCoder is not enthusiastic about more fussy _games that will die when authors leave
16:52 OldCoder Again, good luck with PilzTest. And give me some of the mods. I will use them elsewhere.
16:52 PilzAdam you cant
16:52 OldCoder None will work?
16:53 OldCoder All right
16:53 PilzAdam the individual "mods" (I dont really want to call them mods anymore, "modules" may be better) make no sense outside of the game
16:53 OldCoder As you wish
16:53 OldCoder So no PilzClouds shaped like cats?
16:54 PilzAdam what clouds?
16:54 OldCoder No PilzOres that glow in the noonday sun?
16:54 * OldCoder is speculating about possible PilzMods
16:54 OldCoder No PilzFood with German background?
16:54 PilzAdam heh
16:54 OldCoder Oh, well
16:54 OldCoder Ah
16:54 * us_0gb pictures a German flag as the background of the food textures
16:54 OldCoder How about PilzPills medicine?
16:55 OldCoder PilzDrills tools
16:55 us_0gb YES! We need mushroom pills.
16:55 OldCoder PilzThrills amusement park rides
16:55 reactor PilzStone
16:55 OldCoder PilzStone is bad to the bone
16:55 OldCoder ^ U.S. idiom
16:55 PilzAdam Pilztest has 2 major goals: 1) everything is a voxel except tools 2) somewhat challenging survival gameplay
16:56 * us_0gb doesn't get it but is in the States
16:56 OldCoder us_0gb, One moment
16:56 us_0gb No worries.
16:56 reactor Isn't everything there already a voxel?
16:56 reactor Oh... you mean, no items?
16:56 reactor I mean, no objects.
16:56 us_0gb reactor: Stairs, doors, ...
16:56 OldCoder On the day I was born
16:56 OldCoder The nurses all gathered 'round
16:56 OldCoder And they gazed in wide wonder
16:56 OldCoder At the joy they had found
16:56 OldCoder The head nurse spoke up
16:56 OldCoder Said "leave this one alone"
16:56 OldCoder was kicked by ShadowBot: Message flood detected.
16:56 reactor ?!
16:56 OldCoder joined #minetest
16:57 OldCoder us_0gb, ^
16:57 reactor Pwned.
16:57 OldCoder PilzAdam, the _game is worthwhile. But it *will* break if you don't maintain it.
16:57 OldCoder API may be stable but there are built-in things that will eventually conflict
16:57 us_0gb Is 'Said "leave this one alone"' the last line? It's the last that came through.
16:57 OldCoder Ah
16:57 OldCoder Wait
16:58 OldCoder She could tell right away
16:58 OldCoder That I was bad to the bone
16:58 OldCoder
16:58 OldCoder I broke a thousand hearts
16:58 OldCoder Before I met you
16:58 OldCoder I'll break a thousand more, baby
16:58 OldCoder Before I am through
16:58 OldCoder I wanna be yours pretty baby
16:58 OldCoder Yours and yours alone
16:58 reactor Break on through to the other side
16:58 OldCoder I'm here to tell ya honey
16:58 OldCoder That I'm bad to the bone
16:58 OldCoder
16:58 OldCoder ^ us_0gb Explanation of term
16:59 OldCoder Rather, its origin
16:59 us_0gb An interesting poem.
16:59 OldCoder Song by George Thorogood and the Destroyers
16:59 OldCoder 1982
16:59 us_0gb Ah, music. I'm often outside the loop on that one.
16:59 OldCoder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_to_the_Bone
17:00 OldCoder The TV series "Married with Children" often played the song
17:00 OldCoder
17:01 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest
17:09 OldCoder reactor, I can get xterm to run with the Glass VT220 TTF but can't get the green color yet
17:11 OldCoder Hmm; almost...
17:14 reactor OldCoder: I've got it here.
17:14 reactor But I'm not really into green.
17:14 OldCoder reactor, Wait briefly
17:14 reactor I prefer white AAAAAA.
17:14 reactor XTerm draws the font better than RXVT.
17:15 reactor RXVT cuts it from the side, forcing you to increase spacing.
17:15 NekoGloop joined #minetest
17:15 OldCoder http://minetest.org/vt220.png
17:16 OldCoder reactor, there. Point is not that green is good...
17:16 OldCoder It is an interesting historical recreation
17:16 OldCoder ^ Ancient hacker font
17:16 reactor It is.
17:25 OldCoder reactor, will you be awake a few hours? I am going to wander a bit through Pripyat before I start work
17:26 reactor I can not.
17:26 reactor SOrry.
17:26 reactor s/O/o/
17:26 OldCoder No need for sorry!
17:26 OldCoder ttys then
17:26 reactor I will be here tomorrow.
17:26 OldCoder All right
17:26 OldCoder I.e. tonight for me
17:26 OldCoder That will be fine
17:26 reactor And I'll probably be still here in an hour.
17:26 harrison i will be awake if that matters. which i very much doubt.
17:26 reactor Because I'm doing some housekeeping now.
17:27 OldCoder harrison, would you like to wander through some worlds?
17:27 OldCoder If you know how to spot problems, that will help
17:27 reactor Can't go to sleep till I satisfie my paranoidal urges.
17:27 reactor s/fie/fy/
17:27 OldCoder Paranoid Housekeeping?
17:27 OldCoder Sounds like a good magazine
17:27 harrison yes, and no, i don't know what to look for
17:27 OldCoder "Dust and remove those pesky NSA microspies"
17:27 OldCoder harrison, I will edit something and probably go to the worlds in an hour or two
17:28 OldCoder If you are around at the time, you are invited to take a look
17:28 harrison oh, i am confident that the govt knows who i am already
17:28 OldCoder Indeed
17:28 harrison but that, like everyone else, they decided that they don't really care
17:28 OldCoder Very well
17:29 OldCoder Trust me, that can be for the best
17:29 reactor OldCoder: I am the one there who is responsible for electrical stuff. Pretty self-explanatory.
17:29 OldCoder reactor, Hm? Where? Apartment?
17:29 reactor Yep.
17:29 reactor Nobody else gives a fuck.
17:29 harrison hey, my latest film, from oct 31, got hundreds of vies in the last three days.  up to 500+
17:29 harrison views.
17:29 OldCoder reactor, whose blog is this? It is on an Amazon AWS
17:30 reactor idk
17:30 OldCoder Hmm... probably will not last
17:30 OldCoder harrison, I will need to view it
17:30 OldCoder Ah, a Russian blogger
17:30 harrison you already turned your nose up at it, remember?
17:30 OldCoder Not nose
17:30 OldCoder Time; things are difficult ATM
17:30 OldCoder More time this weekend
17:31 OldCoder I don't review many videos, not even clips
17:31 OldCoder harrison, is it on YT? Link?
17:31 harrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI4IYRT-Msw
17:49 reactor joined #minetest
17:49 reactor OldCoder:ftp://mike402.no-ip.biz:65421/pub/scr/
17:49 OldCoder R
17:49 OldCoder What is it?
17:49 OldCoder I will review while you work or sleep; if it remains up
17:49 reactor My new setup with tmux.
17:50 rsiska joined #minetest
17:50 reactor It's not about Pripyat.
17:50 reactor It's about the font.
17:57 OldCoder Ah!
17:57 OldCoder I will review soon thanks
17:57 OldCoder reactor, ^
17:59 reactor mk; I'll check back right before going to bed
18:04 Fadi joined #minetest
18:05 Fadi is there a way like if you right click the mouse button with the object you're holding yu're able to change the block?
18:05 Fadi for example the philosopher's stone from EE, I'm trying to have some sort of a system like that in minetest
4 more elements. Show/hide.
18:38 kaeza Fadi, you can override the target node's on_rightclick and check for the right item
18:38 Fadi aha, thank you
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18:47 Fadi if I connect to a modded server will that download the mods?
18:48 Calinou yes
18:48 Fadi sweet
18:50 Sokomine hmm. sweets (that mostly contain sugar) claim to be "vegetarian" - which they apparently where not before as they used gelantine. in what kind of world do we live? *sigh*
18:50 PilzAdam Fadi, no
18:50 PilzAdam it doesnt download the code
18:51 OldCoder Sokomine, shall I restart Calinou world today?
18:51 PilzAdam it downloads only the media (textures, sounds, models) and the node/item definitions
18:51 Fadi well first time I got minetest
18:51 Fadi which was a week ago
18:51 Sokomine you don't have to yet. i still have some work to do (even mt related) and just occasionally chat or peek in
18:51 Fadi I connected to a realtest server which is a modded server
18:51 Fadi afaik
18:52 Fadi felt fine to me back then
18:52 PilzAdam realtest is a differen subgame
18:52 Sokomine realtest does not have terribly much to do with normal mt. if you want to see a richly modded normal mt, better go to the survival server vanessa runs
18:52 Fadi oh
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18:52 PilzAdam Sokomine, please, dont mix up Minetest and minetest_game
18:53 PilzAdam realtest has a lot to do with Minetest, since it runs on it (the Minetest engine); it has not much to do with minetest_game, another subgame that runs on the Minetest engine
18:54 Sokomine sorry. but for me, that distinction is a point of view. i usually think of mt as game engine (which the devs call mt) and minetest_game *and* the forum *and* certain mods
18:55 splash left #minetest
19:02 FreeFull Fadi: All mods run on the server, rather than on the client
19:02 FreeFull So mods don't need to get downloaded
19:03 FreeFull Sokomine: Vegetarianism has nothing against sugar. I don't think things being vegetarian necessarily implies them being healthy.
19:04 Sokomine oh, no, the sugar is and was just the main indigrent (it's a sweet after all). but it's not the only indigrent - it used to contain gelantine
19:04 Sokomine ah. gelatin in english
19:06 FreeFull Gelatin comes from animal bones
19:07 Sokomine yes
19:07 Sokomine that's why they advertise now with it beeing without gelatin now
19:07 FreeFull I wonder if they have pectin now
19:11 OldCoder reactor, reviewed the PNGs; it loses something without the green
19:13 Sokomine they use agar-agar now
2 more elements. Show/hide.
19:23 reactor OldCoder: idk, there used to be VT-220s with white phosphors.
19:23 reactor Heck, there has even been a colour terminal.
19:23 reactor VT320? VT520?
19:23 Leoneof joined #minetest
19:24 OldCoder reactor, I know... but it is a bit dimmer than I remember
19:24 reactor FreeFull: gelatin can also come from human bones.
19:24 reactor So can soap.
19:24 OldCoder Anyway thanks for pointing this out
19:24 OldCoder The colour issue not the soap issue :-)
19:24 reactor Not meant to threaten you, just educate a little bit.
19:24 FreeFull reactor: Humans are animals
19:25 reactor OldCoder: I've always thought normal intensity was AAAAAA.
19:25 reactor FreeFull: they are.
19:25 FreeFull reactor: Which means my point stands, unmodified
19:25 reactor FreeFull: mk.
19:25 reactor My bad.
19:26 anunakki joined #minetest
19:40 harrison back
19:41 harrison OldCoder: is the thing at the place ready?
19:41 OldCoder harrison, yes
19:41 OldCoder harrison, do you use Windows or Linux for MT?
19:41 harrison instruct thy servant
19:41 OldCoder Very well; what is your OS?
19:41 harrison linux lol what am i a slackjawed yokel?
19:41 Dan_D joined #minetest
19:42 OldCoder harrison, OK; so it is Windows?
19:42 harrison um, no
19:42 OldCoder Ah!
19:42 harrison linux.
19:42 OldCoder Linux, then
19:42 harrison lol
19:42 OldCoder One moment
19:42 Dan_D Is there any way of using the Hunger mod in a non-laggy way?
19:42 * sfan5 just finished watching Mirai Nikki
19:42 OldCoder Future Nikki?
19:42 harrison do i need a specific client?
19:42 OldCoder harrison, You need (1) a very current client and (2) merge my cache
19:43 harrison very much so. ty john_minetest
19:43 OldCoder Cache is temporary until kahrl finishes httpfetch
19:43 OldCoder One moment
19:43 harrison spasim uses the hyperthreaded cores perfectly
19:43 OldCoder harrison, download: http://minetest.org/clients/minetest-cache-131105.zip
19:43 harrison and the cache behavior seems to be crucial
19:44 OldCoder harrison, unpack that and merge the media folder contents into your own media folder. It should be located at $HOME/.minetest/cache/media
19:44 OldCoder harrison, Indicate when this is done; thanks
19:44 harrison romeo was not bilked in a day
19:44 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
19:45 * OldCoder remembers Sgt. Bilko
19:46 harrison http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2013/11/hammond-sentence/
19:46 harrison i feel safer already
19:48 Dan_D joined #minetest
19:49 Dan_D Are there any plans to continue finite water?
19:49 Dan_D Alternatively, is there any mod that does it, that doesn't bug?
19:51 harrison i haz done it
19:52 harrison awaiting moar instructions
19:52 OldCoder harrison, simple... choose one of the following worlds:
19:52 harrison ...
19:53 OldCoder Mjolndir at port 30018 (server minetest.org) - large and complex. But so complex that parts may not load for minutes.
19:53 OldCoder Sokomine, indicate what to do about that sometime ^
19:53 OldCoder Zegaton at port 30015; existing world
19:53 OldCoder Octuteam at port 30004; existing world
19:53 harrison too much choice
19:53 OldCoder Pripyat at port 30017; interesting new world by reactor here
19:53 harrison tell me which one
19:54 OldCoder OK; one moment
19:54 OldCoder Visit Pripyat and look around but do not build yet. This is a flat world based on a real city and interesting.
19:54 OldCoder Allow 5 to 10 minutes to enter.
19:54 OldCoder Ask reactor here any questions.
19:54 OldCoder I will be back in a few minutes myself.
19:55 OldCoder harrison: server minetest.org port 30017
19:59 OldCoder Back
20:00 Sokomine oldcoder: the world is not so complex i think...it's probably broken :-( give me some time...need to do something else right now
20:01 OldCoder john_minetest, Yes
20:01 OldCoder john_minetest, has been for days
20:15 harrison still item defs
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20:27 EvergreenTree Hello Calinou
20:27 Calinou hi :)
20:28 Calinou do you have a bot? :P
20:29 EvergreenTree No
20:29 EvergreenTree :P
20:29 EvergreenTree It would be interesting though
20:32 harrison it is stuck OldCoder
20:32 harrison still loading item defintions
20:33 harrison clouds are streaming past
20:33 OldCoder harrison, that is a bug I need to report to core dev
20:33 OldCoder It seems to stick sometimes on item definitions
20:33 harrison orilly
20:33 OldCoder I will restart the world now
20:33 OldCoder My apologies
20:34 harrison no, this is the useful work we intended
20:34 OldCoder k
20:34 OldCoder Restarted
20:34 OldCoder harrison, please exit and retry once
20:34 OldCoder How long was it stuck?
20:37 harrison ages and ages
20:37 harrison 20 minutes at least
20:38 harrison now this time it is stuck at Media
20:38 harrison and playing some muzak
20:38 OldCoder harrison, It should be OK
20:38 OldCoder Allow 5 to 10 minutes
20:38 OldCoder I will report the Item Definitions thing
20:38 harrison willdo
20:39 Wuzzy joined #minetest
20:39 EvergreenTree Hey Wuzzy
20:39 Wuzzy hi
20:44 Calinou hi
20:49 OldCoder harrison, Indicate if you eventually get in. You merged the cache, right? If not, it will take 30 minutes.
20:58 Calinou where?
21:04 IceCraft joined #minetest
21:08 harrison still loading media ... progress bar up to 3/4 slowly filling
21:13 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest
21:16 pitriss please anyone using PA's farming plus? I'm using bit older version and when i plant pumpkin seed, then field under goes dry and suddenly turn into dirt with grass
21:16 PilzAdam pitriss, update the version then
21:18 pitriss hmm hmm I tried latest but that code to generate plants is terrible.. I don't like vegetables growing everywhere, hills full of pumpkins etc:D
21:18 PilzAdam direct your shitstorm at VanessaE then
21:28 harrison OldCoder: the world has appeared
21:28 OldCoder WHoa
21:28 OldCoder harrison, are you sure the cache was merged?
21:28 OldCoder Should not have taken so long
21:28 OldCoder But see if it works now
21:28 * OldCoder will return in a few minutes
21:28 OldCoder Thank you harrison for your time
21:29 harrison well, idk when it appeared because i was in #gnu
21:29 OldCoder Ah
21:29 OldCoder Look around a bit
21:29 harrison it it very fancy.
21:29 harrison buildings
21:30 harrison perhaps secondlifesque if that is allowed
21:30 harrison to be said
21:30 harrison can one fly?
21:33 harrison i left to check my setting and am logging in again
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21:38 stormchaser3000 hi
21:39 MrBeNNy joined #minetest
21:43 OldCoder harrison, I will give you fly
21:43 OldCoder harrison, Indicate if you are still here. If so, you shall fly.
21:43 Fadi he's more of a car on the ground guy
21:44 Fadi I heard he drives a ford
21:45 OldCoder Harrison Ford
21:45 * OldCoder is very very literal but he gets the joke :P
21:45 Fadi finally someone got it
21:45 harrison where else am i going to go?
21:45 Fadi lol
21:45 OldCoder harrison, wait then; I am coming
21:46 OldCoder harrison, I have reported the item definitions issue and will repeat it periodically
21:50 stormchaser3000 i hot it emediatly
21:51 OldCoder stormchaser3000, k
21:51 OldCoder harrison, I am stuck on item definitions too for the moment
21:51 stormchaser3000 got*
21:51 stormchaser3000 sorry i make a lot of typos
21:52 stormchaser3000 what server are you guys on
21:52 harrison i am used to ejection and other abuses so go ahead
21:54 OldCoder harrison, Heh
21:54 OldCoder harrison, It is fine
21:54 OldCoder harrison, I am coming and you shall fly
21:54 OldCoder Allow a few more minutes
21:54 OldCoder harrison, what nick are you using in-game?
21:56 OldCoder harrison, indicate nick that I may provide fly
21:56 harrison harrison obv
21:56 harrison i am the same in all possible worlds
21:56 harrison that is what makes me so special
21:56 OldCoder harrison, you have fly and fast and sure we are trans-multiverse etc.
21:56 OldCoder Archie Comics had this recently :-)
22:16 harrison 30018 works but i fell into a cavern and was stuck so i quit
22:17 OldCoder Ah
22:17 OldCoder harrison, k t y
22:17 OldCoder kaeza, did you say that Pripyat had falling gravel or was that Mjolnir?
22:17 kaeza ?
22:17 kaeza not me
22:19 OldCoder kaeza, Sure? Thought it was you who offered to fix it
22:20 harrison btc (mtgox weighted average) $451 !!!! woo hoos!
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22:44 harrison why do anarchists drink herbal tea?
22:44 harrison because all proper tea is theft
22:55 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
22:56 EvergreenTree \o
22:57 EvergreenTree My wireless derped on me, and I had to go reset the router
22:57 kaeza I know that feel bro
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23:04 Sonic_ Hello
23:05 kaeza hi
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23:05 Pentium44 VanessaE, are you here?
23:05 VanessaE kaeza: your wireless is perpetually derped ;)
23:06 VanessaE hi
23:06 Sonic-Minetest I hate the Guest autochange
23:06 Pentium44 hello
23:06 Pentium44 what are the variables for building minetest with curl so server lists work?
23:06 VanessaE it just works.
23:06 Pentium44 oh, thats nice
23:06 Pentium44 ok, thank you
23:06 VanessaE if cURL and its development files are installed, it'll find it automatically when you cmake
23:07 kaeza VanessaE, yup :<
23:07 Pentium44 ok, this is good information ti know
23:07 Pentium44 to*
23:07 Pentium44 hi kaeza o/
23:07 kaeza Pentium44, \o
23:10 Pentium44 starting my minetest server back up
23:10 Pentium44 I got a new vps from Thalheim because I had $40 dollars
23:11 kaeza nice
23:12 Pentium44 bbl
23:13 VanessaE sooner or later I'll move my servers to a VPS, once someone can point me to one that's cheap and doesn't have too many rules about what one can run, or how much CPU/RAM/etc can be used, etc etc etc etc
23:14 OldCoder VanessaE, EC2 free for a year then pricey
23:14 OldCoder Pentium44, ahem
23:14 VanessaE define "pricey"
23:14 OldCoder VanessaE, ranges from $30 to $120 depending on CPU RAM and static IP
23:14 OldCoder I think Linode is better
23:14 VanessaE per month?
23:14 OldCoder Yes
23:14 VanessaE eek
23:14 OldCoder Amazon is cheap if managed but they nickel and dime you
23:15 OldCoder It is very annoying
23:16 VanessaE Linode eh?
23:16 * VanessaE looks into it
23:16 Pentium44 OldCoder, hello
23:16 Pentium44 Linode is good
23:17 Pentium44 darkrose uses linode for her minetest-classic servers
23:17 Pentium44 this vps is eating itself while minetest compiles :P
23:18 Pentium44 its been so long sense I have been here
23:20 Pentium44 eek, how is this mobile minetest thing still around??? its invalidating the LGPL
23:24 iqualfragile Pentium44: mobile minetest thing?
23:25 kaeza the Android port
23:25 Pentium44 the minetest app that someone made for android
23:25 Pentium44 kaeza, no thats open source
23:25 stormchaser3000 joined #minetest
23:25 Pentium44 let me try to find iton the forum
23:30 Pentium44 I think the topic was removed
23:30 Pentium44 it was called buildcraft or something
23:35 kaeza https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7560
23:36 Pentium44 https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7560
23:36 Pentium44 yes
23:37 iqualfragile http://minetest.ru/prowseed-minetest-net/index.php go start a petition, this should be the default homepage
23:39 Pentium44 it should
23:39 Pentium44 This is really nice compared to what it is right now
23:39 Pentium44 I like the first one tho: http://c55.me/minetest/oldsite/
23:42 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
23:43 EvergreenTree iqualfragile, It really should, that looks amazing
23:44 EvergreenTree Much better web design then thecurrent one
23:47 Pentium44 yeah, why use DukoWiki, c'mon
23:51 Pentium44 hue
23:51 Pentium44 testing my server on a host1free vps
23:51 Pentium44 so much fun
23:57 arsdragonfly joined #minetest

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