Time  Nick               Message
00:00 iqualfragile_      and if you do not have high buildings
00:00 PilzAdam           I suggest you to not mess arround with map_meta
00:00 Peacock            thats why i was trying on a test map first heh
00:00 Peacock            i already know changing the seed makes the chunks not line up
00:00 iqualfragile_      then you could just recreate your map using the same seed with floatlands
00:01 PilzAdam           you have to switch to indev mapgen to get the floatlands, but I dunno if you can disable the farlands
00:01 PilzAdam           ask proller
00:01 iqualfragile_      copy everything above some height and paste it into your old map
00:01 iqualfragile_      have backups ready!
00:01 PilzAdam           if you have v6 currently, and switch to indev without disabling farlands then it will screw up the map
00:02 proller            not very big screw
00:02 Peacock            might be safer all around to add floatloands mod and have it use vmanip
00:02 proller            just some flat edges
00:02 PilzAdam           proller, that is like the worst thing that can happen when editing map_meta
00:03 proller            and you can disable farlands by setting last two params to 1, 1
00:03 iqualfragile_      uhm… short guide on how to enable floatlands?
00:03 PilzAdam           iqualfragile_, mg_name = indev
00:03 PilzAdam           done
00:03 proller            was: mgindev_np_terrain_base   = -4,   20,  (250, 250, 250), 82341, 5, 0.6,  10,  10
00:03 iqualfragile_      oh, ok
00:03 proller            now: mgindev_np_terrain_base   = -4,   20,  (250, 250, 250), 82341, 5, 0.6,  1,   1
00:03 iqualfragile_      i thought you might need to add some more stuffs
00:04 PilzAdam           Peacock, you can try what proller said
00:04 proller            and for other mapgen noise params too
00:04 proller            but better do it after map backup
00:04 PilzAdam           Peacock, i.e. create a new world with mg_name = indev, copy the map_meta to your old world, change the seed to the old one, modify the noise as proller said
00:05 Peacock            i wonder if having water up to y=100 complicates things
00:05 PilzAdam           how do you set the water that high?
00:05 iqualfragile_      estimated height of the lowest commonly occuring floatlands?
00:05 Peacock            using the oregen
00:06 PilzAdam           iqualfragile_, changeable in minetest.conf, 500 by default
00:06 PilzAdam           Peacock, I guess no problems then
00:06 proller            at 500 they rare
00:07 proller            but you can adjust it by noise params too
00:07 iqualfragile_      i am at 600 right now, should i go higher?
00:07 PilzAdam           iqualfragile_, higher -> more frequent
00:07 proller            and bigger
00:07 iqualfragile_      i hope that too high -> less frequent?
00:07 PilzAdam           no, they are pretty common at 30000
00:08 iqualfragile_      ugh
00:08 iqualfragile_      so the minetest world is more like a cave
00:08 PilzAdam           go to proller's sky server
00:08 iqualfragile_      oh, hey found one
00:08 PilzAdam           (or teleport to 30000)
00:08 iqualfragile_      hello sweety
00:08 Peacock            i wonder what an all-floland map would look like (no hard ground level)
00:08 iqualfragile_      at 300
00:09 iqualfragile_      well, it would basicly be some rocks floating in the air
00:09 proller            on sky near spawn they rare too
00:09 proller            but using secret portal...
00:10 iqualfragile_      hmm… this one looks a bit cut off
00:12 iqualfragile_      http://mg.viewskew.com/u/iqualfragile/m/floatlandscut/
00:12 Peacock            i guess paragen is newer/faster than moonrealm
00:12 PilzAdam           yea, that is a bug that needs to be fixed (by proller)
00:13 Pilcrow            figured out my luajit problem. the version 2.0.0b9 I was using was too old. after building the latest luajit 2.0.2 from source and recompiling minetest, nore's v7 mapgen mod works fine~  :)
00:13 PilzAdam           "nore's v7 mapgen" huh=
00:13 PilzAdam           *?
00:13 Peacock            v7? i thought it was lua mapgen
00:14 Peacock            (could almost use categories or tags to sort mods lol)
00:15 Pilcrow            pilz, nore made a lua mapgen mod for v7. that's what I was talking about. sorry if it was unclear.
00:16 Peacock            well if its a lua mapgen it doesn't matter which version of the default/buitin mapgen is used?
00:16 * Peacock          needs a flowchart
00:16 Peacock            lol
00:17 PilzAdam           Pilcrow, can you point me to that mod?
00:17 Pilcrow            I don't know. I thought I was told it only works with v7. could be wrong though.
00:17 Pilcrow            just a sec
00:17 PilzAdam           https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7263 this one is Lua only
00:17 PilzAdam           has nothing to do with mgv7
00:18 Peacock            mountains kinda look like cones or stretched spheres
00:19 Pilcrow            ok. thanks for clarifying. guess I was under the wrong impression.
00:19 Pilcrow            that's the one
00:21 Pilcrow            anyways, I couldn't use it as my minetest build was confused by the goto commands. someone told me to use luajit, but I already was, so I figured my luajit version was outdated.
00:22 PilzAdam           goto is not in Lua 5.1
00:22 PilzAdam           and Minetest uses Lua 5.1, so its incorrect to use it in Minetest mods
00:22 Peacock            goto's do cause problems across versions
00:23 PilzAdam           LuaJIT just took the goto from Lua 5.2
00:23 Peacock            and bitwise operators, which you wont find in 5.1 either
00:25 Pilcrow            that makes sense. still, they were used in that mg mod, so I had trouble getting it to work.
00:25 PilzAdam           start a shitstorm at the mod thread that the mod doesnt work with Minetest then ;-)
00:26 Peacock            it would probably make sense to either make jit the default or update the lua part, or at least have mods come with some sort of warning about which version they need to run on
00:26 PilzAdam           Peacock, no, its defined to use 5.1
00:26 PilzAdam           LuaJIT is fully compatible with 5.1
00:27 Peacock            yeah but its got some parts of 5.2, so if someone writes a mod using those functions, and the user only has vanilla 5.1, thinks get, confusing lol
00:27 Peacock            *things not thinks
00:27 Peacock            lol
00:27 PilzAdam           the mod author is wrong
00:28 Peacock            i dont get why people can't use functions instead of gotos lol
00:28 PilzAdam           because basic
00:28 [0gb_us]           Functions can even be set aside in other files for clarity.
00:31 Peacock            im old enough to remember learning with gotos lol prolly why it feels mesozoic to me lol
00:31 Pilcrow            I was a qbasic kid  ;)
00:31 * PilzAdam         feels surrounded by old men
00:32 Pilcrow            nope, just poor. I'm 26 now.  :P
00:33 Peacock            ill be pushing 30 soon lol
00:34 PilzAdam           see? old men all arround
00:34 Pilcrow            my family's first computer was an old win95 machine that I often booted into DOS from a floppy to play gorrilla and nibbles. eventually I got curious. then I taught myself to program, by experimentation.
00:34 Peacock            its kinda funny that there seems to be as many old people playing this game than kids lol
00:34 Peacock            win 95? lucky
00:35 Peacock            ours was this: http://www.laptopjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/history-of-laptops.jpg
00:35 Peacock            and running win 3.11 on it was like running ios7 on an old iphone today lol
00:36 Pilcrow            that was when I was in like 8th grade though. before that we borrowed a 486 with 3.11 on it from my cousin. it was his "old" machine.  :P
00:37 Pilcrow            lol, peacock, what IS that?  :P
00:37 Peacock            a museum piece
00:37 Peacock            lol
00:38 Peacock            shoulda held onto it, coulda gotten our money back from a museum surely lol
00:38 Pilcrow            lol
00:38 Peacock            i dont know what 3-4K in 1980's dollars would be today
00:39 Pilcrow            I still have a commodore VIC-20 I found at a garage sale for $10. not worth much, but a noteworthy little machine~  :P
00:40 Peacock            http://www.dosgames.com/keen1.gif
00:42 Pilcrow            lol, commander keen~
00:45 Pilcrow            so PilzAdam, what's your 'nerd beginnings' story?  :P
00:46 PilzAdam           http://youtu.be/SPQUn52PIfc
00:46 PilzAdam           at school
00:46 PilzAdam           its a hamster that runs Java
00:47 PilzAdam           you can solve mazes and stuff
00:47 PilzAdam           though, my teachers were unable to teach programming correctly, so I learned most of it in the internet
00:48 PilzAdam           thats 4-5 years ago
00:50 Pilcrow            pretty interesting. yeah, I totally understand learning most of it on the internet. the only *conventional* computer programming course I ever took, I failed horribly...  xD
00:51 Peacock            http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/12321-avoid-the-noid-dos-screenshot-the-noid-ega-s.gif
00:54 Pilcrow            heh, gotta love those old EGA colors... someone should do a minetest EGA texture pack...  @_@
01:22 zat1               Someone knows how different Minecraft is from Minetest? (never player Minecraft)
01:23 PilzAdam           42 different
01:23 PilzAdam           I guess you need to be more specific
01:24 zat1               Items, resources, methods to get stuff (crafting, cooking), monsters, etc...
01:25 PilzAdam           what Minecraft version?
01:35 PilzAdam           bye
01:35 Pelayo             i'd say minetest is similar to minecraft alpha
01:48 zat1               What would Minetest “lack” then?
01:59 kahrl              a DRM launcher
01:59 VanessaE           imho minetest really doesn't lack much, as an engine
02:00 VanessaE           as a game, e.g. minetest_game, well, what it lacks depends on what you want to do.
02:00 Peacock            bugfixes perhaps lol
02:00 Peacock            (lagspikes on join, allocating player ids, people being transported to nirvana, etc.)
02:01 Peacock            small nodeboxes flicker, the sky/horizon flickers u/g
02:01 VanessaE           u/g
02:01 VanessaE           ?
02:01 Peacock            under ground
02:01 VanessaE           oh
02:01 Peacock            though over ground its parts of the map that flicker
02:02 Peacock            and since 0.4.7 i get a hundred server anounce timeout warnings per day :P
02:04 Peacock            texture_alpha, as well
02:04 Peacock            i cant remember them all :P and everyone has their own list of issues
02:05 VanessaE           have you filed github issues for any of these?
02:06 Peacock            there are either issues, threads or it's been discussed openly
02:07 VanessaE           well the devs would say they need to be on github
02:07 VanessaE           (though as we've seen, that's not always 100% necessary)
02:08 Peacock            well :P it either gets filed as obscure or you get a "works form (tm)"
02:08 Peacock            *works for me(tm)
02:08 Peacock            which is why i dont press the issues regularly :P
02:09 VanessaE           well everyone here knows I don't give up on stuff very easily, and in particular that I don't hold my opinions at bay when something just doesn't fucking work right ;)
02:10 VanessaE           (and then I come up with backtraces, test cases, etc. and everyone goes from "well, it works for me" to "wtf?  well, it's too hard to fix right now"  :P
02:10 Peacock            3/10 of the issues marked obscure are yours :P
02:10 VanessaE           exactly :)
02:11 Peacock            this one ain't young either: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=5301
02:12 Peacock            and even though you say bugs should be filed on github, there's a stickied topic by PA explaining how to post bug reports on the forums :P
02:13 VanessaE           I think that's for mod bugs
02:13 VanessaE           not engine bugs
02:13 Peacock            well if i couldn't guess that, i doubt anyone else is either :P
02:14 Peacock            anyways, i dont expect all the bugs to be fixed overnight, but i wouldn't exactly call MT perfect/complete either :P
02:15 VanessaE           https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues?labels=&milestone=1&page=1&state=open
02:15 VanessaE           in theory, most of those ^^^^ will be fixed before 0.4.8
02:15 VanessaE           (allowing for the previously-discussed-in-dev problem of way too many new ones suddenly being added without reason recently)
02:16 Peacock            thats kinda what i dont get, "rework formspecs" the formspecs aren't broken buggy, you'd think there'd be more urgent stuff :P
02:17 Peacock            *broken or ...
02:17 kahrl              it's a bad title
02:17 kahrl              should be called "allow changing colors of textlists" or something like that
02:17 Peacock            that or a description he
02:17 Peacock            *heh
02:18 kahrl              er s/textlists/inventory lists/
02:18 Peacock            not sure what wingsuit does lol
02:18 dafull97           hey is anyone here good with minetest troubleshooting?
02:19 VanessaE           depends, what's wrong?
02:20 Peacock            is your computer plugged in?
02:20 VanessaE           Peacock: Super Mario Bros.  when you jump, you can turn sideways in the air and direct your landing.
02:20 Peacock            (just kidding :P)
02:20 VanessaE           I think the wingsuit is the same idea.
02:20 VanessaE           just over a longer fall distance
02:20 Peacock            ahh okay, to me wingsuit sounds like a batman suit or something like that lol
02:21 VanessaE           to me, a wingsuit is as seen in Transformers 3.  Doubt minetest will go to quite the extent shown there.
02:21 Peacock            ugh, transformers, those movies are getting progressively worse lol
02:22 Peacock            i like the 85/86 version, wish they had done that in live action
02:22 dafull97           VanessE if i try to connect to a server other than my own(still remote, it is a VPS) it crashes upon connecting
02:22 Peacock            Ooo liquid range will be fixed (no more air pockets in my ocean world)
02:23 VanessaE           dafull97: have you checked your debug.txt to see the cause of the crash?
02:23 dafull97           actually, no :D forgot about that, still new to minetest
02:24 VanessaE           delete it, reproduce the crash, and pastebin the last 50 or so lines.
02:24 VanessaE           give us the link to the paste.
02:24 Peacock            tho youre right v, there do seem to be alot of milestone thingies lol
02:25 Peacock            the paste: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Toothpaste.jpg
02:25 VanessaE           eh....
02:25 Peacock            :P
02:28 dafull97           VanessaE: Thanks, im working on it now...
02:29 dafull97           how long does it take to connect? (LandRush Server)
02:29 VanessaE           depends on the server, but usually only several seconds if your cache is still full
02:30 VanessaE           (an empty cache can take several minutes to fill)
02:30 VanessaE           I'd think landrush would be pretty quick
02:31 dafull97           well, i connected last night... took about 5 mins, and then now when i load it crashes... working on the debug file
02:31 dafull97           maybe error in cache?
02:32 VanessaE           hard to say
02:33 dafull97           ok, well working on debugs... still loading :(
02:35 dafull97           VannessaE you live in NC??? :D
02:35 dafull97           i always wanted to live their
02:36 Peacock            she lives theyre yes
02:36 Peacock            :P
02:36 * [0gb_us]         thinks of content_nc in Minetest's code, and wonders if VanessaE lives at a poptart cat
02:36 dafull97           im jking, i live their too
02:36 dafull97           haha
02:36 VanessaE           heh
02:37 VanessaE           no, but the imagery used for poptart cats in HDX does come from a cat I used to have :)
02:37 dafull97           Peacock, you live in Germeny?
02:37 VanessaE           is that close enough? ;)
02:37 Peacock            naw, Khanada
02:37 VanessaE           dafull97: yes.  Waynesville, NC to be exact.
02:37 Peacock            Wayne's world, party time, excellent!
02:37 VanessaE           there*
02:37 dafull97           nope, haha close
02:37 [0gb_us]           Heay, that's probably as close as it could get.
02:37 [0gb_us]           *Yeah
02:38 dafull97           i live in sanford, nc
02:38 dafull97           hahaha
02:38 Peacock            sanford, why does that ring a bell?
02:38 dafull97           idk? haha
02:39 Peacock            in the news lately?
02:39 dafull97           um, maybe?
02:39 dafull97           ha
02:40 dafull97           vannessaE: http://pastebin.com/k1ieFaig
02:40 VanessaE           access violation!?
02:40 dafull97           um, yea?
02:40 dafull97           whats it mean?
02:40 Peacock            aaah http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/09/20/2151231/usaf-almost-nuked-north-carolina-in-1961-declassified-document
02:40 VanessaE           usually that means something like the program is written for a different architecture than what you're using
02:41 VanessaE           or maybe you don't have enough RAM?
02:41 dafull97           hmm, where is cache? i will reset... i was palying fine last night... and i can connect to my own VPS Minetest server
02:41 Peacock            http://memepics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/upgraded-ram.jpg
02:41 VanessaE           dafull97:  in your minetest folder.
02:41 dafull97           hahaha @ Peacock
02:41 VanessaE           minetest-blahblah/cache or /home/yourname/.minetest/cache
02:42 dafull97           im on windows, hah
02:42 Peacock            in that case, try minetest-blabla/cache
02:42 VanessaE           just find your minetest folder, cache is in there.
02:42 VanessaE           also, try a different build.
02:42 Peacock            if only cash was in there :(
02:43 dafull97           why differnat build?
02:43 VanessaE           sfan5, PilzAdam, BlockMen, Fess, maybe thexyz still has them, etc.
02:43 VanessaE           different*
02:43 VanessaE           because sometimes it's just a matter of what's compiled into yours, versus what your hardware is actually capable of
02:44 dafull97           ohh, k
02:44 dafull97           i heard of PhilzAdam i think
02:44 VanessaE           how much RAM does your box have?
02:44 * [0gb_us]         hates his new music player
02:44 VanessaE           PilzAdam*
02:44 dafull97           2.00GB
02:45 Peacock            hehe, FizzAdam
02:45 VanessaE           I'd think 2 GB would be enough.  Using any special texture packs?
02:45 dafull97           nope, defaults... like i said i can connect to my own... may be cache... reconnecting now
02:45 VanessaE           hm
02:46 Peacock            must be some server/client compat. thing
02:47 dafull97           i deleted all cache and retrying... hope it is that simple :D
02:51 VanessaE           hopefully that works
02:52 VanessaE           but it begs the question, why does it error-out like that to begin with
02:53 STHGOM             How soon is minetest 0.4.8 going to be released?
02:53 dafull97           yea, true... i have no idea that is why i came here to help... it gave me a C++ Runtime error before it quit this time
02:53 VanessaE           Soonâ„¢
02:53 VanessaE           just C++ runtime error?
02:53 dafull97           but it is still loading... im talking about the recent debug log i gave you
02:54 Peacock            Raptureâ„¢
02:54 dafull97           with that one it gave me that
02:54 VanessaE           oh ok
02:54 Peacock            (jk)
02:54 STHGOM             It was going to be released soon a month ago...
02:55 Peacock            so were much closer to Soonâ„¢ now than we were a month ago :P
02:55 [0gb_us]           Soon is relative. Soonâ„¢ could be any time in the next decade.
02:55 STHGOM             ok :D
02:55 Peacock            Soonâ„¢ * pi / sqrt(lightspeed)
02:55 [0gb_us]           Or it might not even be this decade. I don't even know.
02:56 STHGOM             Bye
02:56 VanessaE           STHGOM: help fix these and maybe... https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues?labels=&milestone=1&page=1&state=open
02:56 [0gb_us]           Bye.
02:56 VanessaE           that would help speed up the release.
02:57 VanessaE           damn it.
02:57 Peacock            he saw all the milestones and ran away :P haha
02:57 VanessaE           lol
02:58 dafull97           C++ Runtime error
02:58 dafull97           pure virtual function call
02:58 dafull97           R6025
02:58 Peacock            dunno what version of windows you gots, have you tried different compatibility mode settings?
02:59 dafull97           i have windows 8, running windows XP Service pack 3
02:59 VanessaE           um
02:59 Peacock            so which is it? lol
02:59 VanessaE           you can't be running 'windows xp service pack 3" if you're running windows 8
02:59 Peacock            lol
02:59 VanessaE           unless you're doing this in a virtual machine
03:00 VanessaE           (not a VPS, a virtual machine)
03:00 Peacock            im running Linux Mac OS X ;)
03:00 dafull97           running Windows XP Service pack 3 in compatibility
03:00 [0gb_us]           With VirtualBox, you can. Not that I'd recommend running either of those systems.
03:00 dafull97           no i have my server on a VPS,
03:00 dafull97           i have Windows 8 on my computer
03:00 Peacock            with SP3 on top?
03:01 dafull97           and running this with compatibility in windows xp service pack 3
03:01 Peacock            hmm
03:01 VanessaE           when you connect to someone else's server, all that matters is what you run on your home PC where the client is running
03:01 Peacock            allright, vanessa, you get the straight-jacket, ill get the chloroform
03:02 Peacock            what happens with the other compat settings?
03:03 dafull97           im will try re-install, and i know that my vps has nothing to do with this... i was just clearing things up...
03:03 dafull97           @peacock it was working fine last night and this afternoon. just not wanting to work now... going to look at them
03:04 Peacock            well what did you do since then?
03:04 Peacock            system updates, update MT, ?
03:04 [0gb_us]           GitHub is scaring me. "Are you sure you don't want to just downgrade your account to a FREE account? We won't charge your credit card anymore." I thought I was already using a free account.
03:04 Peacock            lol
03:04 VanessaE           [0gb_us]: weird
03:04 Peacock            with how many times GH gets DDOS'd and hacked, i wouldn't trust them with a CC
03:05 [0gb_us]           GitHub better not be charging me. If I find GitHub charges, I WILL dispute them.
03:05 Peacock            did you give them a CC #?
03:05 [0gb_us]           I didn't give them a credit card number, no.
03:05 dafull97           it was running in windows 7 compat, hmm...
03:05 dafull97           maye that the prob... but i dont think it is
03:05 dafull97           maybe*
03:06 Peacock            well not sure about US law but im pretty sure they can't start charging you shit unless you consent to it first
03:06 VanessaE           that is correct
03:06 VanessaE           it would be considered 'credit card fraud' here if they did.
03:07 Peacock            otherwise can you imagine the scams lol
03:07 VanessaE           plus if he doesn't give a CC number it makes it 10x worse :)
03:07 Peacock            well good luck collecting in that case lol
03:08 Peacock            i dont even trust legitimate companies with "prepayment" options, i send checks, by horse and buggy
03:08 Peacock            (ok the last bit is horseshit, but i do send cheques)
03:09 Peacock            at least with cheques you got a papertrail and bank records
03:10 [0gb_us]           I don't like checks myself. I prefer cash or cards.
03:11 [0gb_us]           Cash is my favorite, but I've been using cards more lately to try to improve my credit score.
03:11 Peacock            cash for small items ok
03:11 Peacock            CC's is mortgaging paycheques
03:12 Peacock            with variable limits and rates on interest, thx but no thx lol
03:12 [0gb_us]           I use my credit cards similarly to debit cards: I only spend what I already have.
03:12 [0gb_us]           That way, there are no fees.
03:13 Peacock            thats why i stick to cash and cheques lol can't spend what i dont have, and it forces me to save instead of relying on credit for emergencies
03:13 [0gb_us]           The limit issue is an issue though.
03:13 dafull97           question to all, to test your knowlege of computers... ready?
03:14 [0gb_us]           You can write a bad check as easily as make a payment with a card that you can't cover. Checks don't help you in that regard.
03:14 Peacock            well i dont write bad cheques :P
03:14 [0gb_us]           And I don't make payments with the card that I can't pay right away.
03:15 Peacock            card on the other hand, you miss a payment, your rate goes up
03:15 [0gb_us]           My payments are set to auto-withdraw.
03:15 [0gb_us]           No missed payments ever.
03:15 [0gb_us]           dafull97, what's your question?
03:15 Peacock            yeah i dont go for that automatic bullshit either, a few months ago my ISP started helping themselves to double and triple the amounts
03:16 Peacock            (hence my need of papertrails now lol)
03:16 dafull97           What is the differance between C, and C++
03:16 Peacock            the ++
03:16 [0gb_us]           Don't the automatic payments leave a paper trail?
03:17 [0gb_us]           C++ is messier.
03:17 dafull97           sort of.. and peacock, hahaha
03:17 Peacock            they leave an electronic trail, but once the company has taken way too much, good luck getting it back
03:17 dafull97           make me laugh(in a good way)
03:18 dafull97           what does C++ have that C doesn't?
03:18 [0gb_us]           Stealling three times the actual fee is illegal though. You can take them to court for fraud, as VanessaE said.
03:19 [0gb_us]           More options for object orientation, overloading, et cetera?
03:19 Peacock            you still have to hire representation, how will you do that if your utility just took you the cleaners?
03:19 dafull97           nice 0gb_us you know programming?
03:19 Peacock            and even then the CDN system takes at min. months, if not years
03:19 [0gb_us]           I don't know C or C++, but I do program a little.
03:20 [0gb_us]           Not in those languages.
03:20 dafull97           i know just a tiny C++
03:20 dafull97           what languges?
03:20 [0gb_us]           You can dispute the charges with the card company.
03:21 Peacock            i wish i had the energy for all these remedies, but its much simpler to write a cheque for the proper amount :P
03:21 [0gb_us]           I forget all what languages. I always leave some out. PHP, JavaScript, sh, Lua, Python, Java, and maybe some others.
03:21 Peacock            i tend to *lose my cool* speaking to reps over the phone lol
03:22 [0gb_us]           Keeping track of the checks is something I don't have the time or energy for. I guess to each their own.
03:22 [0gb_us]           For me, a single check is a pain in the bett.
03:22 Peacock            never heard of carbon copies? :P
03:22 [0gb_us]           *butt
03:23 [0gb_us]           Carbon copies don't make it better. The issue is that they could be deposited any time in the future. There is no time when I can "reset" back to the bank's number, so to speak.
03:23 Peacock            though youre right about one thing, i had to accuse them of billing fraud before they backed off on 400$ of charges lol
03:23 dafull97           nice, i know batch, sh, python, little ruby, little perl, little php, html, some javascript, and maybe 1 or two im forgetting im tired haha
03:24 Peacock            though the whole time they kept trying to get a CC number (so they could just take the money)
03:24 [0gb_us]           With card charges, I see the charge right away, and paper money's value this way is obvious.
03:25 [0gb_us]           HTML isn't a programming language. But if you want to count that, I also know XHTML, XML, and CSS.
03:26 dafull97           yea, alot of people dont... i just include it.. i know a little XML... barely used
03:26 [0gb_us]           I tried Ruby, but it wasn't for me. Then again, neither is Java.
03:26 dafull97           same here... python is best for me
03:26 [0gb_us]           A lot of people don't what?
03:26 [0gb_us]           I can't say I LIKE Python, but it's easy to use.
03:27 dafull97           alot of people dont include html as a programming language
03:28 [0gb_us]           HTML ISN'T a programming language. It's a markup language. There is a huge difference in how programming languages and markup languages function.
03:28 [0gb_us]           Anyone calling HTML a programming language is, simply put, wrong.
03:29 dafull97           yes, true... like i said i just include it... :)
03:30 [0gb_us]           I include it if asked about languages, but I don't include it if asked about programming languages. Or rather, I include/exclude XHTML. I never say I know HTML.
03:32 dafull97           yes... HTML is a markup language... one good thing about knowing how that kind of stuff works, is that these 8 year old "hackers" going blow computers up hahah
03:32 dafull97           makes me laugh hard
03:34 [0gb_us]           I wonder what CSS is though. I know it's not a programming language, but it doesn't seem much like a markup language; it contains no structure definitions.
04:39 NekoGloop          [0gb_us], scripting
04:40 [0gb_us]           CSS doesn't seem like a scripting language either. Scripting is a subset of programming. Are you sure on that, or just guessing? If you're sure, I'll take your word for it.
04:41 thexyz             stylesheet language
04:42 [0gb_us]           So style sheets get their own category of languages? I suppose that makes sense, they don't seem to fit into any other category.
04:45 [0gb_us]           Interesting ... content_mapnode.cpp refers to a "default:coalstone", but minetest_game contains no such node.
05:21 NekoGloop          It's Client Side Scripting. Of course it's a scripting language.
05:22 [0gb_us]           CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. Or at least, the CSS I'm talking about is.
05:22 [0gb_us]           I'm talking about the CSS used to style web pages.
08:32 JamesTait          Good morning all, happy Punctuation Day! :-D
08:33 [0gb_us]           Awesome! I had no idea such a day existed, but I do understand the importance of punctuation, and I wish more people used it.
08:35 blaaaaargh         if punctuation didnt exist we would write like this it looks silly and is totally uncomprehensible see what I mean
08:36 [0gb_us]           It's not silly when people are too lazy to use punctuation, it's just aggravatingly hard to read.
08:37 blaaaaargh         http://the100meterscroll.com/
08:38 [0gb_us]           Hmm. kaeza is everywhere. You never know what user is actually kaeza in disguise.
08:39 kaeza              :DDD
08:39 [0gb_us]           Usually if there is a new random nick, it turns out to be you a few seconds later.
08:40 kaeza              I have this only one, diemartin, and blaaaaargh.
08:40 [0gb_us]           I'm thinking about changing my nick to "us`0gb".
08:40 [0gb_us]           Maybe I'm thinking of someone else then ....
08:41 VanessaE           zero_gb_dot_us  :-)
08:42 [0gb_us]           What about when the actual zerogb.us shows up though? Or zero-gb-dot.us?
08:42 kaeza              www.dotcom.com
08:42 VanessaE           register them all? :)
08:42 kaeza              lol that one exists :P
08:42 [0gb_us]           THere's a www.dot.tk and I think there's a dot.free.
08:43 kaeza              oh it's a registrar
08:43 [0gb_us]           Register them all? Like I have the money ... I'm even thinking about dropping my other name (zerogigabytes.com) to save some cash.
08:43 kaeza              I expected something in the veins of downloadmoreram.com
08:44 VanessaE           I meant the IRC nicks, silly :)
08:44 [0gb_us]           If only downloading RAM were an option ... But then hardware would take up disk space, and as the hard drive is hardware, it would be recursive.
08:45 kaeza              lol downloadmorecores.com
08:49 [0gb_us]           When I discuss the "real zerogb.us", I mean whoever registers zerogb.us in DNS. To use that name without owning it would make me an impostor. You kave no idea what it's like to have OCD ... I spent several hours trying to create a puny code-like system for encoding node names yesterday ... I was at work and had nothing else to think about while doing my mindless work, but still. The point is that the "zero_gb_dot_us" name can't make it past my OCD u
08:49 [0gb_us]           nless I actually own that name in DNS. And it probably can't even make it if I did own it.
08:52 [0gb_us]           The best part of using an FQDN as a user name is that it is by definition unique to me. There are a million people who use names based on hobbies and whatnot, but no one will use my domain name but me unless they are specifically impersonating me. Made up domains don't have that quality.
09:01 [0gb_us]           That link doesn't even fake allowing you to download cores the way the RAM site does. It just sells AMD laptops.
09:03 [0gb_us]           I already have an AMD laptop, and I'm not all that happy with it. I think I'll go for a Think Penguin, once I have money, or another second-hand laptop if I need a replacement before I have money.
12:01 kaeza              <!-- mwahahaha -->
12:01 JamesTai1          </evil_laugh>
12:01 * JamesTai1        sighs
12:02 JamesTait          In other news: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nouveau/2013-September/014480.html
12:03 kaeza              that looks like good news
12:05 JamesTait          It could well be.
12:05 JamesTait          Reason for hope, at least.
13:20 arsdragonfly       !seen iqualfragile
13:20 MinetestBot        arsdragonfly: iqualfragile was last seen at 2013-09-23 00:29:44 UTC on #minetest
13:23 arsdragonfly       MinetestBot: tell him when he's around that all the RandomMessages mod archives I uploaded are the same? I came across some errors so I thought it wasn't working and uploaded it several times :P
13:24 arsdragonfly       Since you understands stfu you should have got what I said lol
13:32 IceCraft           hi
13:35 deltib             hello
13:49 rubenwardy         Hi all
13:58 arsdragonfly       Hi
14:30 kaeza              useless stuff: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=111801#p111801
14:30 kaeza              (read: I was bored)
14:31 kaeza              feel free to disregard if another mod already provides such functionality
15:34 PilzAdam           Hello everyone!
15:47 Jordach            afternoon ladies
15:47 STHGOM             Hullo kaeza
15:48 * Jordach          throws a kitten at kaeza
15:48 kaeza              hi STHGOM
15:48 kaeza              sup Jordach
15:48 * kaeza            is testing e17
15:48 kaeza              notbad.jpg
15:48 Jordach            e17? dafuq is that
15:48 kaeza              enlightenment
15:48 kaeza              a WM
15:50 kaeza              well this sucks actually
15:51 thexyz             lol
15:51 thexyz             it's designed for fridges
15:52 kaeza              seems so :/
15:53 kaeza              brb
15:55 STHGOM             WB :D
15:55 kaeza              thx :)
15:55 kaeza              back to Xfce
15:56 kaeza              none of the WM/DEs I have fully convinces me
15:56 kaeza              either too bloated or too light :/
15:56 kaeza              and too lazy to set it up properly
15:59 andersje           kaeza:  yeah.  fluxbox/openbox handles 75% of my needs.  win7 the other 25%.  :/
16:00 NakedFury          try steamOS when it comes out
16:01 Pelayo             I'm happy with Mate
16:03 kaeza              this would be nice if it actually displayed the right chars in the console: http://sourceforge.net/projects/twin/
16:03 andersje           I'm looking forward to SteamOS, but mythbuntu still doesn't always like my HD/HomeRun thingie
16:03 andersje           so, the HTPC runs win7+media center to record shows
16:10 Jordach            Media Center is good when used right
16:10 Jordach            the PS3 / XBOX can stream from it
16:10 Jordach            Linux (with the right software) can too
16:15 NakedFury          whats been going on in the minetest world?
16:19 Jordach            yay - made toy variants of my weapons
16:20 werwerwer_         Anybody! In technic mode, is it supposed to be that cromium is more rare than uranium? Or it's not so rare and I'm missing something?
16:27 * Jordach          pokes VanessaE
16:27 Jordach            i see your ass is out of bed
16:31 thexyz             kaeza: what's your problem with xfce?
16:33 thexyz             andersje: consider xbmc
16:35 kaeza              thexyz, no problems really
16:35 kaeza              I should have said "none of the other..."
16:36 kaeza              just the usual window shopping :P
16:38 FreeFull           kaeza: You'd hate the WM I am using right now
16:40 * Jordach          pokes sfan5
16:40 Jordach            they fixed #3
17:05 Dafull97           who is here?
17:05 NakedFury          I am
17:06 * john_minetest    is, too
17:08 thefamilygrog66    howdy folks
17:09 thefamilygrog66    spam: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=111760#p111760
17:10 Calinou            done
17:13 Dafull97           Nakedfury you still here?
17:13 NakedFury          yeah
17:13 NakedFury          playing offensive combat and reading chat
17:13 Dafull97           cool, you own a server?
17:13 NakedFury          no
17:13 Dafull97           oh, not een on Minetest?
17:13 Dafull97           even*
17:14 NakedFury          I play on others some times but school has me very damn occupied since it started
17:14 Calinou            hi NakedFury
17:14 Calinou            long time no see :P
17:14 Dafull97           yea, me too... i get like 3 hors to myself a night haha
17:14 NakedFury          we finished the first project yesterday and tomorrow we start the next project.
17:15 Dafull97           damn
17:15 Dafull97           what grade?
17:15 NakedFury          architect school second year
17:15 Calinou            3 hours sleep must suck
17:17 NakedFury          we are gonna start another 1/4 scale model tomorrow so it will be intense computer design so later we use the schools laser machine to cut the parts and then waste a full awesome day gluing then together
17:18 Jordach            NakedFury, Y U NO MINETEST WORLD MAKE IT
17:22 * Jordach          grunts loudly
17:22 Jordach            fuck sakes, found a UV issue on my G4 model
17:22 Jordach            fixed in one render, not fixed for my templates
17:25 Jordach            ugh, i hate temp fixes
17:25 Jordach            it's a hack for the model :(
17:28 Jordach            D: Blender (Not responding)
17:28 * Jordach          is considering time travel
17:29 Jordach            let's re-visit older renders
17:32 Jordach            Are you sure to re-write history? [Yes] [HELL NO] [Maybe?]
17:34 Jordach            hey Peacock
17:34 Peacock            hey
17:35 Jordach            ouch, that render weighs 1.42mb
17:36 Jordach            http://mg.viewskew.com/mgoblin_media/media_entries/378/layzeebastard.png <-
17:36 Jordach            60's Space Furniture FTW
17:41 STHGOM             Hello
17:41 * Jordach          forgot about the 15 mins delay on viewskew mail
17:42 Jordach            lol - my first Gen 2 model was actually used for my GitHub profile
17:48 Jordach            new picture get: https://github.com/jordach
17:49 * Mati^1           who is RealBadAngel??
17:49 thefamilygrog66    nice chair, Jordach
17:49 Calinou            a real bad angel
17:50 Jordach            > Minetest 1.0
17:50 Calinou            nice Jordach
17:50 Jordach            http://ubuntuone.com/3EU6x3Z0clyGmBV54GNPJf <- seems legit
17:50 thefamilygrog66    wish nodeboxes could do something like that chair, but the textures would be all wacky
17:52 thefamilygrog66    No, not Khaaaaaaaaaaaan again!
17:52 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    Groooooooooooog!
17:52 Jordach            btw: http://realbadangel.pl/screenshots/Haven/scr1.png <- see the gravel: that DOES LOOK GOOD
17:53 thefamilygrog66    Jordach - that's a stock GIMP texture, no?
17:53 Jordach            no idea
17:53 thefamilygrog66    looks like one of those texture fills
17:54 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    eeek i have a hard time with ultra-high-res and ultra-low-res textures
17:56 Jordach            not on windows 7
17:56 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    both give me headaches for different reasons lol
17:56 thefamilygrog66    couldn't find the gravel pattern fill in GIMP, but I did find coffee beans
17:56 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    low-res tends to be brighter on my led screen, highres for some reason dizzying lol
17:56 thefamilygrog66    which got me to thinking
17:56 thefamilygrog66    I need a freakin' coffee
17:57 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    haha im having some right now
17:58 thefamilygrog66    the only place around here is Slim Borton's, but it'll have to do
17:58 Jordach            http://i.imgur.com/RoztesG.png <- john_minetest
17:59 Jordach            Canadians and their fucking coffee
17:59 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    they keep opening so many timmies all over the place, you get sick of it before even having any lol
18:00 * Jordach          pops another mint
18:00 thefamilygrog66    word
18:00 Jordach            mmm, tasty
18:00 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    thought i recently read why theyre doing that (selling too many franchises) - they plan on buying back 1 bil $ in shares
18:01 Jordach            john_minetest, im running 7 SP1 iirc
18:01 * Jordach          wants to run windows 95 in a VM
18:02 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    no surprise there, any restaurant on the stock market is pressured to increase profits by progressively cutting standards and quality, until consumers go elsewhere lol
18:02 thefamilygrog66    I'm gonna make minetest run on a Windows 3.1 machine
18:02 Calinou            "Minetest for Workgroups"
18:02 * Calinou          runs
18:02 thefamilygrog66    the thing with their clientele is that they're largely senile, so they don't remember how shitty the coffee was the last time they were there
18:03 thefamilygrog66    o_O
18:03 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    coffee stays about the same but the food is getting worse apparently
18:03 thefamilygrog66    it cleans you out pretty well, if you happen to be constipated
18:03 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    its funny that their coffee at the grocery store tastes better than their coffee in their shops
18:04 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    but thats prolly due to not cleaning the commercial coffee machines often enough
18:04 Jordach            Minetest 3.11
18:04 Jordach            huehuehue
18:05 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    gibe me money or i report u - huehuehue
18:05 thefamilygrog66    that's the main reason I don't drink draught beer anymore...
18:05 Jordach            Time to Minetes 3.11 2,000 Years remaining
18:05 Jordach            Minetet*
18:05 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    tap beer?
18:05 Jordach            Minetest*
18:05 thefamilygrog66    yeah, bars don't clean the lines enough
18:05 thefamilygrog66    doesn't agree with me so much
18:06 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    yeah no ive worked in a few and you're lucky if the staff aren't as drunk/high as the clientele when they finish, so the cleaning is pretty random lol
18:06 thefamilygrog66    ^^^ yes
18:06 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    and honestly it tastes watered-down
18:06 thefamilygrog66    so how long till 0.4.8 is released guys?
18:07 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    Soon(tm)
18:07 thefamilygrog66    d'oh
18:07 thefamilygrog66    how long till an Android client? :)
18:08 thefamilygrog66    <crickets>
18:08 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    it is said when minetest 0.5.0 arrives, the antichrist will also be revealed
18:10 Jordach            haha
18:12 Jordach            JESUS FUCK
18:12 kaeza              AMEN
18:13 * Jordach          sneezed a super sized snotball
18:13 Jordach            my cough is still trying :P
18:13 kaeza              yey green theme!
18:14 * blaaaaargh       joins the party
18:14 * Jordach          doesnt bother
18:15 * Jordach          is really considering re-constructing Norwich; Jordach's closest city
18:21 Jordach            you got google maps loaded :P
18:23 thefamilygrog66    what's OSM?
18:24 Jordach            john_minetest, filters
18:24 Jordach            why don't we get the layout correct; then we add the buildings?
18:24 thefamilygrog66    ahh
18:24 * Jordach          thinks a Minetest -> Blender World would be nice
18:25 andersje           are you guys turning google maps data into minetest maps?
18:26 Jordach            holy shit
18:26 Jordach            they mapped Castle Mall
18:26 Jordach            \o/
18:27 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    anyone do game of thrones in MT yet? ive heard ppl talk about the show here
18:28 * andersje         thinks about a map->MT converter
18:28 andersje           you guys saw the bit about Ordnance Surveys doing all of the British Isles into Minecraft, right?
18:28 Jordach            john_minetest, i know where we should start
18:28 sfan5              ..
18:28 sfan5              ....
18:28 sfan5              .
18:28 sfan5              hi everyone
18:29 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    didnt know their maps was big enough for all the UK
18:29 andersje           22 billion blocks
18:29 andersje           I'm guessing it's divided into regions somehow.
18:29 * andersje         doesn't know a lot about minecraft
18:29 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    heck an MT map is 32K by 32K approx.
18:30 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    would still need an engine/rptocol change i think
18:31 andersje           http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24177844
18:31 andersje           that's the link to the article
18:31 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    i think the # of chunks is limited by the data type of the ids?
18:31 Jordach            john_minetest, look for norwich city hall
18:31 * Jordach          has been ~70m from it IRL
18:32 Jordach            our next stop should be Berlin
18:32 * Jordach          cant rember the dev of streets
18:40 thecoffeegrogawa   d'oh
18:54 blaaaaargh         thecoffeegrogawa sounds like a Japanese name
19:11 Jordach            hey Evergreen
19:11 Evergreen          hey
19:11 Jordach            hello Calinou
19:12 Calinou            hi Evergreen and Jordach :)
19:12 * Jordach          gets a smiley face
19:12 Jordach            \o/
19:12 Calinou            (:
19:12 * Calinou          gallops away
19:13 * Jordach          shoots the pony
19:13 Jordach            DEAL WITH IT
19:13 Jordach            Evergreen, https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=111831#p111831
19:14 Evergreen          You've got a very nice seat there
19:14 Jordach            silly fact: if you search my name on Facebook, my animatic self will appear
19:14 Jordach            github name*
19:15 Jordach            i've just realised that looks like the most interesting meme
19:15 Jordach            I dont make blender renders often...but when i do they're gold
19:17 Jordach            here's my two options for a Blender animatics: Interview with me (yes, you will get to input questions) or a secret one ;)
19:19 PilzAdam           front
19:20 Jordach            john_minetest, i switched to blender; i might be able to do it over the weekend
19:20 Jordach            <- doesnt have infinite CPU time
19:21 Jordach            nope.avi
19:22 PilzAdam           Jordach, I would vote for the secret one
19:22 Jordach            i already hinted at it
19:22 Jordach            can we stop the LUNACY?
19:23 Jordach            oh, just look up; you'll see what i mean ;) (out of a window)
19:24 Calinou            better stop the LUACY
19:24 * Calinou          runs
19:31 * Jordach          smells shitty thing: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7277
19:31 Jordach            > .rar
19:31 Jordach            https://www.dropbox.com/s/mrwwwfvfa6ypkyj/TheggaCity.rar
19:31 Jordach            LOL
19:31 Jordach            plol
19:32 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    surprised it's not .exe lol
19:33 * Jordach          wonders why people haven't provided self extracting archives yet
19:33 Jordach            iirc, 7-Zip and WinRAR
19:33 Jordach            can make them
19:36 thecaffeinegrog6   close enough
19:39 harrison           aardvark self storage
19:39 harrison           self-extracting aardvaark: see above
19:43 Pilcrow            hey guys
19:43 Calinou            Pilcrow id'd werecrow
19:43 Calinou            hi
19:43 thecaffeinegrog6   How would I code it so that physics override happens for a set period of time (say 300 seconds, for example)?
19:43 blaaaaargh         rar has berrer compression than zip by large
19:44 blaaaaargh         berrer?
19:44 blaaaaargh         better!
19:44 Pilcrow            calinou: who's werecrow? my name's a grammatical symbol  :)
19:45 blaaaaargh         Pilzcrow?
19:45 thecaffeinegrog6   ^^^
19:45 thecaffeinegrog6   Ye olde mushroom crow
19:46 Pilcrow            blaaaaargh: and 7z *usually* has better comression than rar, although it's close...
19:47 blaaaaargh         Pilcrow, indeed
19:47 FreeFull           7z is slower though
19:47 FreeFull           At least, for higher compression levels
19:47 Pilcrow            I'm trying to compile a 32-bit linux version of minetest, but I'm getting lots of errors. I'm probably missing something, but I don't really know what...
19:47 blaaaaargh         anyone tried lzip?
19:48 blaaaaargh         http://alleg.sourceforge.net/docs/lzip_compression.en.html
19:48 Pilcrow            blaaaaargh: how about tar+xzip?  :P
19:48 thecaffeinegrog6   Any ideas re: my physics override question?
19:49 blaaaaargh         "LZIP is an amazing format, isn't it? They sometimes manage to compress files down to 0 bytes!"
19:49 FreeFull           xzip will produce slightly smaller files than gzip
19:49 PilzAdam           thecaffeinegrog6, well, use set_phiscis_override() and minetest.after()
19:50 blaaaaargh         set_piscis_override()
19:50 blaaaaargh         there's one for each zodiac sign
19:50 thecaffeinegrog6   thanks PilzAdam - I'll mess around with it for a bit
19:51 Pilcrow            anyways, if anyone can help me with this I'd appreciate it...  http://pastebin.com/7nNghBTc
19:52 Calinou            set all nodes to disable fall damage by default, maybe
19:53 thecaffeinegrog6   PilzAdam, does set_physics_override() work with 0.4.7, or do I need a newer version?
19:53 Pilcrow            that's an unmodified git source, btw
19:53 PilzAdam           dunno, look in the changelog
19:54 thecaffeinegrog6   it's in the lua_api.txt file for the version I have, so I'm gonna assume it works
19:55 Jordach            hmm okay
19:55 * Jordach          has reference material
19:55 Jordach            woo
19:56 * Jordach          isn't a fan of cold war era video
19:57 Jordach            16mm camera
19:57 PilzAdam           I have LODR 1 and 2 on VHS
19:57 PilzAdam           *LOTR
19:57 Jordach            and it's in BLACK AND WHITE
19:57 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    and you need to wind up the VCR with a crank!
19:57 * Jordach          thinks a B&W render might be in good taste
19:57 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    :P
19:58 PilzAdam           Jordach, Im pretty sure you mean grayscale instead of black and white
19:58 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    that shit demagnetizes over time, even more if you actually watch them lol
19:58 Jordach            they mean the same thing over here
19:58 PilzAdam           no, they dont
19:58 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    but thats like dvd's randomly not playing after a year ortwo
19:58 PilzAdam           (people in germany think that too, but they are also wrong)
19:58 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    ever recorded shit in EP?
19:58 FreeFull           Khaaaaaaaaaaaan: That's why you convert the video to digital
19:59 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    its alot more noticeable with EP :p
19:59 thecaffeinegrog6   OH NO, BETA!
19:59 Pilcrow            no help for me then, eh?
19:59 PilzAdam           Jordach, black and white means literally only black and white; while grayscale has all shades of gray inbetween
20:00 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    its funny tho, the family had the same VCR for nearly 20 years, whereas DVD players, ive had 5 in 4 years lol
20:00 Jordach            BETAMAXC
20:00 Jordach            -C
20:00 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    then i figured it was cheaper to buy a 2tb hdd
20:00 Jordach            true
20:01 thecaffeinegrog6   I use to have one of those videodisc machines - 12" record type things housed in a plastic case that you inserted into the machine. It kept the disc and spat out the case, and actually used a stylus to play the movie, which you had to flip over halfway through.
20:01 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    media companies like to blame piracy but they brought it on themselves :P with extended cuts, director's cuts, masterpiece editions, flat screens, 3d tv, dvd, bluray, etc. lol
20:02 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    3d tv, that lasted all of a year, maybe less lol
20:03 Calinou            lol 3D TV
20:04 Pilcrow            there are overlaps between grayscale and B&W though. tecnically the original gameboy had a black and white screen (err, green and dark green)... it got the 2 other shades by blinking at different rates, using the screen's "ghosting" properties to achieve a mostly-constant color...  :)
20:04 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    lol they like to sell you the same shit over and over
20:04 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    oculus rift, sounds like a cocktail
20:04 Jordach            0x20, the final frontier: http://i.imgur.com/EQPru9H.png
20:04 Calinou            john carmack and eihrul approve
20:04 * thecaffeinegrog6 still pulls out the original gameboy sometimes. Greentastic.
20:05 Jordach            (im a lazy texturer)
20:05 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    wife plays GB games on an emulator lol
20:06 thecaffeinegrog6   me too
20:06 Jordach            fuck that, i play them in an emulator WITH A GUITAR HERO GUITAR
20:07 Jordach            !g visual boy advance
20:07 MinetestBot        Jordach: http://vba.ngemu.com/
20:07 thecaffeinegrog6   I used to have one of those 50-in-1 cartridges from Japan, and I played this Japanese version of Asshole (the card game) repeatedly on a flight from Toronto to Vancouver - kept me sane.
20:07 Jordach            i have one sitting in this room connected to my Samsung Smart TV
20:07 * Calinou          has a 6 year old 42" plasma TV, not even HD
20:07 Jordach            oh and btw, i HAVE GOLDENEYE
20:08 Calinou            few stuff on TV is HD anyway
20:08 thecaffeinegrog6   n64 emulator is fun too
20:08 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    ugh, cant stand flying, seats get smaller while the passengers get bigger
20:08 Pilcrow            I've got a lot of old systems. like 3 n64, a couple gameboy... and at least one working Sega GameGear!  :D
20:08 Calinou            lol
20:08 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    a real star-trekian exercise in having two people occupy the same point in spacetime
20:09 thecaffeinegrog6   that makes no logical sense, captain
20:09 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    the worse is busses when you have a free seat next to you and a lady who obviously needs two squeezes in lol
20:10 Pilcrow            or an old man who smells like he hasn't showered in the last 2 years...
20:10 Jordach            http://i.imgur.com/7O0Osuy.jpg <- john_minetest
20:10 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    smelly people on public transit is a fact of life lol
20:10 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    if its not the people, its the food they eat
20:11 thecaffeinegrog6   people should all just stop eating, ffs
20:11 Jordach            dont get me started on busses with the chinese and indians
20:11 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    naw they should just tax most junk food like they tax everything else bad for ya
20:11 Jordach            john_minetest, it still works; we even occasionally play mario party
20:12 Jordach            john_minetest, i have it as well as lylat wars (star fox 64)
20:12 * Jordach          throws john_minetest a kitten
20:12 Jordach            now you do
20:12 thecaffeinegrog6   here, play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVAiZN9obXo
20:13 Pilcrow            my copy of ocarina of time still works fine. I even play it sometimes. usually I just emulate it instead, though.
20:13 thecaffeinegrog6   mask of majora
20:14 Jordach            thecaffeinegrog6, is that your youtube
20:14 Jordach            Pilcrow, is your copy GOLD?
20:14 thecaffeinegrog6   yeah, Jordach
20:15 Pilcrow            that maze makes me want to play nethack again... and yes, Jordach, it is.  :)
20:15 thecaffeinegrog6   it's prompting me to install java, john_minetest
20:16 thecaffeinegrog6   I suppose if you want to play minecraft, haha
20:16 Pilcrow            also have majora's mask, but can't play it as I don't have the n64 mempack upgrade...
20:17 Calinou            never heard of Oberon
20:17 Calinou            also java is ok
20:17 Calinou            it's 15-20% slower than C++ but runs on all OSes
20:17 Calinou            and is also a bit easier to set up I guess
20:17 thecaffeinegrog6   easily exploited too
20:18 Calinou            like any language...
20:19 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    they should be written in JavaScript
20:19 Calinou            yes but you need to compile it for each OS
20:19 * Khaaaaaaaaaaaan  runs away
20:19 Calinou            painful for OS X and windows :P
20:20 Pilcrow            I think everyone should use BASIC, especially for programming operating systems...  :P
20:21 Jordach            free subscribe to all minetest community members
20:21 PilzAdam           10 PRINT("NO!") 20 GOTO 10
20:21 Jordach            S/NO!/nope.avi/
20:22 Calinou            john_minetest: yes, only the JRE
20:22 thecaffeinegrog6   don't be knocking the BASIC...
20:22 thecaffeinegrog6   some of us old farts were weaned on it!
20:22 Pilcrow            lol I still dabble in qbasic. I've got both qb64 and freebasic on my current machine
20:23 PilzAdam           Java isnt overrated
20:23 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    well it never really lived up to its full promise either (java)
20:23 PilzAdam           which one?
20:23 thexyz             lol @ 15-20% slower
20:23 Evergreen          <offtopic>If anyone wanted to see, here is the state of my desktop (all the panels aren't actually showing all the time, just done for the screenshot) http://i.imgur.com/tjUKIkm.png </offtopic>
20:23 thexyz             that's not how you measure performance
20:24 Calinou            thexyz: if you use latest openjdk, it is 15 to 20% slower usually
20:24 Calinou            maybe even better :P
20:24 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write_once,_run_anywhere
20:24 Pilcrow            assembly? that's about as non-portable as you can get  :P
20:25 PilzAdam           desktop icons? who uses them still?
20:25 Calinou            I never use them, but I show them
20:25 Calinou            lol
20:25 Evergreen          I don't, they are just there
20:25 Calinou            my Xubuntu config is quite default, but I use single click to open stuff, I have compositing off on my desktop
20:26 Evergreen          A lot of where my config came from is being used to unity
20:27 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    ughughugh singleclick lol
20:27 Evergreen          Hence the side bar with launchers
20:27 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    give her the Alt-D
20:27 Pilcrow            I've hated the *buntus for a long while. 8.4 was good, 8.10 was buggy, and everything after that just sucked...
20:28 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    buntu, either my graphics or my wifi didn't work, on any given version lol
20:28 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    they had one good version before going all NIH on it's users
20:28 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    "gnome 3 sucks? here's unity! we can suck more"
20:29 Pilcrow            lol @Khaaaaaaaaaaaan, you couldn't be more right
20:29 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    john you're lucky, beer is cheap in Germany :P installing ubuntu is quite expensive for me :(
20:30 thexyz             Calinou: come on, there's no such thing as "usually" when we're talking about code
20:30 Calinou            Khaaaaaaaaaaaan: single click = saves hand power
20:30 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    dont wanna know what you're saving it for :P
20:31 Calinou            lol
20:31 Pilcrow            I like single-click, but I'm in kde. each icon in the file manager has a "+" that if you click on it will select the file rather than open it.
20:32 PilzAdam           singleclick in KDE works fine for me
20:32 thexyz             also, the thing about "write once run anywhere" is shit
20:32 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    more like "write once, debug everywhere"
20:32 Calinou            have fun compiling for windows and OS X and distributing it :P
20:33 thexyz             even that wikipedia article tells you that
20:33 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    i know, PA wanted to know why i thought JAva was bull lol
20:34 Calinou            once you set it up it's easy
20:34 Calinou            but the first time you do it on windows or OS X it's painful
20:34 Calinou            I never got it working personally
20:34 sfan5              meow
20:34 * Khaaaaaaaaaaaan  gives sfan cat treats
20:34 sfan5              :-(
20:34 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    mine sits for them and raises her paw lol
20:34 Calinou            hi sfan5
20:35 harrison           every time i try to compile, i become cross
20:35 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    though the cat got used to getting them when people leave, so when it's been too long, she brings me to my shoes and tells me the gtfo so she can have cookies lol
20:35 thexyz             while "nice looking" is totally subjective I think some posts should be removed from https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=6755
20:35 harrison           john_minetest: you have left #spasim and left behind that useless bot which does not even respond to hello
20:36 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    post or topic?
20:36 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    jesus, the lens flares, BlockMen is JJ Abrams in disguise!
20:36 thexyz             some posts
20:36 PilzAdam           russian censoreship in action
20:36 PilzAdam           :-p
20:37 Calinou            night
20:37 andersje           night
20:37 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    Josh and Aqua's WP are pretty crappe
20:37 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    basically a screen with a caption lol
20:37 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    drugs.... https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=111690#p111690
20:38 Calinou            screen with a caption isn't necessarily bad
20:38 Calinou            the font is bad, though
20:38 thexyz             https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?pid=104323#p104323 too
20:38 Calinou            and a wallpaper that isn't a photo should always be a .png :>
20:38 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    no but a caption on a white box? cmon
20:38 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    hell yahoo 95' homepage
20:38 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    *hello
20:38 Calinou            yeah, that looks bad
20:39 thexyz             I'd prefer http://i.imgur.com/h9FzXEM.jpg without "MINETEST" label
20:39 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    i have to stop looking at that or i'll get a seizure lol
20:40 thexyz             honestly, I think this "Minetest" caption we now have everywhere looks like shit
20:40 thexyz             but that's subjective, right?
20:40 thexyz             also, previous design of the main website was better
20:40 Calinou            yeah
20:40 Calinou            more flat-designy :P
20:41 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    well... i can tell it's minetest without the caption, MC textures arent exactly the same
20:41 Calinou            but the current one is easier to edit for admins, and has more content
20:41 thexyz             this has nothing to do with design
20:41 thexyz             just looking at the main page http://minetest.net/ makes me cry
20:41 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    well instead of a bunch of screens thrown together, you could have one screen thats a script that loops through the screenshots thread in general
20:42 thexyz             that too
20:42 thexyz             but those gradients look bad too
20:42 thexyz             background
20:43 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    and you have a start tab, and a seperate menubar on top, wtf? lol
20:44 thexyz             "start tab" is just page title
20:44 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    cant all the menubar items be tabs?
20:44 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    or just highlight home in the menubar instead of having the tab
20:44 Pilcrow            why does it all lead to the screenshots thread, anyway? the images could showcase popular mods, and clicking on a pic will take you to its mod thread.
20:44 thexyz             dunno, not touching it!
20:45 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    yeah whoever made that design wouldn't be happy lol
20:45 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    (if it got changed i mean)
20:45 thexyz             I still think prowseed's design is the best one
20:46 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    maybe hold another design contest so no one can get pissed off at the winner lol
20:47 thexyz             well
20:47 thexyz             everyone but me seemed to like it
20:47 thexyz             and at the same time everyone but me seemed to hate prowseed's design because it looks too professional
20:47 thexyz             or something like this
20:47 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    well i thought (at the time) it looked too much like MC's website
20:49 Khaaaaaaaaaaaan    still, professional designs > amateurish ones
20:49 * Sokomine         looks for calinou and/or vanessa
20:50 * Sokomine         deletes several a in khaans name
20:50 Pilcrow            Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
20:51 * Sokomine         fires a photon torpedo at pilcrow!
20:52 Pilcrow            I eat it. yum, photons!
20:52 * harrison         drinks Potion of Irritability
20:54 Pilcrow            anyways, can anyone help with that compile error? http://pastebin.com/7nNghBTc -- unmodified 9e6bd git download, compiling on an outdated 32-bit linux. I'm probably missing something, but don't know what...
21:00 Evergreen          Gpong back to previous conversation, I liked the old design of the website much better.
21:01 Pilcrow            I only started playing minetest after 0.4.4 was released. it hasn't changed much since then, that I recall
21:02 PilzAdam           Pilcrow, what irrlicht version do you have?
21:02 Pilcrow            irrlicht-svn 3843
21:04 Pilcrow            not really sure how old that is. I'll try compiling the latest from source.
21:04 PilzAdam           be sure to not use a pre-release 1.8
21:05 PilzAdam           its known that it doesnt define u64
21:05 Pilcrow            ok
21:05 PilzAdam           you can patch Minetest to simply define it, though
21:10 Pilcrow            ok, thanks for the help. sorry, just trying to get minetest working on another computer. my main one is 64-bit and more updated, so compiling it in there worked fine...
21:27 Pilcrow            thanks, PilzAdam. updating irrlicht seems to have fixed my problem.  :)
21:34 Pilcrow            sweet, minetest installed and running on this beast
21:35 Pilcrow            hello, blaaaaargh
21:35 blaaaaargh         o/
21:36 Pilcrow            I just installed minetest on a 2-year-old linux install.  :P
21:37 * blaaaaargh       .
21:38 Pilcrow            chakra linux, a fork of arch
21:41 Pilcrow            yeah, it's pretty nice. not as outdated as, say, debian, but more stable than arch.
21:42 Pilcrow            it's what I use in my machine too, but they switched to 64-bit-only with recent versions, so this old beast was out of luck.  :P
21:43 Pilcrow            pacman -Syu will rarely, if ever, break anything in chakra (even with the testing repo enabled). as I recall, you need to be a bit more selective with updates in arch...
21:43 harrison           debian outdated lol
21:44 harrison           not if you run bleeding edge debian++ such as siduction
21:44 harrison           like the best coders do
21:45 Pilcrow            harrison: and then it has stability issues since sid is not intended for production use.  ;)
21:45 harrison           you are compiling minetest on a 6-sigma uptime corporate server?
21:46 Pilcrow            nah, I'm just saying I prefer a little more stability. doesn't need to be bullet-proof, but I'm fond of global updates...
21:47 harrison           thus the "outdated 32bit linux"
21:47 harrison           i see
21:48 harrison           your preferences are strangely odd....
21:48 Pilcrow            no, no, this is an old computer. my main box is more up to date.
21:50 Pilcrow            chakra was installed on this thing before they dropped 32-bit support, and it'd take some effort to back up its files and install something current...
21:52 Pilcrow            ǝlɟɟɐʍ ʍlɟɟɐʍ ǝlɟɟɐʍ
21:54 Pilcrow            anyways, I'm gonna shut this thing down and get on my main computer.  :)
22:10 jojoa1997          could i have a website with a minetest domain
22:13 PilzAdam           ^ example how not to ask questions
22:13 PilzAdam           1) there is no question mark
22:13 PilzAdam           2) quit ASAP after asking
22:13 PilzAdam           3) dont give any context at all
22:13 harrison           PilzAdam: I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read http://stop-irc-bullying.eu/stop
22:14 PilzAdam           harrison, as a bully I feel offended by your link. Please read http://trololol.com/
22:59 NakedFury          down with bullies
23:21 dafull97           looking for support, can someone help?
23:21 dafull97           i might have a glitch
23:21 PilzAdam           have you read the channel topic?
23:26 dafull97_          hey, can anyone help me?
23:27 Evergreen          BlockMen is awesome:    https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7289
23:28 dafull97_          wow that is preety awesome
23:28 PilzAdam           dafull97_, http://irc.minetest.ru/minetest/2013-09-24#i_3336177
23:29 dafull97_          i have, what are you the play police?
23:30 PilzAdam           "Don't ask about asking questions."
23:30 dafull97_          im not asking about questions, i am asking about glitches
23:30 PilzAdam           you dont look for someone to help, you just say what you want and people will answer it then if they can
23:31 dafull97_          cry much?
23:31 dafull97_          leave me alone... i am not asking you obviously
23:31 PilzAdam           umm... I just explain how IRC works
23:31 PilzAdam           otherwise you will be ignored like in #minetest-mods
23:37 FreeFull           And he never said what the glitch is
23:39 dafull97           is that little kid still here?
23:39 PilzAdam           lol
23:39 dafull97           -.-
23:40 Evergreen          What is your problem?    It would be good if you could post it on the bugs and glitches secrion of the forums
23:40 Evergreen          *section
23:40 dafull97           i have, want the link?
23:40 dafull97           and i am not sure if it is a glitch... it could be
23:41 Evergreen          sure, what is the link
23:42 blaaaaargh         a bit on the offensive side are we...
23:42 dafull97           https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=7288
23:42 PilzAdam           what Minetest version do you use?
23:42 Evergreen          Okay, what is the path to your mods folder
23:42 Evergreen          ^   What PilzAdam  said
23:43 dafull97           */home/.minetest/mods
23:44 Evergreen          What minetest version?
23:44 Evergreen          That is the correct path
23:46 dafull97           Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.2,  Linux 2.6.32-042stab078.28
23:48 dafull97           Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.2,  Linux 2.6.32-042stab078.28
23:49 kahrl              so much netsplit
23:49 PilzAdam           am I on the good side again?
23:50 dafull97           what you mean by that ^^
23:50 kahrl              I see ponies on this side. So yes.
23:50 PilzAdam           dafull97, the Minetest version is at the top-left corner of the screen
23:51 PilzAdam           *window
23:52 dafull97           it is in a VPS, which means that i connect via ssh
23:52 PilzAdam           oh right, then how did you install Minetest?
23:52 PilzAdam           kahrl, why dont we have a --version ?
23:53 kahrl              we don't?
23:53 kahrl              I never noticed
23:53 dafull97           with a command, lol... it is my server in the VPS Btw....
23:54 PilzAdam           kahrl, also, changing the version after releasing to something new (e.g. with -dev at the end) would help a lot
23:54 kahrl              I see some people do that in screenshots
23:55 kahrl              I think proller does it
23:55 kahrl              we should adopt that, yes
23:55 PilzAdam           I see a lot of people here that say "I have 0.4.7" but they actually have latest git
23:55 PilzAdam           dafull97, what command?
23:55 dafull97           --info
23:56 kahrl              --info enables infostream output to stdout
23:56 PilzAdam           --info prints the Minetest version
23:56 PilzAdam           but we should still add --version
23:56 dafull97           that is what i did... so what is wrong?
23:57 PilzAdam           anyway, so what is your Minetest version?
23:58 NakedFury          so many times the question what is your minetest version has been asked already
23:59 PilzAdam           MinetestBot should do that for us...
23:59 dafull97           yes, i have told them already?
23:59 NakedFury          you havent
23:59 NakedFury          you said irrlicht version not minetests version