Time Nick Message 00:00 RealBadAngel hi all 00:00 paramat scientists have good guesses but ultimately we dont know what will happen, so best to prepare for more extreme weather 00:01 Peacock best to stock up on whiskey and cigarettes yes 00:02 Peacock i guess im not too surprised though, temperatures' been up and down over the centuries, little ice ages, and periods where the vikings could farm further up north than i am 00:03 Peacock though the more they keep proclaiming apocalyptic warming and cooling, the less anyone will take anything they say seriously 00:03 paramat yes 00:03 Peacock which will really suck when the wolf really shows up to eat the flock lol 00:10 Peacock huh, turns out hte mail article is a month old, and the FP just picked up on it now lol 00:10 paramat humans best reduce their numbers and move to higher land ... concentrate on mining the solar system for most of our resource and energy needs 00:11 Peacock well building new cities definately would solve the unemployment thing, but how do you pay for it when there's already so much debt 00:15 paramat do you want custom gravity in your asteroid field? i have a mod ... 00:15 Peacock yeah i downloaded the grav mod you linked, i think here or on the forum 00:17 paramat im working on a new version that has custom jump too, since gentle jumps are essential in low gravity 00:18 Peacock well in space it's bit trickyer, theres no gravity, just momentum 00:19 paramat ... it will be possible to switch your jump velocity between gentle for normal 1 node high jumps to normal for jumping between asteroids ... 00:20 Peacock well i was thinking jetpacks with limited burn times for getting between asteroids 00:20 Peacock (tool) 00:20 paramat nice 00:20 Peacock in alot of places the asteroids are too far apart to be able to jump from one to the other 00:21 paramat since a MT asteroid field is fixed, not in freefall, the gravity will be the total gravity of the field, so you can bump it up a little from realistic asteroid gravity 00:21 paramat you can make the asteroids bigger and closer by changing a parameter ... 00:22 VanessaE Peacock: unless you have a rocket assist ;) 00:22 Peacock ah some of the asteroids are big enough for small cities :-) 00:22 Peacock maybe i'd increase the density/number of asteroids a little, have more small ones in between 00:24 paramat reduce parameter ASCOTH to 0.4 or so 00:24 RealBadAngel gravity shall depend on total ammount of nodes nearby 00:24 RealBadAngel more nodes higher the gravity 00:24 VanessaE paramat: if I may suggest: give your variables REAL names :) 00:24 VanessaE ASCOTH? wtf does this mean? :) 00:25 paramat ... also for closer but smaller asteroids reduce perlin SCALE1 a little 00:25 paramat V, i like abstract funny sounding variables :) 00:25 VanessaE so I can see :) 00:25 VanessaE you trying to compete with Mossmanikin? ;) 00:26 paramat i havent seen his code ... 00:26 RealBadAngel mg shall be given a counter of nodes spawned. then (per block) gravity could be calculated depending on it 00:27 Peacock that could be trickyer, having some gravity on asteroids but none in between 00:27 paramat V, ASCOTH = Asteroid / comet nucleus noise threshold ;) 00:27 Peacock so reducing ascoth will make em smaller? 00:27 paramat bigger 00:27 Peacock 0.4 bigger than 0.8? 00:27 paramat lol 00:28 paramat yes :) 00:28 RealBadAngel Peacock, that would be natural, each mass will generate gravity on its own 00:28 Peacock one problem though 00:28 paramat RBA interesting ... 00:28 Peacock gravity still pulls you downward, but on an asteroid, no matter what side your standing on, you should be pulled towards the center of gravity 00:29 paramat yes MT asteroid realm should not be too realistic 00:29 us^0gb The "mod" enabler does not handle nested modpacks well at all. 00:29 RealBadAngel hmmm i think theres an solution 00:29 RealBadAngel normals 00:29 Peacock which also leads to the pickle of also only being able to stand on one side lol 00:29 RealBadAngel theyre already calculated in core 00:29 us^0gb (Minetest itself runs mested modpacks just fine though.) 00:30 us^0gb *nested 00:30 RealBadAngel normal vector points up 00:30 RealBadAngel just invert them, get all of them in bunch 00:30 paramat "since a MT asteroid field is fixed, not in freefall, the gravity will be the total gravity of the field" < earlier i wrote 00:31 RealBadAngel and get one vector that could define gravity force 00:32 Peacock i like this variable SNOOFF :P 00:32 paramat lol yeah sno off! 00:32 Peacock Snow offset yeah 00:32 Peacock but it made me think of Snooff dog 00:32 Peacock (snoop dog) lol 00:39 paramat SCALE1 very roughly influences distance between asteroid / comet centres, ASCOTH = 0 means no gaps between large asteroids / comets (solid realm), ASCOTH = 1.5 means tiny asteroids / comets 00:40 Peacock pasted that in the comment section of the script, ill have to play with the bvalues a little 00:42 paramat its complex to explain, noise stuff :P'' 00:43 Peacock yeah no ive never tried to figure out the noise stuff lol 00:43 paramat ASCOTH = 0.1 or so would create a world of narrow fissures between large, very close asteroids ... interesting ... 00:44 paramat perhaps i should vary ASCOTH over a large scale 00:46 paramat RBA's suggestion about normals sounds interesting but is beyond my understanding :} 00:48 Peacock ill bbl, need shower and coffee lol 00:49 paramat o/ 01:24 zat Meanwhile in the Chilean news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7lQSp0mK_Y 01:25 kaeza hah 01:27 zat kaeza: u understand Chilean? :D 01:28 kaeza zat, as much as I understand uruguayan or angentinian :P 01:28 zat eh yes but I mean... local words and such 01:29 zat plus many say we speak way too fast :D 01:29 kaeza a bit, yes. mostly learned from "Machos" 01:29 kaeza g*d I'm old ;_; 01:30 zat Machos? you mean the teleserie? 01:30 Peacock you're not old until you got the nosehair thing going :P 01:30 zat telenovela lol 01:32 zat we have learned Argentinean and Uruguayan people have gender identity issues thanks to email. 01:32 Peacock huh? 01:32 Peacock lol 01:32 zat You must lol once I explain 01:32 kaeza zat, yup :P 01:33 zat Argentinean and Uruguayan don’t use Gmail, they use Shemale. 01:33 zat (only kaeza will understand it) 01:33 kaeza O_o 01:34 zat kaeza: pronounce it. 01:34 kaeza yes, IK 01:34 kaeza :P 01:34 zat ok now lol 01:35 zat come on it was fun admit it 01:35 Exio4 gg 01:35 Exio4 now i won't hear "gmail" in the same way! 01:35 kaeza Peacock, a telenovel (is that the word?) broadcasted about 10 or 15 years ago; pretty old by today's standards 01:35 kaeza lol Exio4 01:36 zat Exio4: u Argentinean right? 01:37 zat we once talked about bash IIRC 01:37 Exio4 yeah 01:37 Exio4 soy argento ;P 01:37 kaeza "hermano" argentino! :D 01:38 zat De la derecha. 01:38 kaeza al menos los yoruguas no estamos tan locos >.> 01:38 NekoGloop I have a feeling they're insulting us 01:39 zat he is making fun of argentineans 01:39 zat I always forget where the west and east are... so when they ask, Argentinean is to the... I say, right. 01:39 zat lol 01:39 zat Argentina*** I mean 01:39 kaeza NekoGloop, old friendly rivalry between Argentina and Uruguay; much like Canada and USA (?) 01:40 zat todos los demás en éste canal son unos reputazos 01:40 kaeza xD 01:40 zat now I just said all people in this channel are good friends. 01:40 Peacock i'd say that pretty much subsided after 9/11 lol 01:40 Peacock theres more rivalry between Quebec and the ROC lol 01:41 Exio4 zat: obviously! 01:41 zat does anybody have rivalry with Brazil? 01:41 zat I have always wondered... 01:41 zat Portugal maybe? lol 01:42 Peacock is it Brazil that talks about the UK stealing it's gold or am i thinkin of another country? 01:42 zat The only gold I know of, stolen by UK, is indian. 01:43 zat South America was robbed by the Spanish. 01:43 Peacock well colonialism only ended after wwII, why do you think there are so few rich countries 01:43 zat yes, not conquered... ROBBED. (problem history?) 01:44 Peacock though good luck getting your monies back from Europe now, they're broke :P 01:47 Peacock wouldn't be so bad though if they could debase their own currencies 01:48 Peacock (if they still had their own currencies [exception UK]) 01:48 zat I think they still use their own currency as reference sometimes 01:48 zat or maybe not? I just heard that. 01:49 Peacock well when you consider Greece and Germany both use the euro, you know at least one of the two is getting fucked 01:50 zat kik 01:51 Peacock thank god the amero never came to pass (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_monetary_union) 01:51 Peacock our pensions wouldn't be worth shit with the americans printing so much money lol 01:52 zat We should do that here 01:52 VanessaE pfft.. nothing in, involved with, influenced by, or otherwise somehow associated with America is worth anything anymore :P 01:53 zat Mix the currency of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay into a single one 01:53 VanessaE fucking CPI-W is 1.5% this year 01:53 zat ...called, Chilean peso. 01:53 VanessaE ONE POINT FIVE FUCKING PERCENT. 01:53 Exio4 zat: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaucho_(currency) 01:53 VanessaE meanwhile, prices have easily gone up 5 or 10% over last year 01:53 Exio4 http:// 01:53 zat The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded. 01:53 zat asdfg 01:54 Exio4 VanessaE: we've got an "inflation" of 50% to 100% in one week in all the wheat-derivated products here :P 01:54 khonkhortisan When you say it that way, it doesn't seem small. Is a fucking larger than a trillion? 01:54 Exio4 because we "ran out" let say 01:54 khonkhortisan one point five thousand - 1,500 01:55 Peacock well still V, it makes perfect sense that the US should drive it's own inflation, it devalues the debt 01:55 VanessaE Exio4: eek 01:55 Peacock im sure the Chinese aren't too happy about that, but still 01:56 VanessaE Peacock: my point is that my income is directly influenced by the CPI-W, which never truly reflects how costs really have gone up 01:57 Peacock true but w/o inflation the debt thing would be worse and chances are they'd have to cut funding for those things anyhow 01:58 VanessaE sure 01:58 Peacock though if the republicans get in they might do that anyway :/ 01:58 VanessaE but the official inflation rate doesn't track the real, actual costs the real people pay at the register, pump, etc. 01:58 Peacock well no its based on a basket of things from the 70s 01:58 VanessaE yeah, they wanna switch to the Chained-CPI which falls even shorter of the real inflation 01:59 Peacock they dont consider how we get assraped by service providers (cable,phone, etc.) or how sales taxes have changed over the years to include ever-more items 02:00 Peacock the unemployment figures are complete baloney too, the minute someone's no longer eligible for unemployment they're not counted 02:01 VanessaE yup 02:01 VanessaE or how simple things like fuel prices and rent actually have changed. 02:01 VanessaE gas here it about twice what it was 5 years ago. 02:01 Peacock fuel that's simple, i dont own a car, i moved downtown in a small city (better than downtown in a big city i fiured) 02:01 Peacock *figured 02:02 Exio4 how much is 1l? 02:02 Exio4 VanessaE: ^ 02:02 Peacock 1l = 0.264172 gallons 02:02 Exio4 i mean, 1l in fuel 02:03 Peacock ah shit well i think US prices are still in gallons tho 02:03 Exio4 people still uses gallons? 02:03 Exio4 because fuck logic? 02:04 VanessaE right now gas is going for about $3.33 a gallon right now 02:04 Peacock well who says anyone has to adhere to int'l standards? thats what we have sovereignty for 02:04 VanessaE (2.45 euros for 3.785L) 02:05 Exio4 [23:05:48] <@nx> Exio4: 5.14014274 Argentine pesos 02:06 Exio4 per litre 02:06 Exio4 it is between 7 to 9 ARS the l here 02:07 Exio4 (if you base the conversion from USD to ARS using the "black market", it ends in 8~ ars tho) 02:11 VanessaE that price was for "87 octane", btw 02:11 Peacock wow, thats old, dont they have 2013 octane? 02:11 VanessaE (93, the highest you can generally get for a car here, tends to be 20-30 cents per gallon higher) 02:11 VanessaE oh funny :P 02:12 Peacock :P 02:12 VanessaE I realize our gas prices here are about a third of what they pay in e.g. England, but, well...first-world-problem :P 02:12 Peacock gas prices have always been higher there 02:13 Peacock well, least since the british empire lost the M.E. to the US lol 02:15 Peacock what sucks is we produce oil in Canada but still pay int'l prices at the pump 02:15 VanessaE welcome to the joys of unlimited capitalism 02:16 VanessaE :-/ 02:17 Peacock i'd say it's more state capitalism 02:18 Peacock Russia, China and the US all sink major coin into their big industries 02:18 VanessaE yep 02:19 Peacock which is kinda fucked up since we had mixed economies up to the late 70's then it was neoliberalism and privatization 02:19 Peacock and now the pendulum's swinging back 02:19 VanessaE not here :-/ 02:20 Exio4 VanessaE: wait wait, 87? 02:20 Peacock what do you call us agricultural subsidies? or all that money sunk into solar panels? :P 02:20 VanessaE Exio4: 87 refers to a quantity of octane per some volume of gas 02:20 Exio4 but, 87? you can't even get fuel with 87 octane here 02:20 VanessaE routinely sold with 87 to 93 here. 02:20 VanessaE my car demands 91+ 02:20 Exio4 when i was child you could, now you can't find it anywhere 02:21 VanessaE and you can buy "octane boost" here as well, if even 93 is too low for the car 02:21 VanessaE of course they don't give two shits about the environment here. 02:21 VanessaE Peacock: the conservatives here are trying ever and ever harder to privitize 02:21 VanessaE privatize* 02:24 Peacock well obviously, conservatives and ceo's have this revolving door relationship 02:24 VanessaE yep 02:24 Exio4 lol 02:24 Exio4 i just saw a frog on my roof 02:25 Peacock i think they prefer to be called the french 02:25 VanessaE *ribbit* 02:25 Peacock oh lol 02:29 Peacock where can i get this? https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7876436736/h99C1768B/ 02:30 VanessaE heh 02:30 kaeza VanessaE, pipeworks/compat.lua:7: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil) 02:30 VanessaE checking... 02:30 kaeza o wait 02:31 VanessaE ? 02:31 Peacock find nil and kill him 02:31 kaeza scratch that, my bad 02:31 kaeza I am using a really minimal version of minimal, and don't even have furnaces :P 02:31 * VanessaE scratches it.. 02:31 VanessaE OW! fuck, it's bleeding now! 02:32 kaeza lol 02:32 Peacock thats okay, just whack nil over the head with a shovel, we can chop him and drop off the parts in various states 02:33 Peacock or,, i can get the shovel, and you dispose of the witnesses 02:33 VanessaE heh 02:37 fairiestoy Is dry shrub somehow reproducable? 02:37 Peacock if you play it some barry white 02:38 VanessaE plant a junglegrass in the desert and it'll dry out, if you're using my plantlife modpack 02:38 fairiestoy iirc Landrush uses your plantlife lib 02:38 fairiestoy okay, try it out. Thanks :3 02:40 paramat o/ https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7224 new multigrav mod 02:44 Peacock LOL http://youtu.be/Knab9oQIMOQ 02:59 paramat :D good video 03:00 Peacock i loved it lol 03:00 zat timetosleepkisses 03:03 Peacock damn http://files.myopera.com/celebfan/albums/6921892/129138479146828132.jpg 03:04 NakedFury omg I can finally log into youtube 03:05 NakedFury that lady is awesome 03:06 Peacock granny rage lol 03:43 * VanessaE pokes Peacock 03:43 Peacock new record, sneezed 22 times 03:44 VanessaE there he is 03:48 paramat P, that 'late for a meeting' video you posted a while ago was amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBqM2ytqHY4 03:49 Peacock major wtf moment lol 03:50 paramat i like weird stuff 03:54 Peacock yeah but you gotta wonder what the author was on when he did it lol 03:55 VanessaE haha 04:01 fairiestoy Is there any possible way to access the meta information of a node even if its currently not loaded? 04:02 paramat Peacock, if you want a variety of large and small asteroids then increase PERSISTENCE1 to 0.6 or 0.7, the shapes will get more crazy 04:03 fairiestoy From what i understood is that only the LVM can access nodes that are not loaded/generated yet ( i might be wrong though ) but im afraid that with that mechanic i can't access the meta info 04:04 paramat Some noise talk: in the way that a 'contour line' connects points of equal height in a 2D heightmap, a 'contour surface' is a surface connecting points of equal noise value in a 3D perlin noise map 04:05 paramat ... the asteroids' surfaces are these 'contour surfaces'. 04:05 VanessaE fairiestoy: no, and you are correct. 04:06 VanessaE you cannot read nodes that are not loaded - you have to force it with LVM 04:06 VanessaE or find another way to store the info you need, like a file in the world folder or so 04:07 fairiestoy So forcing the load with LVM could work? Then taking the effort to get used to it should worth it i guess. 04:07 fairiestoy VanessaE: thanks for the explanation 04:08 VanessaE but why do you need to read it from the world? 04:08 VanessaE I mean, what are you doing exactly? 04:09 fairiestoy Its a bit long explanation. That technic mod bothers me because power can fall off when chunks have not loaded. I think i have a solution by queuing up machines in a network and pull the energy from there, even if they are not loaded with a timeout if they for example burn material. To realize this, i need to read or set the meta info of nodes in case of the responsible network IDs change somehow 04:09 fairiestoy If this works, it could reduce lag caused by a technic mod ( for example ) 04:10 fairiestoy due to the fact that ABMs will get kind of useless except maybe for furnaces or something 04:11 fairiestoy Its an idea, but for that i needed this piece of information 04:13 VanessaE interesting idea 04:13 VanessaE if you think you can pull it off, great! 04:18 ShadowNinja That kind of idea is nice, but hard to implement for many reasons. Tell me if you figure it out though. 04:19 fairiestoy ShadowNinja: *IF* it works i let you know 04:28 paramat hmmmm, hi, thought i'd calculate noise index like this https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=116584#p116584 04:36 hmmmm oh... that works sure 04:36 hmmmm but you're assuming that the size of the entire area is always going to be 80x80x80 04:36 hmmmm that can easily change if someone sets the "chunksize" setting in minetest.conf 04:37 hmmmm the only assumptions that you can make related to size are: 04:37 VanessaE ah HAH! a dev rears his head! 04:37 VanessaE *pounce* 04:37 VanessaE :) 04:38 hmmmm - the chunk size x and z will always be a square (that is, the side len of x == the side len of z) 04:38 hmmmm - the chunk size will always be a multiple of the block size (16 by default, unless you edit the hardcoded constant) 04:38 hmmmm -the chunk size will always be greater than 0 04:39 hmmmm that said, 04:39 hmmmm local sidelen = maxp.x - minp.x + 1 04:40 hmmmm local heightlen = maxp.y - minp.y + 1 04:40 hmmmm local ni = z * sidelen * heightlen + y * sidelen + x 04:42 paramat thanks! 04:42 ShadowNinja He disapeared. :-( 04:42 paramat he went out in style 04:43 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Hold him tight next time. ;-) 04:46 VanessaE heh 04:47 paramat sometimes i wonder if taller thinner chunks would be better, it would make mapgen with high terrain easier, say 32x32x320 04:48 VanessaE you mean 32x320x32 04:48 paramat ... but the cubic chunk is universal and directionally unbiased 04:48 paramat V, yes 04:48 VanessaE but I think the real problem is just being able to generate chunks without causing the rest of the engine to hang 04:48 VanessaE generating over at +30000 should not have any effect on stuff over at -1500, etc. 05:29 reactor Hello. 05:30 VanessaE hi 05:38 reactor How's the science? 05:39 Peacock still haven't found dark matter 05:39 Peacock and kepler 78b shouldn't exist 05:39 Peacock apart from that, not much 06:03 reactor Dark matter apparently exists. Motion of distant sky bodies idicates that. 06:03 reactor s/idi/indi/ 06:07 reactor Again, what character is used for linebreak in signs? 06:07 VanessaE pipe. 06:07 reactor km 06:07 reactor mk 06:08 VanessaE text heremore text here 06:08 reactor Uh. Never worked here. Was it a recent change? 06:08 VanessaE well that's what homedecor uses 06:09 VanessaE I think pilzadam's signs do also 06:09 VanessaE but default ones have no such feature 06:12 reactor oh 06:12 reactor mk 06:44 reactor Where'd Jordach go? 07:06 reactor VanessaE: can I look at the top view of your 30004? 07:06 reactor I've got a bit lost. 08:26 sfan5 hi everyone 08:27 reactor o/ 08:27 nore hi 09:46 JamesTait Good morning all; happy Friday and happy Authors' Day! :-D 11:03 markveidemanis Hi 11:03 markveidemanis I messed up my keyboard again 11:04 markveidemanis also i completed Half Life 2, Episode 1 and Episode 2 11:04 markveidemanis :P 11:28 MinetestBot GIT: Novatux commited to minetest/minetest: Move new core devs to the "Core Developpers" section of mainmenu. 6e17503208 2013-11-01T04:27:50-07:00 http://git.io/BBktuQ 12:15 Evergreen Oh, hey Jordach 12:16 Jordach https://github.com/yvt/openspades/releases/tag/v0.0.9 :> 12:17 Jordach Evergreen, http://i.imgur.com/hHDsCJH.png 12:18 Evergreen I like the style, it also kind of looks like tf2 12:18 Jordach they're real weapons, but have different rises and flats 12:20 Evergreen Yeah, I know 12:21 Evergreen I'd have to say in most FPS games, I'm either the strategic class, or the one dual wielding some form of automatic gun 12:32 Jordach protip: campers eventually will have their location shown to everyone on the mini map, can also be seen through walls, and quick scopes are unaccurate (gun accuracy is 0%) 12:40 jokkujeko Poor cat.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hPxGmTGarM 12:41 jokkujeko ... 12:53 ccc poor cat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hPxGmTGarM 12:53 harrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI4IYRT-Msw&feature=youtu.be 12:54 ccc poor cat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hPxGmTGarM 12:54 Jordach ccc, shut up 12:54 Jordach JamesTait, you here 12:55 JamesTait Yup. 12:55 Jordach 5ffa624a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. <- repeating messages 12:55 Jordach or seems to be 12:55 JamesTait Ah, we have a problem. 12:55 harrison in response to an assertion by mr john carmack who is wrong 12:55 Jordach the links are identical -- and the IP appears to be the same 12:56 ZangZingProjectA What is this???????????? O-o http://redryan2009.deviantart.com/art/guy-to-Samantha-1-6-342147879?q=favby%3Apatricio3000%2F43263452&qo=37 12:57 Jordach JamesTait, ^= 12:57 ZangZingProjectA XD 12:57 Jordach !ban ZangZingProjectA 12:58 Jordach you don't fucking IP BAN MinetestBot 12:58 TheLastProject lol 12:58 TheLastProject Even MY bot does that correctly 12:58 TheLastProject :3 12:58 Jordach !unban ZangZingProjectA 12:58 Jordach JamesTait, wanna do what you do best 12:58 JamesTait Jordach, yep, just getting support. 12:58 ZangZingProjectA What is JamesTait? 12:59 TheLastProject Isn't there an OP which can do "/msg ChanServ ban nick"? 12:59 TheLastProject ChanServ should IP-ban AFAIK 12:59 Exio4 you can't ban with chanserv 12:59 Exio4 Jordach: gimme op 12:59 reactor ChavServ 12:59 Exio4 it will automatic ban him :> 12:59 TheLastProject Exio4: Oh, really? I use ChanServ to ban every now and then... 12:59 Exio4 TheLastProject: it can akick and quiet, but not ban 13:00 ZangZingProjectA cookie cliler battle... ♥∞ 13:00 Jordach woo erry ftw 13:00 Exio4 a wild erry appears 13:00 JamesTait Hi erry. o/ 13:00 ZangZingProjectA captured! 13:00 erry hi! 13:00 TheLastProject Interesting, perhaps it was another ChanServ which did that then 13:01 TheLastProject There are so many different IRC services :P 13:01 Exio4 and irc services configuration! 13:01 Exio4 s 13:01 ZangZingProjectA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99oYB2-pRg 13:02 Exio4 i found an use for the broken HDD! 13:02 Jordach 5ffa624a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. <- has been the culprit for the last 10-15 mins 13:02 ZangZingProjectA you can make a wii homebrew for minetest? 13:03 * Exio4 throws his broken HDD at ZangZingProjectA 13:08 reactor VanessaE: may I query you? 13:08 * arsdragonfly_ throws his too 13:09 VanessaE hm? 13:09 VanessaE sure 13:28 CraigyDavi hello 13:29 VanessaE hi 13:29 markveidemanis Hi 13:29 CraigyDavi Does anyone know how I can stop rollback from failing? There was some massive griefing on my server and It says rollback FAILED. 13:30 VanessaE no clue on that 13:30 VanessaE I have never had it fail 13:33 CraigyDavi ok. I think I might disable buckets. or find a way of disabling the massive stone volcanoes that appear when water is placed on lava. 13:35 CraigyDavi If anyone wants too see:http://imgur.com/pGPLYbE. I rollbacked most of it but some of it failed. 13:36 VanessaE protip - put spaces around URLs so they're clickable :) 13:36 VanessaE that IS a bit of a mess ain't it 13:36 VanessaE I'm kinda surprised rollback couldn't clean that up 13:37 VanessaE in the meantime, use worldedit to replace all water sources in the area, above +1m, with air 13:37 VanessaE (and flowing water too, or just let it dissipate) 13:40 CraigyDavi okill do that 13:41 jojoa1997 hi 13:49 jojoa1997 what do i add to minetest.conf to enable RBAs shaders 13:49 jojoa1997 on his version of minetest 13:51 VanessaE the shaders branch doesn't work right 13:51 VanessaE don't use it 13:52 jojoa1997 i am testing it 13:52 jojoa1997 these right? 13:52 jojoa1997 enable_bumpmapping = 1 enable_parallaxmapping = 1 14:09 VanessaE well, that android port is an EPIC FAIL...at least the free one is. 14:09 VanessaE (at least, on my little tablet) 14:10 reactor hmm 14:10 reactor !up vanessae.mine.be 14:10 MinetestBot vanessae.mine.be:30000 seems to be down 14:10 VanessaE .bz 14:10 reactor !up vanessae.mine.bz 14:10 MinetestBot vanessae.mine.bz:30000 is up (326ms) 14:10 reactor !up vanessae.mine.bz:30004 14:10 MinetestBot reactor: Note: Syntax changed please use 'example.org 1337' instead of 'example.org:1337' 14:10 reactor !up vanessae.mine.bz 30004 14:10 MinetestBot vanessae.mine.bz:30004 is up (226ms) 14:11 reactor Hmm. 14:11 Jordach VanessaE, how 14:11 VanessaE Jordach: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=116615#p116615 14:12 Jordach VanessaE, oh 14:13 CraigyDavi man, this is worse than i thought 14:13 CraigyDavi both players who made the mess has all privs 14:13 CraigyDavi and i can't revoke them... 14:14 Jordach CraigyDavi, edit auth.txt 14:14 Jordach scramble both passwords -- eg that block of random stuff, and revoke their privs 14:15 CraigyDavi ok will do thanks 14:15 CraigyDavi also I have a wierd lighting now 14:15 CraigyDavi there are dark splodges on the ground 14:15 CraigyDavi can that be fixed? 14:15 Jordach VanessaE, lemme just ask the android crack teams - let's see what they think of minetest 14:16 CraigyDavi its probalbly because of all the lava that was there 14:16 Jordach CraigyDavi, correct 14:16 Jordach fire does this too 14:18 twoelk planting small trees (so they can easily be taken down) to fixes some lighting issues 14:18 CraigyDavi can i remove thi somehow? 14:18 CraigyDavi ok 14:19 twoelk *-to 14:20 CraigyDavi wow if I search server in the auth.txt there are a lot of people with that priv! 14:22 VanessaE CraigyDavi: you can also use the //fixlight command in worldedit 14:22 VanessaE it'll try to fix the lighting in the selected region 14:22 CraigyDavi cool ill do that do I need 14:23 VanessaE another solution is to spawn a bunch of gravel or sand a few meters above the affected area, whichever you DON'T already have in the area, make it fall, then //replace it with air. 14:23 VanessaE this is a slow method but it works when //fixlight doesn't 14:23 CraigyDavi ok thanks 14:29 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Raise the maximum node limit to 0x7fff 8bc68645cb 2013-11-01T07:27:23-07:00 http://git.io/MeJ5iw 14:29 VanessaE \o/ 14:29 reactor o/ 14:29 nore yay! 14:29 ShadowNinja :-) 14:30 VanessaE about frackin' time : 14:30 VanessaE :D 14:30 harrison mcef http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKwAS5omW_w 14:30 reactor It's funny how Dan_D stopped coming here after my pedo/police scene. 14:30 harrison he was an australian pedosupial? 14:31 sfan5 !title 14:31 MinetestBot sfan5: Not Knot (Part 2/2) - YouTube 14:32 harrison throw another shrimp on the klaus barbie? 14:42 VanessaE bbl 14:42 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Made unknown nodes stop falling nodes properly and shorten lines 2f10cfb226 2013-11-01T07:33:29-07:00 http://git.io/NPl3QA 14:44 Jordach btw, i found something suspicious on google http://bit.ly/HsVvct 14:45 Jordach it's a link to a deleted minecraftforum post 14:45 Jordach and it reeks of the android minetest 14:46 ShadowNinja Hah. 14:46 CraigyDavi that's suspicious o_O 14:46 ShadowNinja I would really like to have that open-sourced in full. 14:47 Jordach !title 14:47 MinetestBot Jordach: Minetest Pocket edition is online - Minecraft Forum 14:47 ShadowNinja They have to release enging modifications, but not the whole thing. (AFAIK) 14:47 Jordach let celeron55 handle this, he actually has the copyright 14:49 reactor Soosnule. 14:49 fossphur Hello! 14:50 fossphur hey ShadowNinja, is the area protect mod made by you? 14:51 ShadowNinja fossphur: The "areas" mod is made by me, yes. 14:52 fossphur I'm kind of new to minetest and have been running a server for the school where I work but we have huge griefing problems so I was looking at using "areas" to give each student their own safe zone 14:52 fossphur I'm having trouble getting it to work though 14:53 CraigyDavi is that the advanced areas protection mod? Or another protection mod? 14:53 fossphur Yes the advanced one 14:53 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thi2pTXBQbA ~ 14:54 fossphur From what I've been reading today i need a dev version of minetest to get it to work 14:54 fossphur but I haven't found a dev version that works at all for me 14:54 ShadowNinja Yes, you do. 14:54 ShadowNinja fossphur: Windows? 14:54 fossphur windows 14:54 fossphur I think maybe its a 64 bit issue 14:55 fossphur if I have to, I can swap to using a 32 bit computer to run the server 14:55 ShadowNinja fossphur: See the "Unofficial builds" section on minetest.net/download. 14:55 CraigyDavi use fess's builds for 64 bit: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6745 14:55 CraigyDavi it works well with 64 bit computers 14:56 Jordach fossphur, 64bit can run 32bit 14:56 fossphur Thats what I thought 14:56 fossphur I was expecting it to work 14:56 Jordach but 32bit cannot run 64bit apps 14:56 fossphur but I was getting grey screen or just a complete crash 14:56 Jordach 64 can go backwards, 32 cannot go forwards 14:56 fossphur both with fess and the other versions which I tried 14:57 fossphur I'll get a fresh download of Fess to try here at home 14:57 CraigyDavi When does it crash? When you start the game, or a world? 14:58 MinetestBot GIT: Novatux commited to minetest/minetest: Add a callback: minetest.register_on_craft(itemstack, player, bd6d4666ab 2013-11-01T07:55:34-07:00 http://git.io/8mLXpQ 14:58 fossphur good question. I think maybe when I start the world but I am going to check 14:59 fossphur ok a fresh fess with no mods and no messing in the config works fine here, so now that I know I'm on the right track I'll try adding the mods back in 15:00 MinetestBot GIT: 0gb-us commited to minetest/minetest: Fixed ignoring of "diggable" property of nodes. 53ab2f8def 2013-11-01T07:58:41-07:00 http://git.io/zMXvAg 15:01 CraigyDavi maybe it crashes when you use a differnet driver. Use OpenAL, the other video drivers crash for me. 15:01 arsdragonfly_ nice to see so many coding activities these days :D 15:02 fossphur it could be one of the mods causing it 15:02 fossphur i have quite a few and probably could take some out 15:02 Jordach CraigyDavi, OpenGL 15:02 Jordach OpenAL is audio 15:02 fossphur I've had a creative and a survival running at the school for 2 weeks and it didnt take very long for everything to be covered in lava 15:02 CraigyDavi ah yes OpenGL, silly me. 15:03 fossphur I knew what you meant :D 15:03 fossphur the other issue is, the computer I usually run it from is running server2008 r2 15:03 fossphur which isn't exactly windows7 15:03 fossphur oh wow see it works fine here on windows 7 64 bit 15:04 fossphur all the clients connecting would be windows 7 32 bit 15:04 fossphur maybe its just an issue with that computer at work 15:05 CraigyDavi maybe 15:06 fossphur still 15:06 fossphur oh wait thats right 15:06 fossphur the clients don't need the areas mod since its a server mod, right? 15:06 Jordach yup 15:06 Exio4 clients don't need any type of mods 15:06 Jordach clients to the server do not need to be modded 15:07 Exio4 ALL mods are server-side 15:07 fossphur i still get it backwards because of minecraft 15:07 Jordach fossphur, bit versions do not make a difference to connecting to servers 15:07 fossphur thats a relief too 15:07 Jordach i use 32bit and VanessaE uses 64biyt 15:07 Jordach bit* 15:07 Jordach yet i can play fine on her survival world 15:07 fossphur is it going to matter if the server is running this fess buid and the clients the standard ones? 15:08 PilzAdam Hello everyone! 15:08 fossphur good evening/morning/afternoon! 15:09 Exio4 good night PilzAdam 15:09 Exio4 \o/ 15:09 CraigyDavi no all they will get is a message saying this might not be fully compatible 15:09 reactor Night, Pliz. 15:09 Jordach CraigyDavi, only if the server version and client version are too far apart 15:10 Jordach eg, 0.4.7 and current developer builds 15:10 CraigyDavi yeah 15:10 fossphur well I dont think that will matter 15:10 fossphur they all ignore every error message and pop up they ever see lol 15:10 CraigyDavi lol 15:10 ShadowNinja fossphur: The clients are mostly forward and backward compatible. Although there might be glitches here and there, like chests not working, if you have different versions. 15:11 fossphur hmm 15:11 fossphur it's worth a try anyway 15:11 fossphur if they don't work I can look at changing the build they're on 15:11 CraigyDavi do the clients have 0.4.7 stable? 15:11 fossphur yes 15:11 fossphur i've got complete control of client installs 15:11 CraigyDavi and you have 0fess build stable? 15:12 fossphur well I will have, if I can get it to work back at the site 15:12 fossphur :D 15:12 CraigyDavi Yeah that should be fine, exactly what I use for my server. 15:13 fossphur I think our computer room might be going out of service soon so I hope the kids can get some fun times in before it goes 15:13 fossphur soon = maybe end of this year, maybe next year 15:13 fossphur not THAT soon 15:21 twoelk fossphur: so that is sort of a school project? 15:21 fossphur well not really 15:22 fossphur I'm the computer janitor at a school 15:22 fossphur so I choose what gets installed 15:22 twoelk well some room at school with pupils in their spare time 15:22 twoelk +? 15:22 fossphur mostly its just for them to play with when they have free time 15:22 twoelk what age groups? 15:23 fossphur I was hoping a teacher would be interested in using it with their class but so far noone's biting 15:23 fossphur quite young, 5-12 15:23 fossphur its mostly the older kids who play 15:23 fossphur I know some schools do use minecraft as a learning tool 15:24 fossphur I was more hoping just to get more kids engaged with the computers and interested in being in the computer room 15:24 CraigyDavi Yeah I think it's a great idea! 15:24 fossphur some of the kids learned about IP addresses and hosting servers just from mucking around with YSFlight sim 15:24 fossphur you can do your own multiplayer with that 15:24 twoelk yeah read some of those reports on mc at school 15:24 fossphur so they'll learn more if its fun and they're interested 15:25 fossphur so far the most interesting thing is buckets of lava on other people's houses though :\ 15:25 twoelk they some times had to turn of the hurt system because all the kids did was punch eacg other 15:25 fossphur yeah I did the same with minetest 15:25 twoelk that in fact is very interesting 15:25 fossphur I've made it so that they can all fly all the time since that's easier to explore and build 15:26 twoelk and fun 15:26 twoelk and instant reaction 15:26 fossphur but they have to eat apples or starve :D 15:26 reactor maybe twoelktion? 15:27 fossphur probably the best reaction I had was the principal asking me where he could get a copy of minetest for his son to play at home, since everyone thinks its better than minecraft 15:27 twoelk react5or, carefull that could be missread 15:27 twoelk damn thick fingers today 15:27 thexyz think it may be a good idea to set ENTRYMSG and make it contain a list of international channels, like "English channel: #minetest, Русский канал: #minetest-ru, " and so on 15:30 Inocudom The zamboey winds be blowing fierce where I am in Pennsylvania. They be from the Halloween >:O Dericho. 15:31 MinetestBot GIT: Novatux commited to minetest/minetest_game: Change hoe_on_use to farming.hoe_on_use, for use and override by mods. 066d23cdfd 2013-11-01T08:31:01-07:00 http://git.io/w8lYRg 15:32 Inocudom How was the gigastorm where you lived in the states? When the storm came to my place... quite a frightening sight. Rain like a waterfall and microbursts of 50 MPH. Like a small Hurricane Sandy. 15:33 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/rUvme0N.png 15:33 Inocudom That all was 5:00 AM in the morning. Better get used to gigastorms like these and zamboey winds, because they are becoming very normal, very common. 15:33 * Jordach pokes sfan5 15:34 * sfan5 pokes Jordach 15:34 twoelk fossphur, maybe you could open a "Minetest at school" thread and report some of the stuff. That might help others on similar projects. 15:34 Jordach seen teh sniper :D 15:34 Inocudom I made the term zamboey up by the way. The sound is fitting. 15:34 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest_game: Remove trailing tabs from empty lines in stairs 3c0fa5f8b0 2013-11-01T08:34:24-07:00 http://git.io/11DwWA 15:34 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest_game: Add and use the stick group 7b8ad5786c 2013-11-01T08:34:24-07:00 http://git.io/AF5WFw 15:35 fossphur twoelk I like that idea. At the moment I haven't got it working quite how I'd like though :D 15:35 sfan5 Jordach: awesom 15:35 Jordach sfan5, im mastering my blender powah 15:35 Jordach fun fact: reactor uses irissi 15:35 Jordach -i 15:36 Evergreen https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/197 15:36 Evergreen \o/ 15:36 ShadowNinja Jordach: Or fakes CTCP VERSION. ;-) 15:36 Inocudom Commits are being made again. Now, we just need more people to test RealBadAngel's new shaders by making a build of his fork. He fixed his fork so the shaders are there now. 15:36 reactor Jordach: ? 15:37 nore Evergreen, it needs rebase 15:37 Evergreen Okay then, will do 15:37 reactor Jordach: what's wrong about irssi? 15:37 Inocudom Though, sfan5 made a Windows build of RealBadAngel's fork. 15:37 Jordach nothing, just pointing it out :D 15:37 reactor Oh. 15:37 reactor Mk. 15:37 Jordach y u no merge capes 15:37 Exio4 awesome irc clients need to be pointed out 15:37 Exio4 true 15:37 * Exio4 uses weechat tho :P 15:37 Evergreen How do I rebase things in git? haven't had much experience with pull requests 15:37 reactor Meh. Capes. 15:38 reactor XChat sucks and needs to die, by the way. 15:38 nore Evergreen: git remote add upstream https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game 15:38 nore git fetch upstream 15:38 ShadowNinja Evergreen: "git checkout master && git pull upstream master && git rebase master " 15:38 PilzAdam reactor, trolling again? 15:38 reactor Not only die, but be in a world of shit. 15:39 reactor PilzAdam: nope. Honestly. 15:39 PilzAdam suuuuure 15:39 Inocudom Jordach, how well could you render a bumble bee in the style of Minecraft? I am curious to see. The maker of simple_mobs models probably could, wherever he is. 15:39 reactor PilzAdam: -_- 15:39 nore ShadowNinja, won't work 15:39 nore (it is master branch too) 15:39 Jordach Inocudom, later 15:40 nore so what I did + git rebase upstream/master 15:40 nore after that, fix the conflicts 15:40 reactor PilzAdam: if I were trolling, I would call you PlizAdam. 15:40 Jordach im currently interested in making low poly, but comic style models 15:40 nore then git add conflicted files 15:40 nore and git rebase --continue 15:40 reactor Jordach: comic sans ms? 15:40 Jordach reactor, HELLO NO 15:41 reactor I agree. That font needs to die by a terrible death. 15:41 Exio4 oh man 15:41 Exio4 this pizza 15:41 Exio4 is awesome 15:41 reactor is harmful 15:41 harrison i told her "baby it can't work out between us / i'm a mental high genius / you're a dental hygienist " 15:41 ShadowNinja harrison: ? 15:43 Evergreen nore: Is that better? 15:43 harrison there would obviously be cognitive mismatch issues in such a relationship 15:44 nore Evergreen, no... there should not be all the other commits 15:44 reactor harrison: pwned. 15:44 reactor I mean, self-pwned. 15:44 nore (but perhaps ShadowNinja knows out to fix that) 15:44 nore as for me, I don't 15:44 Evergreen I messed something up in the rebase process 15:44 Evergreen What should I do? 15:45 Inocudom Jordach, here is a new build of RealBadAngel's shader fork made by sfan5: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=1523 15:46 Inocudom Actually, this is a better link to the build: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=116608#p116608 15:46 PilzAdam VanessaE, ping 15:47 reactor Shitty modem PSU. 15:47 MinetestBot GIT: BlockMen commited to minetest/minetest: Don't remove background of games in submenus 1cbba877ff 2013-11-01T08:46:25-07:00 http://git.io/cMx21Q 15:47 ShadowNinja Evergreen: Run "git reset --hard HEAD~7". 15:47 Inocudom Do try to test this build by sfan5 of RealBadAngel's shader branch. If RealBadAngel is to ever complete such a guargantuan task, he will need support. 15:48 reactor Since when PSUs stopped holding their intended load? 15:48 Evergreen So that rolls back to the 2 commit, I see 15:48 reactor john_minetest: o/ 15:48 reactor john_minetest: come? 15:49 Evergreen Now how do I push it to the github repo? 15:49 Exio4 hi john_minedash 15:49 ShadowNinja Evergreen: You don't actually set paramtype2 = "facedir"... 15:49 reactor Oh. I forgot. 15:49 reactor Hello everyrobot. 15:49 Inocudom Testing this build by sfan5 of RealBadAngel's shader branch should give you something fun to do, reactor: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=116608#p116608 15:49 Evergreen ? 15:50 reactor Jordach: and when exactly did you ctcp version me?! 15:50 Jordach [13:24:54] 19:08 -!- Irssi: Starting query in 1_freenode with VanessaE 15:50 Inocudom RealBadAngel is working on parallax mapping, better bumpmapping (nore more black blocks with it,) and water shaders. 15:50 Jordach does that sound familiar 15:50 ShadowNinja john_minetest: No, ge already has the commits. 15:50 Evergreen ShadowNinja, What is the problem? 15:50 ShadowNinja he* 15:51 nore Inocudom, ping :( 15:51 ShadowNinja Evergreen: You need paramtype2 = "facedir" for it to be rendered correctly. 15:51 reactor Jordach: ? 15:51 Inocudom Ping? What do you mean? 15:51 reactor Jordach: A lot of clients say that. 15:51 Exio4 Irssi: 15:52 nore you pinged me... 15:52 reactor AAAH! HELP! HACKERS ARE PINGING ME! 15:52 nore (nore more black blocks <-- there 15:53 Evergreen ShadowNinja, In mapgen.lua? 15:53 Inocudom I was aiming for reactor. I think he would enjoy testing RealBadAngel's shaders. 15:53 reactor Inocudom: ? 15:53 Inocudom This reactor: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=116608#p116608 15:54 reactor Huh? 15:54 Inocudom RealBadAngel's shaders fork. If more people test it, progress with the shaders could be better. 15:55 reactor Oh. 15:55 Inocudom That link leads to a build of the fork made for windows by sfan5. 15:55 reactor So you need someone to test these on BSD? 15:55 Inocudom You don't use Windows? 15:55 reactor Sorry. 15:55 * Evergreen pokes ShadowNinja 15:56 Inocudom Might be able to compile the fork on your sytem. Look at the first post of that topic to find the github repository. 15:56 Exio4 poor Inocudom :P 15:56 * reactor smiles at Evergreen while reaching for the chainsaw. 15:56 Exio4 found a non-windowze-user 15:56 reactor Inocudom: aighty 15:57 Inocudom RealBadAngel is a very busy person, so he would appreciate it if people would test his shaders. 15:57 ShadowNinja Evergreen: No, in the node definition. 15:58 Evergreen I though that's what I had in the code. :S 15:58 reactor Inocudom: can't find anything there eh 15:58 reactor Oh. It's 12 pages! 15:58 reactor My god, people. Why don't you use mailing lists! 15:58 reactor Forums are so hard to navigate. 15:58 * reactor reaches out for the rodent, again. 15:59 reactor Oh, that thread is about Windows build. 16:03 CraigyDavi Hmm. I thought the lighting bug caused by dissapearing lava is fixed. 16:04 CraigyDavi Yet there are lighting issues on my server and its using 0.4.7-dev 16:05 reactor Inocudom: could you point me to the sources, please? 16:05 reactor I would be excited to try shaders on this rig. 16:05 reactor It's not too old to use them, is it? 16:06 Inocudom Here are the RealBadAngel's sources: https://github.com/RealBadAngel/minetest_GLSLshaders 16:06 Inocudom Glad to see your enthusiasm for his shaders. Be sure to post feedback in the topic. 16:07 thexyz http://img.leprosorium.com/1977668 16:08 reactor I'm on it. 16:08 reactor Oh. I'm not sure about the forum, Inocudom. 16:08 reactor I could mail you the results if you provided me email. 16:09 reactor I'm not really catching up with all these web interfaces. 16:09 reactor They're too confusing. 16:09 Inocudom You should main the results to RealBadAngel instead. Those are his shaders. 16:10 reactor Does he have mail? 16:10 Jordach sfan5, Evergreen: http://i.imgur.com/GldgUv3.png 16:10 Inocudom Does anyone know RealBadAngel's email adress? 16:10 Jordach Inocudom, check core devs page in minetest 16:10 sfan5 Jordach: color \o/ 16:10 Inocudom Okay. 16:11 reactor mk 16:13 reactor Inocudom: y u use Windows? 16:14 Inocudom I have The Sims 2 and The Sims 3. 16:14 Inocudom That is why. 16:14 reactor Shouldn't they run under emulators, too? 16:14 Jordach reactor, not very well 16:14 Jordach even SimCity plays like shit 16:15 reactor What machine specs? 16:16 Jordach reactor, Simcity 2 needs something that runs DoS 16:17 Jordach or Windows 9X 16:17 Jordach the graphics fail to render correctly 16:17 Inocudom I can't find RealBadAngel in the list. 16:17 reactor Jordach: s/DoS/DOS/ 16:17 reactor Ask GLaDOS to run it for you. 16:17 Jordach [off] Maciej Kasatkin (RealBadAngel) mk@realbadangel.pl 16:17 Jordach Inocudom, ^ 16:18 reactor Also, uh. 16:18 reactor I could run GTA-SA under Wine. 16:18 reactor On a machine from 2004. 16:18 reactor I could also play Portal 2. But on a newer rig, ofc. 16:18 Inocudom Oh, there it is. mk@realbadangel.pl is the email adress of RealBadAngel, reactor. Send your comments about the shaders there. 16:19 reactor buildlink3.mk 16:19 MinetestBot GIT: PilzAdam commited to minetest/minetest_game: Fix stone and wooden axe being slower than hand 672fdbcc11 2013-11-01T09:16:47-07:00 http://git.io/IcpXmg 16:19 reactor mkay 16:19 Jordach FINALLY 16:19 Jordach thank fuck for that 16:20 Inocudom Remeber, constuctive criticism. RealBadAngel is going through some tough times. 16:20 Jordach it's about minetest...of course it's going to be constructive... :> 16:20 reactor Don't worry. I'm a lot nicer in mail. 16:20 Inocudom Very good. 16:20 reactor I don't troll about OS there. 16:23 PilzAdam !op 16:23 reactor How do I exactly tell if shaders are on? 16:24 reactor Nothing seems to have thanged. 16:24 reactor changed* 16:26 reactor What should I otice when I enable shaders? 16:27 PilzAdam not much currently 16:27 reactor So, it compiles and runs. 16:27 PilzAdam it does mainly stuff that is done in c++ too if the shaders are disabled 16:28 reactor ? 16:28 pitriss reactor: errm IIRC there is special txpack which uses them.. 16:28 reactor Oh, so I need textures? 16:29 pitriss reactor: I don't care about it much, but I think i saw something like that here 16:29 PilzAdam shaders allow you to use bumpmaps, if they are providwed by your texture pack 16:29 reactor Oh. I see. 16:29 reactor Hmm. 16:30 reactor Water doesn't reflect anything. 16:30 reactor Not sure about bumpmaps. 16:31 pitriss reactor: try to find that special txpack.. or ask RBA if he is online 16:31 Exio4 reflection isn't implemented 16:31 PilzAdam are you using RBAs fork? 16:32 reactor pitriss: isn't it built in the fork? 16:32 Exio4 bumpmaps and that stuff looks like shit with default textures 16:33 Exio4 they are good for HD TPs, tho 16:34 pitriss reactor: idk.. as i said.. I don't care about that, because I don'ŧ like how it looks, because these changes doesn't fit this game:) 16:35 reactor mk 16:35 reactor Well, I think such kind of graphics doesn't fit the game, too 16:35 PilzAdam apparently RBA promised alot but his code doesnt do very much 16:35 reactor But I want to experiment 16:43 reactor Yes, bump mapping seems to work. 16:43 reactor But god. It looks creepy. 16:43 reactor Yes, that's not a good idea to do that. 16:44 reactor What should I write in my report? 16:44 reactor "Everything builds and works on FreeBSD 9.2"? 16:46 pitriss "Don't merge that pull request" can be enough:D 16:46 reactor :D 16:48 reactor I wouldn't even use bilinear/trilinear filtering 16:49 reactor it really messes up 16x16 textures 16:49 reactor makes them blurry 16:49 Jordach reactor, it's for higher resolution texture packs 16:49 ruskie RBA tends to use those 16:49 reactor Jordach: oh. 16:50 reactor I don't quite like how high-res texpacks look. 16:50 reactor They look creepy. 16:50 Jordach ...tell that to VanessaE :D 16:51 reactor VanessaE: highres texpacks look creepy. 17:01 nore VanessaE, ping 17:01 rubenwardy Hi all 17:01 nore hi rubenwardy 17:03 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: !deop? 17:03 Jordach !deop PilzAdam 17:16 reactor john_minetest: a realistic head texture stretched onto a cubic head does look creepy. 17:18 nore hi Calinou 17:18 nore https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/066d23cdfdd952c9c18cc2d9db265cfe4dc65a48 17:18 Calinou hi 17:18 nore ^ you should update moreblocks for that... 17:18 pitriss hmm hmm I don't think that mt is kind of game supposed to use realistic textures and player skins etc..:D 17:18 nore moreores, I mean 17:20 reactor pitriss: I second that. 17:26 Calinou :o Minetest segfaults on launch 17:27 Calinou doing a make clean and recompiling 17:28 nore what does corrupted patch mean with git? 17:28 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Add more checks to vector functions fba2650e39 2013-11-01T10:16:07-07:00 http://git.io/f1mtwg 17:34 ShadowNinja VanessaE: For #959 infinitestacks and/or invertwall should be detected inside the function IMO. 17:35 Calinou Minetest works now 17:41 reactor john_minetest: btw. facility? 17:43 reactor mk 17:43 reactor Holy OS and editor wars marathon today, here. 17:44 Evergreen john_minetest, Good for you 17:44 dante123 what is default max users? 17:44 reactor Evergreen: chainsaw? 17:45 reactor Evergreen: why don't you go deciduous? 17:45 dante123 and what is actual syntax to set max users? 17:45 Evergreen You seem to have this love of chainsaws don't you reactor? :P 17:45 reactor I don't. 17:45 Evergreen No, I'm an evergreen tree not a deciduous 17:45 reactor I need some wood, though. 17:46 Evergreen deciduous trees are very inefficient, wasting leaves like that 17:50 VanessaE ShadowNinja: that's impossible :( 17:50 reactor Evergreen: but they preserve water and energy in winter. 17:50 VanessaE hi all 17:50 Evergreen Nothin' doin, I'm staying as an Evergreen tree 17:50 reactor Evergreen: and it's probably better to have hew leaves each spring.. 17:51 VanessaE ShadowNinja: detecting infinite stacks requires either checking a variable dedicated to that purpose, or checking for the presence/absence of mods that can influence it. 17:51 reactor Or... hmm. evergreen trees do change leaves, not all in one batch. 17:51 VanessaE the former doesn't exist, and the latter has already been shot down whole by c55 17:51 VanessaE so the only option left is to make the mod that calls the function do its own detection of such 17:51 reactor Idk, though. If I have to do something, i prefer to do it in a big batch. 17:51 reactor So that I don't have to divide my time in small chunks and switch between them. 17:51 VanessaE and pass that result to the function. 17:53 VanessaE *looks at commit flood in ##minebest* 17:53 VanessaE wow, you been busy 17:54 reactor Evergreen: if you like to divide your time to change leaves by small portions, there's a problem with your time management. 17:57 VanessaE also, hi all 17:57 reactor o/ 17:57 reactor Jordach: hmm. 17:59 Dan_D If I run an abm with neighbours on stone, will it still lag loads, or not? 18:00 VanessaE depends on the trigger and the neighbor, and the interval and chance settings 18:00 Dan_D Neighbour = lava source 18:00 Dan_D 30 seconds,1/20 chance 18:00 VanessaE you can trigger on whole stone, no specific neighbors, if you want, so long as it isn't run very often or with a high chance 18:00 VanessaE er a low chance 18:01 Dan_D Would the above work at all? 18:01 VanessaE sure 18:01 VanessaE just try it out on a local server and watch the server's CPU load 18:01 Dan_D Ok 18:01 PilzAdam make it 15 seconds and 1/40 chance, or even 5 seconds and 1/120 chance 18:02 Dan_D Anyone think of a realistic use for flux? 18:03 Dan_D Apart from solder 18:03 reactor Dan_D: it can be used to create friction. 18:03 reactor by the way, you must mean rosin 18:04 reactor Because soldering acid is a flux, too. 18:04 Dan_D VanessaE, can you stage Realtest for an update? 18:09 VanessaE done. 18:11 Dan_D Thanks 18:13 Jordach you could have asked on the relative channel Dan_D 18:13 Dan_D ??? 18:14 ShadowNinja s/relative/relevant/? 18:14 reactor Evergreen: napalm? 18:15 Evergreen Like my quit message? :P 18:16 VanessaE ha! 18:16 VanessaE ShadowNinja: see above 18:17 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Seen, what about invertwall? 18:17 VanessaE [11-01 13:34] VanessaE: For #959 infinitestacks and/or invertwall should be detected inside the function IMO. 18:17 VanessaE [11-01 13:50] ShadowNinja: that's impossible :( 18:17 VanessaE [11-01 13:51] ShadowNinja: detecting infinite stacks requires either checking a variable dedicated to that purpose, or checking for the presence/absence of mods that can influence it. 18:18 VanessaE [11-01 13:51] the former doesn't exist, and the latter has already been shot down whole by c55 18:18 VanessaE [11-01 13:51] so the only option left is to make the mod that calls the function do its own detection of such 18:18 VanessaE (preemptive, FFFFFUUUUUUUU ShadowBot ;) ) 18:18 Jordach VanessaE, shadowbot isnt here 18:19 VanessaE and invertwall has to be set outside also because that's a mod-specific thing 18:19 Jordach now you're just looking plain derpy 18:19 VanessaE Jordach: and that's different from the usual....how? :) 18:20 ShadowNinja Yep, more net issues it seems. :-| 18:22 Jordach because you should have checked 18:22 VanessaE ShadowNinja: there's no way the engine/builtin can possibly know what conditions a random mod needs in order to invert the wall flag. i.e. it might be a special neighboring node, or a /command, or a keypress (e.g. holding 'sneak' while placing, as in homedecor). 18:22 Jordach and MinetestBot is the (best) bot 18:22 MinetestBot YAY! 18:23 ShadowNinja ... 18:23 TheLastProject MinetestBot is stupid 18:23 TheLastProject :| 18:23 ShadowNinja VanessaE: It should be concistent, use shift. 18:24 VanessaE ShadowNinja: I agree 100% but some folks have expressed a...resistance to that idea 18:24 VanessaE we need a new modifier key imho 18:24 rubenwardy kaeza: you should use this: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5831 18:24 ShadowNinja Having different mods having different ways to do things is anoying. 18:24 rubenwardy you made tons of recipe mistakes in firearms 18:24 rubenwardy including: deafult:wood 18:24 VanessaE I'll adjust it to use 'sneak' then (you cannot check for a specific key, only the functions bound to those keys) 18:24 Calinou we need more special keys, like 6-8 18:25 Calinou you set them up in controls menu, and mods can use them! 18:25 Calinou we only have 1 right now and it's used for fast :< 18:26 Evergreen ShadowNinja, Now that my pull request is rolled back on my computer, how do I push that to the online repo? 18:27 Evergreen I at least want a chance of it getting merged 18:27 ShadowNinja Evergreen: "git push -f" 18:28 Evergreen OH, so it force pushes 18:28 Evergreen That's better, now let's do rebasing right this time 18:30 VanessaE ShadowNinja: how's that look now? 18:35 Evergreen Can you run me through the rebase process again? I want to get it right this time 18:36 ShadowNinja Evergreen: No need anymore, I am prepering it and testing it now. 18:36 Evergreen Okay, thank you for your help 18:37 Evergreen I appreciate your patience, not all people here are like that. :P 18:38 Jordach preparing* <- ShadowNinja 18:39 * Jordach is cranking out another weapon 18:41 ShadowNinja Evergreen: http://imgur.com/6D7U5IS 18:41 Evergreen Did you see my screenshot from when I tested it? :P 18:41 Evergreen I used singlenode with tweaked settings, nyna cats everywhere 18:42 ShadowNinja Yes, I beleive I did. 18:42 ShadowNinja I changed max_height to 1000 and set the chance to 1/10. 18:44 rubenwardy lol 18:45 VanessaE ShadowNinja: I've added some basic documentation to the 6d pull. 18:45 Jordach Benelli M4; http://i.imgur.com/0NNLpgU.png 18:45 Jordach most weapons take ~3 hours 18:46 Calinou do a G36 as next weapon 18:46 Calinou noob weapon :> 18:47 Jordach Calinou, haha 18:48 Jordach btw, the weapons are designed with armature in mind (hint hint) 18:48 ShadowNinja Jordach: Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 18:50 Jordach do i look like im fucking русский 18:50 Jordach here it is in full 18:50 Jordach http://i.imgur.com/sXtZy02.png 18:51 VanessaE gotta run. bbl 18:51 Jordach ...from me? 18:51 Jordach :> 18:51 ShadowNinja Jordach: The GAU-8 Avenger then. 18:56 * Jordach pokes Evergreen 18:56 * Evergreen take Jordach's finger, and pokes him with it 18:56 reactor Use an axe, Jordach. 18:57 Jordach Evergreen, we've nearly got all the classes covered :D 19:03 * Calinou has new forum quote 19:03 Calinou autocorrection, quand tu nous tiens 19:04 Jordach engrish plox 19:11 Dan_D VanessaE, please stage RT for another update 19:15 reactor йух 19:31 Dan_D http://pastebin.com/abT1MJET Seems to run anyway, the neighbours value is ignored 19:32 Dan_D Help??? 19:33 ShadowNinja Dan_D: pastebin.com is evil. 19:33 Dan_D Errr. 19:34 Dan_D But how do I fix the abm? 19:37 Dan_D afk 19:53 Evergreen ShadowNinja, So is my pull request good to merge? 19:53 Evergreen (if you think it should be that is) 19:58 * Jordach churns out a final Benelli M4 20:05 ShadowNinja Evergreen: It's ready, I'm waiting for another dev to agree before I push. 20:05 Jordach Evergreen, http://i.imgur.com/5njpf6q.png 20:05 Evergreen Okay, thank you ShadowNinja 20:06 Evergreen Jordach, those guns look awesome 20:06 Jordach Evergreen, they will *almost* work in any fps 20:06 Jordach i just need some armature and im ready to go 20:06 Evergreen Yeah, pretty much 20:07 Jordach which the pump and trigger are separate from the model... 20:14 Jordach woot 20:14 Jordach irrlicht loads vertex textures 20:19 * Jordach attempts to load a plains map in Irrlicht 20:31 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Add my email address to the main menu credits b1c82f332c 2013-11-01T13:30:30-07:00 http://git.io/Okk77w 20:44 harrison narcissism fascinates me --- real narcissism does -- not the milktoast pseudonarcissism one usually encounters 20:44 Ritchie hi, i am trying Zeg9's mod skins and i have problem with script install_skin.sh 20:44 Ritchie install_skin.sh: 38: install_skin.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting ")") 20:45 Ritchie https://github.com/Zeg9/minetest-skins/blob/master/install_skin.sh#L38 20:45 Ritchie (( nextid=(nextid+1) )) 20:45 Ritchie do you know where is problem please? :) 20:50 ShadowNinja VanessaE: ^ You're the shell expert. :-) 20:54 * Jordach understands more of Irlicht 20:54 Evergreen Just wanted to pass this by another core dev to see what they think: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/197 21:41 kaeza greetings 22:03 Peacock wow the topic is nearly a paragraph long lol maybe we could stick it in a pastebin and just link the pastebin in the topic? XD 22:05 ShadowNinja The "NEWS", can be removed, and "RULES" can be shortened or removed. 22:06 Peacock i might have suggested servers and possibly wikis, if people found the channel they probably also saw links to the wiki 22:07 Peacock either way im just joking about the increasingly length :P no need to change it on my account 22:07 ShadowNinja Yes. Jordach: What do you think? 22:07 Peacock *increasing 22:07 Jordach !op 22:07 ShadowNinja We are probably within 10 chats of the length limit... 22:07 ShadowNinja Jordach: ,,(list topic) 22:07 ShadowBot ShadowNinja: add, change, default, fit, get, insert, list, lock, redo, remove, reorder, replace, restore, save, separator, set, shuffle, swap, topic, undo, and unlock 22:08 Peacock shuffle? shadowbot can do karaoke? :D 22:09 Peacock ah now that's tidy 22:09 Peacock 22:09 Peacock "don't ask about asking questions" people sortof do it now as a joke :P 22:10 Jordach made the text a little less shouty 22:10 * Jordach pokes sfan5 22:10 Peacock looks good :) 22:11 * sfan5 pokes Jordach 22:11 Jordach sfan5, http://i.imgur.com/5njpf6q.png 22:13 Jordach btw, we upgraded from JamesTait to e-rry 22:13 sfan5 Jordach: holy... 22:13 Peacock NP: "Prince Harry’s voice mail was ‘hacked,’ eds paid £4K for photo of Prince William in bikini" <-- guess they wont be inviting him to Russia anytime soon lol 22:13 Jordach sfan5, i also finished off a sniper too 22:15 pitriss jordach: you removed soon (tm) :(( 22:15 Peacock could get sued for false advertising XD :P 22:16 ShadowNinja Jordach: This is from a while ago, but ShadowBot supports IP-bans, and duration, and reasons... 22:16 Peacock well must shower (can't believe i woke up at dinnertime today lol) bbl 22:22 PilzAdam bye 22:26 kaeza hey john_minetest 22:48 harrison narcissism fascinates me --- real narcissism does -- not the milktoast pseudonarcissism one usually encounters 22:48 harrison as opposed to the so-called narcissism exhibited by my so-called peers 22:49 * pitriss searches ignore function in his IRC client.. 22:49 * pitriss found:D 22:50 Evergreen sfan5, can you look at this pull request? https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/197 23:03 pitriss john_minetest: yea, deny all + whitelist :D 23:12 Peacock @slashdot Snowden Seeks International Help Against US Espionage Charges - good luck with that lol 23:21 Peacock "Two members of Greece's Golden Dawn shot dead" good, dead nazis are better than live ones 23:22 Peacock ontopic, which of the workbenches is best? darkroses, cornernotes' or deivans? 23:23 NakedFury I would not trust Snowden with a secret after all this shit 23:24 Peacock well snowden's lucky he's an american defector, a russian defector would have had a dose of polonium by now (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexander_Litvinenko) 23:25 NakedFury thats one thing Russians do better 23:25 NakedFury the cia should have shot his ass the day after the stuff happened 23:25 Peacock well im not entirely sure extra judicial killings are a good thing, regardless of who does it 23:26 fairiestoy Peacock, see it from this side: The more know they get shot when doing big shit, the less people will try 23:26 Peacock if US and Russia can do extrajudicial killings, then imagine the tables turned with some muslim country and that draw mohammed scandal a while back 23:27 Peacock well im guessing if snowden is still alive, he probably has insurance somewhere, considering the fact shit gets releases one file at a time 23:28 NakedFury people that think releasing secrets its cool 23:28 NakedFury anyway back to parks and recreations 23:28 Peacock well that traces back to a certain class of geek with a feeling of moral superiority 23:31 NakedFury there is nothing moral about not keeping secrets 23:31 NakedFury breaking the law 23:32 Peacock whistleblowing in it itself isn't inherently bad, but you dont run away, there lies the difference between watergate and the snowden leaks 23:37 VanessaE hi all 23:38 Peacock well even manning was tried, and he dumped files indiscriminately 23:38 NakedFury only evil jerks reveal secrets 23:39 Peacock tell that to the corruption enquiry going on in my backyard lol 23:39 VanessaE only evil jerks keep secrets when they're only trying to hide something they're doing wrong. 23:40 NekoGloop only evil jerks call people evil jerks 23:41 Peacock either way, im not saying don't leak, but be smart, and face the music 23:41 Peacock you lose all credibility when you run first to China and then Russia, it makes you look like a spy 23:42 away he lost all credibility? 23:43 Peacock i have my doubts about snowden 23:43 VanessaE Peacock: better a live "traitor" than a dead hero. 23:43 away eh, trust him more than the us govt 23:43 VanessaE yes 23:43 Peacock i doubt they'd martyrize him 23:44 Peacock and i dont see many people sticking up for manning with the same fervour 23:44 away the worst thing about these revelations is that nothing will happen 23:45 Peacock of course not, most countries are guilty of doing the same thing 23:45 Peacock the only difference is none of their citizens have the guts to come forward 23:46 Peacock so they feign outrage at the US hoping their own peoples are too dumb to realize what their own government does 23:47 arsdragonfly_ we don't get a minimum estimation of how far they could go 23:48 arsdragonfly_ since so many head of states are overheard, chances are that US has gone way further than other countries 23:49 Peacock but how do you know? we have 1 american denouncing his own government, and none of the other countries have produced such a 'hero' 23:50 Peacock http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/29/5042860/france-spain-collected-phone-data-not-nsa-say-officials 23:51 Peacock there are just as many articles about the BND's activities, but ill let you google that one yourself :P